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Cape Frontier Times

Cape Frontier Times 1850 3 July - September

Tuesday 9 July 1850

of Leicester, England
(Brother of Mr. P.R. MARILLIER of Somerset, Eastern Province, formerly Civil Commissioner)
Offers to receive Consignments of Wool, or any other Produce of this Colony, which he will dispose of in the most advantageous manner possible, and transmit the amount in cash, or goods of any description, charging a commission of 5 per cent.
Mr. MARILLIER, by his residence in the Midland Counties, and his acquaintance with the first Manufacturers therein, as well as in Yorkshire, Lancashire, and in London, has an opportunity of procuring Goods at the best and cheapest Market.
Wool or other Produce to be sent direct to London or Liverpool, and Mr. MARILLIER being apprised of their shipment will pay immediate attention to them on their arrival.
Mr. MARILLIER has a thorough knowledge of the French, German, Italian and Spanish languages, which might be serviceable in executing some commissions.
Address for any consignments, or any further information, to J.W. MARILLIER, Leicester, England.

[Transcriber's Note: James W. MARILLIER, Professor of Modern Languages, together with his wife Sarah, daughter Anna (19) and widowed mother-in-law Sarah APSLAND, appears on the 1851 census for 27 London Road, Leicester. HO107/2088 folio 154 page22. James William MARILLIER married Sara Middleton APSLAND 23 July 1822 in St.John's, Hackney]

Tuesday 23 July 1850

DIED on Thursday last at the residence of Mr. SPARKS, after an illness of eight days, Susannah, third daughter of Mr. K. and Ann KNOTT of Botha's Post, aged ?23? years and 4 months [age blotted]

BIRTH on the 11th instant, Mrs. Robert READ of a Son.

Tuesday 30 July 1850

Bread and Biscuit Maker
Begs to inform his friends and customers that he is removing from Artificer's Square to those Premises in Beaufort-street lately occupied by Mr. W. STREAK, Cabinet Maker
and having more conveniences he will in future be enabled to attend to Dinners and other Bakings which may be entrusted to his care.
Graham's Town
July 30th 1850

Tuesday 6 August 1850

DIED at Graham's Town, Aug 2nd, Emily Anne, daughter of Staff-Surgeon N. O'CONNOR, aged Three Weeks.

Tuesday 13 August 1850

MARRIED at Graaff-Reinet on the 6th August 1850, by the Rev A. Murray, the Rev John MURRAY, of Burgher Dorp, to Maria Anna, eldest Daughter of J.F. ZIERVOGEL Esq of Graaff-Reinet.
Gottfried Andreas WATERMEYER Esq of Graaff-Reinet to Anna Susanna, second Daughter of J.F. ZIERVOGEL Esq of Graaff-Reinet.

Tuesday 20 August 1850

DIED at his residence, Fort Beaufort, on the 6th inst after a long illness, John HOLLIDAY, aged 47 years – leaving two orphan children to deplore his loss.

Tuesday 27 August 1850

DIED on the 20th August 1850, David MUNRO Esq, late Surgeon to the Burgher Forces during the last Kafir War, aged 34 years and 10 months. As a medical practitioner for upwards of 12 years in this place and District, his loss is great – but as a friend, not only to those who enjoyed and valued his friendship, who estimated his worth, his upright, candid and honest principles, but the poor and infirm, his loss is inestimable. His funeral – the largest ever witnessed in Cradock – was attended by almost everyone, white and black; all united in the same feelings. He died calm after an illness of 16 days. His features after death shewed that he was in peace with his God. And the memento subsequent to his interment breathed by all present was "Here lies an honest man – the noblest work of God". Considerable amounts have been subscribed by his friends for the erection of a Monument as a tablet to his memory.

Tuesday 10 September 1850

Notice to Creditors
In the Insolvent Estate of William KIDSON, of Graham's Town, Wine Merchant
The Liquidation and Distribution Account of the above-mentioned Insolvent Estate will lie for inspection of Creditors, at the Master's Office, for a term of 14 day's date, after which the Hon'ble the Supreme Court will be moved to confirm the same, and order the Distribution thereof.
Joint Trustees
5th Sept 1850

Tuesday 17 September 1850

On Thursday October 10th 1850 will be published at the Cradock Press the first number of a Weekly Newspaper, to be called
The Cradock Dispatch
And Somerset, Burgher's Dorp, Aliwal and Colesberg Posts.

Tuesday 24 September 1850

DIED on the 22nd August 1850 (her birthday), Elizabeth COVARE (married SALT), aged 65, a native of France. She possessed in an eminent degree the energetic and courageous qualities for which the people of that nation are so celebrated. These enabled her to go through a more than usual number of dangers and difficulties to which she was exposed. When the Kafirs attacked Graham's Town in 1819, and the soldiers were about to retreat before the overwhelming numbers, it was Elizabeth SALT that rallied and cheered them on to the fight, and served them with ammunition during the remainder of the engagement. A farm was given her for her services, but it was in Kafirland, and has since been ceded to the Kafirs. Nothing further has been done for her. She leaves one daughter to lament the loss of an affectionate mother. May he who knows all hearts receive her to Himself in His Kingdom.

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