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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1885 08 August

Saturday 1 August 1885

A fatal accident occurred a few days ago to a fine young fellow, a son of Mr. N. ELS, a farmer residing near the Kei. The poor fellow (says the Watchman) got so severely crushed between an embankment and a wagon that death resulted almost immediately.

A serious accident occurred at Kamasha on Monday evening to Dr. MOORE, on his return from Uitenhage. He was riding round the fence leading to the farm, on a canter, when his horse fell, rolling over him. Dr. MOORE’s knee (says the Chronicle) is so severely injured that it is feared he will not be able to move about for some months to come.

The Uitenhage Times writes: Mr. RAWBONE, of Elandsfontein, in the Eland’s River Ward, met with a serious accident on his return home from Port Elizabeth a few days ago. When in the act of jumping on to his wagon, his foot slipped, causing him to fall in front of the wheels of the vehicle, which passed over his chest. We have as yet no further intimation as to how the patient is progressing.

A man names BOTES living at Damerfontein, No.4. Gouph, on the direct road to Fraserburg, accidentally shot his little son. It appeared that the father, while getting his gun ready for shooting, found it choked, and putting a cap on, fired it, shooting his child through the back, the bullet coming out above the liver, causing instant death. Dr. DREW held a post mortem, when the foregoing facts were elicited. We (Beaufort West Courier) understand that this accident, like so many others of the kind, was the result of gross carelessness, which deserves punishment.

Tuesday 4 August 1885

DIED at Colesberg on Friday morning, July 31st, William Lovell HEATHCOTE, late Capt. of -- Regt, and formerly of the Cape Cavalry, eldest son of Rear Admiral Sir Henry HEATHCOTE and grandson of Sir William HEATHCOTE, Bart, of Hursley, Hants.

This morning there was another wedding at the Baptist Church, when one of the daughters of the respected pastor of that place of worship was married to Mr. Fred. WHEELDON, son of Mr. J. WHEELDON, who parted with a daughter last week under the same circumstances. Miss NUTTALL, the fair bride, looked charming in a dress of Indian silk, with silk lace to match, and wreath, veil and orange blossoms. The bridesmaids, Miss N. NUTTALL and Miss Louise WHEELDON, looked very graceful in dresses of apricot nun’s veiling, trimmed with twine coloured lace. The ceremony was conducted by the father of the bride, the Rev. L. NUTTALL, the service being choral. There was a very large gathering of friends in the church. The happy pair left by special cart for Bathurst followed by good wishes of a numerous company assembled to see them off. We beg to offer our congratulations.

The Argus writes: The many friends of the SOLOMON family will regret to learn that news has been received by the last mail of the death of Mr. Arthur SOLOMON, son of Mr. Henry SOLOMON Sen. Arthur SOLOMON studied at Edinburgh for some time with a view of entering the medical profession; but the young man’s bent was towards a military life. He entered the 19th Hussars, and gained his stripes in that distinguished regiment, which he accompanied to Egypt, and was, no doubt, on the way to further promotion when he was seized with fever, and is now reported to have died at Cairo, after an illness of three weeks. We believe young SOLOMON went through some of the most exciting scenes in the campaigns in Egypt and the Sudan.

Thursday 6 August 1885

BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 4th Aug 1885, the wife of W. WENTWORTH Jun, of Collingham, of a son.

Saturday 8 August 1885

The Cape Times records the death of Mr. HAWTHORN, who was an old public servant, and was at the time of his death – and had been for many years – chief clerk of the Convict Department of the Crown Lands Office. He was an enthusiastic Freemason, and was District Grand Secretary for a good while, and on retirement from office he was presented with a jewel by the unanimous vote of the Western Grand Lodge. He was appointed Deputy District Grand Master of the Western Division of the District Grand Lodge of South Africa, an office he held up to the time of his death.

Monday 10 August 1885

DIED at Colesberg on Friday morning, July 31st, William Lovell HEATHCOTE, late Capt. of -- Regt, and formerly of the Cape Cavalry, eldest son of Rear Admiral Sir Henry HEATHCOTE and grandson of Sir William HEATHCOTE, Bart, of Hursley, Hants. Aged 83 years and 3 months.

We regret to hear of two deaths which occurred very suddenly on Saturday night. These were the deaths of Mr. LIGGAT and Mr. CLINTON, the former a painter in the employ of Mr. FREEMAN, and the latter an employee in Mr. T.H. COPELAND’s establishment.

