Grahamstown Journal 1837 - 1 - January to June
Thursday 5 January 1837
DIED on Tuesday 20th ult at Theopolis, the wife of The Rev.G.BARKER, resident Missionary at that Institution. On the preceding evening Mrs.B. retired to rest in perfect health but was seized shortly afterwards by alarming illness, which terminated in premature labour, and – before medical assistance could be procured or Mr.B., who was in town, could reach his home – in the death of both child and mother. It is a tribute most justly due to the deceased to say that she was eminently suited to the station in which Providence had placed her, and that her death is felt as a severe calamity, not only by her bereaved partner and her numerous children, of whom eight survive her, but also by all the inhabitants of the village, to whom by her active benevolence and affectionate sympathy she had greatly endeared herself.
DIED on Thursday last, 28th ult after a lingering illness, Harriett, wife of Mr.Richard ORSMOND, lately arrived from England, leaving a Husband and five children to deplore her loss.
Thursday 12 January 1837
The undersigned begs to return his thanks to his friends and the Public in general for a share of their favours during the past year, and hopes to merit a continuation of the same, and begs to inform them that he has received per 'Grace' the undermentioned articles:
Gentlemen's Dress Wellington Boots, Shoes and Pumps; also strong Walking and Oxford Ties do; strong and light Blutcher Boots, ladies black and colored Lasting Boots and Shoes, Spanish do, all of the very best quality. Shoemakers' Grindery of every description; also a few good English colored Skins, Pitch and Resin, on the lowest terms. Allowance made to country Dealers.
Robert PITT, Bathurst Street, Graham's Town
BIRTH, at Graham's Town on Monday 9 January, the wife of the Rev.W.B.BOYCE, Wesleyan Missionary, of a Daughter.
On Wednesday 11 Jan. Mrs. L.H. MEURANT, of a son.
Cradock 3 January 1837
We had one of the most terrific hailstorms ever experienced last Friday, which lasted for nearly an hour, leaving the vineyards and fruit trees in a deplorable condition. You may imagine the size of the hailstones when I tell you that they were three to the pound. It fortunately happened that the noise of the approaching storm drove every person into his house, hut etc. otherwise many broken heads would have been the consequence of this severe and unexpected storm. The main street, which is very low and hollow in the centre, was entirely under water; for planks, beams, ducks, geese, fowls etc swimming down in admired disorder. The Temperance Society may rejoice in the damage done here by the hail, for the chief brandy and wine makers have given up the idea of even trying either, for this season at least. The houses are much shattered, and it will take more time than we shall be able to get for the next year to make our little village look once more respectable.
A local correspondent.
Thursday 19 January 1837
MARRIAGES solemnised by the Rev. HEAVYSIDE, Acting Colonial Chaplain
Sep 3 Alfred S.WHITE and Margaret HOLMES
Sep 7 John Henry WEBB and Mary Ann POLLARD
Sep 9 Frederick DICKASON and Aleeta Johanna BOUWER
Sep 27 William FINAUGHTY and Elizabeth Rebecca MUNDELL
Oct 4 William Cornelius Janse VAN RENSBURG and E.M.J. DU PLESSIES
Nov 30 Frederick Augustus ALCOCK and Harriet Harrison BISSET
Dec 14 George Butler CURLE and Mary Ann ROWLES
Dec 30 Charles ROBINSON and Sophia TALBOT
Sep 11 A son of John BEALE baptised Frederick William
Sep 20 A daughter of Barend Petrus ERASMUS baptised Mieke Maria Magdalena
Sep 25 A son of W.TODD baptised Adam Cuthbert
Sep 25 A son of John MANLEY baptised Thomas John
Oct 5 A son of J. CARLISLE baptised Frederick William
Oct 9 A son of Matthew KEEVEY baptised James Henry
Oct 9 A son of James COLLINGS baptised Daniel
Oct 9 A son of James COLLINGS baptised William
Oct 23 A daughter of G.F.STOKES baptised Helly
Nov 1 A son of Alfred MURRAY baptised Edward
Nov 6 A daughter of Lt.Col. ENGLAND baptised Anny
Nov 20 A son of Henry BALFOUR baptised Henry Alexander
Nov 23 A daughter of George JAMES baptised Helena Matilda
Nov 27 A daughter of S.H. FLEISCHER baptised Catherine Mary
Nov 27 A daughter of Jonathan SHELVER baptised Elizabeth
Nov 27 A daughter of Bernard McCABE baptised Eliza
Nov 27 A son of Patrick CORNAIR baptised Pat
Dec 11 A daughter of William REYNOLDS baptised Mary Ann
Dec 16 A daughter of Robert NORRIS baptised Helen Lavinia Palmer
Thursday 26 January 1837
The undersigned begs to notify to Apothecaries, Chemists and Druggists, dealers in Medicines, and the Public, that he has, through his agencies in England, opened a connexion with a highly respectable Hamburg House, which will enable him to supply genuine Dutch Patent Medicines of every description at something less than Cape Town prices. He has also received a considerable addition to his general extensive stock by the 'Grace'. By the 'Elizabeth', which vessel is daily expected, he will have another large investment; and from the liberality with which he is supported by his London Merchants he is confident of giving satisfaction, both to his Wholesale and Retail Customers.
