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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1876 - 1 - January to March

Wednesday 5 January 1876

DIED suddenly at his residence “Eswell” Farm, Queenstown district, on the 20th December 1875, Mr. Samuel PRESTON, aged 49 years.

DROWNED at Port Alfred on Wednesday the 29th Dec, Thomas Carfrae, eldest son of Isaac HAYTON Esq of Astridge House, Kent, and late partner in the firm HEIDEMAN, MINTO & Co, in his 54th year.

It will be seen from our telegram that the body of the late Mr. HAYTON was discovered this morning.
[See report in the issue of 31 December 1875]

Monday 10 January 1876

Christmas and New Year have in Uitenhage been signalled by a succession of mishaps, which have not tended to enhance the enjoyments of this usual festive season. One day this week Mr. Alfred KINGWELL met with a serious accident: he was working with a trektouw, and by some means or other it broke, flew up, and cut him most severely in the face. We are glad to be able to state, however, that he is now progressing favourably. On Monday Jan BROWER, living in the Kaba, went out with two companions for the purpose of collecting honey; he had a gun with him, and in climbing a rather steep kloof the trigger caught, and the charge exploded, passing through the brain, and of course causing instant death. On Tuesday morning, as a ballast train was leaving the station, a man named Patrick DOOLAN, in the employ of the Railway Company, attempted to mount the foot-plate of the locomotive; missing his hold, he fell, and was run over by several ballast-waggons. He was taken up horribly mangled, life being extinct within a few seconds.

Friday 14 January 1876

BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 11th instant, the wife of George HARDING of a son.

BIRTH at Queenstown Jan 7th, Mrs. J.B. WEAKLEY of a son.

DIED at his residence, Turvey’s Post, on Sunday 2nd January 1876, Edward WAINWRIGHT Esq, in the 71st year of his age; one of the Settlers of 1820.

DIED at Kimberley on the night of the 6th inst, Ethel Frances FINNAUGHTY, aged three years and two months.
Kimberley, January 7th 1876.

A young man named FREISLICH, son of Mr. Carlous FREISLICH, of St.Lowry’s Pass, met with his death on Monday morning under most painful circumstances. He went out to shoot partridges, and his dog returning alone his father went in search of him, and found the body of his son in a bush, with the gun lying alongside. The trigger must have been caught in the bush, and the gun thus exploded. The charge had entered the side of the face, completely shattering it and the brain. Death must have been instantaneous. The deceased was about twenty-four years of age.

Monday 17 January 1876

BIRTH on the 15th instant, Mr. B.D. GODLONTON of a son.

A SAD ACCIDENT occurred yesterday to Mr. T. BRADBURY, of Castle-street. The unfortunate man, while practising an acrobatic performance with a rope on the roof of his house, met with a severe fall and it is feared that he is seriously injured. It appears that the rope being short, Mr. BRADBURY eked it out with twine, and that plunging downwards from the roof, with this frail protection wound round his waist, he snapped the “thin spun thread” and fell heavily on to the stoep. He was immediately moved to the hospital, where he lay yesterday in a precarious condition. A large crowd was witnessing the disastrous experiment, but it seems that no one was able either to prevent the attempt or mitigate its consequences. – Cape Daily News

DIED on the 12th December 1875, at the residence of Mr. R. RYALL, Kensington, London, Sarah, the beloved wife of Mr. R. TROWER of Maseru, Basutoland, in her 30th year.

To the Field-Cornets, Constables, Police Officers and other Officers of the Law proper to the execution of Criminal Warrants
Whereas from information taken upon oath before me, there are reasonable grounds of suspicion against John NEL, that he did on the 11th day of January commit the crime of Theft, in stealing Two Horses, One Saddle and a Bridle.
These are therefore, in Her Majesty’s name, to command you that immediately upon sight hereof you apprehend and bring the said John NEL or cause him to be apprehended and brought before me to be examined, and to answer to the said information and to be further dealt with according to Law.
Given under my hand at Grahamstown this 14th day of January 1876
Resident Magistrate
John NEL is a man about 5ft 10in high, has black hair, rather long; he was dressed in a black alpaca jacket, a pair of new cord trowsers, a white waist-coat, a brown felt hat, and had a pair of elastic side boots on; he also has a small beard on the chin.

Friday 21 January 1876

BIRTH at King Williamstown on Thursday the 13th January 1876, the wife of Mr. J.W.T.H. BARTHOLOMEW of a son.

MARRIED on Monday the 10th January 1876 in the Wesleyan Chapel, Fort Beaufort, by the Rev W.C. Holden, Mr. Samuel ROBERTS of Grahamstown to Mrs. James SAVORY of Fort Beaufort. No cards.

DIED at Grahamstown on the 17th Jan 1876, after an illness of three days, Jessie de Nauville, fourth (twin) of Mr. and Mrs. W. Tyndal LUCAS, aged 4 years and three months.

