Eastern Province Herald 1862 - 1 - January to March
Friday 3 January 1862
BIRTH at Port Elizabeth on the 31st ult, the wife of R.D. BUCHANAN Esq. of a son.
Mr. DUNSTERVILLE, Surgeon, has removed to the house recently occupied by Miss BLEWITT, a few doors above his present residence on Chapel Hill.
Port Elizabeth
December 19th 1861
On Friday morning intelligence reached us that Mr. David WHELTLAND, a constable in charge of Kaffirs on Robben Island, had been found dead at Murray’s Bay on Thursday morning. The unfortunate man, it seems, had deliberately committed the sad act of self-destruction, by opening an artery at the back of the leg with a razor, and allowed himself to bleed to death. When discovered he was quite dead, and the razor was found by his side. Has there been an inquest on the body? Will the Government cause inquiry to be made into the circumstances of WELLAND’s death? Or will it allow it to pass silently? [WHESLAND] was an old man. Was he sober or drunk when the deed was done? Did he do it himself, or did someone inflict a wound on him, and so cause his death. – Monitor.
[Transcriber’s note: There are clearly three different spellings of the surname]
Tuesday 7 January 1862
BIRTH at Port Elizabeth on the 7th January 1862, Mrs. J.A. FLETCHER of a son.
DIED this morning at Port Elizabeth, Harriett SUGDEN, the beloved wife of T. SUGDEN. Relatives and friends are invited to attend the Funeral at 4 o’clock tomorrow.
J.H. WILLS, Undertaker.
Friday 10 January 1862
MARRIED on the 7th January 1862, at the Roman Catholic Church Port Elizabeth, by the very Reverend Thomas Murphy D.D.V.G., Mr. John FLEMING, formerly of Ballingarry, Limerick, Ireland, to Maria, second daughter of Mr. Bernard McCABE of this town.
Port Elizabeth, Jan 10 1862.
DIED at Uitenhage on the 7th January 1862, of hooping-cough, Caroline Frances, aged 9 months, the beloved child of F.L. LIESCHING.
DIED at Glen Avon, Somerset, on the 4th January 1862, Frederick William, beloved son of Mr. George BIRT, Port Elizabeth, aged 1 year, 8 months and 13 days.
An old man named HAYWARD was found dead a few days ago near the farm of Fieldcornet WILMOT, Bushman’s River. The poor fellow’s death is supposed to have been the result of exposure to the weather.
[Transcriber’s note: The deceased was almost certainly my 4xgt grandfather, James HAYWARD of JAMES’ Party. See his Death Notice]
On Monday, the 6th instant, Henry GREEN Esq., Resident Magistrate of Colesberg, was married in Christ Church, Colesberg, to Ida Carolina Johanna VON LILLINSTEIN, of Berlin, British Kaffraria. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. S. DE KOCK, Episcopal minister. Immediately after the marriage the happy couple left for Middelwater, the residence of P. VAN MALTITZ Esq. J.P.
It has been officially communicated to Mr. J. THACKWRAY, of Cradock, that he is the successful competitor, in the Eastern Province, for the Prince Alfred Ride. In conveying to Mr. THACKWRAY the congratulations of the Lieut-Governor administering the Government, the Secretary to Government, Mr. HUDSON, is instructed to add “that His Excellency is satisfied that the weapon thus obtained could not have fallen into better hands than one of our old tried frontier men: and His Excellency has no doubt that the Prince will hear with much pleasure of your success.”
Tuesday 14 January 1861
DIED at Port Elizabeth on Saturday 11th January 1862, Robert MACLEISH Esq, Head Master Grey Institute High School – aged 29 years.
DIED on the 12th Jan 1862, Mr. Richard EGAN, eldest son of Mr. John EGAN of Chelsea, Middlesex, aged 24 years and 10 months.
The funeral will take place this afternoon at 4 o’clock. Relatives and friends are most respectfully invited to attend.
Timothy LEE
January 14th 1862.
Friday 17 January 1862
Messrs. TUCKER, J.E. NELSON, W. CAWOOD, C, SCANLEN, J. THACKWRAY and Geo. FRANCIS have been elected Municipal Commissioners of Cradock.
A printer named COOPER, employed at the Cape Chronicle office, died on his way home to dinner the other day. Deceased was a hard-working, steady, intelligent man, and his death is regretted by all who knew him.
MURRAY, the wife of Mr. George of a son, on the 11th ult, at Alice Town, Victoria East.
