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Daily Representative

The Daily Representative 1927 4 October - December

Saturday, October 1, 1927
WESTERBERG. – Passed away peacefully at Queenstown, on the 28th September, 1927, Martha C.M. WESTERBERG, age 75 years and 9 months, after a long and patient suffering.
Tuesday, October 4, 1927
GRIEVE-IMPEY.-  At St. John’s Presbyterian Church, Turffontein, Johannesburg, on 30th September, 1927, by the Rev. Charles THOMSON, Dr. John Peattie GRIEVE, Randfontein Estates, second son of Dr. And Mrs. GRIEVE, Queenstown, to Gladys Elizabeth IMPEY, second daughter of Mr. And Mrs. George Impey, Bournemouth, England.
Wednesday, October 5, 1927
BROWNLEE.-  At the Duncan Vale Nursing Home, on October 4th, to Mr. And Mrs. W. BROWNLEE, a daughter.
In Memoriam
RICHARDSON.-  In loving memory of Joshua RICHARDSON, who departed this life on October 5th, 1926.  
Ever remembered by loving wife and children.
Thursday, October 6, 1927
Dordrecht Notes
Congratulations to Mr. And Mrs. Geo. FISH on the birth of twin boys on Monday last.  Twins are at present quite the fashion in Dordrecht.
SCOTT-VINCENT.-  Married on the 5th inst. At St. Michael and All Angels’ Church, by the Rev. G.F. STOKES, M.A., Eric Leonard, youngest son of Mr. And W.B. SCOTT and the late Mrs. SCOTT, of Queenstown, and Helen Muriel (Nellie) VINCENT, second daughter of the late Mr. C.A. VINCENT and Mrs. C. BESWETHERICK, of Queenstown.
Friday, October 7, 1927
Notice to Creditors & Debtors
In the Estate of the late Aimee Mary Ann GARDINER, No. 15486, of Queenstown...
William Govan GARDINER,
Executor Dative,
92 Cathcart Road,
Saturday, October 8, 1927
MUTCH.-  At 6 Komani Street, on the 7th inst., to Mr. And Mrs. A. MUTCH (nee Beatrice DAUBERN), a bonny daughter.  Both well. Thanks to Doctor and Nurse.
WAINWRIGHT.-  Passed away peacefully on the 7th October, 1927, at his residence, Westbourne, Queenstown, Edmund WAINWRIGHT, aged 89 years 4 months.  Deeply mourned.
Monday, October 10, 1927
Local & General
Died whilst bathing.
A European woman, Clara BRODERICK, aged 34, died apparently of heart failure while bathing at Umhlanga, near Mount Edgecombe, on the Natal North Coast.  The woman, who was a nurse of Johannesburg, was on holiday at Umhlanga, and arrived there on Monday last.  She was only in the water up to her knees when she was observed to fall forward and float on the water.  Artificial respiration was tried, but proved fruitless.  It is reported that she had been ill and was recuperating at the coast.  The magistrate at Verulam held an inquiry but the result is not yet available.
Tuesday, October 11, 1927
SOBEY.-  On the 11th, to Mr. And Mrs. F.G. SOBEY, a son.
BROSTER.-  Passed away peacefully on 10th October, 1927, at her residence, 31 Ebden Street, Queenstown, Lois Emma, wife of the late C.J. BROSTER, of Broughton, Molteno.
The funeral will take place in Molteno at 4 p.m. to-day (Tuesday).
Local & General
Motor Cyclist Killed.
Whilst journeying to Isipingo in an open motor lorry early on Saturday afternoon to play at that centre in a cricket match, the Park Hill B team from Durman had a nasty experience.  According to a phone message, it appears that when crossing a concrete stretch of road at Clairwood, two natives driving a cow along the road, on hearing the approach of the lorry, struck the animal causing it to swerve into the road.  In endeavouring to avoid a collision, the lorry driver also swerved and a young fellow mounted on a motor cycle, who was following, struck the rear of the heavier vehicle.  The cyclist received fatal injuries, his chest being crushed in.  A doctor on the lorry received a rather severe injury to one of his legs.  He was conveyed to Addington Hospital in a private motor car.  The deceased was a son of the Rev. James McALLISTER, formerly of Durban and now of Dundee.
Wednesday, October 12, 1927
WINNICOTT.-  At 19 Prince Alfred Street, on the 11th inst., to Mr. And Mrs. R. WINNICOTT, twins, son and daughter.  All well.
Friday, October 21, 1927
In the Estate of the late Hester Johanna GEYER (born GROBBELAAR), of Sterkstroom.  No. 13839...
Dan J. DE WET,
Attorney for the Executor,
P.O. Box 6,
Sterkstroom, C.P.
Notice to Creditors & Debtors
Estate of the late Eliza COOPER, born DOWNHAM, of Whittlesea, Queenstown, No. 13941...
Attorneys for Executor Dative,
PO Box 83
Saturday, October 22, 1927
In the Estate of the late George Whitbread FILMER, of Cloetedale, District of Cathcart.
Attorneys for Executors Testamentary.
In the Estate of the late Florence KEATES (born GROWDEN), No. 10156, and surviving spouse Francis John KEATES, of Kroonstad...
Executor Dative
Racing Motorist’s Death
Reversing at High Speed
Ceres, Friday.
The verdict at the inquest on Mr. Pieter FERREIRA, the well-known racing motorist, who was killed in a motor accident here on Monday, was that death was due to shock and haemorrhage from ruptured lungs, which were injured by weight of an upset motor car driven at the time by deceased at high speed, which capsized in attempting to make a sudden reverse, of direction. – Reuter.
Monday, October 24, 1927
MILES.-  At Glencairn, Imvani, on the 20th inst., to Mr. And Mrs. J.V. MILES, a daughter.  Both well.
JOHNSTONE.-  Passed away on October 24th, at the residence of her son, Mr. H. EVERITT, 41, Inverleith Terrace, East London, Mrs. Mary Anne JOHNSTONE, formerly EVERITT, born PITTS, aged 85.
Tuesday, October 25, 1927
REYNIERSE.-  To Mr. And Mrs. REYNIERSE, of Bloemfontein, a healthy daughter, on the 14th inst.
REYNIERSE.-  Wilhelmina Cathrina Johanna REYNIERSE (nee DELPORT), passed away peacefully at Bloemfontein, 21st October, 1927.
FROST.-  Passed away at Rondebosch, Capetown, Frances C. FROST, widow of the late Sir John FROST, age 93 years.
Wednesday, October 26, 1927
Local & General
We deeply regret to record the death, which occurred at her son’s residence at East London on Monday morning, of Mrs. JOHNSTONE, mother of Mr. H. EVERITT, sub-editor of the “Daily Dispatch.”  The deceased lady, who had been an invalid for many years, but happy and cheerful throughout, was 85 years of age.  Her first husband was Dr. EVERITT, of Tarkastad, who at one time was member for Queenstown in the old Cape Parliament.  She leaves three sons, Mr. H. EVERITT, of East London, Mr. F. EVERITT, Berlin, Mr. Horace EVERITT, Lady Grey, and two daughters, Mrs. Lex McDONALD, Lilyfontein, Queenstown district, and Miss Agnes JOHNSTONE, of East London.  The sympathies of a very wide circle of friends will be extended to the bereaved family.  The funeral took place on Tuesday afternoon.
Local & General
75 Weds 19.
At the Magistrate’s Court at Lydenburg on Tuesday, Mr. D.C. JOUBERT, a farmer of this district, aged 75 years, was married to a Miss VAN ZWEEL, aged 19.
Molteno Notes
Silver Wedding Celebration.
Mr. And Mrs. Jack EDWARDS, of Rosslands, celebrated their silver wedding on Saturday evening by entertaining several of their friends at a dinner-dance at the Central Hotel.  Mr. EDWARDS is well-known in this part of the Union as a progressive farmer and a successful importer of pedigree stock.
Saturday, October 29, 1927
In the Estate of the late Cecilia Gerbrechta VAN RENSBURG (born VAN HEERDEN), of Sterkstroom...
Attorney for Executors Testamentary.
Monday, October 31, 1927
HANLON.-  Passed peacefully away at “Braemar,” Queenstown, on the 29th October, Herbert Francis HANLON, beloved husband of Elizabeth H. HANLON, eldest son of the late Rev. Francis Michael HANLON, rector of Bolventor, Cornwall, England.