DIED on the 15th January 1876, at Alfred’s Drift, Komgha, Albany, Mr. John AUSTIN, aged 65 years.

DIED at Table Farm on the 17th Jan, 1876, Osbaldistone Bowker, infant son of T.C. and Mary E. WHITE, aged 3 months and 12 days.

Minute of the Grahamstown Wesleyan District Meeting:- “This meeting has heard with deep sorrow of the death of the Rev James CAMERON, Chairman of the Natal District. For more than 40 years he laboured arduously and successfully in the Gospel in various parts of South Africa, both amongst the colonists and the Native tribes. For many years he was connected with this District, where his memory is revered and the fruits of his ministry yet remain. He was a good man and an able and gifted preacher, and this meeting records its high appreciation of his character and work and its sense of the great loss suffered by South African Methodists in his removal.”

Friday 28 January 1876

MARRIED at Fort England Chapel, Grahamstown, by the Rev John Longdon, on Wednesday the 19th January, Benjamin JONSON to Sarah Jane NUNN, second daughter of Mr. John NUNN, both of this City. No cards.

MARRIED on Wednesday the 19th January 1876, at St.Bartholomew’s Church by the Rev C.L. Packman MA, Charles Archibald, only son of the late Capt.J.A. PYM of the 2nd Bombay Light Cavalry, to Annette Alicia, third daughter of the late Rowland Hacker Willoughby HEATHCOTE Esq of Grahamstown.

DIED at St.Philip’s Mission, Grahamstown, on the 26th Jan 1876, John Launcelot, the beloved child of W.H. and E. TURPIN, aged eight months and eight days.

A SAD OCCURRENCE took place on Wednesday afternoon about 2 o’clock pm, on the Christiana Road. Mr. F. THOMPSON, in company with F. GALLOWAY, was going out to procure Kafirs. During the severe thunderstorm on that afternoon, a flash of lightning struck poor THOMPSON, killing him on the spot. Mr. GALLOWAY was also seriously injured. The deceased was only twenty-one years of age and was one of the oldest Natal diggers here. – Diamond New

Friday 4 February 1876

BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 28th inst, the wife of Mr. Edward SMITH, of Vaal Krantz, of a daughter.

DIED at Grahamstown on the 31st Jan 1876, Florence Emily WOOD, beloved daughter of George and Frances WOOD, aged 12 years 11 months and 6 days.

DIED at Clumber at the residence of his Brother on Sunday night, 30th January 1876, Thomas PIKE aged 76 years 8 months and 20 days, deeply and deservedly regretted by a large circle of Friends and acquaintances.
“The Righteous hath hope in his Death”

Considerable anxiety has been manifested during the past week as to the whereabouts of two of our well-known citizens – we refer to Messrs. Samuel and James BARRATT. It appears that the last seen of them in this town was about a fortnight ago. Little notice was taken of their absence at first, as it was presumed that they had taken advantage of the Christmas holidays to have a day in the country. The former of the two brothers is, or was, bandmaster to our Voluntary Artillery Band and organist of the Cathedral, and had an extensive connection as teacher of music and as a pianoforte tuner. His brother James acted as his assistant. They are known to be hard-working, clever musicians, sober, and careful; but it appears, however, that they owed a great deal of money. Sometime back they entered into rash speculations, from which they have been unable to extricate themselves. They have been lately heard of on the Fields, and some say they have gone into the Interior, elephant-hunting. Anyway, people are talking more of them than the Vetberg Dam, “BARRATT” is in everyone’s mouth; you hear more of BARRATT than of BISMARCK, BARLLY or BRAND. The interest taken by people generally, on the Market and in the streets, in the BARRATT Brothers, surpasses anything we have witnessed here for some time. If the missing brothers only take the same interest in most of our storekeepers as they do in them, what a happy meeting it will be if they turn up – “one of these days!” – Friend.

On Thursday last a determined attempt to commit suicide was made by a Frenchman, named Nicholas LENQUEUX, a labourer on the East London and Queenstown Railway. This man lost his left arm some months ago whilst engaged in blasting on the line near Yellerwoods, and it was intended to make him a night watchman on the line of rail. On the day in question he was slightly the worse for liquor, and went to Captain VON LINSINGEN, complaining and asking about his new duties. Capt. VON LINSINGEN told him to come to him when he was sober, and then got on to the engine, which was waiting for him, to come down to the Pontoon jetty. The train started immediately, when Nicholas LENQUEUX, who was some fifty yards in front of the engine, deliberately threw himself across the rails. As it was thought he was shamming, and that he would not remain there to be run over, the engine was run close up to him, but not getting up, it was stopped, and he was given in charge of three or four natives. He attempted several times to get away and by rushing towards the engine to get run over, and he did eventually escape from the men, and immediately ran and threw himself across the rails in front of the engine; but just at this moment the engine was shunted on to another line in order to come down to the jetty, and the deluded fellow was allowed to lie there while the engine passed quietly on. He was afterwards apprehended, and on Friday was committed for trial by the Resident Magistrate on the charge of attempting to commit suicide. – E.L. Dispatch

Monday 7 February 1876

DIED at Thorn Kloof, District of Albany, on 3rd February 1876, William Monkhouse BOWKER Esquire JP, in the 73rd year of his age.

