The Daily Representative 1928 2 April - June
Monday, April 2, 1928
Local & General
A Tragedy.
In a copy of “The Cape to Cairo Argus” for March 24th, the following harrowing tale appears:-
Tragedy on Great Trip
The late Mr. Gordon MAKEPEACE
Harrowing story from Central Africa
(From Our Extra Special Correspondent).
I regret to announce the untimely death of Mr. Gordon MAKEPEACE, journalist and publicity specialist attached to the Chevrolet Expedition.
It appears that the members of the Expedition were in the thick bush when they encountered a party of strange natives brandishing clubs. Mr. MAKEACE, whose strong suite is hearts, studied their hands carefully, and then with his usual curiosity, asked them whether they were cannibals.
They were.
A simple cross marks the scene of the tragedy.
Wednesday, April 4, 1928
HAY.- Died at “Oxton Manor,” Whittlesea, on March 30th, 1928, after a long an painful illness, William George HAY, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. (Lond.), eldest son of the late C.G. HAY and Mrs. HAY, of Queenstown, and beloved husband of Mabel HAY. Aged 33 years.
KLETTE.- Died at the Frontier Hospital, Queenstown, on the 3rd inst., Robert Charles Edgar KLETTE, Magistrate of Libode, in his 47th year.
The relatives of the late Mr. KLETTE wish to express their grateful tanks to the Matron and nurses of the Frontier Hospital for their kind attention to the deceased during his illess.
Local & General
News was received rather unexpectedly this morning of the death of Mr. A.C. BAIN, of Knysna, who passed away after an operation at Port Elizabeth yesterday. Mr. BAIN was well-known in Queenstown, where he was magistrate for some years. While in Queenstown, he married the widow of the late Mr. Albert MORUM, and the greatest sympathy will be extended to Mrs. BAIN and family in their sudden bereavement.
Saturday, April 7, 1928
In the Estate of the late Philippina Elizabeth GROBBELAAR, born SMIT (No. 15297) and surviving spouse, Coert GROBBELAAR, of “Glen Wallace,” in the District of Sterkstroom...
Attorney for the Executor Testamentary,
P.O. Box 6,
Sterkstroom, C.P.
In the Estate of the late James THACKWRAY (No. 175/521), of Sterkstroom...
Attorney for the Executor Dative.
P.O. Box 6,
Sterkstroom, C.P.
Tuesday, April 10, 1928
Local & General
Reuter, East London, wires: Flags are half masted to-day on account of the death, which occurred early this morning, of Mrs. David REES, who for many years was a member of the local Hospital Board and other public bodies, playing a prominent part in the public life of the town until failing health a few years ago forced her to live a more retired life. For her services during the war she was rewarded with the M.B.E.
Thursday, April 12, 1928
In the Estate of the late Cornelis Johannes VAN VUUREN (150/895), of “Dunedin,” in the District of Sterkstroom...
Attorney for the Executor Testamentary.
P.O. Box 6,
Friday, April 13, 1928
Silver Wedding
Mr. And Mrs. J.A. DAVIES will cordially welcome friends and relatives to afternoon tea at their farm Weldon on 25th inst.
In the Estate of the late Abraham Stephanus ROODT and surviving spouse Susanna Magdalena ROODT, born VAN ZYL. No. 18075...
Secretary, Queenstown Loan, Trust and Agency Company, Ltd.
Agent for Executrix Testamentary.
92, Cathcart Road,
Saturday, April 14, 1928
PARKER.- Died at Grahamstown on 10th April, 1928, Emily Louisa PARKER, widow of the late Ebenezer PARKER, of Lady Frere.
Silver Wedding
BRUYNS-HAUPT.- Married on the 15th April, 1903, by the Rev. Mr. VAN LINGEN at Lakeside, C.P. BRUYNS to V.F. HAUPT – at Home. – 3, Stilwell Street, Queenstown.
We regret to record the death of Mr. S. STERN, which took place on Friday, the 6th, at his residence at Dordrecht. Although great hopes were given in the first instance, Mr. STERN’s condition gradually became worse, and after nine months of pain and suffering he succumbed to the dread malady. Mr. STERN has been one of the business men of Dordrecht for about 30 years and was loved and respected by all. He has always given liberally to any public cause, and taken his share of work in all social activities. He was for many years a member of the committee of the Dordrecht Building Society and a member of the Municipal Council. He leaves a widow and eight children, to whom our sympathies are extended.
Cathcart Notes
A pretty little wedding took place in the Wesleyan Church on Wednesday afternoon, the 4th, the contracting parties being Mr. W.J. ARMSTRONG, of Port Elizabeth, and Miss Ivy GRAVETT, eldest daughter of Mrs. O.R. GRAVETT, of Cathcart...
Estate of the late Herbert Francis HANLON. No. 16822...
ELLIOTT Brothers.
