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Eastern Province Herald (later The Herald)

Eastern Province Herald 1855 - 2 - April to June

Tuesday 3 April 1855

DIED at Port Elizabeth on Sunday 1st April, Sampson MIDDLETON, aged 38 years.

Tuesday 10 April 1855

BIRTH at Uitenhage on the 9th April 1855, Mrs. Henry SELBY of a daughter.

Tuesday 17 April 1855

DIED on the 30th January last at 44 Gloucester Place, Portman Square, London, Elizabeth Wilson, eldest surviving daughter of the late Lt. Col. G.R. DEARE, 8th Hussars.
Port Elizabeth 16th April 1855

In all its branches
The undersigned having engaged the services of T. BILSTON, Farrier and Horse Shoer, is now prepared to do all work in the line in the best manner possible, and on the shortest notice. T.B. having an interest in the returns from the horse-shoeing and determined by industry and application to make up for small profits, will after this date shoe horses in the best style at reduced rates, 5s being now the moderate charge.
NB Blacksmith’s work of every kind in the best style and on the shortest notice.
Port Elizabeth Feb 27 1855

Tuesday 24 April 1855

The Advertiser makes the following announcement:
A line of Railway is proposed for the Cape of Good Hope, especially between Cape Town, Simon’s Town, Stellenbosch and Malmesbury, with Docks.

Tuesday 1 May 1855

DIED at Port Elizabeth on 29th April, Leopold Norman CAMPBELL, aged 22 years and 11 months. His remains will be interred this afternoon (Tuesday) at 4 o clock precisely, from the residence of W. CAMPBELL Esq.
1st May 1855

DIED at his residence, Uitenhage, on the 26th inst, Samuel KERR Esq, aged 62 years, much and deeply regretted.
Uitenhage 30th April 1855

Tuesday 8 May 1855

Tailor, Draper, Habit Maker &c
Bathurst Street, Graham’s Town

Now selling at the stores of the undersigned a great variety of American Ploughs
Assorted Nos. and sizes
Prices varying from £2 15 to £4 15 each for cash
William BIRT
General Ironmongery Warehouse
Port Elizabeth March 26 1855

Tuesday 15 May 1855

BIRTH on the 12th inst, Mrs. J.N. WILLIAMS of a daughter.

DEATH at Uitenhage on the 10th instant, Edwin [Parr], infant son of Mr. [G…….], Government Teacher.

Tuesday 22 May 1855

BIRTH at Port Elizabeth on Sunday the 20th last, Mrs. J.C. KEMSLEY of a son.

In the Estate of the late Samuel KERR and surviving spouse Widow Theodora Cornelia SCHEEPERS, of Uitenhage Town
All persons having any Claims in the above Estate are to file them at the office of Mr. J.G. LEYT, No.16 Garden-street, Uitenhage Town, within six weeks from this date, and those indebted to pay within the same period.
T.C. SCHEEPERS, Executrix
Uitenhage Town, May 10th 1855.

This much-respected Colonist, after hopes of his recovery from his late accident were again cherished by friends and relatives, had a sudden relapse, and on the 12th instant departed this life. With bereaved relatives the entire public of this Province sincerely sympathise.

Tuesday 29 May 1855

All persons contravening the 39th section of the Municipal Regulations, Smacking Wagon Whips or Irritating Cattle, whether attached to vehicles or not, will be prosecuted without any distinction.
By order of the Board
Spencer F. INNES
Town Clerk
Town office
Port Elizabeth May 21 1855

DIED at Beaufort West on the 11th May, the beloved son of P. McNAUGHTON Esq, aged 5 years and 5 months.

Tuesday 5 June 1855

The funeral of the late Mr. Wm. KEMSLEY Senr. will proceed to the place of interment tomorrow afternoon at 4 o’clock precisely. Friends are invited to attend.
John MATTHEWS, Undertaker
Tuesday June 5th 1855

DIED this day, John Eugene Jules, the infant son of Dr. SMALL, HM 12th Regiment
Port Elizabeth June 4th 1855

Tuesday 12 June 1855

Shipping, Forwarding and General Agents
Port Elizabeth, Algoa Bay
Merchandise, Produce and Packages, also Parcels for private parties received and forwarded with care and dispatch.
Ships Entered and Cleared, also Prime, Export and other Entries made and passed at the Custom House. Any information respecting shipping will be readily given on application at their office.

In Eland’s River
Mr. Timothy J. CALDECOTT having authorised the undersigned to dispose of his farm called
The same will be put up for sale by auction immediately after the disposal of the Landed Property at the Sale of Effects of the Estate of the late Lucas Janse VAN VUUREN on the 19th June next at Kruis River.
In the meantime the property will be for private sale. For particulars apply to
Auctioneers and Land Agents

“If our informant be right, the Rev Mr. FOWLE appears to have an unfortunate propensity for getting into hot water with his Congregation. The Rev. Gentleman commenced a series of Sermons intended as a reply to those now in course of delivery by the Rev. Mr. HARSANT. The Churchwardens and Vestry remonstrated with him on the subject, and the matter has been referred to the Bishop, who is reported to have given instructions that the Sermons be discontinued.”
The above paragraph having been published in the Port Elizabeth Mercury of Saturday last, and similar unfounded statements having from to time appeared in the public newspapers, the Churchwardens and Vestry of St.Mary’s feel bound to give an unqualified Contradiction to this Paragraph in particular, and at the same time to caution the Members of the Church against receiving any such unauthorised statements.
Alfred EBDEN

Tuesday 19 June 1855

J.A. FLETCHER’s Wool-Pressing and Washing Establishment
Union-street, Port Elizabeth
The Undersigned being now ready to commence business begs to inform the Public in general that he has now secured the beautiful Stream in Handfield’s valley, where Wool may be washed with the greatest of care, and equal to any Washing.
NB Wool per bale 2s, Bark, Forage and Skins at a similar reduction, on the shortest notice.
Parties wishing their Wool consigned to Messrs. FRAMES & Son to be washed may deliver the same at the above Establishment.
Port Elizabeth, June 5 1855.

Tuesday 26 June 1854

At the Stores of the Undersigned
A very handsome Colonial-made Buggy for Pair of Horses
Also a good Travelling Cart with Tent
William BIRT
Wholesale and Retail Ironmongery Warehouse, Port Elizabeth

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