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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1883 10 October

Monday 1 October 1883

We regret to hear of the death of Mr. H.H. SCOTT of High-street, which sad event took place on Saturday afternoon.

Cape Argus
Mr. CAMPBELL, Resident Magistrate, held an inquest on Thursday on the body of Edward PRODGER, aged six years, who was burnt to death in the fire at Mechau-street on Sunday evening. Edward William PRODGERS, sworn, deposed: I kept a shop at Np. 25 Mechau-street. The house comprised four rooms downstairs and six upstairs. One room downstairs was a shop and the others were a dining-room and a sitting-room, the fourth having a few articles of furniture in it. We ascended the staircase from that room. The crockery ware was kept under the staircase. My wife’s sister, my niece, her son, about eight years old, my two sons, respectively six and three and a half years, all slept in one room upstairs: and I, my wife, daughter, eight years old, and a coloured girl about twelve years of age, slept in the adjoining room. There was no door of communication between these rooms. All the other rooms were unoccupied. There was a stove in the kitchen, which had been used for cooking our dinner at twelve o’clock, and for cooking the water for tea at six pm. There was no fireplace in any of the rooms downstairs. There was a small room over the kitchen in which we kept our poultry. We all retired to rest at nine pm, and I saw all the lamps put out, and all the doors fastened before I went to bed. I was awakened in the night by our neighbour, Mrs. WEST, calling out that my shop was on fire, upon which I ran downstairs, not taking any light with me. We found a great deal of smoke coming from the shop; I opened the shop door and found it was on fire, on seeing which my wife exclaimed “For God’s sake, let us save the children”. I left the shop door open, which led into the passage, and we ran upstairs. The smoke was so intense that we were nearly suffocated. My wife seized the infant and our daughter, and took them downstairs and out of the front door. It was dark upstairs. The smoke was so dense that I could scarcely see out of my eyes. I cannot remember how I got outside, nor do I know how my wife’s sister or the others escaped out of the room they were in. My sons, Edward and William, have been burned to death. The building was completely destroyed. On the following day I found the remains of Edward in the debris, but not those of the younger child named William. The inquiry was adjourned for further evidence.

Wednesday 3 October 1883

An escaped convict named Hans PLAATJES has been shot dead by Mr. Johannes FOURIE, a farmer in the Victoria West district. A sheep having been stolen, the two FOURIEs and their servants went in search of the thief. They came up to Hans, who bolted. A harmless charge was fired, of which he took no notice. Mr. J. FOURIE then fired from a distance of about 600 yards, the shot taking effect mortally. FOURIE reported the matter, and was apprehended on a charge of manslaughter.

Thursday 4 October 1883

BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 3rd October, the wife of Thos. SHEFFIELD of a daughter.

MARRIED at St.Margaret’s Church, Topsham, Devon, England by the Rev. J. Bartlett, assisted by the Rev. A. Leakey, on the 28th August 1883, Thomas W. KING, eldest son of Francis KING JP of Bedford, Cape Colony, to Winnie GLANVILLE, third daughter of the late T.B. GLANVILLE Esq., England.

Much sympathy (says the Cape Mercury) is expressed for Mr. F. TUDHOPE, from whom a younger daughter, Miss Bianca TUDHOPE, was taken yesterday morning after a somewhat severe illness. She was beloved by all who knew her and will long be missed by her many friends.

BIRTH on Wednesday the 3rd instant, at Beaufort-street, the wife of H. LARDNER-BURKE Esq, Barrister-st-Law, of a son.

Saturday 6 October 1883

Carpenter & Builder
Respectfully informs his many Customers and the Public that he has removed from High-street to more commodious premises in Dundas-street, where he hopes to carry on Business as hitherto, and receive a continuance of their patronage and support.
Every description of Alterations and Repairs undertaken on Reasonable Terms. Estimates given if required.
Note the address:-
In the shop lately occupied by Mr. W. HARPER.

Monday 8 October 1883

BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 7th Oct 1883, the wife of A.D. IMPEY of a daughter.

MARRIED by Special Licence at King Williamstown on October 1st 1883, by the Rev. J.D. Don, Henry William Nicholas GOOSEN, of Tarkastad, to Gertrude Selina Susanna, third daughter of C.J. GOOSEN Esq of Watervloed, Fort Peddie.