Attorneys for Executrix Testamentary, Hexagon, Queenstown
Monday, April 16, 1928
SEFTON-WILLIAMS.- On the 11th April at St. Mary’s Church, Whittlesea, Roy D. SEFTON, of Durban, to Myrtle, youngest daughter of Mr. W.H. WILLIAMS, of Whittlesea.
McPHERSON.- on Sunday, 15th April, 1928, to Mr. And Mrs. G.W. McPHERSON, a son.
Wednesday, April 18, 1928
Local & General
The Missing Trooper.
For eight years the Defence Department have been searching for a South African who fought in the Great War and on whom was conferred the Medaille Militare, one of the highest military decorations of the French Republic. The award was issued on April 16th, 1920, to Trooper Daniel JACOBS of the Kalahari Horse, all efforts to trace whom have proved of no avail hitherto. The Kalahari Horse was a unite recruited from the Bechuanaland Protectorate area and did service on the Western front. The medallion, a handsome decoration inscribed “Republique Francaise, 1870,” and on the reverse “Valeur et Discipline,” is in possession of the District Staff Officer, No. 6 Military District, “The Deodars,” Bloemfontein, who has not yet given up all hope of finding Trooper JACOBS.
Thursday, April 19, 1928
Estate of the late Susanna Hendrina DE WET (born LE ROUX). No. 16922...
Attorney for Executors Testamentary,
Hexagon, Queenstown
Sterkstroom Notes
On Easter Monday the sad news was received in town of the death, at Middelburg (Cape), of the Rev. D. CHARLES. JONES, formerly vicar of our local St. Augustine’s Anglican Church, which came as a surprise and shock to his many friends, to whom he had endeared himself. It is only but a short time ago that the deceased clergyman resigned his charge to go to a sister living at Salisbury, Rhodesia. A fine preacher, widely-read and of sincere convictions and with a personality that won him a host of friends in our social and sporting life, his early demise is deplored among his many friends of our community.
Another landmark in the annals of the town passed away at the Frontier Hospital on Easter Monday in the person of a respected coloured gentleman, Mr. Peter WHITTAKER. Coming to Sterkstroom from Tarkastad forty-six years ago, he found the present town, consisting of only three built houses, and practically saw the town grow up since its beginning. Being a young man then he started in business here as a blacksmith and farrier, at which trade for that period of time he uninterruptedly carried on until a few weeks before his death. He was looked upon as a leader of our coloured community, and was an evangelist of the Wesleyan Church, where for many years he laboured in the Master’s vineyard, winning souls and working for the social reform of his people.
Dordrecht Notes
We regret to record the death of little Stella HUDSON, known as WOEST, the adopted daughter of Mr. And Mrs. Ben WOEST of Rondavel, which took place on the 13th. The sympathy of all is extended to the family, who have lost two daughters within a month.
HENDERSON.- At 59, Grey Street, Queenstown, to Mr. And Mrs. W.P. HENDERSON, a son.
Friday, April 20, 1928
In Memoriam
In loving memory of my dear husband, Willie KUKARD, who passed away April 20th, 1927.
Inserted by his loving wife.
Saturday, April 21, 1928
Molteno Notes
Silver Wedding
Hearty congratulations are extended to Mr. And Mrs. Lawrence BROSTER on their silver wedding. It is understood that the event will be celebrated this evening with a dance at “Broughton,” their farm residence. The BROSTER family are very old residents of this district. Mr. Lawrence BROSTER’s father and mother were resident at “Broughton” for many years, consequently the family is well known and highly respected.
Monday, April 23, 1928
In Memoriam
BRUNSKILL.- In loving memory of Kevis Richardson BRUNSKILL, who died April 22nd, 1926. Inserted by his friends at Waverley House.
Tuesday, April 24, 1928
MAYTHAM.- Passed peacefully away at Mafeking on the 22nd inst., Matthew John MAYTHAM, beloved husband of Florrie MAYTHAM (nee CLEAVER), brother of A. MATHAM and Mrs. K. ANDERSON.
McPHERSON.- At Queenstown on the 24th inst., Robert Davies, only son of Mr. And Mrs. G.W. McPHERSON, 99, Livingston Road, Queesntown. Aged 8 days.
Thursday, April 26, 1928
KEYS.- At 9, Ebden Street to Mr. And Mrs. Claude KEYS, a son.
Tylden Notes
A Waku-Tylden Wedding
A very pretty wedding was solemnised in the Wesleyan Church at Cathcart on Wednesday afternoon, the 18th of April, when Mr. Vivian Lysle TURNER, youngest son of Mrs. E.J. TURNER, Easterstead, Tylden, was united in matrimony to Miss Doris Ethelwyn BROWN, youngest daughter of Mr. And Mrs. Charles BROWN, Boterfontein, Waku...
Friday, April 27, 1928
MAITLAND.- At the Cottage Hospital, Fort Beaufort, on the 25th inst., to Mr. And Mrs. Douglas MAITLAND, a daughter.