Tuesday, November 1, 1927
KRUGER.-  At Duncan Vale Nursing Home, Queenstown, on the 31st October, to Sub-Inspector and Mrs. M.A. KRUGER, Umtata, a daughter.  Both well.
Local & General
A Tragic Family.
Three tragic deaths in one family living at Mowbray, Capetown, are at present being investigated by the Medical Officer of Health.  On Monday Mathew ROMAN, a 14 months old child living with his parents at 11 John Street, Mowbray, died of what appeared to be bronchitis.  On the following day his brother, aged eight years, died of what was thought at the time to be meningitis, and on Wednesday still another brother, Philip, aged 12 years, was taken seriously ill and admitted to the City Hospital, where he died the same day.  The Medical Officer of Health, states that all proper precautions are being taken and an investigation as being made.
Saturday, November 5, 1927
TETLEY-GRIFFITHS.-  On the 3rd November at St. Michael and All Angeles Church by the Rev. STOKES, Albert Edward Marriott TETLEY, only son of Mr. And Mrs. G.J. TETLEY, of Johannesburg, to Doreen Sylvia GRIFFITHS, eldest daughter of Mrs. W.E. GRIFFITHS, of Queenstown.
Monday, November 7, 1927
ASHTON.-  Passed away peacefully on the 4th November, 1927, John William ASHTON.  Aged 73 years 2 months.
In the Estate of the late Lois Emma BROSTER (born FREEMANTLE), widow of Queenstown.  No. 16498...
Attorney for Executor Testamentary
Local & General

