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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1891 07 July

Saturday 4 July 1891

BIRTH at Koodoo Kloof on the 20th June 1891, the wife of H.E. SAVORY of a daughter.

On Sunday morning, at Christ Church, the hymns and sermons will have special reference to the death of the late Ven. Archdeacon KITTON.

At Maritzburg, the body of a respectable old man named C. BOWER, who wandered from his home about a fortnight ago, was lately found decomposed in an unused cattle kraal outside the city. He is supposed to have died from starvation and exposure, being an imbecile.

The death of Mr. BRUCH at Johannesburg is reported. The deceased gentleman was formerly a partner in the firm of Messrs. Jules Porges & Co., and bore a leading part in transactions resulting in the consolidation of the four mines. He was only 30. The cause of death was undeveloped typhoid.

Intense gloom and sorrow fell over Kokstad on Thursday last week (says the Kokstad Advertiser) when it was announced that Mr. and Mrs. STANFORD had lost one of their little ones from diphtheria. This scourge is still amongst us, and as it shows no respect for persons, parents are now beginning to get alarmed.

A lamentable death occurred last week. Mrs. W. GIBSON, a former resident of this town, was journeying (says the Cape Mercury) with her family by ox-wagon from Grahamstown via Fort Beaufort to join her husband here, when she was seized with sudden illness somewhere this side of Fort Beaufort, and expired of failure of the heart’s action. On a dreary road, and in inclement weather, the distress of the children can perhaps be imagined but not described.

Tuesday 7 July 1891

DIED at Grahamstown July 6th 1891, beloved wife of David SAMPSON, in her 60th year.
The Funeral of the late Mrs. SAMPSON will leave the residence of Mr. D. SAMPSON, Bathurst-street, at 4 o’clock tomorrow (Wednesday) afternoon. Friends respectfully invited to attend.

We regret that it is our painful duty today to record the painfully sudden death of Mrs. David SAMPSON, the wife of our esteemed fellow-citizen. Mrs. SAMPSON had not been ailing at all, and appeared to be in her ordinary health until about 3 o’clock yesterday afternoon, when she felt unwell. Even then no apprehensions were felt, but the end was very near, and she passed away at about six o’clock. The deceased lady was in her sixtieth year, and very widely known and respected. To her bereaved husband and large family we tender our sincerest condolences in the heavy trial that has befallen them. The last sad rites will be performed at 4pm tomorrow.

Thursday 9 July 1891

BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 3rd inst, the wife of J. NEARY of a son.

On Sunday morning when the Cape train arrived here it was found (says the Advertiser) that one of the passengers, a man named QUIRK, who had travelled from Grahamstown, was very ill. He was taken to the waiting-room, where, despite all efforts, a few minutes after being taken there, he died. The guard notice on the way that the deceased was strange in his behaviour and appearance. A post-mortem was held in the forenoon and an inquest will probably take place.

Saturday 11 July 1891

The Queen has sent the Royal bounty of £3 to Mrs. ROBINSON, of Umzimkulu, Natal, for triplets, who were named Tom, Dick and Harry.

It is our painful duty to mention that the Grim Reaper has gathered one of the choicest of Grahamstown’s flowers into his garner. Miss Ethel LAWRANCE, daughter of our respected townsman Mr. Jos. LAWRANCE, had during her nineteen short summers accumulated a large number of friends, and it will be a genuine grief to them when they hear she has been taken away to another world. The end of her earthly life came on Friday night after several months of intense anguish caused by rheumatic fever in one of its several forms, and the poor young girl herself must have felt even death to be a merciful relief from her sufferings. Round her bed on Friday night her relations gathered, waiting for the end evidently so near at hand. She was perfectly conscious that her earthly life was nearly ended, and indicating one of the symptoms of her malady remarked calmly, “There is my death warrant”. Before she died she mentioned each of her many friends by name, far and near, and wished them all farewell. It was 1 o’clock before she died. At 8 o’clock this morning the funeral, followed by deeply sorrowing relatives and friends, wended its way to the Jewish burial ground, where the Rev. W. TEES read the Jewish burial service. The wreaths laid on the coffin were very numerous and handsome, one even being ordered by a friend in Barberton, whilst others came from other distant places. To the heartbroken parents we tender our sincerest sympathy and condolence.

Tuesday 14 July 1891

DIED at Grahamstown on July 10th 1891, Ethel Annie LAWRANCE, daughter of Joseph and Dinah LAWRANCE, aged 19 years 8 months and 7 days.