BATE, the wife of Mr. F.O. of a daughter, on the 11th ult, at Graham’s Town.
ENGELS, the wife of Mr. A. of a daughter, on the 15th ult, at Pearston.
BURNS, the wife of Mr. E.J. of a son, on the 21st ult, at Graham’s Town.
USHER, the wife of Mr. Jas. of a son, on the 19th ult, at Graham’s Town.
GRAHAM, the wife of R. Esq. C.C., of a daughter, on the 23rd ult, at Graham’s Town.
WEBB, the wife of Mr. W. of a son, on the 26th ult, at Graham’s Town.
HONEY, the wife of Mr. G. of a daughter, on the 28th ult, at Aberdeen.
HALLIBURTON, the wife of Mr. G.R. of a daughter, on the 29th ult, at Port Elizabeth.
BUCHANAN, the wife of R.D. Esq. of a son, on the 31st ult, at Port Elizabeth.
MORGAN, the wife of J.R. of a son, on the 4th inst, at Graham’s Town.
LEONARD, the wife of Mr. F.P. of a son, on the 4th inst, at Yellow Trees, Fort Beaufort.
IRVING, the wife of Mr. E. of a son, on the 5th inst, at Port Alfred.
FLETCHER, the wife of Mr. J.A. of a son, on the 7th inst, at Port Elizabeth.
ANDREWS – At Fort Beaufort on the 17th ult, Mr. William ANDREWS jun, of Kroome, to Emma Louisa Frances, youngest daughter of the late Mr. Alfred POVEY, of Southampton, England.
CLOETE – At Thorn Kloof, on the 25th ult, John Evelyn Gordon CLOETE Esq. to Anna Maria, second daughter of W.M. BOWKER Esq. J.P.
EARLY – At Baviaans River, on the 5th ult, John EARLY to Emily, fifth daughter of Mr. B. TROLLIP, of Baviaans River.
FINAUGHTY – At King William’s Town, on the 6th instant, Mr. William FINAUGHTY to Miss Susannah THOMAS, of Graham’s Town.
FLEMING – At Port Elizabeth, on the 7th instant, M. John FLEMING to Maria, second daughter of Mr. Bernard McCABE.
ROBERTS – At Port Elizabeth, Capt. Smith Freeman ROBERTS to Miss Sarah BLAKER.
TAYLOR – At Grahams Town, on the 18th ult, William Hawkins to Amelia Jane, only daughter of the late Mr. W. TODD of this city.
BIRT – At Glen Avon, Somerset, on the 4th inst, Frederick William, son of Mr. George BIRT, Port Elizabeth, aged 1 year, 8 months and 13 days.
EAGAN – At Port Elizabeth on the 12th January, Mr. Richard EAGAN, aged 24 years and 10 months.
FLETCHER – At Uitenhage, on the 26th ult, James Martin, aged 6 months.
HARDING – On the 8th January, Emma HARDING, 6 years 1 month and 8 days.
INNGS – At Port Elizabeth, on the 26th ult, George Herbert INNGS, aged 10 months.
MACLEISH – At Port Elizabeth, on the 11th inst, Mr. Robert MACLEISH, Head Master Grey Institute School, aged 29 years.
ORTELE, Capt. J. of the Muravi, on the 17th int.
PUCKLE – At Port Elizabeth, on the 26th ult, Lucy Emma, daughter of Mr. William PUCKLE, aged 21 months.
SHEPPERSON – On the 3rd instant, Mary, aged 2 months and [6] days.
SPENCE – At Port Elizabeth, on the 30th ult, John Andrew, son of Mr. John SPENCE.
SUGDEN – At Port Elizabeth, on the 7th inst, Harriet, beloved wife of Mr. T. SUGDEN.
WILSON – On the 21st ult, John James, of Cradock, aged 3 years 8 months.
WEBSTER – On the 31st ult, near Graham’s Town, Elizabeth, aged 32 years and 6 months.
It is our painful duty to record the death of Mr. MACLEISH, head master of the Grey Institute Schools, which took place, quite unexpectedly, on the 11th inst. Mr. MACLEISH had been ill for more than a fortnight, but, about ten days ago, was recovering, and by the consent of his medical attendant was preparing to start for Uitenhage. Since then Dr. HOUSLEY had not seen him, until sent for on Saturday night; but it was too late – ere he arrived the deceased had expired. The funeral took place on Monday last, at which a large number of sympathizing friends were present. This sudden bereavement has come upon the community like a blow. The deceased was only 29 years of age. It is said that the bursting of a blood-vessel accelerated his untimely end. We offer our heartfelt sympathy to Mrs. MACLEISH, in this the hour of sore trial.
