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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1873 - 3 - July to September

Friday 4 July 1873

BIRTH on the 26th instant at Riebeck East, the wife of Mr. G. BOSCH of a son.

BIRTH at Grahamstown on Sunday 29th June, the wife of R.J. DANIELS of a son.

A gun accident which resulted fatally occurred at “Seven Oaks” farm the other day through a careless use of firearms. It appears two boys – HOTTON, aged twelve years, and young SMITH, aged eleven years, were out shooting birds on the farm. While engaged in this pursuit a native boy and girl joined them, the children of a herd living on the farm, aged respectively five and seven years. When the two native children came up, HOTTON was walking about with the gun under his arm at full cock, the muzzle pointing towards objects facing him. Seeing the weapon in this position the native boy went up to HOTTON to inspect it, and was in the act of raising the muzzle of the gun for the purpose of peering down the barrel when the trigger caught in contact with a shot belt and went off, the black boy receiving the contents of the gun in the head. He was killed instantaneously. The authorities have investigated the matter and a severe rebuke has been administered to Master HOTTON for his carelessness.

Monday 7 July 1873

Murraysburg, June 29th 1873
A very cold-blooded murder was committed last night at Vleiplaats, the farm of Mr. J.A. BURGER. One F. MIDDLETON had been at work there for some time past, and it appears that he took into his house a tailor of the name of George WATSON. All went well till last night, when MIDDLETON thought fit to show his money to some people that were at Vleiplaats. They think he had from £800 to £1000. This WATSON was in the house at the time. Some time during the night WATSON took a child of MIDDLETON’s to the house of some of the coloured servants, saying that they were to take care of it, as MIDDLETON was going to the Village with him. This morning young Mr. BURGER saw the door of MIDDLETON’s room with a padlock on it. Not seeing MIDDLETON, he went and opened the door, and to his surprise found MIDDLETON quite dead, not on the floor, but face upwards upon a chair. WATSON was not to be found, nor has he been since heard of. A warrant was issued for his apprehension this morning. Since the above was written I have got the following particulars: Head broken with some blunt instrument. Post mortem held. Murderer just apprehended. – G.R. Advertiser

Wednesday 9 July 1873

DIED on the 5th instant at the residence of his son-in-law, Mr. W. WEDDERBURN, Richard WHITING, in the 74th year of his age.

DIED at Grahamstown on Monday evening, 7th July 1873, after a short but severe illness, Sarah, the beloved wife of Daniel WESSON of Southwell, Lower Albany, aged 27 years 2 months and 19 days. She was beloved by all who knew her.

Friday 11 July 1873

BIRTH on the 9th inst at Grahamstown, the wife of Mr. R.O. BOTHA of a son.

MARRIED at Mitford Park on the 3rd July, by the Rev R. Lamplough, James Wilmot, eldest son of Octavius BOWKER Esq to Mary Anne, only daughter of the late John Mitford BOWKER Esq. No cards.

DIED at Aliwal North on the 30th ult, at the age of 14 months, Norman Hugh, son of Richard and Susanna DOWLING.
Aliwal North, 2nd July 1873.

