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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1879 - 3 - July to September

Wednesday 2 July 1879

The Transvaal papers announce the death of Dr. J. LYLE, a gentleman who has made his mark both in Natal and the Transvaal. He was at one time editor of the Natal Herald.

A young man named HOLM committed suicide on the veld near Kimberley last week. In his right hand was still grasped the pistol, only one of the chambers of which had been charged, and in his pocket was found a letter written in Danish, from which it appears that a love affair was the cause of the suicide.

Friday 4 July 1879

BIRTH at Dutoitspan, Griqualand West, on Saturday 14th June, the wife of Mr. F.A. DANIEL of a daughter.

Wednesday 9 July 1879

The E.P. Herald has the following notice:- We regret to hear of the death of Mr. Michael Henry BENJAMIN, of London, the intelligence of which sad event has just been received by telegram. Mr. BENJAMIN was a gentleman well known and widely respected throughout the Eastern Province. He was the representative of Port Elizabeth in the first and only Parliament which sat in Grahamstown, and was one who took a lively interest in public affairs. Deceased, we believe, had been ailing for some time, and had partially recovered, but suffered a relapse, and at last died suddenly, aged 57 years.

The Uitenhage Times announces the death of Captain PANNELL. He was born in Dublin in 1794; in 1812 he entered the army, and shortly afterwards arrived in this Colony, and remained here till 1819, when he returned home and retired on half pay. In 1841 he returned to the Cape with Mrs. PANNELL and a large family, and took up residence in Uitenhage. In the Kafir war of 1846 he was appointed Capt. commandant of the burghers and secured the Zuurberg, Addo Bush off as dangerous localities. In the war of 1852 Capt. PANNELL again did good service to the colony, being appointed commandant of the [Rural Police ...] in the district.

Friday 11 July 1879

Mr. Peter SHANNON is dead. The Transvaal Argus hears that one half of the deceased’s property goes to a friend, and the other half to the Roman Catholic Church, of which he was a member.

The Beaufort West paper says: On Tuesday last a man named John EBERSHAHN, while suffering from the effects of drink, committed suicide by hanging himself. He deliberately fastened his [hands] after having made a running noose, going and putting his head in the circle, [kicking] away the box. He was discovered about an hour afterwards, but had been dead for [some] time.

The King Williamstown papers announce the death of Mr. James McCORMACK, an old resident.

Monday 14 July 1879

DIED at Netherhaven, Amesbury, Wiltshire, England on the 12th day of June 1879, Emily, the beloved wife of Surgeon-Major R. RATHO A.M.D. and youngest surviving daughter of the late Thomas GILBERT Esq of Sipton Manor, Fort Beaufort. Deeply regretted.

Wednesday 16 July 1879

MARRIED at St.George’s Cathedral, Grahamstown, on Tuesday July 15th 1879, by the Very Rev F.H. Williams DD, Dean of Grahamstown, assisted by the Rev C.L. Packman, Rector of St.Bartholomew’s Church, Reuben Francis, eldest son of Arthur WOOD Esq, of Natal, to Eliza Millicent, eldest daughter of James WOOD Esq of Grahamstown.

Yesterday at St.George’s Cathedral there was a very large attendance to witness the marriage of Miss WOOD, eldest daughter of Mr. James WOOD, of Wood’s Hotel, to Mr. R.F. WOOD, of the Standard Bank, Cradock. Perhaps it may be stated that the bridegroom is not a relation of, though bearing the same surname, as the fair bride. There were seven bridesmaids, to wit Miss CHITTENDEN, Misses Polly and Nelly COPELAND, Miss Emily FRANCIS and the three sisters of the bride, Misses Amy, Minnie and Katie WOOD. They wore sky-blue silk dresses with gold cording, and dolly-varden hats trimmed with forget-me-nots, and formed a charming tout ensemble as they proceeded up the aisle and disposed themselves at the altar. Their male attaches were Mr. DOIDGE, the manager of the Standard Bank here, Capt. DURIE and Lieut. RYNEVELD (Cape Yeomanry), Mr. SPEAR and the three Masters WOOD. The father of the bride had the mingled pride and sorrow of giving her away, and indeed he gave away a very fair blossom, whom he will miss much and long from his own fireside. Wearing white silk with superb adornments, which well became her beauty, the fair bride was the observed of all the observers, and the cathedral seemed to be so crowded that there was hardly room for another person to obtain a view. The ceremony was performed by the Very Rev the Dean, assisted by the Rev C.H.L. PACKMAN MA of St.Bartholomew’s. The service was choral, and was beautifully rendered, Miss KENNELLY presiding at the organ, and playing the Wedding March as the party left the church. The party proceeded to breakfast at the residence of Mr. WOOD, where a large number of guests united in the usual festivities and good wishes appropriate to the occasion. After this the happy and handsome pair left for the Kowie, followed by innumerable benedictions and fervent wishes for their long life and true happiness.