Yesterday afternoon a colored man called Abraham ABRAHAMSE, a fisherman by trade, left in a boat the Central Wharf for the point of the Breakwater, to await the arrival of a vessel that was standing in the Bay. It appears that he and another were rowing the boat, and he seemed to be in his usual state of health. Suddenly, when they had arrived at the point, the man ABRAHAMSE fell down in the boat and was a corpse. It appears that the man had been complaining for some time about his chest, but heart disease is supposed to be the immediate cause of his death. He was a middle-aged man and always bore a good character. – Argus

On Tuesday last, notwithstanding the inclemency of the weather, two weddings took place; namely Mr. BOTHA, son of Mr. P.B. BOTHA of this town, with Miss [ROTHMAN], also of Somerset; and Mr. [LE BENZ], of Zwagers Hoek, with Miss P.B. BOTHA, daughter of Mr. P. BOTHA of Somerset. After the interesting marriage ceremony, conducted by the Rev Mr. HOFMEYR, a large number of relatives and friends sat down to a sumptuous breakfast prepared for them in the house of Mr. BOTHA, who had the satisfaction of seeing both his son and his grand-daughter married at the same time. About 3pm the couple left for the residence of Mr. G. BOTHA, and in the evening the guests enjoyed themselves to a late hour with dancing &c. – Courant

Friday 11 February 1876

In the death of Wm. Mitford [sic] BOWKER mentioned in a recent issue, the colony has lost one of its most enterprising farmers, enthusiastic colonists and valuable citizens. Coming to this Colony at an early age as one of a large family of sons, he and his “band of brothers” soon found that in a new country, occupied by a people with little respect for law, their own right arm was necessary in order to help them along in the difficult path they had to tread. Yet in no case has one of this family been charged with abuse of power or ill-treatment of Native servants, of whom this gentleman to the last employed so many, who now regard his loss as that of a parent. The name of Mr. BOWKER has too often “come to the front” to need that the public be told how he served the country of his adoption. As early as 1828 he formed one of the band of colonists who accompanied Col. SOMERSET (then Captain) on the “Fetcani Commando” which was called out for the punishment of the Pondo Tribes, as they are now called, for aggression on our later most formidable enemy, the Gaikas. Later on he took part in the famous Kno Commando. In 1830 he figured in the Corps of Guides, a body of young colonists formed by the late Sir Harry SMITH, and during the whole of that war he did hard and useful service to the colony. At the close of that war, changing his residence from Albany and his pursuits from agriculture to sheep-farming on the Fish River Randt, he there patiently endured all the loss resulting from the system of plunder carried on by the Kaffirs, which culminated in the disastrous war of 1846. While taking no very conspicuous part in the commando, he with a number of his brothers and neighbouring farmers had to resist some furious onslaughts from large bands of Kafirs determined upon getting possession of the fine herds of cattle of these colonists. Many of these combats, about which little was publicly said, were quite as violent as many engagements fought by general officers, and therefore emblazoned in General Orders. In all these, and subsequent similar larger engagements, his bravery and coolness were conspicuous. Courage was a family trait of the BOWKERs. Weary of this harassing strife, the close of this war found him a very considerably impoverished man, longing only for rest and quiet, that he might devote himself to the improvement of his family growing up around him. But these hopes were not to be realised yet. Rumours of war again were heard, and only two years after the close of the so-called war of 1846, the famous rebellion and general war of 1850 burst upon this unhappy colony. Mr. BOWKER, with PRINGLE, Walter CURRIE, DELPORT, ZIERVOGEL and others appointed Commandants for their various divisions, soon took the field, and after some slight skirmishing, joined in the difficult assault on Fort Armstrong. There again Mr. BOWKER gained credit for bravery and judgement, and, with the other chiefs, was greatly instrumental in the success of the undertaking. During the whole of this protracted war and long absence from his family and flocks, which trekked in any direction promising safety and pasture, he suffered heavy losses. Yet under all these sufferings he never wavered in his conviction that in spite of bad government and ill-treatment, the colonists would yet be victorious, nor ever seriously thought of abandoning the land of his adoption. A more settled and peaceable condition of things prevailing, with prosperity restored, and his family settled around him, he accepted a requisition to fill one of the seats for Albany in the House of Assembly. But a very few sessions convinced him that his tastes and ability lay in other than a legislative direction; nor could he brook the injustice done to the East by the abuse of power held by the West. He therefore resigned his seat and retired into domestic life, where, in pursuit of his quiet peaceable avocation, he spent the remainder of a long and useful life, dispensing hospitality freely to all – black and white alike sharing in the bounty of his hand. His spare hours were often devoted to the production of letters on general matters. These, the outcome of the feeling operating on his mind at the time, sounded like the views of one out of harmony with his fellow man, but in reality were far from being the result of his calm judgement or the feelings of his heart, which was kindness itself. Strongly attached to the English Church, of which he was a member, he yet possessed the large-heartedness which enabled him to associate freely with members, clerical and lay, of all churches, and, by support and sympathy, showed the real interest he felt in all their work. He died at his residence on the 3rd inst, aged 72 years, loved and lamented by all who knew him, as a firm friend, a loving parent, and a good citizen; and, in losing him, the colony has lost one of its most useful men.

