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Fort Beaufort Advocate 1870 4 October - December

Saturday, October 1, 1870.


Wagons with parties bound for the diamond fields still pass nearly every day through this place.

A Fingo boy was accidentally killed by another boy in a quarrel, with sticks on Monday, the 12th September, near the Chumie Post.

Diamonds are being found at the Fields at the rate of 300 per diem. Favourable reports increasing daily.

Several families are leaving Alice in a short time.

Great excitement in King Williamstown to the fact that a seam of good coal has been found at Windvogelberg, about twenty miles from K.W. Town.

Several parties have left Alice lately for the Diamond fields; some with their families, others intend leaving in a short time. We believe about thirty have left the town alone, mostly able-bodied men.

Nearly all the Chumie farmers have left for the fields, and in a months’ time “all” nearly intend to proceed to the fields. As to who will look after all these merciless wives and children, we cannot say, just now.

The loss sustained by Mr. James SMITH, of the Chumie, in having his house burnt down, we believe will exceed £100.

The BAYLEY Company of Diamond seekers from Alice, has found a diamond valued at £9 or £10.

A young girl of the name HAMLEY was burnt to death by fire at Mr. WOEST’S, on Monday week last. She was about thirteen years of age, and of a respectable family. The details are as follows: It appears deceased’s frock caught fire in the kitchen, who, upon seeing this, rushed outside, and was soon in a flaming torch. Death followed in about two hours time. The agony was fearful, and the “person” appeared something dreadful. The deceased’s father and brothers were to the Diamond Fields, “to make things still worse.”

THE COAL FIELDS. – Mr. R. ROBINSON, Esq, Dr. ATHERSTONE, and A.N. ELLA, Esq., have returned from their visit to the Stormberg coal fields. From observations taken on a survey of the pits, it was found that on Mr. VICE’S farm alone there was 1,000 acres of coal formation that each acre would yield 44,000 tons, making in the whole 4,000,000 tons.

Thursday, October 6, 1870.


SPURIOUS COIN. – A spurious five shilling piece was passed by a native in Mr. ESTMENT’S shop on Monday morning. It was at once detected by Mrs. ESTMENT. It would probably have passed unnoticed among a number of genuine coins of the same denomination. Shopkeepers will do well to keep a sharp eye for similar attempts.

Mr. Jas. McLAREN has obtained the contract for the repairs in the Dutch Reformed Church at Somerset East. The amount is over £3,000.

AT THE DIGGINGS. – There are now at the “diggings” two colonial magistrates, four attorneys, four medical men, and a host of “members of the press” – all looking for diamonds.

IMPORTED VERMIN. – It is a strange fact that on some of the homesteads around Bathurst genuine English rats are to be found, and it is supposed that they or their ancestors must have smuggled themselves across the Atlantic in cases containing agricultural implements.

COMPULSARY SEQUESTRATION. – The estate of Frederick William LUCAS, of Grahamstown, has been placed under compulsory sequestration, by order of Chief Justice, Sir Sydney BELL, bearing date 10th inst., upon the petition of the Cape of Good Hope Saving’s Bank.

DEATH OF MR. FRANCIS, SENR. – This venerable gentleman, one of the old Settlers, expired on Tuesday night last, at the residence of his son, Mr. Thomas FRANCIS, at the very advanced aged of 83 years. He retained his faculties to the last. – G.T. Advertiser.

MR. R.W. MURRAY gave a successful literary entertainment at Bloemfontein on his way to the Diamond Fields, in aid of the Public Library at that place. The selections were from BYRON, LONGFELLOW, and Tom HOOD.

Saturday, October 8, 1870.


Mr. N.H. THEUNISEN, who returned last night from the diamond fields, reports, - That one night last week Mr. Hendrik KEMPER, from this town, whose tent is pitched close to the river on the Free State side, heard a noise as of people fighting on the opposite side, and also the cries of “help, help,” which soon ceased and all was again silent. Next morning the body of one John PORTER a tailor, of this town, was found in the river. The perpetrators of this foul deed were being taken for his apprehension.

The PIENAAR-BEUKES party picked up a diamond of 9 carats last week. Mr. J. MURRAY of this town, has found in all 15 diamonds, all of small size.

Mr. KEMPER left the fields on Monday last, and Mr. F. RAWSTORNE may also be expected in a few days.


A FORTUNATE M.L.A. – A letter has been received in Grahamstown from Mr. T. KING, M.L.A., stating that he has found two diamonds of 9 and 19 carats respectively.

MR. TRUTER, the Special Free State Commissioner, made a good hit last week by purchasing a 20 carat diamond from a native for £10 a far more profitable spec than digging.

A RUMOUR was in circulation this week that a great riot had occurred at the Diamond fields, by which nine men had lost their lives. We hope it is untrue. – Colesburg Advertiser.

A STONE, supposed to be a diamond, has been picked up near Pearston. If it turns out to be a veritable gem, its value will be from £6,000 to £8,000. – E.P. Herald.

RETURNING HOMEWARDS. – Several parties from the Diggings have passed through Colesberg during the past week. Amongst the number were Messrs. BIGGS, ARNOLD, and BEYTELL, from district Middelburg, with three diamonds, the produce of one month’s labor, Messrs. THACKWRAY, FRANCIS, and BOLD, of Cradock, having worked for ten weeks with no satisfactory results. Messrs. Daniel de WET, and Cornls. van ZYL, of Zuurberg, Hantam, with the following gems, the produce of three weeks work – 1 of 2½ carats, 1 about 3½ carats, and 2 weighing together about 3 carats. Messrs. AUCAMP and VENTER, also of Zuurberg, with 1 diamond about 10 carats, 2 about 6 carats each, and two about 5 carats. We give the weights as they were communicated to us. Mr. J. de WET informs us that he met between Colesburg and the Diggings 102 wagons and carts, and tramps innumerable. – Colesberg Herald.

A doctor’s wife once attempted to move her husband by tears. “Ann,” said he, “tears are useless. I have analysed them. They contain a little phosphate of lime, some chlorate et sodium, and that’s all.”

Thursday, October 13, 1870.

Monday, October 10, 1870.
The schooner “Nelly” arrived in Port Elizabeth on Saturday from the Mauritius.
She brings news from Europe via Ceylon, up to Sept. 6.
Several battles have been fought in which the Prussians are victorious.
One lasted three days, in which 200,000 were killed.
Strasbourg is in ruins. The people dying of hunger, but won’t surrender.
The Prussians are en route for Paris.
France declared a Republic. Provisional Government formed of Jules FAVRE, CREMIEUX, ROCHEFORT, ARAGO, and GAMBETTI, with TROCHU at the head, as Generalisimo.
London, Sept. 3.
The King of Prussia, telegraphing the Queens of Prussia, says: - A capitulation is about to be concluded with General WIMPFEN, by which the army before Sedan will become prisoners of war. The emperor has surrendered himself to me!
McMAHON wounded and a prisoner.


The “Friend” received intelligence that a magnificent gem, weighing 88 and 1-16th carats, has been found of the Pniel side by Mr. WHEELER, of Beaufort West. He was off £22,000 cash on the spot, but would not part with it for less than £30,000. The lucky finder has left the fields with his prize en route for England.