At the last ordinary meeting of the University Council, Capetown, held to receive the reports of the examiners at the recent University Examinations, we (Telegraph) have pleasure in noticing that Mr. F.A. PEMBERTON, son of Dr. PEMBERTON of this town, had one of the two University Exhibitions granted to him. These Exhibitions are worth £30 a year for two years, and they are only granted in cases of distinguished merit in the character of the papers, which merit will be something in addition to the numerical place obtained by the candidate in the honours list. The first and second in the honours list are entitled to the two scholarships founded by Mrs. JAMIESON, worth £25 per annum for two years. But when the University Exhibitions are bestowed the Mrs. JAMSON awards go to the candidates next – and lower – on the list. We congratulate our young fellow townsman on his success.

A Kimberley paper writes: It was indeed a sad and untimely end to which poor Lieutenant DAFFY came. His body was discovered in the River on Sunday last at a spot bordering on Melville Park. His remains were removed to the Police Barracks, where they were placed in a coffin. The interment took place on Monday afternoon in the Barkly Cemetery, in the presence of a vast body of spectators. He was buried with military honours. The mournful procession left the barracks and proceeded to the cemetery, having been joined by the band of the Royal Scots, who played the “Dead March”. A firing party from the same Regiment also followed the remains. On arriving at the cemetery the solemn funeral service was read by the Rev. W.E. HUNTER, Rector of Barkly, after which three volleys were fired over the grave. The procession then returned, headed by the brass band, which played the harmonious air of “Far Far Away”.

Tuesday 11 August 1885

A Times correspondent at the Orange River sends the following report (by telegraph) of a sad accident on the Kimberley extension line, resulting in the death of Mr. FOOKS, who was recently known in theatrical and musical circles under the name of [Severno]. - This morning (Friday) another accident occurred on the construction line beyond the Orange River, in which Mr. FOOKS was killed and another injured. Mr. FOOKS was in the employ of the contractors, was seated on one of the tracks, fell over, and was killed. Deceased was a son-in-law to Mr. PINCHON, Government Surveyor at Port Elizabeth, and formerly partner of the firm FOOKS & GIMMINGHAM.

Wednesday 12 August 1885

MARRIED on the 11th instant in the ProCathedral at Grahamstown, by the Rev. Wharton B. Smith, Agnes Maria, daughter of the late R.E. BARNES of Beckenham, Kent, England, to Edward GIBBON of Fauresmith, Orange Free State.

The following appears in our Dordrecht exchange:- A happy couple were united in the bonds of Legal and Holy Matrimony by our worthy Magistrate (L.G. RAWSTORNE Esq) on Saturday last. The bridegroom, Mr. Elijah GANDA ( a Police Constable and a Fingo) applied for a special licence in order that he might be possessed of the person and manifold charms of one Miss Sannah MFENQU (Tambookie), daughter of Mr. MFENQU of Lady Frere. The imposing ceremony passed off with great eclat, in the presence of a numerous attendance. The “blushing” bride was accompanied by a charming “lady in waiting” who was no doubt there for the purpose of acting as bridesmaid. In honour of the event the Magistrate granted the intoxicated (with joy) bridegroom a day’s holiday in order that he might spend his honeymoon free from the various and onerous duties of a “bobby”. We wish the newly married couple every happiness.

Yesterday afternoon Mr. F. CLINTON, who died rather suddenly at the Albany General Hospital on Sunday last, was buried in the Roman Catholic Cemetery. It having transpired that the deceased was at one time a member of the Irish Foresters in Port Elizabeth, application was made to the Secretary of the Court Queen Victoria (Grahamstown) as to whether he was out of compliance, and though such proved to be the case, the members of the Court attended the funeral as a mark of esteem for a brother Forester. The order was as follows:- The hearse containing the corpse, the Foresters in regalia, and about forty friends and fellow workmen. Father TROY officiated at the grave.

Thursday 13 August 1885

A Bay contemporary to hand writes: Yesterday afternoon the body of a European, named James BRENNAN, who has been for some time past an inmate of the Night Refuge, was found floating in the surf opposite the Boating Companies stores, but it has not yet been ascertained whether the man committed suicide or fell into the water.

Friday 14 August 1885

The Rev. HEUGH, for thirty years Dutch Reformed Minister at Humansdorp, died somewhat suddenly on Monday.