Friday 18 July 1879

DIED on the 10th July at the Collegiate School, Queenstown, Frank Hardy, infant son of H.W. and J. GRAHAM, aged 6 weeks.

Near Prince Albert, a farmer named DE WET fell under his wagon, which went over his right leg, crushing it fearfully. After some days it had to be amputated, but mortification led to death.

Monday 21 July 1879

The P.E. Telegraph records the death of Mrs. HANDFIELD, widow of the late Thomas HANDFIELD Esq, and says there are hundreds of persons in Port Elizabeth who will readily endorse the assertion that a benevolent and universally beloved Christian lady has passed away.

Wednesday 23 July 1879

At Pretoria a fortnight ago an ex-trooper named T.L. DAVIES had drunk too much on a certain evening and lain down on a wheelbarrow, in the yard, with his head hanging over the hind part of the said wheelbarrow. In this uncomfortable position the unfortunate man was choked.

A CASE OF SUICIDE is thus reported.
Red House, July 18th 1879
Edward PHILPOTT Esq, C.C. and R.M. Uitenhage
I have the honour to report to you that I held an enquiry concerning the death of Mr. George FOX, Deansfield, which took place at Red House this morning. It appears, from what I can gather, that he has been lately given to despondency on account of his financial position, and being out of employment. He committed suicide by placing the muzzle f a rifle to his forehead and blowing out his brains, the ball passing through his head, through the ceiling, and also through the roof of his bedroom. Of course, death was instantaneous. He is a native of Huddersfield, England, and is 31 years of age. He is respectably connected at Home.
I remain, E.B. HUGHES.

Friday 25 July 1879

DIED at Maseru, Basutoland on the 15th July, Maggie, the beloved wife of the Rev Emile S. ROLLAND MA, aged 40 years and 3 months. Deeply regretted.

Monday 28 July 1879

BIRTH at Mount Pleasant, Lower Bushman’s River, on the 22nd July 1879, the wife of Mr. H.S. DENTON of a son.

DIED at Grahamstown on the 28th inst, Winnifred Russel, infant daughter of James E. and Elizabeth Ann BARNES, aged three years and twenty-one days.

DIED on the 24th July at the residence of Mr. John WEBB, Grahamstown, Mary EVANS, relict of the late John EVANS, aged 90 years. One of the British Settlers of 1820.

The 30th June 1879 will long be remembered by the inhabitants of Maseru, not only because on that day was celebrated the first marriage that has ever taken place amongst the white inhabitants of this place, but also because the first wedding was that of the young lady who holds the highest social position in Basutoland. On that day Charles George Harland BELL, eldest son of Major C.H. BELL, Magistrate of Leribe, led to the altar Mary Elizabeth GRIFFITH, eldest daughter of Chas. Duncan GRIFFITH Esq. CMG, the much esteemed Governor’s Agent.

Wednesday 30 July 1879

BIRTH at Mimosa Dale on the 15th July, the wife of Mr. William KENDRICK of a daughter.

MARRIED on Thursday 24th July at Commemoration Chapel by the Rev H.S. Barton, Henry Theodore, second son of the late D. WAINWRIGHT, to Eliza Emma, eldest daughter of Mr. S. HANCOCK of this city.

Friday 1 August 1879

DIED at Esbool, Bushman’s River on Friday 25th July 1879, Aldina Maria, infant daughter of J. and M.E. LONG, aged 6 months and 8 days. Deeply regretted.
This languishing heart is ar rest,
Its thinking and aching are o’er,
This quiet [illegible] breast
Is heaved by affliction no more,
The lids she so seldom could close,
By sorrow forbidden to sleep,
Sealed up in their mortal repose,
Have strangely forgotten to weep.

