Fort Beaufort Advocate 1861 3 July - September
Saturday, July 6, 1861
The convict James McKENNA, who so gallantly exerted himself to rescue the passengers lately wrecked in the Bernicia on Robben Island has excited much notice. This it seems is the second time he has periled his life on behalf of his fellow creatures while confined in the island. He has yet many years to serve before the expiration of his sentence, and hopes are expressed that His Excellency the Governor, will in the exercise of his prerogative, commute his sentence.
Mr. Justice CLOETE, our readers will regret to learn, has been compelled to apply for leave of absence, on account of ill-health. He will shortly proceed to England.
GOOD LUCK. – It is reported that a person in the Victoria West district has just come in for L8.000 a year, with a title. His Lordship married a coloured woman some time ago, so it is likely some sprigs of nobility will generate and remain in the colony. – Monitor.
UITENHAGE BRANCH BANK. – Mr. WARDLE, lately of Belfast, has been appointed Cashier of the Branch Bank of Uitenhage. Mr. WARDLE, we believe, was formerly chief clerk in the Bank of Ireland.
Saturday, July 13, 1861
DESERTION. – Nine of the crew of the emigrant ship Rajasthan deserted from the vessel during the night of the 2nd inst., taking with them the ship’s boat. The boat was found about seven miles on the coast near the Bight, and the men are supposed to have gone towards Graham’s Town. A warrant has been forwarded for their apprehension. – E.P. Herald.
The finding of the Court of Inquiry relative to the Bernicia has now been officially published; and the purport of it is, that the Captain is blamed for an error in judgement in running before the gale of the Sunday in question with his course for the shore and not heaving-to when night came on, even on the supposition that his calculated position at noon had been correct. The distance gone during the twelve hours from noon to midnight had been considerably underestimated; and there was no look-out on the forecastle as the ship was nearing the breakers. This, however, was owing to all hands available being at that time employed at the pumps. No other fault it is understood is attributed to the Captain; and the court expressed a strong opinion that had a light-house been on Robben Island the disaster would not have occurred.
A MONSTER BULLOCK. – A bullock was killed last week by Mr. SCHIMPER, of this town, the inside fat of which is said to have weighed 150 lbs. One of the kidneys with the fat attached, was exhibited on the market on Saturday morning, and rather astonished the multitude. The beast is said to have cost Mr. SCHIMPER upwards of L16. – G.R. Advertiser.
CHLOROFORM. – A sad event spread a gloom throughout the island of Mauritius. Dr. MAILLY, a most distinguished member of the medical profession, wishing to have a tooth extracted, put himself under the influence of chloroform. The operation was performed by the dentist, and a convulsive movement was made by Dr. MAILLY, but from that time he was no more.
DEATH FROM EATING THE ENDS OF LUCIFER MATCHES. – A child, a little boy, about three years of age, son of Mr. de HART, clerk to the municipality of this town, met his death from eating the ends (containing phosphorus) of some lucifer matches which had been left within his reach. Dr. RUBIDGE was called in and afforded all the help medical science affords; but a considerable time having elapsed before the cause of the child’s illness was discovered and assistance sought, all was in vain. We deeply regret to add that we hear a second child in the same family, is dangerously ill from the same cause. – Ibid.
Saturday, July 20, 1861
FATAL EFFECTS FROM SUCKING LUCIFER MATCHES. – We regret to hear that Mr. de HART has lost his second child from the effects of poison, through having eaten the phosphorus from the ends of lucifer matches. We trust parents and others will take care to keep such dangerous articles out of the reach of small children. – Ibid
DEATH OF AN OLD DELINQUENT. – The pauper and old delinquent Michael CHANNER, who was found living in a destitute condition in an old stable, and conveyed to the Pauper Hospital, died on the evening of the 8th instant. He was too far reduced to recover strength. – E.P. Herald.
CRADOCK. – We have been informed that half of the inhabitants of Cradock are in mourning, having lost their relatives by the Measles. - Ibid
RICHMOND. – We have been informed that the measles of a very malignant kind are prevalent in this village. Five persons were buried last Tuesday. – Ibid
Saturday, July 27, 1861
HIGHWAY ROBBERY.- A person named CUTTER made a statement before the Clerk of the Peace on Tuesday last to the effect he had been waylaid, beaten, and robbed of his horse, saddle and bridle, and L7, on the previous evening, at a spot about a mile and a half from the town, on the main road to Blinkwater. The man says his assailants were coloured people. No clue has yet been obtained to lead to their identity.
Saturday, August 3, 1861.
DIED, at Adelaide on the 24th of July, 1861, after a long and painful sickness, Mr. John Edward DOUGHERTY, aged 40 years and 2 months, leaving a Widow and 7 children to mourn his loss. Mrs. DOUGHERTY takes this opportunity of returning her sincere thanks to those who so kindly came forward to her relief in the hour of trouble, and to Dr. BROWN, for his attention, and friends in General for their assistance during his illness.
