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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1880 - 1 - January to March

Monday 5 January 1880

DIED at Capetown on the 29th December 1879, Edith Alford, youngest daughter of Henry and Ellen FOOT; aged 11 months and 5 days.

DIED yesterday, the 4th instant, Mrs. ESTMENT Senior, formerly Mrs. MANDY Senior, and born DOUGHERTY. R.I.P.
The Funeral of the late Mrs. ETMENT will move from St. Patrick’s Church tomorrow (Tuesday) morning at 10 o’clock. No special invitations.

A couple of days before Christmas a large party of pleasure-seekers, among whom was Mr. AMM, of Salem, were proceeding to the sea-side, when Mr. AMM had the misfortune to get a turn-over in his wagon, which nearly resulted in the death of Mrs. AMM and a child about a year and a half old. The child got a very dangerous gash on the head, but we hear that it is doing very well under the treatment of Dr. DREW. It is worthy of remark that about twelve months ago the same Mr. AMM, then on his way to the sea-side, had a capsize in his wagon by which it was completely inverted, Mrs. AMM being thrown out of the wagon, and the same child (then an infant) was thrown through the rails of the tent, both mother and child escaping with scarcely a scratch.

Wednesday 7 January 1880

MARRIED by Special Licence at the Baptist Chapel, Grahamstown, the Rev G.W. Cross officiating, The Rev W.E. KELLY to Julia Belinda, third daughter of Mr. Matthew HAWKEN, January 5 1880.

MARRIED at Commemoration Chapel, Grahamstown, on the 23rd Dec 1879, by the Rev John Walton MA, Samuel David, son of the Hon. Samuel CAWOOD, to Julia Marian, second daughter of Mr. William WEDDERBURN. No cards.

Mr. James HOWSE, formerly of Dutoitspan, was found dead in his bed at Bloemfontein on Christmas morning.

The Cape Times regrets to have to record the death of Mr. BERRANGE, chairman of the Cape Commercial Bank, which took place on Thursday night, under very sudden circumstances. Deceased was in his usual health all day, but in the evening complained of a pain in the region of the heart, and within a very few minutes he breathed his last. Heart disease is presumed to have been the cause of death.

The following is contained in the Friend of the Free State, which came to hand yesterday:-
Mr. James Edward HOWSE was found dead in his bed on the morning of Christmas Day. Deceased had but recently taken up his residence here. He leaves a large family to lament his untimely end.
It will be known to many of our readers that the deceased was the second son of the late Mr. James HOWSE, who fell mercilessly slain by the rebels and Kafirs in the outbreak of 1851. Until that event, no-one had a brighter prospect before him. His father stood amongst the most successful traders and farmers in the Colony; and the wreck of his property, arising out of the war, disorganised all the family arrangements and threw the deceased a wanderer upon his own resources. His efforts were not propitious, and after a series of vicissitudes spending several years at the Diamond Fields, he closed his career in the very prime of his manhood, as above stated. As an Albany boy and Salem scholar, his sudden death will excite the sympathy of a large circle in this neighbourhood.


Port Elizabeth: Mrs. J. REED, a daughter, Dec. 10.
Aberdeen: Mrs. H. FENDICK, a daughter, Dec. 16.
Oudtshoorn: Mrs. P. A. HOOLE, a daughter, Dec. 18.
Kingwilliamstown: Mrs. A. GRELLERT, a daughter, Dec. 29.
Kingwilliamstown: Mrs. W. SUTTON, a daughter, Jan. 1.
Kingwilliamstown: Mrs. H. CLARK, a son, Jan. 3.
Cathcart: Mrs. T. LIEFELDT, a son, Dec. 10.
Port Elizabeth: Mrs. W. TILBROOK, a daughter, Jan. 5.

Alice: A.V. NELSON to Mrs. E. CLAY, Dec. 30.
Graaff-Reinet: K.D. McKENZIE to Miss M.S. HELMSLEY, Dec. 10.
Port Elizabeth: S.G. JONES to Fanny A. HODGES, Dec. 31.
Swellendam: J.W. STEYN to Gertrude S. FALCK, Dec. 24.
Claremont: T.J. ANDERSON to Miss Maria MOLTENO, Dec. 31.
Capetown: W.H. WAKE to Miss J.J. SMUTS, Jan. 1.

