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Eastern Province Herald (later The Herald)

Eastern Province Herald 1857 - 1 - January to March

Tuesday 6 January 1857

The Copartnership of the Firm of Messrs. HEUGH & FLEMING having expired on the 31st December last, the Business hitherto carried on by them will be continued by the undersigned.
William FLEMING & Co
Port Elizabethan 2 1857

The undersigned begs to inform his friends and the public that he has removed his Wool-washing Business from Baaken’s Street to the well known Fresh Water Springs in Rufane Vale, where he is prepared to Wash and Press Wool at the lowest current rates.
Port Elizabeth Jan 2 1857

The undersigned gives notice that from this day they will carry on the Wool-washing and Pressing Business at the premises hitherto occupied by W.H. COLEMAN.
Port Elizabeth
1st January 1857

On Thursday last this splendid vessel, formerly the ‘Star of Empire’, was named anew, after the lady of our excellent Governor - J.E. BLACK Esq, of the respected firm of THOMPSON, BLACK & Co, having performed the baptizing ceremony by breaking over the vessel a bottle of wine and announcing at the same time the name, the ‘Lady Grey’ – when the loud cheers which followed, and which during the stillness of the day rolled across the Bay, shewed that the visitors entered into the spirit of the occasion. We regret that personally we could not be present, but the testimony of one and all is that the ‘Lady Grey’ may fitly be regarded ‘the pride of Port Elizabeth’, where she is owned, and that the superb manner in which she is now fitted up reflects great credit on her spirited owners.
After the naming of the vessel, the company, we understand, sat down to a sumptuous tiffin, when the following toasts were given, to wit: Her Majesty the Queen - ‘Lady GREY, after whom the vessel was named, and His Excellency Sir George GREY – the Captain of the Lady Grey’ – prosperity of the Colony – prosperity of Port Elizabeth – Wm. FIELD Esq. and the local Customs department – with numerous other suitable toasts for the occasion.
By an advertisement in today’s Herald it will be seen that the ‘Lady Grey’ is laid on for London, and as a passenger ship she certainly offers a splendid opportunity for parties desirous of proceeding to England. Her accommodation is spacious, and equal to that of the best East Indian vessels. It is said, too, that in addition to a large quantity of guano taken as dead weight she will carry some 1500 bales of wool. Such vessel we wish all prosperity.

The A1 Clipper Ship Lady Grey having now taken in the whole of her dead-weight is prepared to receive wool at the current rates. As considerable portion of the Cargo is engaged, the vessel will meet with dispatch. For Freight or Passage, having splendid accommodation for passengers, apply to
T.W. GUBB, Agent
Jan 5 1857

Tuesday 13 January 1857

The Infant School opposite Mr. HUGHES’s Residence on Constitution Hill under the management of Miss BARKER, will be re-opened on Monday the 19th instant, when Parents and Guardians are requested to enter children who may be intended to join it for the current year

These celebrated Nursing Bottles, the most perfect Artificial Mother ever invented, enabling the most delicate Infant to feed from its birth with the greatest comfort and ease, surpass anything of the kind introduced into the Colony.
Sold by John LESLIE
Pharmaceutical Chemist

The Subscriber has added to his Establishment the Manufactory of the above Beverages. Th purity of Rain-water over all others, and especially over the Well-waters of this Town, which are known to contain large quantities of Mineral and Organic Matter, has induced the advertiser to erect a Large Tank for Rain, which will be the only Water used in his Manufactory. He has also connected a Fountain with the Soda Water Machine, which will be supplied with the freshest and best Soda Water and other Effervescent Beverages, of a strength greater than it would be safe to put into glass bottles.
Chemist & Druggist

Tuesday 20 January 1857

In the Insolvent Estate of J. COSGROVE
The Undersigned will cause to be sold to the highest bidder on Saturday the 21st February 1857, at Uitenhage, in front of the office of the Auctioneers, certain Piece of Land, purchased by the Insolvent from the late C.D. SNAYMAN, being a portion of the farm ‘Klaar Fontein’, District of Uitenhage, in extent 180 Morgen and 40 Square Roods.
Terms 6, 12 and 18 months.
Sale to take place at Twelve o’clock
Sole Trustee
Port Elizabeth, 20th Jan 1857
E.J. SMITH & Co, Auctioneers

Notice is hereby given that the Business hitherto carried on under the style or firm of BAIN & EARLE, Soda Water &c Manufacturers, has been this day dissolved by mutual consent. All persons indebted to the said Firm are requested to pay the amounts due to the first undersigned, who will carry on the Business as heretofore.
Samuel BAIN
John Lidbitter EARLE
Port Elizabeth, 20th Jan 1857

Tuesday 27 January 1857

BAPTIZED by the Rev. Mr. Fowle in St.Mary’s Church, Port Elizabeth, a son of Mr. G. CHABAUD. Baptized Ernest Berthold.