The death is announced of Mr. Dan TAYLOR, sen., the father of Mr. H.W. TAYLOR, the famous South African cricketer.  The late Mr. TAYLOR throughout his life took a prominent part in all the activities of Durban life.  He was for many years a joint managing director of the firm of Dan TAYLOR, BENINGFIELD and Co., Ltd., cartage contractors.  He served on the Town Council, and for many years was in the Natal Legislative Assembly.  The deceased served with the Natal Field Artillery in the South African War and in the Zulu Rebellion of 1906, and he retired with the rank of lieut.-colonel.  A keen sportsman, he was three times commodore of the Natal Yacht Club.  He was perhaps best known as cricketer.  He played for both Durban and Natal against Major WATSON’s pioneer band of English cricketers in 1888-89.  In 1889 he was captain of the first Natal team which went on an extended tour in the Cape.
Tuesday, November 8, 1927
HERSELMAN.-  Passed away at Queenstown on November 2nd, 1927, John Carel HERSELMAN, aged 82 years.
Wednesday, November 9, 1927
Local & General
Sisters Drowned in Pool.
A case of drowning occurred on the farm “Cyrus,” close to Standerton, on Sunday afternoon, when the two small daughters of Mr. KRIEK, who recently moved into the district from the Free State, lost their lives in a pool of water.  The girls, aged nine and seven years, were seen near the pool by their mother and called away, but evidently they went back for a bathe, and then minutes later, on again being missed, the mother went to the pool, where she saw the body of one girl floating in the water.  The other body was soon afterwards found in the pool.
Thursday, November 10, 1927
Dordrecht Notes.

We regret to hear of the sudden death of an old and respected resident of Jamestown on Saturday last in the person of Mr. G. ARNOLD.
Congratulations to Mr. And Mrs. Sinclair BRADFIELD on the birth of a son.
Monday, November 14, 1927
MILES.-  Passed away suddenly on Sunday, 13th inst., at Sterkstroom, Robert Lawrence MILES, aged 65 years.
Wednesday, November 16, 1927
Dordrecht Notes

Congratulations to Mr. And Mrs. Toby CLOETE, of Jonas Hoek, Indwe, on the birth of a bonny son.
Thursday, November 17, 1927
In Memoriam
CORBETT.-  In loving memory of my dear husband, Harry Graham CORBETT, and our loving Daddy, who passed away on 17th November, 1924...
Molteno Notes

The marriage of Miss Thelma GIBSON to Mr. Robert STERLEY, of Lady Grey, will be solemnised at the Wesleyan Church on Wednesday next.  This event is of much local interest on the Border, as both parties are well known.  The ceremony will be followed by a reception at the Town Hall.
The marriage of Miss Evelyn SMITH to Mr. Nicholas VAN PLETZEN, of Burghersdorp district, will take place on Wednesday, the 30th, at the Wesleyan Church, and the Rev. Rayner SPEIGHT will be the officiating minister.
It is of great interest to all local sportsmen to hear of the engagement of Mr. David MORGAN to Miss Johanna LE GRANGE.  Mr. MORGAN has identified himself with the sporting community of the Eastern Province for several years, football, cricket, tennis, golf and foot racing having all come within his sporting activities.
Friday, November 18, 1927
WEBER.-  Died at Queenstown, on the 17th inst., Ernest F.W. WEBER, son of V. WEBER, aged 56 years 7 months.  Funereal at 10 a.m. to-morrow from 17 Joubert Street.
Tuesday, November 22, 1927
Notice to Creditors & Debtors
Estate of the late Joan Davidson LESLIE, Spinster, of Queenstown.  No. 16677...
Attorneys for Executor Testamentary.
P.O. Box 83,
Wednesday, November 23, 1927
FRANK.-  On November 22nd, at 20 Robinson Road, to Mr. And Mrs. Morris FRANK, a bonny daughter.  Both well.
Local & General

Killed by a Kick.
Bryant FOYLE, a three-and-a-half-years-old European child was killed by a kick from a horse at Plumstead, Capetown, on Saturday afternoon.  The horse was grazing in an open field on the Southfield Estate when this child, who was playing outside his parents home, walked up to it and touched it.  The horse kicked and killed the child instantaneously.
Dordrecht Notes