Chatty Farm, Uitenhage: Mr. R.B. SCHEUBLE, aged 70, Dec.21
Fort Beaufort: Thomas RILAND, aged [56], Dec. 23.
Fort Beaufort: Miss Amy TUDHOPE, aged 12, Dec. 31.
Swellendam: Benjamin HARRIS, aged 32, Dec. 28.
Capetown: Mrs. W.R. [TIETZ], Dec. 29.
Capetown: The youngest daughter of Henry and Ellen FOOT, Dec. 27.
Capetown: Mrs. E. HENNING, Dec. 30.
Mossel Bay: The infant son of Frederick and Elizabeth THORESON, Dec. 24.
Hanover; Mrs. A.M. TAIT, aged 25, Dec. 19.
Kingwilliamstown: Mrs. J.G. TREADWAY, aged 36, Dec. 31.
Kingwilliamstown: Mrs. W. KENSIT, aged 87, Dec. 28.
Kingwilliamstown: The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. McKAY, Jan. 3.
Kingwilliamstown: The second son of Mr. and Mrs. CLARK, Jan. 2.
Port Elizabeth: Thomas CRAGE, aged 40, Jan. 5.
Port Elizabeth: T.E. POVEY, aged 28, Jan. 4.
Port Elizabeth: H. FRANKEL, aged 34, Dec. 28.

Friday 9 January 1880

BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 7th January, the wife of Mr. R. TILLARD of a son.

The sad and untimely death of Miss Maggie BERTRAM, eldest daughter of Mr. P.D. BERTRAM, of Queenstown, cast quite a gloom over the New Year rejoicings. The deceased lady (says the Representative) was on a visit to Mr. PATERSON, at Tarkastad, when she was taken seriously ill. The parents were sent for, but only arrived a few hours before she breathed her last. The body was brought into town and interred on New Year’s Day.

Monday 12 January 1880

MARRIED on the 6th January 1880, in St.Bartholomew’s Church, Alice, by the Rev J.R Wilson, Incumbent of St.John’s, Fort Beaufort, the Rev. Robert MARTIN, Rector of St.Bartholomew’s, Alice, to Mary, eldest daughter of William McGLASHAN Esq of Alice.

We regret to hear of the death, at the good old age of 101 years 16 days, of Mr. William WRIGHT, which event took place yesterday. Deceased came out with the Settlers of 1820, and has carried on his occupation as market-gardener for years past in Grahamstown.
[sic – notice for 14 January gives his name as James WRIGHT]

Wednesday 14 January 1880

DIED at Grahamstown on 11th January 1880 at the residence of his son, Joseph WRIGHT, James WRIGHT Sen, aged 101 years and 16 days, one of the original Settlers of 1820. Friends at a distance please accept this notice.

Friday 16 January 1880

BIRTH at “Roseneath”, Grahamstown, on the 15th instant, the wife of Mr. M. ANDREW of a son.

The Cape Times is indebted to one of its correspondents at the Paarl for the report of a terrible accident through fire, which occurred there on Thursday night last. Mr. Thomas B. FAIRCLOTH, who has been for many years in the service of Messrs. COLLISON & Co, went to bed that night to his bed-room at the boarding house of Mrs. MARAIS. During the night the landlady was awakened by the barking of a dog, and going out to see what the dog was barking at, she found Mr. FAIRCLOTH’s room in full blaze. She tried to go into the room, but the smoke, she says, drove her back and extinguished her candle. Messrs. MARAIS and BOTMAN went into the room a few minutes afterwards and found Mr. FAIRCLOTH a charred corpse on which there were cinders and sparks of fire still burning.

Monday 19 January 1880

BIRTH at Qwael River on the 9th Jan, the wife of Mr. D.R. TROLLIP of a son.

