Fort Beaufort Advocate 1870 2 April - June
Saturday, April 2, 1870.
Four names that were not in last week’s issue. We shall be glad to be informed of any other names that have been omitted:
Rev. W. SHAW
On Sunday night last one of the sheep kraals of Mr. van AARDT, in the Gonzana, was struck by lightning, when 28 sheep and three goats were killed on the spot.
Two of the Rev. SOGA’S sons are being sent to Scotland by mail steamer, for the purpose of receiving a first-class education.
THE ORANGE RIVER. – Mr. GREATHEAD’S mill on the Orange River, at Aliwal, has not been in working order for some time, in consequence of the flooded state of the river. We believe the river has not been known to be so full for years. Mr. Justice SMITH designated it “The Thames of South Africa.”
A NEW GRAPE, the “Isabella,” been introduced into the colony from America by Dr. HUTCHINSON, of Constantia. – Herald.
WHOOPING COUGH. – This disorder is very prevalent just now in Uitenhage. On Wednesday the child of a coloured woman died in a fit of coughing, near the Board of Executors Office, while being carried through the street in its mother’s arms. – Times.
FRAUD. – A man named James DALLAMORE was brought up, on Tuesday last, before the Resident Magistrate of Graham’s Town, on a charge of fraud, and obtaining money on a false cheque. Evidence having been taken, the prisoner was fully committed for trial. If we mistake not, this man was “in trouble” about twelve months ago, in King Williamstown, and was sentenced to six month’s Imprisonment.
THE SIN OF INTEMPERANCE. – On the motion of the Dean of Maritzburg, seconded by Archdeacon FEARNE, it was unanimously agreed in the Synod:-
“That in order to assist persons seeking deliverance from the sin of intemperance, a committee be formed, consisting of the Archdeacon of Grahamstown, the Rev. I.G. GROGHAN, and the Dean of Maritzburg, to confer with their lordships the Bishops in regard to putting forth a form of Prayer to be used by such persons, and also rules for the guidance of confraternities having for their object the repression of intemperance.”
(Extract) MELANCHOLY DEATH. – We (Free Press) regret to announce the death of Mr. A. BRAUER, for many years carrying on business at Honde Neck, in this division. Deceased was a German by birth, and formerly held a very honourable position in Berlin, as editor of one of the leading newspapers. He was cleaning a pistol on Friday, and while in the act of examining the chambers, the weapon must have exploded. Much sympathy is felt for the sorrowing widow, who at the moment was on a visit to a friend, and arrived a short time afterwards to find her husband dying of his wounds.
DIED at the Gonubie, district of King Williamstown on the 23rd March, 1870, Major John BLAKEWAY, aged 58 years and 2 months.[see age correction in next ssue]
AMBROSE DAVIDSON has been apprehended, charged with defalcations in the General Post-office.
A MELANCHOLY CASE OF POISONING OCCURRED in Port Elizabeth last week. A butcher, named LESS, took a decoction of the Ceylon rose prepared by a Malay man, in repute amongst the colored people for his cures, and the result was that he died from its poisonous effects. The Malay has been committed for a charge of culpable homicide.
FATAL AFFRAY. – News has reached Uitenhage that a man named Hendrik KANNEMEYER, quarrelled with his father-in-law at a place in the district, called Darlington. KANNEMEYER is said to have beaten the old man till he broke three of his ribs, but the latter retaliated on his antagonist so violent that both of his eyes were knocked out. Both parties were confined to their beds for several days. – E.P. Herald.
I, ADRIAAN DE LANGE, senior, of Menzies, in the district of Stockenstrom, do hereby retract any statement I may have made anywhere, at any time, and to whomsoever, affecting injuriously the good name of Mr. Johannes Petrus BERNARD, of Upsher, also of this district, in his capacity as Cashier of the Dutch Reformed Church, “Grey Kerk,” and do hereby declare that exaggerated statements and misrepresentations have been made to Mr. BERNARD.
For anything I may have said which may be hurtful to his feelings, or injurious to his character is unimpeachable, and that in his capacity as cashier, and as an office-bearer, of “Grey Kerk,” his efficiency and zeal are at once proverbial and praiseworthy.
(Sd.) A. de LANGE.
Seymour, Stockenstrom,
March 4, 1870.
Saturday, April 9, 1870.
Mr. Anthony BOTHA, farmer of Droog Hoek, Field Cornetcy of Krumie, district of Fort Beaufort having reported to me that a Hottentot boy, aged about 10 years, calling himself JAN has arrived at this farm Droog Hoek, in a state of destitution, notice is hereby given that unless the said JAN be claimed by some Relative or Friend able and willing to maintain him within six weeks from this date, he will be indentured to the said Anthony BOTHA, according to law. JAN states that his mother is dead, and that his father has taken another wife, and is living at Rooi Wall in the district of Somerset East. JAN is at present with Mr. Anthony BOTHA.
Reg. Mag.
Res. Mag. Office,
Fort Beaufort, 5th April, 1870.
By a young man, A Situation on a Sheep Farm, as OVERSEER. Has had 18 months’ experience with a first-class farmer; is willing to give a small sum towards his keep. Apply by letter to A.B.C., Office of this Paper.
Grahamstown, March, 1870.
UNLESS the wagon ordered from me by Mr. TRUEBRIDGE q.q. McGregor, be released within SIX WEEKS from the date the same will be sold to defray expenses.
Eland’s Post, March 29, 1870.
Mr. Hugh CALLAGHAN has been cited to appear before the Free State court for the payment of £40 war tax.
Mr. SIDNEY HILL has given £550 towards the new Wesleyan Chapel in Port Elizabeth.
THE LATE MAJOR BLAKEWAY. – We regret that an error occurred in our announcement last week of the age of this veteran soldier. The figure got transposed; instead of “58”, it should have read ”85.”
CROUP. – Mr. O’GARA lost his only little boy last week with this sickness. The father so gave way to grief that an apoplectic fit was induced in which he was well nigh gone. He is now, however almost well again.
Nicholas Hitge RADEMEYER, of Waterfall in the division of Fort Beaufort.
A “SUCCESSFUL” HUNT. – The K.W. T. Gazette reports that the hunt near Need’s Camp “passed of successfully,” (!) upwards of two hundred and fifty bucks were bagged, and a Kafir in the employ of Mr. LLOYD was shot in the head and has since died (!)
The purity of the Attorney-General’s language increases in proportion as he gains oratorical
practice. The latest word made classic by his eloquent tongue is “cur.” Speaking on Mr. PORTER’S Registration Bill on Tuesday he said that if it becomes law “every cur in Cape Town would be placed on the electoral register. Neither Pope nor Tennyson with all their polish could excel this. But what do the “curs” think about it? – Argus.
APPREHENSION OF Mrs. Broad. – It is reported that Mrs. BROAD, for whose apprehension a warrant was issued from the Magistrate’s office here, has been captured and lodged in the Bedford gaol, together with her supposed accomplice, upon whose person it is said the sum of 90 was found, with some 6 or 7 upon that of Mrs. BROAD. It is rumoured that the parties were traced through a most circuitous route via Eland’s Post &c. – Ibid.