Mr. SLATER, of Fort Beaufort, has found a diamond valued at £800.

There are now about eleven thousand persons on the fields, about six thousand of whom are whites.


THE KAFRARIAN VOLUNTEERS. – About 120 of the members of this corps signed the rules and took the oath of allegiance before the Civil Commissioner in the Town Hall on Friday evening last.

JOHN RORKE, Esq., has been gazetted a Justice of the Peace in the district of Fort Beaufort.

Stephen Westbrook HAYCRAFT, (DECEASED), late of Fort Beaufort.

F.A.M. POLICE DESERTERS. - CRAWFORD, the member of the Frontier Armed and Police who absconded from Glen Grey, has been captured at Bethulie by Corporal BACK. He arrived under escort, and is safely lodged in the Queenstown gaol. The other man has not yet been heard of.

MONSTER PIG. – A monster pig, bred by Mr. Jas. LANG, of Fort Jackson, was slaughtered by Mr. D. THOMAS on Thursday last. It was only 16 months old, and weighed in the carcase 404lbs, the head alone being 44lbs. A great portion of the meat was converted into sausages by Mr. THOMAS, and readily disposed of. – Watchman.


A Boston paper is “in favour of women voting if they want to.” A western paper “would like to see the man who could make them vote if they didn’t want to.”

ANNA DICKINSON, the noted American lecturer, in a recent lecture demanded ‘Why was I born?” There was an emphatic pause, a repetition of the question, and then a small boy in the gallery shrilly piped, “I give it up.”

EPITAPHS. – Among the curiosities found on tombstones of New England, are the following, to be seen at Burlington, Massachusetts:-
Here lies the body of Mary Ann LOWDER:
She burst while drinking a Seidlitz powder.
Called from this world by her heavenly rest:
She should have waited till it effervesced.
Sacred to the memory of Anthony DRAKE,
Who died for peace and quietness sake;
His wife was constantly scolding and scoffin,
So he sought for repose in a 12-dollar coffin.

Saturday, October 15, 1870


Somerset. – We are pleased that the fever patients are all gradually recovering, although it has proved fatal to one promising young man named Stephanus B. de KLERK, who died on Saturday morning last at the age of 19. – Courant.


HIMS AND HERRS. – “I have a great love for old hymns,” said one pretty girl to another. – “I am much fonder,” replied the other (who was a German),” of the young herrs,”

(From the Friend)

DIAMOND-FINDS. – Mr. T. HOLMES, of Kafir-river, in this district, has just heard from his sons at the “fields”, to the effect that one Mr. Charles HOLMES, has recently unearthed 25, and the other, Mr. Walter HOLMES, 8 diamonds. The latter has been but two or three weeks from his home.

LATEST FROM THE FAURESMITH DIGGINGS. – A correspondent writes under date Fauresmith, September 28, 1870. –
“The Jagersfontein diggings are turning out very well. The findings of 50 claims average about 6½ per day. Mr. John OELRICH, working Mr. SIEBERT’S claim, got a diamond last week of 42 carats. The stone if of first water, but rough and has flaws. Upon the whole, the stones found here are not so beautiful as those of the Vaal-river diamond-fields.

DEATHS AT THE DIGGINGS. – During the past few days, Mr. von BROEMBSEN, an apothecary, lately of Burghersdorp, was discovered dead in his bed; and Englishman, named PORTER, was drowned in the Vaal (in what way is not known) ; and a Kafir was picked up dead with a gunshot wound in his breast (by whom inflicted we are not informed). A native in the employ of Mr. COWIE, formerly of this town, was seized with a fit while bathing in the river, several weeks ago, and immediately sank.

CAPT. LUCAS, Resident Magistrate of Ladysmith, Natal, passed through Winburg, on Saturday last, per post-cart on his return from the Fields. The gallant Captain, while at Winburg declined to make public the actual number of value of the “findings” of his party, but declared to the gentlemen here, that he must say he was more than satisfied with the amount of his success. It was reported in Winburg, on what foundation we know not, that Capt. LUCAS had with him a 100-carat diamond. This, however, we suspect to be an exaggeration.

HOMEWARD BOUND. – Several passengers have arrived from the Diamond-field during the past week. On Tuesday last, Messrs STEYN & HANGER’s extra cart brought Messrs RHODES and HOPE (Natal), MANNING (Queenstown), and another whose name we have not heard; and on Saturday, the usual passenger-cart of the above firm brought the Hon’ble Mr. SCHOLTZ. On Tuesday morning Mr. ELLIS of Bedford, arrived by Mr. MacRAE’s cart. Mr. ROOS, the diamond-buyer, and several Bloemfonteiners have also arrived by private conveyances.

Thursday, October 13, 1870.
The Saxon from Plymouth, with news to the 10th September, arrived in Table Bay this morning at 4 o’clock.
Passengers Eastward:
Crown Prince of Prussia and Saxony leading the march on Paris.
Emperor surrendered to the King. The ex-Empress is on the way to join her husband at Willemshohe. Prince Imperial is in England.
McMAHON’s defeat was in an attempt to release BAZAINE. The latter in turn attempted to march from Metz to reinforce the former, but was driven back with frightful loss after twenty-four hours of fighting.
McMAHON commenced his movements to the north-west, in hope of releasing BAZAINE at Metz.
The Imperial family left Paris; the Empress to Belgium. Prince Imperial to Hastings, Princess CLOTILDE to Switzerland.
BAZAINE is still at Metz. An attempt to go to McMAHON for relief was repulsed with great slaughter. Battle lasted 24 hours.
The “Captain,” turret-ship, gone down in a storm off Cape Finisterre, with nearly 500 men.

Thursday, October 20, 1870.


There is little fresh news from the Fields.
Mr. N.M. de KOCK has unearthed another diamond of eleven-sixteenth carats.

A new field has been discovered at Koffyfontein, about four hours from Fauresmith. Many diamonds picked up on the surface. The proprietor of the farm is willing to grant licences to all comers at 5s. per month.

Another Field reported on the farm Blesbokfontein, between Bloemfontein and Fauresmith. Several diamonds reported to have been found there.

Correspondent of “Friend” says, startling successes are hourly reported.

SCHOLTZ returned to King Williamstown. He describes the diggings as a dreadful place, very hot, and likely to be much sickness there.

Mr. A.M. ANDERSON has also returned.


The three natives charged with assaulting Mr. ACKERMAN, were sentenced to three months’ imprisonment with hard labor.

Mr. D. BREMNER, for many years postmaster and gaoler in this town, died last week after a lingering and painful illness of many months, at the ripe age of 71 years. Deceased was buried on Sunday, his remains being followed to the grave by a large number of his townsmen, by whom the deceased was much and deservedly respected.

We (Colesberg Herald) are informed on the most reliable authority, that Mr. VERMEULEN, of Hanover, has sold a farm for 2,500 to a man who left Hanover poor, but has now returned with several thousands of pounds, the fruits of his diamond-fields adventure.

Saturday, October 22, 1870.

DIED, At Fort Beaufort, on Saturday, the 15th inst., after a long illness, Donald BREMNER, aged 71 years and 10 days.

