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Daily Representative

The Daily Representative 1929 3 July - September

Monday, July 1, 1929

SCOTT.-  Passed away on the 29th ulto., at the Duncan Vale Nursing Home, Queenstown, Olive Rae, the dearly loved and only daughter of Mr. And Mrs. A.R. SCHOTT, of Queenstown, aged 11 years and 11 months.  Deeply regretted.

Local & General
It is with very deep regret that we record the death, which occurred on Saturday, of Rae, the only little daughter of Mr. And Mrs. A.R. SCOTT.  Rae, who was only twelve years old, was taken ill on Thursday, and her death, two days later, has come as a grievous shock to all who knew her.  The funeral took place yesterday afternoon, the Rev. F. ORCHARD officiating.  We tender sincere sympathy to the bereaved parents, and to Dennis, Rae’s twin brother.

Tuesday, July 2, 1929

News of a sad drowning fatality at Villers, near Bloemfontein has just come to hand, in which Bennie REST, an old Dordrecht boy has lost his life.  Bennie was one of the most brilliant pupils of the Dordrecht school, and although quite young had already started in business for himself as a very promising young attorney.  No details are to hand, but it is understood death was due to heart failure while bathing.  We express our sympathy with his bereaved parents who now reside in Bloemfontein.

Hearty congratulations to Miss Nellie MORLEY on her engagement to Mr. J. MARIALLIA, of Elliot.

Thursday, July 4, 1929

Local & General
The death is announced of Mrs. F. Theodore BENT, who accompanied her husband on many exploring and archaeological journeys, including one to Mashonaland. – Reuter.

Saturday, July 6, 1929

MORUM.-  At Queenstown, on the 3rd July, 1929, to Mr. And Mrs. R.L. MORUM, a son.

In Memoriam
DICK.-  In loving memory of my dear husband, David DICK, who died 6th July, 1899.

Monday, July 8, 1929

In Memoriam
BACKHOUSE.-  In Loving Memory of our dear Mother and Grandmother, Ellen BAC KHOUSE, who passed away 8th July, 1928.
Ever remembered by Billy, Kate and family.

Notice by Executor
Estate of the late Emily Eastland DUGMORE.  No. 20596...
Attorneys for Executor Dative.
29, Downing Street,
King Williamstown

In Memoriam
BACKHOUSE.-  In loving memory of my dear mother who passed away on July 8th, 1928.
(Sadly missed by her son John and grand-children and great-grand-children.)

Tuesday, July 9, 1929

MITCHELL-BARTON.-  On July 4th, at the Baptist Church, Queenstown, C.P., by the Rev. E.E.G. FIELD, R.A., Alexander Rupert MITCHELL, of Fa...dale, Natal, son of the late Mr. C.H. MITCHELL and Mrs. MITCHELL, of Natal to Ruth Ellis BARTON, daughter of Mr. And Mrs. R.A. BARTON, of 1, Frost Street, Queenstown, C.P.

Local & General
The death is announced of Sir Berry Cusack SMITH.-  Reuter.
The death occurred suddenly at Hampstead yesterday of Isaac J. LINDHAUER, the Kimberley and Transvaal. – Reuter.

Wednesday, July 10, 1929

HEX.-  Passed away on the 7th July, at Berlin, C.P., Jane HEX, dearly beloved wife of George HEX, of Queensown, aged 67 years and 9 months.

In Memoriam
DE BEER.-  In loving memory of my dear husband, Frederick DE BEER, who died on 10th July, 1928.
DE BEER.-  In loving memory of our dear father, who died on 10th July, 1928.

Thursday, July 11, 1929

MACKENZIE-RANCH.-  At Bourbon, Indiana, U.S.A., on July 1st, Anne RANCH, of Bourbon, Indiana, to Kenneth J. MACKENZIE, of “Seaforth,” Norvals Point, Cape Province.

Molteno Notes
Popular wedding at Molteno
A fashionable wedding took place at the Dutch Reformed Church on Wednesday, the contracting parties being Mr. HECHTER, of Barberton, and Miss Kitty AUCAMP, eldest daughter of Mr. And Mrs. J.D. AUCAMP, of Klipplaat, Molteno district.  The Rev. F.J. BOTHA the resident minister, officiated and a very large congregation assembled to witness the ceremony...

Friday, July 12, 1929

PRICE.- Passed away at the farm “Weltevreden,” Queenstown, on Friday, 12th July, 1929, Llewellyn Hereford PRICE, second son of Mr. And Mrs. L.E. PRICE.  The funeral takes place on the farm “Weltevreden” at 11 a.m. to-morrow (Saturday).

Local & General
The death is announced of Sir George CRAIK, legal adviser to the Transvaal Chamber of Mines from 1903/1909. – Reuter.
It is with profound regret that we record the death, soon after 8 this morning, of Llwellyn Hereford PRICE, second son of Mr. And Mrs. L.E. PRINCE, of “Weltevreden.”  When quite a small child he develoed rheumatic fever, and no sooner had he recovered from that than he fell off a wagon and injured his leg, which had to be amputated.  Ever since then he has been ailing, but in spite of his misfortune he has always shown a splendid and cheerful fortitude, and was immensely popular with all who knew him.  At the time of his death he was only 19.  The funeral takes place on the farm to-morrow at 11 a.m.  We offer our deepest sympathy to his bereaved parents.

Saturday, July 13, 1929

RIES.-  At 16, Green Street, Queenstown, on the 11th inst., to Mr. And Mrs. Maurice RIES, a son.