Friday, April 8, 1870.
The steamer “Celt” from England, 25th February, arrived at 7.30 on Thursday night.
She has brought out the passengers, cargo, and mail of the steamer “Briton,” which put into Vigo on the 18th of March with loss of screw.
The “Dane” was sent from Southampton on the 23rd March to tow the “Briton” back to England.
Passenger for Algoa Bay:-
MR. CHRISTIAN VAN AARDT, for some time past of unsound mind, committed suicide last week at his residence on the Fish River.
MURDER OF A MISSIONARY. – Letters from the Rev. St. HOFMEYER, of Zoutpansberg, bring the shocking intelligence that Matlatle’s Kafirs had murdered the Rev. Mr. KRUETZNER, their missionary, on Sunday, the 5th of February last. The same news is confirmed by letters from Nazareth. – Transvaal Advocate.
By the law of Kansas women can prosecute any landlord or saloon-keeper who sells liquor to their “lords and masters.”
Saturday, April 16, 1870.
DIED, at Fort Beaufort, on Friday, the 1st of April, 1870, of Bronchitis, Farrel Joseph O’GARA, only and beloved son of Joseph and Elizabeth O’GARA; aged one year and nine months.
DIED, at Fort Beaufort, on Friday, the 8th of April, 1870, of Bronchitis, Elizabeth Ann O’GARA, third daughter of Joseph and Elizabeth O’GARA; aged four years, and two months, and two days.
“Suffer little children to come unto Me,
And forbid them not; for us such is
The Kingdom of Heaven.”
MR. & MRS. O’GARA embrace the present opportunity of returning their heartfelt thanks to the inhabitants of Fort Beaufort for their great kindness, sympathy, and attention shewn them under the severe trial they were called upon to pass through, by the loss of their two children within eight days of each other; and they feel that sympathy is a solace in the hour of affliction.
MAJOR WRIGHT, Inspector of Musketry, attempting to read a newspaper whilst riding on horseback, was thrown off, but happily sustained no very serious injury.
FALLING OFF. – The Argus say the shipping in Table Bay is gradually decreasing.
A KAFIR servant of Messrs. F. AND P. LANGE has died through eating the meat of an ox infected with melt sickness. – Uitenhage Times.
The man THACKWRAY from the Cape who shot himself in front of a coffee shop house in London, reported a month ago, was not a Cape colonist, but the mate of a vessel that had just returned from the Cape.
TIMOTHY MALONEY, a Robben Island patient, was charged with disturbing the peace by shouting in the streets. Defendant said it was five or six years since he was on leave before, and he was overjoyed. He promised to return to the Island by the first boat, and was discharged with a caution. – Argus.
TWO Englishmen (sheep-farmers) Messrs BOLD and TAIT, had been murdered near Rosario.
One of the murderers had been captured, while his accomplice was being hard pressed. The English community at Rosario have resolved to lynch both unless the authorities saved them the trouble by decreeing their execution.
NARROW ESCAPE. –Mrs. GREENSTOCK, while on her way to Grahamstown, en route for Port Elizabeth, a few days ago, had a very narrow escape. When a few miles from the city she was met by the Bishop’s carriage and had but a few minutes been transferred to the vehicle when the wagon in which she had been travelling was capsized over a precipice, several hundred feet deep, and smashed to atoms. Luckily, no person, was injured. – Ibid.
Mr. BERLYN, of Cradock, one night found a man named COOK, who could give no account of himself lying behind his wool bales. He “pitched into him” and the magistrate find him 5s for doing so.
A correspondent writing us from London under date 24th February, says:- “No more China steamers to call at the Cape. They are in future to go through the Suez Canal.”- E.P. Herald.
We understand that Mrs. POVALL has commenced an action against Mr. HUMAN, M.L.A. for libel. The gentleman, it is alleged, has stated out of the Assembly, as well as in it, that the money voted for silk-growing has done no good, and that POVALL has done nothing with the £100 given her but go to Berlin and get married. Mrs. POVALL feels that this is an imputation of her character, and demands redress. – Standard.
Saturday, April 23, 1870.
April 30:- At Fort Beaufort, in re James WHITECROSS of Fort Beaufort, butcher and baker, special.
H.C de HART, trustee.
GUN ACCIDENT. – Mr. KEYS, of Lushington, last week having shot one wild cat, and lying in wait for another, by some means happened a very serious accident. The gun went off and carried away a portion of his lower jaw. We believe he is doing well.
MACOMO. – This old chief is making a tour of the country under leave of a pass for one month with three followers. His son TINI’S red clay people, who reside here, accompanied him about the town last Saturday to see the various places which were familiar to him twenty years ago. He went on to Bedford on Monday.
MR. McDONALD, the Ventriloquist, is performing in King Williamstown, but it is difficult to draw “a house.”
MURDER. – Mr. BOTTRILL, wagon maker and blacksmith, has been murdered in the most brutal manner, at Burghersdorp.
GOLD DIGGERS. – All the poorer diggers at Tatin have been obliged to sell their claims to the London and Limpopo Company and are now working for the Company for £3 a week.
DR. INGRAM died on board the Celt shortly before her arrival at the Cape from England. The corpse was brought on shore and buried in the Church of England burial-ground.
James HALL, farmer, King Williamstown.
MR SCHERMBRUKER, late contractor for the Military supplies on the Frontier, has, from force of circumstances, been compelled to succumb to undue pressure. His liabilities are stated at £17,000 – assets £12,000. – Advertiser.
WOE TO THE ELANDS! – At the skin sale on Wednesday last five eland skins, well cured, and averaging 19 lbs. each, were sold at 10s 9d each. Woe betide the elands when this is known in the upper districts.
THEFTS. – Since the Mounted Police were removed to the Kabousie, the natives in the vicinity of Maclean have been very troublesome. Mr. COOPER had a plough stolen one night from before his door; and yesterday morning when Mr. P. VOGEL entered is kraal he discovered that four cows with calves had been stolen. No clue whatever can be traced. – K.W.T. Gazette.
A HARD CASE. - A herd named BEN, employed by Mr. KLEU the Poundmaster of Waterford to herd the impounded cattle, deserted his service, and eight head of cattle have not since been heard of. According to the Pound Ordinance Mr. KLEU is responsible for the missing stock, but if BEN is “worth powder and shot,” he may yet be cast in a civil action for the value of the cattle he has permitted to escape. - Uitenhage Times.
THE MACLEAN MILL. – The steam flour mill recently erected by Messrs. STICKELLS and HUMPHRIES is a great boon to the farmers residing in the neighbourhood. Those who have patronised the mill are highly pleased with the manner in which their wheat has been ground. The enterprising proprietors have sent home orders for machinery offered them for the cultivation of linseed to a large extent. – K.W.T. Gazette.
