The Daily Representative 1936 4 October - December
Thursday, October 1, 1936
In memoriam
WHALE.- In loving memory of our dear mother, Daisy Louise, who fell asleep on the 1st October, 1932. Ever remembered by Sonny, Betsy and children.
WHALE.- In loving memory of our dear mother, and grandmother, Daisy Louise, who passed away on 1st October, 1932. Ever remembered by her loving children and grandchildren, Emmie and Frank.
WHALE.- In lovin memory of my dear wife and our loving mother and sister, Daisy Louise, who passed away 1st October, 1932.
Fondly remembered by her husband, children and brother.
Monday, October 5, 1936
BAIN.- At St. Catherine's Nursing Home, Queenstown, on the 3rd October, 1936, to Iris, wife of "Tommy" BAIN, a daughter. Both well.
Wednesday, October 7, 1936
NAUDE-BUHR.- Mnr. en Mev. C.P. NAUDE van 16 Milnerstraat wens bekend te maak dat hulle twede jongste dogter Anna verloof is aan George, jongste seun van Mnr. en Mev. C. BUHR van Kaapstad.
Thursday, October 8, 1936
In memoriam
WYLDE.- In loving memory of Fred Ella WYLDE ("O'Baas"), who passed away on the 8th October, 1934.
Friday, October 9, 1936
BALLS.- At the Provincial Hospital, Port Elizabeth, on October 4th, 1936, to Bertha, wife of Gilbert BALLS, a son. Both well.
Monday, October 12, 1936
BALSHAW-REES.- Married at Wesley Church, Queenstown, on October 7th, by the Rev. C. CRABTREE, Arthur Hugh Stanley, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. BALSHAW, of Durban to Edith Sinkinson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T.J. REES, of Queenstown.
Wednesday, October 14, 1936
WEINSTEIN.- At St. Catherine's Nursing Home, Queenstown, on 9th October, to Dr. and Mrs. WEINSTEIN, a daughter. Both well.
Thursday, October 15, 1936
TREMBLING.- At St. Catherine's Nursing Home, Queenstown, on 14th October, to Mr. and Mrs. Cecil TREMBLING, a son. Both well.
Friday, October 23, 1936
To be married
MILES-BELL.- To be married in St. Michael and All Angels Church, on the 4th November, at 3 p.m., Frank Errington MILES, youngest son of Mrs. S. MILES, Jnr., and the late Mr. S. MILES, Jnr., of "Rietpoort," Tylden, to Irene Annie, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. BELL, of Queenstown. No reception. No crads.
MOODIE-LIEF.- The marriage took place at St. Columba's Presbyterian Church, Queenstown, by Rev. James POLLOCk, M.A., B.D., on Wednesday 21st October of Ethel Trelawney, only daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. LIEF, Capetown, to Alexander, only son of Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Coghill MOODIE, Queenstown, C.P.
Saturday, October 24, 1936
In memoriam
HADDAD.- In loving memory of my dear husband and our father, who passed away on the 24th October 1933.
Friday, October 30, 1936
MEYER-LANGENHOVEN.- The engagement is announced of Joseph Herman Christiaan MEYER, eldest son on Mr. and Mrs. Chris. MEYER, of Stutterheim, to Cornelia Maria LANGENHOVEN, daughter of Mr. and MRS. L. LANGENHOVEN, of George, Cape.
Tuesday, November 3, 1936
ADDLESON.- At St. Catherine's Nursing Home, on 1st November, 1936, to Annice, wife of Alex ADDLESON, a son.
Wednesday, November 4, 1936
SAAYMAN-BRUMMER.- The engagement is announced of Reginald Robert, SAAYMAN, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. E. SAAYMAN, of Tylden, to Gerty BRUMMER, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F.J. BRUMMER, of Queenstown.
Thursday, November 5, 1936
Following a prolonged illness, the death took place late yesterday afternoon at her residence, 3 Bowker Street, of Mrs. W.H. BREMNER, at the ripe age of 78 years and 10 months. Her death removes one of Queenstown's oldest residents.
Mrs. BREMNER came to Queenstown from Scotland in 1878, as a bride, and has lived in Queenstown ever since....
Friday, November 6, 1936
To be married
BLAKE-BRAND.- To be married at the Buffalo Street Baptist Church, East London, on Saturday, November 7th, 1936, John Cannings BLAKE, of Queenstown, to Lena Ellen BRAND, of East London.
Saturday, November 7, 1936
BREMNER.- Passed peacefully away on 4th November, 1936, Bessie Scott BREMNER, aged 78 years and 10 months.
Monday, November 9, 1936
PARKS.- At St. Catherine's Nursing Home, Queenstown, on November 6th, 1936, to Captain and Mrs. A.H. PARKS, a son.
Tuesday, November 10, 1936
RUSSELL.- Died at the Frontier Hospital, Queenstown, John Terence, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. William RUSSELL, Taungs. Age 15 years.
Wednesday, November 11, 1936
STOREY.- At Brakpan on 6th November, 1936, to Shirley, wife of Rev. C.K. STOREY, a daughter.
Friday, November 13, 1936
COOK-HUNTER.- On Thursday, November 12th, 1936, at Queenstown, L. Bradford COOK, of Johannesburg, to Margaret, only daughter of the late G.H. HUNTER, and Mrs. HUNTER, of Queenstown.
