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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1887 06 June

Thursday 2 June 1887

MARRIED on the 28th May at Commemoration Church, Grahamstown, by the Rev. R. Matterson, Frederick PAXTON, of Kimberley, youngest son of Wm. PAXTON Esq, of Grahamstown, to Harriet Louise, second daughter of George JACKSON Esq, of Leicester, England.

Saturday 4 June 1887

DIED at Collingham on June 4th, Sarah, the beloved wife of James WALLACE, aged 64 years 8 months and 24 days. Friends at a distance please accept this notice.
The Funeral of the above will take place tomorrow (Sunday) at Collingham at half past 2 o’clock. All Friends are respectfully invited to attend.

Tuesday 7 June 1887

DIED on the 3rd June at River View, Witmoss, Clifford Fulton, second son of Charles Percy and Theresa Kate TROLLIP, aged 2 years and 3 months.

We much regret having to record the death of Mrs. James WALLACE Sen. which occurred on Saturday last at her residence in Collingham. The deceased lady, who was in her sixty-fifth year, had for some time been in failing health, but her friends were in no immediate apprehension. But on Saturday morning the news reached town that she had died peacefully in her sleep at 5 o’clock that morning. The funeral took place at the little cemetery at Collingham chapel on Sunday afternoon, and was attended by about fifty friends from Grahamstown and the neighbourhood. The service was read by the Rev. R. MATTERSON. The chief mourners were Mr. James WALLACE Sen, and his sons Henry, Robert, Charles, Frank and Herbert. The pall-bearers were Messrs. R.W. NELSON, A.E. NELSON, Oliver LESTER, W. WENTWORTH, Stephen WENTWORTH and R.H. SKERRY. We tender our sincere sympathy to the bereaved husband and family.

Thursday 9 June 1887

DIED on the 7th June at River View, Witmoss, of Diphtheria, Helen Fulton, the eldest daughter of Charles Percy and Theresa Kate TROLLIP, aged 3 years and 3 months.

We are sorry to learn that Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. TROLLIP of River View, Witmoss, have within the last few days lost two young children, a boy and a girl, from this distressing and fatal disease.

Saturday 11 June 1887

A Dutch farmer, with the name of Willem MEYER, first cousin to the President of the New Republic, has, says the Transvaal Advertiser, been shot by a native. The natives managed to lead him away from his house some distance, and shot him. MEYER, mortally wounded, managed to reach his house, but expired shortly afterwards. The matter is being investigated, but the native is not to be found. It is to be feared that natives in general will resort to this sort of revenge for real or supposed wrongs received by them at the hands of burghers. If so, the prospect is not bright.

Tuesday 14 June 1887

The D F Advertiser has a report of the suicide of Mr. NEUMEYER of Boshof. He leaves a widow and many children to mourn their loss. The motive which urged him to self destruction seems to have been business trouble. No man will probably be more [missed] in the town of Boshof, where for years he has always been foremost in all [matters] for the advancement of the general good, where he has been universally regarded as a kind friend to all in distress, and a sound adviser to all in difficulties, and where his memory will always be held in loving respect.

On Friday last, says the Friend, a lamentable mishap occurred on the farm of Mr. Christian M. KOTZEE, in the ward Kaalspruit. The family had retired to the house shortly after sunset, and therefore it was not so speedily observed that a boy aged about seven had remained outside. When he was missed, one of the household remembered seeing him enter the garden with knife in hand to cut a reed. A search was thereupon instituted in the garden, which is situated close to the homestead, and when the searchers reached the gate they discovered the child lifeless, with his hand smashed between the gate and the garden wall, and the knife transfixed in the [throat]. Probably finding the gate closed he attempted to climb over the wall, and fell, with knife in hand, between the gate and the wall.

Thursday 16 June 1887

DIED at Waybank House, Grahamstown, on the 15th June 1887, Samuel CAWOOD, aged 79 years.