We regret to say that a cart accident occurred at the Kowie yesterday morning which resulted in the death of Mrs. WEISBECKER, wife of Mr. WEISBECKER of this town. Mrs. WEISBECKER, who had been on a visit to the seaside, had engaged a seat for Grahamstown in the passenger cart of Thursday morning. As she was in feeble health, the driver, at the request of Mr. WEISBECKER who came into town on Monday, consented to go up to GREEN’s (Hockey’s) Hotel and take her up previous to starting. The proprietor, Mr. MATTHEWS, has given general instructions to the driver not at any time to go up to this hotel, as the road is steep and bad. DANIELS, however, thought that in the case of a sick and aged person he might for once make an exception to his practice, especially as Mr. WEISBECKER had particularly asked him to do so, and as others joined in the request. At the starting, Mrs. WEISBECKER became alarmed and, seizing the driver, began to scream. This frightened the mules and prevented DANIELS (the driver) from managing them effectually. The animals became restive, ran away, and in turning the corner to the right at the bottom of the road, to go to the stables, the cart was upset and Mrs. WEISBECKER was thrown out. Mrs. STREAK, Mr. GREEN, and others, immediately on seeing the accident, ran down and rendered all the assistance in their power. Dr. BEKKER was at once sent for. It did not appear that any serious injury had been received, and as Mrs. WEISBECKER was very anxious to proceed, the Doctor consented to her doing so. Mrs. STREAK kindly offered to accompany her to town. During the first stage the sufferer showed signs of pain, but at last appeared to sleep. On arriving at Mr. Joseph WOOD’s homestead, Bathurst, it was, however, found that she was dead. Every suitable arrangement was then made, and deceased was brought into town. It need scarcely be said that much sympathy has been felt for the bereaved at this sudden and sad catastrophe. It is difficult to see that any blame can be attached to the driver. Under the circumstances it was impossible for him to refuse to consent to go round to GREEN’s to take up an aged and infirm lady, while, at the time of the accident he was not, from the reason mentioned, free to use his well known skill. The proprietor’s rule not to go up to the Hotel is, however, evidently a safe one. The deceased lady was greatly respected by those who knew her.

Monday 14 July 1873

DIED suddenly on the 10th July, after many years of bodily afflictions, Anne, the beloved wife of Augustus WEISBECKER, R.I.P. Friends will please accept thanks for the kind attentions.

Friday 18 July 1873

BIRTH at Seymour, Stockenstrom on the 11th inst, the wife of Mr. D.T. SMAILES of a son.

Yesterday an accident of an unusual character occurred in High Street in the house in which the late Mrs. SPARKS was some fifteen months back cruelly murdered. Since that event the house has been in the occupation of coloured people, and yesterday a little child some two years of age was killed whilst playing in the yard attached to the house. The death was caused by the falling of a wall, and the child was killed instantaneously.

A Report is current that many Dutch families near the Kei Mouth are preparing to trek to the Free State as soon as the Spring months commence. The enormous rents they pay for Crown lands, heavy road rates, and other taxes, are all out of proportion to their income, hence their desire for “fresh fields and pastures new”. Beyond doubt, to those who have to hire farms, the times are just now anything but promising with a protracted drought staring them in the face, and the impossibility of obtaining sufficient labour to carry on even the necessary farming operations.

Monday 21 July 1873

Eastern Province Guardian, Loan and Investment Company
Notice to Creditors and Debtors
In the Estate of the late Joseph TAYLOR and predeceased Spouse Anne TAYLOR (born BENNETT)
The undersigned having been duly appointed Executor Testamentary to the Estate of the late Joseph TAYLOR, requests that all claims against the said Estate may be sent in to the Office of the above Company, Anglo Africa-street, Grahamstown, within six weeks from this date; and that all parties indebted to the said Estate will pay the amount of their several accounts at the same place and within the same period.
George WOOD, Chairman
Executor Testamentary
Anglo African-street
Grahamstown, July 19th 1873

MARRIED, July 10th at St.Paul’s, Rondebosch, by the Venerable Archdeacon Badnall DD, assisted by the Rev Cannon Ogilvie MA and the Rev A.M.R. Wilshire MA, Oswald Henry HOGARTH MA, BCL Oxon, Inspector of Schools, to Annie Jane Myddleton BAKER, eldest daughter of the Rev J. BAKER, Chaplain, Robben Island; and Thomas Johnson ANDERSON Esq, eldest son of W.G.ANDERSON Esq of Erinville to Amelia Dyer BAKER, second daughter of the Rev J. BAKER.

Friday 25 July 1873

BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 23rd instant, Mrs. B. VAN DEN BROECK of a son

MARRIED on Tuesday the 22nd inst, by the Rev T. Cresswell, Wesleyan Minister, William Oliver WEBB, Fieldcornet, eldest son of W. WEBB Esq of this city, to Hannah Grainger, youngest daughter of P. AMM Senr, of Lindale, Salem. No cards.