QUIBBLER ANSWERED. – In a charge of assault at Queenstown, Mr. CORYNDON, who was for the defendant, cross-examined the Kafir, the aggrieved party, at some length, in the course of which JACK said that he had been struck four times with a stick by Mr. M’GIBBON, and the blows were so severe that he was half killed. Upon which Mr. CORYNDON put the following question: “Now if four blows with a stick would half kill you, how many blows would it take to kill you outright?” The nigger promptly replied “I think eight blows.”
INSOLVENCY- We understand that the estate of Mr. EMETT has been surrendered.
BISHOP TWELLS is in London, reported to be insane.
A case of stabbing occurred in a house of ill-fame in Grahamstown the day by a man named Henry LEE.
GULLED. – One hundred and twenty adults have been caught with the bait of promises of land, and entered their name as emigrants to Cerito, South America.
A “QUALIFIED” TEACHER. - The following is a verbatim copy of an application made to the Truro Board of Guardians, on February 16, for the appointment of an industrial teacher for the boys in the workhouse:-
“fab 4 1870 – Sir I Offer myself to you for that plaCe to the board next Wensday wiCh I am wall quilfide for my adge is 462.”
The old gentleman did not put in an appearance.
Saturday, April 30, 1870.
COLONIAL made kid gloves, equal to English manufacture, have been brought round from Capetown by Mr. C.R. GOWIE.
DR. BELL, a retired surgeon of the Royal navy, residing at the Waschbank, died suddenly last week.
MRS. AMELIA HOBBS has just been elected a justice of the peace in Jersey county, Illinois, by a majority of 26 votes.
The missionary GRUTZNER was not murdered at Zoutpanberg as reported. He recovered from what was expected to have proved fatal.
THE LATE ELOPEMENT. – Mrs. BOARD and her partner have been committed, one for forgery, and the other for receiving stolen goods. Bail accepted.
THE Indian Government offers a prize of 5,000 for the bet machinery or process for rendering marketable the fibre of the rhea or China grass.
SANDY, the piper has again been fined £1 for drunkenness. He pleaded that he had been prevailed upon to stay in the city to play his pipes at the Jubilee, or he would not have been found before his Worship.
The death of the Rev. McOWAN, at, the age of 75, is announced. Deceased was father of Professor McOWAN, of Gill College, Somerset East.
THE MAURITIUS FEVER. – Advice from Mauritius, received via Cape Town, reports that 5 men of the 86th Regiment had died of fever-and among them Mr. SOMMER, the bandmaster.
A DUTCHMAN residing on one of the farms in New England, near Lady Grey, having partaken rather too freely of strong drink, and passed two days and nights in the veldt without food, in a state of insensibility, at last laid himself down, and death soon closed his misery. – Ibid.
STURM, the German who absconded from Oudtshoorn with a considerable sum of money, managed to change it for bluebacks and conceal them before he was captured at Bloemfontein. They are supposed to be in the hands of certain of his friends. The watches and other articles mentioned in the warrant were found upon him, but the £1,200 is at present nowhere to be discovered.
DOUBLE MURDER. – Near the village of Cleinemont a man named CORNNEILSSON stabbed a man against whom he had a grudge several times about the heart, and then partially severed his head from his body. The brother interfering, was stabbed more than once, in the belly till his entrails protruded. The Malay first assaulted died the same evening, but his brother lingered till Sunday morning, when he also died. The murderer, we understand is in custody at Wynberg, and he will probably be brought up for examination this morning. – Argus.
ASCENT OF THE COCKSCOMB. – A party of Easter holiday excursionists, consisting of Messrs. PINCHIN, W. WORMALD, J.F. FAIRBRIDGE, G. CHASE, and G. ARMSTRONG, from Port Elizabeth, succeeded in scaling the Cockscomb mountain on Friday. They spent the night on the summit, with some others, who joined them in the ascent, and descended about noon the following day. The view from the mountain top is described as being most magnificent. There was abundance of water, but no game – indeed, the top is a mass of broken rock, with little vegetation.
DEATH OF A WATERLOO VETERAN. - Early this morning Mr. Edward SOLEY of New-street, in this city, died at the advanced age of 92 years. In early life he joined Her Majesty’s Royal Artillery, and at the memorable battle of Waterloo, in 1815, assisted in “pounding” at the French on Mount St. Jean, in admirable and effective style. He retired from the army and settled in the Cape, on a pension. He has been the subject of a severe spinal complaint, and has been unable to walk without difficulty. The Rev. HAY paid him frequent visits, and administered religious advice and consolation. The veteran’s remains were interred (under care of Mr. PAXTON) at about four o’clock this afternoon, in the independent burial-ground. A company of the 32nd Regiment attended and paid the remains of deceased the customary military honours. – Journal.
A MAN named Adolph WALLENSTEIN, of Baviaan’s River, has been arrested on a charge of fraud. – Watchman.
A commission has been attempted by the President to hand over MOLAPPO, his tribe and territory to the High Commissioner’s Agent, Mr. BOWKER, acting in the name of the British Government. The following gentlemen compose the commission: Messrs. LOTZ (Landdrost of Winberg), and VERGOTTINI and SCHNEHAGE (members of the Volksraad).
Jesse WILLIAMS, shopkeeper, Fort Beaufort.
Jacob DURANDT, farmer, Gonzana.
Frederic SCHERMBRUCKER, King Williamstown.
William Thomas Lawson EMETT, Civil Commissioner and Resident Magistrate, Stockenstrom.
JAMES DAY, the late accountant of the Port Elizabeth Bank, having pleaded guilty to the charge of embezzlement on eighteen out of twenty-three counts, also having rendered every assistance in the investigating the case of the Bank fraud, and having conducted himself with propriety in the bank for two years subsequent to the commission of the crimes now charged upon him, was sentenced by Mr. Justice SMITH to two years hard labor with the promise that any certificates that may be furnished as to the state of his health, should be forwarded to the Governor with the recommendation that he should abate, if he thinks fit, any part of the sentence.
THE MALAY quack, charged with causing the death of Edward LEES, by the administration of a decoction of ‘The Christmas rose”, was acquitted. During the hearing of the case Dr. THOM was examined as to the effect of that poison. Mr. THOMPSON objected that Dr. THOM had only confined his experiments to the lower animals.
Mr. BARRY: “It is not likely he would apply it to a man, or yourself.”
Mr. THOMPSON: “I should not mind taking a dose myself.”
Mr. BARRY: “Perhaps you will do so, and the Court will adjourn for a short time to note
the effect.”
His LORDSHIP: “I am afraid the country cannot afford to run such a risk!”
Thursday, May 5, 1870.
Mr. Geo. GILBERT lately paid a visit of a few days to Grahamstown. Upon his return he found 40 sheep missing from one of his flocks. Search has hitherto been made without avail, and it is feared the sheep were stolen and driven off during his absence.
The trial of WENTZEL has been postponed to the July Sessions.
PRIVATE CREIGHTON, of the 32nd in Grahamstown, being unwell, went into hospital and shortly afterwards dropped down dead.
