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The 1820 Settler Correspondence
 as preserved in the National Archives, Kew
 and edited by Sue Mackay

Nottinghamshire 1820 Settlers

These documents are housed in Nottinghamshire Archives and were transcribed by Rob Smith while researching for his book Nottinghamshire Settlers and Locations in the Eastern Cape of Good Hope  (Footprint Press, Hermanus, Western Cape). They are reproduced here by kind permission of Rob Smith and Nottinghamshire Archives. Surnames have been printed in block capitals to fit in with the other transcriptions on this site.

Most of the correspondence was addressed to Edward Smith GODFREY, Clerk of the Peace for Nottinghamshire, who was in charge of the selection of the Nottinghamshire settlers on the emigration scheme. He was assisted by the Rev. J.T. BECHER of Southwell.

Application to emigrate from Thomas Charles WHITE

Nottinghamshire Archives

[Lieut T. C. WHITE’s supplementary application to GODFREY]

Arnold ***** Nottingham
Novr 14th 1819

My offer to convey out to the Cape of good Hope, several persons inhabitants of this village and neighbourhood who had placed themselves under my direction for that purpose, having been accepted by Earl BATHURST, I beg you will have the goodness, those persons not having the means of providing themselves with the necessary outfits or with any of those little comforts so essential particularly to women and children on a long voyage, to lay with the annexed Return in which the party is described, before the Subscribers to the plan for relief by colonization
I have the honor to be Sir
your most Obedient humble Servant
Lieut H. P. [half pay] 79 Foot

[Transcriber’s Note: This is followed on the page by what looks to be a draft response from GODFREY]

Newark 24th Novr 1819

In answer to your letter of the 14th inst which I recd yesterday on my return from London I beg to inform you that the list of persons proposed to be sent out to the Cape of Good Hope by the Subscribers to the Fund in this County has been made up & transmitted to Government & that I therefore conceive it is impossible to extend to the party in your List the benefit of such Subsn[?] especially as the Subscribers had no notion[?] of your charges[?] *** *** *** ****
I have the honor to be

[Transcriber’s note: Then follows WHITE’s list of proposed emigrants]

  Trade age Wife age Son age Daughter age
Wm BISPUM Husbandman 25 -          
Jno PARR Do 30 Ellen 30        
Wm SINGLETON  Do 33 Mary 40 John 9
Jno OSWELL Do 33 Mary 35 John 6 Sarah 16
Geo PEACH FW Knitter & husbandman 20 -          
Wm STREETS Husbandman 21 -          
Edd WHATTON Do 30 Jane 35
Saml SMITH Do 18 -          
Richd NOON FW Knitter & husbandman 18 -          
Josh PEARSON Do 18 -          
Richd GERMAINE Gardener 50 -          




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