SHEARAR-WILLIAMS.- To be married by special licence on the 2nd of May, 1928, Dorothy, eldest daughter of Bertha and the late Jack SHEARAR, of Queenstown, to F. Howard WILLIAMS, of Capetown.
SELBY.- Passed away on the 20th inst., as the result of a railway accident near Waku, William Howard SELBY (Bill), dearly beloved and only son of Mr. And Mrs. W.H.E. SELBY, of Queenstown.
Local & General
Widespread regret will be felt in Queenstown at the sudden death of Mrs. Hector C. GRANT, of East London, who was admitted to the Frere Hospital on Friday night and died there on Monday morning in her twenty-second year. Miss Eileen Joan ROY, the eldest daughter of Sergt. ROY, who was for so many years the Public Prosecutor at Queesntown and took such a lively interest in social work, and Mrs. ROY, who only married in July last to Mr. GRANT, of the Railway Telegraphs Department. Formerly on staff at the Louvre, she was a prominent member of St. Michael’s Church choir and Sunday School. She was possessed of a bright and sunny disposition, and was generally known as “Fatty” amongst her host of friends who will receive the news of her sad and untimely death with deep regret. Mrs. GRANT was educated at the Convent School at Queenstown and at Port Elizabeth. The funeral took place on Tuesday from St. John’s Church, East London, and was conducted by the Rev. C. Frith. The coffin was covered with many beautiful floral tributes, several of which came from Queenstown, and the utmost sympathy will be extended to the bereaved husband and parents.
Saturday, April 28, 1928
HOWE-GAMMIE.- Married at St. Michael and All Angels’ Church, Queenstown, by the Rev. G.F. STOKES, M.A., on Wednesday, 25th April, 1928, George Harold HOWE, youngest son of the late Mr. F. HOWE, East London, to Mary Hay GAMMIE, youngest daughter of the late Mrs. G.F. PEARSON of Queenstown.
Local & General
We regret to announce that Mrs. J. DUNCAN, widow of the late Mr. J. DUNCAN, passed away at her residence in Prince Alfred Street this morning. Mrs Duncan, who was in her seventieth year, was well known in the district for her work in connection with the Presbyterian Church. The funeral takes place at 4.30 p.m. to-day.
Monday, April 30, 1928
Mr. And Mrs. M.S. GORDON, of Queenstown, have pleasure in announcing the engagement of their daughter Bessie to Engineer Tobias VOLCHANSKY, lately of Paris, France.
VIALL.- At Duncan Vale Nursing Home, Queenstown, on Sunday, 29th April, 1928, to Mr. And Mrs. D. VIALL, a son.
DUNCAN.- Entered into rest, on April 28th, 1928, at “Mayville,” Queenstown, Caroline Amelia, widow of the late James DUNCAN and daughter of the late H.T. LLOYD, of Queenstown.
Tuesday, May 1, 1928
Mr. And Mrs. M.S. GORDON of Queenstown, have pleasure in announcing the engagement of their daughter Bessie to Engineer Tobias VOLCHANSKY, lately of Paris, France.
DUNCAN.- Entered into rest, on April 28th, 1928, at “Mayville,” Queenstown, Caroline Amelia, widow of the late James DUNCAN and daughter of the late H.T. LLOYD, of Queenstown.
Local & General
Congratulations to Mr. George H. BARNES, of Oxkraal Drift, Whittlesea, who celebrates his 88th birthday to-day.
Wednesday, May 2, 1928
The Misses LLOYD wish to thank all friends for the kind expressions of sympathy extended to them during their recent bereavement, and also for floral tributes.
The Waku Accident
Memorial Service to Fireman W. SELBY
Following the sudden home-calling of Mr. W. SELBY, fireman of the engine which was derailed at Waku, a memorial service was held in the Baptist Church on Sunday morning, and the unusually large attendance bore ample witness to the esteem in which he was held by the community. The building was suitably draped in white and mauve by the young people, and a beautiful wreath was placed in front of the pulpit, while a bowl of magnificent chrysanthemums stood on the Communion table.
The Rev. C.J. NEWELL, former pastor of the church, who had known the deceased young man very intimately, and who had come up from East London for the occasion, spoke very feelingly of the depth of “Bill’s” spiritual life, of his firm hold on God through Jesus Christ, and of his sterling character, which was manifest to all his associates. It was a consolation to all to know that he was certainly ready for his sudden home-call when it came, and God’s angels were also ready on the spot to bear him away to be with Christ...
Wednesday, May 2, 1928
Local & General
The death has occurred of Colonel Charles HENWOOD, M.P.C. for the Toll Gate Division, and former member of the Union Parliament for Durban Central. – Reuter.
Silver Wedding.
Mr. And Mrs. RAWSTORNE, of 45, Rhodes Avenue, Brakpan, the 28th ulto., of many congratulations on the anniversary of their silver wedding, which event took place in Whittlesea on April 28th, 1903.
Thursday, May 3, 1928
Notice to Creditors
Estate late Johannes Marthinus ACKERMAN. No. 18125...