On the 14th instant, having in his possession Five Hundred Pounds!!
A German. When last seen he was dressed in a dark green coat and check trowsers, drab Jim Crow hat and blue vell, Wellington boots. He speaks English very indifferently, height about 5 feet 7 inches, dark hair, swarthy complexion, no wisker [sic] but moustache.
A Reward of 25 Pounds!
Will be given to anyone giving such information as may lead to his apprehension: and a further reward of £25 for the recovery of the money, or in proportion for any [portion] thereof.
Magistrate’s Office, Port Elizabeth.

Some young mechanics of this town during the late Christmas holidays went down to spend a few days at the seaside near the Kasouga mouth, and while walking by the side of that river one of them, Mr. J.G. HEAVYSIDE, son of the Chaplain of Grahamstown, fell in with a large puff-adder lying asleep with five young ones beside her. Thinking he should be able to hold it till his companions came up and killed the young ones, he rashly seized it by the neck; but it puffed itself out so short and thick, and its muscular strength was so great, that it forced itself from his grasp and escaped over his shoulder, biting him in the cheek as it passed, near the right ear. He immediately joined his companions and one of them, of the name of LEWIS, sucked the poison from the wound. The next day the face was considerably swollen, the right eye closed, and the right cheek turned green; but no further inconvenience was felt, and in a day or two the swelling disappeared, and the affected parts resumed their natural colour.
As venomous snakes abound at present, and many accidents occur from their bites, everyone should be aware that the first, best remedy in such an emergency is to suck the poison from the wound, and that the person who does this runs no risk whatever, even though he should swallow the poison. After the process of suction has been well performed, “Croft’s Tincture”, or any other approved application, may be used, as if it does no good it will do no harm.
Anglo-African, Jan 22.

Tuesday 3 February 1857

We have been informed that Captain HILL, the much-respected Magistrate of this Town, has been promoted, and is about soon to leave this town for Cape Town. While we congratulate Captain HILL upon his new appointment, we cannot but feel that our town will suffer a great loss in his removal.
We trust that the important office Captain HILL has held in this town – the duties of which have been so efficiently performed by him – will be given to one well qualified to fulfil the functions of a Magistrate.
We feel assured that Captain HILL will leave this town accompanied by the good wishes of all sections of the community.

We regret to have to report the loss of the whaling bark ‘Henry H. Crapo’, 200 tons register, of Dartmouth, Massachusetts, Archelaus BAKER junr. commander. She had been out whaling for thirty-one months and seven days and was homeward bound, laden with 900 barrels of sperm oil, when she was caught in a squall and foundered off the north-east coast of our colony, in lat. 32 30 S, long. 32 E. The officers and crew on board numbered 22 in all: but of these only two are saved – Capt. BAKER and one of the crew named POLLA, a coloured man. The rest, it is feared, have met with a watery grave.

Tuesday 10 February 1857

BIRTH on the 6th instant, Mrs. S. du T. MELVILL of a son.
Port Elizabeth, Feb 10 1857

To John Montgomery HILL Esq, Colonel of the Port Elizabeth Rifle Corps, from the officers and members.
We the officers and members of the Port Elizabeth Rifle Corps cannot permit you to take your departure from us without giving some expression to the feelings which we, one and all, entertain towards you as the Commanding Officer of our Corps.
Through the zeal and activity displayed by you in conjunction with one or two others, we may say, is the existence of the Corps [alone] attributable, and although the many little difficulties which have had to be surmounted have retarded its progress, and kept it still in its infancy, nothing in our opinion has tended more to its present acknowledged strength and efficiency than the courteous and gentlemanly demeanour invariably observed by you to us its members whenever we have had the pleasure of appearing before you.
We cannot but feel deeply sensible of the severe loss the Corps is about to sustain in your sudden and unexpected removal from us; but these feelings of regret are set […] by the gratification it affords us to know that the new position to which you are called is the reward of well deserved merit.
In bidding you an earnest farewell we would beg of you to accept our best and heartfelt wishes for your future wellbeing and prosperity, wherever your steps may be directed. Assuring you that we shall ever cherish with feelings of profound respect the name of John Montgomery HILL Esq, the first Colonel of our Corps.
We remain dear Sir,
Yours ever truly,

Tuesday 17 February 1857

General Agent and Auctioneer
Debts Collected; Cases Conducted in the Magistrate’s Court; Wills Drawn Up; Transfers Effected; Loans Obtained &c &c
NOTICE is hereby given that Willem Adriaan WENTZEL has this day been duly admitted to practice in the Magistrate’s Court as an Enrolled Agent in terms of Section No.36 of Act No.20 of 1856.
J. O’REILLY, Res. Magistrate
Middelburg, 7th Feb 1857