Miss Lilian BLAND is receiving the congratulations of her friends on her engagement to Mr. HARRISON.
Friday, November 25, 1927
In Memoriam
JACOBY.-  In loving memory of our dear Dad, F.W. JACOBY, who died November 25th, 1923.
Ever remembered by his loving children Chris and Molly.
JACOBY.-  In loving memory of our dear Dad, F.W. JACOBY, senior, who passed away at Westbourne on 25th November, 1923.
Ever sadly missed by his loving children, Bert and Dora and grand-children.
In the Estate of the late John McKINNON, formerly of Queenstown, Cape Province.  No. 157/503...
Attorneys for Executor Testamentary.
Estate of the late George Leslie PIKE.  No. 12426...
ELLIOTT Brothers,
Attorneys for Executor Testamentary,
Saturday, November 26, 1927
VAN DER MERWE. – Died at Peddie on the 21st inst., William VAN DER MERWE, late of Queenstown.
In Memoriam
MUTCH.- In loving memory of my dear husband and our father C.R. MUTCH, died 26th November, 1922.  
Inserted by wife and family.
Tuesday, November 29, 1927
SINCLAIR-FORWARD.- At the Wesleyan Church, Tylden, on the 23rd November by the Rev. C.K. HODGES, Harry Cheslyn Monteith SINCLAIR, eldest son of Mr. And Mrs. Harry SINCLAIR, Fort Beaufort district, to Agnes Dorothy BELL (Nessie) FORWORD, eldest daughter of Mr. And Mrs. J.E. FORWORD, Wellington Farm, Tylden.
MACKENZIE.-  Passed away at Kilmacolm, Scotland, on the 23rd November, Aeneas MACKENZIE, aged 62.
Tuesday, November 29, 1927
Murder of Miss KANTHACK
Public feeling deeply stirred...
Johannesburg, Monday,
Public feeling has been deeply stirred by the brutal murder of Miss Irene KANTHACK, and the Criminal Investigation Department are sparing no effort to bring the criminal to justice.  Operations on a very extensive scale are being carried out by a small army of European and native detectives, but up to a late hour to-night there had been no further developments.  The native labourer who is in custody in connection with the crime appeared before Mr. BOVILL in the Magistrate’s Court this afternoon on a charge of murdering Miss KANTHACK and was remanded until December 12th.  Miss KANTHACK’s tragic fate has once more emphasised the inadequacy of the existing police system in Johannesburg and three important suggestions for improving the present state of affairs are advanced:  (1)  That Johannesburg should have its own police force on the lines of the English Borough force;  (2) That the Town Council should hold a special meeting to discuss the whole question of the numerical strength and ability of the rank and file of the police;  and (3) That a special meeting of citizens be called under the chairmanship of the Mayor and that strong resolutions demanding the adequate policing of the city should be adopted and laid before the Minister of Justice by a representative deputation. – Reuter.
Local & General

Horse and Rider Killed.
Details of a lightning fatality in the Hopetown district on Wednesday night have just come to hand.  At about sunset on that day a farmer named GOUWS, living about 40 miles from town, went on his usual rounds and did not return in time for supper.  At midnight a search party went out to find GOUWS, but it was not till two or three hours later that they found him.  Both the horse and GOUWS had been struck by lightning.  The horse was practically sitting down and GOUWS was still in the saddle.  GOUWS had been married only eight or nine months.

Friday, December 2, 1927

DREWRY.- Passed peacefully away on November 29th, 1927, Mary, beloved wife of William DREWRY, and mother of Rhoda (Mrs. A. LITTLEFORD) and Fred Morley.

Estate of the late Frederick Herbert FILMER and Florence May FILMER...
ELLIOTT Brothers,
Attorneys for Executor Dative.

Estate of the late Samuel Robert GARDNER. No. 15155...
ELLIOTT Brothers
Attorneys for Executrix Testamentary.
Local & General


One of the oldest inhabitants of Queenstown in point of length of residence is Mrs. A. PETER, of Calderwood Street, who on Sunday celebrated her 68th birthday and also the anniversary of her wedding day and of the completion of fifty years' continuous residence in this town. Both she and her husband, the late Mr. August PETER, were of old German settler stock. Making their home in Queenstown in 1877 they speedily became prominent and popular residents. The late Mr. Peter established a successful business, and also played his share in public life, serving on the Town Council for an unbroken period of over twenty years and retiring therefrom a few years before his death in 1916. Mrs. PETER still enjoys excellent health and her many friends will wish her many more years of happy life.

Saturday, December 3, 1927

EDWARDS.- To Mr. And Mrs. Jess EDWARDS, on the 29th November, a bonny son. Both well. Thanks to doctor and nurse.

COX N.- Entered into rest on the 30th November, 1927, May, daughter of the late Charles COXEN, of Port Elizabeth.

In Memoriam
EDKINS.- In loving remembrance of our darling mother, Lydia EDKINS (widow of Thomas West EDKINS), late of Queenstown, who passed away in Johannesburg on the 3rd of December, 1926.

Miss May COXEN
It is with very deep regret that we record the death of Miss May COXEN, who passed away at her residence, No. 17 Grey Street, on Wednesday morning, and was laid to rest in the Queenstown Cemetery on the same afternoon.
Miss COXEN was widely known in Queenstown as one of the town's most capable commercial mistresses. Associated with the staffs of Queen's College, the Girls' High School and Queenswood, her work brought her into association with several generations of young people passing through the local schools, and many of those who are now launched upon business careers owe much to the painstaking teaching imparted by Miss COXEN, whose work was always practical and marked by a fine thoroughness.
In social circles Miss COXEN enjoyed the deep affection and esteem of a wide circle of friends. Her bright and cheerful personality, couples with a genius for friendship gave her a very intimate place in the heart of her inner circle, and the gap left by her passing will not be easily filled.
Some few weeks ago Miss COXEN was compelled to seek medical advice compelled to seek medical advice owing to the development of longstanding trouble. After some days in the Nursing Home, Miss COXEN returned to her residence, but gradually lost strength. Her last days were lightened by the loving ministrations of her sisters, Miss Kate COXEN, Mrs. STERLEY, of Port Elizabeth, and Mrs. THOMAS, of Kimberley, who were summoned to her side when it became evident that there was little possibility of recovery.
The funeral took place on Wednesday afternoon, the service being conducted by the Rev. J. Wesley McGAHEY, assisted by the Rev. C.K. HODGES. In a brief address given at the residence, Mr. McGAHEY made sympathetic reference to the great loss sustained by those who knew the deceased lady in intimate personal and neighbourly relationship...