Yesterday at daybreak passed away this venerable and much honoured citizen of Grahamstown, in a manner so peaceful that his family, who were gathered round him, scarcely knew the moment of his departure. His health, which had been failing for some months, gave way so rapidly during the last three weeks that none were surprised at hearing the long continued tolling of the great bell of the Cathedral.
The deceased gentleman was born in April 1810 [sic – he was actually born 16 April 1808] thus having entered in his seventy-eighth year. He arrived in the Colony by the ship John on the 19th April 1820 with his father, Mr. David CAWOOD, and five brothers; James, William, John, Joshua and Joseph, all of whom he had outlived. Mr. CAWOOD was of an old Yorkshire family, his birthplace being Waybank Hall, at which place his father was engaged in farming till he decided to take part in the great emigration to South Africa, which took place in 1820. Not far from that farm is Cawood Castle (built in 970 AD) which belonged to a branch of the same family, which for centuries had been settled in this part of the county, and one of whose ancestors had received the honour of knighthood from Queen Elizabeth. It is but a brief outline that we can here give of Mr.CAWOOD’s life, though the earlier portion of it was full of incident which for thrilling interest would rival the most popular stories of adventures in the Far West. His youth was spent at Kafir Drift Post, where his father had settled as a farmer. The love of field sport, and the boldness in the hunting field, which are marked traits of Yorkshire character, together with a special aptitude for making a bargain, soon showed themselves in this family, the sons of which were amongst the first to strike out into the adventurous career of elephant hunters and interior traders, which, while it was far more lucrative than the farming of danger [sic], which that day involved a life of constant [sic], none but the boldest spirits cared to venture on. In the space of about ten years they had extended their trading trips through Kafirland into Natal. In 1832 Mr. Samuel CAWOOD and two of his brothers were at the kraal of the treacherous Zulu chief Dingaan, shortly before the frightful massacre of the Boers and their families under RETIEF, who, it will be remembered, were invited to come in a body unarmed into the great kraal, which they unsuspectingly did, when at a signal from the chief the whole party were treacherously murdered. From a similar fate the CAWOODs had the narrowest escape. It was with great difficulty that they got permission to leave the place, and as they afterwards discovered, a body of men had been sent on before to waylay them on their return to Natal, and after murdering them to take possession of their wagons. The men fell in on the way with a hunting party of Hottentots, all of whom they killed except one lad. The CAWOODs on their return towards Natal crossed the river twenty four hours before the Zulus came up, and owing to the heavy rains, no spoor was left at the drift, which led their pursuers to suppose that they had taken another road, and therefore the chase was abandoned. After a short residence of three of the sons at Natal, the whole family were together again at Cawood’s Post on the Christmas of 1834, when the murder of several settlers was the signal for a Kafir war. Most of the farmers, and among them the CAWOODs, at once moved their families into Bathurst, in many cases leaving all their farm stock and property to its fate. The men then made for Grahamstown the military headquarters. In a troop which left the town under Major COX were three of the CAWOODs, and among them we believe the subject of this notice, and the first shot fired on entering Kafirland was by the youngest of the brothers. In the various wars which have taken place since that time, some of this family have always taken part, and as far as we know without having received a scratch. At the close of the war in the year following the family moved to the Uitenhage District with the idea of being more secure in the event of native outbreaks. It was during the next ten years that Mr. CAWOOD most actively followed the sport of elephant hunting, as the game was then obtainable within a few miles of Grahamstown. Only a few years ago when driving with a friend near the Coombes he