It is currently reported today (Monday) that the office of Resident Magistrate and Civil Commissioner here has been bestowed upon the Clerk of the Peace of Graham’s Town. This mark of respect for the abilities and merit of Mr. CAMPBELL is, undoubtedly deserved by that able functionary, but we repeat that we shall be exceedingly [line obscured in fold in paper].. reform into our civil system. The Magistrate of Port Elizabeth, or by whatever title he may henceforth be known, should be exclusively Magistrate, at a salary of at least £700 per annum, and the judicial powers to be exercised by him should equal those of a district Recorder. To fill such office we believe Mr. John CAMPBELL eminently qualified, and shall rejoice to see him appointed to it, only let us have an end of the old system of things here. At the great seaport of the province a Magistrate with very extended judicial powers is required. Surely the people here will not neglect to put their sentiments on record on this subject. We urge them to do so.

A most palatable and certain remedy for Constipation of the Bowels, Nervous or Sick Headache and all Diseases induced by a state of habitual Costiveness
Sold by John LESLIE
Chemist and Druggist
Port Elizabeth

The marriage of Mr. Timothy LEONARD, of Grahamstown notoriety – the young man who “was dead and is alive again” – has created a considerable sensation during the past week and been the subject of much domestic colloquy. Timothy was well known as a Grahamstown [illegible] and “character”, where he ATTEMPTED to deliver several lectures upon the insolvent debtor’s law (but was prevented by the enthusiasm of the crowd) and for the remodelling of which, we are informed, he takes unto himself no small credit. He left that place in dissatisfaction at having to pay £20 for a general agency licence and in disgust of the people because of their unaccountable want of appreciation of his services. He settled here some 6 or 8 months ago – was much pleased with the appearance of the town and civility of its inhabitants and in extacies [sic] at finding plenty of work and £2 licences. At this stage of his eventful career re resolved to take unto himself a wife, and has been amorously contemplating the pretty damsels and presentable widows of the town – we had almost said “for the last half century” – but, at any rate, for at least six months. A month or two ago “Poor Tim” discovered his heart’s echo in the person of a comely widow – inconsolable for the death of her gallant husband, some two or three months previously, who had left her with a family of “two small children to lament their irreparable loss”. In industrious “Tim” she found a sovereign balm for all her woes and contracted to take him “for better or worse”; and the affectionate couple were accordingly united on Monday last, to the mutual satisfaction to themselves and all the little boys and Kaffirs of the town, who cheered the bridal party lustily from the Church door to their place of abode, and did them the honour of reviving the obsolete custom of “tin-kettles” at night.

Tuesday 24 February 1857

The immense sale of these invaluable Pills in all parts of the Cape Colony are a sufficient guarantee of their numerous virtues, as well as the talent of their inventor, indeed, many of the cures worked by their use alone appear as it were a miracle. In cases of derangement of the liver, the stomach and bowels, bilious disorders, and irregularities of the system, their effect is miraculous, while in female complaints and dropsy they are equally invaluable. The thousands of cures performed annually in the C.G.H. by these invaluable Pills render them indeed a blessing to the afflicted, and, therefore, no family should ever be without them.

Tuesday 3 March 1857

BIRTH at Port Elizabeth on the 27th February 1857, Mrs. Henry BROWN of a daughter.

Tuesday 17 March 1857

BIRTH at Richmond on Wednesday 4th March 1857, Mrs. Richard RUTHERFOORD of a daughter.

Pastrycook and Confectioner
Has now opened next door to Mr. HANDFIELD’s and Mr. B. LEE’s
Having recommenced Business in the above line, he hopes by strict attention and keeping the best of articles to share the public patronage. Confectionery, Cakes, Biscuits, Pastry and Buns of every description on hand; Wedding Cakes, Wedding Breakfasts, Balls, Dinners &c got up in the latest style and on most reasonable terms.
Pastry, bath, Chelsea and Currant Buns every morning fresh by 10 o’clock.

Tuesday 24 March 1857

The new Bishop of Graham’s Town has taken his passage for this Port in the ‘Earl of Hardwicke’, expected in all this month, and will bring with him seventeen clergymen, it is said. The Rev. Mr. ROBINSON, for Trinity Church, Port Elizabeth, it is believed, will be one of the 17 clergymen.

Tuesday 31 March 1857

A melancholy occurrence took place recently in the [Hantam]. A Mr. Adriaan LOUW being out hunting with his son, and happening suddenly to have to remount his horse, his foot slipped into the stirrup, and he fell and was dragged by his horse. Passing his son, a youth of about 12 years, while thus being dragged, he called out to him to shoot the horse. The boy, seeing no other way of saving his father, fired as he was told; but, unfortunately, missing his aim, killed his father on the spot.

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