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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1886 08 August

Monday 2 August 1886

A telegram from Fort Beaufort has been received by his friends in Grahamstown to the effect that the body of the late Mr. GIDDY has been found, and that there are no suspicions of foul play. An inquest is to be held in the course of a day.

Tuesday 3 August 1886

Auctioneers, Deputy Marketmasters
Transfer, Commission and General Agents
Enrolled Agents in the R.M. Court
Agents for the Mutual Life Ass. Society, Star Life Ass. Society, South British Fire Ins. Company,
Empire, Argus, Journal and European Mail.
Our Mr. GILSTAIN is Sec. to the Div. Council and our Mr. H.T. ELLIOTT is Sworn Appraiser and Deputy-Sheriff.
Office: Hemming-street, Cathcart, Cape Colony.

Saturday 7 August 1886

Gold is now becoming the popular topic in place of diamonds. In former years the discovery of a “gem” in the gizzard of a fowl was a noteworthy incident; now it is too common-place for journalistic comment. One day last week (says the D.F. Advertiser) some ducks were bought from a resident of Potchefstrom and the purchaser had some of them killed, and the servant in preparing them for cooking found in the crop of one of them some river pebbles, and naturally examined them, to see if there was not a diamond amongst them. To her surprise she found a small nugget of gold. The nugget was shown to us, and we can vouch for the gold, and have no doubt that it was found as described. Then, naturally, arises the question, where did this gold-digging duck come from? Probably somewhere between here and Potchefstrom. If so, then another part of the country must be gold-bearing this side of Witwatersrandt. Still the ducks have been brought in from the country between Potchefstrom and Pretoria. River stones are found in other places besides the present riverbeds, and probably is the water reservoir of the breeder of the duck. Anyway, there was the duck, and here is the gold in Kimberley.

We (Telegraph) regret to see the announcement of the death of Colonel CHERRY. Only a short time since he received an appointment with the forces in Egypt, and it is now stated that he died recently in Sunkim from the effects of sunstroke. Colonel (then Major) CHERRY is well-known in Port Elizabeth, where he resided for some time, and afterwards held the appointment of Staff-officer in Grahamstown. There, as here, he made many friends, and was highly esteemed. Later he was removed to the Transkei as Colonel of one of the Colonial regiments. On retiring from the Colonial service he went Home and was selected for a responsible position in Egypt.

The Argus gives the following account: On Monday morning Hadji ADI was married to Avi AGMAD by the father of the bride, Gamja AGMAD, a priest. The nuptials were celebrated at the house of the father of the bride in Buitengracht-street, where a large circle of the friends and relations of the bride and bridegroom came together. The singing commenced at one o’clock. This ceremony was conducted by about fifty young Malay girls, all beautifully dressed in coloured silks and with long veils, and all wearing either gold or silver wreaths (or melanijo). The bride dressed thrice. On the first occasion she wore a lavender-coloured silk trimmed with maroon, on the second occasion a rose-coloured robe and a white satin bodice and veil, and in the afternoon a white stamped silk dress trimmed with maroon and pink. The nuptial bed, exhibited at the home of the father of the bridegroom, Hadji JOBAAR, was a model of beauty and elegance. Cakes, coffee, poultry &c were to be had in abundance.

Monday 9 August 1886

UNUSUAL ACCIDENT: A serious accident occurred to Dr. Lyle HEATH while returning from Helpmakaar on Wednesday night. A wild ox charged the horse which the doctor was riding, with the result that the doctor was thrown to the ground, and the horse rolled on top of him, and that his collarbone and two of his ribs were broken. Dr. CHARLTON A.M.D., stationed at Helpmakaar, was quickly in attendance, and having bound up the ribs and set the collarbone, his patient was able to be driven to Pomeroy the following day.
The marriage is announced of Mr. H.M. EVANS, well-known in connection with the firm of Messrs. Randles, Bro. & Hudson, to Miss E.F. MURRAY, late of the Ladies Collegiate Institute, Maritzburg. The wedding took place at the residence of Mr. R. HAMILTON, Berea, and was solemnised by the Rev. J. SMITH, of Maritzburg. The bride and bridegroom left in the afternoon for Victoria County, where the honeymoon will be spent. We join with their numerous friends in wishing them long life and happiness.