It is our painful duty to record the departure of another old worthy in the death of Wm. COCK Esq, which took place on Wednesday at 6pm at the residence of Mrs. IRVING, his daughter, who lives on Market-square. Mr. COCK had complained in the morning of a tightness in the throat, and conducted himself in a suspicious manner before breakfast. Fits began shortly after, and continued intermittently throughout the day. In accordance with deceased’s wish, the body was taken for burial to the Kowie. A more extended notice of this worthy colonist will be given in a subsequent issue by one who is detained at Fort Beaufort by the weather, and to whom it would be a disappointment not to perform this labour of love.

Monday 14 February 1876

We are glad to hear that the injuries inflicted upon this gentleman by one of his ostriches are not so serious as was at first apprehended. He has recovered from the kick on the chest, but the injury done to his leg will require him to resort to crutches for some time. The Argus has it that Mr. KIRKMAN was killed; an error our contemporary will be glad to correct.

We hear that an effort is being made to procure the medal of the Royal Humane Society for Richard JONSON, the pilot’s son, who made so gallant an effort to save the life of the late Mr. Thomas HAYTON on the occasion of his accident at the Kowie. The life was not saved, but nevertheless it would be a great encouragement to heroic action if such a daring attempt in the cause of humanity could meet with due recognition.

This morning the worthy saint was unable to send propitious weather, but two weddings were celebrated notwithstanding, by the Very Rev Dean WILLIAMS, at St.George’s Cathedral. The one was that of Dr. Edwin ATHERSTONE, who was united in the holy bonds to Miss GIRDLESTONE, the eldest daughter of the esteemed Councillor. The other was that of Mr. Nelson Styleman GIRDLESTONE, eldest son of the same gentleman, to Miss THORNHILL. The dresses of the brides and bridesmaids were very chaste and beautiful, and there being a large party, the tout ensemble at the altar was remarkably pretty. Seldom have we seen a larger number of lookers-on than were attracted on the occasion of such a popular event. After breakfast the one happy couple left for the Kowie and the other for the Kareiga. We shall be allowed to wish them every imaginable joy in their new estate.

The remains of the late Mr. COCK were taken from the residence of Mrs. IRVING, in Grahamstown, under the direction of Mr. WILL, undertaker, to the Wesleyan Chapel at Port Alfred for interment in the cemetery at the Kowie on the following day. The ceremony took place at half past four on Friday, the Rev Mr. ROSE being the officiating chaplain. The chief mourner was Mr. W.F. COCK, the son of the deceased gentleman; Mr. Joseph WOOD, Mr. Justice DWYER, Mr. Henry WOOD and Mr. T.E. MINTO, being amongst the remaining mourners, who were contained in a number of carriages. The interment took place in the midst of heavy rain, in the family enclosure, by the side of the late Mrs. COCK. There was a very large concourse of spectators at the mournful ceremony, many of the employees on the shipping at the port included: the hour having been fixed at the time it was in order to allow of their attendance. Indeed, it may be simply remarked that everyone at Port Alfred joined in a tribute of respect to the departed worthy, who had done so much in the interests of the port and neighbourhood.

DIED on the 31st January 1876, at the residence of her parents in Cradock, after a long and painful illness, Mary B. CAWOOD, beloved wife of D.T.W. CAWOOD, aged 30 years.

DIED at Grahamstown on Wednesday the 9th instant, William COCK of Port Alfred, aged 83 years. One of the Settlers of 1820.
“si monumentum queris circumspice”

Wednesday 16 February 1876

MARRIED on the 14th instant at St.George’s Cathedral, Grahamstown, by the Very Rev the Dean, Edwin ATHERSTONE Esq MB, son of the late Dr. John ATHERSTONE of this city, to Armine Horatia Josephine GIRDLESTONE, eldest daughter of Nelson GIRDLESTONE Esq of this city; and at the same time and at the same place, Nelson Styleman GIRDLESTONE, late Royal Navy, eldest son of Nelson GIRDLESTONE Esq of this city, to Maria Fisher THORNHILL, daughter of the late John THORNHILL Esq.