Mr. R.D. CUMMING, Law Agent, Beaconsfield, victim of the recent tar and feathering outrage, died on Saturday of inflammation of the lungs.

Saturday 15 August 1885

DIED at Maclear on June 26th 1885, Henry Bertram (Bertie), aged 3 years and 5 days, and on 26th July, William Bertram, aged 8 months and 12 days, dearly beloved children of Charlie and Florence CROFT.

With regret we (Uitenhage Times) record the death of the Rev. William Fleming HEUGH of Humansdorp. He was born on 18th August 1826, and died at his residence, Sunnyside, near Humansdorp, on the 10th instant. He was ordained a member of the Gospel in the Presbyterian Church, Scotland, as well as in the Dutch Church of Holland. Arriving at the Cape in 1851, he immediately received a call from Humansdorp, which he accepted, and served faithfully there for thirty years, until he was compelled by failing health to retire. He received several calls from other congregations, Adelaide, Smithfield, Bloemfontein and other places in this Colony; also one from Holland and one from the Presbyterian Church, Port Elizabeth, but declined them all, preferring to remain faithful to his first charge. He was buried on Tuesday afternoon the 11th instant in the Humansdorp cemetery. The funeral was attended by a large portion of his old congregation, the burial service was read by the Rev. GROENEVELD, who also delivered a most touching address. The church was draped in black, all business places closed, and all in the village accompanied the remains to their last resting place. To his widow and children we tender our heartfelt sympathy.

Monday 17 August 1885

The prevalence of this dangerous malady is causing some uneasiness in Graaffreinet. Last week one of the pupils of the Dutch Reformed Church School, a boy of about 13, son of Mr. W. BURGER, died of it, and three or four other pupils are suffering from the disease. The consequence has been that the school has been closed for a fortnight. We (G.R. Advertiser) hear on going to press that one of the teachers, Mr. BRINK’s children, died today of the disease, and that another is in danger of death.

DIED on August 1st 1885, at Griquatown, Griqualand West, William Thompson LLOYD, Chemist and Druggist, formerly of Grahamstown, aged 62 years. Friends kindly accept this notice.

The F.B. Advocate has the following: James RUSSELL, a painter by trade, came to an untimely end on Friday morning last. He had been drinking heavily, a habit to which he was unfortunately much addicted, and had got to a state bordering on delirium tremens. On the previous Monday he took part in the performance of the Blue Ribbon, the members of which order did all in their power to restrain RUSSELL from drink, and a few days afterwards he commenced drinking again. He was missed on Thursday, when a report was made that the body of a man was in the river; those who heard it suspected that RUSSELL might be the unfortunate. It proved too true. When a party of prisoners arrived at the spot near the old [obscured] they saw a man standing up in the water, a portion of his head being visible. It is surmised that RUSSELL had been out on Thursday evening, and missing his way home wandered towards the river. The night was instantly cold, and the poor fellow must have perished very quickly. He was still in a standing position when found, as if he had walked into the water and was unable to proceed further. The body was placed in the gaol hospital and interred the following day in the cemetery.

Tuesday 18 August 1885

DIED July 13th at St.Helier’s, Milbrook, Southampton, Sarah Frances Sophia, widow of Major-General Robert Newport TINLEY, late Colonel Commanding 39th Regiment and Cape Mounted Rifles.

Notice of the decease of Mrs. TINLEY, widow of Major-General TINLEY, formerly Colonel commanding the 39th Regiment and Cape Mounted Rifles, appears in our obituary column.

Wednesday 19 August 1885

We (Transvaal Advertiser) regret to have to report a serious accident to a son of Mr. BEST, who a short time ago left Pretoria for a farm in the Waterburg district. It appears that a loaded gun had been left in the house, and one of Mr. BEST’s daughters, in the absence of her father, attempted to take out the cartridge. Whilst engaged in that operation, from some cause or other it exploded, and the charge passed into the leg of the boy a little above the ankle joint, and completely shattered it. Miss BEST rode into Pretoria on Monday last to obtain medical assistance for her unfortunate brother, but we have not yet heard whether the accident has terminated fatally or not.