Attorney for Executor Testamentary.
Friday, May 4, 1928
ROODT.- To Mr. And Mrs. E.G. ROODT, at Nurse LEVEY’s Home, on 1st May, a daughter. Both well.
A Popular Wedding
A very popular wedding took place at St. Mary’s Crurch, Potchefstroom, on Saturday, April 21st, when Winnifred May, eldest daughter of the late Charles W. LEACH, of Poplar Grove (Queenstown) and of Mrs. LEACH, Potchefstroom, was married to Arthur Charles RICKETTS, well kown and old residents of Potchefstroom. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Noel ROBERTS...
Saturday, May 5, 1928
ELLIOTT.- At the Duncan Vale Nursing Home on May 4th, to Mr. And Mrs. Douglas ELLIOTT (nee Nola McCOMB), a daughter.
In Memoriam
In loving memory of my dear sister, Isabella BREETZKE, who died on the 5th May, 1923.
Inserted by her sister, Annie ROBERTS.
McPHERSON.- Mr. And Mrs. G.W. McPHERSON wish to express thanks to all friends for kind sympathy extended during their recent sad bereavement. 99, Livingston Road, Queenstown.
Monday, May 7, 1928
Wedding at Dordrecht
An exceedingly pretty wedding was solemnised at St. Augustine’s Church, Dordrecht, on Wednesday, the 2nd of May, the contracting parties being Miss Emma BIRCH, eldest daughter of Mr. And Mrs. E.V. BIRCH, of Vogelvlei, and Mr. Tom WOOD, elder son of Mr. And Mrs. WOOD, of Bradgate. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. S.D. TURNER, Mr. Leslie WOOD carrying the duties of bestman...
Quite a gloom was cast over the town by the sudden death after but a few hours illness, of the little daughter of the Rev. And Mrs. VAN WYK. The funeral took place on Tuesday afternoon and was a very large one attended by old and young and all representatives of the community. We extend our sympathy to the bereaved parents.
Tuesday, May 8, 1928
Notice to Creditors
Estate late Tom JOYNES, No. 18343...
Attorney for Executor Testamentary
Local & General
The death has occurred at Glencairn of Mrs. Crosland ROBINSON (C. PENSTONE), the well-known cartoonist and South African landscape artist. – Reuter.
Wednesday, May 9, 1928
Local & Genereal
It came as a great shock to this many friends in Queenstown when news came through from Johannesburg this morning that Mr. R.T. ROWLES had passed away last night following an operation. Mr. ROWLES had been in poor health since the end of last February, when he was compelled to take his bed owing to internal trouble. He went up to Johannesburg a month ago, and was operated on yesterday. A wire received here the same evening conveyed the news at a big operation had been performed and that the patient was very weak. There was no more popular figure in Queenstown than “Tony,” as he was affectionately renowned for its sportsmen, he was one of the best known in every branch of sport and took an active and leading part in all that made for Queenstown’s fine reputation. He came here from Baker, Baker’s of King Williamstown nearly eighteen years ago to take over the management of Messrs. MORRIS and MORRIS’ furnishing department. When Mr. H.W. MORRIS retired from active service last year, Mr. ROWLES was appointed General Manager, and it is all the more pathetic that his zeal and fine organising powers should be cut short just at the very moment when he was beginning to reap the reward of long and faithful service. In his young days he was a prominent member of the Pirates’ Rugby Football Club in King Williamstown, whilst he was just as actively associated with Rugby here. Indeed, he was a vice-president of the Swifts R.F.C. at the time of his death. He was a first-class golfer and one of the leading members of the Queenstown Bowling Club. Up to the time of going to press, no news has been received as to the funeral arrangements. Mr. ROWLES leaves a wife and five young children to whom the deepest sympathy will be extended by all in their irreparable loss.
Thursday, May 10, 1928
Cathcart Notes
The Late Rev. H. WILKINSON
The news was received in town last week of the death in Capetown of the Rev. Harvey WILKINSON, who was well known in the Hilton district, where he was once for seven years to much respected minister of the Wesleyan Church. Mr. WILKINSON was suffering from a serious internal complaint, necessitating an immediate operation, from the shock of which though it was successful, he had not sufficient strength to recover, and he passed peacefully away. The late Mr. WILKINSON retired from the active work of the ministry several years ago, and was living at Sea Point at the time of his death. Much sympathy is felt for his widow and only daughter, Mrs. H. MOXON, of Darling, who are left to mourn his loss.
Local & General
Funeral of Mr. R.T. ROWLES.
The funeral of the late Mr. R.T. ROWLES will take place in Queenstown to-morrow, a service being held at the Wesleyan Church at 3 p.m.
Friday, May 11, 1928
In the Estate of the late Frederick William BAXTER, of Queenstown. No. 15258...