REMARKABLE INCREASE OF POPULATION AT QUEENSTOWN.- We are informed that within the last few weeks “four pairs of twins” have been born in Queenstown. – Journal
Saturday, May 7, 1870.
The locusts are devastating the veldt around Somerset East.
The horse sickness still prevails to a considerable extent in the divisions of King Williamstown and East London.
The trial of Mr EMETT, late Civil Commissioner of Stockenstrom, has been postponed until next term, in consequence of the absence of a material witness.
DEATH OF LITTLE ANNIE WILSON. – The Rev. Mr. and Mrs. WILSON have again been plunged into grief. Their second youngest daughter died on Wednesday evening last.
A great discovery is said to have been recently made by a surgeon of the British army in China, in the way of an effectual remedy for small-pox. The mode of treatment is as follows:
When the preceding fever is at its height, and just before the eruption appears, the chest is rubbed with croton oil and tartaric ointment. This causes the whole of the eruption to appear on that part of the body to the relief of the rest. It also secures a full and complete eruption, and thus prevents the disease from attacking the internal organs. This is now the establishment mode of treatment in the English army in China, and is regarded as a perfect cure.
To March 25, 1870.
Mr. CHARLES DICKENS on March 15, gave his farewell reading after having been before the public as a reader of his own delightful imagination for fifteen years. His closing sentence ended with “from these gaalish [sic] lights I vanish now for evermore, with a heartfelt, grateful, respectful, and affectionate farewell.”
Prince Pierre BONAPARTE’S trial commenced at Tours on March 21 and continues.
The MAHARAJAH of Cashmere has presented the Duke of Edinburgh with a shawl for the queen. Three hundred shawl-weavers had worked on it incessantly for three years and many of them lost their sight through the fineness of the work! Its actual cost in Cashmere is estimated at 25,000 harrisingha, the harrisingha being equivalent in value to 10 annas.
LATE GRAPES. – We tasted some grapes of a rich flavour from Mr. DALTON’S vine yesterday. It is very uncommon in this part for grapes to be had so late as May.
We are informed that Mr. J. McKAY performed the part of the ‘Good Samaritan” to Mr. KEYS on his meeting with the severe gun accident. Indeed we learn but for the assiduous attention and skill of Mr. McKAY pending the arrival of the District Surgeon, Dr. BREDA, it would have fared harder with the unfortunate sufferer.
A decoction of the pomegranate is recommended as a remedy for “bots” in horses.
WENTZEL, the Middleburg defaulter has been released from durance vile, he having obtained two sureties, in £1,250 each, for his reappearance when wanted.
The farm “Leeuwpoort,” 1954 morgen in extent, and situated near Hanover, was sold on Monday, the 18th inst., by Mr. STAMPER, in the insolvent estate of A. Van LINGEN, for £611, to Mr. C. VISSER. - G.R. Herald.
The farm “Donkerhoek” in the Middleburg district, 4473 morgen in extent was on Thursday last sold at auction by Mr. D.P. HAUPT for £800. Mr. Robert WILSON of Kiein Cephanjes Poort was the purchaser. This is considered a very low price. – Ibid.
The Dutch school in Colesberg has been discontinued for want of support.
Thursday, May 12, 1870
There is a great exodus of Dutch farmers from all parts of the colony to the Free State.
W.E.T.C. HARVEY, Esq., has been appointed Justice for the Peace for the district of Fort Beaufort.
The Hon. R. SOUTHEY, Colonial Secretary, will visit Cradock, we understand, in the course of the next few weeks.
Lieut. C. HAY, 74th Regiment, has been appointed Aide-de-camp to General HAY, Commander of the Forces in this Colony.
The Wednesday half-holiday has been abolished at Cradock.
PEARSTON. – A correspondent informs us (Somerset Courant) that the locusts are swarming in that part and busily engaged in depositing their eggs, laying up a blessing for the unfortunate at some future time.
Saturday, May 14, 1870.
The lambing season this year has not been a good one. Before the rains in February the stock had been reduced to a very low condition. The increase in the flocks will not be very considerable as a natural consequence.
We hear that the losses of sheep have been very heavy towards the Kei during the wet and cold weather.
WHAT ENGLISHMEN THINK OF A HOUSE TAX. – We, argued out, and succeeded in the proof, the immense advantage of commuting a window-tax into a house tax, a tax upon health into a tax upon wealth, a tax upon the true use of a good house into a tax upon its mere rent. – Weekly Dispatch.
THE FRONTIER POLICE. – It is said that a detachment of smart young fellows are likely to leave Capetown by an early steamer for the purpose of enlisting in the Police Force.
M. JENNINGS, Esq., C.C. and R.M.., of East London has, it is said, positively been appointed to the Customs Department at Port Elizabeth, and may be succeed at East London by Mr. ORPEN.
[Transcriber’s note – typed as written]
DIED, - At Post Retief, on 28th April, 1870, Edwin John, aged 2 years and 11 months; and on the 1st May, William Thomas, aged 5 years and 7 months, (diphtheria); sons of Charles and Anne EDWARDS.
The Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away.
Blessed be his name.
Thursday, May 19, 1870.
Mr. W.T.L. EMET has been charged with the crime of perjury, in addition to that of theft and embezzlement. We understand the charge is founded on Periodical statements falsely sworn to as to amount in one of the banks to the credit of the Colonial Government. We hear that other defalcations having reference to various estates entrusted to the management of Mr. EMETT, have been brought to light.
DEATH’S HEAD MOTH. – On Sunday evening last Mrs. MILDENHALL, senior, in the act of closing a window, accidentally placed her hand upon a death’s head moth; when suddenly she had been stung in one of her fingers more fiercely than by the sting of a wasp. For a time she suffered intense pain, so that the family became alarmed; but after the application of “Crofts Tincture” internally and externally, the pain ceased and the swelling subsided. Several of these dangerous creatures have taken up their abode in some bees’ nests about the house, where they prey on the produce of the diligent bee. The natives are more afraid of the schoenlopper than they are of a snake.
Mr. J.H. BROWN, M.L.A., has been appointed Deputy-Sheriff for Aliwal North.
SOMERSET contemplates erecting a Presbyterian Church, and at a meeting held on the 2nd inst., £220 was subscribed towards that object.
THE Anabaptists of Wellington are about to publish another pamphlet, this time to show that a man has a right to take more wives than one!
HENRY WARD BEECHER says that the most perfect description of a gentleman ever written is contained in the thirteenth chapter of the first Corinthians.
WHO’LL BE “BOSS?” – A respectable resident in town having occasion to reprimand one of her native servants during last week, the nigger replied: - “Wait, missus, till the rooibaatjes go away; we’ll be boss them.”
Saturday, May 21, 1870.
DIED, - At Riet Vley on the 7th March 1870, Edith Maria Ann, Daughter of Alfred and Rhoda EDWARDS, aged 8 years and 7 months.
Take the evil to come.
Riet Vley, May 18, 1870.