DIED on the 4th inst. at his residence, Sunday’s River Ferry, after a long and painful illness, Thomas Edward, son of William and Sarah POVEY, late of Park-street, Dorset-square, London, leaving a sorrowing parent, brother, sister and widow to lament their loss, in his 31st year. For upwards of 7 years Superintendent of the Sunday’s River Ferry, and 20 years in the Colony.

From an advertisement appearing in another part of this issue we notice that Mr. George ARMSTRONG, the well-known Cradock auctioneer and agent, has admitted Mr. J.E. GREEN, late of the Oriental Bank Corporation, as a partner in his extensive business of auctioneer, agent, broker &c. and that in future the business will be carried on under the style or firm of Geo. ARMSTRONG and Co. We wish the new firm every success.

Friday 23 January 1880

MARRIED by Special Licence at Grahamstown by the Rev J,W. Wood, on the 22nd January, Alma GREEN of Queenstown to Janet Isabella, fourth daughter of Mr. Jas. WALLACE, of Glen Craig Abbey. No cards.

Monday 26 January 1880

MARRIED on the 20th January 1880 at the Wesleyan Church, Port Elizabeth, John George McKENZIE of George to Dorothy (Dora), eldest daughter of Mr. Joseph WALKER M.L.A.

There was no little excitement on the Hill at Port Elizabeth on Tuesday last, occasioned, says the Herald, by the marriage of Mr. J.G. McKENZIE, manager of the Standard Bank at George, to Miss WALKER, daughter of Joseph WALKER Esq of Hamilton House. The ceremony was solemnized at the Wesleyan Church, Russell Road, by the Rev. W. HOLFORD, relative of the bride. Of course there was a large audience to witness the ceremony, and the more immediate relatives of the happy pair mustered strong on the occasion. The bide, dressed in white cashmere and satin, looked lovely, and the bridesmaids – three younger sisters of the bride – arrayed in pink material of exquisite colour and make, looked remarkably fascinating. At the conclusion of the ceremony the party, about fifty in number, sat down to a sumptuous breakfast at Hamilton House. About three o’clock in the afternoon the happy pair started for Kragga Kamma to spend the first days of the honeymoon. Mr. McKENZIE and his bride will leave by the R.M.S. Edinburgh Castle today for Mossel, en route to George. We most heartily wish them a pleasant voyage, and health, happiness and every prosperity in their future career.

Friday 30 January 1880

DIED on January 12th 1880 at Wellfound, after a protracted illness, Mary Ann HOBSON (born ROBINSON) in her 76th year. One of the British Settlers of 1820.

Monday 2 February 1880

BIRTH at Grahamstown on January 31st, the wife of Mr. F.J. CORNUEL of a son.

DIED at Grahamstown on the 1st February 1880, Grace Geraldine, youngest child of Mr. and Mrs. T. HOLLAND; aged fourteen months.

Wednesday 4 February 1880

DIED at Zastron on the 22nd February 1880, Cotterill Harriet Rhodes, youngest daughter of C.B. LUCAS. Farm Stellenbosch: district Rouxville, O.F.State.
“Safe in the arms of Jesus”

Miss JAMES was this morning married to Mr. HILL of Port Elizabeth. We wish the newly married pair every joy.

Friday 6 February 1880

Major D’ARCY died at Kingwilliamstown on Wednesday. The deceased, who is father of Commandant D’ARCY V.C, joined the service, says the Watchman, as Ensign in the 85th Regiment on the 26th April 1828, and subsequently served in North America, New Zealand and other Dependencies of the Crown in the 73rd Regiment and 18th Royal Irish, exchanging from the latter as Major to the old Cape Mounted Riflemen, and after serving in that regiment for some considerable period he retired from the service by the sale of his Commission, and took up his permanent residence in Kingwilliamstown, living a quiet, unobtrusive life upon the usufruct of his means.

Wednesday 11 February 1880

BIRTH at Bontebok Flats on the 29th January, the wife of Alex. TWEEDIE Esq of a son.