The Umtata Herald writes: Through the intrepidity and presence of mind of Mrs. STANFORD, wife of our respected R.M., what might have been a most serious accident was prevented on Monday last. It appears that Mr. and Mrs. STANFORD were driving a pair of spirited horses on their return from visiting the mission, and pulled up at their own house, where Mr. STANFORD alighted, handing the reins to his native boy. One of the horses managed to get his bridle off by rubbing his head against the pole. The boy got down to adjust the bridle, but unfortunately fell in doing so, thus startling the horses, which immediately bolted and made for the river. Mrs. STANFORD held on to the one rein at her disposal with one hand, holding her baby in the other, and happily succeeded in turning the horses on the bank of the river. The animals then tore along to the Camp, where they were stopped by some men of the C.M.R. We are glad to hear that Mrs. STANFORD is none the worse for her perilous ride.

(Cape Times, October 5)
Yesterday morning a tragedy of the most horrible description was perpetrated in a house situated in a lane off Castle-street, and between Bree and Long-streets. The dwelling had formerly been a stable with a hayloft overhead. In the loft lived the landlord and landlady of the place, while the lower portion was sublet to four people, two of them being a man named Isaac WYNHART, a wagon driver in the employ of McKENZIE & Co, and a woman named Maria PASHA. The latter had been married according to the Mahomodan rites to an Indian [coolie] named Mahomet ALLIEM, alias PASCOE, who for the past fifteen years or so had been in the service first of BARRY, ARNOLD; and then of ROBERTSON & CLEMENTS, stationers, and appears to have borne a good character. ALLIEM and his wife are said to have lived unhappily together, and about ten days ago the woman left her husband’s house in Church-street and went to co-habit with WYNHART. A separation, it would seem, had previously taken place, but the woman had implored her husband to take her back. It was after this that she went and stayed with WYNHART, occupying with him a portion of the rooms referred to off Castle-street. In this room there was one large bed occupied by the other couple sharing the apartment – the others sleeping on an extemporised bed on the ground, and near the foot of the ladder leading to the loft above. At the time the tragedy was committed only the two victims were in the room, their fellow occupants having left some time previous.
Soon after seven o’clock in the morning cries of “Murder” were heard proceeding from the room in question. The landlord rushed downstairs and discovered the Hindoo in the act of committing the murderous assault upon his wife and her paramour with a heavy meat chopper. ALLIEM turned upon the landlord, and would have attacked him had he not hastily retreated back upstairs, and by his cries brought in assistance. The first to enter was a Mr. Henry LUYT, whose house is opposite. The sight that met his view was a horrible one. The man and the woman were lying on the ground in pools of blood, their heads almost severed from their bodies, which were still quivering in the last agonies of a frightful death. From the position in which the bodies were found it was supposed that the woman must have been struck first, and that a similar blow was dealt to WYNHARDT as he got off the bed to her assistance. Dr. LANDSBORG was on the spot soon after the terrible tragedy had been enacted, but the victims were beyond all human aid. The Resident magistrate subsequently visited the scene of the tragedy, and the bodies, which presented a most sickening appearance, were then removed to the Somerset Hospital.
In the meantime Mr. LUYT had taken ALLIEM to the police station. He was in a state of perfect frenzy when LUYT first entered the room, but became calm and self-possessed while walking to the station, remarking on the way that he went to the place that morning, and finding the couple in bed together, he pulled his wife out and killed her and then pulled out the man and killed him. When charged at the station he stated that his wife had been going out night after night to see her sister. Last night she again went out, and not returning, he went to her sister’s house in the morning and found she had not been there. He afterwards discovered her in a room in Castle-street with WYNHARDT when he committed the crime with which he was charged. The story, it will be seen, differs from that given above, namely that the woman had left some ten days before, and which so far as we can ascertain is the correct version. On the arrival of the Assistant Magistrate the prisoner was removed to the gaol in Roeland-street, and will, it is expected, be brought up for examination before the Resident Magistrate on Saturday.

Wednesday 10 October 1883

BIRTH at Anne Villa, Zuurberg, on 8th October 1883, Mrs. Samuel WEBSTER of a daughter.

Thursday 11 October 1883

We (Representative) regret to hear that a child of Mr. Stephen BROWN, of Lilyvale – a little girl of about ten years old – has met with a rather severe accident. The injured child, with an elder sister, it appears went on a visit to Mr. MORRIS, whose farm adjoins that of her father, and during the evening the younger child wandered away from the rest, and was afterwards found insensible with her face covered in blood under a ladder, which she had apparently been climbing. On being brought home it was found the poor child had not sufficiently recovered to be able to give an account of what had happened to her. She was brought into town and examined by one of our local medical men, who ascertained that she sustained injuries of a serious nature on the forehead, which it is feared will leave a life mark.

