Grahamstown Journal 1869 - 4 - October to December
1 October 1869
BIRTH at Grahamstown on Wednesday 29th September, the wife of Mr. John WEBB of a son.
DIED near the Caledon River on the 15th September, James, elder twin son of James and Helen SCOTT of the Wesleyan Mission, Thaba ‘Nchu. Age 4 months and 3 days.
DIED at Grahamstown on the 27th September 1869, Amanda Rokeby Hamilton, only daughter of Francis and Jane Ingles DORRINGTON, aged four years and six months. Friends will please to accept the thanks of the parents in this affliction.
Monday 4 October 1869
BIRTH at Wrighton Cottage on the 3rd instant, Mrs. A.L. BENJAMIN of a son.
BIRTH at Adelaide on Friday the 1st October, the wife of Mr. John J. THERON of a daughter.
DIED at his residence, Manley’s Flat, on Friday 1st October, after a painful illness of two months, Mr. William MOUNTFORT Sen, aged 84 years and 2 months. Deceased was one of the original Settlers of 1820. Friends at a distance are desired to accept this notice.
Friday 8 October 1869
DIED at Line Drift, near Peddie, on the 30th September, after a long and painful illness, Mr. James ALLISON. Aged 45 years. Deceased leaves a widow and three young children to mourn their irreparable loss.
Monday 11 October 1869
BIRTH at Annshaw Wesleyan Mission Station, on October 9th, the wife of the Rev J.R. SAWTELL of a daughter.
MARRIED on the 9th inst by Special Licence, at St.Bartholomew’s Church by the Venerable Archdeacon Merriman MA, David Blair HOOK Esq, Inspector F.A.M. Police, to Elizabeth Emma, daughter of the late A.W. HOOLE Esq of this city. No cards.
Friday 15 October 1869
BIRTH at Wood’s Hotel, Grahamstown, Mrs. Chas. SWEET of a son.
October 15th 1869
DIED at Aliwal North on the 8th inst, at the age of 16 months, John Henry, youngest son of Richard and Susannah DOWLING.
Monday 18 October 1869
BIRTH at Wood’s Hotel on Sunday October 17 1869, Mrs. Honoria Melicent WOOD of a daughter.
BIRTH on the 13th instant, at the residence of L.G. TRIEGAARDT Esq, near Maclean, the wife of Mr. F.J. TRIEGAARDT of a daughter.
Friday 22 October 1869
BIRTH at Bedford on the 9th inst, Mrs. G.E.O. BRINK of a son.
BIRTH at Bloemfontein on the 10th inst, Mrs. R. INNES of a son.
Monday 25 October 1869
DIED at Grahamstown on Sunday morning, the 24th instant, Elizabeth, the beloved wife of Mr. John BELLMAN, Beaufort-street, after a lingering illness, in the 43rd year of her age. Friends at a distance will please accept this intimation.
Friday 29 October 1869
BIRTH at Klip Spruit Nek, division of Aliwal North, on the 20th October 1869, the wife of Mr. A.J. KIDWELL of a daughter.
MARRIED at Salem on the 20th October 1869 by the Rev J. Smith, George James, third son of the late Henry HILL of Salem, to Emma Mary HAYWARD. No cards.
Monday 1 November 1869
BIRTH, November 1st, the wife of Mr. George REYNOLDS of a daughter.
The Funeral of the late Mr. Joseph GREEN will move from Trinity Church on Wednesday next at 4 o’clock pm. Friends will please accept this general invitation.
A. WILLS, Undertaker
DIED at his residence, Beaufort-street, Grahamstown, Joseph GREEN, aged 45 years 2 months and 23 days; leaving a wife and large family to mourn their loss.
DIED at Wellfound, near Graaff-Reinet, on 21st October 1869, Carey Dudley, fourth son of W.C. HOBSON Junr, aged 3 months and 9 days.
Monday 8 November 1869
BIRTH on the 3rd November 1869, at King Williamstown, Cape Colony, the wife of Mr. John M. PEACOCK of a daughter.
MARRIED at Grahamstown by the Rev W. SARGEANT, Wesleyan Minister, William RAVENELL to Esther Patrick, second daughter of the late William SARGEANT Esq of this city.
DIED at “Wheatlands”, James Fructoso PARKES, on the 27th October 1869, the 36th Anniversary of his birthday.
Friday 12 November 1869
BIRTH on the 30th ult, Mrs. J.LAWRANCE of a son.
DIED from diphtheria on Monday the 8th November 1869, Sarah Ann Elizabeth, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles LEVEY. Aged 5 years and 2 months.