Monday 4 August 1879

BIRTH at Fern Villa, Hill-street, Grahamstown, on the 4th August 1879, the wife of Thos. KING Esq of a daughter.

The unfortunate lad WOOLMARANS, who was so badly scalded in the boiler explosion at the docks on Friday morning, died on Saturday morning after great suffering. We (Argus) are glad to say that all the rest of those injured have been discharged from hospital except OVALIE, who is in a fair way of recovery.

Wednesday 6 August 1879

A melancholy accident occurred in the camp of the Wodehouse Border Guard the other day, particulars of which will be gleaned from the following letter published by the Frontier Guardian:
Bullriver Camp, July 15th 1879
With this I have to send a sad report. On the 14th July an accident took place – young C.P. NAUDE shot W.C. SMIT dead. NAUDE put a cartridge in his rifle to shoot at a stone. It was late in the afternoon. The stone was right under the sun, NAUDE could not see if there was a man at the stone, and the deceased, W.C. SMIT, was in front, under the stone. The stone is of a brown colour, and SMIT had brown cord clothes and a brown hat on, and was lying slanting under the stone, taking out bullets that had been fired there before. So far as I can ascertain from witnesses, I can say nothing also than that it was an accident. SMIT and NAUDE were both men in my force. The accident happened in camp. The witnesses I took to the spot were W.A. VANDYK, H.J. JANSEN and W.J. POLSEN. The distance from where NAUDE stood and fired to the spot where SMIT received the bullet is 1,005 yards.
W.P. MAARTENS, F.C., captain of Burghers.

Friday 8 August 1879

DIED at Woodlands, Lower Albany, on the 27th June 1879, aged 64 years, Mr. Wm. PATERSON, a native of Stranraer, Wigtonshire, Scotland, who landed at Port Alfred 36 years ago. Deeply regretted by all who knew him.

The funeral of the late Private ROSS of the [1st] City Rifles will move from the Albany Hospital on Sunday afternoon at three o’clock precisely. All members of the Corps are requested to attend.

We observe in a Diamond Fields paper the following death notice: DIED, at Hebron, on the 3rd July, Frederick BLACKBEARD, after a short and painful illness, aged 54. Deeply regretted by all who knew him.

Monday 11 August 1879

BIRTH at West Hill, Grahamstown, on the 5th August, the wife of Sir Jacob D. BARRY of a daughter.

The death is announced of Mr. Edward Stransham FORD, Civil Commissioner and Resident Magistrate of Malmesbury, in his 70th year. Mr. George Rex DUTHIE has been appointed as Resident Magistrate of Malmesbury in the room of Mr. FORD.

Friday 15 August 1879

BIRTH at Market-square, Grahamstown, on the 11th August, the wife of Geo. REYNOLDS of a son.

DIED at Grahamstown on the 24th ult, John O’CONNOR Esq, aged 71 years.

Thursday 7th August was a day of festivity at the home of Mr. A.T. GOODCHILD of Kimberley, whose eldest daughter was then married to Mr. John POLE of Dutoitspan.

Monday 18 August 1879

In the Insolvent Estate of Edward Benjamin Coterell HOOLE, trading under the name of HOOLE & Co, Merchants, Grahamstown
All Persons claiming to be Creditors under this Estate are required to take notice that the undersigned have been duly elected to and confirmed in the appointment of Joint Trustees of the said Estate, and that the Master has appointed the Third Meeting to be held before the Resident Magistrate of Grahamstown on Wednesday the 27th August at ten o’clock in the forenoon for the proof of Debts, for the receiving of the Trustees’ Report, and also for the purpose of giving directions to the said Trustees as to the management of the said Estate; and all Persons indebted to the said Estate are required to pay the same to the undersigned on or before that date, or proceedings will be instituted against them.
Joint Trustees

MARRIED on the 15th July at Wesleyan Chapel, Warwick-gardens, by the Rev F.W. Macdonald, Edgar Harris, second son of Rev John WALTON MA of Grahamstown, South Africa, to Bessie, second daughter of W.A. RICHARDS Esq of Philbeach-gardens, South Kensington, London.