Friday 12 October 1883

Our telegram of today gave a brief announcement of the death of a Mr. ANDREWS at Salem yesterday. The Field-Cornet, Mr. ATTWELL, examined the body and found a few blue spots on the side, and upon the left foot a flesh wound. The left boot had been torn off and cast about a yard from the body.

An Alexandria correspondent writes: Last night an unfortunate man was drowned in the dam. Early this morning Mr. G. COCK, who lives near, fancied he saw something like a body on the water, and upon examination it was found to be an Englishman known as Sam BROWN. Drink may be given as the cause. This is the second or third case of death by drowning in the dam lately.

The death of the Rev. Mr. James HOYLE, Minister of the Congregational Church in this City, succumbed last evening to the effects of a carriage accident on the day previous.

Monday 15 October 1883

BIRTH at Salem, Oct 6th 1883, the wife of Mr. H.M. HILL of a daughter.

On Thursday morning last (says the Dispatch) a sad and fatal accident happened at Blaney by which a ganger, named Stephen PENBERTHY, in the employ of the Railway Department, lost his life. It appears that the engine and tender of the early train were detached, and slowly returning to their position, when deceased was seen to deliberately walk on to the line, evidently not correctly gauging the pace at which the engine was slowly approaching him. At any rate, before anyone could realise the situation the poor fellow had been run over, his legs being completely severed from the trunk. He was at once placed in a trolley and sent to the hospital at Kingwilliamstown, but died before the trolley reached Breidbach.

Tuesday 16 October 1883

It is our painful duty, writes the Argus of the 12th, to record the death of the Rev. James HOYLE, pastor of the Congregational Church, Caledon-square, from the injuries sustained in the unfortunate carriage accident which occurred on Tuesday afternoon last, and which has been already reported in these columns. Mr. HOYLE, on the occasion of his induction more than twenty months ago, told his new congregation that he was determined to do his best to further the interests of the church. How well he fulfilled that resolve is known, not only to his own flock, but to all the churches of Capetown. The well-filled Sunday schools, the numerous and earnest attenders at the frequent Bible and prayer meetings, the zealously conducted mission work, and the vigorous tone imparted to the public services of the sanctuary, all these speak eloquently of the noble standard of duty which Mr. HOYLE had set up for himself. One of the last tokens of the spirit of energy and enthusiasm which he had succeeded in infusing into his congregation is the fact that a magnificent organ was so recently erected in the church, every penny of its cost being paid up with a promptitude and generosity which was gratifying both to pastor and people. Mr. HOYLE, notwithstanding his somewhat retiring disposition, was especially successful in his dealings with young men, in whose welfare he ever took a warm interest. His advice was being constantly asked for by young men, and not only was it always readily though conscientiously given, but he had the pleasant quality of readily entering into the thoughts, feelings and pursuits of those who sought his counsel, which endeared him to all who had the happiness of coming into contact with him. The family which has been bereaved under such melancholy circumstances consists of a widow, two daughters and a son, the latter at present studying at Cambridge. To these we offer our sincere sympathy in their sorrow, under a calamity which has not only bereft them of a wise and affectionate husband and father, but has deprived a large congregation of a beloved pastor, and this city of one of its most popular and respected inhabitants.

Thursday 18 October 1883

The Swellendam Enterprise reports that a little girl aged three years, the daughter of a carrier named [BEEL], was playing with some children when an ostrich came running towards them, whereupon her playmates ran off, leaving the little one behind. She got so alarmed that she went into convulsions, and expired almost immediately after. The ostrich was perfectly harmless.

