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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1896 08 August

[Transcriber's Note: No issues available 3 April 1895 - 12 Auhust 1896 inclusive]

Thursday 13 August 1896

BIRTH at Grahamstown Aug 3rd, the wife of M.W. GRADWELL, of Woodlands, of a son.

MARRIED on Wednesday 12th August 1896, at the Cathedral of St.Michael and St.George, Grahamstown, by the Rev. W.H. White, Frederick William Edwin, eldest son of the late Frederick CONNOCK Esq, of Port Elizabeth, to Winifred Edith, second daughter of R.W. NELSON Esq. J.P., Grahamstown, and granddaughter of the late Hon. Samuel CAWOOD.

DIED at Peddie on Monday 27th July, after a lingering illness, Thos. BRENT, Capt. late 1st C.M.Y., aged 58 years 9 months.
Oh how sweet will it be, in that beautiful land,
So free from all sorrow and pain;
With songs on our lips and with harps in our hands,
To meet one another again.

A terrible fatal accident occurred at Paardekop on the Netherlands line of Wednesday night. An engine and van were standing in the yard, when another engine and van ran into the yard at full speed, going right through the standing van and on to the standing engine. The driver, BLACKBURN, and fireman [RODD], of the standing engine, were killed; the guard escaped by jumping off. Deriver DE ROOI of the other engine was shaken.

Last Wednesday Mr. Piet DU PREEZ, of the district of Hanover, met his death in the hunting field. The deceased was riding with his buggy through the veld at Rietgat. His gun fell from the cart, and Mr. DU PREEZ caught hold of it by the barrel, when some way or other the charge exploded, the bullet penetrating into the abdomen of DU PREEZ, and coming out of his back. Dr.BAYLY was immediately sent for, but the unfortunate man expired shortly after midnight.

The joyous pealing of the Cathedral Bells yesterday morning proclaimed the fact far and wide that another of Grahamstown’s fairest daughters was being taken for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer. At 10:30 the Cathedral was crowded with a host of friends and relations and the general public to witness the marriage of Miss Winifred NELSON, second daughter of our fellow citizen, Mr. R.W. NELSON, to Mr. Fred. CONNOCK, of the Cape [obscured] Railways. The bride and her father turned up in a splendid carriage lent to Mr. NELSON by a personal friend. The bride looked positively charming in her bridal wreath, veil and lovely costume, tastefully made at Messrs. Bayes & Co, the Bon Marché, by the skilful modistes there. The dress was of white moiré (with court train) trimmed with French lace, orange blossom and handsome pearl embroidery, with the orthodox wreath and tulle veil. The bridesmaid was Miss Beatrice NELSON, who was charmingly dressed in a pretty costume. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. W.H. WHITE and was fully choral, Mr. DEANE presiding at the organ. The bridegroom was assisted through the ordeal by Mr. H. FEATHER, of Port Elizabeth. The bride was given away by her father. After the ceremony, the happy young couple entered the carriage amid a rain of congratulation and rice, and the whole merry wedding party drove to the residence of the bride’s father, Myrtle Villa, near the Railway Station, where the usual nuptial toasts were honoured. At 14:40 Mr. and Mrs. CONNOCK left for East London, amid a fire of rice, and a salvo of fog signals. During the morning the telegraph department were kept busy with the congratulatory telegrams which arrived in bundles for the bride and groom. The wedding presents were costly and numerous. In conclusion we may mention, for the sake of giving honour where it is due, that the wedding cake, which was a marvel of architectural confectionery, was supplied by Mr. Jos. DICKS of Somerset Street. The bride and bridesmaid’s bouquets were simply perfection, and were sent from Messrs. W.C. GOWIE’s. It is worthy of remark that the cloth on the breakfast table at Myrtle Villa was one of those specially made for the late Mr. Samuel CAWOOD from South Africa cotton, and is unique in its pattern, material and beauty.

Saturday 15 August 1896

BIRTH on the [11th] August, at Bathurst, the wife of H.W.H. ELLIOTT of a son.

Tuesday 18 August 1896

BIRTH at Grahamstown on Saturday 15th inst, the wife of Chas. J. VEITCH of a son.

The SAVAGE family have given £5,000 to the town of Port Elizabeth as a memorial to the late W. SAVAGE. It is thought that the money will be spent on a free library.

At Capetown, Alfred Viner SOLOMON of [Pri.... nitrate] fame, was found dead in bed on Thursday morning. It is believed that his death is due to an overdose of sleeping draught.

In Plettenburg district a young farmer named [Lourens BAXTER], of Kroon Kloof, committed suicide by poisoning himself on Friday morning. It is said he was in love with a young lady.

Mr. G.N. HANGER died at Beaconsfield on Tuesday. He was one of those who rushed to the fields on their discovery. He was born at Grahamstown in 1838, in the times when the Settlers taught their children, for defence against the natives, to ride and shoot. Mr. HANGER was a noted horseman and rifle shot. He moved to Bloemfontein in 1852, where he was for some years engaged in farming. At the outbreak of the Basuto war he, as one of the Bloemfontein Rangers, took the field under the command of his brother, Capt. HANGER, and was in the thick of two engagements when Moshoesh[oe]’s stronghold was stormed. He was engaged in all the principal affairs of the campaign, extending nearly through two years, and including Parapara and Malopo’s.

Thursday 20 August 1896

BIRTH at Grahamstown on 18th inst, the wife of C.[G.] MILES of a son.

BIRTH at Lynsted, August 17, Mrs. Bennett STOCKS of a daughter.

The special meeting of this insolvent estate, which was adjourned from August 1st, was resumed yesterday before Mr. HEMMING. It was resolved that the trustee, Mr. J.R. SHAW, sell the back debts in this estate.

We regret most sincerely to hear of the serious illness of Mrs. JOLLY, wife of our esteemed fellow townsman Mr. J. JOLLY. Her illness is causing much anxiety among her many friends and relations.

Saturday 22 August 1896

DIED at Britstown on August the 21st 1896, dear Ethel Mildred, second daughter of George and Emily REYNOLDS, aged 22 years.

Thursday 27 August 1896

A Bulawayo paper says: There passed away at the Memorial Hospital during Thursday night a well-known figure in Bulawayo in the person of Mr. James M. ATTWELL, who was for some time with Mr. NEVE, and lately was in business for himself. Mr. ATTWELL took part in several of the native wars, was in the Transvaal during the Boer War of 1881, and also in the Secocoeni War, besides several engagements in the Cape Colony. He was well known to many of the old volunteers in Kafir wars, and when the Afrikander Corps was first started he was captain and adjutant. He has been ill for some time, however, and quietly sank to rest at the last. At the funeral on Friday afternoon several of the Freemasons of the town attended. The late Mr. ATTWELL was the youngest brother of Mr. Benj. B. ATTWELL of this City.

  • Hits: 1856