On Tuesday last Salem was the scene of unusual bustle and stir, caused by a wedding. On that day Mr. William Oliver WEBB, fieldcornet for Grahamstown and district, was united in marriage with Miss Hannah Grainger, youngest daughter of P. AMM Senr Esq of Salem. The bride was attended by six bridesmaids, while Mr. C. WEBB, brother to the bridegroom, acted as best man. The ceremony was performed by the Rev T. Cresswell in the presence of a large number of spectators. After a very pleasant breakfast meeting of their friends, at Lindale, the happy pair left on a visit to Goba.

A case of remarkable sudden death occurred at Mr. BOTTEN’s, in Howison’s Poort, this week. It appears that a man named George HILL, who until last month was in the employ of Mr. Ignaas FERREIRA, fieldcornet, feeling unwell, came into town about four weeks ago for some medicine; on returning, feeling rather worse, he stayed at Mr. BOTTEN’s farm, where he has since resided. During the month and up to the day of his death he has suffered pains in the body, which increased the night preceding his death, which took place on Wednesday morning. Deceased took breakfast on the morning in question as usual, after which he laid down on a couch in the kitchen. He had not been there many minutes before he was heard to make some exclamation, after which his lips and face instantly became livid and deathlike, and in less than five minutes he was a corpse. Deceased was an old soldier, and known as a hardworking and industrious bachelor. He was 50 years old.

Monday 28 July 1873

BIRTH at Grahamstown on Saturday the 26th July, Mrs. John LOCKE of a daughter.

The death of Mr. Hugh LYNAR, which took place at Mowbray on the 23rd inst, is an event which, by all who knew him, will be learned with profound sorrow. And this regret will be intensified, not merely by the loss of the deceased, but by that sympathy which must be felt for one who had been associated with him in the closest bonds of friendship from boyhood to the day of his death. We know of nothing more touching than the unbroken friendship that existed between Hugh LYNAR and William PORTER for the long period of 56 years. Referring to this, the Argus states:
“Fifty six years ago they first met in Dublin as strangers, the one a boy of fourteen and the other some two years younger. From that day until yesterday at ten o’clock there was never an interruption of their friendship, and hardly a break in the perfect union of their lives. Both at first being trained to business, Mr. PORTER turned his attention to law, and Mr. LYNAR, who was the elder of the two, to literature and the press. For several years he edited an influential journal in Dublin, and when in 1838 Mr. PORTER was appointed to the Attorney-Generalship of the Cape, Mr. LYNAR as a matter of inevitable course accompanied him as his Chief Clerk and Clerk of the Peace for Capetown. Before leaving Dublin, however, his confreres of the associated press of Dublin presented him with a testimonial of the esteem and regard in which he had been uniformly held”.
The following well-deserved tribute from the Standard & Mail:-
“During his thirty four years of residence in this Colony he succeeded in gaining the esteem and respect of all who knew him, and in securing the affectionate friendship of all who were his intimates. Thoroughly independent in his opinions on men and things, and honest and fearless in the expression of them, no kinder or gentler heart than his ever beat in a human breast. Charitable and liberal, almost to a fault, no appeal or misfortune ever found a deaf ear in him. No better proof of his genuine goodness of heart could be given than that every child who knew him loved him. He took as sincere an interest in his adopted country as if it had been his native one; he was ever among the foremost to promote with [passion] and good will every movement made to improve the condition of any class of people within it, and seldom as he spoke at public meetings his words always carried with them the weight which attaches to the utterances of men of [sense] and judgment.
It is a consolation to know that Mr. LYNAR, who was in his 70th year, suffered little or no pain in his last illness, and died peacefully in complete resignation to the Divine Will”.

Friday 8 August 1873

MARRIED on Thursday 31st July at Haining, the residence of the bride’s mother, by the Rev Mr Dewer, George A. PEARS, son of the late Rev G. PEARS of Somerset East, to Jessie, youngest daughter of Mrs. J.B. RENNIE

MARRIED at Du Toit’s Pan on 24th July, by the Rev F.W. Donat BA, Drummond Miles, only surviving son of the Rev Sir William DUNBAR Bart, Rector of Walwyn’s Castle, Pembrokeshire, to Maria Louisa Hancorn, fourth daughter of the late John Hancorn SMITH, of Melville Park, Lower Albany.