Attorney for Executrix Testamentary
Sterkstroom Notes
Silver Wedding
Our congratulations to Mr. And Mrs. Willie EDWARDS of this town, who celebrated their silver wedding of twenty-five years of married happiness and the joy of a grown-up family. As old and esteemed residents they have always taken an active part in the social life of the town, Mr. EDWARDS particularly in racing and sporting fixtures, in which his valued services are always appreciated.
Monday, May 14, 1928
KNIGHT.- Passed away at Burghersdorp on May 9th, 1928, in her 70th year, Lydia Eleanor KNIGHT (born KIDWELL), relict of the late Edward Jukes KNIGHT.
Tuesday, May 15, 1928
A tragedy at St. Mark’s
Sad fate of a Trader
Mr. Norman WEAKLEY (son of Dr. WEAKLEY, of Queenstown) was found lying unconscious in the bed of the river near the village of St. Mark’s on Thursday morning by a native. The native immediately ran to St. Mark’s for assistance and the District Surgeon from Cofimvaba was telephoned for. When he arrived he found Mr. WEAKLEY still unconscious and suffering from an exceedingly severe wound to the skull and cuts on both wrists. He was conveyed to the village at once and Dr. WEAKLEY was sent for after which he was brought to the Frontier Hospital. He did not recover consciousness and died on Sunday morning.
Mr. Harry WEAKLEY, the deceased’s brother, said in an interview that his brother had been suffering from shellshock since the Great War and at times the attacks were worse than usual. He was of opinion that one of these attacks had occurred on Thursday night when his brother had wandered out and fallen over the precipitous bank of the river, as he had been found immediately under the river bank. The skull wound was an old one, received during the war, that might easily have been opened up through the fall.
The deceased had gone to St. Mark’s to start a trading station there and did not know the surrounding country.
Thursday, May 17, 1928
Dordrecht Notes
The funeral took place last Sunday of the mortal remains of Mr. Dick WOEST, of “Morning Sun.” Who passed away on Saturday after three weeks’ illness. A very large number gathered at the farm “Rondavel,” the home of his parents, to pay their last respects. The sympathy of the whole district is extended to the young widow and baby son, and also to his parents, who within the last two months have buried three children.
Friday, May 18, 1928
Murdered Girl
Coroner on suspicions
The inquest on Mary Jane SEWELL, aged six years and nine months, was concluded at Sunnybrow, Durham, recently.
The body of the girl, who had been assaulted was found in a field near her home.
This was the fifth sitting of the court. Before the last adjournment the coroner, Mr. J.T. PROUD, put a series of questions to the mother as to her having sought a situation in domestic service. Mrs. SEWELL then said it was true that she had represented herself to be a single woman.
After police evidence as to the discovery of the child, Mr. PROUD, addressing the jury said: “Our sympathies in the first instance were for the parents, but then there came to light certain facts which created suspicion and disclosed the fact that the child might not be wanted and it was inconvenient to have her.
It created suspicion, very grave suspicion, but you cannot find a verdict on suspicion. The only safe course is that you come to the conclusion that this child was murdered by some person or persons unknown.
“This is probably not a very satisfactory conclusion, but it is, in the circumstances, the only safe one. It may not end here.
The jury, after an absence of five minutes, returned a verdict of Suffocation caused by a handkerchief being forced into the child’s mouth by some person unknown – Wilful Murder.
Local & General
Reuter announces the death, at two o’clock yesterday morning, of the Rt. Rev. William Thomas GAUL, former Bishop of Mashonaland and Canon of St. George’s Cathedral, Capetown. – Reuter.
An Evening Wedding.
An evening wedding is to be celebrated at Durban on May 30th in American style, when Morris BROUGHTON, a Natal journalist, will marry Miss Thelma SMALRIDGE, of Maritzburg. Guests will attend the church in evening dress.
Saturday, May 19, 1928
Molteno Notes
Popular wedding.
A very pretty wedding took place on Monday last, the 14th instant, when Mr. D. Johannes AUCAMP, son of Mr. D. AUCAMP, of “Klipplaat” and Miss Johanna Christina LATEGAN, of “Vereenigen,” Molteno district, were united in marriage. The ceremony which took place in the Dutch Reformed Church at 11 a.m., was performed by the Rev. J.F. BOTHA, the local Dutch Reformed minister. The reception was held at the town residence of the bride’s parents...
Monday, May 21, 1928
Sterkstroom Notes
The passing of Mrs. Maria E. PRETORIUS at the ripe age of 73 years, which sad event took place recently, removes another of the few remaining landmarks of the town. The deceased lady, who was a sister of the late Mr. Hercules VAN HEERDEN, married fifty-seven years ago her present husband Mr. John PRETORIUS, who for many years farmed on his farm “Morgenson” and subsequently retired from active persuits to pass the remaining years with his good lady in Sterkstroom. Of a quiet and charitable disposition, she early identified herself in the work of the local D.R. Church among whom she was highly esteemed and respected. At a memorial service held on the day of the funeral, which was largely attended, in the D.R. CHURCH, the Revs. DU PLESSIS of Queenstown and BOTHA officiated, as also at the committal service in the cemetery. We extend our sympathy to her husband and family in their sad bereavement.
