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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1886 05 May

Saturday 1 May 1886

MARRIED on the 29th April at St.Patrick’s Pro-Cathedral, Grahamstown, by the Reverend H. Fanning, Vicar-general, assisted by the Reverend J. Troy, Francis Edward WOLLASTON, Civil Commissioner and Resident Magistrate of Barkly East, second son of Charles James WOLLASTON C.E. of Kensington, London, to Marion Ernestine, eldest daughter of Henry LOCHEE-BAYNE of Grahamstown.

We deeply regret to learn that a cablegram was received yesterday by the relatives in Capetown of Mrs. RICHARDS, announcing her decease in England, which appears to have been somewhat sudden, as she was not known here to have been in seriously ill health. No particulars, however, have as yet reached the Colony in regard to this sad event, which will throw various families in this City and neighbourhood into mourning.

A contemporary hears from Pretoria that Mrs. BOUSFIELD, the wife of the Bishop of Pretoria, died there on Monday last.

Referring to our notice of the death of Mr. HARTLEY, who recently passed away at Kimberley, we learn that there is still on old settler known to be living, at Port Elizabeth. This information reaches us through Mr. John WEBB, who has taken much pains, and made extensive enquiries to ascertain what survivors, if any, still remain of the original band of 1820 Settlers. He was thus enabled to discover that Mr. George PEACH, who is now in the Chronic Ward of Port Elizabeth Hospital, is probably the only surviving male member of that immigration who is entitled to rank as a Settler. He was about 20 years of age when he came out, and consequently must now be about 86. He was one of WHITE’s Party, and came in the Stentor. He worked at his trade (we do not learn what trade) in and near Grahamstown for some years, afterwards removing to Port Elizabeth, then to Gamtoos River, finally settling in Uitenhage as a gardener. He was never married. He bore an excellent character as an industrious and trustworthy workman, and was an attached member of the Wesleyan Church, which he joined through the advice and influence of Mr. JAKINS Senr. of Sevenfountains. Of late years, owing to his great age, his intellect had become weakened, and he has fortunately found a quiet refuge in the Chronic Ward at Port Elizabeth. It is barely possible that some of our readers may know of another; but our belief is that Mr. PEACH will be found to be the last male survivor of the Settlers of 1820.

Monday 3 May 1886

The death is announced on the 2nd April at 58 Portsdown Road, Maida Vale, London of Emma, widow of Frederick HALL, formerly of Grahamstown.

Tuesday 4 May 1886

It is with deep regret that we (Argus) hear of the death of Mr. BRIGHT, C.C. and R.M. of Stellenbosch. Mr. BRIGHT, it will be remembered, was seized with paralysis several weeks ago, but was believed to be in a fair way towards recovery, having had leave of absence for some time in hopes of recovery. Mr. BRIGHT had filled the position of Civil Commissioner and Resident Magistrate of Stellenbosch for five years past; and considering that he was removed thither entirely against his will from a sphere which it was the ambition of his life to fill in the Native Affairs Department, it is marvellous that he should have acquitted himself of his duties so as to win the affection and esteem of the whole division of Stellenbosch, where the sad event now recorded will be the cause of much grief. Mr. BRIGHT, who was but fifty-one years of age, was the eldest son of the Rev. John [Harry] BRIGHT, vicar of Adbaston, Staffordshire.

We (W.V. Messenger) are sorry to learn that Mrs. Michael HEUGH, of Blauwbank, is at present seriously ill from the effects of injuries received from lightning. It seems that on the Wednesday before Nachtmaal this lady, her child, and the maid servant were in the kitchen together; the weather being at the time very heavy. Mrs. HEUGH was engaged near the fireplace when a flash of lightning came - the electric fluid passing down, and breaking, the one side of the chimney, and entering the ground within two or three feet of where she was standing. She fell to the ground and remained senseless for some six hours, but gradually recovered from the immediate effects of the shock. Her husband removed her to his father’s farm (Mr. J. HEUGH’s of Zandgat) and sent for Dr. BOGLE. From the doctor we understand that although lying in a critical condition, he entertains hopes of her ultimate recovery. The maid, who was also present, had a burn upon one of her legs, but she does not appear seriously ill. The child remained unhurt.

