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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1891 01 January

Thursday 8 January 1891

The Cradock Register learns that at a spot beyond Norval’s Pont, on Monday evening, the engine of a train turned completely over, owing to a washaway, the driver named WATSON, and BAUMGARDT, the fireman, being instantly killed. The body of the latter is still under the engine.

Saturday 10 January 1891

MARRIED at Manley’s Flat on 23rd Dec 1890, by the Rev. J. Pendlebury, Robert Thomas, second son of the late Mr. A. PARSONS, of Queenstown, to Emily Maria, eldest daughter of Mr. H.W. MOUNTFORT, of Manley’s Flat.

Tuesday 13 January 1891

In the Estate of the late Carl Robert HILPERT of Port Alfred, District of Bathurst
All persons claiming to be Creditors in the above Estate are required to file their claims with the undersigned at Port Alfred within six weeks from this date. And all persons indebted thereto are requested to pay the amounts due by them within the same period.
Executor Test’y.
Port Alfred, 13th January 1891.

DIED suddenly on the 26th December 1890, while bathing at Port Alfred, Percy Roberts DINGLE, aged 19 years and 9 months, deeply regretted.
The relatives of the deceased wish to tender their thanks to the many friends who so kindly rendered assistance.

Many of our readers will recollect the sad tragedy at Port Elizabeth by which six young ladies attending one of the principal schools in that town lost their lives some five years ago, while bathing in the sea. With almost superhuman bravery young Harry RALL, a native of Liverpool, succeeded in bringing four of the eight young ladies struggling in the water to shore, though unhappily too late, but Miss VAN ZAEL and Miss OOSTHUISEN were saved. For this gallantry he was presented with a medal by the people in the Bay. In Kimberley he was known as a light-weight champion, alike skilful, honourable and courageous. He died of inflammation of the lungs on Christmas morning, and his funeral, which took place on St.Stephen’s Day, was largely attended.

Saturday 17 January 1891

BIRTH at Barkly West on the 9th Jan 1891, the wife of W.T.T. BROWN of a daughter.

Tuesday 20 January 1891

MARRIED on the 14th inst, at Tafelberg Hall, by the Rev. Mr. Lomas, Laura, the youngest daughter of J.S. DISTIN, to Ernest E. MARTIENSSEN, of Kimberley.

The wedding of Miss Laura DISTIN and Mr. E.E. MARTIENSSEN was solemnised at Tafelberg Hall on January the 14th, in the presence of a large gathering of friends and relations of the bride and bridegroom, who were for the occasion guests of Mr. and Mrs. J.S.DISTIN. The ceremony took place in the large hall, which was prettily decorated for the event, the upper portion being divided off, and arranged as a chancel, with table and hangings of crimson cloth, relieved with masses of white flowers and evergreens. The bridal party entered at the bottom of the hall, and advanced to the rails of the temporary chapel, where the bridegroom and his best man, Mr. J.G.K. VAN STAVEREN, awaited them. The bride was given away by her father, Mr. J.S. DISTIN, and the Rev. Mr. LOMAS was the officiating clergyman. The youthful bride wore a very pretty dress of pale cream satin with a train of the same material, the body and skirt being relieved with crepe de Chine, and carried a splendid bouquet of white carnations, the bridegroom’s gift. The bride’s train was carried by two little pages in black velvet with deep lace collars and cuffs, Master Claud FLEMMER and Master Ivan SCANLEN, nephews of the bride. The attendant bridesmaids were Miss DISTIN, sister of the bride, Miss MARTIENSSEN, sister of the bridegroom, and Miss MONTAGU, Miss Ruby MONTAGU, Miss Ida MONTAGU and Miss FLEMMER, the bride’s nieces: they all wore gold bracelets, gifts from the bridegroom. Miss E. FLEMMER and Miss O. FLEMMER performed the duties of flower girls. The “Wedding March” and the accompaniment to the hymn “The voice that breathed o’er Eden” were played on the harmonium by Miss TREGASKIS, the service being well rendered and deeply impressive. At the conclusion of the service the register was signed in the presence of the company, who were enthusiastic in their congratulations. Mr. and Mrs. DISTIN afterwards entertained the wedding party at breakfast, after which Mr. and Mrs. MARTIENSSEN left for Sunny Side, the residence of Mr. W. DISTIN, the bride’s brother, which was kindly lent for the occasion, en route for Capetown, where the first part of the honeymoon will be spent. Mrs. MARTIENSSEN wore a close-fitting travelling dress of grey tweed. In the evening Mr. and Mrs. DISTIN gave a dance at Tafelberg Hall which was numerously attended, and dancing was kept up with great spirit till daybreak. The display of presents in the drawing room included the following:
The Bridegroom’s gift to the Bride, gold watch and chain; the Bride’s gift to the Bridegroom, silver napkin ring; [continues for a column with long list of gifts, but print not that legible.]