Tuesday, May 22, 1928
In Memoriam
Sacred to the cherished memory of Sheila Mary, dearly loved and only daughter of Mrs. And the late Mr. A.G. WHITNALL, The Hermitage, Grahamstown, nursing at the Frontier Hospital, Queenstown.
Not God’s will.
Wednesday, May 23, 1928
WHITEHEAD.- On the 22nd inst., to Mr. And Mrs. Jack WHITEHEAD, a daughter. Stillborn.
Thursday, May 24, 1928
Local & General
General SMUTS;s Birthday.
General SMUTS is fifty-eight to-day.
A Girl Wife.
Only 15 years of age, a girl wife, Elizabeth NASH, appeared before Sir John Dove WILSON, at the Civil Sessions at Durban last week, and asked for a separation order against her husband, John C. NASH, also maintenance and custody of the unborn child of the marriage. The Defendant who did not defend the action, was a driller on the railways. The parties were married on March 31st last, and after a week of married life, the girl said her husband knocked her about.
Friday, May 25, 1928
Molteno Notes
A wedding took place on Tuesday last at 10 a.m. at the Dutch Reformed Church, between Dietrich Rudolph DELPORT, a farmer of the Molteno District, and Miss M. Alletta BOTHA, daughter of Mr. And Mrs. BOTHA, who reside at “Gladwood,” The ceremony was performed by the Rev. J.F. BOTHA, the local Dutch Reformed Minister....
Monday, May 28, 1928
STAPLES.- Died on the Farm Provindence, on Friday evening, 25th instant, Susannah STAPLES, aged 79 years 10 months.
Tuesday, May 29, 1928
CROUCH.- To Mr. And Mrs. Albert CROUCH, at 5, Grey Street, on the 28th instant, a son.
Local & General
The death has occurred of Mr. Baron Jacobus SMITH, Senior Chemist to the Division of Chemistry, Department of Agriculture and brother of the High Commissioner in London. – Reuter.
Wednesday, May 30, 1928
SEARLE.- At Duncan Vale Nursing Home, on the 27th inst., to Mr. And Mrs. Walter SEARLE, a daughter.
Thursday, May 31, 1928
FINN-HENDRY.- By special licence by the Rev. R. RUSSELL, M.A. at the Presbyterian Church, Queenstown, on the 30th May, 1928, Edwin (Ted) FINN, second son of Mr. And Mrs. C. FINN, to Patience (Pat) HENDRY, only daughter of Mr. And Mrs. Donald HENDRY.
Local & General
The news that Mr. T. KEARNEY had died yesterday came as a great shock to his large circle of friends and to the staff of the local post office. At mid-day yesterday he complained of feeling unwell and took to his bed. Later in the afternoon he was found to have died, the cause of death being attributed to heart failure. The late Mr. KEARNEY was transferred from the telegraphic department of the General Post Office in Edinburgh to the Cape Telegraphs service, since when he remained with the present service. During the four years of his stay in Queenstown, he made many friends and became most popular with and respected by the staff of the local post office where he so ably filled the position of superintendent of telegraphs. An atmosphere of gloom and genuine sorrow pays tribute to the memory of an able official, a true friend and a real man. The heartfelt sympathy of his many friends goes to the bereaved widow and sons.
Saturday, June 2, 1928
Local & General
The death occurred at Capetown on Sunday of Colonel J.W. BELL, who was the first Master of the Supreme Court of the Transvaal after the Anglo-Boer War. Colonel BELL was born at Aberdeen, Scotland, about 78 years ago, and came out to South Africa as a young man. He practised as an attorney at Queenstown and commanded the Queenstown Rifle Volunteers prior to going to the Transvaal. On his retirement from the public service he took up his residence at Tairobi and left there about a year ago on a visit to England. He returned to Capetown a few months back for health reasons. He leaves a widow and two sons and two daughters. His eldest son, Harry, who is now a successful coffee planter near Nairobi, was formerly an attorney in practice with Mr. J.A. NESER at Klerksdorp. The younger son, Charles, is in Capetown. His elder daughter Vere, is married to Dr. ROSS, of New Zealand, and was in Capetown with her father during his illness, and his younger daughter, Amy, is with her mother in Capetown.
Tuesday, June 5, 1928
ENGELA.- On the 5th June, to Mr. And Mrs. T.W. ENGELA, 19, Lamont Street, a son. Both well.
KEARNEY.- Died at Queenstown, on the 30th May, Thomas KEARNEY, beloved husband of Agnes KEARNEY, age 57.
Wednesday, June 6, 1928
The death has occurred at Grahamstown of Mr. W.H. GILDER at the age of 72, after a short illness. For many years Mr. GILDER was a highly successful and popular bandmaster of the First City Volunteers, and prior to this was a member of the band of the Fourth Irish Dragoon Guards. He came from a military family, his father once being Drill Instructor at Harrow and afterwards secretary to the Cape Rifle Association, Eastern Districts, and the Bisleys which were being held annually on the range near Grahamstown. – Reuter.
