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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1890 02 February

Saturday 1 February 1890

MARRIED at the Wesleyan Church, Port Alfred, on January 22nd, Thomas Alexander Murray CELLS to Alice, daughter of Mr. Thomas REED of Port Alfred.

MARRIED at the Wesleyan Church, Port Alfred, on Jan 22nd, John Henry HOYLE, eldest son of Mr. John HOYLE, to Miss Amy REED, daughter of Mr. Thomas REED of Port Alfred.

DIED at Grahamstown on the 30th January 1890, Alexander JAMIESON, aged 77 years.

DIED at Grahamstown on Feb 1st 1890, Mrs. Charles RHODES, aged 75 years 8 months.
The Funeral of the above will leave her late residence tomorrow (Sunday) afternoon at 4 o’clock. Friends are respectfully invited to attend.

Queenstown has lost one of its most esteemed and valued citizens, by the death of Mr. James HODGES, of the firm of J. HODGES & C0, who died of a cholera attack on Saturday last, after a few days’ illness, at the age of 47. Mr. HODGES, as a man of business, was remarkable for the straightforward honesty of his character, and by his industry he achieved success. He took an active part in the affairs of the town, as well as in political matters. The local paper says most truthfully respecting him that he was a true Christian, a good husband and father, and an upright and honourable citizen, full of generosity and kindness. His funeral, which was attended by the largest procession of the kind ever witnessed in Queenstown, took place on Sunday afternoon. The pall was borne by ten of the Trustees of the Wesleyan Church, the deceased having been an attached member of that Church; and the Rev. Messrs. DUGMORE, LAMPLOUGH, WEAVER and others took part in the mournful ceremony. Mr. HODGES leaves a widow and a family of three sons and two daughters, to whom it must be some consolation to know how deep and genuine a sympathy is felt for them in their bereavement by all classes of the community.

The Aliwal paper announces that during the thunderstorm which passed over the town and neighbourhood on Wednesday afternoon, Mr. William DE WET, of Poortje, a farm on the banks of the Orange River, a mile or two from town on the Free State side, was struck by lightning and instantaneously killed. Mr. DE WET was standing by one of his kraals when the flash came which was his death.

Two weddings were solemnised at Port Alfred on the 22nd ult at the Wesleyan Church, the officiating minister being the Rev. C. HEPBURN. The brides were two sisters, daughters of Thomas REED Esq. of Forest Hill. Miss Alice REED was united to Mr. Thomas Alexander Murray CELLS, son of Capt. Robt. CELLS; and Miss Amy REED to Mr. John Henry HOYLE, eldest son of Mr. John HOYLE of this place. Both brides were tastefully dressed in travelling costume, and looked very charming. Miss Grace CELLS, who acted as bridesmaid to Miss Alice REED, wore a handsome robe of cream coloured material, while Miss Margaret HOYLE, Miss Amy REED’s bridesmaid, was in white. The groomsmen were respectively Mr. Thomas HOYLE and Mr. Arthur HOYLE. The Church was well filled, principally with ladies who came to view the interesting ceremony of a double wedding. As the brides entered, the hymn “The voice that breathed o’er Eden” was sung. After the ceremony the happy couple partook of an elegant breakfast at the residence of Mr. Thomas REED, where a booth had been erected for the purpose. The usual toasts were proposed and speeches made, and in the afternoon the newly married left by train for Johannesburg, with the hearty good wishes of their very numerous friends.

Telegrams received in town from Port Elizabeth during the early part of yesterday conveyed the intelligence that Mr. IMPEY’s illness had taken an unfavourable turn, and in the afternoon Rev. W. IMPEY received a message stating that his brother had expired at 3pm. He had been ailing for some time, and indeed can hardly have been said to have recovered from the shock of the recent death of a beloved daughter. The illness of which he died was, we believe, dysentery. We cannot today attempt to give an account of the life of one who was well known throughout South Africa as the senior amongst newspaper editors, and who was equally widely respected and loved. We learn that the Rev. W. IMPEY and Mrs. IMPEY, with Mr. B. IMPEY, have gone down to the Bay this morning to attend the funeral, which takes place on Sunday afternoon.

