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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1894 04 April

Tuesday 3 April 1894

MARRIED on Easter Monday, March 26, at St.Bartholomew’s Church, Grahamstown, George, son of Mr. T. LOCKIE of Windsor, England, to Ida Adelaide, daughter of Mr. S. ASHINGTON of Grahamstown, South Africa.

DIED at Assegai River, March 31 1894, Priscilla SLATER, widow of the late George SLATER, aged 83 years and 5 months.

The Bloemfontein Express reports the sad death by drowning on Easter Monday of Mr. Nicholas C. ROLFE who, in company with several friends, went to bathe in the [illegible], and not being able to swim, and getting out of his depth, was drowned, notwithstanding the exertions of his friends to save him. Mr. ROLFE was an employee of Messrs. G.A. [Fischardt & Co] and has been in this country about three years.

A very pretty and interesting double wedding took place in Commemoration Chapel on Tuesday, March 27th. The day being all that could be desired, a good number of spectators were present, and a good deal of excitement prevailed when [both] brides drove up to the door. The service was conducted by the Rev. H. COTTON, who appeared to be the right man in the right place, and who [at once] set to work to join in holy wedlock William Henry David, 5th son of Mr. LLOYD of Alice, to Eliza Priscilla, third daughter of the late Mr. Thomas ELLIOTT of Peddie; and Owen Portlock, youngest son of Mr. Henry STIRK of Hercules, Peddie, to Ellen Jane, eldest daughter of Mr. John RICHARDSON of Grahamstown. The brides were both attired in white pongee silk, trimmed with orange blossom and ribbon, with the usual wreath and veil, and with their smiling faces they looked exquisite and stood their parts well. The dresses were made by the firm of Mr. R. Restall STOCKS, which deserves great credit. The first bride was given away by her brother, Mr. Thomas Henry ELLIOTT, and the latter by her father, Mr. John RICHARDSON. They were attended by their sisters, Miss Martha ELLIOTT and Miss Emma RICHARDSON, who were dressed in crème lace trimmed with ribbon, in which they looked very attractive. The two second bridesmaids looked very becoming in their dresses of salmon nun’s veiling, trimmed with lace and white pongee. Maidenhair fern and roses adorned the bridesmaids’ hair, which set them off to perfection. The bridegrooms were supported by their brothers, Messrs. Alfred LLOYD and Fred. STIRK. After the signing of the certificates in the vestry the bridal party, accompanied by their relatives and friends, drove to the residence of Mr. John RICHARDSON, where they all sat down to a sumptuous breakfast. The health of the brides and bridegrooms was drunk in sparkling cold water, after which an excellent speech was made by the Rev. H. COTTON, containing a few words of counsel and advice, which was responded to by Mr. Owen STIRK. After the breakfast Mr. and Mrs. LLOYD drove to the station and left by train for Port Elizabeth. Shortly after, Mr. and Mrs. STIRK left by the Kowie train for Trapp’s Valley, and from thence by cart to their future home in the Peddie district. We join with many friends in wishing both the couples long life, prosperity and happiness.

Saturday 7 April 1894

BIRTH at Vryburg on 29th March 1894, the wife of C.R. CHALMERS of a son (still-born)

Tuesday 10 April 1894

Messrs. STONE & Son beg to inform their numerous Clients and the Public generally that they have removed their Offices from the premises next to PAGE &Son to next to the Salvation Army Citadel.

BIRTH at Grahamstown, March 26th 1894, the wife of Thomas REYNOLDS of a daughter.

DIED at Grahamstown April 9th 1894, Lucy Cureton REYNOLDS, aged 26 years.

Thursday 12 April 1894

BIRTH at the Rectory, Port Alfred, on the 8th April, the wife of the Rev. F.W. FLACK of a daughter.

HORNABROOK – On Good Friday, at the Institution, Healdtown, the wife of Richard F. HORNABROOK of a daughter.

DIED at his son’s residence, Glenfields, East London District, on the 1st April, John FORRESTER of Benwell, Peddie, aged 81 years and 7 months.