DIED at Grahamstown on the 4th August 1873, [Kate Marian], aged four months and Mary Thornhill, aged eighteen months, beloved children of Mr. and Mrs. T. HOLLAND

DIED at New Rush on the morning of the 30th July 1873, Ann, beloved wife of Henry OGILVIE Esq, youngest sister of the late Sir Walter CURRIE. Aged 41 years.

Monday 11 August 1873

BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 10th instant, the wife of Mr. R. TILLARD of a daughter.

Friday 15 August 1873

BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 12th August, the wife of Mr. D.R. HUME of a son.

DIED at Grahamstown on Monday August 11th, William, aged 2 years 9 months and 14 days, only son of the late Mr. Alexander ADAMS, Street-keeper

DIED at Grahamstown of Dropsy, Mr. Rudolph CLOETE of Fort Brown, belonging originally to Capetown, aged 45 years, leaving a widow and large young family to mourn their irreparable loss. Was formerly Sub-Inspector in the F.A. and M. Police.

Monday 18 August 1873

BIRTH at Grahamstown on Sunday 17th August, the wife of Mr. M.B. SHAW of a son.

BIRTH at West-hill, Grahamstown, August 15th, the wife of Mr. J.W. ASHBURNHAM of a daughter.

BIRTH at Thorndon, Lower Albany, on the 15th August, the wife of Mr. Charles PURDON of a daughter.

BIRTH, July 1st, at 6 Royal Parade, Burnham, the wife of Robert KING Esq of Grahamstown, South Africa, of a daughter.

MARRIED on Thursday the 10th July at St.Peter’s Church, Dublin, by the Rev Robert Mitford TAYLOR MA, Vicar of Hunmanby, Yorkshire, uncle of the bride, assisted by the Rev W.R. ASKIN MA, Incumbent of Harold’s Cross Church, and led by the Rev R. Mitford TAYLOR Jun MA, Vicar of Muston, Yorkshire, and by the Rev J.J. MACSORLEY MA, Hermann Alexander KROHN Esq, eldest son of the late W.P. KROHN Esq of Grahamstown, Cape of Good Hope, and BA Magdalen College, Cambridge, to Amy Constance, youngest daughter of Colonel Meadows TAYLOR, Companion of the Star of India, of Old Court House, Harold’s Cross, Dublin.

Yesterday a very interesting service was held in Trinity Church, when the ceremony of uncovering two tablets which have been erected, one to the memory of the late Mr. Francis TROLLOPE, and another to the memory of the late Mr. Joseph GREEN. The one erected to the memory of Mr. GREEN was uncovered by his brother Mr. B. GREEN, and the other by Mr. John LOCKE. Suitable addresses were delivered by the Rev S. SMIT and the Rev R. JOHNSON, the respected pastor of Trinity Church. The tablets are made of marble and are very elegant in appearance. A very large congregation was present on the occasion, and the ceremony was much improved by the rendering of two anthems by the choir, and a number of hymns by the congregation and the school children.

From the Dublin Daily Express of 11th July we take the following:- Yesterday at St.Peter’s Church, the marriage was celebrated of Hermann Alexander KROHN Esq, BA Magdalen College, Cambridge, Grahamstown, Cape of Good Hope, with Amy Constance MEADOWS-TAYLOR, youngest daughter of Colonel MEADOWS-TAYLOR CSI, of Old Court House, Harold’s-cross, county Dublin. The ceremony was performed by the Rev Robert Mitford TAYLOR MA, Vicar of Hunmanby, Yorkshire, uncle of the bride, who was assisted by the Rev W.R. ASKIN MA, Incumbent of Harold’s-cross, the Rev R. Mitford TAYLOR Jun MA, Vicar of Muston, Yorkshire, and by the Rev J.J. MACSORLEY MA. The fair bride was attended to the altar by six bridesmaids; viz. the Misses MEADOWS-TAYLOR, Margaret, Annie and Emily TAYLOR, Miss STRICKLAND and Miss Hester PALMER. Among the fashionable assemblage who witnessed the ceremony were:- Lord James BUTLER, the lady Rachael BUTLER, Hon. Grace BUTLER, Major-General Darby GRIFFITHS CB, Mrs. Darby GRIFFITHS, Mr. and Mrs. GALWAY, Captain and Mrs CLARKE RA, Mrs. TAYLOR, Mrs. PALMER, Dr. NEDEY, Miss AICKEN, Miss Madeline JOHNSTONE, Thomas STRICKLAND Esq, Rev R.M. TAYLOR, Rev R.M. TAYLOR Jun, J.MILLS Esq, Lieut. Charles HARE 27th Regt, W.B. MARTIN Esq, C.B. MARTIN Esq.