Friday 18 February 1876

BIRTH at All Saints Mission, Transkeian Territory, on January 26 1876, the wife of the Rev John GORDON of a son.

BIRTH at Annshaw, Middle Drift, on the 10th February, the wife of Rev Ben IMPEY of a daughter.

DIED on 17th February 1876, Mr. James CAWOOD, aged 77 years; one of the British Settlers of 1820
The funeral of the late Mr. James CAWOOD will move from his late residence, Market-square, at three o’clock tomorrow afternoon, Saturday. No special invitations.
A.WILL, Undertaker
18th February 1876

The sad announcement of the death of my old and esteemed friend Mr. COCK, in the journal of the 11th inst, though by no means a surprise, was received with great and universal regret by all who knew him, and their “name is Legion”. Bereaved recently of a beloved wife, after a happy union of more than sixty years, all familiar with him saw that the sundering of this tie was a fatal event to his own existence. From its effects he never rallied. His nerves were utterly shattered, and though he strove with heroic fortitude to bear up, the shock was so great that he rapidly sank form the effects of it. Taking a retrospective glance at Mr. COCK’s career in this country, one is led to the conclusion that
“There’s a divinity that shapes our ends
Rough hew them as we may.”
Mr. COCK’s destiny seems to have been interwoven with the Kowie from his first arrival here in 1820 to the day of his decease, and it was fitting therefore that his remains should repose in a locality he loved so well, where he had laboured so assiduously, and where by precept and example he had shown what may be effected by unflinching courage and indomitable perseverance. It is pretty generally known that deceased came to this Colony on the invitation of the Home Government, as head of one of the parties of Settlers, which made up the immigration into Albany of 1820. It so happened that the location allotted to him was situated near the mouth of the Kowie, so that his first impressions were inseparably associated with an inlet which has since engaged so much attention, and which gives promise of attaining to that full importance which he never faltered in predicting for it, and which there is greater promise than ever will be eventually realised. Those who are spared to be able to trace back events to the early days of the settlement of Albany will know how sadly the efforts of the early pioneers were baffled by causes over which they had no control. Blighted harvests, flooded rivers, and Kaffir depredations, were only the more prominent difficulties they were called to contend with and which issued in the break up of the locations and to a large extent the dispersion of the Settlers. Amongst the latter was the subject of this brief memoir. Intuitively a man of business, a printer by profession, and constitutionally active and pushing, he was soon found at Grahamstown, then in its infancy, elbowing his way and joining with others in laying those commercial foundations upon which subsequent generations have securely built. At one period we find him a contractor to Government for supplying the Mauritius with salted beef and other provisions, compelling him to go over to that island and to St.Helena: anon we find him in partnership with the wealthy Capetown firm of HEIDEMAN, HODGSON & Co, and then, again, establishing a successful wholesale business in Grahamstown in connection with the same firm. But, amid all this bustle of life and clash of commercial competition, while his energy was conspicuous, his integrity was equally so. No one has ever whispered an imputation against that uprightness, which ever shone as the brightest trait in his character; nor has the busy tongue of detraction ever uttered a syllable that could impeach his character as an honourable man, and a worthy and good citizen. After a few years of successful commercial enterprise, the partnership with which he stood connected was dissolved by mutual consent, Mr. COCK retiring from it with a moderate competency. But, here again, that attraction which drew him to the Kowie was remarkable. In the course of the firm’s business transactions a good deal of land had been either purchased or taken over, and among these were several farms at the mouth of the Kowie. These assets were, at his own desire, allotted to him, and he then gave practical effect to the idea he had always cherished of forming the Kowie estuary into a commercial harbour. A brief visit to the parent country, and a sojourn in his beautiful native county of Cornwall, did not dissipate these sanguine hopes; he shortly returned to the Cape and, in conjunction with Messrs. HAYTON, succeeded in establishing another mercantile business in Grahamstown. After a few years he retired from this, and then concentrated his whole attention on the improvement of the harbour. This, however, was done only at the expense of immense personal labour and an almost ruinous outlay of capital. It may be said that for a time he stood alone in this project, and it is impossible to overestimate the pluck which enabled him to sustain the weight of responsibility resting upon him, and that, too, coupled with discouragement of the most depressing character. It was during this period of his career that he was nominated by the Governor of the Colony a member of the Legislative Council, thus opening up to him a new phase of colonial life. The writer of this can state authoritively that, as a member of the Legislature, no one ever displayed more sturdy independence or approved himself a more ardent lover of his country. It was impossible to be associated with him without feeling assured of the firmness of his political principles, or of his readiness to stand up and do battle for the rights and welfare of his fellow colonists. There are some who might dispute the correctness of his views, but none ever doubted the integrity of his convictions. It was at this time, during his membership of the old Legislative Council, that he succeeded, in conjunction with his only colleague from the Eastern Province, in getting the bill for the improvement of the Kowie passed into law. Everybody knows how grudgingly this was conceded, and even then only on the condition that half the £50,000 required for the work should be raised by the people themselves, impoverished as they were by the innumerable difficulties which at the time surrounded them. This Act was a great step in advance, which, however, only stirred up the subject of this sketch to more incessant exertion and more vigilant oversight. The issue may be anticipated: he wore himself out in the service of his country, and in a most laudable attempt to carry to perfect completion a grand idea; and though he eventually broke down, still he was spared to see, to a large extent, the fruition of his most sanguine hopes.
As a citizen and private member of society, his character stands out prominently without reproach. No effort was ever put forth for the religious or moral improvement of the community from which he withheld his approval and support; and indeed, his own uniform course of conduct in social life was such as to practically inculcate the exhortation “Go thou and do likewise”. His ordinary deportment was such as to command respect and ensure attention. In his own domestic circle he approved himself in every department as worthy of imitation. The parental affection shewn by him to his widowed daughter and her orphan children is only one among many traits of character which marked the benevolence of his heart, and his devotion towards all connected to him by the sacred ties of family.
It may be mentioned that under the existing Representative Government the deceased was at one time a member of the House of Assembly. In each of these positions he maintained the same repute as an able upright independent legislator. In this respect the uniformity and transparency of his character are remarkable, and place it on a pedestal on which may fittingly be inscribed: “W. COCK! The Unsullied Patriot, the Good Citizen, the unfailing friend and the staunch and unswerving advocate of the Eastern Province”.