DIED at Jacobsdal, Orange Free State, on the 26th October, of bronchitis, at the age of 2 years and 7 months, Kate Marion, youngest daughter of James and Annie SKIRVING.
Monday 15 November 1869
BIRTH at 4 Churchley Villas, Upper Sydenham, London, on the 24th September, Mrs W.A RICHARDS of a daughter.
DIED at Malta on the 18th September, Robert Hellier, son of the Rev W.S. CALDECOTT, Wesleyan Chaplain, aged 1 year and 1 month.
DIED on the Farm “Hopewell”, from putrid sore throat, on the 10th November 1869, in her 22nd year, Mary Ann, the beloved wife of F.J. GOWAN Jun [sic - should be GOWAR], and third daughter of Robert and Mary Ann POTE, leaving a disconsolate husband and two helpless children to mourn their loss.
They that sleep in Jesus will God bring with him.
Friends at a distance will please accept this notice.
Monday 22 November 1869
MARRIED on the 17th November at St. Stephen’s, Kleinemonde, by the Rev W. Wallis, Rector of Bathurst, Nathan, third son of Mr. W. ELLIOTT, to Margaret, daughter of Mr. R. HARMAN.
BIRTH on the 16th November at Beaufort-street, the wife of Dr. CUMMING of a son.
Grahamstown, November 19th 1869.
BIRTH on the 13th inst at St.Andrews College, the wife of Rev L.S. BROWNE of a son.
BIRTH on the 22nd instant, at Grahamstown, the wife of S. JACOBS Esq, Solicitor-General, of a daughter.
Monday 29 November 1869
DIED at his residence, Alice, on the 26th inst, Andrew DEVELLING, aged 44 years and 9 months, leaving a wife and nine children to mourn their irreparable loss.
Friday 3 December 1869
MARRIED at the residence of the Bride’s Uncle, Grahamstown, on the 29th November 1869, by the Rev Mr. Green, Wesleyan Minister, Edward James, fourth son of the late John Phillpot CURRAN, Master Mariner, late of Capetown, to Catherine Ann, eldest daughter of Mr. John OULD, Engineer, Cornwall, England.
DIED at his residence, Bertram-street, Grahamstown, in the 70th year of his age, after a short illness, William WEDDERBURN Sen, one of the Settlers of 1820, leaving a large family and circle of friends to mourn their loss.
DIED on December 1st 1869, Catherine, the beloved and affectionate wife of Mr. J. ADAM (born MACDONALD) of Prince Alfred’s Road. Aged 45 years and 5 months.
Monday 6 December 1869
DIED at Fort Beaufort on the 1st inst, Mary HOLLIDAY, wife of Mr. Charles HOLLIDAY, aged 47 years and 8 months, deeply regretted by a numerous family and a large circle of friends.
Friday 10 December 1869
DIED on the 7th instant, at the residence of Mr. Robt. READ, Grahamstown, William John EARLD, aged 68 years.
Wednesday 15 December 1869
BIRTH this morning, the wife of Frederick HOLLAND of a son.
MARRIED on the 26th August 1869, at St.James’ Church, Devonport, [Kyle?] Alfred CHAPMAN Esq of Quaggafontein, O.R. Free State, to Louisa Wilhelmina, fourth daughter of Vice-Admiral the Hon. Keith STEWART CB.
Monday 20 December 1869
DIED at his residence, Grahamstown, on Saturday the 18th December 1869, Mr. William ESTMENT Senior, native of Dorsetshire, England; aged 66 years.
Friday 24 December 1869
DIED at Jacobsdal, Orange Free State, on the 7th December, John Bonny, eldest son of James and Annie SKIRVING. Aged 14 months and 10 days.
Friday 31 December 1869
BIRTH at Alexandria on the 27th inst, Mrs. J.E. NIGHTINGALE of a son.
BIRTH at Queenstown on the 18th Dec, the wife of Mr. Herbert DUGMORE of a son.
DIED at Queenstown, Dec 28, Henry Ernest, infant son of Herbert and Emma DUGMORE. Aged 8 days.
DIED at Lambrook Farm, British Kaffraria, on Tuesday December 21st 1869, Emmerson Richard Rupert, only son of John and Ann CROUCH; aged 19 years and 3 months.
DIED at his residence, Bath Farm, on Saturday December 25th 1869, after a short illness, Mr. John THARRATT Sen, in the fifty seventh year of his age, leaving a widow and large family to mourn his loss.
“In the midst of life we are in death”
Friends at a distance will please to accept this notice.
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