Friday 24 January 1862
MARRIED at Uitenhage on Tuesday the 21st inst, by the Rev, W. Sargeant, the Rev. William Robert LONSDEN, Wesleyan Minister of Fauresmith (Orange Free State) to Mary Ann, eldest daughter of Matthias HALL Esq. of Uitenhage.
BIRTH at Wheatlands on the 18th inst, Mrs. James PARKER of a son.
BIRTH – Mrs. Edward NATHAN of a daughter.
Graaff-Reinet, 17th Jan 1862.
DIED at Port Elizabeth on Tuesday the 21st instant, at 9am, Jane LANHAM, the beloved wife of Mr. Benjamin LANHAM, Port Elizabeth. Mr. LANHAM takes this opportunity of thanking the members of the Elizabethan benefit Society for their kind attendance.
January 24th 1862.
Tuesday 28 January 1862
BIRTH on Monday the 27th inst, at half past 2am, at Port Elizabeth, the wife of Wm. PUCKLE of a son.
MARRIED at Saint Bartholomew’s Church, Graham’s Town, on the 22nd inst, by the Venerable the Archdeacon Merriman, assisted by the Rev. Mr. Thomson, Owen Henry STRONG Esq., Lieutenant 2nd B.H.M. 10th Regiment of Foot, to Alicia Emily Catherine, only daughter of the late Rev. Dr. C.E.H. ORPEN.
An unfortunate and painful accident occurred the other day in Simon’s Bay. It appears that while Mrs. T.G. WHITE was busy superintending some culinary arrangements, her dress became ignited. The servants flew from her in terror, and though her father, Mr. William COGILL, did all in his power to extinguish the flames, he did not succeed until the poor creature was burnt to such an extent that she died shortly after of the injuries received.
Friday 31 January 1862
In consequence of Mrs. MACLEISH’s hurried departure from Port Elizabeth, she is precluded from personally thanking the numerous friends who have shown her so much kindness and attention during her recent bereavement, and she is therefore necessitated to avail herself, through this public medium of conveying to them her lasting obligation and thanks.
Mr. and Mrs. DE BRUYN, of Swellendam, heartily thank those Gentlemen and Ladies who have rendered so many acts of kindness to their daughter. Mrs. MACLEISH, in her late affliction.
Mr. and Mrs. DE BRUYN will ever, with gratitude, acknowledge their obligation to those friends.
Port Elizabeth
Friday 31st January 1862.
Tuesday 4 February 1862
[issue heavily lined in black for the death of Prince Albert]
BIRTH, on the 31st ultimo, Mrs. E.B. [HUGHES] of a daughter.
Friday 7 February 1862
DIED at Port Elizabeth on Tuesday last, Alfred James, aged 11 months and 23 days, youngest son of Captain MASON.
DIED suddenly of Croup, at Sunday’s River, Geelhoutboom, at the residence of Mr. Daniel HARTMAN, on the 17th January 1862, Johan Philip Malditz, aged 1 year, 7 months and 16 days.
And on the 27th, Elizabeth Dooson, aged 3 years, 11 months and 27 days, the only children of Christiaan Godfried and Elizabeth HARTMAN of Coega. Deeply regretted by their disconsolate parents.
Friends at a distance will please accept this sudden bereavement.
The Matilda Atheling, Capt. T. POWER, arrived here on Wednesday last. She left Southampton on the 24th November, and has consequently been seventy-four days on the passage. She had very unfavourable weather at starting, and encountered head winds nearly the whole voyage, while the north-east trades deserted her altogether. She brings in all 269 souls, and they speak in highest praise of the ship, the captain, and the surgeon-superintendent. We are informed that the immigrants are of rather a superior class, and that their conduct during the voyage was unexceptionable. Two infants died from teething; but the health of the passengers, generally, was very good.
Mr. LONGLANDS, after the vessel came to anchor, went on board to make his inspection, and gave permission for the permit immigrants to land. In the course of Thursday they were all landed and taken to the depot.