Tuesday 27 January 1891

Miss McDERMOTT is now prepared to give lessons on the Pianoforte and Guitar to a limited number of Pupils. For terms apply at her residence, Beaufort-street.

It is with regret we (Free Press) announce the death of Mr. Richard DOUTHWAITE, on the 20th instant, at the Frontier Hospital. The deceased is the son of the Rev. Mr. DOUTHWAITE of London. He was at College studying as a candidate for the Wesleyan Ministry when his health gave way, and consumption began to develop. Not gathering strength he was recommended to South Africa, but it was too late. On arrival he stayed a month at Simon’s Town, and then came on to Queenstown, residing with the Rev. R. LAMPLOUGH and family. Every kindness was shown, Mrs. LAMPLOUGH being unremitting in her attention to the sick visitor, but without avail, and it was decided to remove him to the hospital. Only a few days elapsed – a very trying time indeed for the matron and her assistants – when Mr. DOUTHWAITE passed away on Tuesday last.

Thursday 29 January 1891

MARRIED at St.Patrick’s R.C. Cathedral, Grahamstown, on 2nd instant by the Most Rev. Bishop Ricards V.A., assisted by Rev. Father Rizzonelli, Dr. Cadwallader Phillip THOMAS B.A., of Baliol College, Oxford, to Pauline Mary, eldest daughter of the Hon. Alexander WILMOT, of Grahamstown.

DIED this morning, 28th inst, at the residence of Mr. Wm. WEDDERBURN, Margaret Mary Humphrey, relict of the late Capt. TYLER, Master Mariner (born WILLS) aged 77 years.

We much regret to learn, by wire today from Johannesburg, tidings of the death of Mr. Charles HARPER (of Melrose) there yesterday. Mr. HARPER had been staying at the Rand for some months past, and was intending, we believe, to return to his former residence at Melrose very shortly. He was an upright man and a valuable citizen; and we deplore his loss not only for his friends’ and relations’ sake, but on behalf of the community.

Yesterday afternoon the Roman catholic pro-Cathedral was the scene of the wedding of Miss Pauline Mary WILMOT, eldest daughter of the Hon. Alexander WILMOT M.L.C., to Dr. Cadwallader P. THOMAS BA. The Most Reverend Bishop RICARDS, assisted by the Rev. Father RIZZONELLI, conducted the ceremony, which was witnessed by a crowded congregation of the personal friends of the bride and the general public attracted by the interesting event. It is unnecessary to assert that the bride looked charming. Her costume was simply beautiful and quite beyond the power of the masculine pen to describe. She was attended by three of her sisters as bridesmaids, the train of her dress being carried by a little brother and sister. In fact nearly the whole family was pleasantly engaged in assisting to launch their pretty eldest sister upon the alluring sea of matrimony. The service throughout was particularly impressive, certain portions being musically rendered. At the conclusion of the ceremony a large party of invited friends and guests assembled at “The Grange”, West Hill, where the wedding breakfast was discussed, and a number of complimentary toasts proposed. Among these were “The health of the bride” proposed by Mr. SHAND, and replied to by the happy bridegroom. Mr. TUCKER A.R.M. replied to the toast of the bridesmaids, and the health of the parents of the bride was proposed by Sir Jacob BARRY, President of the Eastern Districts Court, in very felicitous terms. These marks of attention having been concluded, and the formal congratulations of friends expressed, Dr. and Mrs. THOMAS left by the afternoon train for the Zuurberg, where the honeymoon will be spent. Our heartfelt good wishes follow them, and our hope is that the troubles of the life before them may be no more irksome than “crumped rose leaves”. We may add that the presents to the bride were numerous, beautiful, and many of them costly. We understand that Dr. THOMAS, who has been acting as surgeon on board one of our mail steamers, will settle down for a time to practise in Grahamstown.

Saturday 31 January 1891

DIED at Johannesburg on the 28th inst, aged 52 years and 9 months, Charles HARPER of Melrose, near Manley’s Flat.
His end was peace.

This aged clergyman, whose death is announced as having taken place at Rondebosch, near Capetown, was formerly Colonial Chaplain at Bathurst, where he was highly respected during the long term of years that he held the chaplaincy. He was conspicuous (says the D.F. Advertiser) for his unobtrusive character, and noted for his deep learning. Dr. COTTERILL, Bishop of Grahamstown, himself conspicuous for scholarship, selected Mr. BARROW from among his clergy to be Chancellor of the Diocese of Grahamstown, a purely honorary appointment, but a mark of distinction for learning and judgement. In July 1868 Mr. BARROW retired on a pension and resided thereafter at Rondebosch. His wife predeceased him a year or two ago. Deceased had attained the age of eighty-six years.

W.S. SLATER, the young son of Mr. and Mrs. Carey SLATER, who has for some time been very dangerously ill, died yesterday. His parents have already, we regret to learn, sustained recent severe family bereavements.

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