Friday 21 August 1885

The Watchman writes: A sad and fatal accident occurred in the Chalumna district on Friday last. For some little time two sons of Mr. Thomas SURMON have been staying with Mr. PAYNE at Chalumna, and on Friday last they prepared to go for a hunt in the bush which adjoins the homestead. Everything was prepared and as the two young men were passing out at the door through some cause the gun carried by Mr. Chas. SURMON accidentally exploded and the bullet passed through his neck and out at the top of his head. The poor young fellow was well known throughout the district, and much regret was expressed at his untimely end. The funeral took place on Monday and was largely attended. We offer our condolences to the sorrowing family who by this melancholy accident have been deprived of one of their most promising members.

Saturday 22 August 1885

Dean WILLIAMS died at the Deanery, Grahamstown, this morning about 7 o’clock, the melancholy tidings being made known by the tolling of the bell of St.George’s. The event was not altogether expected, though it was known he had been in declining health for some months past. For the last two Sundays, though he had preached, he had been too ill to read prayers in the Cathedral, and this part of the service had been performed in his stead by the Precentor, Mr. PRYCE. In the hope of an improvement he paid a very brief visit to the Kowie with his friend Mr. H.C. BELL; and returned to town yesterday in a very feeble condition. At 9:30pm he was taken with a fit of vomiting, and brought up a quantity of blood. Mr. PRYCE and Mr. Thos. SHEFFIELD, who came in, at once obtained the professional help of Dr. DILLON (in the absence of Dr. ATHERSTONE) and the Dean was got to bed, and felt so much recovered that he would not have either of the friends named to remain any longer. They left the Dean shortly before midnight, having no idea that they should never see him again in life. However, he slept well; but towards morning another fit of vomiting came on, and Dr.ATHERSTONE, who was hastily summoned, arrived only in time to see him expire. His death took place at 7:20am. We have said that his health had been declining, almost visibly for some time past; but the immediate cause of decease was the complete prostration arising from the excessive haemorrhage above mentioned.
The Very Rev. Frederick Henry WILLIAMS was born at Skea House, County Fermanagh, Ireland in 1820. He came out to the Colony about Christmas 1865, upon the invitation of Bishop COTTERELL, to assume the charge of St.George’s Parish, with the Military Chaplaincy, and with the dignity of Dean. Previous to his acceptance of this preferment he was vicar of the important parish of Ashton-under-Lyme in Lancashire, where his exertions for the relief of the distressed operatives during the cotton famine were acknowledged by the presentation of a handsome testimonial in the shape of a silver shield. On his arrival in Grahamstown he became known as a man of considerable power, an able preacher, a fluent speaker, and an influential writer for the press, having been connected for many years, as is well known, with the editorial department of the Eastern Star, for the leading articles of which he was understood to be responsible. He took an active part in local affairs, and may be said for some years to have been a leading spirit in Grahamstown. Unfortunately other events, of which we wish to say very little, occurred to overcloud his prospects, and diminish the acceptance and influence which his talents and position at first secured. Difficulties arose between himself and the Bishop of the Diocese, which ended in DR. WILLIAMS refusing to acknowledge the authority of Bishop MERRIMAN, and in his being formally excluded from the Anglican Church in South Africa. The Dean thus took up the position of an adherent of the “Church of England” party in South Africa, who desire to be assimilated in all respects to the English Establishment, and to be bound as to doctrine and discipline by the decisions of English Courts on Ecclesiastical Law. The unhappy dispute was maintained with acrimony for many years, and every resident in Grahamstown as well as many in distant towns must have been painfully cognisant of the bitter feeling that it excited and maintained. The separation from the Grahamstown Diocese left Dean WILLIAMS without an episcopal superior, and almost without ministerial colleagues. It will be remembered that the late Bishop COLENSO of Natal, a few years since, visited Grahamstown at the Dean’s request, and held a confirmation service at St.George’s. Other troubles came in later years to add to the anxiety which this separation, and the litigation it involved, occasioned to Dr. WILLIAMS. His domestic relations were unfortunate; and a series of imputations against his character formed the subject of more than one libel case in the E.D. Court. Owing to these accumulated causes, the popularity of the Dean declined; and it may no doubt be assumed that his social and ecclesiastical isolation told upon his health, and tended to shorten his days. We have not the slightest wish to moralise upon his career; but would commend the memory of Dean WILLIAMS to the remembrance of those who knew and admired him during the earlier and brighter period of his life in South Africa. He has left an enduring memorial of his taste and energy in the handsome tower of St.George’s, which was rebuilt and furnished with a peal of bells during his incumbency, mainly through his efforts in collecting the necessary funds. The design was contributed by Sir Gilbert SCOTT, and no doubt if matters had gone well the remainder of the Church would have been rebuilt in conformity with the stately tower. If we are not too fanciful, we might see in the contrast between the two portions of the Church where Dean WILLIAMS so long ministered, some resemblance to the strong and aspiring promise of his earlier career, and to its termination in failure and sadness.
We learn that some days ago Bishop WEBB, on hearing of Dean WILLIAMS’s illness, sent word that he would be very happy to visit him; but there was at that time no anticipation of the suddenness with which death was approaching. As the deceased was the Colonial Military Chaplain, his funeral, which will take place tomorrow, will be of a military character. The Rev. Mr. OVERTON will conduct the service at the Cathedral and at the grave.