pointed to a tree which rose above the surrounding bush and said “Close to that tree you will find the bones of a large bull elephant that I shot years ago.” Many were the daring adventures and hair-breadth escapes of Mr. CAWOOD at this period. In 1840 the firm of CAWOOD Bros. was started in Port Elizabeth and soon afterwards in Grahamstown and Cradock, four or five smaller branch houses being started in course of time. On the outbreak of the war of 1846 the extensive knowledge of the country possessed by the brothers secured to them the contracts for the supply of the troops, which in fact could not have been carried out at that time by any one house except their own. The extent of these transactions may to judge [sic] from the fact that for many months they daily issued rations for ten thousand men along the frontier. Apart from his commercial undertakings, Mr. CAWOOD has all along taken great interest in the promotion of new industries, and notably in that of cotton growing, with a view to which he has imported cotton seed of many varieties in order to ascertain which was most suited to the climate of South Africa. The first shipment of cotton from this Colony was a lot of tea bales, which he sent home in 1868, the quantity rapidly increased during the next few years, till the industry received a check from the distracting influence exerted on all agricultural pursuits by the opening of the Diamond Fields. Mr. CAWOOD carried off most of the medals awarded for the best samples of cotton exhibited at agricultural shows and other exhibitions. He further interested himself in livestock, having in his time imported some of the best horses, sheep and cattle that have come to this country.
Mr. CAWOOD for the first time took his seat in Parliament in the year 1860, when he became a member of the Legislative Council, and subsequently to this he was again returned by large majorities at two contested elections. In politics he was an Eastern of the Easterns, and was a strong opponent of the introduction of Responsible Government, holding that the country was far from ripe for the system, and expressing the conviction that there was too great a risk of the native question becoming a party one. On the visit of Sir Henry BARKLY, the then Governor, to Grahamstown, he entertained the vice-regal party and two hundred fellow citizens at a banquet.
He was the last survivor of the political triumvirate, of which the late Honourables Robert GODLONTON and George WOOD were members, and which for a number of years was inseparably connected with the political life of this city and district.
In 1880 he was elected Mayor of Grahamstown, and on the 7th May 1882 he presided as acting Mayor at the opening of the new Town Hall, and has for years been a member of the Municipal Council, and for many years past has sat on the boards of our principal local institutions, among which we may name the Guardian and the Union Companies and the Albany Divisional Council. Among other local matters with which his name will always be associated is the new tower of St.George’s Cathedral, the funds for which were obtained mainly by his personal exertions. He also was very active in aiding the erection of the Jubilee Tower, and was for many years a trustee of Commemoration Church. Mr. CAWOOD was married in 1835 to Miss Rosa PIKE, daughter of Mr. PIKE of Clumber, by whom he had twelve children, of whom six sons and four daughters are still living. In his political, commercial and social life, Samuel CAWOOD has left an unblemished name. He was a member of the Wesleyan Church, of which he was an attached and devout member and a liberal supporter. He carried his Christianity into his daily life, and there is not a man in the country who ever found him otherwise than honourable in his dealings. With his even temper and his generous and charitable disposition it is no wonder that he never had an enemy, or that many men, while not belonging to the circle of his friends, are admirers of his sterling character. From choice he had always been a total abstainer, and till his last illness had never tasted alcohol in any form. After speaking of his character in other relations of life, we must in closing pay our tribute to those domestic qualities which have so endeared him to his wife and children, to whom we tender our sincere sympathy in their bereavement.