Thursday 6 May 1886

Mr. W.O. LEACH, and a party consisting of his brothers, Messrs. Charles and Alfred LEACH, had a narrow escape from serious injury, if not death, a few days ago. They were out on a shooting expedition on the Shiloh Hills, near Whittlesea. The first named gentleman was ahead of the party, riding on a pathway verging a krantz about 15 to 20 ft. deep. Suddenly (says the Representative) the mare he was riding slipped and tumbled down, but Mr. LEACH, who is a skilful horseman, managed to get off the saddle before the animal could carry him down. The double barrelled fowling piece which he carried exploded as he fell, and the contents entered the horse’s neck, killing it on the spot. This was a rather serious result to a day’s sport, but all things considered results were not so bad as they might be.

On Friday last (the Cape Times tells us) Mr. Jas. DELL of the firm LETTERSTEDT & Co, and formerly Railway Traffic Manager, met with a serious accident. He was driving in the neighbourhood of Kenilworth when, through some means or other, the trap overturned, and resulted in Mr. DELL breaking one of his legs in two places.

Friday 7 May 1886

We regret to have to record the death of Mr. Samuel TILDESLEY, which occurred last night. The deceased was seventy years of age, and was one of the oldest residents of this city, having arrived here in [1840], and with the exception of a few years spent in England had made this his residence ever since. We offer our sincere condolences to the bereaved widow.

Monday 10 May 1886

We (Transvaal Advertiser) deeply regret to have to record the death of Mrs. BOUSFIELD, the wife of the Bishop of Pretoria. This sad event took place on Sunday last and it has spread a gloom over the town and district, where the admirable qualities of the deceased lady were known and appreciated. The event was not, however, altogether unexpected, as for many months past the health of Mrs. BOUSFIELD has been a source of anxiety to her family, but it has occurred so shortly after the return of the Bishop and her eldest daughter from England that it is presumed the excitement caused by their arrival at home has proved too much for her enfeebled constitution. His Lordship the Bishop arrived in Pretoria some days ago, and Miss BOUSFIELD reached her home on Friday last, so that when the final parting was at hand the whole family was present. The funeral of the deceased lady took place on Tuesday afternoon. The church had been specially decked for the occasion by pious hands, and appropriate mottoes were placed on the walls, together with wreaths and garlands of flowers. The coffin was of polished wood with gilt mountings, and was covered with wreaths and such-like tokens of affection and respect. The solemn office for the dead was conducted by the Canon KEWLEY and the Rev. Mr. MABER, and when the funeral cortege was formed for the cemetery nearly all the inhabitants of the town, including a large number of ladies, followed the body to its last resting place. We tender our respectful sympathy to the Bishop of Pretoria and his family in their great sorrow and bereavement.

Friday 14 May 1886

Yesterday morning the wedding of Mr. Geo. BOWERS and Miss Emily WHEELDON was solemnised at the Baptist Chapel in Bathurst-street. Mr. BOWERS has been for years a resident in the City, and the bride is the daughter of Mr. James WHEELDON. A large number of friends were present to witness the happy event. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. G.W. CROSS, the bride being given away by her father, and attended by one bridesmaid, her sister, Mr. John HOLMES acting as best man. The newly-married couple on the conclusion of the ceremony made their way to the carriage under a shower of rice, and drove to the house of the bride’s father, where the wedding breakfast was held. The bride’s dress was of figured biscuit coloured tasse, trimmed with cream lace. The veil was of tulle, real flowers and ferns being used for the wreath and dress trimming. The bridesmaid’s dress was of fawn cashmere, and brown plush bodice and hat to match. After breakfast the happy couple started for Fort Brown.

Monday 17 May 1886

We learn that the marriage arranged to take place between the Rev. E.M. BURNEY MA, Priest-Vicar and Precentor of the Cathedral, and Miss WEBB, sister of the Bishop of Grahamstown, will be solemnised at St.George’s Cathedral on Tuesday the 25th inst at 11 o’clock. In consequence of the absence of Mrs. WEBB in England, no special invitations have been issued, but we have been requested to state that the Bishop will be at home after the ceremony to receive any friends, who kindly wish to offer their congratulations to the bride and bridegroom at Bishopsbourne.

Tuesday 18 May 1886

We regret to hear that news was received here on Sunday of the death, in his 74th year, of the Right Rev. Henry COTTERILL DD. The deceased was the second Bishop of Grahamstown, from 1856 to 1871, in which year he was appointed co-adjutor to the Bishop of Edinburgh. We understand that some months ago the deceased was attacked by an illness, the recovery from which was regarded as hopeless.