BRITISH SETTLERS. - The old Settlers are dying out very rapidly since the Jubilee. Two have passed away during the past week. Mrs. PAXTON died at Grahamstown at the ripe age of 90 years, and Mr. Henry FULLER of Albany died at Adelaide, aged 77 years.


Mr. JEFFREYS, Attorney at Queen’s Town, has received the appointment of Secretary of the Divisional Council of East London.

THE ROUTE. – Last week 47 wagons passed through this town, for the diamond-fields, and this week upwards of 50 have arrived. The owners of many of these wagons are old experienced carriers, such as men as the WIGGELSs, HARTYs, and GOLDSWAINs – which should be sufficient guarantee as to this being the best route. – Alice Observer.

(From the Friend)

Mr. L. HOND, the diamond merchant arrived here last evening, in company with Mr. LILIENFELD, of Hopetown. Mr. HOND informs us that quite recently, in just seven days, he purchased between 900 and 1000 carats weight of diamonds – the largest stone being but 22 carats. He further informs us, that Mr. N.M. de KOCK, of whose company he (Mr. HOND) is a member, has – since he unearthed the 54 carat diamond before reported – got one of 40 and eleven-sixteenth carats – a real beauty of the first water – and brought the same to Hopetown. This – with the former one – will be shipped for sale in England.

During the week we have seen and conversed with a young man recently from the Hebron branch of the digging community. This is the section of miners that has thought fir to succumb to PRETORIUS, and to acknowledge Transvaal rule. Many of the people at present there, are said to be Transvaal Boers with their families; Boers from Somerset East (Cape Colony); and one or two parties from Natal.
President PRETORIUS has appointed Mr. de VILLIERS (brother-in-law of Mr. O.J. TRUTER, late of Cronstadt) landdrost ; Mr. BANKES, landdrost- clerk; and Mr. UIJS (late of Natal), commandant. Our informant states that between the 20th and 30th September last, 18 diamonds were dug out in one day; and on other days an average of eight or ten. Among these a 40 carat diamond had been exhumed. These diggings are pronounced to be just now more promising than the original ones at Klipdrift. Hebron is said to be not more than fifteen hours on horseback from this town. Coffee, sugar, and such like articles are said to be scarce and dear at the Hebron fields. A new town is about to be laid out half way between Hebron and Bloemhof – being six hours from either place – at a spot where it is said the Vaal River can be led for the purposes of irrigation.


From the Diamond Fields by Thursday’s post we learn that DUGMORE’s party from this district, had found three stones; YOUNG’s party four, three of them very nice gems; and NILAND’s party four diamonds.

BUCKLEY’s party and O’BRIEN’s parties from Port Elizabeth, have passed Burghersdorp safely.

We (Colesberg Advertiser) are informed that active measures are being taken with a view to digging for diamonds near Hopetown, where several have already been found.

DEATH BY DROWNING. – The body of Lance-Corporal of the 32nd Light Infantry, named Walter WALKER, was found in the Buffalo River, at King William’s Town, on Sunday last. The deceased who was 20 years of age, is supposed to have fallen into a hole, and the heaviness of his clothing, he having had his overcoat on, prevented his swimming.

Thursday, October 27, 1870.


FIFTY-FOUR DIAMONDS found by one party.

King William’s Town.
Tuesday, October 25.
News from Diamond-fields to 19th
Lieut. VIBART’s party Natal, have picked up 54 diamonds. One of 150 carats; another, 27; and others from 12 downwards. Altogether estimated at one hundred and fifty thousand sterling.

CAWOOD, of Cradock, has found a 24-carat diamond; TROWER, one of 10 carats; BOWKER, one of 12 carats; Navvies gems of 15 to 12 carats.

LLOYD’s party, from Kaffraria, have diamonds valued at £11,000.


The UITENHAGE Times, received by last post, contains a well-executed lithographic sketch of “Jackstadt’s patent Gold and diamond washer.”

MR. RICHARD WALLACE, the inheritor of the great wealth of the late Marquis of Hertford, has given £12,000 to found an ambulance for the French army, which is to be called “The Ambulance of the late Marquis of Hertford.”

LIEUT.-COL. PEMBERTON, the military correspondent of the Times, was killed by a stray bullet while watching the battle of Sedan. He was well known, and much liked.

Saturday, October 29, 1870.


Mr. H. MACDONALD of the Telegraph Company, has been appointed deputy-postmaster at King Williamstown.

STANDARD BANK. – We hear on good authority that the Standard Bank is about establishing a branch bank at the diamond fields.

A rather curious and decidedly unpleasant incident befell Commissioner TRUTER last week. On Thursday, the 6th inst., as Mr. TRUTER was returning on horseback from Upper Klip Drift, and when at a point of the road two miles from the drift on the Northern side of the Vaal, he was suddenly accosted by two men with pistols who called upon him to “stand!”
The men were about sixty yards distant from Mr. TRUTER when they made the demand. The commissioner being unarmed has to trust his wits and fortunately he had to deal with raw hands on the road. He shouted out in reply that he had no time to stay, brushed by, and made the best of his way home. Whatever the intentions of the men were, the circumstances was a nasty one. – Diamond News.


Mr. Thos. KING, one of 12 carats, two small ones.
Mr. KING has now five diamonds, one of 19 carats, one of 12, one of 9, and two small.
Mr. ALCOTT, four of weight unknown. Mr. ALCOTT has now seven.
Mr. Gibson CUMMING, one of 87/8 , a beautiful straw coloured stone. Last week Mr. CUMMING’s party found eleven.
Mr. HEUGH of Uitenhage, with whom is Mr. HARPER, one of 2½ one of 2, and three others.
The “diamond News” party, one small.
Three navvies name unknown, one of 12 or 15 carats,
A party, name unknown, one of 5.
Mr. THERON, seven in one day.
Mr. Charles HOLMES, one of seven.
Mr. VERMAAK, one of 3, and one of weight unknown.
T. STOWE, a lad of sixteen, from Queenstown, three small ones in the first three days of his digging-he is assisted by a Kafir only.
Mr. FINCHAM, one of 7, one of 3, and one of 4.
Mrs. SLOANE, one of 3½.
Mr. BATTY, number unknown.
Mr. MEESER, one. Last week Mr. MEESER had four in one sieve.
CUMMINGS’ party one.
Late to-day, and since writing above, we have heard of the following:
At WEBSTER’s camp, one of 14 carats, and one of 13.
At Good Hope, Mr. CAWOOD, son of Mr. CAWOOD at Cradock, one of 24½ carats, good.
Mr. TROWER, one of 10 carats.
Mr. BOWKER, of Monroe party, 12½ CARATS.
At Pniel, Mr. STAFFORD, two diamonds. - Diamond News.


SAD ACCIDENT. – On Wednesday a child of Mr. S. GRAY, about four or five years old, was missed by his mother. Search was made in vain; at length the child’s hat was discovered in the pond close to the house, and upon Mr. GRAY’s arrival at home in the evening, he dragged the pond, and sad to relate found the body of his child. Much sympathy is felt with the bereaved parents. This is the second child Mr. GRAY has lost within a few months.

Thursday, November 3, 1870.

