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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1886 03 March

Monday 1 March 1886

DIED at “Whitebank”, Mancanzana, District of Bedford, on the 22nd February 1886, James MILLER, at the age of 66 years and 3 months. Deceased was the second son of the late Thomas MILLER, one of the Settlers of 1820.

DIED at Grahamstown on the 24th February, William TRIBE, aged 45 years and 2 months, leaving a sorrowing wife and eight children.
Father, farewell, our mourning thus
We know ‘tis vain; it may not be
That thou can come again to us
But we, dear once, will go to thee.
Then let our thoughts ascend on high,
To Him whose arm is strong to save,
Hope gives to Faith the victory,
And glory dawns beyond the grave.
Mrs. TRIBE begs to thank those kind friends who helped her in her sad trial, especially Dr. HAMILTON for his unremitting attention and kindness.

The marriage of Mr. William MUNGEAM and Miss Minnie OGILVIE was solemnised at Christ Church on Saturday morning, the ceremony being performed by Rev. Canon ESPIN. The bride is the fourth daughter of Mrs. Alfred OGILVIE, and the bridegroom has for some time been a resident of Grahamstown. The bride was given away by her uncle, Mr. John OGILVIE. The bridesmaids were the Misses Ella and Jessie OGILVIE, Mr. SPEAR of Grasslands being best man. After the wedding the company went to Mrs. OGILVIE’s residence the Grove, where the usual congratulatory wishes were expressed for the bride and bridegroom, who subsequently left in a cart and four horses for Grasslands. Some handsome wedding presents were viewed by the company and also a few of a purely useful nature, among which were a fine specimen of a kitchen kettle and other household [necessaries] duly decorated with a white bow.

On Thursday the 18th inst the editor and proprietor of the Pretoria Volkstem and his spouse had the privilege of celebrating their silver wedding.

Tuesday 2 March 1886

DIED at her residence, Grahamstown, on 2nd March 1886, Mary Elizabeth, the beloved wife of J.S. WILLCOX, in her 50th year.
The Funeral will leave the residence of Mr. WILLCOX tomorrow afternoon at 4 o’clock and will proceed to the Baptist Church, where a short service will be held. Friends are respectfully invited to attend.
A. WILL, Undertaker

BIRTH at Grahamstown on 26th February, the wife of A.D. WRIGHT, Kimberley, of a son.

It is with sincere regret that we have to record the death of Mrs. J.S. WILLCOX, the wife of our worthy Mayor, which sad occurrence took place at 9 o’clock this morning. Mrs. WILLCOX had long been ailing, when dropsy set in, which after keeping her to bed for some weeks brought about the fatal result. To the bereaved family we tender our condolence in their trouble.

Wednesday 3 March 1886

MARRIED on the 27th ult at Christ Church, Oatlands, by the Rev. Canon Espin, William MUNGEAM, son of the late Dr. MUNGEAM of London, to Marion Hester, fourth daughter of the late Alfred OGILVIE Esq of Grahamstown.

John MILLARD, an old resident of the Fields, committed suicide at Dutoitspan on Saturday last. The scene of the tragic occurrence was near the cemetery. It appears that about 7 o’clock in the morning Mr. GREEN, keeper of the cemetery, heard the report of a shot fired some 20 yards off, and on going to ascertain the cause of it he found Mr. MILLARD lying on the ground, holding a revolver in his hand, and with a bullet wound through his head. The unfortunate man was still alive, and lived for a quarter of an hour afterwards, when he expired while being conveyed to Mrs. DIAMOND’s. No motive that we (D.F. Advertiser) know of has been assigned for the rash deed; but probably the death of the deceased’s wife, which took place recently, preyed upon his mind to such an extent as to prompt him to seek relief by self destruction.

Blood-poisoning, which has claimed so many victims amongst us of late, has now (says the Cape Argus) carried off another in the person of Mr. Frank PORTER, one of the best known of our citizens. Mr. PORTER left home on Tuesday last for the purpose of paying a visit to Worcester, and returned on Friday evening in a condition which at once gave rise to the gravest concern, which proved to be only too well justified by the speedy result which ensued. Drs. BECK and MURRAY were called in and did all that medical skill could suggest, but entirely without avail, the patient dying at an early hour yesterday morning. Mr. PORTER, who was a half-brother of the famous Attorney-General of the Colony, had for many years occupied a leading position in mercantile circles, and he will be greatly missed from the sphere in which he has moved.