Wednesday 19 May 1886

In the death of Mrs. WRIGHT Sen., which took place last night at her residence in Bathurst-street, we have to note the close of a most eventful life, and one which from first to last was full of incidents of interest. She has come to her grave “in a full age, as a shock of corn is carried in in its season”; for she was bordering upon her 90th year. She came to this country with her husband, the Rev. Peter WRIGHT, in 1822, to engage in Missionary work. Her first home was at Theopolis, not far from this city; and there she began her labours, in co-operation with those of her husband. Her settlement at this place was fixed in consequence of the precarious state of her health. After a few years’ residence at Theopolis she and her husband removed to Griquatown about 1826. At that time the chief of that country was the well-known Waterboer, whose people were not at all disposed to receive the Gospel. Mr. and Mrs. WRIGHT and their fellow Missionaries had no ordinary difficulties to encounter in the prosecution of their work. The field was new, the country was as yet unopened to commerce, and the intertribal wars which were perpetually taking place exposed their lives to extreme peril. Nothing daunted, they adhered faithfully to their post, and did the work committed to them, and in a few years they had the satisfaction of seeing a flourishing church growing up as the fruit of their prayerful, persevering labours.
From Griquatown they were transferred to Philippolis, which was under the chieftainship of Adam KOK, to endeavour to resuscitate the mission there. After nine months’ arduous toil on that station, the Rev. Mr. WRIGHT was struck down by fever, and died, leaving behind him a widow and nine children. It was a sore trial to Mrs. WRIGHT in her bereavement to be left in that desolate region, far from the sympathy of friends; still she continued at her post, until circumstances led her to return to England. Here she remained for three years, after which she came back to this country and returned to Philippolis. From that station she came to Cradock, where she resided for a year in consequence of the disturbed state of the country, and when ultimately it became safe to travel she removed to Grahamstown, and settled here about 1852. Here she has lived for the long period of thirty years. During her protracted residence in this City, her home has been the favourite resort of a very large circle of friends, by whom she was highly esteemed and loved. There are many here and elsewhere who delighted to hear her tell of the hair-breadth escapes, and the perils she passed through, and the almost insurmountable obstacles which confronted her and her fellow-missionaries in the prosecution of their work. Having been one of the most fearless pioneers of progress in the Colony, she had much to narrate, and it is worthy of note that the late Sir Bartle FRERE, when on his visit to this City, asked to be taken to see her, so that from her own lips he might hear the story of her missionary and other experiences. She was a lady of strong mind, dignified in her demeanour, and withal a true friend. She was very considerate of the poor, and was ever ready to help the distressed and suffering by words of kindness and acts of practical benevolence. She was a great reader, and her mind was stored with useful information. She was a true missionary, and to the last took a lively interest in the spread of the Gospel throughout the world. During her lifetime she had come in contact with some of the great missionaries whose names are household words throughout Christendom, and her reminiscences of these were extremely instructive. In many ways she strove to help on God’s work; and there are many Christian workers who can recall words of sympathy and encouragement she addressed to them, gathered out of her own long experience. She was highly revered by a large circle of relatives, and has left behind her a large number of mourners. Her sons are well-known and esteemed throughout the Colony as men who have done their best to serve their country in various capacities. About three months ago her once strong frame showed signs of giving way. Decay of nature set in, and after long weeks of weary unrest she quietly fell asleep last night. Our brief notice is altogether an inadequate record of her life, but we feel confident that there is material enough to be gathered by her family to give to this Colony the story of an active, devoted worker for Christ, and were this to be done it would be found that Mrs. WRIGHT’s life story would be one of the most thrilling that has been told in the records of missionary and pioneer enterprise. We express our own sympathy and that of the whole community with the bereaved family.

Thursday 20 May 1886

A bright and promising young life has been suddenly cut off, and in consequence a sympathetic gloom fills the hearts and homes of many a family on the Diamond Fields. Colin Fraser GRIMMER, son of Dr. GRIMMER, District Surgeon of Kimberley, was a lad who was beloved not only in his immediate home circle, but by many beyond it who were drawn towards him by reason of his many loveable qualities. It is a sad task to record that he, who on Saturday forenoon was in the full flush of youthful health and happy energies, is dead, and his remains given up to the silent tomb. That afternoon he was riding near the corner of Dutoitspan Road and Jones Street when the horse on which he was mounted suddenly shied and threw him as he was passing a wagon drawn by oxen. He was thrown heavily against one of the bullocks, and the whole span taking fright moved to one side, and the wagon swerved round and passed over the unfortunate young gentleman’s body. He was promptly conveyed to his father’s residence, and all that the best surgical skill and the tenderest treatment from loving hands could do was done to alleviate his sufferings. These, however, only ended with death, which occurred very shortly after the melancholy accident. The funeral took place yesterday afternoon, and was attended by a large number of mourners, the service being a most affecting one. We tender to the sorrowing relatives our respectful sympathy in their hour of sorrow and bereavement.