Tuesday 10 August 1886

In the Insolvent Estate of Christopher FIRBANK and George PAULING, trading as FIRBANK, PAULING AND COMPANY, of Kimberley and elsewhere.
All Persons claiming to be Creditors in the above Estate are requested to take notice that the Undersigned have been duly elected and confirmed in the appointment of Joint Trustees in the said Estate, and that the Master has appointed the Third Meeting to be held before him in the Master’s Office, Public Buildings, Capetown on Friday 27th August 1886, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon, for the Proof of Debts, for receiving the Trustees Report, and for the purpose of giving directions to the said Trustee as to the management of the said Estate. And all Persons indebted to the said Estate are required to pay the same to the Undersigned on or before the 27th August 1886, or proceedings will be instituted against them.
Joint Trustees

This morning at ten o’clock in the Baptist Church the Rev. N. ABRAHAM solemnised the marriage between Mr. Luke BLACKBEARD and Mrs. SOUTH, both of this city. Miss CLARRIDGE attended the bride and Mr. Walter BLACKBEARD acted as best man. The bride was given away by her brother-in-law, Mr. Jabez SOUTH. The dresses, which we understand are from the firm of Messrs. MUIRHEAD & GOWIE, were singularly becoming. The bride wore a handsome “Gendarme” blue Satin Merveilleux, trimmed with oriental lace, and hat to match. The bridesmaid was in Modore brown nuns cloth trimmed with Faille Francais and plush, the hat being also to match.
We have also the pleasure of recording the marriage of Mr. C.H.S. WALLIS, of Bathurst, to Miss Effie Blanche NORTON, which took place in Christ Church this morning at 11 o’clock. The fair bride wore a cream Broache dress with lace flounces. She was waited on by two bridesmaids, the Misses MURRAY and Cecile NORTON, and four little flower-girls, the former wearing brocaded Tassore silks with crimson sashes and large straw hats to match. The bride was given away by her father, the Rev. Matthew NORTON, the Lord Bishop and the Revs. WALLIS (of Cradock) and IMPEY also officiating. The bridegroom’s brother, Mr. L. WALLIS, was best man.

Wednesday 11 August 1886

Many residents on the Diamond Fields will regret very much to learn that Captain George BACK, at one time (writes the D.F. Advertiser) Inspector of Police here, died at Kuruman on Monday last, 2nd inst. Capt. BACK had served the Colony well in various departments of the public service, since ever he was able, it may be said, to handle a rifle. He served first in the F.A.M.P., and was one of Sir Charles WARREN’s most trusted lieutenants in that officer’s early South African campaigns. Whenever danger threatened colonists through the uprisings of native tribes, there Captain BACK was to be found, and it may with perfect truth be asserted that his readiness to partake in the duties and dangers of active service, not only injured his personal prospects on more than one occasion, but laid the seeds of those internal complaints which have caused his demise at a comparatively early age.

Friday 13 August 1886

Mr. CHOWN, the representative of Mr.SAILLARD at Grahamstown, was married on Monday to Miss BRISSENDEN, an English lady. The Herald wishes the happy couple, who are spending the honeymoon at Coerney, a prosperous career.

Saturday 14 August 1886

At St.George’s Cathedral, Capetown, this week Bishop JONES dedicated two stained glass windows presented as memorials respectively of Bishop GREY and of Mr. Felton MATTHEW (formerly a churchwarden of St.George’s).

Wednesday 18 August 1886

BIRTH at Somerset East on the 16th August 1886, the wife of the Rev. W. OATES of a son.

The unfortunate young man SCHLEMMER, who met with an accident whilst playing in the cup match the Saturday before last, succumbed to his injuries on the morning of Saturday the 14th.

Saturday 21 August 1886

Mr. J. WOOD, head gardener at Admiralty House, Simonstown, was drowned on Monday night in a stream which runs through the Admiralty ground. It is supposed, adds the Cape Times, that the deceased must have fallen and stunned himself, the water not being more than from ten to twelve inches deep.

Tuesday 24 August 1886

DIED at Grahamstown on the evening of the 23rd instant, in her 33rd year, Hannah Grainger, the beloved wife of William Oliver WEBB
There the tears of earth are dried,
There its hidden things are clear,
There the work of life is tried
By a juster judge than here.
Father, in Thy gracious keeping,
Leave we now Thy servant sleeping.