Monday, July 15, 1929

Mrs. HEX, of Melrose, in the district of Cathcart, died on Sunday morning, the 7th of July, at Berlin, after a brief illness.  Amid a large gathering of friends and neighbours she was laid to rest in the graveyard at Hilton on Monday afternoon.
The late Mrs. HEX was a descendant of the 1820 settlers.  She was born at Grahamstown, and belonged to the well-known family of Seller.  Her early life was spent in Grahamstown, until she came to Queenstown on her marriage, in which town she spent many years.  She was a faithful worker and regular worshipper with the Baptist Church in that town.  Her latter years have been mostly spent with her daughter, Mrs. James MILES, of Melrose, in the district of Cathcart, except for short periods spent with her eldest daughter, Mrs. GRAVILLE of Lovedale.  During her residence at Melrose she took a deep interest in, and was closely associated with, all the work of the Wesleyan Church at Hilton...

Local & General
We deeply regret to  record the death, which occurred last night, of Mr. H.J. GREEF, of “Potgieter’s Kraal.”  The funeral takes place to-morrow, at “Potgieter’s Kraal” at 11 a.m.

Tuesday, July 16, 1929

Local & General
News has reached us of the death, on the farm “Diamant,” Christiana, after a short illness, of Mr. W.M. McKEE, who for many years made Queenstown his headquarters as senior sheep and wool expert.  Mr. McKEE, who has done much for the South African wool industry, was well know  in Queenstown.  He leaves a wife and three children, to whom we offer deepest sympathy.

Wednesday, July 17, 1929

SELLICK-McCOMB.-  The engagement is announced of Violet, the eldest daughter of Mr. E.C. SELLICK, of Uitenhage to Norman, eldest son of Mr. And Mrs. F.C. McCOMB, of Queenstown.

KITCHIN-ABBEY.-  Married by special licence, Myrtle Abbey, eldest daughter of Mr. P. ABBEY, of Queenstown, to Bertie KITCHIN, of Natal.

HALSE.-  At Duncan Vale Nursing Home, Queenstown, on 16th July, 1929, to Mr. And Mrs. Eric HALSE, of Carnarvon, a son.

In Memoriam
HARDING.-  In loving memory of our dear mother, Alice Ann HARDING, who passed away on July 17th, 1922.
(Ever remembered by Mabel and Arthur.)

Thursday, July 18, 1929

The death has occurred at Van Rhynsdorp of Mr. Jacobus Petrus MOSTERT, who represented Namaqualand in the House of Assembly for many years.  He lost the seat in the last election. – Reuter.

Friday, July 19, 1929

Notice to Creditors
In the Estate of the late Jacobus Marthinus LE GRANGE, who died at Lismore, in the District of Queenstown, in January, 1885.  No. 83/219...
Attorneys for the Executors Dative.
Hexagon, Queenstown

KLEMPTNER.-  To Mr. And Mrs. H. KLEMPTNER, at Queenstown, on the 17th July, 1929, a bonny son.  Both well.

Monday, July 22, 1929

BLIGNAUT.-  Passed away on the 16th July at Hopewell, Imvani, Philda Angerina BLIGNAUT, daughter of Mr. And Mrs. J. BLIGNAUT, of Imvani, and sister of Mrs. D.K. MEINTJIES, of Queenstown.  Deeply mourned.
BREETZKE.-  Passed away at the Duncan Vale Nursing Home, Queenstown, on Sunday, the 21st inst., Lynda Emily Agusta, second eldest daughter of Mr. And Mrs. A.A. BREETZKE, Bailey.  Aged 13 years.

Jamestown Notes
There passed away on Saturday, the 13th July, an old resident of Jamestown in the person of Mr. Hans BUITENDAG.  His sudden end came as a great shock to his family and friends.  He had been ailing for nearly two months, but it was generally felt that the worst had passed and that he was on the mend.  On the day of his death he had been outside and had walked about his yard, taking an interest in the work that had been carried on during his illness.  He had his supper as usual and retired to bed.  At about 8 o’clock he stated that he felt the pain in his chest coming on again.  Soon after he quietly passed away in the arms of his faithful and devoted wife.  His familiar figure is sadly missed, and there can never be another “Oom Hans,” as he was familiarly called, and who was loved and respected by all who knew him.
Mr. J.J. JACOBS, another old resident, also passed away on Sunday morning, the 14th inst.  Mr. JACOBS had been ailing for some considerable time and had suffered much.

Tuesday, July 23, 1929

Dordrecht Notes
Congratulations to Miss Ida MUIR, who was married quietly on the 15th to Mr. GREYVENSTEIN.

It came as a great shock to her many friends in Queenstown to hear that Miss Lynda BREETZKE, second daughter of Mr. And Mrs. A.A. BREETZKE, of Bailey, had died suddenly at the Nursing Home in the early hours of last Sunday morning.
Apart from her youth – deceased was only 15 years old – a particularly pathetic feature of her death was that, up to the very last moment, she appeared to be progressing quite favourably after her operation earlier in the week.  Unfortunately, due either to a spasm of pain or a moment of delirium, the little girl tore off her bandages, thus accelerating the end.
The funeral took place from St. Michael’s and All Angels Church yesterday, the service being performed by the Ven. Archdeacon ROWLEY, assisted by the Rev. EASTON from Sterkstroom.  The chief mourners were Mr. And Mrs. A.A. BREETZKE (parents), Mr.  Edgar BREETSKE and Mr. Stanley BREETZKE (brothers), and Misses Edna and Beryl BREETZKE (sisters), and Miss Edna DIXON (step-sister)...

Wednesday, July 24, 1929

Sterkstroom Notes
Our local septuagarians have taken the month of July, to lead their blushing brides to the altar, and we  offer our congratulations to and old and respected resident, Mr. Jno. PRETORIUS, on his recent marriage, which happy event took place at Hofmeyr.

Our sympathy goes out to Mr. G.S. RHEEDER, of the S.A. Police (Dog master) in the sad bereavement he has sustained in the loss of his wife, Mrs. M.M. RHEEDER, and her baby of one year old, a day prior to the mother’s death.  There was a large attendance at the funeral of the deceased lady on Sunday.