DIED. – At Riet Vley on the 19th April, 1870, at the early age of 36 years and 5 months, Alfred Stephen EDWARDS; leaving a widow and four young children to mourn their irreparable loss.
Reit Vley,
May 18, 1870.
Saturday, May 21, 1870.
The mail steamer “Roman” just arrived.
For Algo Bay:
Rev. Mr. and Mrs. DODD, Mr. PREAR, Mr. and Mrs. MICHAEL, two children and two servants.
Prince Pierre BONNAPARTE has been acquitted by the High Court of Justice of the charges brought against him of murdering M. Victor NOIR, and attempting to murder Ullric de [FONVIELLE.] He has been condemned to pay NOIR’S parent the sum of 25,000 francs, and also the cost of the trial, which amounts to a very considerable sum.
Nothing has been heard of the “City of Boston”. She has been given up for lost.
Great numbers of people were leaving Ireland for America.
“Roman” has on board 200 goats for Port Elizabeth.
Inspector BOWKER has been gazetted as Commandant of the F.A.M. Police.
We regret to learn the death this morning in the Military Hospital of Mr. COLLINWOOD, Bandmaster of the Cape Mounted Rifles. – Watchman.
Mr. P. GOOLD, M.L.A. for King Williamstown, returned here by post-cart on Thursday, looking none the worse for his sojourn in the Western Metropolis. – Gazette.
East London. – On Wednesday evening last a private of the C.M.R., named JENKINS (of tumbling celebrity) inflicted a severe would upon Sergeant BRYAN of the same corps, by stabbing him with a knife under the left shoulder. JENKINS is now in prison. – Watchman.
RARE FRUIT. – A fine specimen of the Night flowering Cactus, in Mr. DOBSON’S garden, has just produced a crop of fruit. The fruit is in outward appearance something like a gigantic gokum, we saw one which weighed a pound. When cut open it presents a most tempting appearance. A white pulp dotted with small black seeds enveloped in an envelope of luscious crimson. The flavour of the fruit s fuller and richer than any other product of the Cape. A little acidity would enhance its piquancy; but as it is, the night Cactus fruit is the sweetest vegetable product we have ever tasted. - Uitenhage Times.
A poor Scotchwoman, having disease (gangrene) in both hands and feet, was necessarily deprived of them by amputation. Her case coming under the notice of Mr. Heather BIGG (whose eminent skill is of world-wide reputation), he proposed to replace artificially the lost natural members. She was sent from Dundee to London, and in due time being placed in the possession of her new hands and feet, was in three days able to walk with the simple aid of a friends arm, to use a knife and fork, to write a legible hand, to knit, thread a needle, and even take up a pin! So painful is the sight of a mutilated member, that the restoration of the last extremities, even in appearance, would be no small achievement and boon, but to enable a person, who was in a state of utter helplessness, to walk and employ her time usefully, is well night miraculous. This is considered by the medical and surgical world to be the most triumphant mastery over superhuman difficulties ever known, and thus is must strike every unprofessional mind.
In Arkansas, Elder KNAPP, while baptising converts at a revival meeting, advanced with a wiry, sharp-eyed old chap into the water. He asked the usual question, whether was any reason why the ordinance of baptism should not be administered. After a pause, a tall powerful looking squatter with an eye like a blaze, who was leaning on a long rifle, and quietly looking on remarked: “Elder, I don’t want to interfere in this yere business any, but I want to say that is an old sinner you have got hold of, and I know that one dip won’t do him any good. If you want to get the sin out of him, you’ll have to anchor him out in deep water over night.”
The “Musical World” announces that a citizen of Columbus, Ohio, has devised his entire estate in trust for the establishment of a cat infirmary, which is to be fitted up with every conceivable luxury, including a regular supply of rats. The inmates are to be attended by competent nurses, who, to their other qualifications, must have a practical acquaintance with the accordion. In reference to this proviso the testator says:- “I have all my life been taught to believe that everything in and about man was intended to be useful, and that I man’s duty, as lord over the animals, to protect all the lesser species even as God protects and watches over him. For these, two combined reasons – first, that my body, even after death, may continue to be useful; and secondly, that it may be made instrumental, as far as possible, in furnishing a substitute for the protection of the bodies of my dear friends the cats: I do hereby devise and bequeath the intestines of my body to be made into fiddle-strings, the proceeds to be devoted to the purchase of an accordion, which shall be played in the auditorium of the cat infirmary by one of the regular nurses: the playing to be kept up for ever and ever, without cessation day or night, in order that the cats may have the privilege of always hearing and enjoying that instrument, which is the nearest approach to the natural voice.”
Mr. B.H. DARNELL, M.L.A. for Queenstown, has taken up his residence at Uitenhage,
It is reported that a farmer residing in the Zuurberg, who was the owner of a flock of 1,400 sheep, has lost all except 12, as a consequence of the late cold rains.
DOUBTFUL WELCOME. – At Agra the Duke of Edinburgh is said to have inquired whether the city had a lunatic asylum. On being informed that such an institution would be of no utility in the place, he devoutly thanked Heaven, observing that wherever there was one they invariably took him there, and he always found the word” welcome” in large letters over the entrance. – Bombay Gazette.
Thursday, May 26, 1870.
The Rev. Mr. SMAILES and family can scarcely entertain hopes of their daughter’s recovery any longer. Her affliction has been long and painful, and she still lingers.
The Rev. Mr. FLIESCHER, of Capetown is dead.
Mr. E.P. AMYOT, of Port Elizabeth died on Tuesday last.
PRESIDENT BRAND will not give up his billet after all; his pay is to be raised to £2,000 a year!
F.A. and M. POLICE. – Sir Walter CURRIE retires on full pay. Inspector BOWKER is to be the Commandant; and it is rumoured that Captain BORTON, of the 1-9th, is likely to succeed Mr. BOWKER as Inspector.
Petrus Johannes THERON, farmer, Stockenstrom.
BETWEEN Harrismith and Natal a train of one hundred and fifty wagons, from the Free State and Transvaal, going to Pietermaritzburg with wool and other produce, were recently counted.
OLD SETTLERS PASSING AWAY. – Last week old Mr. GODDARD died at Fort England, aged 89 years. He was a British Settler. Another Settler, still older than he, died last week – Mr. FORBES, of Bathurst, a name that will long be remembered in Lower Albany.
SELLING GUNS TO NATIVES. – At the Magistrate’s Court on Monday last, H. KRAMER, a resident at the Dohne, and MAYEZA, a native, were committed for trial on the charge of contravening the Gunpowder Ordinance, or otherwise selling guns to natives without permits. – K.W. Gazette.
ANCIENT SETTLERS. – We hear that there are in Albany Hospital four “settlers” who ought certainly to be included amongst the “originals”. The names of these, their ages, and the circumstances under which they came into the colony, will be explained by the following:-
Peter GOOSEN, aged 81, 6th Regt. Landed 1806.
James GOOSETREE, aged 82, 38th Regt. Landed 1807.
John FARRINGTON, aged 84, 60th Rifles. Landed 1815.