Monday, June 11, 1928
Estate late Peter WHITTAKER, of Sterkstroom (18535), Estate late Elizabeth Susanna WHATTAKER, of Stersktroom (141/175)...
Attorney for Executor
Box 19,
Tuesday, June 12, 1928
In the Estate of the late Matilda Ethel Winifred May COXEN, of Queenstown (No. 17741)...
Attorneys for Executrix Testamentary
Gladwin Newton KING
The sympathy of the whole community will go out to Mr. And Mrs. Newton KING and family, in the irreparable loss they have sustained by the sudden death of their eldest son Gladwin.
He left home on Saturday morning and motored to Tarkastad with his wife and two children, for the purpose of disposing of some horses, and spending the week end with his sister, Mrs. LOVEMORE.
As the horses were late in arriving, he left his family at Tarkastad and accompanied by prospective purchaser motored out a few miles to meet them. While inspecting the horses, he complained of a pain in his head, and before assistance could be procured, he collapsed and became unconscious, and although two medical men were soon in attendance, he passed away without regaining consciousness.
While he had not been feeling too well, nothing serious was anticipated and his death came as a great shock to the family.
Gladwin was a bright and intelligent young farmer, 33 years of age, and held in highest esteem by all who knew him, which was amply testified by the large number who attended the funeral on Monday at Newtondale...
Gladwin KING married a daughter of the late Mr. John ELLIOTT and Mrs. ELLIOTT, Lady Frere. To the bereaved widow and her young children, and the sorrowing family we offer sincere sympathy and condolence in their sad loss.
Thursday, June 14, 1928
In the Estate of the late Herbert Edward LOVEMORE, of Queenstown...
Attorney for Executors
Local & General
The death has occurred of the Marquis of Lincolnshire. – Reuter.
Friday, June 15, 1928
In the Insolvent Estate of Elias ZADKIN, Store Keeper, Tsomo...
Sole Trustee,
Saturday, June 16, 1928
In the Estate of the late Jessie ROSS, spinster, of Bolotwa (No. 12246)...
Attorneys for Executor Testamentary
In the Estate of the late Kathrine McArthur ROSS, spinster, of Bolotwa. (No. 1224)...
Attorneys for Executor Testamentary
In the Estate of the late Annie Sophia BUTLER (born COLRIDGE) of Queenstown. (No. 8372)...
Attorneys for Executor Testamentary
Monday, June 18, 1928
MOKAWEM.- Died at Queenstown on Saturday, the 16th June, 1928, Rena Joseph MOKAWEM, beloved wife of Joseph MOKAWEM.
Tuesday, June 19, 1928
RANDELL.- At the Duncan Vale Nursing Home, on the 19th inst., to Mr. And Mrs. C.V. RANDELL, a daughter. Both well.
In the Estate of the late Amos MORUM, of Bromley, Kent, England. (No. 18393)...
Agent for Executors
106, Adderley Street
HOLLIS.- On the 19th inst., at Nurse LEVY’s Nursing Home, to Mr. And Mrs. Frank HOLLIS, a bonny son. Both well. Thanks to nurses and doctor.
Thursday, June 21, 1928
MACLEAN.- At King William’s Town, on 14th June, 1928, John MACLEAN, aged 81 years.
Mr. & Mrs. BEATON of Sterkstroom, herewith tender their sincere thanks to all kind friends for their sympathy, letters of condolence and wreaths sent, and expecially the Rev. C. HODGES of Queenstown.
Local & General
News has been received at Paarl of the death of Mrs. D. VON LINSINGEN, at Gordon’s Bay, in Consequence of injuries sustained in a fall. The deceased lady, who was 95 years of age, came to South Africa at the conclusion of the Crimean War with her husband, Baron VON LINSINGEN, who was a member of the German Legion and was killed in the Kaffir War of 1880. The late Mrs. VON LINSINGEN was a notable personality and leaves a wide circle of friends. She was the mother of the late Mr. F.C.R. VON LINSINGEN, of Queenstown, and another son was also killed in one of the Kaffir Wars.
Many Rhodesians and Rand pioneers will regret the announcement of the death of Mr. Herbert Walter BOLUS, a well-known and popular Salisbury attorney, which took place in a Capetown nursing home on Thursday. Mr. BOLUS arrived in Capetown a few weeks ago from Salisbury with the intention of proceeding on a health and holiday trip to South America and Europe. He had been in indifferent health for some time, and on his arrival here his malady took a serious turn, which necessitated his removal to a nursing home and two operations, which unfortunately proved unavailing. The son of the late Mr. Walter BOLUS, founder and head of a well-known firm of Capetown brokers and financial agents, Mr. BOLUS was born in England 62 years ago, and came to Capetown with his parents when he was about five years of age. He was admitted as an attorney in the Cape Supreme Court, and transferred to the Rand in the early days of the goldfields. Later he practised law in Queenstown, and transferred in 1913 to Salisbury, where he became a prominent and popular figure in legal, church and social circles.