Monday 25 August 1873

DIED at Victoria West on the 11th August 1873, in her 88th year, Ellen STRETCH, relict of the late John Mears DEVENISH

DIED at Grahamstown on Thursday morning the 21st August 1873, of bronchitis, Edith Florence, beloved infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. DUFFIELD, aged 1 year [5] months and 15 days. Friends at a distance will please accept this notice.

Intelligence has reached the [PE Telegraph] of the death at Aberdeen N.B. of this afflicted gentleman, who for many years resided in Port Elizabeth and was for some time a partner in a thriving mercantile firm. Deceased, whilst in vigorous health, was a man of good business [obscured] and by his kindness of disposition gained for himself many friends, who will hear of his death with sincere regret – Port Elizabeth Telegraph

Friday 29 August 1873

A. WILL, Undertaker, respectfully notifies to the Public that he has removed his residence to the house on Settler’s Hill formerly occupied by the late Mr. TUDHOPE.

BIRTH at Grahamstown this morning, the 29th inst, the wife of C.J. LEPPAN Esq, of Tee Fontein, of a daughter.

DIED on May 29th at New York, of consumption, Arthur GREEN Esq, late of this city.

The Queenstown paper says: We regret to hear of the death from typhoid fever of Mr. JEFFERY. The deceased had just passed the third class examination and was a very promising young man. The fever is said to have been communicated to Mr. JEFFERY’s family by a bundle of wash clothes which became impregnated with the dregs of the fever by lying in a kaffir hut after being washed, at a distance from the mission station. Five of the family were attacked, but we are glad to say the remainder are doing well.

Friday 5 September 1873

BIRTH on the 19th July last, at Norwood, London, the wife of Mr. Joseph WALKER of a son.

BIRTH at Harewood, Lower Albany, on the 30th August, the wife of Mr. W. SMAILES of a son.

Monday 8 September 1873

DIED at his residence, East London, the 5th inst, after a long and painful illness, Frederick LUCAS Esq, aged 70 years.
Grahamstown, 8th Sept 1873.

DIED – Suddenly at his residence in Grahamstown on the 1st September, George Deakin MARSH, in the 65th year of his age, the beloved husband of Jessie Maria, highly respected by all who knew him.
“Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord”.

DIED yesterday afternoon, Burt GLANVILLE, eldest son of B.J. GLANVILLE, Town Clerk of Grahamstown, aged 11 years and 6 months.

DIED at Grahamstown on the 3rd September 1873 after a short illness, John Sinclair MACKAY, aged [39] years, much regretted by a large circle of friends.

Friday 12 September 1873

BIRTH at Kimberley, 31st August 1873, the wife of A. GOLDSCHMIDT of a son (still born).

MARRIED on Wednesday September 10th 1873, John Thomas, second son of Mr. Thomas REED Senr, of Barville Park, to Ellen, third daughter of Mr. John MINERS, of Barville Park, Lower Albany.

DIED at the residence of her daughter, Fort Beaufort, on Sept 6th 1873, Mary URRY, aged 91 years, relict of the late J. URRY. Both were Settlers of 1820.

DIED at Kimberley on the 2nd Sept. 1873, Harriet Emma, the dearly beloved wife of Anthony GOLDSCHMIDT, aged [number rubbed away] years. Friends at a distance will please take this intimation.

DIED from sore throat on the 4th September 1873, Louisa Johanna Cawood, youngest and beloved daughter of George and Sarah Elizabeth CLAYTON, aged 2 years and 3 days. The parents of the deceased tender their sincere thanks to all friends who attended her during her illness.
Belle Vue, Albany, Sept 6 1873.