Local & General
Accidentally Killed.
A London paper to hand this morning contains the sad news of the accidental death of Miss Barbara KIRKMAN, daughter of Dr. KIRKMAN, who for some years practised in Queenstown.  The announcement reads:  Accidentally killed whilst nature studying on Beer Cliffs, Devon, Barbara Mary, beloved elder daughter of Dr. And Mrs. KIRKMAN, of Staplehurst, Kent, aged 19 years.

Thursday, July 25, 1929

BENTLEY.-  Passed peacefully away on the 24th inst., Charles Ernest, son of Mr. And Mrs. C.R. BENTLEY, aged 20 days.

The news of the death yesterday of Mr. J.H. SAMUELS, lately of the staff of the Hexagon Hoteil, came as a shock to the wide circle of his friends and acquaintances in Queenstown.  “Hammy,” as he was familiarly known to everyone throughout the length and breadth of the district, had a lovable personality and was one of the most popular characters Queenstown has known.  His ready wit and humour were famous, and it was said without any exaggeration that he was never at a loss for an answer to the many sallies of patrons of the Hexagon Hotel.  A native of Derbyshire, where he was born in 1881, he came to South Africa with the Imperial forces at the commencement of the Anglo-Boer War, and, after the campaign was over, was one of the many who elected to make the country their home.  He transferred to the Cape Mounted Police, but left the Government service after some years.  During his spell as a civilian he was connected with both Messrs. Peacock Bros. And Messrs. Morum Bros., but, when the Great War came, he was one of the first to answer the call to arms, and served with the South African forces overseas throughout the campaign.  Incidentally, he was one of the few survivors of the wreck of the “Galway Castle.”  After the Peace of Versailles he returned to Queenstown and became barman at the Hexagon.  He died yesterday morning after an illness lasting some weeks.

Friday, July 26, 1929

WORMALD.-  Passed away on the 25th inst., at the Frontier Hospital, Queenstown, Thomas WORMALD, beloved husband of Eva WORMALD.-  Deeply mourned by his sorrowing three sons and daughter.

Friday, July 26, 1929

Archibald WHITSON
It is with deep regret that we record the death, early this morning, of one of Queenstown’s residents.  Mr. Archibald WHITSON, after a prolonged illness.  Mr. WHITSON was born in Greenock, Scotland, 89 years ago.  He may rightly be termed the Father of Queenstown, for he landed here when only nineteen years of age, and continued his labours in our town till eight years’ ago when he retired from active business.  In 1872 he commenced business on his own account, and continued successfully for over half a century.  He was of a retiring nature, but, while he made no effort to gain public honours, he attracted many friends around him by his quiet, pawky humour and general good nature.  He has shared in the town’s activities in many directions, and through all its vicissitudes he has won the respect and esteem of all by his sterling qualities.  Like many others he received a heavy blow in the Great War, when his gallant son, Benny WHITSON, M.C. was killed in  action in France.

Tuesday, July 30, 1929

WHITSON.-  Died at his residence 36, Owen Street, on Friday, 26th July, 1929, Archibald WHITSON, aged 88 years and 8 months.

Wednesday, July 31, 1929

VIALL.-  At the Duncan Vale Nursing Home, Queenstown, on 23rd July, 1929, to Mr. And Mrs. D. VIALL, a daughter.

INNIS.-  Passed away at his residence 91, Prince Alfred Street, on Tuesday, 29th July, Robert Amos INNIS, aged 71 years.

Thursday, August 1, 1929

McCOMB.-  Died suddenly, last night, 31st inst., Mr. H.R. McCOMB, aged 63.
INNES.-  Passed away at his residence, 91, Prince Alfred Street, on Monday, 29th July, Robert Amos INNES, aged 71 years.
WHITSON.-  Died at his residence 36, Owen Street, on Friday, 26th July, 1929, Archibald WHITSON, aged 88 years 8 months.

Friday, August 2, 1929

Noti ce by Executors
In the Estate of the late Heila Magdalena Frederika BUURMAN (born AUCAMP), of Penhoek, District Sterkstroom.  No. 6016...
H. Christie,
Attorney for Executor Testamentary
PO Box 6

Notice to Creditors
In the Estate of the late Hendrik Jurgens GREEFF, of Potgieterskraal, Queenstown. No 23203...
Visser & Peter
Attorneys for the Executrix Testamentary
Hexagon, Queenstown

Indwe Notes
Indwe was shocked on Saturday, the 22nd, when the news came through of the death of Dr. VILJOEN, Superintendent General of Education.  Flags were halfmasted on Monday and the schools closed from 11 a.m.  It is little more than a year ago that the deceased opened the new wing of the High School.

Saturday, August 3, 1929

PADDY-PRETORIUS.-  Married at St. Michaels and All Angels Church, Queenstown, on August 1st, Betty, only daughter of Mrs. PRETORIUS, of Johannesburg, to Dick, only son of Mr. And Mrs. PADDY, Queenstown.
LARKIN-MILES.-  Married, at East London, on August 1st, 1929, Jack Anthony LARKIN, fourth son of Mr. And the late Mrs. P.J. LARKIN, of “East-Leigh Estate,”  Glen Innes, New South Wales, to Clive Edmonds MILES (born PRICE) of Harrison, Whittlesea.

Kidnapped by Maoris
A romantic Story
Auckland, N.Z.
A romantic story has just come to light of the discovery of the real identity of a Maori farm-wife.  Fifty years aog an eight-year-old white girl, named Caroline PERRETT, dissapeared while tending some cows on her parents’ farm.  It was believed that Maoris, angered because a new railway had disturbed their graveyard, had kidnapped the child.  Recently a relative of the PERRETTS saw a European woman living among the Maois, and was struck by the likeness.  It is now proved that the white woman living among  the Maoris is the missing Caroline PERRETT.  Caroline has spent 50 years of her life among the Maoris, conforming to their cusstoms and language.  She married a prosperous Maori farmer, and has nearly forgotten all about her European people.