Friday 21 May 1886

MARRIED on Tuesday May 18th in the Wesleyan Church, Somerset East, by the father of the bride, assisted by the Rev. W. Oates, the Rev. C. Stuart FRANKLIN, Wesleyan Minister, to Henrietta, second daughter of the Rev. J. LONGDEN

At half past 3 o’clock yesterday afternoon the funeral moved from the residence of the late Mrs. WRIGHT in Bathurst-street. The clergy of all denominations, and a large number of friends and relations, were among the followers, besides many citizens who were desirous of paying a last tribute of respect to a name that is honoured throughout the land. The pall-bearers were the Revds. M. NORTON, W.G. CROSS, IMPEY, HELM, TURPIN and SPARGO.

Saturday 22 May 1886

BIRTH at Middelburg on the 19th May 1886, the wife of Walter G. IMPEY of a son.

Tuesday 25 May 1886

The marriage of the Rev. E. BURNEY MA and Miss Amy Aubrey WEBB was solemnised at St.George’s Cathedral this morning, in the presence of a very large number of friends and visitors. The bride is the fifth daughter of the late Allen WEBB Esq, M.D. and F.R.C.S., of the Bengal medical staff, and is a sister of the Bishop of Grahamstown. Mr. BURNEY is the son of the Venerable Archdeacon BURNEY. As the wedding party entered the Cathedral, Mendelssohn’s Wedding March was played on the organ. The ceremony was performed by the Bishop of Grahamstown, assisted by the Venerable Archdeacons WHITE and CROGAN, the latter of whom addressed the newly-married couple in very beautiful language on the duties of their future life. The bride was given away by Mr. HUNTLY, and was attended by four bridesmaids, namely the Misses WEBB, ESPIN, MULLINS and WHITE. Besides these were eight little flower girls, namely the Misses HEMMING, HOLLAND, NORTON, BROWN, BARRY, PACKMAN, TURPIN and BERRY. The service was choral, and from Hymns Ancient and Modern the following were sung: Nos. 350,351, 329 and 290. At the close of the service a wedding march was again played. The wedding party drove to Bishopsbourne, where a large party assembled to congratulate the bride and bridegroom, who afterwards left for Bathurst. The dress of the bride was of duchesse satin trimmed with oriental lace and natural flowers, with a veil and a wreath of natural orange blossom. The bridesmaids were dressed in cream nun’s cloth, trimmed with ruby plush and hats to match. The flower girls wore cream cashmere. We understand that a large number of children belonging to the Cathedral school and other schools of the City have been invited to spend the afternoon in the grounds of Bishopsbourne.

Thursday 27 May 1886

BIRTH at Grahamstown on Tuesday 25th last, the wife of the Rev. Ben. IMPEY of a daughter.

MARRIED on the 25th May at St.George’s Cathedral, Grahamstown, by the Right Reverend the Lord Bishop of Grahamstown, brother of the bride, assisted by the Ven. Archdeacon White and the Ven. Archdeacon Crogan, the Rev. Edward Moore BURNEY MA, Priest-Vicar and Precentor of the Cathedral, to Amy Aubrey WEBB, fifth daughter of the late Allan WEBB Esq, M.D. F.R.C.S. of the Bengal Medical Staff.

Monday 31 May 1886

On Saturday morning Mr. Wm. HEWSON of Salem started with a Scotch-cart to go to the house of Mr. KING, his father-in-law, taking with him his little boy of three years old. On coming to a spot where the road passed through a wire fence, one wheel of the cart came in contact with the wire by which the end post was anchored down, to stand the strain of the fence. This guided the wheel towards the post, against which it struck with such force as to upset the cart on to its side, in which position it was dragged along the road for about fifteen yards. On the upset occurring, the little boy, instead of being thrown clear of the cart, remained on the lower side with his head in the space between the road and the side planks. On the oxen being stopped, it was found that the poor fellow had received fearful injuries, one ear having been torn away and a portion of the scull [sic]near the car[t] also having been removed, though he was perfectly sensible. His father at once brought him in to the Albany Hospital, where of course all that is possible to do is being done for the poor little sufferer.

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