The following is a list of their names, with their trades and callings:-
ADAMS, William | 51 | carpenter; Mary, 50; |
going to John ADAMS, labourer, of Graham's Town. | ||
ADAMS, Peter | 25 | engineer; Jane, 24; |
going to John ADAMS, as above. | ||
ADAMS, Henry | 31 | "farming" and carpenter |
ABBOTT, James W. | 36 | carpenter and joiner; Mary Ann, 33; and 5 children |
going to Thomas YORK, carpenter and joiner, of Fort Beaufort. | ||
BUNCE, John | 30 | labourer; |
going to James BUNCE, cooper, of Graham's Town. | ||
BUNCE, Patrick | 27 | labourer, going as above. |
BANKS, George | 18 | grocer; |
going to George BANKS, schoolmaster, of Malang Kraal, near Bedford, Kaga. | ||
BLAKE, Mary | 23 | sempstress; |
going to Margaret QUINN, servant, of Port Elizabeth. | ||
BOWEN, John | 27 | sawyer; |
going to Bridget BOWEN, servant, of Port Elizabeth. | ||
BAKER, John | 38 | draper; Mary Ann 24; and 4 children |
going to Ambrose TOBY, of Port Elizabeth. | ||
BEER, Frederick | 15 | going as above |
BURKE, Winifred | 17 | servant; |
going to William HARRISON, servant, of Port Elizabeth. | ||
BLAKE, John | 24 | mason |
BIRNIE, Ann S. | 25 | house servant; |
going to James DYCE, carpenter, of Graham's Town. | ||
BINNIE, Alexander | 20 | smith and farrier |
BARROW, James | 28 | farm labourer; Mary, 14; and 2 children |
BUTCHER, John | 22 | farm labourer; Rebecca, 18 |
BRICK, Ann | 33 | cook |
CONNELL, Margaret | 21 | house servant; |
going to Matthew CONNELL, storeman, of Port Elizabeth. | ||
CONNELL, Thomas | 26 | farm labourer, going as above. |
CONNELLY, Dennis | 18 | clerk; |
going to Julia CONNELLY, servant, Port Elizabeth. | ||
COONEY, Dennis | 45 | farm labourer; Mary, 40; Michael, 21; Thomas, 20; and 2 children |
going to John COONEY, labourer, of Port Elizabeth. | ||
CONROY, Mary | 20 | house servant; |
going to Michael SLATTERY, servant, of Port Elizabeth. | ||
CARTER, William | 27 | labourer; Mary, 19 |
going to Alex. KENNEDY, storekeeper, of Port Elizabeth. | ||
CARROLL, John | 32 | tailor; Mary, 26; and child |
going to Ambrose TOBY, Port Elizabeth. | ||
CONWAY, Mary | 25 | house servant; |
going to Catherine REARDON, servant, Port Elizabeth. | ||
COOPER, Frederick | 35 | labourer; Caroline 32; Fanny, 13; and 4 children |
going to John SHEFFIELD, storeman, Graham's Town | ||
DONELLAN, James | 24 | labourer; |
going to Sabina DONELLAN, servant, Port Elizabeth. | ||
DOYLE, Thomas | 20 | James DOYLE, 14; general servants |
going to Michael DOYLE, groom, Port Elizabeth. | ||
DRONEY, Michael | 19 | farm servant; |
going to Martin McMAHON, servant, Port Elizabeth. | ||
DONELLAN, Honora | 24 | house servant; |
going to Martin McNAMARA, labourer, Port Elizabeth. | ||
DELANIE, Harriet | 22 | cook |
DORWARD, George | 18 | farm servant |
DORWARD, William | 21 | sawyer and farm servant |
DALE, Hannah | 27 | housemaid |
EDWARDS, Euphemia | 21 | house servant |
EDWARDS, Louisa | 30 | house servant |
FITZPATRICK, Mary | 20 | house servant; |
going to John FITZPATRICK, labourer, Port Elizabeth. | ||
FRAWLEY, Mary | 19 | servant; |
going to Catherine GALLEY, house servant, Port Elizabeth. | ||
FELL, William | 34 | carpenter and agriculturist; Mary, 30; and 2 children |
FRASER, Peter | 21 | farm servant |
FRAZER, Duncan | 35 | shepherd; Isabella, 32; and 3 children |
FULLER, John | 37 | farm servant |
GLEESON, Terence | 34 | farm labourer; |
going to Patrick GLEASON, Port Elizabeth. | ||
GRANGER, John | 30 | tailor; Margaret, 30; and three children |