Saturday 16 June 1887

It is our sad duty to record the death, which occurred yesterday, of Mrs. HOLLAND, wife of Mr. W.A. HOLLAND, Town Clerk. We tender our sincere sympathy to the bereaved husband and family.

The Rev. Jno. EDWARDS completed his 83rd year yesterday. He has been a Wesleyan minister for 57 years. We rejoice to see our venerable fellow-citizen still in vigorous health.

Intelligence has reached Kimberley from Matabeleland of the murder of Mr. David THOMAS. No particulars are given, but it appears that he was on a hunting tour in company with Mr. Lockhart BANNISTER, who was formerly an officer in the British Army. The native runners state that Mr. BANNISTER was badly wounded, and that they believe he has since died. Mr. David THOMAS was the eldest son of the late Rev. D.M. THOMAS of the London Missionary Society. For the last twelve months they had been hunting together, near the eastern border of the Barotse country, perhaps not so very far from where the collapse of Dr. HOLUB’s expedition occurred.

Large numbers assembled from town and country on Thursday afternoon to pay the last tribute of respect to the memory of Samuel CAWOOD. Prayer having been engaged in by the Rev. R. MATTERSON and the Rev. John EDWARDS at the late residence of the deceased in Lawrance Street, the funeral procession moved towards the cemetery soon after 3 o’clock, headed by the members of the Town Council, the Mayor wearing his official robes. Among the followers, who numbered over two hundred, were to be seen clergy representing the various denominations, including the Bishop of Grahamstown, the Very Rev. the Dean, Bishop RICARDS and Rev. Father FANNING, and the representatives of the other learned professions, after whom followed a long line of carriages. The chief mourners were the following relatives and family connections of the deceased: Messrs. Thomas, William and George CAWOOD; Messrs. Herbert BAKER and Charles DYER of Kingwilliamstown, Mr. J.W. KING of Adelaide, Mr. R.W.NELSON of Grahamstown, Mr. Frank KING of Bedford and Mr. Richard CAWOOD, the grandsons present being Joseph, Charles, Willie CAWOOD, sons of Mr. W.D. CAWOOD, Willie Albert CAWOOD, son of Mr. Thomas CAWOOD, and R.W. NELSON Junr. and George C. NELSON, sons of Mr. R.W. NELSON. In addition to these were numerous more distant relatives together with Mr. John ATHERSTONE of Albany and Mr.VARDY of Port Elizabeth. The following gentlemen, who are among the oldest Grahamstown friends of the deceased, acted as pall-bearers, namely Messrs. C.H. HUNTLY, Reuben AYLIFF, W.A. FLETCHER, Josiah SLATER, Henry WOOD, C.J. STIRK.
On arrival at Commemoration Church, the pulpit and reading desk of which had been hung with black, a large congregation had assembled to join in the service, which was conducted by the Rev. R. MATTERSON, and opened with the hymn number [9]42. The Rev. G.W. [OR..AS] then read the 15th chapter of Corinthians, beginning at the 20th verse. An impressive address was then delivered by the Rev. R. MATTERSON, who touched on the meeting of such an assembly of all creeds and classes for the purpose of testifying to the esteem in which their departed friend was held, a brief sketch of whose eventful life was then given, concluding with an account of his strong religious convictions, and the calmness with which he viewed the approach of death. After the address, prayer was offered by the Rev. N. ABRAHAM, the service ending with the hymn “Rock of ages, cleft for me”. The “Dead March in Saul” was then played by Mr. ATTWELL as the coffin was being removed from the Church. The procession having reached the Cemetery the concluding portion of the burial service was conducted by the Rev. R. MATTERSON, assisted by the Rev. H. COTTON. The coffin bore the inscription:
Samuel CAWOOD, died 15th June 1887 in his 80th year.

Monday 20 June 1887

BIRTH on Saturday June 18th, the wife of Mr. Arthur MATTHEWS of a daughter.

Saturday 25 June 1887

On Thursday the 23rd inst Miss DISTIN, the daughter of Mr. John S. DISTIN, was married at Tafelberg Hall by the Rev. Mr. BATTY to Mr. Prescott GRASSIE; it was a very quiet wedding, family connections only being present. The bride was dressed in cream satin with Brussels lace, and with the usual wreath of orange blossom tulle veil. The bridesmaids were the Misses Florence and Laura, sisters of the bride, Louie, Edith and Oliver FLEMMER [sic], Annie ROUBIDGE and Ida MONTAGU, nieces of the bride, Miss [ROOK] and Miss REID. The best men were Willie and Harry DISTIN, brothers of the bride, and Mr. Frank GRASSIE, brother of the bridegroom. Miss Harriet WOOD played the hymns and wedding march. After the ceremony the company sat down to breakfast, when the usual toasts were given. The wedding party accompanied the bride and bridegroom to Tafelberg station, on their way to Modder River, where they intend spending a few days. When parting they had the usual shower of rice and good wishes for their future happiness. The wedding presents were handsome and numerous, which proved the estimation the bride was held by her large circle of friends.

Thursday 30 June 1887

MARRIED at Tafelberg Hall on the 23rd inst, by the Rev. Mr. Batty, Miss DISTIN, the daughter of Mr. J.S. DISTIN, to Mr. Prescott GRASSIE.

DIED at Grahamstown on Friday June 24th 1887, after a prolonged illness, the Rev. C.F. OVERTON M.A., Priest-Vicar of St.George’s Cathedral, aged 48 years, deeply and sincerely regretted.



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