James JONES, aged 89, Royal African. Landed 1816.
The Jubilee Committee ought certainly to see the conveyance are provided for these venerable settlers, and that they are enabled, as well as their years will permit to take part in the ceremonial. – Grahamstown Advertiser.
Saturday, May 28, 1870.
FIREARMS, GUNPOWDER AND LEAD FOR THE INTERIOR. – During the month of April, 98 guns were shipped from Table Bay, 1579 lbs. of gunpowder, 28½ cwt. of bar lead, and 5½ cwt. of shot. – Standard Mail.
Mr. DURBAN B. GODLONTON, of the firm of RICHARDS, GLANVILLE, & Co., led to the altar Miss GLANVILLE, daughter of T.B. GLANVILLE, Esq. the ceremony attracted a large attendance at Commemoration Chapel. – Grahamstown Advertiser.
WANTED. – The following notice appears in the Gazette. – “Inquiry having been made respecting Yoesmarie HUBI, it is requested that any information concerning him may be communicated to the Colonial Office. HUBI, a native of Rostrenen, Cotes de Nord, served as a sailor on board the French frigate La Fidele, but it is said to have been invalided at the Cape in March 1804, and afterwards to have settled in the colony. It is believed that his death took place between the years 1804 and 1850, but no certain information on the subject has hitherto been obtained. If still alive, HUBI would now have attained the age of 94 years.
A COMPOSITOR in Port Elizabeth ordered a number of cartes de visite, which when forwarded to him he returned, not being up to the mark of the original sample. The photographer, enraged at this, produced a new carte de visite, consisting of the compositor’s head attached to the body of a Kafir female, not of the most reputable character. For this offensive libel the compositor sued the photographer for damages to the amount of £100.
NINE LEPERS. – Tenders are invited by the Resident Magistrate of Colesberg for the conveyance of nine lepers to Port Elizabeth.
In the local hospital, Port Elizabeth, resides a man named MACAULAY, aged about 90, who was present at the taking of the Cape in 1806.
A SAD ACCIDENT happened to Mr. Carey HOBSON while on his way to the Jubilee last week. While at one of the roadside hotels, he unfortunately stumbled over a barrel and broke his arm. He proceeded next day on his journey, but before he reached the city his arm became so bad that he was compelled to remain at the hotel on this side of Grahamstown, where he now lies in a dangerous state. He has since died.
CRADOCK. – The body of a man named Cobus BREDA, a journeyman shoemaker, was found hanging by the neck from a tree in one of the kloofs outside the town, on Sunday last. On the Thursday he was in a very excited state, lamenting that upon his death there would be no one to look after his children. He went out of the house and back several times, and at last told his wife that he was going out for a walk to Elandsberg. He then went away for the deliberate purpose, it is supposed, of putting an end to himself.
Thursday, June 2, 1870.
Norseman arrived during Sunday night.
Passengers for Algoa -
Mr. INGRAM, Mr. BIRD, Mr. J. JARVIS, Mr. SIMPSON and four daughters and female servant, Mr. WELL and Mr. BERR.
THEFTS. – We regret to hear that Mr. Gideon ROUX has lost 27 goats by thefts within the last few weeks.
BURGLARY. – During the absence of Mr. Francis, of the Gaga, on business at Fort Beaufort last week, some persons, supposed to be natives of the neighbourhood, broke into his shop and carried off all his stock of blankets, sheets, prints, dresses, jackets, &c., &c., leaving nothing whatever behind save a few little nick-nacks and small ware.
Mr. F. METCALF wishes to have Mr. PORTER made Governor of the colony.
JAMES DAY was sent to Mossel Bay with several other convicts by the Bismark.
CAPE MOUNTED RIFLE CORPS. – About 150 officers and men of the recently disbanded Cape Mounted Rifles proceed home in the R.M.St. Roman.
FAT MEN. – It is a curious circumstance that one of the heaviest men at the Convention of the Fat Men of Maine bears the name SMALL, and that another, but a little lighter, is named LITTLEFIELD. One of the heavy weights there is named ROUNDS.
THE ASSAULT UPON MR. HAMPSON. – The superintendent of police has succeeded in ferreting out of one of the natives concerned in the assault upon Mr. HAMPSON on Sunday night. The fellow had on one of the stolen jackets at the time of arrest, and his torn blanket was found at a short distance from his village. The headman of the location, it is said, took the man into custody, and handed him over to the chief constable. – Watchman.
A Tall Eastern girl named SHORT long loved a big Mr. LITTLE, while Mr. LITTLE, thinking little of SHORT, loved a little lass name LONG. To make a long story short, LITTLE proposed to LONG, and SHORT longed to be even with LITTLE’S shortcomings. So SHORT, meeting LONG, threatened to marry LITTLE before LONG, which caused LITTLE in a very SHORT time to marry LONG.
Query: Did tall SHORT love big LITTLE less because big LITTLE loved little LONG.
PLACARDS have been posted at Clapham, containing the following piquant invitation to worshippers at “Bethesda Chapel”; - “Ned WRIGHT, who before his conversion was convicted three times of burglary, will deliver a Gospel Address. Come and welcome! No collection.
Saturday, June 4, 1870.
SIR WALTER CURRIE’S pension is 30s per diem.
A Mrs. MEYEREN, a widow, has been committed at the Resident Magistrate’s Court, Graaff-Reinet, on a charge of murder and concealment of birth.
Mr. A. ELLIOT, formerly gunsmith in Grahamstown, is said to have been the successful competitor for the Winchester Rifle Prize at Grahamstown.
RIFLE MATCHES. – Mr. WILMOT, of Riebeck, and Mr. C.J. STIRK, of Grahamstown, have carried off the first two Jubilee Cups. There were thirty-two competitors. A half a crown sweep stakes was taken by Mr. BUSHELL, of Queenstown, and Mr. D. GRADWELL, of Albany. A five shilling sweepstakes was carried off by Mr. G.K. JACKSON, of Fort Beaufort. On Thursday Mr. RICHARDS, of Fort Beaufort, and Mr. A. ELLIOTT, of Albany, took the other Jubilee cups.
SWILL, the Kafir who broke into the stores of Mr. John PARKER and Mr. E. PARKER, has been apprehended and lodged in goal. He had arrayed himself in a new suit of ready made clothing, top boots, and hat, a new saddle and good horse. These articles have been taken from prisoner and identified. There is also a small sum of money found upon the person of the prisoner, which he admit having taken from Mr. E. PARKER’S till. – Free Press.
In the Zoutpansberg, Waterboer, and other districts fever has been prevalent and has killed many people.
Some of KRELI’S people are on a visit to the PONDAS, for what purpose it is not known. The meeting of the PONDAS and GRIQUAS has created great uneasiness amongst several of the Kafir tribes.
LATEST. – The BASUTOS have recaptured twenty of their horses from the Bushmen, and killed two. Nothing seen of Captain ALLISON’S commando.