going to William PYE, plasterer, Port Elizabeth. | ||
GRADY, Michael | 20 | house servant; |
going to Martin McMAHON, servant, Port Elizabeth. | ||
GLEESON, Jane | 27 | housemaid; |
going to Michael GLEESON, constable, Graham's Town. | ||
GUEST, Herbert | 33 | printer; Mary, 35; and 5 children |
going to Jos. W. WILLIAMS, printer, Graham's Town. | ||
GIBSON, Isabella | 22 | house servant |
GORDON, George | 20 | farm servant |
GROWER, James | 24 | farm servant |
HICKEY, Mary | 18 | house servant; |
going to Jane HICKEY, Port Elizabeth. | ||
HOGAN, Michael | 21 | farm servant; |
going to Martin McNAMARA, labourer, Port Elizabeth. | ||
HARPER, Henry W. | 23 | printer; Mary, 35; and 5 children |
going to the Hon. Robert GODLONTON. | ||
HERBERT, Ann | 17 | nursemaid; |
going to Martin McMAHON, servant, Port Elizabeth. | ||
HOWSE Jane | 19 | house servant |
HOGAN, John | 30 | labourer; Margaret, 25; and 2 children |
going to Martin McNAMARA, servant, Port Elizabeth. | ||
JORDAN, Mary | 42 | house servant; Margaret, 20, housemaid; Dennis, 18, labourer; |
going to Honora JORDAN, house servant, Port Elizabeth. | ||
JACKSON, Malcolm W. | 20 | tailor; |
going to Ambrose TOBY, Port Elizabeth. | ||
KEALY, Bridget | 22 | house servant; |
going to Margaret KEALY, house servant, Port Elizabeth. | ||
KENEALLY, Philip | 21 | farm labourer; |
going to Patrick WALSH, constable, Graham's Town. | ||
KEARNS, Gerard | 38 | bootmaker; Elizabeth, 27; and child |
going to Terence CHILTON, Port Elizabeth. | ||
KEANE John | 24 | mason's assistant; Ellen, 19, dairymaid; |
going to Alexander SULLIVAN, labourer, Graham's Town. | ||
KEAHAN, John | 22 | servant; |
going to William HARRISON, servant, Port Elizabeth. | ||
KIFF, Margaret | 19 | servant, going as above. |
KEALY, Patrick | 25 | farm labourer, going as above. |
KENT, Frank | 23 | blacksmith |
LYONS, James | 18 | servant; |
going to Daniel LYONS, servant, Port Elizabeth. | ||
LUCETTE, Bradstow | 22 | stonemason |
McGRATH, John | 23 | farm labourer; Patrick, 15. farm labourer; |
going to James McGRATH, labourer, Port Elizabeth. | ||
MOLONEY, Mary | 22 | house servant; |
going to Bridget MOLONEY, house servant, Port Elizabeth. | ||
McCARTHY, Bridget | 23 | house servant; |
going to Honora McCARTHY, servant, Port Elizabeth. | ||
MINOGUE, William | 20 | labourer; |
going to Ann DONOGHUE, Port Elizabeth. | ||
MURRAY, James | 40 | farm labourer; Mary, 37; John, 17, farm labourer; |
Eliza, 15; Thomas, 13; and 4 children | ||
going to Margaret and Mary Ann MURRAY, house servants, Port Elizabeth. | ||
MULLINS, John | 34 | farm servant; |
going to Matthew MULLINS, carter, Port Elizabeth. | ||
MURPHY, Cornelius | 19 | farm servant; Margaret, 26, house servant; |
going to James MURPHY, labourer, Port Elizabeth | ||
MILNE, James | 19 | farm servant |
MAITLAND, James | 24 | mason |
McDONALD, John | 24 | millwright; Elizabeth, 28 |
MILLS, James | 20 | mason |
MENNIE, Mary | 23 | house servant |
McDONALD, William | 28 | ploughman; Mary Ann, 30; and 2 children |
MUSTARD, John | 26 | cabinet maker |
MACK, Patrick | 20 | labourer; |
going to Rose CONNORS, servant, Port Elizabeth. | ||
McNAMARA, Ann | 20 | house servant; |
going to James BUNCE, cooper, Graham's Town. | ||
MARSH, James | 43 | carpenter and joiner; Mary Ann, 42; Emma, 18, milliner and dressmaker; |
and 4 children | ||
MORGAN, Mary | 40 | servant; |
going with Mrs. PRAED | ||
MILES, Sophia | 17 | house servant |