Monday 24 August 1885

DIED at the Deanery, Grahamstown on Saturday August 22 1885, Frederick Henry WILLIAMS D.D., Dean of Grahamstown and Rector of St.George’s Cathedral, aged 56 years.

DIED at his residence, Market-square, Grahamstown, John KNIGHT, aged 59 years 1 month and 9 days, son of the late Thomas KNIGHT, Bolton Farm, Ipswich, Suffolk, England, leaving a widow and large family to mourn their loss.
The funeral of the above will leave his late residence on Market-square tomorrow (Tuesday) afternoon at 3:30 o’clock. Friends are invited to attend.

We regret to report the death of Mr. John KNIGHT, which sad event occurred last night after a week’s illness. Mr. KNIGHT was for some years a respected assistant in Mr. COPELAND’s establishment, being the head of the clothing department. He was an old military man, and served with distinction in the Indian War. He was rewarded with a pension and secured several medals. He came out to this Colony some time ago to join the Cape Corps. We beg to express our sympathy with the widow and family.

Many of our readers will be grieved to learn that Mr. COOMBES, who has many friends in Albany, has met with a serious accident on the line near the Orange River. The following telegram has been received by Mr. LAIRD from Mr. C. JONES: “Orange River – JONES to LAIRD – COOMBES met with an accident this morning in the train. Arm and leg smashed. Fear worst. Three boys hurt.”

Tuesday 25 August 1885

The Funeral of the late Mr. D. McLAREN, of Southwell Steam Mills, will leave Somerset-street, near the residence of the late DR. DAVIES, tomorrow (Wednesday) afternoon at half past 2. Friends are invited to attend.

The Funeral of the late Mr. P. HEALY will leave his late residence, Africa-street, tomorrow (Wednesday) afternoon at 4 o’clock. Friends are invited to attend.

Last night there died Mr. P. HEALY, an old and well-known resident of Grahamstown. Mr. HEALY has for many years carried on the occupation of blacksmith. He had been suffering from a long and severe illness. He leaves a large family to mourn his loss.

We deeply regret having to report that the accident to Mr. COOMBS at Orange River has terminated fatally. The following telegram was received this morning by Mr. PHILIP from Mr. C. JONES:- “COOMBS died last night”. Mr. COOMBS with Mr. DESSON, another Grahamstown man, had the contract for building the Vaal River Bridge, and the work was carried out with great success. Since then Mr. COOMBS succeeded in securing another good contract. He was well known in Grahamstown and the Albany District, having gained the good will of many during his visiting engagements as a local preacher. For some time he occupied a position of trust on the Port Alfred line, and made many friends while so engaged by his ready courtesy. He was an able, pushing young man with a good career before him. His untimely death will be deeply lamented by many. It is not more than a month ago that he was in Grahamstown on a holiday, and afterwards returned in improved health to the Orange River, to throw his energies once more into hard work there, in the construction of the Kimberley railway.

The E.P. Herald has the following: This community was somewhat startled last Saturday morning to learn by telegram from Grahamstown that the Rev. Dr. WILLIAMS, Dean of Grahamstown, had breathed his last. A private telegram mentions that much indignation was aroused in Grahamstown by the refusal of the Bishop of the Diocese to allow any of his clergymen to bury the late Dean, but it must be borne in mind that the deceased had been excommunicated by the late Bishop, and it is possible that under the circumstances the Bishop had no power to do otherwise. We are not going to argue the point here, but in justice to the Bishop and his clergy, it is right that all the circumstances should be taken into consideration. The deceased Dean was Military Chaplain and was buried with military honours, a large number of Volunteers turning out on the occasion. Thus ended a fitful life. Let us hope that the soul of the deceased will find beyond the grave that everlasting rest and peace which was denied him here throughout his eventful career.