Monday, December 5, 1927

Local & General

Suicide by Suggestion?
While entertaining two women friends in her room at 124, Victoria Avenue, Brakpan, on Wednesday night, Mrs. Ethel Gunn SMIT suddenly left them and, entering the next room, drank some sheep dip. She was removed by ambulance to the Boksburg Hospital, and died there early on the following morning. It appears that during the course of the evening the conversation between Mrs. SMIT and her friends dealt with suicides, and a theory advanced is that Mrs. SMIT was the victim of an irresistible impulse due to suggestion. The circumstances are being investigated by the police and an inquest will be held.

Tuesday, December 6, 1927

Notice to Creditors & Debtors
In the Estate of the late Martha Catherine Margaret WESTERBERG (born HERSELMAN). No. 16686...
ELLIOTT Brothers,
Attorneys for Executor Testamentary.
Hexagon, Queenstown

Local & General


We regret to record the death after a short illness, of Captain PAICE, a brother-in-law of Colonel GRANT, of Queenstown, which took place at the Nursing Home. The body will be removed to-night to the deceased farm for burial. Captain PAICE leaves a widow and three children for whom much sympathy will be felt.

A Queenstown Bride.
The marriage took place on Saturday morning at St. Mary's Church, Jeppe, of Miss Marjorie Doreen TIFFIN, daughter of Mrs. TIFFIN, of Queenstown, and the late Christopher TIFFIN, to Mr. Harry Couchman DAVEY, son of Mr. And Mrs. S.C. DAVEY, of Johannesburg. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Archdeacon URQUHART...  She was attended by one bridesmaid – her sister, Miss Evelyn TIFFIN, of Krugersdorp - ...

Wednesday, December 7, 1927

In Memoriam
EDKINS.- In loving memory of our dear Grannie, who fell asleep December 3rd, 1926. Inserted by Violet, grandchildren, and little great-grandchildren.

Molteno Notes

Wedding Bells.
The wedding of Mr. Nicholaas E. VAN PLETZEN, of Burghersdorp, to Miss Hannah Evelyn SMITH, of Molteno, took place on Wednesday last in the Wesleyan Church, the Rev. Rayner SPEIGHT, officiating. The bride was given away by her uncle, Mr. George PEEBLES, ...

Cathcart Notes

Octogenarian's Death.
The death occurred early on Tuesday morning of one of Cathcart's oldest residents in the person of Mr. Joseph HAYES, who only five days previously had reached the ripe old age of 81. The late Mr. HAYES came to South Africa from Ireland in the early days when he was quite a lad. After some years' residence in King Williamstown, he went to Kimberley, where he was assistant inspector and subsequently mine manager until the mines were amalgamated by Mr. Cecil RHODES. Relinquishing the latter position he came to the Cathcart district, where he took up farming. On the discovery of gold in the Transvaal he proceeded to the Rand, where he was appointed Government surveyor. After a time he returned to the Cathcart district and resumed his farming operations, acting also as Government valuator for the district.
He leaves a widow, a daughter, of the late Hon. Tom BROWN, Guildford, at one time a member of the old Cape House of Assembly, three sons and one daughter, to whom all sympathy is extended in their bereavement.
There was a large attendance at the funeral, which took place on Wednesday afternoon, the Rev. N.P. ABRAHAM officiating.

Local & General

Durban's Double Tragedies.
Two remarkable double tragedies occurred in Durban over the week end. On Saturday evening two motor cyclists, G.W. PETERSEN and James MILLER, met in a head-on collision in the Umbelo Road. The impact was terrific, and both were killed. The lady pillion passenger on PETERSEN's machine marvellously escaped with a few bruises. A squall suddenly sprang up no the Bay on Sunday, and three New Germany settlers, who were fishing from a rowing boat, were caught napping. They made for the wharf, but the boat turned over. Sidney UNGER (a married man, with a wife and four children), and W. Konig KRAMER, were drowned. UNGER gallantly went to the assistance of KRAMER, and was dragged under.

Thursday, December 8, 1927

Notice to Creditors
Estate late Lydia NDARALA (or DARALA). No. 16177...
Executive Dative,

Dordrecht Notes

The news of the sudden death of Mr. E.J. CLARKE, of Magdala, came as a great shock to his many friends in town. He was a well known and progressive farmer and his death will be a great loss to the township of Rossouw, with which he has been closely identified for many years. To his widow and children we extend our sincere sympathy.

Hearty congratulations to Mr. And Mrs. Hugh G. SMITH, of Morriston, on the birth of a daughter. Mrs. SMITH was a Miss VENTER, eldest daughter of Mr. Jan VENTER, ex-M.L.A., for Wodehouse.