MARRIED on the 20th ult, by Special Licence, at School Chapel, East London, by the Rev. A.H. Wandby, Alfred HAYWARD of Port Elizabeth to Emma, eldest daughter of Mr. Warwick HILL of Grahamstown.

We regret very much to hear of the death from diphtheria and brain fever of Mrs. ROBERTS of Carlisle Street, which sad event took place yesterday. It was only a few weeks back that the deceased lost her younger sister, who lived with her, from typhoid fever.

Friday 13 February 1880

In the Insolvent Estate of Walter HOWARD
All Persons claiming to be Creditors under this Estate are required to take notice that the undersigned has been duly elected to and confirmed in the appointment of Sole Trustee of the said Estate, and that the Master has appointed the third meeting to be held before the Resident Magistrate of Grahamstown on Wednesday 18th Feb. 1880 at 10 o’clock in the forenoon, for the Proof of Debts, for receiving the Trustee’s report, and also for the purpose of giving directions to the said Trustee as to the management of the said Estate; and all Persons indebted to the said Estate are required to pay the same to the undersigned on or before the above-mentioned date, or proceedings will be instituted against them.
Thos. CALDERWOOD, Secretary, Sole Trustee
Grahamstown, 18th Jan. 1880

DIED at his Father’s residence, Oatlands Road, Grahamstown, on the 11th Feb. 1880, Herbert Cragg EVENS, of “Seven Oaks”, fifth son of John and Ann R. EVENS of this city, aged 25 years.

We are sorry to record the death of Mr. Herbert EVENS, which sad event took place at his father’s residence in Oatlands on Wednesday last from typhoid fever. We tender our sincere sympathies to the parents and relations of the deceased.

Mr. John ODENDALL, we are sorry to state, met with a serious accident early this morning whilst driving a wagon down the Queen’s-road. In trying to whip his oxen round a difficult corner in the road his foot slipped and he fell beneath one of the wheels, which passed over his leg, causing a compound fracture. By the direction of Dr. ATHERSTONE a cart was sent out and the injured man was brought in to the Hospital, where it was found necessary to amputate the limb. Mr. LONG sent out for the young man’s father this morning.

Monday 16 February 1880

DIED at Bedford on Friday the 13th February, Sarah Elizabeth King (Lily), only daughter of William H. WEBBER, aged 3 years and 1 month.

The Herald regrets to have to record the death of Mr. J.P. JAQUET, late Controller of the Port Office, which event took place at Capetown on Thursday last. By his death the Port Office has lost a smart, intelligent officer.

Mr. T.J. ROBERTS wishes us to correct an error which occurred in a paragraph stating the cause of his wife’s death. The cause of death was diphtheria, brought about in consequence of the deceased not having taken the necessary precautions at the time when her late adopted daughter was ill with typhoid fever.


East London: Mrs. BETTINGTON, a daughter, January 20.
Capetown: Mrs. R. BROADWAY, a daughter, January 31.
Mowbray: Mrs. E.V. POLLOCK, a daughter (still born), February 3.
Cradock: Mrs. H.E. TURKINGTON, a daughter, January 25.
Bontebok Flats: Mrs. A. TWEEDIE, a son, January 29.
Claremont: Mrs. H.G. MORTON, a son, February 6.
Port Elizabeth: Mrs. R.J. RICHES, a daughter, January 30.
Port Elizabeth: Mrs. W. WRIGHT, a son, February 7.
Uitenhage: Mrs. W. COLLETT, a son, February 6.

Capetown: Richard E. NORTON to Miss F.J. RICKETS, January [29]

Capetown: Maurice J. DRUMMOND, aged 3 years, February 3.
Mowbray: Mrs. POLLOCK, aged 23, February 3.
Cradock: Infant son of Mr. and Mrs. RICHES, January 24.
Cradock: Benjamin STRIDE, aged 64, January 22.
Umtata: Sergt. J.V. HOLMES, January [16].
Kingwilliamstown: Major D’ARCY, February 3.
Port Elizabeth: Walter WRIGHT of Suffolk, February 2.
Port Elizabeth: E.A. MARTIENSSEN, aged 31, February 3.
Wynberg: Justice FITZPATRICK, aged 64, February 6.
Aliwal North: Infant child of Mr. and Mrs. STEYN, January 30.
Richmond: Mrs. DOWNS, aged 49, February 6.