DIED, of Intermittent Fever, on the 27th July, 1861, at his residence in New Town, Fort Beaufort, Superior Barrack Sergeant William YOUNG, aged 49 years. The deceased came to the colony in 1846 with the 1st Battalion Rifle Brigade. He served throughout the Kafir War of 1846/7, and was present with his Regiment in the Action of Boem Plaats on 29th August, 1848. He also served in the Kafir War of 1852/3. The Rifles having come to this county on particular service, were ordered home at the termination of the War, but did not remain long inactive, being one of the first Regiments which left England for the East, in 1854. The deceased served throughout the Eastern Campaign of 1854, including the battles of the Alma, Balacklava and Inkerman and Siege of Sebastopel, and was in possession of two Medals with four Clasps. He retired from the Army on the 26th July, 1855, after 24 years arduous Service in three quarters of the Globe, with a Pension of 2s. 3d. a day for life. He was appointed Barrack Sergeant of Portsmouth in April, 1855, and Superior Barrack Sergeant of Fort Beaufort, on the 26th July, 1856, which situation he held up to the day of his death. He performed his duty with great zeal and ability, and was much esteemed by the Officers, under whom he served. He leaves a Widow and three Children to deplore their irreparable loss, and was followed to the grave by a large circle of friends.
THE NEW COASTING STEAMER “Volunteer” built by Messrs. ANDERSON, SAXON and Co., for our coasting trade was to leave England the middle of July, for Natal direct. Captain BROWN, who was the well known and respected commander of the mail steamer “Celt” is in command of her.
The Queen has been pleased to appoint Josiah Charles RIVERS, Esq., to be Clerk of the Executive Council of the colony of the Cape of Good Hope.
IT IS RUMOURED (says the Adv. and Mail) that sir Christopher BRAND has been asked to fill the temporary vacancy on the bench, caused by the departure of the Hon. Justice CLOETE.
PHILIPPOLIS. – The Colesberg Advertiser learns, from a correspondent at Philippolis, that Captain Adam KOK is recovering from his late severe illness. The store of Mr. MIDDELTON was broken into a few nights since – the thief, however, (a Griqua) was caught, and has been sentenced to twelve months’ imprisonment and 100 lashes. Thefts are of frequent occurrence.
Saturday, August 10, 1861
DEATH OF LADY MACLEAR. – We regret to have to record the death of this lady, which took place at her residence, on Saturday last.
THE FINE OF THIRTY SHILLINGS, paid by a gentleman who called a policeman “ugly” a few days ago – was paid in farthings! – Monitor.
Supplement to F.B. August 10, 1861
ATTEMPT AT SELF-DESTRUCTION. – A German tailor named SMITH, made an attempt on his life, on Thursday night, by cutting his throat severely with a clasp knife. He was conveyed to the hospital, where Dr. DUNSTERVILLE promptly attended him. He has since died. – Ibid
Saturday, August 17, 1861
DIED, at Alice, on the 11th inst., Fanny ANNIE, Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.R. THOMPSON, - aged 17 months.
DIED, at Bedford, August 8th, after a short illness, John Alfred ASPINALL, aged 5 years and 6 months.
Mr. PAINTER, M.L.A., and family sailed from Table Bay on the Lady Shelbourne.
It is said that Mr. KIDD has resigned his situation of Government Teacher at Graaff-Reinet.
SIMMONDS, THE FORGER, who was captured in Port Elizabeth a week or two back, was conveyed to Natal by the Albatross on her last trip, and has been sent to Maritzberg to take his trial.
The Colesberg Advertiser says, - “The body of a man has been found in a pond of water, with his hands and feet tied together, on the farm Groot Fontein, district of Phillippolis. No further particulars have not been elicited”.
Mr. J.N. LAWTON has taken out a patent for a vine yard tiller. As far as we can ascertain, the implement is intended to loosen the ground without injuring the roots of the vine.
PRINCE ALBERT it appears has not forgotten his passage through Albert. Mr. Stephanus VAN DER WALT has just received as a souvenir from his Royal Highness, a full length portrait of himself.
ESCAPE OF PRISONERS. – The Burghersdorp Gazette states that – “Two prisoners, James HUNT and Frank MARSDEN, who were committed for a trial on a charge of burglary, escaped from prison on Tuesday, the 30th July, and have not since been heard of. They effected their exit by digging a hole in the wall of their cell. Both are charged with having decamped with L17, which they somehow abstracted from the person of FISHER, also a prisoner, who slept in the same cell with them. Three horses were missing on the same morning, and it is presumed the runaways levied them to further their escape.
Saturday, August 24, 1861
Mrs. LIVINGSTON, wife of the great traveller, arrived here by the mail steamer on Tuesday morning.