Tuesday 4 February 1890

MARRIED at Fort Beaufort on Jan 27th at the Wesleyan Church by the Rev. W.W. Treleaven, Nora, daughter of Mr. John RICHARDS to Mr. W.C. SCULLY, Assistant Magistrate, Fort Beaufort.

BIRTH on Monday Feb 3rd, the wife of J.W. MONTJOIE of another son.

The funeral of the late Mrs. RHODES took place on Sunday afternoon, the procession leaving her husband’s residence shortly after 4pm. A large number of mourners followed the hearse, and thus testified to their sympathy for the bereaved husband and their respect for the deceased lady. The late Mrs. RHODES, who was a Miss POWELL, came out with the British Settlers of 1820.
[Transcriber’s Note: She was Sarah POWELL of HOLDER’s Party]

We have received the following notice of Mr. A. JAMIESON, whose death was recently reported:-
Alexander JAMIESON Sen. enlisted in the 91st Regiment at Edinburgh on 30th March 1838; and joined the depot at Paisley on 17th April following; left for Dundee in May of the same year and remained in that town till January 1839, when as one of a draft of 120 men he embarked per steamer to Gravesend; was quartered at Tilbury Fort till the 18th Feb, on which day the draft embarked upon the Troop Ship Royal Sovereign for Saint Helena; after a passage of 129 days landed at that island on the 29th June 1839; was stationed there till Nov 1842, when they embarked for the Cape of Good Hope; arrived at Table Bay on 22nd Nov and remained at Capetown till Feb 1843, when they embarked for Algoa Bay en route to Grahamstown, and arrived in Grahamstown in March. He served with the Regiment in various grades and in various capacities till 6th April 1853, when he took his discharge at Fort Fordyce, Waterkloof, and came to Grahamstown on the 10th April 1853, where he has remained till his death. Among the notable events in his military career it may be mentioned that while at St.Helena he was present at the exhumation of the Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte on 15th Oct 1840. He was present at the engagement against the Dutch Boers at Boom Plaats on 29th August 1848; he served in the Kaffir Wars of 1846 and also 1850—53, for which he was in possession of a medal. After leaving the service Mr. JAMIESON entered the employ of Messrs. CAWOOD Brothers, who were then carrying on large military contracts, supplying the troops at every port in the Eastern Province. With this firm he remained for twenty-eight years, until the business was closed in 1881, holding the responsible position of accountant, and possessing the fullest confidence and esteem not only of his employers but of all who were his fellow-workers in what was at one time the largest and most important business in the Eastern Province. Mr. JAMIESON may truly be said to have “fallen asleep”, being fully conscious that the end was gradually nearing, and suffering no pain whatever in his last days. He leaves a widow and three sons to mourn their loss, and they have our most sincere sympathy.

The Funeral
Yesterday afternoon (says Monday’s E.P. Herald) the mortal remains of the late Mr. George IMPEY, who for so many years has so ably occupied the editorial chair of this paper, and piloted it through many troublous times, were conveyed from his late residence in Donkin-street to their last resting place in the South-end cemetery, where they now lie by the side of those of his beloved daughter, the late Mrs. Harold S. MAYO, whose premature death so recently occurred. The brightest of panegyrics would fail to convey to the observant mind the respect, esteem and love which the good old man had inspired in all with whom he had ever been associated, beside the silent, though living, testimony of the numbers of mourners of all classes of the community, who waited with reverential patience born of respect and love, the removal of the coffin from the house to the hearse.......[Description continues in this vein for a full column]
From a very full notice of Mr. IMPEY’s career in the same paper we extract the following:-
Mr. George IMPEY was born in Whitby, Yorkshire in the year 1826, and came to this country with his father’s family in 1843. The family went almost immediately to Salem, where Mr. IMPEY Sen. took over the school of Mr. MATTHEWS, one of whose daughters Mr. George IMPEY subsequently married. The son assisted his father in the management of the school, where he stayed some two years, afterwards taking the mastership of a school at Mount Coke. 1850 found him in Grahamstown, in the employ of Messrs. PARKER as bookkeeper, and during the Kafir War he formed one of the guard of the city with the late Mr. William RICHARDS, Mr. Joseph WALKER, Mr. Frank KING and others as his companions in arms. After living some years in Grahamstown he took an appointment with the firm of CAWOOD Brothers in Burghersdorp, where he became connected with the Burghersdorp Gazette. In 1858, however, he was persuaded by Mr. William RICHARDS to join Mr. James RICHARDS and purchase the Eastern Province Herald, and until he died, almost literally in harness, the Herald office has been the scene of his daily labours. During the whole of thirty-one years of his residence in Port Elizabeth he has scarcely known a day’s illness, and until a few weeks before his death he had never been confined to his bed for any length of time. Shortly before Christmas he complained of feeling unwell, and took medical advice. He was found to be suffering from a slight attack of dysentery, and was treated, apparently, with success, when the death of a dear daughter seemed to shatter the system and to deprive it of any power to throw off the complaint. He, however, was cured, and insisted upon coming down again to work. His anxiety, in fact, to get to work again and if possible to banish, in the occupation he loved, the grief which filled his heart, was almost piteous to see. He found, however, that his strength could not bear the tax he was anxious to put upon it, the dysentery again seized upon him, and he took to his bed never to rise again. All that medical skill could do to cure him was done, but his system seemed to have lost its power of resistance, and on Friday last at three o’clock, surrounded by his heartbroken wife and family, he quietly passed away....