(Victoria West Messenger)
The last mail from Prieska brings us from three different correspondents particulars of the murder of a farmer by Bushmen on the Zeekoe-baar, situated on the Orange River, about 12 miles below Prieska.
It appears that Mr. HANCKOM, the owner of the farm, who had suffered severely from the depredations of Bushmen, having had no less than fifty sheep stolen by them in the course of a few days, started off on Tuesday the 2nd inst in search of the marauders, with the view of apprehending them. He was accompanied by two neighbours, named DE BEER and Jan BUCKLI, who were armed with guns. It being already late, they remained that night on the opposite side of the river. The following morning they came upon the spoor, and following this up they arrived at a place where the Bushmen had slept the previous night, and which must have been hurriedly left by them, as they found there the skin of a freshly-slaughtered goat belonging to Mr. HANCKOM, and their pots, blankets &c. At this point Mr. HANCKOM, being unarmed, returned home, and his two sons continued the search. Proceeding along the spoor up a kopje, they were suddenly saluted with a volley of arrows, 3 of which struck BUCKLI in the hand and 1 in the stomach. DE BEER, who was unhurt, ran up to assist him, but the poor fellow after staggering a few yards fell dead, and DE BEER, as the Bushmen continued shooting from behind cover, beat a retreat and went back to report what had occurred and obtain assistance. Mr. HANCKOM, on hearing what had happened, at once inspanned a wagon and went to bring in the body, which they found stripped of everything, and the poor man’s gun had also been taken. After taking the body home, Mr. HANCKON started to report the occurrence to the Field-cornet, Mr. KUHN, who, however, lived some five hours away. This gentleman at once commandeered certain of the farmers to assist in apprehending the murderers, and as soon as possible started in pursuit, but as, owing to all this unavoidable delay, two days had elapsed since the murder, the Bushmen had of course decamped, and all search for them proved fruitless. They were, however, fortunately identified by poor BUCKLI before he fell, and by DE BEER, who recognised them as well-known characters in the neighbourhood. They are Suel and Job, two yellow coloured Bushmen of about 35 years of age, and Dirk alias BOESMAN, about 20 years old, well-known on the farms De Buit, Bitterputs and Vaalputs, among others. Whether they will ever be caught is problematical, as there are so many hiding places in the mountains &c, where these marauders dwell, that it will be difficult to get at them.
As soon as the official report of the murder was received by the Resident Magistrate of Prieska, that gentleman and Dr. GIBBONS left for Zeekoenaar, to hold a post mortem examination and to enquire further into the affair.

Saturday 20 October 1883

COETZEE, a lad of fifteen, while out shooting at Springfield on Monday last (says the Uitenhage Chronicle) received a charge of buckshot in the upper part of his left arm, which shattered the bone, and leaves the limb in a serious condition. COETZEE, we learn, was lying on or near his gun, and in turning over caught the trigger, with the result mentioned. Dr. CUFFE is attending the lad.

On Tuesday afternoon, says the Argus, a man named IVES, in company with two friends, engaged a sailing boat, the Water Lily, for a cruise round the Bay, starting from the Central wharf. All went well until the boat was off the hulk Polly, when it was discovered that IVES was missing, and it is conjectured that he must have fallen over the gunwale, on which he was sitting. Some little delay was occasioned in getting the boat about, but at last one of the occupants, GIBBON by name, succeeded in getting hold of the drowning man. IVES, however, was of such weight (being 18 stone) that GIBBON was compelled to let him go. A man named John CLARK, who was employed on one of the hulks, noticed the occurrence, and without delay skulled his dingey out and managed to get hold of IVES. With the assistance of those in the sailing boat he brought him to the little coaling jetty. The doctor of the H.R.M.S. Tartar was speedily in attendance, but pronounced life to be extinct, whereupon the body was ferried across the Dock and conveyed to the Somerset Hospital. Deceased, who was a bookseller’s traveller by trade, and in the employ of Mr. GIBBON, has been in the Colony about three years, and was expecting his wife out from England shortly. He was about fifty years of age.

Mr. FOGGITT, late Mayor, was buried this afternoon. Funeral was one of the largest ever seen on the Fields. Attended by Judges, Civil Commissioner, Mining Board and other administrative bodies, also a large [con…] of inhabitants generally. The Stores were closed during progress of the procession.

Monday 22 October 1883

We very much regret to learn by telegram that our esteemed fellow citizen, Mr. William GILBERT, died at Port Elizabeth this morning. The funeral will take place on Wednesday afternoon.

A farmer lad (observes the Courant) of about twelve years of age, named Daniel DU TOIT, was killed on Sunday last while on his way to church at Calitzdorp. The boy, by some accident, fell over the splash board of the cart conveying the family to church, and the wheel passing over caused his death almost immediately.

We (F.B. Advocate) regret very much to hear that Mrs. POPE, the wife of Dr. POPE of Alice, died last Friday. A short time back deceased caught a severe cold, and being unable to shake it off, she went to a neighbouring farm for a change. The slight change that took place was but temporary, for on her return home the old symptoms reappeared in an aggravated form, accompanied by erysipelas, and notwithstanding all that medical skill could do the disease gained rapidly, until Friday last, when death ensued.

