Grahamstown Journal 1867 - 4 - October to December
Wednesday 2 October 1867
A man named Henry LINDSAY who was found in the streets (Port Elizabeth) one day last week in a destitute condition was removed to the lock-up by the police, where he died during Saturday night, and was buried yesterday. – E.P. Herald
Monday 7 October 1867
MARRIED on the 20th August, at Laughton, Leicestershire, by the Rev W. Cave Humphrey, assisted by the Rev A. Matthews, Rector of Grunley, Arthur DOUGLASS of Grahamstown, Cape Colony, fifth son of the late James Lee DOUGLASS Esq, of Market Harborough, Leicestershire, to Martha Emily, second daughter of Joseph PERKINS Esq of Laughton.
Wednesday 9 October 1867
DIED (at the residence of his brother, John C. ECKLEY) Geduldfontein, on the 4th October 1867, William Henry ECKLEY, aged 34 years.
Monday 14 October 1867
BIRTH on the 13th inst, at Fair View House, West Hill, the wife of Joseph GADD Esq of a son.
Friday 18 October 1867
DIED at Geduldfontein, Burghersdorp on Tuesday the 7th inst, after a lingering and painful illness, Letitia Margaret Sophia, wife of Mr. J.C. ECKLEY, and third daughter of the late Mr. Thomas DOYLE, aged 44 years 1 month and 5 days. Relatives and friends at a distance will please accept this notice.
Monday 28 October 1867
DIED at Grahamstown on Sunday morning, October 27th, Sophia, wife of Mr. Job TIMM, and second daughter of Mr. R. BRADFIELD of Clumber. Deceased bore a long affliction with exemplary fortitude, and accepted her fate with the faith and resignation of a true Christian. A large circle of relatives and friends mourn her loss.
Friday 1 November 1867
MARRIED at Clumber on Tuesday the 22nd October by the Rev E. Hepburn, Daniel CAWOOD to Sarah Maria, eldest daughter of Mr. Thomas SIMPSON of Lower Albany. No cards.
DIED on the 27th inst, at the residence of Mr. John WEBB, Grahamstown, Miss Louisa WAKEFORD, aged 26 years and 5 months, third daughter of William and Mary Ann WAKEFORD. Friends at a distance will please accept this notice.
DIED at Grahamstown on Tuesday the 29th October 1867, Henry Clifton, infant son of Henry and Sarah Ann HILL. Aged 1 year and 28 days.
DIED at Grahamstown on Tuesday 29th inst, Stephen Thomas, youngest son of William and Elizabeth COCKCROFT, aged 6 months and 6 days.
Friday 8 November 1867
Notice of Removal
The undersigned begs to notify his Friends and the Public generally that he has removed his stock of Furniture to the stores lately occupied by Mr. J. LOCKE in Church-square.
Grahamstown, 28th October 1867
Monday 11 November 1867
DIED on the 24th ult at Potchefstrom, Transvaal, in the 24th year of his age, H.M. HUNTLEY, eldest son of C.H. HUNTLEY of Grahamstown.
Before Mr. Justice CONNOR
Theft by Means of Embezzlement
James POWRIE was charged with the crime of fraud, committed by means of embezzlement, in appropriating to his own use a sum of £7,500, the property of his employers, Messrs. A.W. and W.H. FLETCHER. The prisoner pleaded guilty.
His Lordship enquired whether the prisoner wished to say anything?
Prisoner: I only wish to say I took the money; but I never had any intention to defraud my employers.
His Lordship: Then why did you plead guilty?
Prisoner: I plead guilty to taking the money.
His Lordship: Have you anything more to say?
Prisoner: I never intended to defraud my employers, although I did take the money. I was acting for them under a general power of attorney, and I was satisfied in my own conscience. The amount was entered in the books, and I left my promissory note for £15,000, which I intended to repay.
His Lordship read an extract from the letter which the prisoner addressed to his brother, stating that he (the prisoner) was a hypocrite, and he supposed he should remain so.
Prisoner: The transactions were entered in the books of the firm at the time.
His Lordship: The prisoner in this case is charged with the crime of theft. You were placed in a responsible position and, I must suppose, in a favourable position; both of the partners being absent from the colony. You, however, applied to your own personal use a sum of £7,000 or £8,000, and then ran away from the colony and was arrested somewhere in England. It is quite right to admit that a good deal of this money was restored, between £6,000 and £7.000, but I must also take into consideration that this was not until after you had been arrested. Under these circumstances I cannot pass upon you a lighter sentence than one of two years’ imprisonment.
The prisoner was then removed.
Friday 15 November 1867
MARRIED in Commemoration Chapel by the Rev George Green, Marianne, eldest daughter of J.B. HELLIER Esq of Grahamstown to William Shaw, eldest son of C.H. CALDECOTT Esq and Chaplain to the Wesleyans in the Forces stationed at Mauritius.
13th November 1867
Monday 18 November 1867
DIED at Port Elizabeth on the 13th instant, at the residence of Mrs. G.E. JOSEPH, Maria, relict of the late Richard PEACOCK Esq, formerly of Somerset East. Aged 77 years.