Thursday 6 February 1890

On Tuesday afternoon last, the 4th February inst, the marriage of Miss Charlotte Emma FRANK, granddaughter of Mr. W.A. FLETCHER, one of the oldest and most esteemed citizens of Grahamstown, with Mr. George B. WEDDERBURN, son of Mr. William WEDDERBURN, also an old and valued resident of our community, was celebrated in Commemoration Wesleyan Church. A very large number of relatives, friends and the general public were present on the interesting occasion. The service was read by the Rev. N. ABRAHAM, an old family friend, assisted by the Rev. Theo. W. CHUBB BA, and was partly choral in its rendering, in honour of the fair bride who had, for many years, been a member of the Choir. The bridegroom was attended by Mr. Gerald EARLY as his groomsman. The bride, leaning on the arm of her grandfather, and attended by her three pretty bridesmaids, entered the Church at half past 3 o’clock. The costumes of the young ladies was exceedingly becoming and somewhat unique in style. The bride, who looked very charming, was attired in a cream pongee silk dress, trimmed with gulpure lace and lilies of the valley, and wore a small tulle bonnet very prettily finished and decorated; the three bridesmaids, Miss FLETCHER, Miss WEDDERBURN and Miss ROBERTS, wearing Empire dresses of white French muslin of a beautiful pattern displaying small sprays of flowers, with hats suitably trimmed. Each young lady carried a handsome bouquet composed of pink and white rosebuds. Mr. A.H. DAY presided at the organ, and the choir sang the sentences, as well as an anthem at the close of the service, the whole of which was of a very interesting and impressive character. After the ceremony the bridal party drove to the residence of Mr. W.A. FLETCHER, where a large number of guests assembled to meet and greet the bride and bridegroom, and where, in the presence of a grand wedding cake, kindly expressions of congratulation and good will were warmly tendered. Many valuable presents, including not a few cheques, were given to the fair bride on the happy occasion, as a good “send off” upon the voyage of matrimonial life. One of these gifts was a handsome and valuable clock from the Sunday School and Choir of Commemoration Church, with both of which the bride had, for many long years, been associated, and which bore the following inscription engraved on a plate: “Presented to Miss FRANK by the Teachers of Commemoration Sunday School and members of the Church Choir – Feb 4th 1890.” The wedding costumes and hats, we learn, were from the establishment of Messrs. Muirhead & Gowie, and were certainly worthy specimens of their art. Mr. and Mrs. George WEDDERBURN left by the evening train for Kimberley, their future home, followed by the heartfelt good wishes for their future welfare, in which we would join, with the hope that nothing may tend to mar a long life of peace and prosperity, and that their future troubles may be no rougher than “crumpled roseleaves”.