The following is from the Bloemfontein Friend. An esteemed correspondent writes us from Smithfield that the body of an aged man, who had evidently perished from cold and hunger, was found dead in the veld, on the 9th instant, on the farm Groot Zuurfontein. The proprietor of the farm buried the body on the spot where it was found, with the clothes on. It is supposed that the poor man’s name was Alexander or Allen EDGAR, who was for a long time schoolmaster at Klein Hugo’s, and was well known to a good many inhabitants of Smithfield, and once made application to become librarian of the library there. It appears that EDGAR had been trying recently to get a situation somewhere in the neighbourhood where his body was found, and had lately called on several farmers for employment, but evidently without success. We understand that the Landdrost of Bethulie, the district in which the corpse was found, held no inquest or post mortem because it is not supposed that deceased came to his end by any foul play, as the poor fellow evidently perished from cold and hunger. We should have thought, however, that it was the duty of an official – either the Fieldcornet or the Landdrost – to hold an inquest and, if possible, to identify the body of the poor unfortunate fellow. We know for a fact that a man cannot be picked up dead in the United States of America, New Zealand, Australia or England without the coroner sitting on the body, but no doubt “they manage things better in France” – and in the Orange Free State too. Mr. EDGAR was a pretty frequent contributor to our columns at one time, and was formerly living, we believe, on Mr. Charles DANIEL’s farm near this town. He was an old soldier, and had lost an arm in the service.

Saturday 29 August 1885

The following is from the Cape Times: An inquest was held on Sunday by the Resident Magistrate, Mr. J.M. CROSBY, into the circumstances attending the death of a white man named Alfred LE CORNU, aged 29, a native of Jersey, who died suddenly on Sunday morning at the Washington Hotel in Loop-street. Annie LE CORNU stated: “I have been married to the deceased for about four years. He was in the navy at first, but lately he has been a boatman in the Docks, working for Charles ROWLANDS. He has been out of work for some time, and so have I, whilst my husband was in hospital with a bad leg. About five months ago I was in the service of JONES in Harrington-street, and since then I have had no work. It is six or seven months since my husband had any employment. He used to drink, and so did I: thus we were absolutely destitute. We slept for two nights in a Malay man’s house, but last night we had nowhere to go to. About a quarter past nine we went to the Washington Hotel in Loop-street, and I asked the landlord to let us have a bed as my husband was very sick. He had been very ill, complaining of pains in his head and chest ever since Wednesday last. The landlord of the hotel said we could go to a servant’s room in the yard, and we went there. I had been in service at the hotel before. We went to bed, and my husband said he felt better. Shortly afterwards he commenced to talk in his sleep and to call out, whereupon I woke him, telling him that by his noise he would disturb people in the hotel. I had to wake him several times, for as soon as he fell asleep he would begin to call out, to sing and to talk, so much so that the landlord came to tell us to keep quiet or his boarders would be disturbed. At last I fell asleep and did not wake till about half past two o’clock this morning, when the landlord again came to tell me to keep my husband quiet, as he was shouting as before. When I woke him he said it was not he who had been talking, but that it was someone under the boards. He appeared to be light headed and asked for water, which I gave him. He then fancied there were all sorts of people in the room; black people, Malays with oranges and others. He then went to sleep again but he kept making such a noise that to keep him quiet I had to wake him. This went on until half past three, when he turned over and died. We were quite sober both of us that night, nor has my husband been drunk for the last fourteen days. He has not eaten anything since Wednesday last, and everything he took he brought up again. I have no children, nor property of any kind.” The doctor’s certificate ascribed death to pleuro-pneumonia and a verdict of death from “natural causes” was accordingly returned.

Monday 31 August 1885

On Wednesday afternoon, says the Beaufort Courier, Harry KROMM, the skilful skater, went on the Reservoir in a canoe, which he stealthily removed from the back yard of his father’s hotel (the Commercial). He went out some distance, when the canoe sank, and the unfortunate man was heard to cry out “Goodbye!” Though search has been made every day for the body, it has not yet been found. Even dynamite has been brought into requisition, but to no effect. It is thought to have got entangled in a bush.

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