Apothecary, Chemist and Druggist
Absconded on Thursday morning the 19th January 1837 Samuel ALDUM and George VALENTYN, the Indentured Apprentices of the Undersigned. Whoever will apprehend them or give any information that may lead to their discovery shall be rewarded for their trouble; and whoever shall encourage or harbour them after this notice shall be subject to the utmost rigor of the law.
NB Samuel ALDUM is about 17 years of age, about 5 feet high, and stout; George VALENTYN is about 15 years of age, 5 feet 2 inches high, rather thin and tall.
Charles WEBBER, tailor, of Graham's Town, purposing to make an immediate alteration in his Business, requests that all outstanding debts be settled previous to their being handed over for recovery.
The undersigned having resolved upon quitting the District of Albany, in consequence of the unsettled state of the Frontier, hereby offers for Sale his Farm adjoining the Military Post at Kaffirs Drift. It is in extent 1600 acres of excellent Grazing Ground, has a Cottage and good Garden, Cattle Kraals and a field of about fifteen acres now under cultivation. For particulars apply to G.GOLDING, Graham's Town.
Last Thursday this district was visited by one of the most awful storms of thunder and lightning ever remembered. It appeared to gather to the northward of Graham’s Town, passing over the town until it was arrested by the mountain in the rear, over which it seemed suspended for some time, when it again spread over the town, bursting forth with irresistible fury and with appalling majesty. The lightning was particularly vivid, the whole [illegible] being sometimes lit up as by the light of day. Those buildings in the [rear] part of the town were struck by the electric fluid, but providentially without doing further mischief than shattering the premises, and, in one case, giving a smart shock to an elderly female. At Bathurst it raged with terrific force, and it is with deep regret we add, with fatal effect. The family of the late W. CURRIE Esq. had assembled in the dining room, as they were wont, for family devotion, and Mrs. CURRIE was just reading the concluding passage of the prayer selected for the evening’s service, when the lightning struck the building. The electric fluid passed down the chimney into the adjoining drawing room, shattered doors, windows and furniture, darted into the apartment where the family were assembled, tore off locks and hinges, struck prostrate several persons in the room – seriously injuring a youth about sixteen years of age – and instantly killed a fine boy four years of age, the youngest member of the family, who lay at the moment on a couch in a profound sleep. We understand that the whole of that side of the building is so shaken, the timber-work disjointed, and the masonery-work [sic] torn in such a manner – numerous fissures being left in the walls – that the entire range must be pulled down.
Thursday 9 February 1837
The Public are hereby warned not to give Credit to my Husband Richard QUILLIAM, as I will not pay any debts he may contract.
Mr. GOADLEY hereby informs the public that he will not be responsible for any debts contacted by Mrs. GOADLEY.
All persons found Hunting, Shooting, Cutting Wood or otherwise trespassing on the place of the undersigned, called Free-stone Farm, situated near Bathurst, will be prosecuted.
Any persons found Shooting, Hunting, Cutting Timber or otherwise trespassing on the Farm of the undersigned, near Salem, will be prosecuted.