The cholera at Zanzibar, Capt. ANDERSON states, is raging fearfully amongst the natives, but that few Europeans fall victim to it. One lady passenger, however, came on board ship at 9 o’clock on the night previous to his departure, but was seized with cholera, was taken on shore at 10 o’clock, and died that night. – Standard and Mail.
(From the “European mail”)
THE POPE is said to be a descendant of a Jew. A man thoroughly acquainted with Roman and Italian families has incontestable proofs that the relatives of the present Pontiff, Pope PIUS IX., the family of the MASTAI, are of Jewish descent. The MASTAIS derive their title of nobility from one FERRETTI, who belonged to a family of the ancienne noblesse but had married in Sinigaglia a baptized Jew of the name MASTAI. Already twenty-four years ago, when Count MASTAI FERRETTI ascended the Papal throne as PIUS IX, the Marquis CONSOLINI published a genealogical pamphlet, in which he demonstrated the Jewish origin of the MASTAI.
A WELL-KNOWN LONDON PRINTER being called on to reply to a toast, said “Gentlemen, I thank you most heartily; I can’t make a speech, but I can print one as long as you like.”
The word “home” – lovely to all – is perhaps never felt in the fullness of its peaceful beauty except by the homeless.
ECCENTRICITY of dress or manner will double attention: the mistake of vain women is to believe that it doubles attraction.
CHECK. – Husbands are always thinking about money. Wives never ask for it at all. They are quite content with a CHEQUE.
None are so fond of secrets as those who don’t mean to keep them; such persons covet secrets as a spendthrift covets money – for the purpose of circulation.
OWING AND BEING OWED. – Never owe any man more than you are able to pay, and allow no man to owe you more than you are able to lose.
DIED, at Fort Hare, on the 17th May, Jane Isabella QUINN, aged 1 year, 4 months, and 14 days. Mr and Mrs. QUINN beg to return their many thanks to those friends who so kindly assisted them during the illness of their child, - especially to Dr. PALMER.
Thursday, June 9, 1870.
The Serapis, troop-ship, has arrived in Table Bay, and the Himalaya may be daily looked for. On her arrival the arrangements regarding the disposal of the troops will take a decisive form.
THE CONVICT QABA. – This unhappy man, under sentence of death, is receiving religious instruction from the Rev. Mr. DAVIS and a Kafir teacher. QAVA is perfectly resigned to his fate. The Deputy Sheriff has not yet received the warrant of execution. – Journal.
FRUITFUL. – At the tea-meeting held at Grahamstown during the recent Jubilee the Hon. S. CAWOOD stated that one family, the heads of which came out in 1820, had 104 descendants of the first generation, 252 of the second, and 356 of the third.
Saturday, June 11, 1870.
It is said that President BRAND insists upon his salary being paid partly in colonial coin.
DEATH OF ANOTHER BRITISH SETTLER. – A correspondent writes to the Journal: I regret to say that Mr. Edward FORBES, a British Settler, who landed here in 1820, died at his residence on the Kovie road, on Friday evening the 20th ult. According to his own statement in March last, he said, “If I live until the 17th of next month I shall be a hundred years old, and I can walk to Grahamstown. I was born on the 17th of April, 1770, at Longford, in Ireland, and shouldered my musket at the battle of Vinegar Hill.” According to this account, he was 100 years, one month, and three days old. He was a man of eccentric habits, particularly fond of hunting and fishing, and was a great pedestrian; had a strong bass voice, and possessed a good stock of ready wit. He had a strong constitution and often said he never knew a day’s sickness in his life until this one, which ended his career. His remains were interred at St. John’s by the Rev. Mr. WALLIS, on Sunday afternoon. There was a long train of followers; fact, all the inhabitants in the village joined in it.
A MAN SHOT DEAD. – A white man named William BOULTER, an agriculturist, residing at Kragga Kama in the Uitenhage division, about twelve miles from this town, has been apprehended and lodged in the Uitenhage goal on a charge of shooting at and killing a Mantatee, named ANDRIES, who was in his service. From what we hear it appears that BOULTER sent the deceased on Tuesday last to the nearest canteen for a gallon of brandy, which they and other people on the place among them. After this an altercation took place between BOULTER and ANDRIES, when the former went inside and got his gun which was loaded with loopers, and deliberately fired at the latter, who was standing near the door, killing him on the spot, the charge smashing his skull into pieces. The body was allowed to lie where it fell till next day, when it was seen by some passers-by, who reported the matter to Fieldcornet MACKAY who immediately sent off to the authorities at Uitenhage, informing them of the occurrence. BOULTER was apprehended and conveyed to prison. He is said to be well connected in England, and receive(s) money regularly from his friends; but he is a man of dissolute habits and ungovernable temper. - Herald.
Messrs. GENTLE, PHELAN, and WILTSHIRE, left for the diggings on Saturday last.
The imported stallion Vir was sold at King William’s Town on Tuesday last for £150.
LIEUT.-COLONEL DUNNE, 99th Regiment, well known in this place, has married Miss Julia E. CHAPMAN, of Tunbridge Wells.
George BURGES, sheep-farmer and agriculturist, of Chumie, division of Victoria East.
William RAMSBOTTOM, of Junction Farm, in the division of Peddie.
BIRTH, at Alice, on the 5th inst., Mrs. P.J. MORKEL, of a Daughter.
QUESTION. – Before “love comes in at the door,” it would be as well for him to peep through the keyhole. He might see something that would prevent him from entering.
Thursday, June 16, 1870.
THE NEW GOVERNOR. – The Mauritius papers confirm the statement that Sir. H. BARKLY, the governor of the island, will succeed Sir Philip WOODHOUSE in the government of the Cape Colony.
LUNG-SICKNESS. – The Watchman reports that during the last ten months Mr. W. WICKS has lost 114 head of cattle by lung-sickness, Mr. S. ELLIOTT 27, Mr. WELLS 20, and Mr. T.H. WARREN 71, in all 232 head.
BOLTED. – A young man until lately employed in one of the principal houses here, quietly “sloped” one day last week, leaving a circle of sorrowing creditors to lament his hasty exit. He was well known in Queenstown, where he formerly resided. – Herald.
Monday, June 13, 1870.
Sunday, 12th June.
Himalaya arrived last night.
Northam arrived this morning:-
Passengers for Algoa Bay: - Rev. Mr. SEVERT, Mr. MOORE and Mrs. MOORE.
An attempt had been made to murder Mr. BUXTON, M.P.
Prince LEOPOLD dangerously ill.
Saturday, June 18, 1870
MULES. – Montevideo mules were last week sold for account of Messrs. POPPE, SCHUNHOFF, and GUTTERY, in Capetown, realized an average price of £9 5s.
The village of Humansdorp is greatly excited about the diamond-fields. Some authentic news arrived there from a farmer called G. RAUTENBACH, of that division who is there now, and is doing well. One party is to start almost immediately, and some others are to follow.
FROZEN TO DEATH. – A private letter from Dordrecht says, it has been so cold, that at Long Kloof the bodies of ten Kafirs had been found who had died from exposure – frozen to death! – Free Press.