Wednesday 20 August 1879

BIRTH at Stutterheim on Tuesday 19th August, the wife of William Bunting SHAW of a son.

BIRTH at Grahamstown on Tuesday 19th August, the wife of Mr. R. TROWER (of Maseru, Basutoland) of a daughter.

The Richmond Era says that in all probability there will be a case of murder for trial at the next Circuit Court. It appears that the reputed wife of Jan KAPENAAR left him and went to live with one Andries WATERBOER. This exasperated KAPENAAR, who went to WATERBOER’s house and severely assaulted him with a kerrie. The wounded man was removed to the hospital. On the eighth day fatal symptoms appeared and the man died on Monday last.

Friday 22 August 1879

MARRIED on the 12th August by the Rev S. Bonderis, at the residence of Mr. J.R. PALMER, Oxton Manor, near Whittlesea, Frederick HARLEY to Elizabeth H. CASTINGS.

DIED at Grahamstown on 20th August 1879, Mary Ann, eldest daughter of Matthew and Elizabeth HAWKEN.

Monday 25 August 1879

BIRTH at the Oriental Bank, Grahamstown, on the 24th instant, the wife of Angus FRASER of a son, still born.

DIED at Salem on the 23rd inst, Lydia Rebecca, eldest daughter of the late W.H. MATTHEWS Esq, JP.

Mr. A. STEWART of Healdtown died on Sunday the 17th inst. The Advocate says:- Deceased resided for many years in this neighbourhood. His sterling qualities were appreciated by all who knew him, and though extremely quiet and inoffensive, he will be missed by many.

Friday 29 August 1879

MARRIED at Commemoration Chapel by Special Licence, Mr. Edwin JORDAN of King Williamstown to Miss Louisa Elizabeth KNOWLES of Grahamstown. The ceremony was performed by the Rev J. Walton MA, assisted by the Rev Mr. Barton.

The death is announced, at the grand old age of seventy-five, of Solomon MARITZ, brother of Gert MARITZ, one of the founders of Maritzburg. In his death notice the deceased is described as “the last of the old stem”.

Friday 5 September 1879

DIED at Graaf-Reinet on Sunday 24th August 1879 at the age of 73, Mrs. Anna Christina BERRANGE, beloved wife of Anthony BERRANGE Esq, retired C.C. and R.M.

DIED at Bedford on Wednesday 3rd September 1879, Harriet BROWN (born FULLER), relict of the late Dr. Wm. BROWN MD, formerly 13th Light Infantry. Friends please accept this notice.

DIED at Mimosa dale on Friday August 29th 1879, Florence Mabel, infant daughter of Wm. and Jessie KELBRICK, aged 1 month and 14 days.
“Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not, for of such is the Kingdom of God”

The Northern Post reports:- One of the most appalling accidents that it has been our duty to chronicle occurred on the Orange River on Monday afternoon, the victims of which were three Europeans in the employ of Government on the Bridge Works. A number of men are engaged on the Free State side of the river, and it was their practice to cross to and fro in a small boat. On Monday about sundown, as soon as the bell rang, a rush was made to get to the boat first. Ten men got into the little craft, and before she had got fifty yards away from the bank of the river she sank, leaving her occupants in the water. Not one of them, we understand, was able to swim. The desperate struggle made by the drowning men on their comrades nearly resulted in the drowning of several others. Several of the Baphutis, who are also engaged on the works, behaved in a most heroic manner, and succeeded in rescuing several from a watery grave. The names of the unfortunate men are: H. WEBB, E. SAUNDERS and J. WELLS. Dragging parties have been out endeavouring to recover the bodies, but up to the present without success.

Monday 8 September 1879

A telegram from Kimberley, which appears in last Friday’s E.P. Herald, announces the death of Mr. C.H. CALDECOTT. The event seems to have been sudden, the telegram merely stating the cause of death to be aneurism. The deceased, for many years past, has been a non-resident of Grahamstown, antecedent to which he occupied positions of considerable importance in connection with it; the most notable being that of Mayor of the city. He had also much to do in the settlement of the estate of the late William WRIGHT, of which Christ Church at Oatlands is a permanent, a graceful and a conspicuous memento. He was the husband of the eldest daughter of the late W. WRIGHT, and thus by marriage was connected with several of the most influential families in this province. Deceased was endowed with considerable ability, both commercial and political, and for some years was returned as a member for the House of Assembly, the duties of which he discharged to the satisfaction of his constituents and the benefit of the Colony. Habitually genial in his temperament, and active in his movements, his sudden demise will be felt as a sad bereavement, not merely by his large family, but by a wide circle of attached friends. His name has to be added to the “head-roll” of the British Settlers of Albany.