Arrived Celt. Passenger for Algoa Bay, Rev. Mr. PICKERING.


ASSAULT. – On Saturday night an assault was committed by a native upon Mr. COURTENAGE. Some natives were squabbling, and Mr. COURTENAGE interfered to separate the disputants, when a native, said to be half an idiot, threw a stone at him, which inflicted a serious wound on his face.

SAD CASE. – On Friday night a Mr. and Mrs. BLAIR had a quarrel, in which violence is said to have been used. BLAIR, who was in a state of the D.T., was put into goal, and on Saturday Mrs. BLAIR died, and it is supposed that her death was accelerated by the ill-usage she received on the previous day. Both parties appear to have been liquor at the time of the quarrel. For some time previously BLAIR and his wife had been very steady, but a few days ago – they both “broke out”, - and the sad consequences above alluded to, occurred. BLAIR appears much grieved by the loss of his wife. A post-mortem examination was held by Dr. de SMIDT, District Surgeon, on Sunday. What the report is we cannot say.

FARM No. 7. – Messrs HOLLAND & Co., sold by auction on Wednesday last to Mr. MUNDT q.q. Dr. KRANSE for £500, the Farm No. 7, situated on the Keiskama River, division of East London, which formerly belonged to Messrs. PERKINS, OLGILVIE & Co.

EN ROUTE FOR THE FIELDS. – The following parties have called at our office during the week and desired to be reported.
From Queenstown: Messrs. F. HULLEY, R. HULLEY, and S. DICKS.
From Lushington: Mr. and Mrs. W. KEYS, family and 9 men.
From Fort Beaufort: J. McCULLUM and party.
From Stormberg: Mr. and Mrs. WALKER, family and party.
From Maclean: Messrs FARRELL, and HUMPHRIES, and party of men.
From Clarkebury: Messrs MORTIMER & VENABLES and four men. – Observer.

Saturday, November 5, 1870.


Mr. INNES, of Bloemfontein, passed through Queenstown on his way to Grahamstown, with 300 diamonds in his possession.

(From the Diamond News.)
MR TROWER, of Good Hope, has 24 fine diamonds, one of 16 carats, and several from 6 to 3, some of them beauties. He found 12 last week and 2 the early part of this week.

GONG GONG. – The diggings on the side of Gong-gong are reported to be remunerative. On Saturday last Mr. William VAN AS picked up a diamond of 11 carats in that diamond.

STRUCK BY LIGHTNING. – Mr. WARREN, of LLOYD’s party, from Fort Beaufort, has reported to us that four of his own oxen were killed by lightning one day last week. After the fatal blow, they lay huddled together quite dead.

MR. CHAPMAN, Mr. JAMES, and Mr. CLOUGH, leave for Grahamstown with 23 diamonds. Four members of his party, Messrs. HOCKEY, SANGSTER, COLE and GREY remain on the diggings. We understand that Mr. CHAPMAN intends returning to the Fields.

SALE OF PLANT, &c. - Mr. STAMPER, who left the Diggings for Hanover, on the 16th, sold his claims, valuable mining and washing plant to Mr. ROE and WILLET, Mr. John ROBERTS, and Mr. ARDERNE. Messrs. ROE and WILLET brought the pump and cradle. Mr. STAMPHER’s well known mules commanded a good but fair price. One pair sold for £30, another for £18.

Extracts taken from men (mostly from widowers of 50 or thereabouts) advertising for wives:
A Land Agent in Yorkshire, aged 38, tall and of good appearance, wishes to marry. He has a good income. Will any Lady take compassion on him?
A Professor in one of the Universities, aged 35, and with 400 a year, thinks that a Wife would add to his happiness, and would like to hear of a Lady calculated to make him a suitable Wife.
Ladies Extracts:
Is a Lady, aged 35, tall, of good appearance. Good family, and will have property at a future day.
Is a Lady, aged 30, tall fair, and handsome. Daughter of a gentleman of landed estate. Will have property at father’s death. Would like to marry a clergyman or some gentleman with £400 to £500 a year.
A Young Lady, aged 18, well educated, musical. At her mother’s death she will come into £500 a year.


Mr. EMETT was found guilty by the jury empanelled to try him. He made an appeal before sentence was passed upon him, which appeared to have considerable weight with the judge. The light sentence of 12 months imprisonment without hard labor, was passed upon him. The exceptions to his trial raised by his Counsel, will be urged in the Supreme Court.

(Extract) It is with no ordinary sorrow we announce the death this morning of Mr. J.G. FRANKLIN, well known as the Editor for many years of the Frontier Times, and also Member of the House of Assembly. Mr. FRANKLIN was in the 63rd year of his age. - Journal.

Thursday, November 10, 1870.


(Extract) A preliminary examination of the charge against BLAIR, in connection with the death of his wife, occupied the Magistrate nearly the whole day on Monday, and further examination was put off until today. The evidence as far as it has gone, tends to make it doubtful whether the death of Mrs. BLAIR was caused by the violence alleged to have been committed by her husband. Both the accused and his deceased wife seem to have been suffering from delirium tremens when the assault took place. On the day following the assault, Mrs. BLAIR died, having had several fits, and in her last moments calling out for brandy. Much will depend upon the medical testimony which is said to be conflicting.

ACCIDENT TO THE “SAXON,” – On Wednesday morning the 3rd inst., the R.M.S. Saxon struck on a rock of L’Agulhas. She arrived in Table Bay on the 4th, and is stated to be very much down by the head.

WRECK AT EAST LONDON. – On Tuesday, during a heavy south-east gale, the schooner Flower of the Arun lost both anchors and went on shore, becoming a total wreck. The crew were all saved. The Flower of the Arun, went on shore at Port Alfred on the 12th August last, while being piloted into the river, but was got off, not having sustained much damage.

MURDER WILL OUT. – Our correspondent at Port Alfred writes:- “A convict here confessed, a day or two ago, to having murdered a man in England, some six years since – his reason for confessing being that he could not rest night or day. He says the voice of conscience would be heard, and he could obtain no rest until the murder was made known. I think they will send him back to England to swing for it.” – G.T. Advertiser.

Saturday, November 12, 1870.


A VERY old Hottentot, supposed to be between 90 and 100 years of age, died in the prison hospital on Tuesday.

“KAFIR EXPRESS.” – We have received the second number of this English Kafir journal. It is the neatest of all our Colonial journals. It contains abundance of matter calculated to interest and instruct the Kafir mind. The number of Kafirs, however, would be able to comprehend the articles, especially those touching European topics, we should say is limited probably to those who have undergone an educational course at the Missionary stations. The editor does not underrate the difficulties in the way of establishing the Express upon a permanent footing, but he does not despair of accomplishing his end, with the aid of those who think with him, that a Kafir newspaper will be a powerful lever to raise the native intellectually and morally. The Express goes to some expense and trouble to obtain the latest telegram of European news.

AUSTRALIAN DIGGERS. – Several Australians passed through Queenstown en route to the El Dorado. They say there is great excitement in Australia that the Cape Diamond-fields are looked upon as the richest in the world. As soon as the pioneers on their way report favourably, there will be a great rush from the sister Colony. – Free Press.