Mr. D. SAMPSON begs to tender his sincere and grateful thanks to J.S. WILLCOX Esq., Mayor and Town Council, E.W. WELLS, W.M. St.John’s Lodge and Bro. MASONS, J.E. WOOD Esq. M.L.A., Rev. TEES, and all Friends, both Ladies and Gentlemen, for their very kind tokens of sympathy towards himself and family in their sad bereavement.

Thursday 16 July 1891

At Grahamstown on July 15th, Herbert TUCKER to Mabel S.W. EVERLEY.

MARRIED at the Baptist Church, Grahamstown, by the Rev. G.W. Cross, on Tuesday July 14 1891, William, eldest son of the Rev. R.H. BROTHERTON, to Amy, only daughter of John DUFFIELD.

The Baptist Church, Bathurst Street, was the scene of a very pretty wedding on Tuesday forenoon last, when the nuptials were celebrated of Miss Amy Maria Jane DUFFIELD, only daughter of an old and esteemed resident of our city, Mr. John DUFFIELD, and Mr. William Fuller BROTHERTON, eldest son of the Rev. R.H. BROTHERTON, formerly pastor of the Baptist Church here. The religious service was impressively conducted by the Rev. G.W. CROSS, Miss TIDMARSH skilfully presiding at the organ and playing the “Wedding March”, as well as an introductory selection, on the occasion. The bride, who really looked quite charming, was “given away” by her father, and was attired in a rich cream satin costume, trimmed with ostrich feather tips, lace and flowers, with handsome train, wreath and veil, and carried a beautiful bouquet of white flowers. The bridesmaids were Miss Louise WHEELDON, whose appearance won favourable comment, and Miss Susie DICKS, both cousins of the bride, their dresses of cream nun’s veiling, trimmed with gold braid, being remarkably pretty. They also wore wreaths and veils, and both looked very pretty. Four little fairies, Mary FAIRLIE, Francis DUFFIELD, Ethel BOWER and Connie DUFFIELD, dressed in white pongee silk frocks, tied with heliotrope sashes, and carrying baskets of flowers, added much to the pretty effect of the group. One or two of the little dots were very anxious to see all that was going on and were somewhat restless in their “seekings after knowledge”. Messrs. Albert DUFFIELD and John BROTHERTON officiated as groomsmen.
After the ceremony and the signing of the register the bridal party drove to the residence of the parents of the bride, where an “At Home” was held, and many friends met to congratulate the happy couple. The presents received by the bride were numerous, among these being a valuable piano, the gift of her father. The bridesmaids, we should have observed, wore handsome silver bracelets, and the little flower girls pretty brooches, the gift of the bridegroom. The honeymoon will be spent at the Kowie, after which Mr. and Mrs. BROTHERTON will take up their residence in the district of Tarkastad, where the former had been farming for some years. Our best wishes will attend the future life of the two now made one, and our hope is that every prosperity may follow them.

Yesterday at 9:30 in Christ Church the nuptials were celebrated of Miss Mabel EVERLEY and Mr. Herbert TUCKER, Assistant Resident Magistrate. The Rev. William IMPEY was the officiating clergyman and Mrs. WALLIS presided gracefully at the organ. The bridesmaids were the two sisters of the Bride, the Misses Florence and Daisy EVERLEY, while the happy groom was ably supported by Mr. T. TODD. A large number of friends of the happy couple, both of whom are widely known and deservedly popular in Grahamstown society, assembled in the Church and took part in the interesting ceremony. The bride was given away by the Rev. M. NORTON, Incumbent of Christ Church. After the religious ceremony had been completed the whole party of guests retired to “The Hermitage”, the residence of the Bride’s mother, where a most enjoyable time was passed, viands of the choicest kind and in inexhaustible abundance being partaken of, after which the usual wedding oratory had its fling, and was laughed at and applauded, also in the usual manner. The presents were both numerous and costly, useful and ornamental, and made a rare show, and we only regret that our space will not allow us to publish the full list. Mr. and Mrs. TUCKER left almost at once by private cart en route for Kingwilliamstown and East London, where the honeymoon will be spent. To the endless congratulations of hosts of friends we add our own best wishes for a happy and unclouded married life, in whatever part of the Colony their lives may be spent.

An awful death occurred in Kingwilliamstown on Wednesday week. The clothes of Mrs. James WHITTLE, an old inhabitant, took fire, and before help could be obtained the body was burnt to a cinder. The husband, who is 84 years of age, was the only other person in the house when the accident took place.