A NAVVY who had been imbibing brandy to a great extent laid down on the line to rest on Monday night; his neck rested on the rail, and his head laid upon the ground between the sleepers. The engine passed in the night, and too his head completely off. Nothing was known of the said accident until the engine repassed the spot on the next morning. – Ibid.
Saturday, August 31, 1861
SMART TRAVELLING. – Mr. HELLET left King William’s Town on Monday, the 12th, and arrived in Cape Town on Saturday morning, 16th inst., - the fastest travelling from the former place on record here. This feat will even vie with those of the renowned BLONDIN. – Argus.
Saturday, September 7, 1861
An odd article, at least in South Africa, was exposed upon Mr. LUYT’S sale, which took place a few days ago, and that too, in this most enlightened city. A man brought his wife to the hammer, but neither would the auctioneer accept the parcel nor any of the competitors about him offer anything like a fair advancement. The sale consequently could not be effected, and the better-half returned to her home. – Monitor
A son of Mr. T. STAINES of Port Elizabeth, has been burnt to death, through his pinafore catching fire.
A man named JENNINGS residing near Queen’s Town, it is said, has come in for a fortune of L500,000, through the termination of a Chancery case. He expected “sixteen millions” but their being 32 families to share with him, he gets only the trifling amount of half-a-million, besides a few odd ‘estates.” So at least says a correspondent of the E.P. Herald.
The K.W.T. Gazette says a rumour is afloat that the French intend to establish a colony at the mouth of the Umzimvoboo.
Robert McDonnell WYNARD, Esq., has been appointed private secretary to his Excellency the Lieut-Governor.
Saturday, September 14, 1861
DIED, at Cathcart Cottage, Eland’s Post, on 9th September, 1861, Ada Winifred, infant Daughter of William T.L. and Frances J. EMETT, at the age of 6 months and 17 days.
ACCIDENT. – On Tuesday last a serious accident happened to Mrs. DAVIES, wife of Capt. DAVIES of the 10th Regt. It appears that whilst out riding with two of her friends on the Grahamstown flats, Mrs. DAVIES’ horse took fright and started off with her, when, shortly after, she fell, sustaining severe injuries on the head and other parts, the effects of which caused insensibility. It was indeed fortunate that Surgeon Major MOORE was present, who attended Mrs. DAVIES immediately, and has her conveyed into town – a carriage being near. Mrs. DAVIES is still in a very precarious state. – Mer. Gazette.
A PROLIFIC EWE. – At Zandvliet, in the division of Robertson, there is a most prolific ewe, the property of Mr. W. van ZYL, that three years successively had twin lambs, and this year had three – all rams. With a lot of other sheep, all in prime condition, she is generally about the house, and on the premises; whether this may have any effect in rendering her so prolific is a question for the decision of naturalists. – Ibid.
Saturday, September 21, 1861
DIED, at Alice, on the 18th Instant. William Morris, only son of Mr. and Mrs. J.R. THOMPSON, aged 2 years and 8 months.
The Graham’s Town papers announce the death of Mr. Attorney JARVIS.
The Jews in the Eastern Province contemplate building a synagogue at Port Elizabeth.
TERRIBLE SUDDEN DEATH. – We regret to record the sudden death of Mr. George FISCHER, chief clerk in the High Sheriff’s office. The deceased gentleman was about to leave the office for dinner when he complained of a pain in his chest. Assistance was at once sent for, but before it arrived Mr. FISCHER had expired. – Argus.
A spirited woman caught her husband the other day in the act of breaking up her hoops. The exertion, or something else, has had a singular affect upon him. His hair came out at an astonishing rate.
Saturday, September 28, 1861
DIED, at King William’s Town, on Sunday, the 29th inst., Michael RORKE, after a short illness, aged 35 years, leaving a Widow and 5 Children, and a large circle of Friends to deplore his loss.
Mr. J. JAFFRAY was assaulted the other night in Graham’s Town, by three soldiers near Market square.
ANOTHER OUTRAGE. – A female, on entering Commemoration Chapel the other day, was surprised to find a soldier stooping down in one of the pews. She at once locked the door, and went to give the alarm, but the fellow made his escape, after breaking open a box, smashing one or two panes of glass, and damaging the clocks. This mischief must have been done out of sheer vexation on being foiled in his attempt to obtain money. – G.T. Journal.
(Extract) An artesian well has been sunk on the property of Mr. ZEDERBERG, in Caledon, under the direction of Mr. FLOWER, and, contrary to the opinions of all geologists has proved most successful. Two holes of the diameter of four and a half inches were pierced, and after proceeding another twenty five or thirty feet a body of water, yielding, a contemporary states, not less than two thousand gallons per hour were obtained.
JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. – Barend WOEST, Esq., has been appointed a J.P. for the District of Victoria.
The SMALL-POX is making sad ravages in Mahura’s Country. Four or five are buried daily. We believe it is also very bad at Hope Town.
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