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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1893 12 December

Saturday 2 December 1893

[Transcriber’s Note: There is an IN MEMORIAM column for Bishop RICARDS, who died on 30 November 1893, but sadly it is too faint to read, apart from the following]
Bishop RICARDS expired at about 5 o’clock on Thursday afternoon after a long and lingering illness. Yesterday the body, attired in his late vestments, with the mitre on his head, and a chalice in the hands, which were crossed on his breast, was laid in state in a handsome coffin in St.Patrick’s Pro-Cathedral. The Cathedral was very tastefully draped with black and white drapery, and the coffin was surrounded with many beautiful wreaths of everlastings &c and innumerable candles. At 10:30 a full Requiem Mass was performed, a large congregation being present. The scene was a very solemn one, the grief shown by many of the congregation demonstrating the great degree of love with which the late prelate had inspired his flock.

Tuesday 5 December 1893

BIRTH at Somerset East on the 23rd November 1893, the wife of Advocate BLACK of a son.

DIED at Somerset East on the 24th November 1893, Janet Margaret, dearly beloved wife of Advocate BLACK.

The decease of Mr. FORD, a well-known Durban cyclist, is reported. Mr. FORD was [whizzing] about on November [13] in his usual state of health but died on Friday last. Deceased had a boil on his neck during the last day or two, and this had been irritated in some way, and blood poisoning resulted, causing death.

Saturday 9 December 1893

Yesterday morning a little European boy, named George VAN TONDER, while on his way to Shaw [Hall] School, was run over in Church-square by a cab. The poor little fellow is apparently unhurt outside, but internal injuries are feared. Dr. BEGG-ROBERTSON attended the patient.

Tuesday 12 December 1893

On Saturday night at 8 o’clock VAN DER WELT, a Dutchman, who has been for the last nine years a patient at the Lunatic Asylum, and who will be remembered by everyone for the interest he took in religious matters, and by his loud singing when out walking near the Asylum, died. His friends, who are well off, received the body, which they conveyed to Colesberg.

Thursday 14 December 1893

The body of B. HAMMERSCHLAG, who lately disappeared, has been taken out of the Vaal River.

Saturday 16 December 1893

PASSED AWAY on the 14th inst, at Prince Alfred Street, Mary LARDNER, daughter of Henry LARDNER and Frances Charlotte BURKE, aged two months.

Saturday 23 December 1893

At Commemoration Church, Grahamstown, on the [19]th inst, John JOLLY of Johannesburg, to Florence Marian, daughter of C.J. STIRK of this City.

Thursday 28 December 1893

By Special Licence at St.George’s Cathedral, Dec 25, by the very Rev. the Dean of Grahamstown, Albert Cornelius OLVER, of Johannesburg, to Charlotte Adelaide Maud, daughter of Mr. D. WILSON, of Grahamstown.

DIED on Christmas Day at Signal Hill, the residence of her daughter-in-law, Mary Ann BOWKER, widow of the late John Mitford BOWKER, aged 79 years.

Mrs. COLENSO, widow of the late Bishop COLENSO, died at Maritzburg on Saturday last. There was a large attendance of Churchmen at the funeral, at which the Bishop officiated.

At Kimberley last week a married woman named Margaret [YARNLEA] was found dead with her baby lying across her breast. Verdict: Death through drink and exposure.

Mr. H. ELLIOTT, son of Major ELLIOTT, was drowned a few days ago whilst attempting to ford a swollen river near Kokstad. The deceased at one time filled an appointment on His Excellency Sir Arthur HAVBELOCK’s staff at Maritzburg

On Christmas Day Mrs. BOWKER, widow of the late John Mitford BOWKER, passed peacefully away from life at Signal Kop, the residence of her daughter-in-law, Mrs. B. BOWKER. Although in her 80th year, she was still hale and active, and was actually planning a journey to Basutoland to visit one of her children there. During Sunday evening, however, she felt a little unwell, and next day did not get up at her usual hour. Some restorative was taken as she seemed feeble, and in the afternoon she fell asleep, and quietly ceased to live. Her sons, Mr. Duncan BOWKER and Mr. John BOWKER, were promptly summoned, but of course too late to see her alive. The deceased was buried yesterday in the Anglican Cemetery of this city, the Rev. Canon MULLINS officiating. Mrs. BOWKER had been a widow 47 years, her husband having died at the close of the war of 1846, mainly owing to the hardships of that campaign. Mr. John Mitford BOWKER will long be remembered in this Colony as one of the most remarkable of a remarkable family, or clan we might almost call it, for the BOWKERs have become widely spread over South Africa, and the fame of their exploits has extended even more widely. He was the first Magistrate appointed to the Fingoes when settled in Peddie after the war of 1835; and he was the author of a volume of Speeches, Letters and Selections, relating to the stormy colonial politics of those troubled days. We present our sincere condolences to the family for whom this bereavement has made the cheerful season of Christmas especially sad.

Saturday 30 December 1893

MARRIED at St.George’s Cathedral on Dec 26th 1893, by the Rev. H. Mosel, George William THOMAS, of Grahamstown, to Jennet Christian OLIVER, of Claremont.

The Telegraph says that Mr. J.R. EVANS went out to the Red House on Monday and, in company with Mr. Valentine KING and Mr. J.R. KEITH, started at 11 o’clock in a boat up the river. Everything went well until they passed Picnic Reach. The wind was blowing very fresh from the South-east, and among the hills in the locality mentioned it came in fierce gusts, one of which suddenly caught the boat and caused her to capsize. The occupants were thrown out, Mr. EVANS falling under the sail. He was pulled out by Mr. KING, and the former, who was known to be a good swimmer, struck out boldly for the shore, from which he was only a short distance. Mr. KING, who had not the least fear of his companion’s not reaching land, then turned his attention to Mr. KEITH, who could not swim, and kept him up till a boat came and took him on board. He was much exhausted, and had a narrow escape from the fate of his companion, Mr. EVANS, who was seen suddenly to disappear. At the time of the occurrence there was another boat no distance from Mr. EVANS, but its movements were hampered by one of the rowlocks having given way. On Monday and Tuesday Mr. KING, Mr. MANDY and others searched and dragged the river for the body of Mr. EVANS, who was a young man, only 35 years of age, and had only been four years in the Colony. He was traveller for Messrs. J.C. Jute & Co. Considering he was a good swimmer, and only a short distance from the land, he must have been taken with cramp or had some other seizure caused by excitement and the sudden nature of the accident. Mr. KING was very cool and self-possessed, and to these useful qualities Mr. KEITH no doubt owed his life. The accident threw quite a gloom over the numerous excursionists at the river. The body of Mr. EVANS was afterwards recovered.


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