Saturday 18 July 1891

Some little stir (says a contemporary) has been caused among the members of the C.M.R. stationed at Kingwilliamstown, by one of the privates having fallen in love with, and married, a kafir girl. His comrades are indignant, and someone has written to a local paper to inquire whether the permission of the Colonel was not necessary before a military man could marry. We doubt, however, whether the Colonel could have prevented the event taking place provided that the couple were determined to unite. In the meantime the bridegroom is being cut dead by all his comrades.

Tuesday 21 July 1891

DIED at Grahamstown July 20th, Frances Sarah MARSDEN, relict of the late William MARSDEN, aged 55 years and 8 months.
Miss MARSDEN tenders her sincere thanks to Drs. CHEW and GREATHEAD for the kind attention shown to her mother during her illness.

St.John’s Lodge No.828
The BB are requested to attend the Funeral of their late Bro. Benj. PREW, to mee at the Temple, Hill-street, tomorrow (Wednesday) afternoon at 3, and from thence proceed to the residence of the deceased, starting from there to the Cemetery.
Visiting BB are earnestly invited to attend.
Usual Mourning – Aprons and Jewels Craped.
By order of the W.M.
Grahamstown, July 21st 1891.

Albany Lodge No.389
The BB are requested to attend the Funeral of their late Bro. Benj. PREW, to mee at the Temple, Hill-street, tomorrow (Wednesday) afternoon at 3, and from thence proceed to the residence of the deceased, starting from there to the Cemetery.
Visiting BB are earnestly invited to attend.
Usual Mourning – Aprons and Jewels Craped.
By order of the W.M.
Secretary 389
Grahamstown, July 21st 1891.

St.Andrew’s Lodge No.651 (SC)
The BB are requested to attend the Funeral of their late Bro. Benj. PREW, to mee at the Temple, Hill-street, tomorrow (Wednesday) afternoon at 3, and from thence proceed to the residence of the deceased, starting from there to the Cemetery.
Visiting BB are earnestly invited to attend.
Usual Mourning – Aprons and Jewels Craped.
By order of the R.W.M.
Grahamstown, July 21st 1891.

Grahamstown Football Club
All members of the above Club are requested to attend the Funeral of their late President, Mr. Ben. PREW, tomorrow (Wednesday) afternoon at 4 o’clock.

The Funeral of the late Mr. B. PREW will leave his late residence, Oatlands, tomorrow (Wednesday) afternoon at 4 o’clock. Friends respectfully invited to attend.

(From our Kowie correspondent)
A very sad occurrence took place Saturday morning. It appears that Mr. PREW was coming from Grahamstown on a troll[e]y worked by two natives, and when running down a steep grade near Trapp[e]’s Valley, came into collision with another trolly used by a gang of workmen, and which the sharp curve at this spot prevented from being observed. An accident was inevitable and Mr. PREW was hurled violently off, having the misfortune to break his leg, besides receiving other severe bruises; the two natives escaping with only slight injuries. Mr. PREW was brought here on the trolly at 11 o’clock, and placed in the Ladies’ Waiting Room, where Dr. W.H. ATHERSTONE was speedily in attendance, when it was ascertained that the thigh bone had received a compound fracture and the bone was protruding through the skin. Wires were at once despatched to Mrs. PREW and Dr. CHEW, who with several friends came down by the afternoon train, the sufferer meanwhile having been removed to the residence of Mr. Alfred EVANS. Drs. CHEW and W.H. ATHERSTONE effected the setting of the broken limb, and it was considered desirable to remove Mr. PREW to town by special train on Sunday morning. Widespread sympathy is felt for Mr. PREW, whose warm interest in all matters relating to Port Alfred is well known, and we heartily hope that he will recover from this painful accident, and soon be restored to his usual health and vigour.
It did not take long for this sad news to reach Grahamstown, where Mr. PREW has always been universally popular. He was tenderly conveyed on a stretcher to the Hospital, where medical aid was immediately called into requisition. It was soon evident that the right leg would have to be amputated, and the operation was skilfully performed by Drs. GREATHEAD and CHEW shortly after midnight, Mrs. PREW having consented to the operation when she understood that it was a matter of life or death. Everybody connected with the Hospital has been besieged with enquiries as to the sufferer’s progress, and seldom has so much public interest been taken in any case at that Institution. It was reported that he was going on as well as could be expected yesterday, and even upon the market this morning the same report was current. At that time, however, he was drawing very near his end. He slept well until about midnight, when he awoke and complained of being in pain, and from that time he got very little sleep. At about 7 in the morning Mr. DAVIES, whose vigilance knew no weariness, detected a change for the worse. The symptoms grew rapidly more unmistakeable, and Dr. GREATHEAD was sent off for in hot haste, and was soon on the spot. Despite all that could be done, he quietly breathed his last at about a quarter past eight this morning, Mrs. PREW being too late to see him alive. The funeral will take place at 4pm tomorrow and will be followed by the three lodges of Freemasons. Mr. PREW had long been identified with the business life of Grahamstown, and was prominent in every undertaking for the good of the City. He was President of the Football Club at the time of his death, and actively interesting himself in the arrangements for the visit of the English team. It is conjectured that he had received internal injuries by his terrible fall, in addition to the broken leg, though the latter must in itself have been an awful shock to the system. Going down the steep incline at between 30 and 40 miles an hour, the impetus with which he was shot off the trolly was so great that on alighting 30 feet away the bone of his leg was forced right through his knee cap and into the earth.
Mr. PREW had a warning of the dangers of trolly travelling about 18 months back, when he, Mr. BAYES, and Mr. Archie BEADLE went down to the Kowie on a trolly. Just as they went down the incline into Bathurst at about 30 miles an hour they dashed into a cow which was on the line, and were flung violently in different directions. The cow was hurled right over a 4ft fence, and all of the passengers badly bruised, Mr. PREW being under the impression at first that both his legs were broken.
This morning the town was decked with half-masted flags, and the sad death of Mr. PREW is the one topic of conversation. We would add to the expressions of sympathy our heartfelt condolences with the widow and eight young children in their heavy bereavement.