Saturday 8 February 1890

MARRIED at Wilton by the Rev. N. Abraham, on the 28th January 1890, Alexander Henry TURNER of Wellington Grove to Agnes Sarah Annie WEEKS (Dollie), eldest daughter of Mr. J. WEEKS of Wilton, District Somerset East.

MARRIED in Commemoration Church, Feb 4th 1890, by the Rev. N. Abraham, assisted by the Rev. Theo. Chubb, George Benjamin, of Kimberley, fifth son of Mr. Wm. WEDDERBURN of Grahamstown, to Charlotte Emma, only daughter of the late Mr. L.C. FRANK.

The worshippers at West Hill Wesleyan Church have been much troubled for some time past by ill conditioned youngsters who persisted in disturbing the service during the Sunday evenings. Frequent complaints were made, and Inspector LACEY took steps to stop the nuisance. On Sunday night last P.C. STEVENS was on duty there, and his vigilant eye and active movements enabled him to pounce on three boys, one of whom was actually smoking in the porch. He conveyed the offenders to the lock-up, and at the R.M. Court yesterday Mr. HEMMING imposed sentence of 2s6d or three days’ imprisonment. His Worship appeared inclined at first to inflict a rattan flogging, but finally decided to reserve that for the next offenders. We hope that the nuisance will now cease.

Tuesday 11 February 1890

BIRTH at Somerset East on Feb 3rd 1890, the wife of Rev. W. OATES of a daughter.

DIED at Grahamstown on the 7th February, Edward CLARK, of London, aged 66 years. London papers please copy.

Thursday 13 February 1890

Mr. Henry SUGDEN of the Willow Grove Hotel, Johannesburg, was found drowned on Thursday last in the swimming bath attached to the hotel. It is supposed that he had been taken with cramp whilst bathing.

Mr. Jno. DOLD’s many friends will regret to hear that for some days he has been laid up, seriously ill with some form of the prevailing influenza epidemic. At one time his condition caused anxiety to his family but we were glad to hear yesterday that he was regaining his health.

Saturday 15 February 1890

We have to record the death of Mr. Herbert CUMMING, of Hilton. Only a couple of days ago he was in enjoyment of excellent health, engaged in helping his brother to unload some bags of mealies from a wagon, and was apparently no worse for the exertion – only apparently though, for the next day he experienced a sharp pain and remarked to his brother, “This is another case like Mr. LUKE’s”, meaning that he must have sustained some injury to his intestines. It proved only too true, for he rapidly became worse, and though medical assistance was summoned he did not last till Dr. ATHERSTONE’s arrival. The event has cast quite a gloom over the neighbourhood, as the deceased was very popular with his friends. One of the latter remarked to us yesterday, “Everybody liked Herbert CUMMING that knew him”. The bereaved family have very widespread sympathy in their trouble.

Tuesday 18 February 1890

We have great pleasure in welcoming to Grahamstown Dr. CHEW, who has come out to assist Dr. GREATHEAD.

The G.R. Advertiser records the death of Mr. Alfred ESSEX, which took place on Wednesday afternoon quite unexpectedly, he having been ill only a few days. He came to the Colony in 1841, lived for a time on the Frontier, going through two Kafir wars. He then removed to Port Elizabeth and was employed on the E.P. Herald when it belonged to the late John PATERSON. He commenced the G.R. Herald in 1852. The Herald strongly advocated the Graaffreinet simultaneously with the Cape and Wellington railway. Mr. ESSEX was a most intelligent, thoughtful man. He identified himself with all local improvements and politics. He retired from the Herald in 1879.

The bell tolled on Sunday midday for Mrs. PARKIN Sen., who had expired during the morning. The deceased lady, who was advanced in years, had been in very feeble health for a long time, and the end was daily expected. Our sincere sympathy is with the bereaved husband, who, we regret to hear, is also very ill, and with the other relatives.

The town was startled about noon today by the intelligence that Dr. HULLAH, Surgeon-superintendent of the Fort England Lunatic Asylum, was dead. It proved to be only too true, the doctor having expired from heart disease at about half past eleven a.m. Dr. HULLAH had such a robust appearance that his death has come very unexpectedly. He will be much missed in Grahamstown society, and his death will be mourned by a host of friends and acquaintances. Dr. GREATHEAD had been summoned at half past one on Thursday morning, but when he arrived at Fort England Dr. HULLAH said he regretted having summoned him at such an hour, for he felt much better. There had been no other warning of his approaching end.