We regret exceedingly to report the death of another old British Settler, Mr. James CAWOOD, which took place yesterday morning. Mr. CAWOOH had been long suffering from gout, and it has for some weeks been known that the disease must end fatally. Mr. CAWOOD, though long resident in London, spent the best part of his life in this city, where he was respected by all who knew him.

Monday 21 February 1876

BIRTH at Grahamstown Feb 18th, the wife of Mr. R. TILLARD of a Son and Heir.

DIED at Rouxville, Orange Free State on the 9th Feb 1876, Harriet C.R. LUCAS, born HOOLE, wife of Charles LUCAS of [Pyomia], aged 33 years.

The funeral procession of the late Mr.James CAWOOD left the residence in Market-square at half past three on Saturday afternoon. The interment was arranged for at the Wesleyan cemetery, but the earlier portions of the Burial Service were conducted at the house of the deceased gentleman and in Commemoration Chapel, and the Revs W. IMPEY, G. PRICE and R. HORNSBROOK all took part in it at the various places, the former conducting the ceremony at the grave. There were six pall-bearers, viz: Mr. C.H. HUNTLEY CC & RM, Mr. Jonathan AYLIFF, Mr. R. BLACK, Mr. John WEBB, Mr. Robert KING and Mr. George REYNOLDS. The chief mourners were the Hon S. CAWOOD and his sons, but a large company followed and testified their respect to the departed gentleman. Among those at the grave were Dean WILLIAMS, Mr. R.W NELSON, Mr. J. WOOD, Mr. H. WOOD, Mr. BERTRAM, Mr. LAWRENCE, Mr. SAMPSON, Mr. GRADWELL and many Councillors and others. A vault had been specially built, arched with brick, on which workmen had been engaged night and day since Thursday. The remains were enclosed in a lead coffin, with an outer coffin of wood, cloth-covered, and the coffin plate was inscribed with the name, age and date of decease. The hearse was full-plumed, and a very handsome black silk velvet pall, with gold fringe, was used on the occasion. The funeral arrangements were skilfully conducted by Mr. WILL, of Hill-street. Amongst those who followed were all the employees of the firm of CAWOOD.

Monday 28 February 1876

On Thursday evening last all Somerset was thrown into a state of gloom by the announcement that Mr. John GREGOROWSKI, Attorney-at-Law, was shot. The sad new proved to be true. About half past 8 o’clock the report of a pistol was heard in a small bedroom of the house, and on entrance being effected the unfortunate gentleman was found lying on his bed with a revolver by his side. The bullet penetrated about the right temple, passed through the lower cavity of the brain, lodging over the left eye. Doctors DANCKWERTS and BOTHA were immediately in attendance, but the severe nature of the wound was beyond their skill, Mr. GREGOROWSKI dying about half past eleven. At present it is not for us (Somerset Courant) to say why the unfortunate deed was committed, but a coroner’s inquest was held by the Resident Magistrate, who was already cognisant of all that had transpired, he being the first on the spot after the fatal shot. The result of the inquest we believe to be 2that the deceased died by committing suicide by shooting himself with a revolver”. He had been some time suffering from depression of spirits, and thus the dreadful act must have been committed while in a state of temporary insanity. Mr. GREGOROWSKI was well known and highly respected in Somerset East, and universal sympathy is felt for the distressed family and connections under such a sad trial. The funeral took place on Friday at 5 o’clock pm. He was buried in the Episcopal burial ground.

