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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1876 - 4 - October to December

Monday 2 October 1876

DIED at Grahamstown on Monday 2 October, after a lingering illness, R.E. SELBY, son of William and Elizabeth SELBY. His departing words were:-
Safe in the arms of Jesus
Safe on his gentle breast
There by his love o’ershaded
Sweetly my soul shall rest
Friends are invited to the funeral, which will take place tomorrow (Tuesday) afternoon at 3 o’clock.

Early on Thursday morning a labourer named William HAWKINS committed suicide by hanging to the pole of his tent on the works near Hex River Bridge, about six miles from Worcester. The deceased was a passenger by the Danube, and had only been on the works for about five days. His companions state that he left England on account of a disagreement with his wife that appeared to prey on his mind during the passage out.

Friday 6 October 1876

A heavy thunderstorm passed over Tarkastad and district on Thursday last. The Basutos in the employ of Mr. Hercule VAN HOERDEN whilst sitting in a hut were struck by the electric fluid: one of them was killed and the other two stunned: the latter on coming to their senses found the hut on fire, and dragging their dead comrade with them made a most fortunate escape. An inquest was held on the body by T.I.M. GIE Esq RM, at which the District Surgeon deposed that the man was killed by lightning.

The death is announced, on the 30th inst, at Somerset, of the wife of Professor KYD of the Gill College.

The E.L. Dispatch reports: A most determined suicide occurred at Panmure on Tuesday evening last, the victim being a Frenchman named Victor BECK, aged about 58 years. Deceased had for a short time been engaged as draughtsman in the railway department at Panmure, and bore an excellent character, but for some time past it had been noticed that he was in a very melancholy state of mind. We believe that he was last week given to understand that his services were no longer required, and this seems to have preyed upon his already weak mind, and on Wednesday morning he was discovered in a sitting posture on the bank of the cemetery, quite dead. Upon examination it was found that he had shot himself with a revolver, which lay at his feet, the ball having passed right through his heart. An inquest was held on Wednesday afternoon by the Acting Civil Commissioner, and he was interred the same evening. A letter was found upon the deceased, stating his intention of committing the deed, and disposing of his personal effects, and also intimating that another letter had been left with the gaoler for the Resident Magistrate, the contents of which, however, have not transpired.

DIED at the Mission House, Grahamstown on Friday the 6th Oct 1876, at 2 o’clock pm, Sarah, the beloved wife of the Rev N.H. SMIT. Friends at a distance will please accept of this intimation.
The Funeral of the late Mrs. SMIT will move from the Mission House, Beaufort-street, on Sunday next at half past 3 o’clock pm precisely. Friends are invited to attend.

Wednesday 11 October 1876

DIED at West Hill, Grahamstown on the 6th October 1876, Sarah Frances, relict of the late H. HOLLAND Esq, aged 76 years.

A SAD ACCIDENT, says the Watchman, occurred last night by which a private of the 32nd Regiment, named CHURCH, lost his life. From information we have gleaned it appears that deceased was late in answering his name, and proceeded to the Sergeants’ Mess Room for the purpose of reporting himself. He was told to go to the guard room, and await the arrival of the orderly sergeant. On his way thither the unfortunate man – the night being exceedingly dark – lost his road, and fell head first into a ditch, breaking his neck. He was discovered this morning about 5 o’clock by one of his comrades. Judging from the position in which he lay, death must have been instantaneous. Deceased was universally respected by his comrades, and his death is deeply deplored by the captain and men of the company to which he belonged.

A young man named Thomas CHRISTIE has been unfortunately killed at the Capetown railway station while employed in shunting. He was run over by several carriages, the wheels cutting off one of his legs close to the hip, and the arm on the corresponding side near the shoulder.

Friday 13 October 1876

MARRIED at Grahamstown on Thursday the 12th instant, by the Rev W.H. PRICE, brother of the bride, Ambrose Ralph HUMPHREYS, of Sweet Fountain, Lower Albany, to Jane Montgomery PRICE.

DIED at Grahamstown on Monday 9th October 1876, John STERLEY, aged 66 years. Friends at a distance please accept this intimation.

Wednesday 18 October 1876

DIED on Tuesday the 17th October, after a lingering illness, Mr. Gavin GREENLEES, aged 72 years. Friends will please accept this notice.
The Funeral of the late Mr. G. GREENLEES will move from his late residence, Upper Hill-street, tomorrow (Thursday) afternoon at 4 o’clock. Friends are respectfully invited to attend.
A.WILL, Undertaker.