Friday 22 November 1867
BIRTH at Tharfield, near Bathurst, Lower Albany, on the 18th Nov, Mrs. T. Holden BOWKER of a daughter.
MARRIED on the 12 inst by the Very Rev the Dean of Grahamstown, at the Cathedral, Miss Elizabeth Hannah KIGHTLEY to Mr. Frederick PARSONS of Reyner’s Post, near Burghersdorp.
DIED at the Chumie on Sunday the 17th November 1867, Anne Caroline, second daughter of the late Mr. M.J. SMIT, formerly of Capetown.
MARRIED on the 25th September 1867, at the Wesleyan Chapel, Lytham, Lancashire, by the Rev John Hannah DD, of Didsbury College, Mr. John M. PEACOCK of King Williamstown to Maria Kentish, only daughter of T.C. HINCKSMAN Esq of Lytham. No cards.
Monday 25 November 1867
The Accommodation House, Balfour
James GREEN returns thanks for the large encouragement he has received from Travellers and others since opening the above House. He is happy to know that his exertions in catering for the comfort of his Visitors have been commented by Governors, Judges Advocates and others who have patronised his House.
He begs to assure his friends and the public that he will spare no effort to provide for the comfort of Travellers, either to bait or rest for the night. His accommodations, being extensive, are also available for, and have been used, as family Summer Quarters, by Marriage Parties and Excurtionists; and offers a quiet retreat to persons wishing to rusticate for a season - t– all of whom the romantic scenery of the Katberg, and its forests, will be pleasing.
The new line of road being now opened by the Bridge, J.G. begs to inform his Visitors that he has made a New Branch Road into Balfour, which turns from the Main Line at a Finger-post, near Grey Kerk.
Wednesday 27 November 1867
BIRTH on the 25th November, at Grahamstown, the wife of F.C. BLUNT Esq, D-A-Commissary-General, of a son.
Monday 2 December 1867
DIED at Grahamstown on the 28th inst, after a lingering and painful illness, David KING, in the 27th year of his age. Friends at a distance will please accept this notice.
November 30 1867
Wednesday 4 December 1867
BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 4th inst, the wife of J.R. ATKINS Esq, Quarter-Master 11th Regiment, of a son.
Grahamstown, 4th December 1867.
Friday 6 December 1867
MARRIED on the 4th December at St.George’s Cathedral, by the Very Rev the Dean of Grahamstown, Emily Alice, eldest daughter of Mr. Walter SMITH, of the Hermitage, Oatlands, to Mr. George REYNOLDS, of the firm of HOWSE, REYNOLDS & Co, Bathurst-street.
Wednesday 11 December 1867
Direct Importer, Grahamstown
Has just received for Christmas:
Prime Yorkshire and Wiltshire Bacon; Yorkshire Hams; Cumberland Lard; German Sausages (Polonies) in tin foil; Stilton, Wiltshire, Gouda, Edam, Cheshire and Cheddar Cheese; Teas of every variety; and various articles of first class quality; Superior Malt Vinegar, and a large assortment of Brushes.
NB, Shortly expected, Kent and Sussex Hops of various growths.
BIRTH at Capetown on the 9th inst, Mr. Jno. W. WELLS of a daughter.
DIED at Naauw Point, in Middelburg, on the 10th instant, Theodora, beloved wife of James D. COUPER. Aged 29 years.
Wednesday 18 December 1867
BIRTH at Oatlands on the 15th December 1867, the wife of Mr. R.W. NELSON of a son.
MARRIED on Tuesday the 17th inst, at St.Bartholomew’s Church, by the Father of the Bride, J.D. BARRY Esq, son of the late Hon’ble Jas. BARRY Esq of Capetown, to Charlotte, second daughter of the Venerable Archdeacon MERRIMAN. No cards.
Friday 20 December 1867
DIED on the 18th December 1867, at Grahamstown, Hollings Gray, infant son of Mr. Thomas BROOKSHAW. Aged one year. “He is not lost but gone before”.
Friday 27 December 1867
MARRIED at Grahamstown on the 26th December 1867 by the Rev the Dean of Grahamstown, the Rev. C.F. OVERTON BA, to Elizabeth Gardner, youngest daughter of the late Rev John AYLIFF.
DIED at King Williamstown on the 19th December 1867, Percy Davies, eldest son of Thomas ESTCOURT and Sarah ROWLES. Aged four years, two months and 20 days. Deeply regretted.
Monday 30 December 1867
MARRIED at Grahamstown in the Cathedral, on the 21st December 1867 by the Venerable Archdeacon Merriman, assisted by the Very Reverend the Dean, Theophilus, third son of the Hon’ble T. SHEPSTONE Esq, Secretary for Native Affairs, Natal, to Helen Louisa Maude, second daughter of Major-General BISSET C.B.
DIED at Selwyn Castle, Grahamstown on Wednesday 25th December 1867, in the 47th year of her age, Harriet Mary, the beloved wife of Thomas LANGFORD.
Grahamstown, December 27 1867
DIED at Capetown on the 22nd inst, H. MADER Esq. MD. Aged 80 years.
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