Friday 3 March 1876

The ample space of Church-square and the broad way down to Dundas-bridge and up again to the cemetery never made room for a more moving scene than that of Wednesday afternoon, when the mortal remains of Mr. James EVERLEY were conveyed to their resting place with the honour of Freemasonry and escort of the Volunteers. The funeral of our departed townsman was conducted by St.John’s Lodge No. 828, assisted by the W∴M∴, Officers and B∴B∴ of Albany Lodge No, 889, deceased being a member of both Lodges. The members of Albany Lodge met at 3 o’clock and proceeded to St.John’s Lodge: O. LESTER, W∴M∴ of Albany Lodge; Past Masters WALLER, MUNDY, SOLOMON, BRITTAIN and the Chaplain, Rev Dr ROSS; the Bible being carried by the oldest member present, Bro. WEDDERBURN, and afterwards by Bro. STREAK. After reaching the residence of the deceased, the first portion of the Masonic funeral was commenced. Arrived at Church-square, one hundred Volunteers under Bro. YOUNG, Acting Adjutant, fell in, and attended the cortege inside the Cathedral. They were ordinary mourning, the uniforms not yet being served out, and for the same reason there was no firing party at the grave. The coffin having been taken from the hearse, was deposited in the nave, and the first part of the Burial Service of the Church was then read by the Very Rev the Dean. This occupied some minutes, the cathedral being nearly filled with mourners and spectators. Outside, however, there was a vast crowd. A combination of feeling for the deceased and curiosity as to the spectacle had drawn the largest number of persons together that have been seen on any occasion for many months. The procession was then formed to proceed to the cemetery. The Volunteer Brass Band, playing the Dead March in Saul, led the way, followed by the Volunteers, mustering fully a hundred. The Masons, about 56 in number, preceded the hearse, and 54 mourners were in the rear. Slowly the procession moved down High-street to the time of the mournful music, every widow being occupied along the route, and every place of business showing respect to the occasion by its closed shutters. A vast company of people accompanied the cortege, the gay colours of a number of natives forming a strange contrast to the sombre hue of the procession. The scene at the grave, which is on the farther side of the cemetery, a few yards from the main pathway, was very impressive. The Dean read the words of the service with great solemnity, and then came the mournful committal of “ashes to ashes” and the final prayer of the Burial Service. Then the last tribute of Freemasonry took place in the reading by Dr. ROSS of the Funeral Oration, the responses being led and honours given by the W.M. of the St.John’s Lodge. The sad ceremony of the afternoon closed in with a heavy rain before the return procession could be disbanded in Church-square.

Monday 6 March 1876

BIRTH at Rietfontein on Friday the 25th February 1876, Mrs. J.C. OGILVIE of a son.

DIED at Rietfontein on Friday the 25th February 1876, Mary, the beloved wife of Mr. J.C. OGILVIE.

Friday 10 March 1876

BIRTH at Harewood, district of Bathurst, March 1 1876, the wife of Mr. W.W SMAILES of a daughter.

MARRIED at West Hill Chapel on Wednesday 1 March, by the Rev Mr Price, Wesleyan Minister, Alexander J.E. WEDDERBURN, second son of Mr. W. WEDDERBURN, of this city, to Susanna Alice, eldest daughter of Mr. Barrett CAWOOD of Southwell. No cards.