GORED BY A BUFFALO. – A fatal accident has happened to an old colonist whilst hunting recently in the Amaswasi country. Mr. James WILES, of the Noodsberg, had gone on a hunting trip, and was at the time of the accident alone, when he was charged by a buffalo, and before he had time to fire at the infuriated animal, was severely gored in the arm. The buffalo returned to the charge and gored the deceased almost to the heart, and it turned out fatally. Mr. WILES being tossed into a tree, where he was found in a very weak and exhausted condition. He died shortly after he was found from the effects of the wounds he received. – K.W.T. Gazette.

(From the “Diamond News.”)

Mr. RADEMEYER, who lately found the 50 carat diamond at Good Hope, is Mr. T.M. RADEMEYER, Cornelius’ son, of Somerset East. The stone was a very fine one.

THE THIRTY-SEVEN CARAT DIAMOND. – The diamond found by Messrs. TABB and WILLIAMSON, at Kyvy, is a very fine stone, of good shape and colour. It is now far on its way to Grahamstown.

THE PNIEL HOSPITAL. – The Pniel Committee are taking steps towards the establishment of an hospital here. It is proposed to give a salary of £500 a year to the medical man, - not a penny too much. This is a good idea.

THE NATAL PARTY. – There are various reports out about the Natal party with which Mr. Charles KIDWELL was connected. As truth is better than rumour, it may now be said that, without doubt, that party found, some time ago, a diamond weighing considerably over 100 carats, as well as other precious gems.

ARRIVALS. – Messrs. Arnold SHEPPERSON, sen and jnr.
BISHOP sen. and jnr.
John PARISH and two lads from fort Beaufort.
Mr. H. JONES, and nine others from Capetown.
Sir Bernard LEE with five wagons from Port Elizabeth.
Mr. BENNING’s wagons from K.W. Town.
Mr. Jon WRIGHT, M.L.A.
Lower Albany – Messrs. James CHADWICK, PIKE, and MITCHELL.
From Grahamstown – (should have been announced last Saturday) – Messrs. WEDDERBURN, T. HILL, ANNA, and CROUCH.
From Salem: six weeks on the road. – Mr. TAYLOR’S party from the Bay.
Six weeks on the road – Mr. McKASKELL, sen and jnr. Messrs J. ADAMS, and J. and M. HAYES.
From Capetown – Messrs D. PHILIP, J. SMITH, and W. van REIT.

DEPARTURES. – Mr. W. ALLEN for Cradock.
Mr. LEPPAN of Somerset.
Mr. T. KING Victoria East.

(From the Friend.)
Klip Drift, Oct. 30.
Thirteen wagons arrived in camp today – eight from Port Elizabeth, five from Natal.
Several diggers who left for home today, took with them diamonds to the value of at least £9,000.
Tramps. – The town is actually overrun from all parts of the Colony.

Dr. HIDDINGH and Capt. ETHERIDGE, of Cape Town.


Dr. MATHEWS has been ordered to proceed to East London, to take medical of that station.

Arthur R. ORPEN, Esq., is appointed Civil Commissioner, Resident Magistrate, and Sub-Collector of Customs for East London.

The London Colonial News adds to some remarks on the loss of the “Captain”:- “It will touch many a heart in the Cape to learn among the numbers lost in the “Captain” was the eldest son of the late Mr. John HEUGH, of Port Elizabeth, a youth of great promise, and over whose loss the widowed-mother will not sorrow alone.”

SENSATIONAL MARRIAGE. – On Tuesday last a crowd of over two thousand persons assembled at St. Stephen’s Church to witness an extraordinary marriage between a Mantatee and a white girl of considerable personal attractions, and of good connections. She seems to have fallen desperately in love with the black, and in spite of the entreaties and protestations of her friends would marry him. The excitement in town was so great, and at night so large a crowd assembled outside the dwelling of the newly married couple, that the assistance of the police had to be obtained. – Standard & Mail.

Diamond Fields,
Good Hope, Oct. 22, 1870.
To the Editor of the “F.B. Advocate.”
DEAR SIR, - Will you please have a copy of the following letter published in your paper:
To the young gentlemen at home, or as we call them up here “de manne by die huis,” residing in the district of Fort Beaufort, Bedford, and vicinity of Adelaide, we the undersigned do hereby beg to inform all the young gentlemen at home, and those whom it may duly concern, that the reports we lately have heard about the young men to whom we have already alluded, has given us full reason to take quick steps in the matter, as we are doing now; furthermore, that the warning we now give you we fully intend to carry out when we become gentlemen again, for at present we consider ourselves but digger gents.
1. – We would advise you to think twice before you act, and to look thrice before you leap.
2. – We have heard reports since our arrival on the fields which have very much annoyed us, such as that men who never rode about, calling at certain farm houses, &c., which they never dared attempt before we became diggers, we the four undersigned diggers would simply like to know what that sort of thing signifies.
3. – Remember gentlemen that the time we have to stay on the fields is gradually drawing to a close, and that we will return to the colony about the same time together, when we hope we shall be able to put a stop to your outbreaks.
4. – For certain gentlemen fancy that now that we are diggers, they can take the liberty to send rose buds to certain Lasses, which puts our tempers to a most severe test.
5. – Another thing which also very much vexes us is, that one of the men at home has had the cheek to choose his own partner at a certain festival, which is, if correctly informed, a we diggers believe the case is, took place in one of the above mentioned districts.
6. – Gentlemen, the only advice we are able to forward you at present is, that you may all spare yourselves the trouble of setting about the matter in the foolish way you have done, viz., sending rose buds, falling on schaap-vellen, and knocking up of horses, all ending in nothing but a wild goose chase.
7. – Now, dear gentlemen, don’t flatter yourselves that we shall always remain diggers. For our time will soon be expired, when we shall throw off the diggers suit, such as cords and Kafir shirts, looks and feelings, have a good wash in the Vaal River, and return home, when we shall be fully prepared to meet our opponents; but, our dear fellows, don’t for a moment let the word opponent give you the slightest encouragement.
8. – Now, gentlemen, as time will not permit to enlarge on the subject, we beg hereby to wind up, as our time is precious, and the 50 carat diamond is awaiting us, worth at least £20,000.
Hoping soon to hear from you, and at the same time hoping that this may find you in the same health as it leaves us, believe us as heretofore your sincere friends.
Willie POHL.

A farm was lately advertised, in which all the beauty of the situation, fertility of the soil, and salubrity of the of the air, were detailed in the richest glow of rural description, which were further enhanced with this
N.B. – There is not a lawyer within fifteen miles of the neighbourhood.

Thursday, November 17, 1870


DROWNED. – A native girl was drowned on Sunday in the endeavour to cross the river at Dorrington’s drift. A horse was also drowned at the same place.

We regret to learn that the Hon. D. van BREDA, M.L.C., expired on Monday after a lingering illness.