Friday 20 February 1880

MARRIED on the 10th inst by Special Licence, at St.John’s Church, Fort Beaufort, by the Rev. J. Wilson, Rector, Henry Charles, third son of R.J. PAINTER Esq JP, to Emma Maria, fourth daughter of B. BOOTH Esq JP.

Monday 23 February 1880

The Mercury of the 20th records the death of Mrs. POULTON, who was on a visit to Kingwilliamstown from Grahamstown, and was there widely and honourably known for her large hearted charity. Only a few days since her son was killed by a fall from a horse near Colesberg.

Wednesday 25 February 1880

The undersigned hereby notify that they have admitted Mr. Matthew DOLD a Partner in their Firm, the same to date from January 1st 1880
Grahamstown, 23rd February 1880

DIED at Lemoen’s Valley, near Bathurst, on 14th February 1880, Elizabeth, beloved wife of Daniel DAVIES, aged 58 years and 1 month. Deeply regretted by all who knew her.
“Blessed are the dead that die in the Lord”
Friends at a distance please accept this notice.

Friday 27 February 1880

BIRTH at Oatlands on the 26th instant, Mrs. Henry WOOD of a daughter.

Last Friday, says the Beaufort Courier, a child about nineteen months old, of Mr. Peter PIENAAR, Kaffrafontein, was burnt to death. The catastrophe took place in the day time. The poor child was alone in the outside room, in which it is said there was no fire, and the first intimation the mother had of the fate of her child was seeing smoke issuing from the room, and on going in, found the child was dead. A few months since the child of Mr. Louis PIENAAR narrowly escaped a similar fate.

On Sunday week, says the Graaff-Reinet Herald, as Mr. DELPORTE of Grabow was coming from Caledon to the Eerste River Station with a load of wool, his foot slipped as he was getting up by the disselboom and, the wagon passing over his chest inflicted such injuries that he is not expected to recover. The accident happened at Bot River. The poor fellow is much liked, and is a married man with a family.

In the Estate of the late Major T. STACK of Grahamstown
All Persons indebted to, or claiming to be Creditors of, the above Estate, are hereby requested to pay their Debts to, or file their Claims with, Mr. Attorney G.G. WRIGHT, of Grahamstown, within six weeks from this date.
Thomas H. STACK
Executor Testamentary
Aliwal North
24th January 1880.

In the Estate of the late George TOMLINSON of the District of Albany
All Persons claiming to be Creditors in the above Estate are hereby requested to file their Claims, and those indebted thereto to pay their Debts at the office of Messrs. STONE & Son, Solicitors, Grahamstown, within six weeks from this date.
Exr. Dative
Grahamstown, January 27 1880.

Wednesday 3 March 1880

Miss PAGE, the daughter of our respected townsman Mr. W. PAGE, was this morning married in St.George’s Cathedral by the Very Rev. the Dean to Mr. BOND of Capetown. The wedding was celebrated amidst every demonstration of joy, the Cathedral bells were rung, and flags were suspended from the balcony of Mr. PAGE’s house in Hill Street. During the ceremony Miss KENNELLY, who presided at the organ, played the Wedding March in her usual brilliant style. There was a long train of bridesmaids, and a great number of spectators.

At Christ Church Mr. WINTER, of Mr. SMITH’s establishment, was married by the Rev. N. Norton to Miss HODGKINSON of Bathurst.