James LONG
Hope Fountain 4 Feb 1837
Thursday 16 February 1837
Jan 2 A son of John and Mary JAY baptised George
Jan 8 A daughter of Robert and Jane SCOTT, 75th Regt, baptised Adelaide
Jan 8 A daughter of W.M. and M. FYNN, baptised Eliza Ann Lumstell
Jan 8 A son of Adjutant BROOKS, 75th Regt. baptised Richard Edward
Jan 8 A daughter of William and Margaret UPTON baptised Anna Petrie
Jan 15 A son of Colour Serjeant John RECKEN, Mounted Rifles, baptised Zachariah William
Jan 22 A daughter of Serjeant BROWN, 75th Regt, baptised Elizabeth Maria
Jan 29 A daughter of J.H. and Judith DIXON baptised Adelaide Catherine
Jan 29 A son of Richard and Budget WELLBELOVE baptised Edward
Jan 29 A daughter of G.E. and E. JOSEPH baptised Harriet Eliosa
Jan 29 A daughter of the same baptised Maria
In St.George's Church by the Rev. J. Heavyside, Acting Colonial Chaplain
Jan 9 Johannes Stephanus Petrus Jacobus NEL and Susannah Elizabeth POTGIETER
Jan 19 Thomas PENNELS and Susannah Sophia BOSHOFF
Jan 24 Johannes Wilhelminus KOCK and Sarah JANSEN
Jan 10 Mary Ann LOVELACE aged 13 years
Jan 15 Robert HENMAN, 43 years
Jan 17 Charlotte GILFILLAN, 2 months
Jan 29 Thomas RORKE, 42 years
Mrs. GOADLEY hereby informs the Public that she will not be responsible for any debts contracted by Joseph GOADLEY either before or after this date,
Thursday 23 February 1837
From Settlers Hill, a dark-blue Horse, about 14 ½ hands high, front feet shod, black head, Roman nose, and a circular black mark on the neck from the bite of a stallion, very much resembling the brand of a horseshoe, has black legs, dark switch tail, body covered with dark spots from the cut of whip, and has a singular mode of galloping, with his head leaning towards the rider. Whoever will bring him to the undersigned will be handsomely rewarded. If stolen, the sum of £5 will be given on conviction of the Thief.
We are glad to announce the arrival at the Cape of the Rev. W. SHAW after a tedious passage from London of 101 days.
Baptised in St.Mary's Church by Rev. F. McCLELAND on Sunday the 22 January 1837 a Son of Mr. A. ISEMONGER, baptised Charles Boucher Anthony.
Thursday 2 March 1837
A Public Meeting of the Inhabitant Householders of Graham's Town will be held at the Commercial Hall on Saturday 4th March for their decision upon the amended Regulations of the Municipality of Graham's Town, which have been returned for that purpose to the Resident Magistrate by the Honourable Secretary to Government.
Resident Magistrate for Albany
We had the melancholy task of witnessing a few days ago a party of British settlers of 1820, with their wives and little ones, on their journey from their late flourishing settlement in search of a more peaceful and secure abode. We understand that it is not their intention to quit the colony, but to remove into the western province, and we doubt not, wherever they go, but that neighbourhood will be benefited by the same active industry which has always been displayed by them since their first arrival in the colony 17 years ago. We are informed that many others are preparing to follow them, so sensible are they of the jeopardy in which they are placed by the absurd measures which have been lately adopted towards the Kafir tribes. It may be very well for people at a distance to speculate on this subject, but to men who find the same Kafirs who have recently spread death and ruin through the land, brought to their very doors, who see bands of these barbarians wandering armed through the country and hovering about their dwellings, and whose families are obliged, when they make the demand, to supply them with food and submit to their menaces, - it is the height of folly to talk of security, and to require them to wait patiently the result of the experiment. No man in his senses will live in such a state of anxiety; and hence it is certain that this part of the frontier will again shortly be abandoned.
By the Rev. J. Heavyside, Colonial Chaplain
Feb 5 A son of J.H.B. WIENAND baptised Ignatius Marthinus Francois Daniel Philip
Feb 19 A son of William ELLIOT baptised John Gilbert
Feb 16 A son of D. MITCHELL baptised James Archibald
A daughter of the same baptised Amelia Margaret
Feb 27 Henry ULYATE, bachelor and Amelia Susanna McKENZIE, spinster
Feb 15 Adelaide Catherine DIXON aged 6 weeks
On 22 Feb Mr. W. BEDDY, Clerk to his Honour the Lieutenant Governor. Deceased, we believe, came to this colony with a party of settlers under Mr, INGRAM. At Cape Town he commenced a Classical School, but not meeting with that encouragement he expected he shortly relinquished it. He subsequently conducted a newspaper under the title The Colonist, which was of but ephemeral existence; for though A.B. of Trinity College, Dublin, he never was popular as a writer; hence latterly he divided his time between his official duties, as clerk in the Government offices, and as a sheep breeder, in which latter capacity he suffered very severely, in common with others, by the Kafir Irruption. Deceased was a bachelor, and at the time of his death had only attained the age of 38 years.