The F.B. Advocate states:- Another old inhabitant, in the person of Mrs WARD Sen, passed away on Monday. Deceased was eighty years of age, nearly one half of which time she resided in this town, having come out with her husband in 1843.

Wednesday 10 September 1879

DIED a Grahamstown on Tuesday the 9th September, Louisa Ann, second daughter of John BRISLIN of this city, aged 20 years and 3 months. Friends at a distance will please accept this notice.

In another column will be found the notice of the death of Miss Louisa A. BRISLIN, of this city, in the 21st year of her age. Her prolonged illness, from the rupture of a blood vessel in the early part of last year, has been a matter of much interest owing to the successful appearances she had just previously made in public, as a rising and capable amateur violinist. It may be remarked here that she deeply appreciated the kindness of her many friends during her protracted illness. She was amiable and gifted, and now she has joined the chorus in a higher sphere.

The death is recorded of Mrs. BROWN of Bedford. The deceased lady was the widow of the late Dr. BROWN of Adelaide, and sister of W. FULLER Esq of Rockwood.

Friday 12 September 1879

FELL ASLEEP, September 10th, Hubert John, third son of the Rev R.J. MULLINS.

The Queenstown Representative chronicles the sad and untimely death of Mrs. H. DUGMORE, who expired after an illness of but short duration.

Monday 15 September 1879

BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 11th Sept, the wife of Dr. DILLON, District Surgeon, of a son.

MARRIED on the 11th September 1879, by Special Licence, at East London East, by the Rev W.S. Caldecott, Osborn H. BATE, Manager Standard Bank, East London East, to Amy, youngest daughter of the late B.M. SHEPPERSON Esq.

On Saturday afternoon a most terrific downpour of rain fell on the town and surrounding districts. The storm began at one o’clock, and in a few minutes the previously dry water courses were foaming rivers. Bridges were swept away, and all the loose articles along the banks caught up and carried off. Trunks of trees uprooted, pieces of furniture, deal planks, stinkwood poles, articles of clothing and portions of bridges, mixed up in wild confusion, were born down at frightful velocity by the floods. Many people, especially women and children, who reside in the houses in the Chapel Street district, were placed in the greatest jeopardy by the sudden rising of the waters, and owed their lives to the efforts of others; as it is, however, one life was lost, and happily the only one as far as we know. Henry QUERL, a fine young fellow but lately returned from the front, lost his life in attempting to cross the stream by the location at the drift by Mesopotamia. The young man was mounted and was going from the Location to his home at ALLISON’s, when his way was barred by a torrent, of no depth or width to speak of, but rushing at a tremendous speed. Although persuaded not to cross he yet made the attempt, and succeeded in urging his horse into the stream. The animal grew frightened when in the centre and reared, whereupon the force of the water carried its feet away, and horse and rider were struggling in the torrent. Three times, it is said by a spectator, the horse rolled over the unfortunate young man, and then the current freed the rider from the saddle and washed him away at a great speed. About 500 yards below he was seen alive for the last time by Mr. WHITEHORN, as he was being born along, one hand uplifted above the foam. On seeing Mr. WHITEHORN, QUERL cried for help, but it was not possible to render assistance. The dead body was found later on in the afternoon near to DANIEL’s place, and quite a mile from the drift. It is said that a black man was seen to despoil the body of the boots. If this be true, we hope the despoiler will be discovered and severely punished. We offer our sincerest condolences to the parents of the drowned young man for their sudden and terrible bereavement. We direct the attention of our readers to the notice in the Gazette in relation to the burial of the deceased.

Last week Mr. Frederick FADE, living in Hanover Street, Capetown, while attending to some duties in a stable dropped down, and was carried into the house a corpse.