Friday 5 March 1880

In the Insolvent Estate of Cornelius COCK, Farmer, Division of Bathurst.
All Persons claiming to be Creditors under this Estate are required to take notice that the Undersigned has been duly elected to and confirmed in the appointment of Sole Trustee of the said Estate, and that the Master has appointed the Third Meeting to be held before the Resident Magistrate of Grahamstown on Wednesday the 31st day of March 1880 at 10 o’clock in the forenoon, for the Proof of Debts, for Receiving the Trustee’s Report, and also for the purpose of giving directions to the said Trustee as to the management of the said Estate; and all Persons indebted to the said Estate are required to pay the same to the Undersigned on or before that date, or proceedings will be instituted against them.
Ben. B. ATTWELL, Trustee
Grahamstown, February 13 1880

In the Insolvent Estate of Samuel William DELL, Farmer, of the Kasouga, Division of Bathurst.
All Persons claiming to be Creditors under this Estate are required to take notice that the Undersigned has been duly elected to and confirmed in the appointment of Sole Trustee of the said Estate, and that the Master has appointed the Third Meeting to be held before the Resident Magistrate of Grahamstown on Wednesday the 31st day of March 1880 at 10 o’clock in the forenoon, for the Proof of Debts, for Receiving the Trustee’s Report, and also for the purpose of giving directions to the said Trustee as to the management of the said Estate; and all Persons indebted to the said Estate are required to pay the same to the Undersigned on or before that date, or proceedings will be instituted against them.
Ben. B. ATTWELL, Trustee
Grahamstown, February 13 1880

Wednesday 10 March 1880

Heavy rain has fallen in town since yesterday morning and there is every promise of its continuing.
Today is a bad day for the wedding at Salem, but no doubt the “bricks” of that town will celebrate the event in a happy manner. The bridegroom is Mr. JACKSON of Grahamstown.

Monday 15 March 1880

MARRIED on Thursday 11th inst at Salem, by the Rev W.C. Holden, Thomas Carr JACKSON of Grahamstown to Annie Jane, eldest daughter of Mr. Samuel WOOD of Salem.

(From a Correspondent)
For several days this week there was an almost incessant downpour of rain, in consequence of which the rivers have all been impassable. The vleys and dams are all full, and the country generally is looking splendid.
On Thursday morning Mr. T.C. JACKSON, of Grahamstown, led to the altar Miss Anne J. WOOD, eldest daughter of our respected fellow Salemite, Mr. S. WOOD. The wedding was to have taken place on the day previous, but it rained so incessantly that it had to be put off till next day. After the ceremony the bridal party repaired to the residence of Mr. C. CHOLWICH, where about 50 persons sat down to breakfast, when the usual toasts were proposed and responded to. During the afternoon the happy couple left for Grahamstown, en-route to Graaff-Reinet. The breakfast was on strictly Good Templar principles, both of the young people being consistent members of the I.O. of G.T. We wish them long life, much happiness and great prosperity.
One night this week the general store of Mr. T.F.HILL was entered by thieves and about £12 abstracted. Three natives are in the hands of the police and several more are implicated; and we have no doubt the whole of the guilty parties will soon be apprehended.

Wednesday 17 March 1880

MARRIED at Koro-Koro, Basutoland, on the 4th March 1880, by the Rev T. [Jousse], Rudolph J.E. FICHARDT, Zwarte Langte, O.F.S, to Charlotte, second daughter of Mr. Sam. BRUMAGE Jun.

The Bloemfontein Express regrets to have to chronicle the death of Miss Julia, daughter of our respected townsman Mr. DRINKWATER, after a long and painful illness. The funeral took place on Sunday afternoon last, when a number of friends followed her to her last resting place. His Honour the President, and the Chief Justice, were amongst the cortege. General and deep sympathy is felt for the relatives.

Friday 19 March 1880

BIRTH at Cradock on the 19th inst, the wife of Mr. R.H.WOOD of a daughter.

DIED at Clumber, District of Bathurst, on the 7th March 1880, Richard BRADFIELD Senr, aged 69 years and 8 months. The Deceased came to this Colony with the British Settlers of 1820. His end was peace. Friends at a distance will please accept this notice.