NAPIER, Andrew | 20 | farm servant |
NAPIER, David | 18 | farm servant |
O'DEA, Bridget | 19 | house servant; |
going to Edward O'DEA, sawyer, Port Elizabeth. | ||
O'BRIEN, Patrick | 39 | farm labourer; Catherine, 37; Mary, 16; |
Cornelius, 14; Thomas, 12; and 3 children | ||
going to Stephen O'CONNOR, labourer, Port Elizabeth. | ||
ORD, William | 23 | farm servant |
PRAED, James | 44 | carpenter and upholsterer; Amelia, 42; |
Amelia J.C., 22, upholsterer; Mehala E., 16, William R., 15; | ||
Peter P.C., 13 and 2 children | ||
PHILLIPS, John | tailor; Phoebe, 42; and 4 children | |
going to Ambrose TOBY, Port Elizabeth. | ||
PETTENDRIGH, Alexander | 44 | sawyer and ploughman; Leticia, 41, house servant; |
Mary, 17; Alexander, 12; and 3 children | ||
PILLAWS, James | 24 | joiner; Janet, 31; and three children |
PEACHY, John W. | 20 | farm labourer |
PEACHY, Richard | 22 | farm labourer |
PIPER, Mercy | 19 | house servant |
QUICK, Juliana | 21 | housemaid |
QUICK, Caroline | 16 | housemaid |
REORDAN, John | 20 | labourer; |
going to Catherine REORDAN, house servant, Port Elizabeth. | ||
RANDELL, Arthur J. | 29 | coach painter; Mary Ann, 23; and child |
going to Edward HANCOCK, Graham's Town. | ||
REW, John | 23 | mason |
SHERIDAN, Michael | 46 | labourer; Mary, 40; Patrick, 24, carpenter; |
William, 16, labourer; Mary, 13; and 1 child | ||
going to Maurice SHERIDAN, Graham's Town. | ||
SHERIDAN, Margaret | 22 | house servant; |
going to Martin McNAMARA, carter, Port Elizabeth. | ||
SHERIDAN, Patrick | 21 | farm labourer; |
going to John FITZPATRICK, labourer, Port Elizabeth. | ||
SLATTERY, John | 31 | farm labourer; |
going to Michael SLATTERY, servant, Port Elizabeth. | ||
STAGEMAN, Samuel | 24 | sawyer |
SUTTON, John | 24 | baker |
SOUTHCOTT, James | 42 | tailor; Jane Elizabeth, 27; and 3 children |
going to Ambrose TOBY, Port Elizabeth. | ||
STOLLE, Frederick W. | 28 | pork butcher and farmer; Henrietta F.C., 26; and infant |
going to H. KROMM, baker, Port Elizabeth. | ||
KROMM, Charles P. | 13 | going with the above. |
SECCULL, James | 21 | carpenter and joiner |
STAPLETON, Mary | 25 | house servant; |
going to Bridget STAPLETON, servant, Port Elizabeth. | ||
SECCULL, William | 24 | bricklayer |
SKENE, Ann | 30 | housemaid |
SOUTER, David | 23 | blacksmith |
SCOTT, David | 22 | ploughman |
STEWART, James | 28 | carpenter |
STORMONT, James | 22 | shepherd |
SPARROW, Frederick | 23 | farm labourer; Emma, 17 |
THOMAS, Sarah | 19 | |
TAYLOR, George | 50 | painter &c; Elizabeth, 49; Joseph, 16, painter; |
Ellen, 14; and 2 children | ||
THURBAN, Emily | 24 | needlewoman; |
going to George JORDAN, Grahams Town. | ||
TOMES, Frederick | 22 | mason |
WILLS, Townsend | 19 | farm servant; |
going to William GILL, striker, Port Elizabeth. | ||
WELLS, Edward R. | 27 | tailor; Mary, 26; and 4 children |
going to Henry Hunt WELLS, bootmaker, Port Elizabeth. | ||
WHYTE, James | 21 | shepherd |
WOOLLARD, John | 19 | farm labourer |
WEBB, Samuel J.T. | 17 | cloth manufacturer and printer |
WRIGHT, William | 23 | carpenter and joiner |
Tuesday 11 February 1862
DIED at Port Elizabeth on the 4th February 1862, Edward MINTO, aged 48 years. Deeply regretted by relatives and friends.
It was stated in Cape Town, says a contemporary, on Saturday week, that a Mrs. DE VILLIERS, who had died at the Paarl, had been ordered by the medical attendant to be buried forthwith, as she died of a disease which appeared novel. What was it?