Thursday 4 March 1886

We very much regret to hear of the death from typhoid fever of Miss Mary TROWER, second daughter of Mr. R. TROWER of Maseru, Basutoland. This sad event took place last night at Mr. T. HOLMES’s farm Nooitgedacht, near Bloemfontein, where she had been taken ill on her journey home. Miss TROWER was a young lady of no ordinary mental and social qualities, and her untimely death at the early age of twenty will be keenly felt by a large circle of friends in this and many other places. We offer our sincerest sympathy to the bereaved relatives, many of whom were unprepared for so fatal a termination to the disease.

The funeral ceremony of the late Mayoress took place at the Baptist Church yesterday afternoon, Rev. G.A. CROSS officiating. Revs. J. WALTON (who took part in the service), J.A. CHALMERS and R. MATTERSON were also present. A long procession followed the hearse to the Baptist Cemetery. The Members of the Town Council, which in honour to the Mayor had adjourned its usual meeting, formed part of the procession. The chief mourners were the Mayor, and the three Messrs. AMOS, brothers of the deceased. At the grave the remainder of the service was conducted by the Rev. G.A. CROSS.

Saturday 6 March 1886

DIED at Nooitgedacht, Bloemfontein, of Typhoid Fever, on the 2nd instant, Mary, second daughter of Richard TROWER, of Maseru, Basutoland, aged 19 years.

The sad intelligence that DR. HUMAN died at sea before reaching Madeira was received here (says the E.P. Herald) yesterday afternoon by cablegram from the Island. It was known that the deceased was in a most precarious state, and that his medical advisers in Capetown had told him that he would never reach England alive. Alas, the prediction was fulfilled to the very letter. Dr. HUMAN left Capetown on the Norham Castle on the 17th ult, occupying Captain WINCHESTER’s cabin, which was most kindly given up to him. Of course there are as yet no particulars to hand, but the moment the sad news was known there was a general expression of deep regret for the untimely fate of one so highly respected and esteemed. The deceased was a hard worker, and a quiet unobtrusive man. By his brother Germans he was specially esteemed, and the flags at half-mast yesterday afternoon showed in what great respect the deceased was held.

Monday 8 March 1886

Avery sudden and unexpected death occurred at the Buffalo Hotel last Tuesday. Mr. SCANDRETT, a jeweller from Queenstown, has been staying at this hotel for a short time. It seems that after tiffin he expressed a wish to have a nap and retired to his room for that purpose; shortly afterwards his little girl called attention to the fact that something was wrong, and on going to his room it was found that Mr. SCANDRETT was dead. Drs. DALEY and HILLIER were sent for and arrived shortly afterwards, when they pronounced life to be extinct. Great sympathy is expressed for the family of Mr. SCANDRETT in their bereavement. The deceased was well known and highly respected, not only in Queenstown where he resides, but throughout the whole frontier, and his sudden death will be regretted by a large circle of his acquaintances. Since writing the above we [E.L. Advertiser] learn that the cause of death was heart disease. The body was taken by rail on Wednesday morning to Queenstown for interment.

Tuesday 9 March 1886

MARRIED at Somerset East on Wednesday 3rd March 1886, by the Rev. John LONGDEN, assisted by the Rev. C.S. Franklin, Quinten Henderson SCOTT, Solicitor, to Lucy Mary LONGDEN, third daughter of the Rev. John LONGDEN.

Thursday 11 March 1886

We very much regret to record the death of an old and esteemed fellow-townsman, Mr. J.B. STYLE, at the advanced age of 72. Mr. STYLE came to this Colony with the Settlers of 1820, and as a young man took an active part in the Kafir wars which followed that period. Of late years (say the Budget) his failing health was such as to confine him to his house, but it was not until a few months ago that serious symptoms showed themselves; after which the weakness of old age was rapidly increased, and he passed painlessly and quietly away last Tuesday night at 8 o’clock. We tender our sincere sympathy to the bereaved relatives.

We regret to record a sad case of suicide which took place at Berberry, near Shaw Park, on Sunday the 7th instant, when Mr. Thomas HOPPER, a farmer well known in the Eastern Province as a carrier, poisoned himself by taking a quantity of McDougall’s sheep dip. It would appear that [on] the morning in question Mrs. HOPPER and some of the children went to church at Shaw Park, leaving her husband at home, who had complained of being unwell. On her return he was lying on a sofa apparently very ill, and in answer to his wife’s questions stated that he had taken a tumbler-full of McDougall’s sheep dip. Steps were immediately taken to relieve the sufferer, but without success, and he died sometime afterwards, after suffering the most acute and excruciating pain. The matter was reported to the authorities here on Monday last, when the District Surgeon (Dr. PRESTON) went out and held a post mortem examination. We (Budget) believe that temporary embarrassments were the cause of this rash deed. Deceased leaves a wife and eight children, to whom we tender our sincere condolences in their sad bereavement.