Mrs. THOMAS has received letters from Mashonsland informing her that her son George THOMAS died near Fort Victoria of fever in June. His two mates, Messrs. Sid. STRUTT and FOWLES, both also well known here, wrote the sad news. They found the poor young fellow, who is well known in Grahamstown, lying unconscious from fever and neglect, and did what they could for him, but death would not be denied. We tender our sincere sympathy to the mother and relatives.

Thursday 23 July 1891

MARRIED at the D.R. Church, Capetown, by the Rev. Dr. [K...], on June 20th, Frederick Warner ROBERTS to Hilda, daughter of Dr. LANDEBERG.

Mr. BRADFIELD M.L.C. was recalled hurriedly from his parliamentary duties owing to the illness of his wife, whose death from puerperal fever we (Mercury) regret to record.

At Alice the other day (reports the Mercury) a fatal accident occurred to a little girl, the daughter of Mr. William DEWEY. The child attempted to climb on to the side of a wagon, which was in motion at the time, and losing her grasp, fell down between the wheels, which passed over her body, death ensuing a few hours after.

Tuesday 28 July 1891

DIED at Grahamstown, July 21st 1891, Benjamin PREW, aged 35 years. Deeply regretted.

Thursday 30 July 1891

MARRIED at Trinity Church, Grahamstown on Tuesday July 28th 1891, Arthur SLATER to Eliza CHALMERS.

DIED at Grahamstown on July 29 1891, Thomas DOVE, aged 66 years.
The Funeral of the late Thos. DOVE will leave his late residence at Mesopotamia tomorrow (Friday) afternoon at 4 o’clock. Albany Brethren and other friends respectfully invited to attend.

MARRIED at Commemoration Church on Wednesday 29th July 1891, by the Rev. H. Cotton, Joseph PITTAWAY, sixth son of the late Joseph PITTAWAY, of Grahamstown, to Susan, second daughter of Mr. J.S. LEWIS, of Grahamstown.

Without any warning and painlessly, Mr. Thomas DOVE, so long Town Crier of Grahamstown, passed away in his sleep last night. His wife did not even know that she was left a widow till the morning, when she found to her grief that he would never wake again in this world. He was the “cry” a sale of Mr. H, LAWRANCE’s on the Market this morning, and his absence was of course noticed, though nobody imagined that the familiar voice would never more be heard in our streets. Mr. DOVE, who was a veteran soldier and had seen much service in the Crimea and elsewhere, was one of our municipal institutions; and it will seem strange not to hear his clarion tones announcing forthcoming events, as he ambled round town on his pony. The deceased was 66 years old and was universally respected and popular amongst the citizens. He had for some time been in rather ailing condition, but without any actual sickness. We tender our sincere sympathy to the bereaved widow. The funeral takes place tomorrow afternoon.








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