Tuesday, November 17, 1936
In memoriam
MANION.- In loving memory of our beloved son Marrieapan MANION, who died at Sterkstroom, on 17th November, 1935.
Saturday, November 21, 1936
CLARKE.- Passed away at "Conan," Harrismith, O.F.S., on the 17th November, 1936, William Wedderburn CLARKE, M.M., late Senior Supervisor of Customs at Tanga, East Africa, aged 40 years 11 months and 11 days, dearly beloved son of Mrs. T.H. MARSHALL, Queenstown, leaving a sorrowing wife and two small children to mourn his loss.
MORAN.- At 30, Grey Street, on 20th, November, 1936, to Mr. and Mrs. W. MORAN, a son. Both well.
Tuesday, November 24, 1936
VAN SCHALKWYK.- At St. Catherine's Nursing Home, on 23rd November, 1936, to Dolce, wife of Dr. J.M. van Schalkwyk, a daughter.
Death.- Died at Queenstown, on November 20th, Elizabeth Ellen, beloved wife of the late W.D. EVA. Aged 83 years.
Thursday, November 26, 1936
KEAN-JAMES.- The engagement is announced of Wilhelmina (May), daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F.L. KEAN, of Queenstown, to Basil, son of Mrs. and the late W.H. JAMES, of Port Elizabeth.
In memoriam
MUTCH.- In loving memory of my dear husband and our father, C.R. MUTCH, who died November 26th, 1922.
Friday, November 27, 1936
KEY.- Died at East London, on the 25th November, our dearly beloved brother, John Parker KEY.
Saturday, November 28, 1936
In memoriam
WOOD.- In memory of our daughter Mollie, who passed away November 29th, 1932.
WOOD.- In loving memory of our dear Mother (Molly) who passed away on the 29th November, 1932.
(Ever remembered by Harry and Ronnie)
Tuesday, December 1, 1936
SAAYMAN.- At 10, Griffiths Street, on 1st December, 1936, to Mr. and Mrs. H.M. SAAYMAN, a bonny son.
Monday, December 7, 1936
WHITSON.- Born at St. Catherine's Nursing Home, Queenstown, on 6th December, 1937, to Mr. and Mrs. Melville WHITSON, a son.
GREAVES.- On December 6th, to Margaret, wife of Alan GREAVES, a son.
STANLEY.- At Queenstown, on 5th December, 1936, to Mr. and Mrs. Sid STANLEY (nee Ella BUTLER), a daughter. Both well.
Thursday, December 10, 1936
STEYN-DU PLESSIS.- The marriage of Gert STEYN, of Johannesburg, to Olga DU PLESSIS, Bothaville, will take place at Kroonstad on Tuesday, December 15th, 1936. No cards. Congratulations: Selbourne.
Robert, younges son of Mr. and Mrs. W. LOWENBERG, of East London, will read a portion of the Law at the Queenstown Synagogue on Saturday, the 12th inst.
Saturday, December 12, 1936
ROUHANA.- To Mr. and Mrs. A. ROUHANA, on the 10th December, 1936, a bonny son.
SKILLICORN.- At St. Catherine's Nursing Home, on 11th December, 1936, to Barbara, wife of H.O. SKILLICORN, a daughter. Both well.
HAY.- Passed away peacefully at the Frontier Hospital, Queenstown, on December 9th, H.A. HAY, wife of the late C.G. HAY, Oxton Manor, Whittlesea, in her 69th year.
Monday, December 14, 1936
CHEZE-BROWN.- At St. Catherine's Nursing Home, on the 13th December, 1936, to Dr. and Mrs. T.E. CHEZE-BROWN, a son.
GORDON.- Died at St. Catherine's Nursing Home, Queenstown, on Thursday, 10th December, 1936, Moses Solomon, beloved husband of Mrs. Sarah GORDON, in his 76th year.
Tuesday, December 15, 1936
To be married
WARD-DUNCAN.- At St. Saviour's Church, East London, on Saturday, 19th December, at 10.30 a.m., Norman, eldest son of Mrs. E. WARD, Leeds, England, to Dorothy, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.T. DUNCAN, Mountain Glen, Queenstown. Deal's Hotel, East London.
Thursday, December 17, 1936
HARTLEY.- Passed peacefully away in Jersey, Channel Islands, Aggie (nee RUSSEL), wife of W. HARTLEY, late of Queenstown.
Saturday, December 19, 1936
WILLIAMS.- Passed away at 7, Hull Street, Kimberley, on 18th December, 1936, Bertha WILLIAMS, late of Whittlesea.
Tuesday, December 22, 1936
In memoriam
ANKE.- In loving memory of my dear wife and our dear mother who passed away on 22nd December ,1934.
Thursday, December 24, 1936
PHILLIPS.- Passed away at Sterkstroom on Sunday, 20th December, 1936, Mary Ann PHILLIPS, in her 91st year.
Tuesday, December 29, 1936
MACLEAR-BURCHELL.- On the 26th December, 1936, at St. John's Church, East London, by the Rev. J.M.B. GRIMES, Rector, Walter N. MACLEAR, Standard Bank, Bedford, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. H.T.L. MACLEAR, of Queenstown, to Margaret Southey BURCHELL, daughter of Mrs. M.S. Rawstorne, of Highlands, Bedford.
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