Tidings have come down from the Transvaal Territory of the death of Mr. Henry HARTLEY, so well known as the companion, guide and friend of the enterprising traveller, the late Thomas BAINES. Mr. HARTLEY was distinguished not merely for his love of adventure, but for his intrepidity and perseverance in his exploration of the far interior; and the British Settlers of Albany may justly plume themselves on being able to add his name to their hade-roll [sic] of worthies, who have deserved well of their countrymen. In the Bathurst district, where Henry HARTLEY spent his early days, no name is better known or more respected than that of his family. The following biographical information is from the Volkstem:
“A kind, brave and good man has gone from among us, never to return. Henry HARTLEY, the bold pioneer, the intrepid hunter, the kind and genial friend of all who knew him, breathed his last on the 8th Feb in his 61st year. The news of his death will no doubt cause universal regret in Pretoria, and will no doubt cause many a pang not only in South Africa, but far beyond, for “old HARTLEY” was known and respected by many Europeans who have from time to time visited this country. He arrived in South Africa with the settlers of 1820, being then a mere boy of some 7 or 8 years. We have not been able to ascertain where he passed his youth, but this we know, that he went through all the Kafir wars of the Cape Colony which occurred in his time. Early in the history of the Republic, Mr. HARTLEY came to this country. In fact he was one of the first Englishmen that came here. At that time he pushed through to Orighatada Valley and visited Saltpansberg and those regions trading and hunting, killing a great many elephants and other game, from the ivory and skins of which he realised a good sum of money. Some time after this he bought a farm at the Magaliesberg, where he lived till his death. From here he and his sons and other friends used to make annual hunting trips into the far interior, pushing high up into the Matabele country, where he soon became well known and highly respected. Mosilikatse, the former Matabele king, was very fond of him and always allowed him to hunt on his favourite hunting ground, and Lohengule, his successor, continued the privilege. He thus became one of the most celebrated hunters in South Africa, and has certainly shot more elephants and other game than any man now living in this country. He knew no fear, and the way in which he scared away a troublesome lion rather than kill him and frighten away game which were of more consideration to him is quite characteristic of the man. While he and his two sons were one night waylaying some elephants at a drift, a lion was prowling about and becoming rather troublesome. His sons wanted to shoot the brute, but he would not allow it, as the report of their rifles would scare away the elephants. The lion was walking in the direction of a bush, and Mr. HARTLEY managed to creep on his hands and knees, unperceived by the lion, behind the bush, and when the brute was quite near, shook his massive grey beard at the king of the forest and made a loud roar at him. The lion turned on his heels at once and ran off as fast as his legs could carry him, evidently thinking he had met his match.
Mr. HARTLEY was the intimate friend of the late Thomas BAINES, the great South African traveller and artist. Mr. BAINES has immortalised his old friend by painting his portrait in hunting costume, seated on his favourite “grey”, with his rifle in his hand, saving his friend GIFFORD, who is chased by an elephant. Twice he carried Carl MAUCH to the Tati and beyond, and was thus certainly instrumental in the discovery of the Gold-fields in those neighbourhoods, as MAUCH was quite exhausted when he came to him, and could never have reached those latitudes on foot. One of the reefs at the Tati is called HARTLEY’s reef. On one of his trips to the Tati he lost a son, who is buried near the diggings. Kind, genial and hospitable, he won the esteem and confidence of everyone who came in contact with him, and made many friends and few, if any, enemies. Although an Englishman, he always, even in the most troublous times, retained the full confidence and respect of the farmers of this country, who looked upon him as their staunch and true friend.
Some three or four years ago he was attacked by a white rhinoceros which he had mortally wounded. The animal overtook him and tossed him up high in the air. Mr. HARTLEY came down on the back of the brute, just escaping the fearful horn. The rhinoceros in his death struggle rolled over him, breaking some of his ribs. From the injuries and the shock then received, he never completely recovered, and although he went on some more trips after that, he always complained of the effects of the encounter with the white rhinoceros, and we believe his death is to be attributed to the same cause. As we said at the commencement of this article, a kind, brave and good man has passed away, and we shall not soon see his like again. Let us hope that his noble example in hospitality, in kindness, in intrepidity and firmness, may find many followers in this country.

Wednesday 15 March 1876

BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 13th March, the wife of Mr. T.I. COCKCROFT of a son.

Friday 17 March 1876

BIRTH at Alexandria on the 15th March 1876, the wife of B.H. HOLLAND Esq C.C.& R.M. of a son.

MARRIED on the 14th March at Bedford, by the Rev Edward Solomon, George Maxfield KING of Foxwood to Isabella BROWN, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Thomas BROWN.

Monday 27 March 1876

BIRTH at “The Hope” March 15, the wife of William WAKEFORD of a son.

The Colonial learns by private letter from Ladysmith that the body of Mrs. WYLDE was discovered about twenty miles down the river from where the accident took place, and was placed upon the bank while a coffin was being fetched. On the return of the party, however, the body had again disappeared, the river having meanwhile risen and carried it off, and at the latest advice had not again been found. There are falls but a little way below where the body was got ashore, and fears are entertained it may have been carried over, and will not again be recovered. – Natal paper.

Friday 31 March 1876

BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 30th inst, the wife of Mr. R. GUSH of a son.

BIRTH at Breakfast Vley on the 28th March 1876, the wife of Sergt-Major William POUTZ, F.A.M. Police, of a son.

BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 29th March 1876, the wife of Mr. J. Montagu STONE, Attorney at Law, of a daughter.
Prince Alfred Street.

DIED at Vetberg, Albania, on Monday 6th March, in the 60th year of her age, Mary Ann, the beloved wife of Mr. W.F. DUGMORE.
“Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord, for they rest from their labours.”

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