Tuesday 23 October 1883

DIED at Ronaldswaye, Port Elizabeth, October 22nd, William GILBERT, aged 75 years and 5 months.
The Funeral of the late William GILBERT Esq will leave Christ Church tomorrow (Wednesday) afternoon at 4 o’clock. No private invitations. Friends are respectfully invited to attend.

A fatal accident, says the Dordrecht Guardian, took place about five miles from Dordrecht on Wednesday afternoon, by which Mr. Louis MANDELSTAM, a trader residing in the district, lost his life. It appears from the evidence adduced at the investigation held before the Assistant Resident Magistrate that the deceased was sitting on the front part of his wagon – which was heavily loaded with goods – when owing to a decline in the road, one of the cases slipped forward, and striking him on the back, knocked him beneath the vehicle, the front wheel passing over and crushing his chest. Although every assistance was rendered, he succumbed to the injuries received, within an hour of the accident. For some time past Mr. MANDELSTAM had been trading in the district, and was widely known and respected amongst the farmers. We are given to understand that his parents are living in Germany, to whom we tender our sympathy in their sudden bereavement.

Wednesday 24 October 1883

This morning an inquest was held by the Magistrate and the District Surgeon on the body of James ROBERTSON, of Chapel-street, carpenter, and it was found that death was caused by excessive drinking. It appears that every attempt was made by several gentlemen – Mr. HUNTLY among the rest – to induce the deceased to become a Templar, and eventually he joined the Blue Ribbon Army. Unfortunately he did not hold out. Yesterday he drank very heavily, and he died in the night. The greatest sympathy is felt for the wife and children.

The funeral of the late Mr. W. GILBERT leaves Christ Church this afternoon at four o’clock, when no doubt there will be a large following of citizens who may wish to show their respect to the memory of a colonist who has lived over 60 years in the country, and done his share during that time in the country’s service. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. GILBERT, came out about the time of the arrival of the British Settlers, and underwent all the hardships which were borne with such fortitude by hundreds of brave men and women in those days. There were six children, three sons and three daughters, and Mr. William GILBERT, the second son, took an active part in the wars, inheriting the hardihood and nerve which characterised his father. In 1830 he moved to the Fort Beaufort district, where he purchased the farm “Shepton Manor”, still held by the family, and where he carried on farming successfully, notwithstanding the wars of ’46 and ’52. After the last was Mr. GILBERT came to Grahamstown, where he has remained with the exception of a few visits to England, until his death. He was often requested by electors to stand for the House of Assembly, but steadily declined a political career. He was one of the first Councillors elected, having been returned in July 1862, and resigned in May 1865, after the Eastern District’s Court was handed over by the Council under the Mayoralty of Mr. Geo. WOOD jun. Mr. GILBERT had a knowledge of architecture; and one of the greatest works he undertook was to superintend the building of the spire of St.George’s Cathedral, the lines of which, when near completion, he altered in a manner which added new beauty and security to the lofty work. As an instance of his nerve it may be cited that he was the only man in the town who volunteered to place the hands on the four faces of the Town Clock. A narrow piece of board was slid through the opening beneath, and on this frail support he took his stand, and at a giddy height fastened the hands securely. It is rather singular that the body of the Cathedral was built by Mr. GILBERT’s father.
It is a matter of colonial frontier history that Mr. GILBERT met with one of the most narrow escapes on record, during the Kafir War of ’52. He at that time was Paymaster of the forces under General SOMERSET, and was riding from Alice to Grahamstown with four others, when at the Kat River the party was surprised by an ambush of Kafirs and rebel Hottentots. Mr. GILBERT’s horse fell wounded, and he himself crawled into a bush, where for some hours he passed a most anxious time. The Kafirs made a strict search, but failed to find him, and eventually lighted their fires a few yards from the bush in which he was concealed. It was then that his nerves were tested, for while crouching in the bush, a gaunt Kafir dog crept in towards him. If the animal barked it would have been all over with him, but strange to say the dog never uttered a sound. Mr. GILBERT fixed his eyes steadily on those of the dog, and after a few seconds it quietly withdrew. On the next day Mr. GILBERT left his retreat and made a long and painful march, finally reaching a safe retreat. So thoroughly was it believed that he had been killed that the following day a party set out in search of his body.