Another popular wedding takes place in town on Saturday, when the marriage of Miss Doris WOOD, eldest daughter of Mr. And Mrs. C. WOOD, of Bradgate, and Mr. Harold SILLS, eldest son of Mr. And Mrs. H.T. SILLS, of Carlton, takes place. Both families are very well known in the town and district and the young people will enter upon their married life with many good wishes from their numerous friends.

Local & General

A Fatal Quarrel.
Roy MACKENZIE, a contractor of Richmond, Natal, who was found guilty two months ago of culpable homicide, involving the death of a farmer, Reinzi McLEOD, in a quarrel, appeared at the Criminal Sessions at Maritzburg. It was stated that MACKENZIE had paid £600 compensation to the widow and had promised another £50 to be paid over a period of two years. Mr. Justice MATTHEWS imposed a fine of £50 and allowed MACKENZIE six months to find the money. His Lordship remarked that all the blame of the quarrel was not with the accused.

Saturday, December 10, 1927

Notice to Creditors & Debtors
In the Estate of the late Herbert Francis HANLON. No. 16822...
ELLIOTT Brothers Attorneys for Executrix Testamentary.
Hexagon, Queenstown

Monday, December 12, 1927

WRIGHT.- Died at the Frontier Hospital, Queenstown, on the 7th inst., Robert W. WRIGHT, aged 81.

Tuesday, December 13, 1927

TORR.- To Mr. And Mrs. Stanley TORR, at Zeerust, on the 10th inst., a son.

Wednesday, December 14, 1927

Local & General

Fatal Fight with Buffalo.
A terrible encounter with a maddened buffalo, as the result of which a man named SCHNEIDER, a South African, died in Beira Hospital has just come to light. SCHNEIDER invited Mr. And Mrs. John COCOROZIS, the latter being his daughter, to his farm in the Buzi district to celebrate his 55th birthday. The day after their arrival he and Mr. COCOROZIS went shooting and saw two huge buffalo bulls 200 yards away. SCHNEIDER wounded the larger one severely and tracked it, despite the protests of the boys. Suddenly it was seen 50 yards away, and charges straight for SCHNEIDER. The boys rushed to the trees and SCHNEIDER ..... fallen tree, and the beast was on him in a second. COROCOZIS, who was for the moment horror-stricken, saw the doomed man grasp the horn and hoof of the animal as it gored him. The affair took but a few seconds, and then COCOROZIS fired, wounding the buffalo in the shoulder, after which it charged him. With no time to climb a tree, COCOROZIS took shelter behind the trunk, and as the beast tore past he shot it in the forehead. Even the natives were surprised at its huge size. SCHNEIDER remained until next night suffering agonies alone with his son-in-law in the bush until the boys brought help. Then he was taken to the Buzi sugar factory, where the doctor could do little for him. He stayed one day there, and only on the fourth evening after being injured reached Beira Hospital, where he was operated on immediately, but died from acute peritonitis next night. The horn of the animal had penetrated the abdomen upwards in terrible fashion and at SCHNEIDER's long survival, during all of which he was conscious.

KULLIN.- Passed peacefully away at 53 Berry Street, on the 14th December, our darling baby, Gerda Mary MANSON-KULLIN, at the age of 7 months, Deeply mourned by her Daddy and Mummy and Rita.
Funeral will leave the above address at 4.30 p.m. to-morrow (Thursday).

Terrible Motor Accident
At Komani Bridge
Young coloured driver killed
A terrible motor fatality, in which one person was killed and three injured, occurred at 9.35 p.m., yesterday, the scene of the smash being the curve at the foot of Robinson Road leading over the Komani River. All the occupants of the car were coloured men, the driver being Rockland BUTLER, age twenty-two. The car had apparently been removed without permission from outside the concert hall in Scanlen Street, and with the driver and five passengers had proceeded into town. Subsequently, the party returned. At what speed the car was proceeding has not so far transpired, but it would seem that they were certainly going to fact to enable the driver to negotiate the curve at the town side of the bridge. The car struck the wooden railings about forty feet away from the iron girders which form the main structure of the bridge. Tearing the woodwork out bodily, the car ploughed right through until the bonnet struck the girder. The radiator was smashed clean in by the terrific force of the impact, the headlamp on the off side being twisted right back to the dash. The dumb-iron was driven in, some of the plates of the spring being ripped backwards and upwards. The windscreen was smashed to atoms, the right wing torn back until it was lying upside down on the running board, and the steering wheel was broken off together with some of the hand controls. The end of the driver was short and sudden, the steering column with its broken frame striking him full in the chest. He just managed to gasp out the words "I'm finished," and then expired immediately. Three of the other occupants, namely, William BUTLER, Wavel BUTLER and Abraham WINNAR, were all slightly injured, whilst George WHITAKER and H. BLIEGNAULT were lucky to escape unhurt. All the latter five appeared before the Magistrate this morning, being charges with "wrongfully and unlawfully removing or causing to be removed a certain motor car, to wit, number C.H. 132, from a spot in Scanlen Street, without the consent of the owner or of the person to whom the owner had for the time being given custody of such car." The examination was a preparatory one, and accused were all formerly remanded until the 21st inst...