Monday 23 October 1876

The death of Mr. WOLFF of Capetown is announced.

Monday 30 October 1876

DIED at Greytown, Division of King Williamstown, on Tuesday morning the 24th October 1876, after a long and painful illness, which she bore with the greatest resignation, Mary Ann Sophia, widow of the late J. LOWRIE, and formerly relict of the late Mr. Daniel TREADWAY; aged 58 years 8 months and 25 days. Deeply regretted by her family and friends.

DIED on the 29th October, Frederick MANDY, aged 27 years. R.I.P.
The Funeral will take place on Tuesday afternoon at 3:15 from his late residence, Beaufort-street. No special invitations.
A.WILL, Undertaker.

We regret to announce the death last evening, at Beaufort-street, of Mr. Frederick MANDY, from consumption. The deceased will be regretted by a large number of friends who know him for his genial disposition.

We regret to announce the sudden death of Mr. J.B. TEMLETT of Alice, on Friday last. He was in Grahamstown but a few days previously, and it is singular that on visiting the lodge of the Good Templars at the Albany Hall he was unable, as we are informed, to give the password, or to remember the name of his lodge at Alice. Of course the difficulty was got over quickly on hearing his name. He will be missed by a very large circle of friends.

Monday 6 November 1876

MARRIED at Grahamstown on Sunday the 29th October, by the Rev W. Tyson, Rosina Jane SOLOMON to John Alexander ANDERSON. No cards.

DIED at Somerset East, the youngest son of Frederick and Jane GOWAR Senr, aged 2 weeks. Friends at a distance please accept this notice.

DIED at Alice, October 27th 1876, James Brilliant TEMLETT, aged 56 years 8 months and 5 days.

DIED at Oatlands on Friday Nov 3rd 1876, Ernest Mortimer, youngest son of Benjamin Booth and Cordelia ATTWELL, aged 2 years and 9 months.

A man named Dick EDWARDS was killed whilst helping to discharge the Walmer Castle’s cargo at Capetown, by a case of goods falling on him.

It is our painful duty to record today the death of Dods PRINGLE Esq of Lyndoch. The sad event took place last Thursday. Deceased had left home the day before in company with a servant to visit one of his farms. In the afternoon he retired to his room, and, not re-appearing when expected, his servant went in, and found him dead. He was lying with his clothes on. The funeral took place yesterday.
In placing this sad event upon record it is not too much to say that the loss will be regarded by all who knew the deceased as a public one. For more than half a century the name of Dods PRINGLE has stood before the Frontier as worthy of high regard, whether viewed as a colonist, or as one who in the various relations of life was without reproach. As a British Settler he stood in the very foremost rank for pluck, energy and intelligence. In his own immediate neighbourhood he was regarded as a bright example of what might be accomplished by intelligent effort, and unflagging perseverance in the improvement of the country, whilst his social habits were such as to secure him the affectionate regard of all who knew him. He was a true patriot in the highest sense of the term, and his sudden demise will be felt as a severe shock throughout a wide circle in this country.
A fortnight ago, while at Grahamstown as a member of the Defence Commission, he looked the picture of robust health, and hence the announcement of his death is as startling to the public as it is afflicting to those who had the privilege of his intimate acquaintance.

Wednesday 8 November 1876

We (Fort Beaufort Advocate) regret to have to record the death of an old and respected inhabitant of this district, Mr. RAUBENHELMER, who expired at Adelaide on Sunday last at a good old age.

We regret to hear of the death of the wife of Dr. DALE, the esteemed Superintendent General of Education. The following notice is from the Capetown Daily News:- There is hardly an eye in South Africa that will peruse without emotion the notification of the death of Mrs. DALE, the wife of Dr. DALE, Vice-Chancellor of the University, and Superintendent-General of Education. This estimable lady, the “help-meet” for her distinguished husband during the long years of his laborious life, died yesterday, after a lingering illness, to the irreparable loss, not only of her husband and many sons, but of the Colony itself: the intellectual life of which she did so much indirectly to encourage. Few ladies have been so little prominent, yet few, by repute, more widely known: and if through the length and breadth of this land public sympathy can do anything to assuage private sorrow, Dr. DALE and his family may rest assured that it is all their own.