Thursday 25 October 1883

A sad accident terminating fatally occurred at Stellenbosch on Saturday week (says the Cape Argus) to a youth named William Thomas EDWARDS, grandson of the late Rev. Edward EDWARDS, Wesleyan Minister of Stellenbosch, and nephew of the Rev. Henry TYNDALL, also of that place. The unfortunate youth, who was by no means unaccustomed to the use of firearms, went out shooting with his brothers in the neighbourhood of Stellenbosch on Saturday afternoon. He must have had his gun full cock, and sprang over a spruit to get a better aim at a bird he had in view. He rested the butt of the gun on the ground to assist him in steadying himself on the soft ground on the other side of the water, and by some means the gun went off, the charge being lodged in his hip, where it tore away a good bit of the flesh. He was by himself at the time, and when his brothers came to the spot half an hour afterwards he was insensible. He was removed to the farm of Mr. DE VILLIERS, and afterwards to his house in the village, where he was attended to by Drs. SMUTS and VERSVELD. He appeared not at all unlikely to recover for the next day or two, except that he was faint from loss of blood; but on Tuesday a change for the worse took place, and he died on Tuesday evening. The funeral service on Wednesday was conducted by the Rev. H. TYNDALL at the Wesleyan Church. The body was borne by eight of the deceased youth’s schoolfellows at the Gymnasium, and there was not less than 200 people in the Church, much regret being felt at the sad event.

Mr. W. FILMER, residing near Tylden, but who has recently been to the coast with his stock, attempted (says a contemporary) to commit suicide by cutting his throat whilst on his way home at Waku on the night of Wednesday. Mr. FILMER has been complaining of illness, and appeared to have been depressed in spirits for some time past. Shortly after the occurrence Dr. HOLDING was sent for, and on his arrival he found a large incised wound across the throat which had severed the wind-pipe and had been bleeding profusely. The hemorrhage was stopped, and Mr. FILMER was removed to Mr. Jas. BARTLETT’s, where he now lies. His injuries are not at present considered serious.

Friday 26 October 1883

MARRIED on the 24th October 1883 at Dutoitspan, Diamond Fields, [Gen…] LAING to Margaret Campbell, only daughter of John C. BAILIE of Potchefstroom.

The following is from the P.A. Budget: Since the account in our last [issue] of this lamentable accident, we regret to record that the case has terminated fatally. We have been requested by the father of the deceased, Mr. Mitford HAYWARD sen. of Bathurst to correct the report which appeared in our last issue. It appears that on the 13th instant George M. HAYWARD, the deceased, and George HODGKINSON jun went out to the bush to look for bucks. On getting into the bush they separated, and arranged to come out at a certain opening. The deceased came [near] but did not observe his companion come out, and went on, following a wagon road, and turned in to the edge of the bush again. HODGKINSON seeing an object move in the bush, like the head of a buck, fired at once, but immediately afterwards heard a cry from HAYWARD, “George, I am shot”. There were no other persons near in the company of the two. So soon as the disaster was made known to the father, Messrs. M.H. HAYWARD and DONNELLY were dispatched on horseback to Port Alfred for Dr. WALKER, but who was unavoidably absent at Grahamstown. The services of the District Surgeon (Dr. A. PRESTON) was secured and he attended at once. The injuries, however, were mortal, and the young man succumbed to them after considerable suffering on Wednesday evening, 17th instant. It seems no buck was really seen but the fur cap of the deceased deceived his friend, and hence the disaster. Great sympathy is felt for Mr. HAYWARD and family, who are so well known and respected in Bathurst; all must condole with Mr. HODGKINSON jun, who must suffer immensely as being the unfortunate cause of such a painful event.

Wednesday 31 October 1883

MARRIED at Christ Church, Grahamstown, on the 30th October, by the Rev. Canon Espin, assisted by the Rev. Matthew Norton, Roland, third son of the late Richard TRIMEN of 71 Guildford-street, Russell-square, London, to Blanche, only daughter of the late Edward Boys BULL, of Calcutta.

The P.E. Telegraph regrets to have to state that Mr. H. TRENT, formerly of Port Elizabeth and lately of Commadagga, died on Saturday last somewhat suddenly. A few weeks ago deceased met with a severe accident by a fall from his horse, but it was not anticipated that his injuries would have a fatal termination. Mr. TRENT was well known here and highly respected.

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