Cathcart Notes

A very pretty wedding was solemnised in the Wesleyan Church on Tuesday morning between Mr. J.C. POWELL, of Elgin, Cape, and Miss Thelma BARTLETT, only daughter of Mr. And Mrs. J.H. BARTLETT, of Middledrift, Cathcart ... the ceremony was performed by the Rev. N.P. ABRAHAM.

Thursday, December 15, 1927

Dordrecht Notes

Pretty Wedding.
A popular wedding took place on Saturday between Miss Doris WOODS and Mr. Harold SILLS. The ceremony was in the Anglican Church, the Rev. TURNER officiating...

Friday, December 16, 1927

Local & General

Girl's Peculiar Death.
Late on Tuesday afternoon the dead body of a girl, Semalina FIVAZ, was dragged out of the river at Harrismith as a sequel to what appears to be a case of suicide. On Tuesday she was walking alongside the river with a girl friend, and near the bathing booths she is said to have taken hold of a swinging rope, which is used by swimmer, and to have swung herself out over the river and dropped into the water. Miss FIVAZ came from Kestell. She was about 20 years of age, and had been living in Harrismith some years, having been engaged at the boys' school hostel and at a boarding-house as housekeeper. No cause can yet be stated for the alleged action of the deceased, but an inquest will be held into the circumstances. Divers worked for over an hour to recover the body from the river, which is 20 feet deep at this spot, and eventually the bed had to be dragged with grappling hooks.

Saturday, December 17, 1927

ANDERSON.- On the 14th inst., as the result of railway accident, Arthur ANDERSON, beloved husband of R.E. ANDERSON, Rosaville, Livingstone Road. Aged 57.

The Late Mr. A. ANDERSON.
The Funeral
The tragically sudden death of Mr. Arthur ANDERSON, Works Inspector, S.A.R., registered by passing of one who will be greatly missed by a wide circle of friends in Queenstown. The news of the accident spread rapidly through the town and greatly distressed those who counted Mr. ANDERSON amongst their most valued friends. His colleagues in the railway service, and his co-workers in the life of the Church he loved so well, were alike stunned at the news that, through the derailment of a trolley, Mr. ANDERSON had so suddenly met his death.
When the train which brought back its sorrowful burden arrived in town on Thursday afternoon it was met by the ministers of the Wesley Church, and a sympathetic group of railway employees. Subsequently the coffin was removed to Wesley Church, where the funeral service was held yesterday morning, attended by a large and representative gathering of sorrowing fellow-workers and friends. The service was conducted by the Rev. C.K. HODGES, assisted by the Revs. C. PETTMAN and J. WESLEY McGAHEY...
The late Mr. ANDERSON was one of a family of six brothers who, coming to South Africa from England many years ago, entered the railway service, several attaining eminent positions in the transport service of the State. His elder brother, Colonel ANDERSON, recently retired, and is visiting England after a fine term of eminent service. The late Mr. ANDERSON has been located in Queenstown for some eight years and during his association with this district has earned the high esteem of all with whom he had to do. His work was always marked by a careful and conscientious thoroughness and he looked for and established a high level of efficiency in every detail of his departmental activities. The Church with which he was associated fully recognised his interest and loyalty, and for some years past Mr. ANDERSON occupied the responsible position of Circuit Steward. Of a quiet and unobtrusive disposition, Mr. ANDERSON was best known amongst those who were thus brought into contact with his retiring personality. Those who had the privilege of counting themselves his friends feel to-day that they have lost one whose association counted for much. His quiet influence leaves an enrichment of memory to be set over against the sense of loss that marks his passing. The deepest sympathy is felt for his widow and his relations who have been so suddenly bereaved through this tragic accident. Mr. ANDERSON was within a month of his 58th year at the time of his death...

Friday, December 23, 1927

In Memoriam
MYBURGH.- In loving memory of our dear sister, Violet, who passed away on December 23rd, 1925.
Ever remembered by her loving sisters and brothers – Annie, Sonny, Ella and Chriss.

Molteno Notes

Popular wedding.
Much interest centres in the wedding to-day of Miss Martha (Maxie) DE KLERK, daughter of Mr. Antonio J. DE KLERK, of "Mooifontein," to the Rev. Willem J. POSTMA, son of the late Rev. Willem and Mrs. POSTMA, of Reddersburg. The ceremony was conducted by the Rev. D. POSTMA, of Burghersdorp, a cousin of the bridegroom...


The deepest sympathy is extended to Mrs. Edward BROWN, of "Bamboeshoek," who has recently received news of the passing of her father in England. Mr. And Mrs. BROWN left Molteno on Tuesday morning lasts for Capetown en route for Europe.

Saturday, December 24, 1927

In Memoriam
KING.- In loving memory of our darling Linda KING (ARNOLD). Fondly remembered by all at Glencoe Villa.
KING.- In loving memory of our darling sister Linda KING (born ARNOLD), who passed away suddenly at Malmesbury, 24th December 1926.
Sadly missed and longed for by her longing sisters and brothers.