Funeral of the late H.R. McCOMB
The funeral of the late Hudson Robert McCOMB took place yesterday afternoon and was attended by a large circle o relatives and friends.  The service was conducted in the Dutch Reformed Church, and at the graveside, by the Rev. VAN VELDEN, of Tarkastad....

Local & General
The many friends and acquaintances of Mr. D.M. GROBBELAAR, M.A., LL.B., Palace of Justice, Pretoria, and at present attached to the Magistrate’s Staff at Pietermaritzburg, will be interested to hear of his engagement on the 25th July, 1929, to Miss Estelle Inez SWALES , only daughter of Mrs. G.M. SWALES and the late Mr. C. SWALES, of Wenderholm, Pinetown, Natal.

Monday, August 5, 1929

MAYTHAM.-  At Duncan Vale Nursing Hoem, on August 4th, to Mr. And Mrs. F.E. MAYTHAM, a son.

Notice by Executor
Estate late John Jacobus MALLET, and subsequently deceased spouse Kate MALLET (born JAMIESON).  Nos. 172/506 and 21032...
Solicitors for Executor

Mr. J.V. KIRK, a former resident of Dordrecht, and lately of Siberia, passed away at the local nursing home last Thursday.  He had been ill for some months, but his sudden death came as a great surprise to his many  friends.  His wife died in Scotland early in the year, and to the bereaved children we extend our sympathy.

Wednesday, August 7, 1929

Mr. C.P. NESER, of Parys, will reach his 100th birthday on September 28th.  The old gentleman is wintering at Warmbaths, and still enjoys good health.

Dr. And Mrs. E.H. CLUVER of Pretoria, who are on their honeymoon, arrived here last night and are at present staying at the Hexagon Hotel.

“Death due to expsure.”
Inquest on Mr. H.R. McCOMB
The inquest into the death on the night of July 31st of the morning of August 1st was held in the Magistrate’s  Court yesterday afternoon before the local Assistant Magistrate, Mr. P.J. BURGER.
Mrs. McCOMB, widow of the deceased was the first witness called, and she deposed that she had been the late Mr. McCOMB’s second wife and had lived with him for eight years.  He had been 63 years old at the time of his death.    She had last seen him at 6.30 p.m. on the 31st of last month.  When he left the house that evening, to go to a prayer meeting, his condition had been normal, and she had not been aware of any ill health on his part.  She had thought that he would return at about 8.45 that night as he usually did, but when he had not returned at 10 o’clock she sent his son, Lex, to look for him.  Lex had gone to search, in the company of Mr. BAILEY, but had returned later and reported that they couldn’t find him.  This was quite unprecedented conduct on his part, and it had struck her as strange, though she had entertained no fears for his safety, as there seemed to be no reason for doing so.  
Deceased had suffered a loss through his brother’s business shortly before his death.
She had not known of his death until the detective told her about it.  He had done so on the morning when deceased’s body was found.  She had seen the body and had had no suspicion of foul play.
Mina, a native servang girl living on the allotments was called next and said that on the morning of the 1st of this month, at about 6.30, she had been coming to work and had found the body of the deceased on the bank of the Komani River.  She had run away and reported her discovery to the police after which she had returned with them and then gone to her work.
Det.-Constable LABUSCHAGNE stated that on the morning of the 1st th last witness had made her report and he had accompanied her to a spot on the banks of the Komani River where the dead body of an adult male European was lying.  He had investigated, and the District Surgeon had also come on the scene and examined the body.  He (witness) had not known whose body it was, but the District Surgeon had identified it as that of Hudson Robert McCOMB.  There had been no signs of foul play.
The District Surgeon stated in his evidence that on the morning of the day in question he had been called to examine the dead body of Hudson Robert McCOMB, whom he had known in his lifetime and had thus been able to identify.  Later, at his house in Milner Street, he had examined the body, but had not held a post mortem as he did not consider it necessary.  In his opinion death had been due to exposure and there had been no signs of foul play about the body.  It had been very easy to see where deceased had come through the river and got wet, and the night in question had been bitterly cold.
No further evidence was taken and a verdict of “death due to exposure” was returned.

Thursday, August 8, 1929

DONEN-BUCHMAN.-  The engagement is announced of Mailey DONEN, of Uitenhage (late of Queenstown) to Hannah, daughter of Mr. J. And Mrs. L. BUCHMAN, of 5, Edward Street, Port Elizabeth.

Miss Daphne TAYLOR, whose engagement to Monsieur Francis HEYBERGER, a consulting aero-engineer of Paris, is announced, is one of South Africa’s best-known artists.  She is a Slade student, and an exhibition of her paintings held last year in Capetown was visited by His Excellency the Govenor-General, the Earl of Athlone, and Her Royal Highness Princess Alice.

Saturday, August 10, 1929

Jamestown Notes
Hearty congratulations to Miss FRYLINCK now at Ugie, who for some time was on the teacing staff, on the occasion of her approaching marriage in September next.

The wedding will take place quietly on Thursday, August 15th, at Benoni, of Mr. Jack CONDON, the well-known tennis player, the son of Mr. And Mrs. C.J. CONDON, of Benoni, to Miss Grace A TRIPP, the daughter of Mr. And Mrs. G.F. TRIFF, of Maquassi.

Tuesday, August 13, 1929

MORRIS.-  At the Duncan Vale Nursing Home, Queenstown, o nthe 12th inst., to Mr. And Mrs. J.G. MORRIS, a daughter.

Estate of the late Hannah Jane BELL.  No. 21425...
Elliott Brothers,
Attorneys for Executor Dative
Hexagon, Queenstown

The death has occurred of Sir Edward KEMP, Canadian member of the Imperial War Cabinet in 1918. –Reuter.

Wednesday, August 14, 1929

WESTERBERG.-  At Hopefield, Queenstown, - on the 13th inst., to Mr. And Mrs. Vincent WESTERBERG, a son, both well.