Mr. B. STEVENS, in the service of Messrs. J.W. STEVENS & Co at Steynsburg, committed suicide on Wednesday afternoon the 3rd March last, at Steynsburg, by taking a dose of strychnine. He went up to their store in the afternoon (Wednesday), being half holiday, and locked himself in. Someone was passing the store and heard groans inside; they called out to another party and said that someone was drunk in the store. When the poor fellow heard the voices he called out “for God’s sake come in, I am dying”. Mr. HISKIN, also in the employ of Messrs. STEVENS & Co, was sent for. He came down at once and burst the door open, when they found him lying on a stretcher in fearful agony. The special J.P. was sent for, who took his dying declaration. He stated that he had taken the poison because he had sinned against God. He seemed to be very melancholy for some time, and it is supposed that he had become religiously mad. It has cast quite a gloom over our little village. Unfortunately (says the E.P. Herald’s correspondent) we have no doctor here who could have assisted him, and although there were several of the townspeople who did what they could for him, he only lived two hours after taking the poison. Great sympathy is felt for his mother and relations, who are nearly all in England.

On Monday afternoon Trinity Church, King Williamstown, was thronged to witness the marriage of Mr. A.S. HUTTON, AYLIFF, BELL and HUTTON, Solicitors of Grahamstown, to Blanche, eldest daughter of the late Mr. T.H. GIDDY, solicitor, of this town. Though the wedding was planned to be of the very quietest description, the presence of a very large circle of friends of the bride’s family gave it an interest as great as that of any ceremony of the kind which has taken place here, and amongst those in the church we noticed several barristers attending Circuit, friends of the bridegroom. The bride wore a dress of a soft, creamy, woollen texture with a hat of cream velvet and feathers. Captain LANNING gave the bride away, the attendant maids being her two younger sisters. The party went direct from the church to the railway station, where a large number of friends gathered to offer congratulations, and as the train steamed out of the station the customary shower of rice was rained on the happy couple. The explosion of fog signals placed on the line by the officials added to the evidence of joyousness suitable to the occasion. We (Mercury) echo the hope of hundreds of friends throughout the Cape in wishing Mr. and Mrs. HUTTON a very happy, useful and prosperous life.

Monday 15 March 1886

We regret to have to record the death on Saturday evening last of Mrs. MASON, widow of the late Capt. Jas. MASON, formerly of Port Elizabeth and later of [Kank] Beach Hotel. It is not saying too much that for many years Capt. MASON and the Masonic Hotel were with the travelling public classed among the institution of Port Elizabeth, and there are hundreds who will not forget the geniality of the host, or the kindness of the hostess whose death we now record. The funeral, which took place early this morning, was attended by a large number of citizens.

A private cablegram received from Bedford announces the death of Dr. REES.

A man named LUHN, a German who on Thursday had got his fingers crushed by the machinery at Herman’s Mill, [Dansport], where he was employed, on Tuesday forenoon shortly after eleven o’clock blew his head off with a dynamite cap, which he placed in his mouth, exploded by lighting with a candle. The rash act was accomplished in a room in Brodrick’s Buildings, Church Square, the unfortunate man’s head being completely blown from the body by the explosion of the detonator, and the blood and brains scattered over the walls and ceiling of the room. No cause (says the Advertiser) has at present been assigned for the suicide.

News was received (says the Recorder in Adelaide) at the beginning of last week that Mr. James MILLER, who had been resident in that neighbourhood for some years past, had expired suddenly at the farm Whitebank. From what we can gather Mr. MILLER had partaken, early on Monday, of a watermelon, and complained immediately after of being unwell. He became rapidly worse, was seized with spasms, and in the course of a few hours expired. The funeral, which took place on Wednesday, was largely attended, there being a number of townspeople present, and much sympathy is felt for Mrs. MILLER in this hour of trial. Mr. MILLER was well known in this colony, particularly in Grahamstown and its neighbourhood. At one time he was looked upon, and with good reason, as the strongest man in South Africa, and his feats of strength as recorded are truly marvellous, quite equalling if not surpassing those attributed to the late celebrated athlete, Colonel Fred BARNABY.