It is our sad duty to chronicle the death of Henry NESBITT Esq, late Captain in Her Majesty’s 12th Regiment of Foot, from the effects of a sunstroke which prostrated him whilst spending the last Christmas holidays he had to spend on Earth in the district of Maclear. Although he was removed and brought home at once, and notwithstanding all the care and attention bestowed upon him by his medical attendant, Dr. E.E. NEWNHAM, and his devoted wife, death could not be averted; he gradually sank and expired on Sunday the 26th instant. This sad event has cast quite a gloom not only over the town of Barkly East, but over the whole district, where the deceased had resided for over 15 years, and his name had become a household word. His unpretending goodness of heart had made him the friend of every man, woman and child. The deceased was, so to say, born a soldier; he was born on the 25th December 1835, in the regiment in which he later had the honour to serve, at Cookstown, County Tyrone, Ireland, and was embarked at the very early age of 17 months with the headquarters of the regiment in August 1837 for the Mauritius. Exactly [16] years later he embarked at Port Louis in the Roman Emperor for the Cape of Good Hope, and landed at Capetown on the 15th September 1854. On the 22nd December 1854 he received his first commission as Ensign in the Regiment in which he was born; in 1858 he was made Lieutenant, and went with his regiment to India, where he was subsequently gazetted as Captain. In [1863] he returned from India and left the army for good, and made the Colony his home. During the last 15 years Captain NESBITT has resided in this district, at Rocky Park, a farm within the precincts of our municipality, if we are not mistaken. When Barkly East still formed part and parcel of the district of Wodehouse, he was appointed Special J.P., and Issuer of Process of the Periodical Court then held there, and we have never heard a single complaint of his judgements or sentences; and even those individuals who brought themselves within the strong arm of the law, admit that he was always fair and just. It is mainly due to his exertions that Barkly East has become a magistracy and a separate district, and he helped to make Barkly East the town it is now.
When the Yeomanry was established, Captain NESBITT was offered a captaincy in the 2nd Regiment, which he accepted, and not long after the memorable rebellion or kafir War on 1880-81 broke out. A great many of our readers will remember that after the treacherous murder of Mr. HOPE by Umhlonhlo, the residency of Maclear was invested by the Kafirs, so that a large number of the inhabitants of the surrounding districts – mostly women and children – (the men had flown to arms to punish the audacious rebels) had fled to the residency for protection and safety. Maclear had become a veritable rat-trap to them, they were surrounded by the Kafirs, and were in danger of being either starved to death or become the victims of the rebels. What the latter meant, every one of our readers knows. It fell to Captain NESBITT’s lot to relieve the beleaguered residents of Maclear, and a relief column was organised under his command. How well he executed his mission, how the starving women, children and officials were relieved by him, with but the loss of one man on the return march, has become a matter of Colonial history, and will be forever remembered by the then residents of Maclear and their descendants.
Thee Funeral was the largest and most imposing ever seen in Barkly East; almost every man, woman and child (he was a friend of all) turned out to accompany the remains of the “Captain” – the appellation by which he was generally known – to their last resting place. He was buried with full Masonic honours by the Freemasons, and the Good Templars assisted at the funeral, the body being in charge of the two Orders, and the pall borne by representatives of each, and just as little as the relief of Maclear will be forgotten, will the funeral of the Captain pass out of mind. – Barkly East Reporter.

Thursday 20 February 1890

DIED at Fort England, February 18th 1890, Dr. HULLAH, Surgeon-Superintendent of the Lunatic Asylum, aged 45 years.

Private J. REED of A. Company, 1st C. Volunteers, and formerly Messenger of the E.D. Court, is dead, and his comrades are to follow his remains to the Cemetery this afternoon. The deceased had always given full satisfaction by the painstaking and conscientious performance of his duties at the Court, until sickness compelled his retirement. He leaves a wife and family to mourn his death, and they have the sympathy of many friends.