Notice to Creditors
In the Estate of the late Thomas WORMALD, of Queenstown.  No 23384...
Attorney for Executrix Testamentary

The death has occurred of the father of General DAWSON, at the age of 8.  He died suddenly in the saddle during a quiet country ride in Guilsborough, Northamptonshire.  He was found on the road with his horse patiently standing on guard. –Reuter.

We offer hearty congratulations to the Rev. Charles PETTMAN, who attains to-day the age of seventy-eight.  A memeber of the Town Council, he has served Queenstown faithfully for many years, and our readers will share with us the hope that he may long be spared to continue that service.

Friday, August 16, 1929

The death is announced from London of Sir Edwin Ray LANKESTER.
The sad news has just been received of the death at Claremont, Cape, of Mrs. P.M. RITCHIE, widow of the late Rev. J.P. RITCHIE, formerly of Queenstown.
The marriage of Flora, daughter of Mr. And Mrs. S. GOLDBERG, of Luthje’s Langham Hotel, Johannesburg and of the Hexagon Hotel, Queenstown, to Mr. Ben MOREL, elder son of Mr. And Mrs. S. MOREL, of Johannesurg, will take place on Sunday, August 18th, at the Wolmarnas Street Synagogue, at 12 o’clock.
Mr. Peter MURRAY, one of the oldest colonists of the Transkeian territories and who was among the first Europeans to settle at Port St. Johns, Pondoland, celebrated his 95th birthday on Monday.  Mrs. MURRAY is also alive, and is over 75.  Mr. MURRAY hailed originally from the Royal Navy, and held a commission on board H.M.S. “Hathusia.”
Mrs. Sam WEMMER, the first European woman to reach the Witwatersrand goldfields yesterday celebrated her eighty-first birthday.  Mrs. WEMMER, who is a stepdaughter of President PRETORIUS, has thirteen children, 43 grandchildren, and 28 greatgrandchildren.  In honour of the occassion Mrs. WEMMER was presented with a huge birthday cake by the Rand Pioneers Club. – Reuter.

Saturday, August 17, 1929

RITCHIE.-  Died at Claremont, Cape, on Friday, August 16th, 1929, Mrs. P.M. RITCHIE, widow of the late Rev. J.P. RITCHIE, formerly of Queenstown.

In Memoriam
KLETTE.-  In loving memory of our darling mother, who passed away on the 18th August, 1926.
(Inserted by her loving children, Annie and Sonny.)

The death has occurred of the Welsh Rugby International, Arthur JOHN, at the age of 24.  JOHN played against England, Scotland and Ireland last season. – Reuter.

Monday, August 19, 1929

JAKOBI.-  Born at Nurse LEVY’s Home, Queenstown, on teh 19th inst., to Mr. And Mrs. P.D. JAKOBI, a bonny son.

In Memoriam
DIXON.-  In loving memory of our dear mother, Elizabeth DIXON, who died at Queenstown on the 19th August, 1920.
(Inserted by her son-in-law and daughter Harry and Annie ROBERTS.)

The death has occurred of Lord LANESBOROUGH.
The death occurred at Cradock on Saturday morning of Mrs. W.F. FAULDS, a lifelong resident of Cradock and one deeply respected by all sections of the community.  She was the mother of South Africa’s first V.C. hero.

Local & General
We regret to record the death, at Bedford on Saturday, after a short illness, of Mrs. J. BROWN ELLIS, wife of the Rev. Canon J. BROWN ELLIS, Rector of Bedford.  Prior to his present appointment Canon ELLIS was for many years Rector at Kei Road, and before that at Sterkstroom, and he and his wife were a well-known and much liked couple throughout the Border.  The funeral took place this morning at Bedford.

Tuesday, August 20, 1929

In Memoriam
THOMPSON.-  In loving memory of my dear wife and our darling mother, Louisa THOMPSON, who passed away on the 20th August, 1922.

The engagement is announced of Miss Phyllis JOEL, of 295 Florida Road, Durban, to Dr. H. LEWIS, of Queenstown.
The death occurred in Johannesburg on Wednesday evening of Lt.-Colonel G. CRESWELL CLARK, C.M.G., V.D., O.B.E., formerly Assistant General Manager of the South African Railways under Sir W.W. HOY, K.C.B.  Colonel CLARK, who was 73 years old, leaves three children.
It is with deep regret (says the “Cape Mercury”) that we have to record the death of Mrs. BEAUCHAMP, sen., the sad event taking place at King William’s Town on Friday morning.  It will be remembered that she had a sudden seizure on the evening of August 6, and from this attack she never recovered consciousness.   The late Mrs. BEAUCHAMP started life in King William’s Town as a bride, having come out to this country to marry Mr. W.O. BEAUCHAMP (head of the firm of Messrs. BEAUCHAMP, BOOTH & Co.), who died in 1914, and was always a much esteemed figure in the social and public life of the town.

Tuesday, August 20, 1929

Sterkstroom Notes
The writer regrets to record the passing of a promising young lady, Miss Johanna WESSELS, in her 18th year, from heart failure.  She was the elder daughter of the late John WESSELS, who died in similar circumstances in Queenstown some years ago.  The deceased, with her other sister and brother, was bereaved of both parents and all three resided with their grandfather, Mr. Carl SCHOEMAN.
The death of Mrs. Dorothea T.  MacDONALD, wife of Mr. John Norton MacDONALD, keeper of the lock-up and doing duty at the Charge Office, came as a shock to many of her friends, to whom she had endeared herself.  Of a quiet and unassuming nature, her motherliness, kindness and sympathy won for her a host of friends who held her in high esteem, and her death from the effects of influenza at the age of 54 years is sadly deplored by her young family and friends in Queenstown and Aliwal North, where she and her husband were well-known...
To the above sad list must be added the name of Mr. Coet COETZER, the Location Superintendent, who in the faithful discharge of his duty at the Location and the health of its residents, fell a victim to the typhus outbreak that occurred there recently.  He was popular with all, whether riding a horse to victory as a fine jockey, or taking a hand in any of the social work of the town.  His remains, which were brought up from the Queenstown Hospital, were interred in the local cemetery...
Another well-known personality in the person of Mr. Louis Petrus VAN WYK, of the farm “Envy,” has also died after a short illness.  The deceased, who formerly farmed at Stormberg, removed to “Envy” some years ago where he successfully farmed.  Being a man of progressive ideas, he introduced modern methods of farming in which he was very successful, and had occupied his present farm twelve years.  He was interred on the farm and was given a Masonic funeral by the B.B. of the Freemason Lodge of Molteno...