We regret to hear of the sudden decease of Mr. W.L. INGRAM, which took place early this morning. Mr. INGRAM, who was a son-in-law of our townsman Mr. Anthony MATTHEWS, for some years carried on a butcher’s business in Cross-street, Settlers’-hill. He had been in ill health of late, and medical examination had shown that he suffered from aneurism of the heart which might at any moment prove fatal, and from other internal disease. After having felt comparatively well and cheerful yesterday, he was in the evening taken seriously ill. Dr.W.G. ATHERSTONE attended, but the case admitted of no remedy, and Mr. INGRAM expired after an attack of a few hours’ duration. We tender our sincere sympathy to Mrs. INGRAM and other relatives.

Monday 22 March 1880

BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 22nd inst, the wife of Mr. Arthur JUBB of a daughter.

MARRIED on March 20th in Commemoration Church, Grahamstown, by the Rev. C. Pettman, Ernest, second son of the late T.B. GLANVILLE Esq, to Emma Priscilla, youngest daughter of the late James POWELL Esq.

Yesterday afternoon, says the Cape Times of the 16th inst, in the Church of St.Saviour’s, Claremont, all that was mortal of Alfred Augustine GEARY was committed to the ground. A large and representative gathering of friends assembled to pay a last tribute of respect to one who both in his public and private capacity had won their esteem. The solemn office was said by the Rev Presenter BINDLEY, whose ministrations had been most welcome to Mr. GEARY in his last days of suffering and prostration. Today we refrain from writing of the man whose place shall see him no more, and of his work. After a sore conflict with pain he sleeps well.