Thursday 9 March 1837
We regret to announce that in Algoa Bay during a severe gale on Friday last the 'Maria' parted from her moorings and in spite of every effort came ashore. No loss of life was sustained, but the vessel, we understand, is a total wreck.
We learn, by private letters, of the arrival of Captain GARDINER at Cape Town, with Missionaries of the Established Church, for Port Natal.
DIED on Friday 3rd inst. Caroline, youngest daughter of Mr. R. GODLONTON, aged 8 years and six months.
Thursday 16 March 1837
Colonial Office, Cape Town, June 27 1836
I hereby authorise George LIVINGSTONE Esq to practise as a Physician, Surgeon, Accoucheur and Apothecary in this Colony
Dr. LIVINGSTONE begs to inform the Inhabitants of Graham's Town and its vicinity that in addition to the exercise of his profession as Physician, Surgeon etc he intends opening a Dispensary, where the minor operations of Surgery will be performed at all times; and the Public may rely upon being served with Drugs and Medicines most carefully selected and prepared. Dr. L. will be in attendance between the hours of 9 and 10 o'clock in the morning and will be happy to give his advice to the afflicted, gratis.
High Street, March 13 1837
Thursday 23 March 1837
The Circuit Court will commence its sittings at Graham's Town on Monday 10 April. The Criminal Roll is unusually heavy. The following is a list of the indictments:
Witbooy WINDVOGEL Theft
Umtwaza WINDVOGEL Theft
Christian BEGINS Murder
Appollous SAMSON Murder
Hendrik WILLEMS Theft or Receiving Stolen Goods
Catherine FLEUR Assault and Theft
John PHILLIPS Perjury
Damon and 6 others Housebreaking and Theft
Choco Theft
Stephanus Theft
Hans ROMAN Theft
Nomaquila & Dingadinga Theft
Soho Theft
James JONES Theft
Kees BOOY Rape
Esau DAVID Housebreaking and Theft
Sarah JACOBS Assault
Willem BATTENESE Theft
Onzleva Theft
Vosani & Telemani Theft
Dirk PETERS Theft
George WEBSTER Theft
Jacob PRINS Theft
Betje ROOYBERG Housebreaking and Theft
Robert F.W.CALDECOTT Arson, Theft and Perjury
Jan ROOY Rape
Rosina Theft
Stuurman NIMROD Theft
Jan PIET & Jonas VIGILAND Theft
Saartje DANIELS alias ADAMS Theft
Jacob DANSTER Theft
Ruyter BAREND Theft
Cobus BOESAC Theft
Balthasar J. PRINSLO Culpable Homicide
Notyalo Theft
Andries Van der BAT alias MARTHIESEN Theft
Thursday 30 March 1837
My Apprentice John FLANAGAN, fair complexion, dark hair, about 5 feet 4, had on blue jacket, trowsers and cap. I hereby caution any person from harbouring him, as they will, if discovered (after this notice) subject themselves to prosecution. Any person apprehending the said Apprentice and lodging him in any District Prison shall, on applying to the undersigned, be awarded for their trouble.
J.S. AYTON, tailor
Graham's Town March 19 1837
Wm. AINSLIE respectfully informs the Public that he intends shortly to remove his Brewing Establishment to 'Spring Grove' on the Kowie River, district of Somerset. All cattle found trespassing on the above Farm after this Notice will be sent to the Pound.
Thursday 6 April 1837
Mr. S. WIGGETT, just arrived from London, begs to inform the Public that he has commenced Coopering at Algoa Bay, where Cooperage of all kinds may be had on reasonable terms.
Thursday 13 April 1837
Departed this life on Monday 3rd inst at Graaff-Reinet, after a short illness of five days, Mr. J.B. BIDDULPH, aged 40 years 5 months. To those who knew him well it is needless to speak of his virtues; and those who knew him not will be unable to appreciate his merits from a feeble attempt to describe them. A wife and five small children are left to deplore the loss of an affectionate husband and father, his aged parents that of a kind and dutiful son, and society of an active, intelligent and honourable member.