Thursday, August 22, 1929

It is with the deepest regret that we record the death of Mr. A.C. DOUGLASS, this morning, after a long and painful illness which necessitated two operations, and the sympathy of everyone in Queenstown goes out to Mrs. DOUGLASS and her young daughter.
The late Mr. DOUGLASS was born in New Zealand, but came to South Africa and joined the staff of the Standard Bank of South Africa, Ltd., from which service he retired about eight years ago, after being manager of the Aliwal North branch.  He came to live in retirement in Queenstown some seven years ago, and at once became one of the town’s most popular and valued citizens.  He joined the Town Council in 1926, and rendered much valuable service to the town during the two years of his Councillorship.  A keen and enthusiastic worker in the Boy Scout movement, he was awarded the coveted Swastika shortly before his death, in recognition of the fine work he had done as secreatary of the local Boy Scout Association, a position he was compelled  to relinquish when his health began to fail.
The funeral took place this afternoon at 4 o’clock from the Church of St. Michael’s and All Angels, of which he was a sidesman.

Friday, August 23, 1929

DOUGLASS.-  Passed away at his residence in Frost Street, on the 22nd inst., Alfred Clifton DOUGLASS, age 65 years.

Estate of the late Archibald WHITSON and pre-deceased Spouse, Nancy Mary Bridget WHITSON (born ROBINSON), of Queenstown. No. 23457...
Secretary, Queenstown Loan, Trust & Agency Co., Ltd., Queenstown
Agent for Executor Testamentary

An interesting wedding which will take place at the  Cape next month is that of Miss Helen CHIAPPINI, the daughter of Mr. A.J. CHAIPPINI, M.L.A.,  and Mrs. CHAIPPINI, who will be married in her own home on September 7th to Mr. Cyril J. SEDGEWICK.

Saturday, August 24, 1929

MILES-McCANN.-  Married at Wesleyan Church, Hilton, onthe 22nd August, 1929, Lawrence Edgar MILES, of “Galla Water”, Whittlesea, to Molly, second daughter of Mr. And Mrs. W. McCANN, of “Comptonville,” Johannesburg.

In Memoriam
BOLD.-  In loving memory of Maria BOLD, who passed away on the 24th of August, 1926.

Tuesday, August 27, 1929

BOYCE.-  At 56, Prince Alfred Street, on the 26th inst., to Mr. And Mrs. A.K. BOYCE, a son.  Both well.

Colonel W.S. SHEPSTONE, only surviving son of the late Sir Theophilus SHEPSTONE, celebrated his 72nd birthday in Natal recently.

Wednesday, August 28, 1929

Local & General
The death is announced of the Rev. Ambrose John WILSON, former Director of the Royal Humane Society of Australasia.  In 1878 WILSON held the post of classical tutor at the Diocesan College, Rondebosch.  – Reuter.
Found Dead in Bed.
The Harrismith correspondent of “The Friend” wires:  Allan Duncan CROFT, a compositor, was found dead in his bed this (Monday) morning.  He came to Harrismith in April lasts from Maritzburg, and is said to have learned his trade in Kimberley.  Urgent inquiries are being made to trace his relations.

Local & General
An Aged Native.
There is at present in the Johannesburg Native Hospital a native who states that he is 117 years old.  He is Andrew PIETERSON.  He has been an inmate of the hospital since the beginning of the month and is suffering from brochitis.  He is progressing very well, however.  For a number of years he has lived in Fordsburg.  For his age he is looking remarkably well.  Andrew is a Maklati, which is some relations of the Xosa tribe.  He was born in Richmond, in the Cape Province, and fought for Piet Retief.  He can remember CETEWAYO and DINGAAN.  Andrew has never been married.

Thursday, August 29, 1929

FERREIRA.-  Passed peacefully away at Whittlesea, C.P., on 24th inst., John Pohl FERREIRA, age 67 years;  late of Cala.

The engagement is announced of Miss Jessie Thompson, of Alice, and Mr. Fritz HOPPE, of Beach Hotel, East London.

Local & General
The death is announced of Lieut.-Colonel Lancelot Seth WARD, A.D.C., to the Governor of Nyassaland.- Reuter.

A Shooting Accident
A shooting accident, with fatal resuilts, occurred at Newcastle during last week-end.  Two young men went shooting in the vicinity of the farm Drycut, at night, carrying lights attached to their heads.  Entering a plantation, they saw some birds roosting in a tree.  Although warned not to do so, one of the young men, Ted GREY, used the butt end of his shotgun to club one of the birds.  The shock of striking the tree discharged both barrels of the gun, the charge entering GRAY’s stomach, and inflicting frightful injuries, from which he succumbed shortly after being admitted to the Newcastle Hospital.

Monday, September 2, 1929

Killed by fall from Motor Cycle
Western Province scrum half.
Capetown, Saturday.
D.S. HILL, the Capetown University and Western Province scrum half, and one of the most promising young Rugby players in South Africa, died in the New Somerset Hospital this evening from a fractured scull received in a fall from his motor bicycle yesterday evening.  –Reuter.

