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Cape Frontier Times

Cape Frontier Times 1852 1 January - March

6 January 1852

DIED at Somerset East on the 31st ultimo, David McMASTER Esq Sen, of Linton, Mancanza, aged 66 years; deeply lamented by his numerous family and all who knew him.

13 January 1852

DIED on Saturday the 10th instant, at Graham’s Town, of Croup, John Samuel, only son of Mr. Samuel MASSEY of the Kareiga, aged 8 months.

27 January 1852

DIED at Graham’s Town on Saturday the 24th inst, Louisa Georgina Clarissa, only daughter of Capt. HARE CMR, aged two years.

3 February 1852

It having come to my knowledge that a report is current in Graham’s Town and Fort Beaufort that I have no intention of returning to my duties at Fort Beaufort – this is to caution all persons raising such reports to be careful what they say, as it is my intention to prosecute any peson or persons according to law should such a report be injurious to me in any way. It is well known to many that I am remaining here only awaiting the decision of a law-suit.
Deputy Sheriff of Fort Beaufort and Stockenstrom.

DIED at Bushman’s River, District of Somerset, on Wednesday 22nd ultimo, from Inflammation of the Brain, Margaret Ann, beloved daughter of Robert and Mary Ann POTE, aged 7 years and one month, having “fallen asleep in Jesus”.

10 February 1852

DIED on the 19th ult, Mr. MEESER, in consequence of a wound received in conflict with the enemy, deeply regretted by his family and friends.

17 February 1852

In the Estate of John JOHNSON, Fort Beaufort, Insolvent.
A First Liquidation account and plan of distribution will be at the Office of the Resident Magistrate both at Graham’s Town and Fort Beaufort, where the same will lie for inspection for 14 days, from date hereof, and will then be forwarded to Cape Town.
Sole Trustee
Feb 17 1852.

Those desirable and substantially built Premises known as
where a lucrative business has been carried on for the last twenty years.
This offers an opportunity to speculators which seldom occurs, it being situated on the main road to the Kowie Seaport, which from its position cannot fail in drawing a very extensive traffic; and as it also offers to invalids and others the convenience and benefits of Sea Bathing, must become at a very early period a place of considerable traffic, a large portion of which must pass through Bathurst.
In addition to these recommendations there is every prospect afforded of this “Richmond of Albany”, from the picturesque grandeur and classic beauty of its environs, becoming a fashionable resort for Indian and other visitors seeking to repair in the genial climate of the Cape colony that health of which less favoured climes have robbed them. The Kowie and Mansfield Rivers, within half an hour’s walk of the Inn, abound with fish, while the bush country offers every inducement to the Rifle Sportsman.
A liberal Credit will be given and conditions made known on the day of the sale.
For Self and Co-Executors

24 February 1852

Mr. SKIRROW’s report on the improvement of the Kowie Harbour will be found elsewhere. This undertaking we are happy to learn is in course of preparation, and but for the blighting influence of the war it is probable that labourers would already have been at work in carrying out the plan of the Colonial Civil Engineer. The Honorable Mr. COCK has been extremely liberal with respect to the land granted for a Township &c, and we trust that notwithstanding the unfavorable circumstances of the country, a beginning will soon be made towards the creation of a port for Albany and the neighboring districts. We purpose in our next issue giving a sketch of the proposed course of the River, site of the future Town &c.

3 March 1852

(D’Urban Observer)
We have great pleasure in noticing the departure from this port of a small cutter, the first to be built in Natal for the coasting trade. She is laden with pineapples, potatoes, beans and mealies, the produce of this colony, and bound for the Buffalo River, where it is hoped a good market awaits her.
This little craft is the property of Mr. John NEWTON, and is chartered on the present occasion by Messrs HARTLEY and HANDLEY, to whose venture we most heartily wish every success.
Whilst on the subject, we may mention that our merchants are beginning to open their eyes to the importance of exporting something; hence we hear of some activity being employed in procuring butter, beans, potatoes and mealies for shipment.
The present low price of mealies has brought many buyers into the market, and we accordingly hear of some dozen purchasers who are willing to buy from 300 to 500 muids for immediate shipment.
With a desolating war destroying everything and interrupting the labors of the husbandsman, we cannot but imagine that the price of Indian corn at the Buffalo, at Algoa Bay, and even at Cape Town, must be high, and consequently in every degree remunerative to shippers from Natal.
Were this corn to be purchased at even 10s a muid, for the best qualities, grown by Europeans, we still think it would form a very desirable remittance, even if sold in Cape Town at only 15s a muid, which these first qualities would readily command.

Two Farms to Let
Two portions of Hilton Farm to be Let – one called Thorn Kloof consists of about 1400 Morgen of Land, capable of carrying from 1,000 to 1,500 Sheep and Fifty head of Cattle. This farm has high mountain land, reaching down to the New Years River. It is watered by a good Spring near the Hose and has the Vaal Krantz River running through it.
The other portion to Let consists of about 2,000 Morgan of Land, and is capable of carrying the same number of Sheep and 100 head of Cattle. This Farm is watered at the homestead by a large river called the Nontu, and at the extreme end by the Vaal Krantz river. For full particulars apply to Mr. George CUMMING, Hilton.
Jan 24th 1852.