Friday 10 November 1876

A telegram from Bedford reached Town yesterday morning, communicating the sad intelligence of the death of Mr. Thomas KING Senr, one of our most respected Frontier colonists, and, may we not add, also of Grahamstown, where his name ranks as the proprietor of considerable property, and where he spent the best portion of his life. The fact of our having lost by death within the short space of the past month three such well known colonists as Dods PRINGLE of Lyndoch, J.B. TEMLETT of Alice and Thomas KING of Bedford may well excite more than ordinary feelings of regret at the unexpected loss of men who, in their respective spheres, deserved so well of their country. Each was a true colonist, and as such could be ill spared at this crisis of our affairs. Thomas KING, as is well-known, came to this country in 1820 with the elder members of his family, and was located at Salem. He, however, soon left his location to follow his profession as a builder at Grahamstown. Some of the best mason’s work in the City testifies to his skill as a workman. Latterly, having retired from business, he made his domicile with his sons on a fine farm adjoining the commonage of Bedford, where he finished his career, surrounded by his sorrowing family and the warm esteem of all who knew him. It is due to the deceased, in closing this brief notice, to record that as a politician he was always consistent; that his pluck and independence were unwavering, and that his moral and religious character was without reproach. His name will be perpetuated by a family of several active enterprising sons, including the senior member in the House of Assembly for Victoria East.

The following obituary sketch of the late Mr. W.D. PRINGLE has been handed us by a friend of the deceased.
It is seldom that the Frontier has been called upon to mourn the loss of a more trusty and tried friend and staunch defender than now, that it unanimously lifts up the voice of lamentation over the death of William Dods PRINGLE Esq of Lyndoch, whose very sudden death from an apoplectic fit took place on the 2nd instant, at the age of 67 years, and whilst to all outward appearance in robust health. He came to the Colony when but a child, with the Scotch Party under the leadership of his elder brother, the late Thomas PRINGLE, and shared in all the hardships and trials that are recorded in the interesting volume of “African Sketches” from the pen of the same favourite author. His experience in the Kafir wars made his very name a terror to the foe, and a tower of strength to his fellow colonists. During the trying campagne [sic] of 1846 he was one of Andries STOCKENSTROM’s most reliable Commandants. He was a truly brave man, cool and intrepid in the hour of danger, and generous to a fallen foe. No one of those who were with him will forget his coming upon the rebel Uithaalder in the Mancazana, when the odds against him and his little band of brave followers were as 10 to 1, and he rode fearlessly into the very midst of them and demanded a parley with their Captain, his followers faithfully sticking to him. When he called upon Uithaalder and his band to pile their arms, and was met with a flat refusal, the undaunted PRINGLE simply replied: “Well, if we are to die, let us die like men fighting for it. Now Uithaalder, you draw up your men on one side of the road, and I will draw up mine on the other; mine have all double-barrelled guns, so we can shoot 2 to your 1”. The immediate surrender of Uithaalder’s guns followed, which were then and there broken to pieces. Tis one instance of his bravery, though only one of many, will suffice to rank him among the true heroes of history. As a farmer he was not excelled. His magnificent estate of Lyndoch, with its many miles of stone wall enclosures, its plantations &c, will testify to all around the industry and skill of its owner, while the hospitable welcome afforded to all proved that no grudging heart beat within his breast. He returned from Grahamstown, where he had been engaged as a member of the Defence Committee but 5 days before his lamentable death. He will be succeeded at Lyndoch by his only son, who will doubtless worthily fill the ancient hall, being a young man of great promise, who has profited much by travel in Europe, and is already highly respected.

Monday 13 November 1876

DIED at Elizabeth Farm, near Bedford (the residence of his son) on Thursday 3rd November, Thomas Francis KING, in the 75th year of his age.

Wednesday 15 November 1876

MARRIED at Grahamstown on Tuesday the 14th November by the Rev Price, Walter WILLIIAMS of Woolvercott near Oxford, England, to Lucy, fifth daughter of John WEBB Esq of this City.

Amongst the deaths which have recently taken place at Diamond Fields is that of Mr. Thomas Robert TOPPER, for many years machinist at the Journal office.

Monday 27 November 1876

The Argus reports: On Sunday afternoon as a young girl named Sarah HUGHES, living in Smart-street, Stone-street, was engaged in cooking, her dress caught fire. She at once rushed into the street, and as the wind was blowing she was soon enveloped in flames. Someone seeing her perilous position tore her clothes off and conveyed her back to the house, where she lay in the most excruciating agony. Two doctors were sent for, who recommended that she should be removed to the hospital. We understand that there was no roof to the kitchen where the accident occurred.