Tuesday, September 3, 1929

Notice to Creditors
In the Estate of the late Robert Amos INNES, in Queenstown.  No. 23432...
Attorney for Executrix Testamentary

Wednesday, September 4, 1929

Mr. Lourens GELDENHUYS, who at the general election was declared elected for Johannesburg North by a majority of one vote, was a clean fighter throughout the long period since 1895 when he first entered public life as a member of the “Twede Volksraad.”  A  true Dutch South African, who was present at the secret sessions of both Volksraads before the outbreak of the Boer War, and whose English was very “rusty,” he made a determined stand against racialism.  He was a loveble man upon whom fortune had smiled.  Made rich through the discovery of gold on his father’s farm and intelligent land buying, Mr. GELDENHUYS joined in the Transvaal alluvial diamond fever in the hectic days of Lichtenburg rushes, and in one week he found £2,000 worth of diamonds on his claims.  The only false step Mr. GELDENHUYS took in land buying was when he refused to buy the stands put up for sale round the Johannesburg market square as he objected to paying the monthly licence fees carried by the stands.

The death is announced of Lord MERSEY, one-time member of the South African Committee of the House of Commons, and a member of the Royal Commission for the Revision of Martial Law Sentences in South Africa.- Reuter.

Thursday, September 5, 1929

EDKINS.-  Mia Mia, 5, Haig Avenue, to Mr. And Mrs. Hubert EDKINS, a daughter, 5th September.

Local & General
The death has occurred at the age of 80 of Peter Bond BURGOYNE, the pioneer of the Empire wine industry. – Reuter.

Friday, September 6, 1929

Estate of the late Jane STUART (born LESLIE).  No. 20670...
ELLIOTT Brothers,
Attorneys for Executor Dative.
Hexagon, Queenstown.

Notice to Creditors
In the Estate of the late John GREEN, who died at Queenstown, on the 18th day of June, 1899.  (Ref. No. 112/281)...
Clifford A. HUNT,
Attorney for Executor Dative above Estate,
Barkly East.

Monday, September 9, 1929

Dordrecht Notes
Hearty congratulations to Rev. And Mrs. VAN WYK on the birth of another daughter on the 31st August.

Tuesday, September 10, 1929

WARNEKE.-  At Joubert Street, Queenstown, on 9th September, 1929, to Mr. And Mrs. H.T. WARNEKE, a daughter.  Both well.

The death occurred yesterday of Mr. J.H. LATEGAN, a well-known and esteemed Cradock resident, at the age of 61 years.  He had taken a great interest in public affairs of the town, and was Treasurer of the Dutch Reformed Church for many years. – Reuter.

Wednesday, September 11, 1929

Silver Wedding
HAY-ADAMS.-  Married at East London, September 12th, 1904, by the Rev. Edward HEWITT, William Mackie Millar HAY, to Jane Gibb ADAMS.

Thursday, September 12, 1929

WATERMEYER-BROWN.-  The marriage will take place at the Dutch Reformed Church, Queenstown, on Saturday, the 14th instant, at 9.30 a.m., of Marie, the youngest daughter of Mr. And the late Mrs. J.N. BROWN, of 1, Berry Street, Queenstown, to Godfried Andreas WATERMEYER, of Louis Trichardt.

Molteno Notes
Golden Wedding.
During the week two Golden Weddings have been celebrated in the town, the parties being Mr. And Mrs. J.M. BARRY, and Mr. And Mrs. O. DU PLESSIS...

Local & General
109 Years old.
There passed away on Sunday morning the oldest resident of Kroonstad district and one of the oldest inhabitants of the Free State in the person of Maria DEMAS, a native woman aged 109, wires “The Friend’s” correspondent.  A large funeral was held on Monday afternoon ,various women’s associateions in the location attending.  The deceased was born during the time of slavery in South Africa and went through the Zulu wars with her husband who fought on the British side.  She leaves a large number of decendants.

Friday, September 13, 1929

Notice to Creditors
In the Estate of the late Anna Elizabeth GREEFF (born DREYER), who died at Potgieterskraal, District Queenstown, on 28th March, 1900.  No. 115/198...
Attorneys for the Executrix Dative.
Hexagon, Queenstown

Notice by Executors
In the Estate of the late Ellen DAVOREN (formerly SHARROCK, born WARDLE), and surviving spouse Joseph William DAVOREN, of Sterkstroom.  No. 21805...
Attorney for Executor Testamentary
PO Box 6,

The late Mr. Laurens GELDENHUYS, formerly M.L.A., for Johannesburg North, left estate valued at £48,789 to be divided between his widow and seven sons. – Reuter.
The engagement is announced of Miss Freda SEALS-WOOD, the elder daughter of Mr. And Mrs. W. SEALS-WOOD, Johannesburg, to Mr. H.J. VAN DER HEEVER, Pretoria, the private secretary to the Minister of Justice.

Local & General
The death occurred with painful suddenness on Wednesday night of Signo Camillo FIORE, Conductor of the Vaudette Orchestra, at East London, for many years, as a result of a stroke or seizure.  Deceased was a very popular and a first class musician.

Saturday, September 14, 1929

Notice to Creditors & Debtors
Estate of the late Helena Susan SAMUELS, born WARD, of Queenstown.  No. 23714...
Attorney for Executor Testamentary

The death is announced from New York of George Charles JENKS, author of “Diamond Dick”, “Nick Carter,” and other boys’ tales.
Reuter in London announces the death of Sir Robert LORIMER, the well-known architect, and designer of the Queenstown War Memorial.

Local & General
The death occurred in Pretoria on Thursday night of Colonel E.H.W. MULLER, Under-Secretary for Labour.- Reuter.

Monday, September 16, 1929

In Memoriam
WHITEHEAD.-  In loving memory of my dear husband, and our loving father, Gordon William WHITEHEAD, died 16th September, 1927.
(Inserted by his loving wife and three sons.)