Thursday 20 April 1837
MARRIED at Port Elizabeth on 5th April by the Rev. F. McCleland AB, Colonial Chaplain, Mr. G.P. VINEY to Margaret Eliza, daughter of the late Doctor SPALDING of Jamaica.
We regret to find that Mr. Peter UYS, who so greatly distinguished himself by his gallantry during the recent Kafir War, is now in the vicinity of Graham's on his way to join the emigrant farmers. He has with him a party of twenty-three wagons and upwards of 100 souls, and he is accompanied by his father who, at a very advanced age, is about to abandon forever the land of his birth.
Thursday 27 April 1837
The undersigned begs to acquaint the Inhabitants of Graham's Town and its vicinity that having engaged competent assistance he intends on Saturday 29th inst opening a Shop, situate between the Stores of Messrs ANDERSON Sen. & Co and THOMSON Brothers, in the Bread, Biscuit and Pastry Line, and trusts, by strict attention, in executing Orders and supplying articles of the best quality, to meet a share of their favours.
NB the undersigned has on hand a large assortment of Books, prints, Maps and Stationery etc.
BIRTH: On 20th inst Mrs. J.P. CAMM of a son
MARRIED on Wednesday 26th inst by the Rev.John Heavyside, John Mitford BOWKER Esq of Fort Peddie to Mary Anne, eldest daughter of Mr. STANDEN, Graham's Town.
DIED at his residence in Port Elizabeth on the 21st inst, John Anthony CHABAUD Esq, Attorney of the Supreme Court, at the early age of 38 years. Deceased was highly respected by a large circle of friends for his urbanity of manner and unbounded hospitality. To unflinching independency of mind he joined that discrimination which led him at times to present the most uncompromising front to that spurious philanthropy which, like the canker worm, has eaten to the very core of this settlement. In him Port Elizabeth has lost one of its ablest and most zealous supporters and the Frontier in general a staunch defender of its rights,
The undersigned has for sale a fashionable assortment of Ladies' Boas, Tippets, Cuffs, Fur Trimmings, Ladies' Cloth Cloaks, Boan Cloaks, twilled Prints, permanent Twills, plate Prints, black and colored Gros de Naples, Flannels, with many other articles adapted for the season.
Mrs. TROLLIP, Dundas's Bridge
We the undersigned, inhabitants of Fort Beaufort, feel ourselves called upon, on the removal of our Teacher Mr. P. SMAILES to Graaff-Reinet, for the purposes of opening a Boarding School at that place, to express our deep and cordial regret that any circumstances should have caused this loss to the rising generation of this place, whose intellectual and moral welfare have been so effectually promoted by his well directed and indefatigable attention.
With our warmest wishes for the professional success and general welfare of Mr. SMAILES and family
We remain etc
James J. EVA
Richard WEBB
Thursday 11 May 1837
Notice is hereby given that a Meeting of Resident Householders, severally paying Taxes to an amount exceeding Six Shillings Sterling per annum, and resident respectively within One Mile of St.George's Church, Graham's Town will be held before the Resident Magistrate at the Commercial Hall on Saturday 13th May 1837 at 12 o'clock Noon for the purpose of electing Seven Commissioners for the Municipality of Graham's Town.
Duncan CAMPBELL, Resident Magistrate.
DIED in New Street, Mrs.TRELING, after a short but painful illness, at the early age of 24 years.
Thursday 18 May 1837
Mr. H.B. RUTHERFOORD, being about to leave the Frontier, will hold a Public Sale at his house in Beaufort Street on Saturday next, the 27th inst. of Furniture consisting of Mahogany Sideboard, Chairs, dining and other Tables, a square Piano Forte by Broadwood, with numerous other articles, and also three horses.