9 March 1852

Wreck of the Amazon – 104 Lives Lost
The scene on deck is described as dreadful in the extreme. When the flames had approached the after companion, two male passengers came up from the saloon all in flames, and running aft, fell dead on the deck. A tall lady, supposed to be Mrs. MACLAREN, entreated someone to take care of her child, but she would not enter either of the boats. DINEFORD, the quartermaster, placed one lady passenger in a boat, but she, being extremely agitated, got out again, and although Henry WILLIAMS and another used some force, and begged her to go in, she persisted in remaining on board. The stewardess, Mrs. SCOTT, with her bonnet and shawl on, and something in her hand, first asked STEER to put her in the dingy, and then left for a larger boat. At the time of leaving, some of those who yet lived were kneeling on the deck praying to God for mercy, while others, almost in a state of nudity, were running about screaming with horror.
The survivors escaped in the after starboard second lifeboat, in which was Mr. NIELSON. One of her occupants (MAYLIN), in leaving, pressed his foot through the burning deck and injured it. Two others (WILLIAMS and PASSMORE) had to climb the starboard paddle box through the flames and smoke. They succeeded after three attempts, and then slid down hands and face over the paddle box into the boat; several went down by the tackles. Two of the watch below (WILLIAMS and FOSTER) had their hair burny while coming on deck. When the lifeboat left there were sixteen on board; they heard someone shouting in the water, and threw over a keg and some oars. They endeavoured to approach, but a sea carried the boat off. They then took Mr. VINCENT, Mr, WILLIAMSON, Mr, SISLEY and two sailors from the dingy, and making her fast to the stern, towed after the burning wreck, thinking to save more lives, but the dingy having filled, they were obliged to cut her adrift, and fearing that they themselves would be swamped, their boat’s head was put to face the sea. The masts of the steamer went over before 4 o’clock in the morning, the foremast on the port and the mainmast on the starboard side. One poor fellow appeared on the jibboom end; the jib was cut loose and was blowing away. Her mizenmast was still standing while she was in flames from stem to stern. About 5 o’clock, when the lifeboat was passing the ship in a leewardly direction, the gunpowder in her two magazines aft exploded, and in about twenty minutes, the mizen having gone by the board, she made a heavy lurch and went down, her funnels being red hot and still standing.
Brest, Jan 5:
The whole of the shipwrecked passengers and crew, who arrived by the Gertruida, having been brought ashore in boats, and a more melancholy spectacle than they presented could not be pictured. Among them are two ladies and a child: and their sufferings may be conceived from the fact that, besides all the other horrors they have gone through, they were exposed to all the inclemency of the weather during nearly 48 hours, almost in a state of nudity. One of the ladies, Mrs. Eleanor Roper McCLINNON, is severely burnt, but not to the danger of her life. During the whole of the period between the alarm of fire and the time she left the ship she clung with maternal devotion to her child (a boy 18 months old), and when so many others perished, contrived to save the lives of both. Her husband, who was in the employ of the government at Demerara, was also on board. She is still ignorant of his fate, but believing that he has escaped in one of the other boats; but her companions in misfortune declare that they think he was blown up in the steamer when the magazine blew up. The other lady passenger who has arrived here – Miss Anna Maria SMYTH – comes from Dublin, and I understand was on her way to Porto Rico to join a family in which she was to be governess. The male passengers are all comfortably lodged at an hotel here, by order of the Vice Consul, who has also secured means to convey them with the least possible delay to Morlaix, where they will be shipped for England.

16 March 1852

BIRTH on the 15th instant at Graham’s Town, Mrs. John Keith WILLIAMSON of a Son.

30 March 1852

Notice to Creditors
In the Insolvent Estate of Henry HUTCHINSON of Fort England, near Graham’s Town, Civil Engineer.
All persons claiming to be Creditors under this Estate are required to take notice that the Undersigned has been duly elected to, and confirmed in the appointment of Sole Trustee of the said Estate. And all persons indebted to the said Estate are required to pay the same to the Undersigned within Fourteen Days from this date, at the Office of the Eastern Province Trust Company, Graham’s Town, or proceedings will be instituted against them.
Sole Trustee.

Notice to Creditors
In the Insolvent Estate of Thomas SHAW, late of Graham’s Town, now of Port Elizabeth, Cabinetmaker.
All persons claiming to be Creditors under this Estate are required to take notice that the undersigned has been duly elected to, and confirmed in the appointment of Sole Trustee of the said estate, and that the Master has appointed the Third Meeting to be held before the Resident Magistrate at his Office at Graham’s Town on Wednesday the 21st April next at 10 o’clock in the forenoon, for the proof of debts, for receiving the Trustee’s Report, and also for the purpose of giving directions to the said Trustee as to the management of the said Estate.
And all persons indebted to the said estate are required to pay the same to the undersigned, on or before the above date at the office of the Eastern Province Trust Company, Graham’s Town, or proceedings will be instituted against them.
Sole Trustee.

Notice to Debtors and Creditors
In the Estate of the late Laurens Jacobus ERASMUS of Somerset East.
All persons indebted to the above Estate are requested to settle their accounts within 4 weeks from this date, and persons holding claims against the estate are requested to forward them to the undersigned without delay.
Agent for the Executrix
Somerset 23rd March 1852.

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