The subject of this brief memoir, who recently died at his son Richard’s farm, Glenfields, East London district, came to this country when a lad with the Settlers of 1820. His boyhood experienced all the hardships and dangers known only to those who settle down in a new country, infested with all kinds of wild, predatory animals, and with warlike and restless savages on their immediate border. Few of us now living can realise the privations, hardships and dangers endured by those early Settlers. The year 1835 found him and others on the then sparsely-peopled frontier, engaged in a fierce struggle to stem the sudden irruption of the Kafir tribes, who had plundered them of their cattle and reduced their comfortable homes to smouldering ruins. Similar disasters again occurred in the years 1846-47 and 1850-51. On each of these occasions he was driven off his place, and had to seek refuge in Grahamstown for his wife and already large family. In all those wars he did good service, for he was of a fearless nature, and his cheerful, confident manner seemed to strip danger of its terrors, and would inspire his weaker companions with a spirit of courage that would lead them on to deeds of daring which otherwise they might have hesitated to encounter. But is less as a brave and willing defender of his country than as a farmer and colonist that the writer wishes his well-spent life to be an example to his fellow-colonists. Let those of our farmers who, in these days of many drawbacks, are apt to lose heart, take courage from the example of my deceased friend. We have seen that on three several occasions he was brought to the brink of ruin, but as soon as the worst of the storm was over, and it was at all safe to venture, he would be back on the farm allotted to his father, which he had inherited, and with scanty means bravely endeavour once more to restore things to their former condition. He was an agriculturist, and loved working the soil, but being of an enterprising disposition his ventures were not always successful, and resulted in loss. Thus, when the growing of flax was first suggested, he cultivated it largely, but the poor price paid for fibre and linseed obliged him to abandon that industry. The cotton was started. Mr. YOUNG and some others failed to make it pay. Mr. FORRESTER had large fields under cultivation, and was amongst the last to give it up. Yet, in spite of wars and other reverses and disappointments, such was his perseverance, industry and integrity of conduct that he was enabled to rear and maintain in comfort and respectability a numerous family, giving them all a fair education. A few months ago he was a hale old man, then paralysis reined him. He died at the ripe age of 72 [sic], leaving seven sons and four daughters to care for their aged mother. Though in comfortable circumstances, Mr. FORRESTER may not have left his children much wealth or many broad acres, but theirs is the priceless heritage of an unsullied name. May the recollection of their father’s many good qualities be pleasant memories to them, and his example a precious trust to be held by them for their children, not only intact, but enlarged. He was the oldest member of the Albany B.B. Society.

Saturday 14 April 1894

MARRIED at Christ Church on April 11th 1894, by the Rev. M. Norton, William R. ELTRINGHAM to Hester S. [BOURN], both of this city.

DROWNED in the St.John’s River, Pondoland, on the 30th March 1894, Walter George COOPER, third son of Mrs. Fred. COOPER sen. of [Umlengana] Pondoland, late of Grahamstown, in his 33rd year.

News has been received in town this morning of the death by drowning of Walter George COOPER, for many years a resident in this city. From a letter sent by his brother, Mr. F.W. COOPER, to a friend in town, we extract the following account of the sad event. He says: “My brother Walt had been on a three months visit to us at [Umlengana], Pondoland, from Barberton, and had left us on the 29th March for St.John’s, intending to catch the vessel for Natal. He was a day too soon, so determined to have a day’s duck-shooting up the St.John’s River. He left in a boat with a couple of native boys as rowers. While standing up in the boat to wrap a blanket round himself the boat gave a lurch, and he fell backwards into the water, sinking immediately. As the body did not rise, one of the boys jumped into the water, but could not save him. It is supposed his mouth must have filled with water and so suffocated him, as he was an excellent swimmer. The river was searched and dragged but the body was not found until the 2nd April. We buried him in St.John’s cemetery.” To his widowed mother, brother and sisters we tender our heartfelt sympathies. Mr. COOPER formed one of the garrison of the 1st City Volunteers at Breakfast Vlei, and also accompanied Capt. R.W. NELSON with a part of the corps to the [Coomica] during the Gaika-Galeka War.

Tuesday 17 April 1894

I hereby sincerely desire to heartily thank all the dear friends (especially Sister Amelia, Mrs. HILL. Mrs. EDKINS and Mrs. JOHN) who so kindly and frequently visited my dear wife, the late Mrs. TEMPLER, to comfort and sympathise with her during her long, declining illness.
April 16th 1894.

DIED at Grahamstown April 14 1894, Leah, the beloved wife of Thomas TEMPLER (born BEECHAM), near Witney, Oxfordshire, England. Aged 71 years, 11 months and 3 days.
“The Lord gave and the Lord hath taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord.”