The Funeral of the late Mrs. WEBB will leave her late residence, Upper Somerset-street, tomorrow, 25th inst, at 2 o’clock in the afternoon. Friends are invited to attend.

Wednesday 25 August 1886

We regret to have to record the sudden death on Monday of the wife of Mr. W.O. WEBB, of this City, at the comparatively young age of 33. Deceased, who had been ailing for some days previously without her medical attendant having any apprehension of imminent danger, was shortly prior to her death cheerfully conversing with her husband and her brother, Mr. S.E. AMM of Salem, but being seized with a sudden pain, expired in her husband’s arms without a moment’s warning. Mrs. WEBB was a native of Salem, where, as an esteemed and useful member of the Wesleyan Society, she was much esteemed by all who knew her, as was testified by the attendance at her funeral this day. She leaves four young children to whom as well as the bereaved husband we tender our warmest sympathy.

Friday 27 August 1886

(Cape Times)
A shocking event occurred at Wynberg on Friday morning when a white man named John HONEY, a sawyer by trade, residing on the Wynberg Flats, attempted to murder his wife and his mother-in-law, and then cut his own throat. It seems that HONEY, who was greatly addicted to drink, had lived most unhappily with his wife for some time, and had been in the habit of beating her occasionally. Not long since he was brought before the Magistrate for an assault on his wife, and sentenced to a fortnight’s imprisonment, and it is thought likely that this led to the shocking crime committed on Friday. At about a little before six o’clock on that morning, HONEY went into his wife’s room and requested her to go and get something he wanted from the garden. She refused to do so, and a quarrel ensued between them. He got into a towering passion, rushed outside, and returned into the room frantically brandishing a large chopper. He then struck the wife a blow on the head with the knife-edge of the implement, felling her and cutting her head open. In the meanwhile Mrs. HONEY’s mother, who resided also in the house, hearing the noise, entered the room, and at once went to the protection of her daughter, when HONEY, turning his anger upon her, struck her on the head with the chopper also. Thinking he had killed both women, HONEY then ran into his bedroom, and getting his razor, proceeded with it to the stoop of the house, where he cut his throat from ear to ear. The police were informed of the circumstance at about ten minutes past six o’clock, and within a few minutes afterwards PC 2 (W. FOOTMAN) and PC 3 (A. BAUKE) were on the scene of the tragedy. They found HONEY lying down speechless and bleeding profusely, and the two women, also bleeding, standing close together in the garden. Dr. Claude WRIGHT, District Surgeon, who had meanwhile been summoned by the police, arrived shortly after the latter, and proceeded to give his attention to the sufferers. HONEY, who was the most seriously injured, was sent in a cart, under the charge of PC FOOTMAN, to the new Somerset Hospital, and the two women were conveyed to their beds in their own house. Both HONEY and the two women were said to be in a precarious state; though, up to last night, the police had received no intimation of the death of either of them. The dreadful affair caused some excitement in the village of Wynberg, where HONEY, who is 58 years of age, has been resident for some time.

Monday 30 August 1886

DIED at his residence St.Bartholomew’s-street, Grahamstown on the 28th August 1886, Dennis Harper KENNELLY in his 79th year.
Grahamstown, 30th August 1886

It is with much regret that we record the death, which took place on Saturday evening, of this old and much respected resident, the cause being inflammation of the lungs, which supervened on a slight cold taken early last week.
Our late respected fellow-citizen came to the Colony in 1849, and took up his residence in this city, one of whose leading commercial houses he then established, and from which time till failing strength prevented, he took an active part in public affairs. For some years previous to the introduction of Responsible Government he ably represented Grahamstown in the Legislative Council. He was a member of the old Municipal Board, and later on of the Town Council, being elected Mayor in 1866. His business talents rendered him a useful member of the directorates of various local institutions, amongst which were the Eastern Province Guardian Company and the late Grahamstown Fire Insurance Company. He was also for many years a Justice of the Peace for Albany. Besides these more public duties he took great interest in the Museum, and was a valued acquisition in musical circles, besides being proficient as a linguist, and in other branches of literature. But above all these considerations will be remembered the upright and blameless life of the affectionate husband and father, to whose widow and family we tender our sincerest sympathy. The burial is to take place in the Church of England cemetery, and the funeral is to move from the house at half past four this afternoon.

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