Friday 1 December 1876

In the Estate of the late John Francis SLATER, Farmer, of Bushman’s River
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned have been appointed Executors Testamentary, and all persons having any Claims against the said Estate are requested to send them in, and all Persons indebted to pay their Accounts within six weeks from this date, at the office of the Grahamstown Assurance and Trust Company.
Sarah Ann SLATER
Executors Testamentary
Grahamstown, November 17 1876

Dirk KOLL, Fieldcornet at the Location, died this morning at 2 o’clock, aged 63 years. The deceased was much esteemed and respected among his own people and also by the Europeans in the city for his general good conduct. He was senior deacon of Union Chapel, and was entrusted with the arrangements of his church whenever the pastor, the Rev Mr. SMIT, was absent from the city. He joined Young Grahamstown in the late election and manifested deep interest in the return of Mr. Advocate STOCKENSTROM. He returned to his home early on the evening of the late recent polling day sick, and never after left the house.

Monday 4 December 1876

BIRTH this morning, the wife of C.H. CURRIE Esq of a daughter.
Grahamstown, December 4th 1876

DIED at Gletwyn Cottage, Bloemhof, Graaff-Reinet, Mrs. Hannah Payne RUBRIDGE, aged 86 years.

Wednesday 6 December 1876

We (Uitenhage Times) regret to announce the death of Mr. GERDE, which occurred on Tuesday last. Mr. GERDE, who was but 45 years of age, was a resident of long standing, and well known and greatly respected, both in the town and district.

On Sunday the 10th instant an Englishman named James LOVERN was drowned whilst bathing at Victoria Bay, near George Town. From what can be gathered, it appears that the deceased had been drinking.

We (Daily News) are sorry to have to record the death of Mr. R.F. MARCH, a gentleman for many years connected with the press of Capetown.

BIRTH at Oatlands, Grahamstown this day, the 6th December 1876, the wife of Mr. L.A. EDDIE of a son.

Wednesday 13 December 1876

DIED at sea on the 11th November, on the voyage to St.Helena, Charles Brodrick GRAHAM, in the 20th year of his age.

We (Graaff-Reinet Advertiser) are sorry to hear that Mr. John McNAUGHTON of Tantjesberg lost a fine little boy a few days ago by drowning. From what we hear Mr. and Mrs. MacNAUGHTON left home to attend a religious service at a neighbouring farm, and when they returned they found the child had been drowned in the dam.

Monday 18 December 1876

BIRTH on the 16th instant, the wife of Mr. R. HOWARTH of Rokeby Park of a son.

The correspondent of the Victoria West Messenger reports a singular occurrence from Carnarvon. This week a death happened at Klein Schletfontein, the farm of Mr. Martinus BARNARD. Last Monday the shepherd asked his master to lend him a gun, as he wished to shoot some bucks. That evening the sheep came straggling home by themselves, and the man could nowhere be found. Two or three days after this, however, one of the people on the farm saw something white tied to a bush, and on going nearer he found that it was the shepherd’s shirt. A search was then made round about, which resulted in the discovery of a dead body about 100 yards from this spot. Information having been sent to the village, the body was found lying by the remains of a fire: the barrel of the gun, which was detached from the stock, was firmly grasped in the left hand, and the breech end was lying in the ashes. The shot from the gun had entered under the chin. The stock of the gun was found close by, broken in two, and the lock and other parts of the gun were placed on a stone close by the fire, together with a knife which had evidently been used to unfasten the screws, as the end had several small pieces chipped off. There was no spoor of any other person except the deceased round about. It seemed evident that the man had met with his death by his own hand, but whether by accident or by design it would be difficult to say.

DIED yesterday, the 17th Dec 1876, Emily Annie, fourth daughter of D. and A. KEEVY, aged 5 years and 7 months.

Monday 25 December 1876

BIRTH at Foxwood, near Bedford, on the 21st December, the wife of Geo. Max KING Esq of a son.

Friday 29 December 1876

BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 26th inst, the wife of Mr. John W. GEORGE of a son.

DIED on Saturday 3rd December 1876, at his residence, Cathcart Vale, near Eland’s Post, district of Stockenstrom, after a lingering and painful illness, which he bore with Christian fortitude, John COMLEY Senior, aged 57 years and 6 days, leaving a wife and family to mourn their irreparable loss. Friends at a distance please accept this notice.
Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord
Cathcart Vale, December 3rd 1876

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