COMMISSARIAT. – Assistant Controller General BENNETT, left Grahamstown on Wednesday last by mule wagon, with his family, for Port Elizabeth, en route for Cape Town, where Mr. BENNETT will be stationed; and Mr. GOODMAN, of the same department has also for Cape town.
Wednesday 16, 1870.
Passengers for Eastward per Cambrian:
Mr. BUCHANAN, Miss BUCHANAN, Miss SPENCER, Miss MEDWAY, Mr. de MORGAN, Mr. SCREVENER, Miss (2) KEOGHS, Master Keogh, Mr. PEUGH, Mr. WITTINGTON, Mr. HINDS, Mr. TENNANT, and 40 for Cape Town.

Saturday, November 19, 1870.


QUAIL is now in abundance in the vicinity of the Town, and some of our sportsmen are “bagging” with unprecedented success.

ELOPEMENT. – The Colesberg Advertiser says, some gossip and scandal was excited in Colesberg last week by the announcement that a gay Lothario of this town, not altogether unconnected with the postal service, arrived in Colesberg with the fair daughter of a lately deceased hotel-keeper, with whom had eloped from one of the outlying villages. We wish the young couple a speedy wedding, and long life to enjoy each other’s company.

COMING. – We learn that about 100 wagons are on their way from Natal to the diggings.

Mr. Geo. REED has resigned his seat at the Klip Drift Council.

Mr. RAWSTELL, of Hopetown, has left the Fields with diamonds valued at £12,000. Amongst them is one of 82 carats, found, we believe at Webster’s Kop Neck.

LUCK. – A Dutch farmer and his wife, in crossing the Drifts a day or two ago, had the good fortune to pick up a surface diamond of 17 carats, not far from the Drift road. They were poor people, and were bringing in a load of wood.

TRADE AT PNIEL. – Seven or eight large stores, billiard rooms and hotels have been opened at Pniel this week. A large brick house is being put up in the main street, near the Diamond News Office.

From Port Elizabeth – George SOLOMON, HOND.
From Claremont - H.C. de JONGH.
From Great Drakenstein – P. VOLSTEEDT, J. HISCOCK, P. BOSMAN.
From Grahamstown – Messrs. Joseph DICKS, E. MORGAN, T. MORGAN.
From Peddie – John FORRESTER and James FORRESTER.
From Grahamstown – Messrs. A.E. NELSON, R. WALLACE.
From Sidbury – Mr. LAKE.
From Cradock – Messrs James SKINNER, Thos. SKINNER, Henry DENNIS, GOODS MILLS.
From Cradock – Messrs. E. McMASTER, H. FRANCIS, R. EASTMAN.
From Cradock – Messrs. E. BRADFIELD, E. CRUIK.
From Cradock – Messrs. SCHREINER (2)
From Cradock – Messrs. S.A. MOSS, D. DENNISON, D. BISSET.
From Fauresmith – Rev. Mr. DUCKHOFF
From Port Elizabeth - Rev. Mr. FRASER.
From Potchefstroom – Mr. and Mrs. REED.
From Pietermaritzburg – Messrs. CHEVERS, RAMSAY, CAIRNCROSS, C & T OSBOURNE, G.E. DAVIS.
From Pietermaritzburg – J.N. ROSSOM, Harold EDMONDS, W. COOK, POSNOT, W. SEWELL, W. MYERMON & Son.
From Durban – Messrs. BAYLY, WAVELL, two white men and fifteen Kafirs.

For Middleburg – Mr. WRIGHT.
ETIQUETTE IN FIJI prescribes that the inferiors should crawl upon the ground in the presence of persons in authority; and if one of the latter stumbles and falls, attendants feel bound to stumble and fall likewise. These are no other than the usages in vogue among all the English speaking people. The crawling may be performed metaphorically, but it is crawling nevertheless. And as to the stumbling and its imitation, was it a fact or fiction that when the Princess of Wales was afflicted with lameness, scores of young English women (not being inmates of a lunatic asylum) cut the heel off one of their boots, and went hobbling about town and country with what they call the “Alexandria limp?” – Australian.

Widows. – “If ever you think of marrying a widow, my son,” said an anxious parent to his heir, “select one whose first husband was hung; that is the only way to prevent her throwing his memory in your face, and making annoying comparisons.”
“Even that won’t prevent it,” exclaimed a crusty old bachelor; “she’ll then praise him, and say hanging would be too good for you.”

Thursday, November 24, 1870.


A party for the Diamond-fields was started by Mr. McTAGGART ON Saturday last, in charge of the Messrs. JUBBER.

On Friday night the house of Mr. W. FINNAUGHTY was burglarised.
On the same night Rev. Mr. HENCHMAN and A. GARDINER was burglarised.
An attempt was made upon the premises of Mr. Le RAINE and Mr. YOUNG.
An attempt was made at Mr. Attorney SOLOMON premises.
An attempt was again tried on Rev. Mr. HENCHMAN’s store.
A kafir doctor near Alice has been committed for trial for the theft of 46 sheep belonging to Mr. LEVY.

Saturday, November 26, 1870.


American ship Benefactress, from Yokohama to New York, on shore near Hottentot’s Holland. Struck off L’Agulhas. Tried to make Simon’s Bay, but had to run ashore.

In den Boedel van wylen Hester Jacomina van de VENTER, weduw wylen Willem van der VYVER.
ALLE personen die iets te worden hebben van voorzegde Boedel gelieve hunne vorderingen intezenden aan het kantoor van den heer Henri C. de HART, fort Beaufort, binnen zes Weken van deze datum; en al degenen die verschuldigd zyn moeten zulks binnen denzelfden tyd vereffenen.
J.H. van der VYVER.
Executeur Datif.
Nov. 26, 1870.

In the Estate of the late Coenraad Frederick SCHEEPERS, and surviving widow Jacomina Aletta SCHEEPERS, (born HATTINGH), of Hertzog, district of Stockenstrom.
All persons claiming to be Creditors in the above Estate, are hereby required to file their claims with the second undersigned at his office, fort Beaufort, within SIX WEEKS, from this date, and those indebted thereto are requested to pay the same within the said period.
Executrix Testamentary.
Assumed Executor.
Fort Beaufort, 16th Nov. 1870.

Thursday, November 1, 1870. [sic – should read Thursday, December 1, 1870]

Mr. J. QUIN’s Party for the Diamond Fields starts today, in charge of Mr. DEVINE. It takes six months’ supplies for a working strength of about a doz.

A PARTY of between forty and fifty mounted Kafirs rode into town on Wednesday morning from the Blinkwater. They dismounted at one of the canteens, and proceeded to “christen” a horse belonging to one of their number, which was effected by the consumption of several gallons of Cape Smoke.

RUMOUR says that two more diamonds have been found at Heidelberg, in the Western Province.

ANOTHER of the British settlers of 1820, Mr. J.W. EVANS, died at Grahamstown last week at the age of 81 years.

LUCKY FELLOWS. – A German, a Spaniard, and a Portuguese, tramped to the diamond fields in July last from Capetown, so poor that they applied for a day’s rations to the civil commissioner of each town through which they passed, and at the fields carried the soil on their backs in muid bags to the river to be washed. Last week they returned in a buggy drawn by two decent horses, with sufficient hard cash to defray travelling expenses, besides diamonds valued at £1,500. – Beaufort Courier.

Saturday, November 3, 1870. [sic - should read Saturday, December 3, 1870]


The Argus announces the death of Dr. ABERCROMBIE, sen.