DIED at Somerset East on the 6th September 1873, Rachael, the beloved wife of B. HULLY, after a long and severe illness. Aged 45 years 1 month and 26 days. Friends at a distance please accept this notice.
Somerset East
September 10th 1873.

DIED at Fort England on the 11th instant, Ann, the beloved wife of Mr. Robert HOUSTON, aged 61 years, after a long and painful illness, much regretted by a large circle of friends. She died as she lived, a constant Christian in deed and truth.
NOTICE – The Funeral of the late Mrs. A. HOUSTON will leave the residence at Fort England tomorrow afternoon at half past 3 o’clock.
W. PAXTON, Undertaker

In our list of death notices will be found one announcing the death of Mrs. HOUSTON, the wife of Councillor HOUSTON, at the age of 61 years. For many years deceased has resided at Fort England, where she has ever exerted an influence for good and was respected by all who knew her. We tender her deprived relatives our sympathies.

Wednesday 17 September 1873

BIRTH this morning, the wife of Mr. John WEBB, Market-square, of a daughter.
Grahamstown, Sept 16 1873.

MARRIED at St.Bartholomew’s Church on the 2nd Sept, Lindsay Atkins EDDIE Esq to Hermina Fredrika UPTON, youngest daughter of the late Michael UPTON Esq of Adelaide.

Friday 19 September 1873

DIED at [Karlesen’s Aanlag] O.F. State, 31st August 1873, Mary Ann, the beloved wife of William Isaac FORRESTER (born PITT), aged 37 years and 4 months. Deeply lamented by a sorrowing husband and 7 children.

DIED at the Kasouga on the 16th inst, of scarlatina, Louise Lorne, aged 7 months, third daughter of James MUNRO and Emily Jane GIBSON of Grahamstown.
Grahamstown, Sept 16 1873.

Monday 22 September 1873

DIED at Grahamstown on the 9th inst, John [Robert], third child of John and Anne GEORGE, aged 4 years
September 1873

DIED at Malepelele Mission Station, Transvaal Republic, on the 3rd August 1873, William ALLISON, eldest son of Samuel and Ann ALLISON of Grahamstown, in the 34th year of his age. Friends will be pleased to accept this intimation.
The bereaved parents desire to express their gratitude to the Rev Charles WILLIAMS, Missionary, to Messrs. TRUSCOTT, SPRINGER and CRUIKSHANKS and other traders in the Transvaal who so kindly assisted their son in the hour of need.
22nd Sept 1873

Friday 26 September 1873

BIRTH at Golo, near Alice, on the 21st inst, the wife of C. SLATER of a daughter.

DIED suddenly at Macfarlane Mission Station, on the 14th Sept, Jane RUSSELL, aged 68 years and 14 days, the beloved wife of Alexander McDIARMID, Missionary of the Free Church of Scotland.

DIED at Philippolis, Orange Free State, on the 17th Sept 1873, Mr. James BOYLE, formerly a resident of Grahamstown, a native of Scotland, born at Gervie, near Stranra

Monday 29 September 1873

BIRTH at Port Elizabeth on the 26th last, the wife of Frederick HOLLAND of a son.

The Standard says:- Mr. EBDEN arrived in this colony in September 1806 and was shortly afterward appointed to a clerkship in the Royal Naval Victualling Office. In October 1808 Mr EBDEN was married to a daughter of a Capetown merchant, Mr. KIRCHMAN. The issue of the marriage consisted of six sons and six daughters. Soon after his arrival in the colony Mr. EBDEN embarked in business with success, and in 1820 paid a visit to the mother country. He returned after an absence of five years. From 1831 to 1849 Mr. EBDEN was a Member of the old Legislative Council, and upon the introduction of Representative Institutions was returned to the Upper House, where he sat for many years. To Mr. EBDEN belonged the honour of founding the first joint-stock bank in the colony, and as Chairman of the Cape of Good Hope Bank he will not soon be forgotten. Mr. EBDEN had reached the good old age of eighty six.

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