The funeral of Dr. HULLAH, late Surgeon-superintendent of the Fort England Lunatic Asylum, and the Chronic Sick Hospital, took place yesterday afternoon, the cortege moving from his late residence at Fort England. The procession, which was unusually lengthy, included a large number of the late doctor’s friends, amongst others, the Judges of the E.D. Court, and members of the bar and side-bar. The Bishop walked with Mrs. HULLAH to the grave. The Very Rev. the Dean conducted a most impressive service at the graveside. The pall-bearers were Messrs. J. HEMMING C.C. & R.M., the Hon. Dr. W.G. ATHERSTONE M.L.A., Dr. Edwin ATHERSTONE, Dr. GREATHEAD, Dr. BECKER and Dr. FLIGG; and amongst the chief mourners were Mr. Christopher S. WEBB (Superintendent of the Chronic Sick Hospital), Mr. J.H. JONES (Chief Clerk and Storekeeper at the Asylum) and Mr. HEATHCOTE (Assistant Clerk at the Asylum). Several of the attendants from both institutions followed in the procession, as well as some of the Chronic Sick patients. General and sincere sympathy is felt with Mrs. HULLAH and her children, at the sudden blow which has deprived them of husband and father respectively.

A very painful accident happened to a little six year old son of Mr. Frank OLIVER last week. The lad picked up a loaded cartridge, and to amuse himself took out the bullet and emptied the gunpowder into a tin. He next lighted a match, and placing his face over the receptacle, applied the light. The explosion which immediately followed burnt the poor little fellow’s face terribly. He was at once taken to the Hospital, where he is receiving every attention, but it is doubtful (says the P.E. Telegraph) whether the boy will recover the full use of his sight.

Saturday 22 February 1890

MARRIED on the 18th Feb 1890 at the Wesleyan Church, Seymour, by the Rev. T. Spargo, assisted by the Rev. A.J. Leonard, J.W. INGLETHORPE, of Johannesburg, to Frances Felicia, youngest daughter of W.T.L. EMETT Esq. of Seymour.

DIED at Grahamstown on the 20th February 1890, William KELLY, aged 47, of Thorn Kloof, near Bowden.

The Funeral of the late Mr. KELLY of Thorn Kloof, Bowden, took place yesterday afternoon. The deceased having been a Freemason, several members of his lodge took part in the procession.

On Wednesday next, Feb 26th, it will be exactly thirty-eight years ago since the Birkenhead struck and sank on our shores, bearing with it the troops standing at attention, as only the women and children could be taken off in the boats. Major NESBITT was on board, then 13 or 15 years old, and saved his life by jumping overboard, and clinging with his fingers to the thole-pins, although the oars ground the tops of his fingers off. The Major does not believe there is another survivor in the Colony.

Tuesday 25 February 1890

DIED at Grahamstown on the 19th February 1890, Robert REED, the beloved husband of Elizabeth REED, aged 49 years 5 months and 19 days, leaving a widow and eight children to mourn their loss.
The bereaved widow and family wish to return their sincere thanks to Capt. TAMPLIN, Drs. GREATHEAD, CHEW and FLIGG, the Revs. COTTON and PENDLEBURY, and other kind friends, for their kindness during the deceased’s long and painful illness.
Jesu lover of my soul
Let me to Thy bosom fly.

Thursday 27 February 1890

Preceded by scores of Freemasons, and followed by a large number of sorrowing friends, the hearse which bore the mortal remains of our late townsman, Mr. W.M. HAW, proceeded this morning shortly after ten o’clock to the Cemetery. Mr. Haw’s death has been one of the suddenest we have had to note. Only a few days ago he was walking and talking in our midst; then suddenly came the news that he was in the Hospital, which was too soon to be followed on Tuesday afternoon by the sad announcement that he was dying. From three o’clock in the afternoon he was slowly dying, but the end did not come till nearly eight. During his entire illness he was delirious, and not till the end was very near is he said to have had any gleam of consciousness, when he asked to see his uncle, Mr. Edward HAW. Our late townsman, who has been well known as an Auctioneer of some ability, was able to count an unusually numerous list of acquaintances, but the list did not include a solitary foe. He was one of the most popular men in town, and his death will be widely regretted and sincerely mourned. He was only 26½ years old.

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