SUDDEN DEATHS. – Mr. Z.H. CLOETE, member of Volksraad found dead in his bed.
The miller at Messrs. DANIEL and HYMAN’s steam mill named JONES also died feeling unwell.

NILAND’s party left for the diamond fields on Thursday morning. Mr. G. STOKES left for the same destination on Wednesday.

A deaf and dumb man has been met on the road to the diggings, travelling alone.

Alfred Whaley COLE, Cape Town.

A short time since a Mr. KNOTT was tried for a violation of law. The verdict of the jury was: We find the defendant KNOTT guilty. The judge was at a loss whether to sentence KNOTT or not to sentence. He took time to consider.

SUDDEN DEATH. – On Saturday night, Mr. James KINNEAR, who had been to Colesberg with a drove of ostriches, reached here on his way to Beaufort West where he resided. He felt unwell, - medical advice was obtained - he became worse and expired at 5 o’clock this morning. The deceased was a son of the well-known and respected MR. W. KINNEAR, M.L.A. for Beaufort West. – Era.

Thursday, December 8, 1870.

(Extracts) Fearful storm in the Diamond Fields on 28th. Fiercer storm never witnessed. Scores of tents blown away. Hundreds houseless and tentless.
Mr. PINCUS’ house blown down.
President PARKER’s private dwelling unroofed.
Sir Bernard LEE suddenly found himself under the broad canopy of heaven.
Several boats got adrift.
Archdeacon KITTON’s marquee converted into a sieve; his clothing all drenched, and the Archdeacon himself in the plight of a drowning rat.
Mr. and Mrs. HARPER’s hartebeest-house of wattle and daub almost destroyed.
One man carried into river and drowned while trying to save his cradle.
No one here ever witnessed such a hurricane.

SUDDEN DEATH. – Mr. William STERLEY, of Port Elizabeth, who was on his way home from the diggings, expired rather suddenly near Modder River, on Tuesday evening last. He had been suffering for some time past from disease of both liver and lungs.

KLIPDRIFT has been named Parkerton.

The Auditor-General of the Free State, Mr. HEMANSIJBOUTS, died on 29th ultimo.


THEFT. – On Monday night some person at present unknown, entered the stable of Mr. E. NORTON, town ranger, and stole a valuable saddle and bridle.

FANATICISM. – The Unicorn – Some persons of the Bethlehem and Wilge River wards are holding prayer meetings at which they deprecate the contemplated search for the unicorn as blasphemous; the unicorn being Christ. Can ignorance go any further? – Friend.

FORTUNATE PARTY. – Mr. James WOOD’s party of diamond seekers are said to have been very fortunate. Mr. HUGHES, one of the party had a very narrow escape. While in the act of getting out of the pit which was nearly twenty feet deep, a quantity of earth and stones gave way and he was buried beneath it. He was quickly extricated from his unpleasant predicament and not seriously hurt. - G.T. Advertiser.

RUMOUR LARGE FIND. – A report in town that a German named STANDERMACHER, formerly in the employ of Mr. R. BEED, of this city, had found a diamond valued at £2,000.

ATTEMPTED SUICIDE. – A respectably dressed woman was seen yesterday afternoon, supported by a policeman on each side, walking along Hill-street, on her way to the hospital. We ascertained on inquiry, that her name is Margaret VOSSEO, formerly of Mesopotamia, but residing lately near African-street. She was found at her house in a nearly insensible state, from the effects of la(u)ndanum, or some other narcotic, and it was first thought she would not recover. – Journal.

It wasn’t such a bad notion on the part of a glover, who hung up in his shop the following placard: - “Ten thousand hands wanted.”

Saturday, December 10, 1870.

ACCIDENT. – A sad accident occurred yesterday to Mrs. J.J. van AARDT. She was riding in
a cart from Healdtown to the Gonzana, when the linch-pin of an axle fell out, and the wheel rolled off, capsizing the cart, and throwing out Mrs. Van AARDT, whose arm was broken near the wrist.

We hear that two large steamers have left New York with passengers for the South African diamond-fields.

CRADOCK is infested with a number of loafers, who are travelling backwards and forwards between the diamond-fields and other colonial towns.

MR. C.J. ACKERMAN, of the farm “Inkerman,” Victoria, died this week. It will be remembered that a few weeks ago, some natives were brought up, tried, and sentenced to six months hard labour for a serious assault upon Mr. ACKERMAN and a relative of his. The medical attendants of the deceased are of the opinion that death was accelerated by injuries inflicted on the liver by that assault.

DEATH BY LIGHTNING. – A heavy thunderstorm broke out over Mr. J. van HEERDEN’s farm, in the Middelburg district, on the 28th ultimo. A youth of fourteen years was killed by lightning, and five other persons were more or less injured.

(From the “Diamond News.”)
“PARKERTON. ‘ – The Klip Drift Council have called for tenders for the survey and plan of a town at Klip Drift, to be called Parkerton.

TWENTY CARATS. – The Oudtshoorn party, working at Pniel, have found a diamond of 20 carats.

NINETEEN CARATS. – Mr. WIGGEL, of Queenstown, has found at Hebron, at stone of about 19 carats.

The Steamers Western Hope and Pacific, and several sailing ships, have been laid on for the Cape. Four hundred diggers have secured berths in them.

“I’VE GOT HIM!” – Mr. FRANK’s little boy, about three years of age, distinguished himself this week by sorting out a fine diamond of nearly 8 carats. It was the first wash from the claim after it had come into the possession of Mr. FRANK. This little fellow was standing by the table, and suddenly held up his closed hand, saying, “I’ve got him, pa!” It was some time before he could be induced to open his hand, and when he did so there was the gem.

Queenstown – Messrs. MILLER, BACK, DOWALS.
Port Elizabeth – Capt. JAYSE.
King Williamstown, Messrs. SEHENKE, R. WILMOT, T.F. RODIER.
Capetown – Mr. James HALL.
The Great Eastern party from Durban.

For Alice - Mr. L. ATTWELL, and Mr. W. ATTWELL.
For Grahamstown – Mr. C. WEBB.

SALE OF A DIAMOND FARM. – Mr. BABE, the agent of the Winchester Repeating Rifle Company, has, it is said, purchased the farm of Mr. BREDENKAMP, situated at the Upper Klipdrift, on Vaal-river, and supposed to be rich in diamonds, for £3,000. Mr. BABE made the purchase on his return from the fields, a couple of months since.

Thursday, December 15, 1870.

Advocate Office,
Fort Beaufort, 13th Dec. 1870.
Roman arrived last evening at about half past 8 in Table Bay.
Passengers for Algoa Bay:


We regret to hear that Mr. LIDDLE, R.M. of Victoria, has been ill that for a time his death was hourly expected. The symptoms of his disorder have taken a turn to allow of hopes being entertained of his partial recovery.

ESCAPE. – The Kafir doctor who was committed for a theft of 40 sheep from Mr. LONG, has effected his escape from goal by the aid of some of his friends.