Wednesday, September 18, 1929

The death is announced of Professor W.H. PERKIN, Waynflete, Professor of Chemistry since 1912, and a Fellow of Magdalen College, Oxford. – Reuter.
The well-known acress, Diana COOPER, who married a former member of the House of Commons, Mr. Alfred DUFF-COOPER, in 1919, has given birth to her first child, a son.
After an illness extending over six weeks, Mrs. Jessie Margaret WELSH, of Hospital Hill, King Williamstown, passed away in her 88th year  this morning at about 9 o’clock.  The late Mrs. WELSH was the mother of Mr. E.C. WELSH, Deputy-Mayor of Kind Williamstown, and ex-Resident Magistrate of Queenstown, Mr. W.T. WELSH (Chief Magistrate, Transkeian Native Territories), Mr. A.R. WELSH, of Bulawayo (a partner of the late Sir Charles COGHLAN), Mr. G. WELSH, of Fort Beaufort, and or Major Fred WELSH, of the S.A. Medical Corps.  She came of a distinguished South African family, being a sister of the Chief Justice of the Union, Sir William SOLOMON, and of the late Sir Richard SOLOMON.

Friday, September 20, 1929

ELLA-DUFFIELD.-  Married in St. Michael and All Angels’ Church, September 18th, 1929, by the Ven. Archdeacon ROWLEY, Grace, daughter of Mr. And Mrs. E. DUFFIELD, Queenstown, to Melton, son of Mr. And Mrs. H. ELLA, Toise River.

Her many friends in Whittlesea and Cathcart will learn with deep regret of the death of Mrs. Gertrude Christine EVA, relict of the late Mr. James J. EVA of Brakpan, which occurred on the 4th inst. At the Far East Rand Hospital.  Mrs. EVA, who was in her 76th year, had been seriously ill for several months, and during her sufferings with exemplary courage and patience.  Of a kindly disposition and sterling character, the late Mrs. EVA was much loved by a large circle of relatives and friends.  The funderal which took place from the Brakpan Wesleyan Church, was very largely attended...

Saturday, September 21, 1929

Married in St. Michael and All Angels’ Church, September 18th, 1929, by the Ven. Archdeacon ROWLEY,  Grace, daughter of Mr. And Mrs. E. DUFFIELD, Queenstown, to Melton, son of Mr. And Mrs. H. ELLA, Toise River.

DONNELL.-  Passed away peacefully at Grahamstown, on the 18th September, 1929, Robert Conn DONNELL, beloved husband of Jessie DONNELL.- Deeply regretted.

In the Estate of the late Lavinia Jane DUFFY (born DIXON), deceased of Queenstown. (Estate No. 23144.)...
John Gilby WIGGINS,
Attorney for the Executor Testamentary
The Arcade,
East London.

Monday, September 23, 1929

GRIEVE.-  To Dr. And Mrs. J. Peattie GRIEVE at Grey Villa, Queenstown, on 21st September, 1929, a daughter.

Tuesday, September 24, 1929

The death has occurred of Sir George FENWICK, one of the founders of the New Zealand Press Association, and Managing Director of the “Otago Daily Times and Witness” Newspapers Company, Limited.

Local & General
The many friends of the late Robert Conn DONNELL will regret to learn that he passed peacefully away in Grahamstown, last Wednesday morning.  “Bob” as he was familiarly called, was an Irishman of sterling worth, a son of the Rev. R.C. DONNELL, Presbyterian Minister of C. Tyrone, Ulster.  He came to this country some 35 years ago and joined the South African Police at Capetown, serving later as a Sergeant in East London, Graaff-Reinet and Queenstown, where he lived after being pensioned.  Like most of his nationality he was warm hearted and generous, with the happy knack of making hosts of friends wherever he went.  Perhaps, he was best known in the poultry world, he exhibited largely and took many prizes wherever his birds were shown.  He was a familiar figure on the Recreation Ground,  where he seldom missed a cricket or a Rugby match, and he was a very fine judge of both.  Bob was also a keen chess player, indeed he was playing but a short time before his seizure.  There was a large attendance at his funeral... The sympathy of all will go out to his bereaved widow and only child, Effie, also to his brother, Sam, now residing in East London.

Wednesday, September 25, 1929

EVERITT.-  To Mr. And Mrs. EVERITT, at the Public Gardens, on September 23rd, a daughter.

Thursday, September, 1929

CREWE.-  On September 25th, 1929, at Delville Nursing Home, East London, to the wife of Ranulphe Orpen CREWE, a son (stillborn).

Friday, September 27, 1929

Notice to Creditors
In the Estate of the late Johanna Maria WESSELS, a minor, of Sterkstroom.  No. 23418...
Attorney for Executor Dative.
P.O.Box 6,

Estate of the late George ARNOTT and Surviving Spouse Harriet ARNOTT.  No. 18750...
ELLIOTT Brothers,
Attorneys for Executors Testamentary

In the Estate of the late Eliza Johanna DIEDERICK (born KANNEMEYER) of “Thibet Park”, in the District of Queenstown.  No 18509...
Attorney for Executor Testamentary

Estate late Philippus Andreas HATTINGH, of Queenstown.  No. 21531...
Attorneys for the Executor Testamentary
Hexagon, Queenstown

Friday, September 27, 1929

The death is announced of the well-known composer and pianist.  Max DAREWSKI. – Reuter.
The death is announced of Lieut.-General Sir Herbert CHERMSIDE, who commanded the Third Division in South Africa during the Boer War.- Reuter.

Saturday, September 28, 1929

Molteno Notes
A Molteno Wedding
A very popular and fashionable wedding took place at the Dutch Reformed Church recently, the contracting parties being Dr. Francois HOFFMANN, and Ella, daughter of Mr. And Mrs. D.H. NEL, of Aliwal North....

Monday, September 30, 1929

In Memoriam
O’CONNOR.-  In loving memory of my beloved husband, and our father, James Michael O’CONNOR, who passed away 30th September, 1928.

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