Mrs. DUGMORE, wife of captain DUGMORE, who has gone up to Basutoland in command of the Queenstown Volunteers, died on Monday evening. The day previous to her husband’s departure (says the Mercury) she gave birth to a child.

The DuToit’s Pan Herald relates:- An awfully sudden death occurred at Kimberley on Thursday last. Mr. ARDNOL, the proprietor of the hostelry at the West End, known as the “Blue Coat Boy”, was taken suddenly ill at 11am, and in less than two hours was a corpse.

Wednesday 17 September 1879

The funeral of Trooper QUERL, of the First Yeomanry, who was drowned on Saturday whilst crossing a torrent, took place yesterday afternoon. The deceased was buried with martial honours.

Friday 19 September 1879

DIED at Queenstown on Monday the 8th September, in the 33rd year of her age, Emma Millicent, dearly beloved wife of Herbert DUGMORE, and eldest daughter of John WEAKLEY Sen. Friends at a distance please accept this notice.

On Sunday morning the body of a mechanic named W. WEST was found in the ravine just below ROBERTSON’s blacksmith shop at East London. The deceased was last seen on Saturday afternoon about five o’clock, a little before the heavy downpour of rain, and it is thought he may have lain down to sleep upon the bank, and the rush of water coming so suddenly swept him away. He was for several years employed as a fitter in the Locomotive Department of the Railway, and was an excellent tradesman, and a quiet steady man. The body, after being examined by the Resident Magistrate and District Surgeon, was taken charge of by the Locomotive Department for interment.

The many in Capetown, says the Argus, who will remember Captain Johan A. SANDBERG, formerly master of the South Easter, trading at this port, will regret to hear of his death, by jumping overboard from his vessel on the 7th, off Cape L’Agulhas. Captain SANDBERG, who has been for some time master of ELLIS’s Natal trader, the Isipingo, was on the voyage from Natal to the United States, when on the day mentioned he leaped overboard and was drowned. The ship was brought about, and the body having come to the surface, was recovered, but life was then extinct. The circumstances of the case have not transpired, but an inquest will be held. The body was brought to Capetown and buried.

Friday 26 September 1879

BIRTH on Friday 19th September, at Shadwell, Zuurberg, Mrs. James WEBSTER of a son.

Monday 29 September 1879


Wynberg: The wife of the Rev G.A. MAEDER, a daughter, Sept 19.
King Williamstown: Mrs. J.M. ELLIS, a son, Sept. 21.
King Williamstown: Mrs. W.C. MASSEY-HICKS, a son, Sept. 22.
Seymour: Mrs. G. LYNN, a daughter, Sept. 16.
Dutoitspan: Mrs. G. GOCH, a daughter, Sept. 16.
Port Elizabeth: Mrs. D HENDERSON, a son Sept. 17.
Capetown: Mrs. J. SIMPSON, a son, Sept. 19.
Capetown: Mrs. A.C.NELSON, a son, Sept. 23.
Capetown: Mrs. J. CLARK, a daughter, Sept. 20.
Latham Farm, Queenstown: Mrs. A.W. STAPLES, a son, Sept. 5.

Port Elizabeth: Edward PICKERING to Miss S. ENSOR.
Molteno: James M. BROUGHTON to Miss Jessie MITCHELL, Aug 27.
Hanover: Barend VAN DER MERWE to Miss Eleanor CENTLIVRES, Sept. 15.
Capetown: David M. DAVIDSON, of Monmouthshire, to Miss Josephine RANKIN, Sept. 23.

Graaff-Reinet: William GREGEROWSKI, aged 2 years, Sept. 22.
London: Charles COLLISON, third son of the late Francis COLLISON of the Cape, August 20.
Kimberley: Norman LAWRENCE, aged 5 years, Sept.18.
Steynsberg: Johannes LOUW, aged 60, Sept.
Port Elizabeth: Alice LAWRIE, Sept. 15.
Port Elizabeth: The infant son of H.L. SPINDLAY, Sept. 25.
Capetown: The infant daughter of Robert and Mary LEWIS, Sept. 24.
Capetown: Thomas WILSON, Sept. 24.
Capetown: Michael COETZEE, aged 33, Sept. 24.
Helpmakaar: Richard G. KNOTT, aged [38], drowned, April 13.
Mowbray: Mrs. Alfred COLE, Sept. 19.

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