We believe it is rare that an editor indulges in a drop; but when they do, their readers are sure to find them out. A contemporary was called upon to record a “melancholy event” at a time when his head was rather heavy, and did it after the following manner.
“Yesterday morning, at four o’clock, p.m. a man with a heel in the hole of his stocking committed arsenic by swallowing a dose of suicide. The inquest of the verdict returned a jury that the facts were in accordance with his death. He leaves a child and six small wives to lament the end of his untimely loss. In death we are in the midst of life.” – American Paper.

A newspaper advertisement calls for a plain cook able to dress a boy five years old.

Saturday, December 17, 1870.

DIED on the evening of the 14th at his residence of his son-in-law. Mr. H.E. McTAGGART, James JUBBER, at the age of 86 years and 1 day. Friends at a distance will please accept this notice.

BIRTH at Fort Beaufort, on Monday the 12th inst., the wife of Mr. D. HUNTER, of a son.


About 20 wagons were at the foot of the Katberg on Thursday last – most of them bound for the diamond Fields. By the way, we hear that this pass is in a very bad state.

DIAMONDS. – Several small stones, found on the farm of Mr. Jacob VENTER, adjacent to the town, and supposed to be Diamonds, go down by to-morrow’s mail to Port Elizabeth, to be properly tested and reported upon. – Aliwal Observer.

A RESCUE. – Mr. MILWARD, late of the Mounted Police, had the good fortune to rescue a man from the river, during the storm this week.

GONG-GONG NEW RUSH. - We are told that there are about 300 diggers at this place.

OFF WITH TWENTY-ONE DIAMONDS! – Mr. Daniels MALAN’s party of Caledon, left the fields this week with 21 diamonds, of which the largest is about 3 carats.

Queenstown – Mr. FOTHERINGHAM by passenger cart.
Queenstown - Mr. NOURSE.
Natal - names not handed in.

Mr. Daniel MALAN’s party for Caledon.
Mr. LIPPAT for Capetown.


THEFT OF £300. – during the week a preliminary examination has been taken against a coloured man named Louis for stealing £300 in gold and some articles of jewellery from a box under the bed of Mr. BARNETT of the golden fleece Hotel, Uitenhage. The prisoner was employed as groom at the hotel, and the money when missed was found in the stable. The case will be brought on at the Circuit, when it will be fully reported. – Uitenhage Times.

Thursday, December 22, 1870.


Messrs. PAYNE and MUGGLETON purchased a raw hide one day this week, which was of the extraordinary weight of 122 lbs.

Dr. Ambrose George CAMPBELL passed through on Saturday last, on his way to the diamond Fields. The doctor looks uncommonly well, and was in his usual good spirits.

THEFT. – On Sunday night a pony belonging to Mr. Le RAINE, was stolen out of the stable of his premises in Campbell-street. On Monday morning the animal raced home again with a bridle on. He had evidently either thrown or broken loose from the thief.

TRIPLE BIRTH. – On Friday last a poor woman residing in Capetown gave birth to three children.

Saturday, December 24, 1870.


Mr. John TROLLIP, of the Stormberg, has lost a fine little girl, of four years of age, during last week, under the following circumstances. The little girl accompanied her brother, a boy of about 12, to bring some cattle home not far from the house of their parents, as a storm was setting in at the time. The cattle, it seems were making rapid tracks to a distant kloof, and the boy, anxious to turn them in time, before the storm came on, left his little sister on a height where she was to await his return. Before the boy could get back, the storm had broken and when he arrived at the spot, where he had left his sister, he could no trace of her. He took the cattle home and reported the circumstances to his parents. A diligent search was at one instituted; and after a while the lifeless corpse of the poor little girl was found beneath a precipice, from which, it is thought, she must have fallen in trying to find her way home. – Aliwal Observer.

Mr. GILFILLAN, Mr. ELLA both from Queenstown.
Mr. I. GORDON from Port Elizabeth.
Rev. Mr. NAUDE from Aliwal North.
Mr. PALIER from Fauresmith.
Messes. HOPPER, BUS, ELLIS, R. WILL, FENNEL, and others from Grahamstown.
Mr. C. WEBSTER from Queenstown.
Several parties from Natal.
Messrs. SPARKS FOR Adelaide.
FLANAGAN’s party for British Kaffraria.
Mr. Ed. HAUGH for Uitenhage.
Mr. HARPER for Graaff-Reinet.
Mr. John DOLD for Grahamstown.


BALLOON POST. – Mr. COTTERELL has received a letter from his mother in Paris, which was transmitted by balloon.

THE chief engineer of the Bismarck; together with the cook, were drowned in Algoa Bay on Wednesday by the upsetting of a boat.

A SECOND Joan of Arc is said to have appeared at Tours. She wears no sword, but is attired in a long black cloak, probably emblematic of sorrow for her country. She goes at the head of the troops at Tours with a silk banner, on which the Madonna and child are represented.

Saturday, December 31, 1870.


DREADFUL MURDER. – The residents of the North End (Port Elizabeth) were thrown into a state of painful excitement on Wednesday afternoon on learning that a dreadful murder had just been committed in that locality. The victim is an elderly woman, and her murderer her husband, Robert SLATEUM. Mr. de FIENZI, who resides in the immediate vicinity of the house in which the tragedy occurred, hearing an unusual disturbance, went out, and met SLATEUM, covered with blood, and holding in his hand a blood-stained razor. On enquiring what was the matter, the wretched man exclaimed “I have killed my dear wife; and she is in Heaven now.” Upon this Mr. de FIENZI, having dispatched a messenger for the District Surgeon and Superintendent of Police, proceeded to SLATEUM’s house accompanied by Sergeant CHERRY. Here a fearful sight presented itself. The body of the murdered woman was found lying on the bed, which was saturated with blood, the carotid artery being completely severed by a deep gash. Life was extinct, and the deceased appeared to have died without a struggle. From the position of the body it seems probable that she was asleep when the fatal deed was committed. SLATEUM was removed to the lock-up, and was yesterday morning brought before the Resident Magistrate, but remanded until to-day. This morning evidence was taken, but the prisoner was again remanded until Wednesday. He says he has never been happy since he lost charge of the Breakwater baths, and had made unsuccessful efforts to shake off the depression of spirits which had come over him. He appears to be labouring under a religious mania, and is reported by the neighbours to have lived on the most affectionate terms with the poor creature whom he had so violently bereft of life. A short time ago SLATEUM applied to a member of the Board for admission into the hospital saying that “his head was going.” Great sympathy is expressed for the family who are well known and respected by the townspeople. – E.P. Herald.


THEFT OF £400. – Mrs. FITZGERALD, of Windvogelberg, was robbed of Tuesday night of the sum of £400 which had been deposited in her bedroom, and had been during the evening clandestinely abstracted therefrom. The thief is suspected to be a native well acquainted with the premises, and as the greater portion of the money was in notes and drafts, hopes are entertained of the discovery and apprehension of the thief.

VAMPIRE BAT. – One evening recently, a little boy, son of Mr. MURRAY, shoemaker, of Bloemfontein, knocked over with a stone one of the largest bats ever seen. It measures from tip of one wing to the tip of the other 27 inches, and its head has a strange resemblance to the head of a wild dog – long and anxious-looking. This vampire has been skinned and stretched on a board, and will be sent to one of the museums of the Colony.


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