Thursday 18 March 1886

BIRTH at Grahamstown on March 17 1886, the wife of Mr. Thos. SHEFFIELD of a daughter.

Mrs. P. [BOTHAM], daughter of Mr. S.P. HENNING, of Sterkfontein, in the division of Aliwal North, died (says a contemporary) on the 1st March, after a painful illness of about 10 days. The illness was caused in the first instance through eating “prickly pears”. Dr. YOUNG attended the unfortunate young lady, but owing to a complication of circumstances she did not rally.

Saturday 20 March 1886

MARRIED at Christ Church, Grahamstown, by the Rev. M. Norton, on the 20th March 1886, William Marwood MULES, eldest son of the late William Marwood MULES, Lieut. and Adjutant Royal Bombay Fusiliers, to Fanny, fourth daughter of George WALLIS Esq of Grahamstown.

Thursday 25 March 1886

DIED at Grahamstown on Monday March 22nd 1886, Lydia Gertrude, the infant daughter of Henry Elizabeth CLARK, aged 15 months and 18 days.
“Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not, for of such is the kingdom of heaven.”

We regret to hear that Mrs. Jesse STOW of Tarkastad was found drowned in the river last Sunday night. It is feared, says the Register, that the unfortunate lady was not in her right mind at the time.

Friday 26 March 1886

The Funeral of the late Mrs. Chas. POTE will leave her late residence, Fort England, tomorrow (Saturday) morning at 8 o’clock. Friends are respectfully invited to attend.

Monday 29 March 1886

BIRTH at Uitenhage on 26th March 1886, the wife of Rev. W.S. CALDECOTT of a daughter.

BIRTH at Hopewell Farm, Somerset East District, on March 22nd 1886, the wife of Milton POTE of a daughter.

DIED at Grahamstown on Friday 26th March 1886, Thomas CLOUGH, aged 35 years.

We regret to have to record the death of Mr. Thomas CLOUGH, or Tom CLOUGH as he was familiarly called, at his residence on Friday last. The deceased, a few years back, was a fine promising young man with apparently a long lease of life before him, but since the unfortunate domestic and financial troubles came upon the family, he seemed to have lost all heart, and the death of his mother about two years ago seemed to quite crush him. He was a great lover of sport, and the old 1st City men will remember his connection with that corps as 1st Lieutenant during the first two or three years of its formation as one of the smartest drills in the regiment. He was also an ardent lover of cricket, and cricketers generally throughout the Eastern Province will regret to hear of his death. Not only was he a tolerably good all round man, but was reckoned one of the best bowlers in the Colony. The funeral took place on Saturday afternoon and was fairly attended, considering the short notice which was given, a number of his former companions assembling as a last mark of respect. The Revs. N. ABRAHAM and T. SPARGO conducted the last funeral rites.

Tuesday 30 March 1886

We regret to hear of the death of Mr. SAMPSON, of Sea View, near Kleinemonde, which took place on Saturday after a few days illness from inflammation of the lungs.

Wednesday 31 March 1886

MARRIED on the 31st March at Grahamstown by the Rev J.A. Chalmers, Alexander D. DIACK MD, Fort Beaufort, to Helen Heiton, daughter of the late Robert BLAIN, Edinburgh.

The Tarka herald writes: a very tragic death occurred in Tarkastad on Sunday night last. Mrs. STOW, the wife of Mr. John STOW Sen, one of the oldest residents here, had been an invalid for a lengthened period and unable to leave the house. On Sunday evening last the rest of the family having gone to the Episcopal Church, Mrs. STOW and one of the daughters were left at home. Soon after Mrs. STOW said she was going to bed, and retired for that purpose; but instead of doing so the unfortunate lady left the house, and in attempting to cross the river, which was somewhat swollen at the time from the rain which was falling, she appears to have lost her footing, and probably stunned by the fall, was carried down the stream to Middle Kraal, where the body was found next morning. Owing to the strict orders she had given before retiring, that she was not to be disturbed, her absence from the house was not discovered until bedtime, and though immediate search was made for her by the family and several friends, it proved unsuccessful, until next morning with the result above stated. For many years the deceased lady had been known in Tarkastad for her kind and Christian sympathy for all, for her unblemished character, and many good deeds. Her sad death has caused quite a shock to the whole community and the bereaved family have the heartfelt sympathy of every resident of the town and district.

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