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Cape Frontier Times

Cape Frontier Times 1850 1 January - March

Tuesday 1 January 1850

Bricks by Pressure – Mr. John PARKIN, of this place, has contrived an apparatus for making bricks by pressure without requiring afterwards to be subjected to the tedious as also to the laborious process of burning. These bricks are of much larger dimensions than the usual brick, being in size more like the smaller freestone or granite blocks, employed at home in building. The introduction of such bricks here will be a public benefit. It will enable parties to build with greater economy than has hitherto been practicable here in masonry.

Tuesday 8 January 1850

DIED at Cradock on the 30th ultimo, Anthony HIGHMORE Esq, only son of Anthony HIGHMORE Esq of Hampstead, England, deeply regretted by all who knew him.

DIED at her residence on the 1st January 1850, Mary Eleanor, the beloved relict of the Rev George BOOTH MA, formerly Chaplain of Fort Beaufort, in the 60th year of her age, deeply regretted by a numerous circle of relatives and friends. Her end was peace.
Graham's Town, 5th Jan 1850

DIED at Goba Mouth on Wednesday evening, Jan 2nd 1850, of consumption (long and patiently borne) Anne GRAY, youngest and only remaining daughter of the late John GRAY Esq of Lady Lands, Dumfrieshire, and beloved wife of Dr. A.W. McMASTER of Kaga.

Tuesday 15 January 1850

The Undersigned will receive Tenders for his Clip of Wool, this season, until the 10th February next.
About 30 Bales of well-known Wool from the Glen Avon Flocks, about 9,000 lbs, gross weight, to be delivered in Port Elizabeth, during the month of March, warranted to be well washed, and according to sample taken from either ends of each Bale, the Wool of the Ewes great with Lamb. Will be hand washed.
Robt. HART Jun.
Glen Avon, 5th January 1849 [sic]

Notice to Creditors
In the Joint Insolvent Estates of Robert WEBB and Charles COUSINS, trading under the Firm of WEBB & COUSINS, of Graham's Town, Butchers
All persons claiming to be creditors under this Estate are required to take notice that a Special meeting of Creditors will be held before the Resident Magistrate at his Office at Graham's Town on the 23rd day of January instant, at 16 o'clock precisely, for the further proof of debts.
Sole Trustee

Tuesday 22 January 1850

MARRIED on the 8th instant at St. Patrick's Church by the Rev Dr Devereux, Roman Catholic Bishop, Brevet Major William Glendonwyn SCOTT, 91st Regt, to Jane Murray, third daughter of the late James FORD Esq, Cape Town

Somerset (East)
The Partnership Business as Storekeepers &c carried on during the last year (1849) under the Firm of NORDEN & MARILLIER, having been closed, the undersigned begs to notify to the Public that he has commenced Business in the House on Erf No.11 in Somerset (East) as General Dealer, Storekeeper and Commission Agent. He will purchase Wool and other Produce at the best market prices, and sells Merchandise at fair and moderate prices.
Somerset (East)
4th Jan 1850

The only news from the Cape is that the Grand Jury have ignored an indictment framed by the Attorney General against Messrs John THORN and C.C. MOCKE, the younger, who were charged with "riotously assembling and gathering together at Cape Town on the 15th Oct 1849, with divers other persons to the prosecutor unknown, to disturb the public peace, and with force and arms to injure and maltreat certain persons in the peace, and under the protection of Our Lady the Queen then and there being; and, being assembled and gathered together, assaulting Benjamin NORDEN, Adolph WAGNER, Mark SALOM, Benjamin ALEXANDER and Fredrick SANDERSON, and with stones, mud, clay, potatoes and other articles, inflicting divers injuries and hurts upon their persons." The accused, therefore, by the intervention of the Grand Jury, (which institution would have been abolished but for the extinction of the Legislative Council) have been spared the disgrace of a public trial for an offence which in the opinion of a number of their fellow citizens sworn to do their duty, there was not sufficient evidence to prove. The Grand Jury also ignored an indictment against one of the negroes charged with being implicated in the assault on Mr. FAIRBAIRN's person and property. This institution must now be upheld as a necessary safeguard of public liberty at the Cape.

The following are the names of the persons charged with the assault on Mr. FAIRBAIRN. The crime is "assault with intent to do some grievous bodily harm, and malicious injury to property:-
Andrew WHITE (servant), Alexander Weir PATRICK (Public House-keeper), Timbo (a Groom), Basso (a labourer), Domingo (a Carrier), Flamingo ( a Labourer), Camdero (a showman), Pieter GEORGE, alias Kaatje Piet (a Quarryman), Matinga ( a Labourer), Jan BLOOMERUS (a Servant), and Sebastian WILLEM (a Soap Boiler). In assaulting upon the 15th day of October 1849, at Green Point, in the Division of the Cape, John FAIRBAIRN (a Newspaper Proprietor), and with sticks and with their hands striking and beating him in and upon different parts of the body, and with sticks and stones breaking and injuring the house and furniture of the said John FAIRBAIRN.
Or, otherwise, that the said Andrew WHITE and Alexander Weir PATRICK did incite, move, procure and command, all and each, or some or one of the others above named, to do and commit the said crime."