With much sorrow we convey to our readers the sad intelligence of the death of Mr. Justice STOCKENSTROM. All had heard that while employed in his important duties as a Circuit Judge in the Western Province, the illness which we knew he was suffering from had become intensified so seriously that he had been prostrated at the town of Swellendam. His numerous friends were daily, hourly, enquiring about him, now with fear, then with hope, hoping against hope that happily he might rally, and that a public life which had opened with such rare, such bright promise might be spared to his native country. But this morning all hopes are crushed by the melancholy intelligence that Andries STOCKENSTROM is dead.
It is difficult to realise this solemn fact. Grahamstown citizens knew him as a strong, vigorous, cheerful man. Seldom do we see one whose physical form and bright disposition seemed to carry the elements of a long and hearty life, as was observed in him, and most certainly when he was a resident of this city he was looked upon as one of the most unlikely – humanly speaking – to be cut off in comparatively early life. We are warranted in using this term, for we learn that he had only reached the age of 35 years, so that at a time of life when most men are just applying themselves to a commencement of life’s work, while he was bending his energies to his duty, he is cut off, leaving his work unfinished and all South Africa mourning the loss of a Colonist who was admired by all who knew him, and beloved by those who were admitted within the circle of friendship. It is well-known that he was the youngest son of the late Mr. Andries STOCKENSTROM Bart, for many years the Lieut-Governor of this Province, who, some twenty years ago, left the Colony and went to Europe to gain rest for himself and to superintend the education of his children. It seems but the other day we heard that the subject of these remarks had been admitted to the Bar of the Supreme Court, with the intention of joining that of the Eastern Districts’ Court, and many of us remember the hale, vigorous young man, bearing a familiar and honoured name, who soon after settled in the city and commenced a practice which rapidly carried him to the foremost position at the bar, and ere long raised him to the honourable and dignified position of a judge of the Colony’s highest Court. To his credit be it said, Mr. STOCKENSTROM no sooner found himself settled here than he identified himself with the interests and prosperity of the community in which he had found a home. Our institutions at once received the advantage of his support and assistance. He cheerfully supported the literary, social and benevolent undertakings of the City, and at length boldly engaged in Colonial politics. It was his readiness to engage in public duties that led an active and influential section of the citizens to put him forward as a candidate for the representation of this constituency on the occasion of the vacancy caused by the retirement of Mr. ROSS-JOHNSON. We need not enlarge upon that event. We all remember the excitement it caused, the severity of the contest for which our history furnished no parallel; the dignity and fairness which marked his bearing through the whole of that ordeal, and which did not forsake him even when the “fortunes of war” placed his opponent by a narrow majority at the head of the poll. It was not likely that a man of his calibre should be long kept out of Parliament. The district of Albert quickly secured for itself the honour of being represented by him, and he so well appreciated the kindness of that constituency, that though tempted by other and perhaps more important places, he always declined their applications and during all the time that he was in Parliament he was “the Honourable Member for Albert”. It was in that character, too, that he was a Member of the House of Assembly, while also a member of the Molteno Cabinet. With that ministry he served as Attorney-General for a few months, and on their vacating office he loyally shared the fortunes of his chief and retired with his colleague. Like everyone who has occupied the position he held as a member of the Government, he was called upon to undertake duties and do work, which, from its multifarious character, is far too heavy for one man. But with the courage and manliness that were such distinguishing features in his character he evaded no responsibility, he shrank from no calls of duty; and we fear he there shook the vigour of a good constitution, and sustained injuries to his health from which he never recovered. The Eastern Province became heavily indebted to him for the part he took during the last Session of Parliament. Though suffering from ill-health, he was to be found in his place during most of the important debates, notably while the Eastern Districts’ Court Bill was under consideration. Without detracting from the value of the service rendered by the Government and the supporters of that measure, we must say that its successful passage through the Legislature is to a very large degree attributable to him and to the fidelity with which he redeemed the pledges he made with reference to that subject before he was required to vote upon it; and it would have given us the sincerest pleasure to have seen him occupying a seat on the bench of a court that he did so much to improve. But he was required in a more important position. The labours of the session had evidently told upon his constitution in a way which alarmed his friends – they saw that in his feeble state it was hopeless to expect him to be equal to the exhaustive work of a statesman, for which he was in other respects so well suited. The new Act and other causes required the appointment of more Judges. The Government wisely directed their attention to him, and, with the approval of all parties, offered him a seat on the Supreme Court Bench. The offer delighted his friends. We believe it was considered by him, with some degree of hesitation, not because he was insensible to the value and importance of the dignity thus placed within his reach, but because he was under the influence of strong patriotism, and felt that he occupied a position which enabled him to influence the legislation, and therefore the destinies, of his native country. He enjoyed the unbounded confidence of a large number of politicians. These he could easily have organised into a party that would have implicitly followed his lead; and he would have been more than human if these considerations had not opened to him visions of usefulness, power and distinction, and who could blame him for hesitating and yielding to doubt. However, his medical adviser solved all doubt; he pointed out that the more prominent, the more brilliant career would entail exertions which his enfeebled condition would not enable him to bear: that it would be far better to seek calmer and more regular work on the Judicial Bench, where, quick and thorough lawyer that he was, he could perform his duty without much effort and without that tremendous strain upon the faculties which a leading public life must occasion. And thus he was led to abandon the political career for which his health had now quite unfitted him, and he accepted the post of Judge of the Supreme Court of the Colony, his friends meanwhile hoping that with easier employment and with care, he might gain some of his old vigour and be strong enough to perform the judicial functions for which so honest, brave and clever a man was admirably adapted. But, alas, only for a few months was he able thus to serve his country, and while on his first circuit death lays his cold hand upon him, and Andries STOCKENSTROM dies, as we could all wish to die, doing his duty.

On Wednesday night last an awfully sad and sudden death occurred at the Komgha, near Seven Fountains, to a little boy about 18 months old, son of Robert EMSLIE, who was playing in a tub of water, or rather a churn, in which was some seven inches of water. The churn being perhaps two feet high, by the side of this and touching it lay a round block on which the child (it is thought) stood leaning over the tub and playing in the water with its hands, when the block must have rolled away and the child fell over into the tub of water; when found he was quite dead. Much sympathy is felt for the parents in their painful bereavement.

Tuesday 30 March 1880

BIRTH at Adelaide on the 17th March 1880, the wife of Mr. W.F. PAINTER, of Yellowwood Trees, of a daughter.

DIED at Grahamstown on the 26th March, the beloved wife of W. GILBERT JP, aged 61 years, after a long and severe illness, which she bore with Christian fortitude.

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