We regret to chronicle the decease of Mrs. TEMPLER, the wife of Mr. T. TEMPLER. Mrs. TEMPLER has resided in Grahamstown for a great number of years and was a consistent and greatly respected member of the Wesleyan Church here. She was a class leader for many years, and one of her last acts on Saturday morning last, a few minutes before her death, was to personally hand over to the Rev. H. COTTON the class book which she had held so long, for, as she said, “ She should not use it again”. Her end was very peaceful; it came rather sooner than her friends anticipated, although the deceased lady had been ailing for some considerable time. The funeral took place on Sunday afternoon at four o’clock. As the remains were borne up the aisle of Commemoration Church, the organist, Mr. T.E. SPEED, very beautifully rendered a portion of the lovely air from Mendelssohn’s Elijah, “Oh rest in the Lord”. The church was draped in black, the choir was present, and during the impressive service the Rev. COTTON gave a short address, in which he spoke of the great esteem in which the deceased had always been held, and of the loving and efficient manner in which her duties as class leader had always been performed. As the mournful procession left the Church the Dead March in Saul was tastefully played. The pall bearers were Mr. D. SAMPSON, Mr. J.E. WOOD M.L.A., Mr. R.H. RICHMOND and Mr. D. MACKAY. The chief mourners were Mr. T. TEMPLER, the husband of the deceased; Messrs. J. TEMPLER and A.W. TEMPLER, sons; Mr. STEVENS, son-in-law, and two grandchildren. A large number of sympathetic friends followed, among whom were some of the members of Mrs. TEMPLER’s class, and many others associated with Methodism in the city, as well as numbers from other communities. The coffin bore the following inscription: “Leah TEMPLER, died April 14th 1894, aged 71 years, 11 months and 3 days.” The funeral arrangements were carried out with Mr. WILL’s usual good taste. We tender our very sincere sympathy to the bereaved family in the loss which they have sustained.

About 9 o’clock on Wednesday morning information was received to the effect that George DARWENT, formerly goods’ agent and residing in Victoria Street, Durban, had committed suicide. Upon enquiries being made it was found that DARWENT had placed the muzzle of a carbine in his mouth, the ball from which broke the roof of his mouth and lodged in his skull. Life was not extinct until noon. The deceased had of late been keeping a coal depot near to Mr. John SINCLAIR’s in Commercial Road. He had been depressed and unwell, and on the morning in question did not rise as usual. The Kafir first entered the room and discovered his master’s condition.

Thursday 19 April 1894

We regret to chronicle the death of Mr. J.R. WILMOT J.P., who died suddenly last evening. The funeral will take place tomorrow at Springvale.

Early the other morning a sailor named Ernest BRIDGES, from HMS Blonde, with some companions, went into the Swan Hotel, Loop Street, Capetown, to stay for the night. The man retired to bed and lit his pipe, seeming quite well. On his companions trying to wake him in the morning they got no answer, and an examination proved the man to be dead.

Saturday 21 April 1894

DEPARTED THIS LIFE on the 21st April 1894, Elizabeth Caroline, beloved wife of C.J. FICK, aged 38 years and 7 months. Deeply regretted.
The Funeral of the late Mrs. FICK will leave her husband’s residence, High Street, tomorrow (Sunday) afternoon at four o’clock. Friends respectfully invited to attend.

We regret to chronicle the sad death of Mrs. FICK, wife of our fellow-townsman Mr. C.J. FICK, High Street, last night. The deceased lady was only 38 years old, and leaves a husband and family to mourn their sad loss. The funeral will leave the residence in High Street tomorrow (Sunday) afternoon at 4 o’clock.

Tuesday 24 April 1894

On Tuesday April 24th 1894, John Thomas STANLEY, aged 44 years.
The Funeral of the above will leave his late residence, Robert-street, tomorrow (Wednesday) afternoon at 4 o’clock. Friends respectfully invited to attend.

Mr. STANLEY, for many years in charge of the Goods Shed at the Railway Station, died this morning. Mr. STANLEY has been ailing for some time, but his death was caused by a complication. He was a consistent member of the Anglican Church and was proverbial for his polite and obliging manner. The funeral will leave his late residence, Robert St, tomorrow afternoon at 4 o’clock. He was a member of the Forester’s Lodge in Capetown, and we believe the Foresters in Grahamstown will follow the funeral. We tender our sincerest sympathies with the bereaved family.

Saturday 28 April 1894

BIRTH at Thompson Street, Grahamstown on Friday the 27th April 1894, the wife of Alfred N. WHITE of a son.

Married on April 24th at the residence of Mr. J. Maxwell SHARPE, Somerset Street, Philip Van der Riet COPEMAN, of Alexandria, to Margaret Harker, fourth daughter of Robert DONALDSON Esq. of Preston Pans, Haddingtonshire, Scotland.

A very interesting ceremony took place on Tuesday morning, when our highly esteemed fellow-citizen, Philip COPEMAN, Government Surveyor, was united to Miss [Maggie] DONALDSON, a young lady from Scotland. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Barnabas SHAW assisted by the Rev. Alexander [PITT]. The bride was most tastefully attired in a lovely crème robe, with the usual wreath and veil, and was attended by her sister, Miss Katie DONALDSON, who wore pale grey, trimmed with blue shot silk, and two [illegible] little flower girls, Lilian and Dorothy, daughters of Mr. John Reay SHAW. The bridegroom was ably supported by Mr. H. HUMPHREYS. At the conclusion of the ceremony a number of friends partook of refreshments at the residence of Mr. SHARPE, Somerset Street, when a very pleasant time was spent. Mr. and Mrs. COPEMAN left by the afternoon train, followed by the heartfelt good wishes and congratulations of their many friends.

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