Friday, June 22, 1928
Estate late Percival Francis ELLA. (No. 17521)...
Secretary, Queenstown Loan, Trust and Agency Co. Ltd., P.O. Box 44, Queenstown
Executor Testamentary.
Notice to Creditors & Debtors
Estate of the late Richard Thomas ROWLES of Queenstown. (No. 18912)...
Attorneys for Executrix Testamentary.
Saturday 23, 1928
Sterkstroom Notes
It is with regret that I have to record the passing away at King Williamstown on Thursday last of another old “landmark” of this town in the person of Mr. John MACLEAN, who for the past thirty years was resident here and before his retirement from active business carried on a milling concern for twenty-eight years. A native of Paisley, Scotland, he with his young wife and son came to South Africa forty-six years ago. Landing at East London, he settled in Kubusie and commenced milling there, and later he moved to King Williamstown for a short period, returning to the former place again. After an interval of years he went to Molteno, and finally settled here in Sterkstroom, where for twenty-eight years he carried on a successful business as miller and grinder. With advancing years he gave up this strenuous work, and engaged in storekeeping which, on the death of his helpment and companion, the late Mrs. MACLEAN, nine years ago, he relinquished and retired to spend his remaining years among his children. The deceased, who was of a quiet disposition gained the esteem and respect of the community, and took an active part in the life and growth of the School Committee (at that time no local School Board was in existence), subsequently a Town Councillor, and in no small way gave of his ripened experience and service many helpful suggestions towards the town’s improvements. As a zealous man in his region he faithfully served the Master’s cause with a faithful devotion, and became for many years the Circuit Steward of the Wesleyan Church here. His initiative and that of his late wife in the cause of Wesleyanism was blessed, and saw a new Wesleyan Church built, earning for the aged couple, as being the oldest members, the name of “the father and mother of the Church.” He was on a holiday visit to his daughter at King, Mrs. ENDRES, and intended returning to make his permanent home with another daughter, Mrs. RHEBOCK of Ugie, when an illness, pneumonia, of short duration, befell him and he passed away at the ripe age of eighty-one years. His remains were brought to Sterkstroom on Saturday morning last, and laid in the Church prior to burial in the cemetery.
The funeral service in the Church and at the grave side were impressively performed by the Rev. C.K. HODGES of Queenstown, who referred in touching terms to the sterling qualities of their late brother churchman. There was a representative gathering, being attended by the Mayor, Mr. R. EWAN and Councillor F.C FULLER, representing the municipality, and others, to pay a last tribute of respect to the memory of a fine old gentleman.
The deceased leaves a family of six grown-up sons and four daughters of which the eldest, Mr. Tom MACLEAN is one of the oldest of Sterkstroom’s storekeepers.
Monday, June 25, 1928
BOWES.- On the 23rd June, to Mr. And Mrs. Hamilton BOWES, of Essex, a son.
Local & General
Flags were half-masted in East London to-day on account of the death of Mr. W.W.S. FAIRBAIRN, which occurred early this morning in a nursing home from septic pneumonia. Deceased was for about forty years manager of the local branch of the African Banking Corporation, from which position he retired some years back. He leaves a widowed wife, three sons and a daughter. The latter, Miss Flora FAIRBAIRN, is a well-known dancing instructress in East London. One son is private secretary to the Governor of British Columbia. The youngest son was killed at Delville Wood. Deceased was 78 years of age. – Reuter.
The death has occurred of Sir William St. John CARR, first Mayor of Johannesburg, and a prominent figure in the gold mining industry, at the age of eighty. – Reuter.
Tuesday, June 26, 1928
ALLNER.- Passed away at her residence, 130, Cathcart Road, on the 24th, after a short illness, Anna Katherine Justina ALLNER, age 66 years 9 months, and 14 days, beloved wife of the late F.O. ALLNER.
In the Estate of the late James Dixon BARNES, and predeceased spouse Ellen BARNES, born DOWNHAM. (Nos. 6170 abd 6171)...
Attorneys for Executor Testamentary.
PO Box 83
Thursday, June 28, 1928
COCKIN-RUSSELL.- Married at the Wesleyan Church, Cradock, on June 25th, Bernard Jack, youngest son of Mr. And Mrs. Frank COCKIN, of Waverley, to Wilma, third daughter of Mr. And Mrs. William RUSSELL of Cradock.
Notice to Creditors
In the Estate of the late Elizabeth Catharina GROBBELAAR (born ERASMUS), of Queenstown. No. 18979...
Attorney for the Executor Testametary
Hexagon, Queenstown
Friday, June 29, 1928
Local & General
The death is announced, at the age of 85, of Sir Isaac THORNYCROFT, the famous naval architect and engineer, and Vice-President of the Institution of Architects. – Reuter.
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