J.D. NORDEN, Auctioneer
In St.George's Church by the Rev. J. Heavyside, Colonial Chaplain
Apr 3 Jacob Abraham BESTER, bachelor, and Sophia Elizabeth VAN WYK, spinster
Apr 8 Henry WHITE, bachelor and Sarah RIGGS, spinster
Apr 19 Hendrik Adrian MEINTJES, bachelor, and Regina Dorothea VAN ROOYEN, spinster
Apr 19 J.H. POTGIETER, bachelor and Aletts LOMBARD, spinster
May 2 John FORD, widower and Susannah EDWARDS, spinster
May 2 James WELSH, bachelor and Emma ROGERS, spinster
May 17 Thomas BRADFIELD, bachelor and Eliza Juliana TURVEY, spinster
Apr 2 A daughter of Edmund L. KIFT baptised Elizabeth Ann
Apr 2 A daughter of James and Elizabeth EVERLEY baptised Dinah
Apr 19 A son of John and Martha HEAVYSIDE baptised William Allen Owen
Apr 21 A son of James and Martha CRAWFORD baptised Robert Daniel
Apr 30 A son of Robert and Lucy FEATHERSTONE, baptised William George
On Monday evening a person named HILLIARD, who had been in the employ, as a shopman, of Mr. EARLE, Chemist and Druggist of this place, called at Mr. BEAL's Hotel, and requested accommodation for the night. On being informed that the house was full, he proceeded to the billiard-room, and having seated himself, requested a tumbler of brandy and water. This was furnished to him, and he was supposed soon afterwards to have fallen asleep in his chair; on endeavouring, however, to arouse him, when about to close the house for the night, he was found to be a corpse! Deceased had been subject to fits of deep despondency, at which seasons he would have recourse to spirituous liquor; and from a post mortem examination his death is supposed to have been caused by this evil and deplorable propensity.
Thursday 25 May 1837
To the Inhabitants of Bathurst and its Vicinity
The undersigned having made arrangements to ensure a constant supply of superior Slaughter Cattle intends to commence Slaughtering on the 1st June, and offers to supply the Public at the following rates, viz:- Beef, by the quarter, 1 1/2d per lb, Mutton 2 1/4d
William ALLEN
Elected as Municipal Commissioners:
Thursday 1 June 1837
The undersigned has just unpacked an assortment of cutlery and ironmongery, viz:- desk Penknives, Garden Rakes, brass Cocks, chest Handles, Wilson's Butcher's Knives, sockets and firmer Chissels, Knives and Forks, smoothing, jack, trying and bead Planes, Iron Chest, pad and till Locks, chest, butt, HL and other Hinges, Sash and Chalk Lines, Tailors' Thimbles, bone Brace-moulds, Iron and Pewter Spoons, Adzes, Axe Heads, brass and copper Kettles, Butchers' Steels, Shot, 2 ½ and 3 inch Rose Nails, scupper do, green and blue Paint, Rose Bits, Pallet Knives, Jews' Harps, Measuring Tapes, hand and tenant Saws, Saw sets, Sash Screws, blank Keys, Screws assorted, hammer Heads, frame Pullies, spoke Shares, Augers, Carpenters' Compasses, Sash Tools, Sickles, Drawing Knives, Bolts, Masons' Hammers, Sieves, Thumb Latches, Sheep Shears, Anvils, Spades and Iron Pots.
Thursday 8 June 1837
The undersigned begs to acquaint the Inhabitants of Graham's Town and its vicinity that he has just commenced Carpentering near the Toll Bridge, where he solicits their favours. All work will be executed in the most Workmanlike manner and a liberal credit will be given.
Thursday 22 June 1837
On the 11th May died on board the 'Skerne' on her passage to Port Natal, Julia Charlotte Francis, eldest daughter of Capt. GARDINER RN
W. WEDDERBURN, having commenced the Business of Tailoring in New Street, nearly opposite Park's Hotel, trusts by strict attention to merit a share of Public Patronage
Graham's Town June 21st 1837
Thursday 29 June 1837
DIED and lies buried at Gletwyn, in the 17th year of his age, Henry Erskine Loch, fourth son of R.H. RUBIDGE Esq.
DIED on Monday the 19th instant, Georgina Caroline, third daughter of Charles MAYNARD Esq, aged 5 years.
A respectable inhabitant of this town, who has returned within the last few days from a visit to Uitenhage, brings the melancholy intelligence that a Mr. YOUNGER, a Surgeon, and in a fit of ungovernable frenzy, put a period to the existence of his own wife. At the time our informant quitted the village the inhabitants were in a state of great excitement, and he did not learn all the particulars of this awful affair: but he heard that on the alarm being given, and some persons proceeding to the spot and bursting open the door, they found the infuriated husband savagely trampling on the prostrate body of his unfortunate wife. We have not heard any cause assigned for this savage deed, but as the perpetrator of it had acquired habits of the most degrading intemperance, we have little doubt but it will be found to have originated in this ruinous and wretched propensity.
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