A SHOCKING OCCURANCE OCURRED at East London on the 10th inst. A man of color named ANDREW, belonging to the Surf-boat establishment, who is said to have been sick and out of his mind, nearly killed another man named BOURKE, by cutting him severely across the throat and thigh with a razor. ANDREW afterwards attempted his own life by cutting his throat. He was afterwards secured and had to be strapped down. Dr. VIX was immediately in attendance, and both ANDREW and BOURKE now lie in a dangerous state. – Watchman.
DEPARTURE OF THE “ROMAN.” – The Union Company’s steamer Roman, Capt. DIXEN, left Table Bay on Sunday for England, with the royal mails and the following passengers:
From Natal –
Mr. BUNNELL, Mr. KILLOCH, Mrs. M. GREEN and three children, Mr. W.B. BAXTER, Mrs. MAXWELL and female servant, Mr. C. MIRANDA.
From East London –
From Algoa Bay –
Mr. SONNENBERG, Colonel KNIGHT, C.M.R., Mrs. KNIGHT, Dr. BATHO, C.M.R., Mrs. BATHO, Capt. NICHOLSON, C.M.R., Capt. HALES, C.M.R., Mr. COTHEPIATO, Mr. MULLER, Mr. SHINNER, , Mr. and Mrs. BAILEY and three children.
From Cape Town –
Capt. and Mrs. THURBURN and female servant, Mr. And Mrs. LOPEZ, Capt. SATTERLEY, Mr. DICKINSON, Mr. BOWEN, Miss WILSON, Mr. THORTON, Mr. BANKS, Mr. P.L. CLOETE, 89 men C.M.R., 4 women, 8 children, 7 staff sergeants, 3 wives, 1 child.
MR. BRAND seems to have no happy time of it as President. The Volksraad will not give him his salary in the shape he likes. Naturally, he desires to have as much gold as possible. Not unnaturally, the Volksraad wishes to put him off with as much paper as possible. Mr. BRAND intimates that he has no strong inclination to stay in the Free State, and that money is an object. The Volksraad think it is very wrong not to be content with his position and its emoluments, and is astonished at his want of patriotism.
When the Free State post left on Friday last, Mr. BRAND is said that in the course of two or three days he would be enabled personally to inform the Raad of his future plans and intentions, and to state whether he would (if spared) continue to fill the office of President for the full period of five years. The Volksraad has determined not to provide for a Chief of Justiceship this year. – Journal.
The trial of LAURENS for murder of his father-in-law, had concluded at Pretoria after several days of sitting. The verdict was Guilty, the sentence Death. It would seem that the public voice fully endorses the justice both of the verdict and sentence on the unhappy man. – T.V. Advocate.
POSTSCRIPT. - Pretoria, Saturday. – The unhappy man P. LAURENS is to be executed. The Uitv. Raad have signed the death warrant. He will be hanged on Thursday morning at 10 o’clock. – Ibid.
A murder at Bloemhof is reported this morning. A Kafir, actuated by jealousy as it seems has deliberately beaten his wife to death. He has been made prisoner, and is expected at Potchefstroom to-day. – Ibid.
(From the “European Mail.”)
A YOUTHFUL BELLE named Fanny JOY has just married. She was a thing of beauty, but has no desire to remain a JOY for ever.
HARD WORKED. – “I cannot image.” said an alderman, “why my whiskers should turn grey so much sooner than the hair of my head.” – “Because.” Said a wag, “you have worked so much harder with your jaws than your brains.”
AWAY WITH THEM. – Are not chignons hair-em-scare-em things.
ANOTHER of the ancient settlers has passed away. We mentioned at the time of the Jubilee festivities that there were four old colonists in the Albany Hospital. One of them James GOOSETREE, who came out with the 38th Regt. 1807, and was 82 years of age, died on Saturday last and was buried on Sunday. The dispersal of these relics of a past age is gradually but surely going on. – G.R. Advertiser
Thomas YORK, carpenter and undertaker, of Fort Beaufort.
Thursday, June 23, 1870.
Mr. G. KING and several others, of the Bedford district, are arranging for a start to the diamond-fields.
We (Journal) hear that Mr. George LOCKE, Mr. L. THOMPSON, Mr. WHELDON, and another are preparing for a trip to the diamond fields.
SETTLERS OF 1820. – We regret to state that news has been received from Cradock of the death of Mr. EDW. BRADFIELD, a British settler of 1820. We have been requested to say that Mr. COMLEY, of this town is dangerously ill. – Journal.
Mr. CHARLES PENNY, senr., another of the British Settlers of 1820, died on the 12th instant, aged 81 years and 9 months.
Saturday, June 25, 1870
THE MURDERER QABA, we understand will be executed on Fort Beaufort.
BRITISH BASUTOLAND. – Sub-Inspector WRIGHT, it is said, is to succeed Mr. BOWKER as High Commissioner’s Agent in Basutoland.
DOMESTIC. – The following will interest several of our readers; it appears in the marriage notices of the Pall Mall Budget, April 29th: “At Canonbury, the Rev. J.D. HEPBURN, Missionary to South Africa, to Elizabeth, daughter of the late Rev. George BIRD, of Westray, Orkney. April 21.”
THE RIGHT REV. DR. GRIMLEY. – By the Northam information has been received that several valuable presents have been made to this prelate by distinguished personages. The Pope has given him two sets of magnificent vestments. From one Rome Prince he has received a chalice of great value, and from another some episcopal robes. Dr. GRIMLEY has also been presented by the Marquis of Bute with a bell for the Roman Catholic Cathedral in this city. – Argus.
SOMERSET. – J.A. de WET, Esq., M.L.A. has received the appointment of Deputy Sheriff for Somerset East and the district.
Among the passengers by the Norseman were Mr. B.H. DARNELL, M.L.A., and Dr. COLERIDGE, with their respective families.
DISTRICT SURGEONS. – The following appointments have been made:-
Frederick ALBERTYN, Esq., M.D. to be district surgeon of Bredesdorp, in the room of C.C.J. KOTZE, Esq., M.D.
N.E. SCHONNBERG, Esq., M.D., to be district surgeon of Clanwilliam, in the room of J. BOOMSMA, Esq., surgeon deceased.
Thursday, June 30, 1870.
MR. A.T. STEWART paid £750 last to the police for watching his clerks.
A PARALYTIC husband in Paris was instantly cured by seeing his wife murdered.
The city of Elizabeth, New Jersey, has a hen that recently hatched seventeen chickens from fifteen eggs.
Monday, June 27, 1870.
Saxon arrived at 2.a.m.
Passengers for Algoa Bay: Mr. BRADBURY, Mrs. O’FLYNN.
Women’s disabilities thrown out.
Dean of Rochester dead.
America won the yacht race, and also two subsequent ones.
A PHYSICAN stopped at the door of a country apothecary, and inquired for a pharmacopœia – “Sir,” said the apothecary, “I know of no such farmer living about these parts.”
- Hits: 3319