Mr. William PIENAAR, of Murraysberg, has met with a severe accident, while travelling in his cart, which was upset. He was severely wounded in the head, and Mrs. PIENAAR, who was with him at the time, besides other injuries, sustained a dislocation of the shoulder.
Tuesday 18 February 1862
DIED at Port Elizabeth on the 15th inst, Amy Lizzie, infant daughter of Joseph and Elizabeth TIBBETS.
We regret to have to report the death of S. HAW Esq. of Graham’s Town. He had attained the advanced age of 80 years.
Friday 21 February 1862
BIRTH on the 15th February, Mrs. N. ADLER of a son.
DIED at Colesberg on the 12th inst, Mr. Henry DU TOIT, aged 36 years, after a lingering illness of several months. His end was peace – the peace of soul which relies on the strength of the Redeemer. He leaves a widow and six children to mourn their loss.
Tuesday 25 February 1862
BIRTH on the 20th inst, Mrs. C. HALSTED of a daughter, Port Elizabeth.
BIRTH 24th February 1862, Mrs. Gustave CHABAUD of a daughter.
DIED at Graaff-Reinet on the 2nd February, Henriette, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward NATHAN, aged 6 days.
[sic – see birth notice in the issue of 24th January. Death notice should probably read 16 days]
Friday 28 February 1862
BIRTH at Burghersdorp on Saturday the 22nd instant, Mrs. Otto PETERS of a daughter.
DIED at Port Elizabeth on Monday the 24th February 1862, Mr. Samuel SHAW of Keighley, West Riding of Yorkshire, aged 40 years. The deceased has left a wife and three sons to lament his premature decease. He was for a long time a resident [last line cut off]
We regret to say that we have received intelligence of the death of the Rev. Horatio PEARSE, late General Superintendent of Wesleyan Missions in Natal. This much respected minister, well known in the colony, died on the 17th February, at the Mission House, Durban, in consequence of injuries received by a fall from a cart when proceeding to Durban, on his way to England,
A correspondent writing from East London to the K.W.T. Gazette gives the following particulars of a sad accident that has recently occurred:- “A most melancholy accident occurred here recently to a Sergeant WEBB of the 13th Regt. The poor fellow had gone a considerable distance into the bush in pursuit of game. Having brought down a buck with a shot from one barrel of his piece, he placed his forefinger in the muzzle of the loaded barrel and trailed the gun behind him. Whilst stooping in the underwood in this way, the gun went off, severing the finger from the hand and carrying away the entire calf of one leg as cleanly as if it had been done by a shell. The unfortunate man bandaged his leg as well as he could. But it was only then his real sufferings began. There was no assistance at hand, and he was several miles from the nearest habitation. He was a man of delicate constitution, and at intervals he fainted as he crawled on his hands and knees, the blood gushing from his wounds and oozing from his lacerated joints. On his weary, painful journey he had to wade the First Creek. In doing this, he took the precaution to empty his flask of the powder it contained and fill it with water. This formed his only meal on Monday night – the whole of which he spent in agony in the bush. He was discovered the next morning by a gang of convicts who had been working in the bush and were attracted by his feeble cries for aid. The poor fellow lingered for some time, but at last succumbed to the intense pain.
We hear this morning that a man named BROOMFIELD, residing near the Kareiga, hung himself last Tuesday. He was found on Wednesday morning suspended to a tree by his belt.
Friday 7 March 1862
MARRIED at Port Elizabeth on the 5th instant, by the Rev. Mr. Richards, Thomas HOLMES Esq. of Nooitgedacht, Orange Free State, to Margaret Thomson, youngest daughter of John TENNANT, late of Bradford works, Aberdeen.
The Undersigned has much pleasure in informing the inhabitants of Uitenhage and its vicinity that he has taken over the Bottle-store Business lately carried on by Matthew MORAN, and trusts that by selling a good article at a low price, he will meet with their liberal support.
Always on hand, a good supply of Wines, Spirits and Malt Liquors.
NB The Drapery and Grocery Business, which is noted for its well-assorted Stock, will still be carried on in Market-street.
Mr. George COLDREY died suddenly at Cradock on the evening of Sunday, the 23rd inst.
Tuesday 11 March 1862
DIED at Port Elizabeth on Sunday evening, the 2nd March, Elizabeth DICKSON, the beloved wife of William DICKSON, aged 24 years and 6 months.