Local & General

Fatal Shot in the Bush.
Daniel Petrus DE BEER (45), a cattle dip inspector, was committed for trial at Barberton on Tuesday on a charge of murder. It is alleged that he shot a native. From the evidence it appeared that DE BEER, Mr. And Mrs. RENNIE and Mr. KENDAL were in a motor car escorting a herd of cattle to the railway, and when near Iquamans, in the Komani ward, they stopped for breakfast. They heard two shots in the bush and saw a troop of wildebeest running as if chased by dogs and hunters. Fearing that the wildebeest might stampede the cattle, RENNIE and DE BEER entered the bush with rifles to head them off. DE BEER, in giving evidence, said he fired at a dog and missed it. About 40 years [sic] further on he found a native lying dead with a wound in the neck. The body was not in the line of his shot. Mrs. RENNIE, in her evidence, said that when DE BEER came out of the bush he reported that he had shot a native. He was quite calm and she did not take his statement seriously.

Thursday, December 29, 1927


BRUSSOW.- At the Duncan Vale on the 25th to Mr. And Mrs. G.J. BRUSSOW, a son. Both well.
ALLISON.- At Durban on the 26th December, to Mr. And Mrs. Lyal ALLISON, a daughter.


THOMAS.- Died at the residence of Mr. S.J. BERRY (son-in-law), on the 24th December, 1927, Martha Ann, relict of the late J.P. THOMAS, of Grahamstown. Aged 82 years. Interred in Queenstown Cemetery on Christmas Day.
WESSON.- Passed peacefully away on the 27th inst., John Robert, infant son of Mr. And Mrs. WESSON, age 5 months.

Local & General

Died in the Train.
When the train from East London arrived in Bloemfontein on Tuesday morning a report was made to the railway police that a lad, named OLIVIER, travelling to Brakpan, had died before the train reached the railway station. No details were available, but it was stated that the cause of the death was heart failure. The lad was travelling with his mother, who expressed the wish that the body should be conveyed to her home at Brakpan, a request which was acceded to.

Friday, December 30, 1927

Cathcart Notes

His many friends in Cathcart and district, where he was formerly in medical practice, extend their hearty congratulations to Dr. W.G. HAY, of Oxton Manor, Whittlesea, on his wedding at Cambridge last Wednesday, to Miss Mabel ADKINS. During his stay in Cathcart, before he assumed control of his late father's fine farm at Whittlesea, he made himself very popular with all sections of the community, whose good wishes for a happy future follow him.

Local & General

Shot in a Motor Car.
A tragic discovery was made on Tuesday evening on Schmidt's Drift road, twelve miles from Kimberley, where the dead body of an elderly European was found lying in the back seat of a motor car. The car was a few yards off the road and on examination revealed the fact that the man, who is said to be named C.C. BERNADI, was shot through the heart. A shot gun was found lying in the front seat. Suicide is suspected and the police are making investigations.

Saturday, December 31, 1927

Dordrecht Notes

It is with profound regret that I record the death of Mr. H.O. THACKWRAY, which sad event took place at his farm, Snymans Kraal, on Friday last. For many years Mr. THACKWRAY was a well-known figure in Dordrecht, until his removal to Aliwal North a few years ago. He was a man of sterling character and beloved by everyone and to his widow and family I extend my heartfelt sympathy.

Molteno Notes

A Pretty Wedding.
The Dutch Reformed Church was the scene of a very pretty wedding on the 21st instant. The contracting parties were Mr. Johannes P. VAN VUUREN and Miss Johanna E. DE BEER, both of Molteno, and the Rev. F.J. Botha conducted the ceremony. Mr. W.F. KLOPPER acted as bestman, and Miss Lily DE BEER, sister of the bride, made a pretty bridesmaid...

Local Engagement.
The engagement has just been announced of Mr. C.B. WHEELER, son of Mr. And Mrs. B. WHEELER, of Cheam, Surrey, to Miss Noel DEARY, daughter of Mr. And Mrs. N.D. DEARY, of Molteno. Mr. WHEELER came out to South Africa about two years ago under the 1820 Memorial Settlers' Scheme, and has recently purchased a farm in this district. Miss DEARY has lately returned from Europe, where she completed her education.

Wedding of Mr. Louis SCHNEIDER.
On Tuesday the marriage of Mr. Louis SCHNEIDER, son of Mr. And Mrs. M.C. SCHNEIDER, of Molteno, to Miss Regina SIERADZKI, daughter of Mr. And Mrs. K. SIERADSKI, of Yeoville, Johannesburg, took place in Johannesburg. Relatives travelled from the United States in order to be present at the ceremony, Mrs. LUSTGARTEN and Miss Celia ROSEN, both of New York, being amongst the guests.

Sterkstroom Notes

A pretty wedding took place on Wednesday last when two local young people, Mr. Japie MAARTEN and Miss Baby DE BEER, were united in wedlock at the D.D. Church.

Local & General

We regret to hear that Mrs. Willie ARNOLD died at East London this morning. She had been seriously ill in the Frere Hospital for a week or two.

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