Tuesday 29 January 1850

In the Estate of the late James LAMONT
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned have appointed and fully authorised
Mr. Robert HOLLAND
Agent of this Town, to receive the remaining outstanding debts in the above Estate.
Persons neglecting to pay their accounts immediately to him will be prosecuted.
Executors Testamentary

Tuesday 12 February 1850

BAPTIZED in St.Patrick's Church, Graham's Town on the 10th inst by the Rev D. Murphy, George Smith O'BRIEN and Anna Maria O'BRIEN.

Cape Town, 6th Feb 1850
BLAKEWAY & MINTO, Fort Beaufort, shopkeepers, 1st meeting 20th Feb 2nd do 27th do at Graham's Town.
John MATTHEWS, William NEWTON and John WHITE, builders, of Port Elizabeth, meeting 1st March at Port Elizabeth.
John PHILLIPS, of the mouth of the Fish River, meeting 27th Feb at Graham's Town.
Compulsory Sequestration
Cape Town, 31st January 1850
Edward CODRINGTON of Chelsea Farm, in the District of Port Elizabeth.
Notice of Meeting.
William GRADWELL, deceased, special meeting 27th February at Port Elizabeth.

Tuesday 26 February 1850

Final Notice
In the Assigned Estate of John BARNES of Alice.
All persons concerned are requested to send in their respective claims on the said Estate either to Mr. BELL, of Beaufort, or the Trust Co's office, Graham's Town, before the 1st March next, as after that period the Assignees will proceed to rank the claimants and distribute the assets now in hand.
F. LUCAS, Secretary.

Tuesday 12 March 1850

Dr. McMASTER begs to intimate that at the solicitation of a number of his former Patients and Friends he has been induced to resume practice in Fort Beaufort, and may be consulted at the house opposite Mr. BERRY's Hotel.
Fort Beaufort, Feb 25 1850.

Notice to Creditors
Cape Town, 13th Feb 1850
In the Insolvent Estate of John VAUGHAN, now or lately of the Division of Uitenhage.
All persons claiming to be Creditors under this Estate are required to take notice that the Undersigned has been duly elected to, and confirmed in, the appointment of Sole Trustee of the said Estate, and that the Master has appointed the third Meeting to be held before the Resident Magistrate, at his Office at Graham's Town, on Wednesday the 20th day of March next, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, for the proof of debts, for receiving the Trustee's Report, and also for the purpose of giving directions to the said Trustee as to the management of the said Estate.
And all persons indebted to the said Estate are required to pay the same to the Undersigned, on or before that date, or proceedings will be instituted against them.
Sole Trustee

Tuesday 19 March 1850

Notice to Creditors
In the Insolvent Estate of George POLLARD, of the Division of Fort Beaufort
All persons claiming to be Creditors under this Estate are required to take notice that the Undersigned has been duly elected to, and confirmed in, the appointment of Sole Trustee of the said Estate, and that the Master has appointed the third Meeting to be held before the Resident Magistrate, at his Office at Graham's Town, on Wednesday the 17th day of April next, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, for the proof of debts, for receiving the Trustee's Report, and also for the purpose of giving directions to the said Trustee as to the management of the said Estate.
And all persons indebted to the said Estate are required to pay the same to the Undersigned, on or before the above period, at the office of the Eastern Province Trust Company, Graham's Town, or proceedings will be instituted against them.
Sole Trustee
Cape Town, 13th March 1850

Tuesday 26 March 1850

An "admirer of Croft's Tincture" sends us the following:-
Much interest appears to have been lately taken in the question of the virtues &c attributed to "Croft's Tincture of Life". Now, sir, if we pay any attention to the rumours and gossip of the prating community, the stimulating and vivifying effects of the Tincture must be of a very high character indeed, - a perfect elixir vitae, making the old and young frolicsome, and actually infusing life and energy into dry bones, and the sap of balmy spring (as the poet Bahroo would say) "into the sere and withered leaf". But as the incredulous part of the community demand some demonstration more tangible than mere gossip, and ocular, if possible I propose to the worthy Mr. CROFT that he publicly, in the market square, on any appointed morning in the ensuing week, enclose himself in a sack with half a dozen vicious puff-adders, a brace of dyspeptic cobras, and a few dozens of peevish scorpions and bilious tarantulas. Now, if his tincture be the sovereign thing he declares it to be, it must be evident to all that he may regard his snakish companion as perfectly harmless, as a few drops inwardly and a slight touch outwardly will make him whole again even if the vicious reptiles presume to bite one who possesses such a grand arcanum against their poisonous fangs. Now, Mr. Editor, I am sure worthy Mr. CROFT will make no difficulty about complying with my suggestion, and will, I am sure, rejoice to have it in his power to silence scoffing sceptics, be they MDs or otherwise, and show the admiring world of Graham's Town the mighty power of the grand Tincture of Life, price 10s per bottle, or as much as you can use for twelve months for £25 over first cost.

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