SHAW, James
National Archives, Kew CO48/45, 765
July 26th 1819
Memorial of James SHAW
May it please your Royal Highness your memorialist having seen a publication in the publick newspapers of His Royal Highness the Prince Regent emigrating unemployed workmen to the Cape of Good Hope, your memorialist hopes through the good recommendation your Royal Highness will find enclosed in this memorial that as your Royal Highness his ever been the friend of children you will have the goodness to emigrant your memorialist to that place above mentioned as your memorialist has no employment to soport his family in this place. The prayer of your memorialist is that your memorialist fought under your Royal Highness good and gracious comand eight years on the continent and in 1799 was severely wounded on the 6th October near Altmar where your memorialist was rendered incapable of service at that time, was discharged and recommended for the benefit of the Royal Hospital at Chelsea and his small alowance of 6d per day and this being all that your memorialist has to soport his small family & therefore hopes that your Royal Highness will send your memorialist to that place. Your memorialist is about 41 years of age and of a helthy constitution.
In hopes this will meet with your approbation the prayers of your memorialist will ever [obscured]
Pardon if I have ofended as the want of employment urges me to use the freedom of addressing your Royal Highness with this memorial
And disires to remain yours faithfully
James SHAW
Out pensioner of Chelsea Hospital 27th Foot
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