ENQUIRY for David STAPLETON, supposed to have emigrated a year ago to Port Elizabeth. If this meets his eye, his Brother Alec (Melbourne, Australia) wishes him to follow by the earliest vessel. Wages being great, and great demand for servants.
Melbourne, December 6th 1862 [sic]
Tuesday 18 March 1862
DIED of consumption at the Halfway House, on Saturday the 15th instant, George JAMES aged 29 years, leaving a wife and [..] children to deplore their loss.
CLAIRMONTE, the wife of Mr. A.J., of a son, on the 11th ult.
SMIT, the wife of Mr. Martin, of a daughter, on the 18th ultimo, at Belle Vue Cottage, Settlers’ Hill, Grahamstown.
STEGMAN, the wife of the Rev. G.W., of a son, on the 1st ult.
ADLER, the wife of N Esq., of a son, on the 15th ult.
CHABAUD, the wife of Mr. Gustave, of a daughter, on the 24th Feb, at Port Elizabeth.
HOLSTEAD, the wife of Mr. C., of a daughter, on the 20th ultimo, at Port Elizabeth.
PETERS, the wife of Mr. Otto, of a son, on the 22nd ultimo, at Burghersdorp.
GREENSTOCK, the wife of the Rev, W., of a son, at Bishopsbourne, on the 8th ult.
PACKH, the wife of D.A.C.G., of a son, on the 4th instant, at Grahamstown.
BLAINE, Mrs. D.P., of a daughter, on the 17th instant.
GORING, Mr. H.G., to Maria Theresa WELSBECKER, on the 14th ultimo, at Grahamstown.
LONGDEN, Rev. W.R., to Miss A. HALL, on the 21st ultimo, at Uitenhage.
ARMSTRONG, Colonel John C.M.R., to Ellen Constance D’ARCEY, eldest daughter of Major D’ARCEY, on the 27th ultimo, at King William’s Town.
HOLMES, Thos. Esq., to Miss Margaret Thomson TENNANT, at Port Elizabeth, on the 5th instant.
BRADFIELD, Walter John, to Miss Mary CLIFFORD, at Queen’s Town, on the 22nd ult.
FRANK, Mr. L.C., to Miss Louisa Emma FLETCHER, on the 5th inst, at Grahamstown.
CHALMERS, W. Buchanan Esq., to Miss Clara Sophia RAWSTORNE, at Fort Beaufort, on the 6th instant.
TIBBETS, Annie Lizzie, infant daughter of Joseph and Elizabeth S. TIBBETS, on the 15th ult, at Port Elizabeth.
HAW, Mr. S., aged 80 years, on the 10th ultimo, at Grahamstown.
MASON, Alfred James, aged 11 months, on the 4th ultimo, youngest son of Captain MASON of the Commercial Hotel, Port Elizabeth.
DREDGE, J. Christopher, infant son of William and Martha, at King William’s Town, on the 9th February.
BIRT, Samuel (one of the old settlers), aged 71 years, on the 16th ultimo, at King William’s Town.
DU TOIT, Mr. Henry, aged 36 years, n the 12th ultimo, at Colesberg.
NATHAN, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edw., on the 2nd ultimo, at Graaff-Reinet.
SHAW, Mr. Samuel, aged 40 years, on the 24th ultimo, at Port Elizabeth. Deceased was a native of Keighley, West Riding of Yorkshire.
STAPLES, Charles Wesley, aged 30 years, on the 1st instant, at Queen’s Town.
DICKSON, Elizabeth, the wife of Mr. William, on the 2nd ultimo, at Port Elizabeth.
[sic – death notice above gives death date as 2 March]
KING, Charles, at Grahamstown, on the 7th instant, aged 23 years.
JAMES, George, aged 29 years, on the 15th inst, at the Halfway House on the Uitenhage Road.
Tuesday 25 March 1862
WE are informed that the Rev, Mr. DAVISON, of Brechin, Scotland, the new minister of the United Presbyterian and Independent Church at Adelaide, in the Eastern Province, arrived in the “Norman”, and that he preached an eloquent and impressive sermon in the Congregational Church, Caledon-street, Cape Town on Sunday week.
Friday 28 March 1862
DIED at Victoria West on the 19th inst, Susanna Elizabeth, the beloved daughter of Henry and A.A. WILLIAMS, aged 8 years, [..] months and nineteen days, Requiescat in pace.
DIED at his residence, North-end, on the [--th] March 1862, Mr. Thos. JEFFREYS […] aged [..] years.
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