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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1896 10 October

Saturday 3 October 1896

BIRTH at Grahamstown Sept. 27th 1896, the wife of Fred. J. ABBOTT of a son.

BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 28th inst, wife of P. De N. LUCAS of a daughter.

On Wednesday Sept 30th at St.Patrick’s Pro-cathedral, by the Rev. Father Hanton, Charles Douglas, third son of Colonel William HOPE V.C., late of the 7th Royal Irish Fusiliers, to Alice Mary Benedicta, fourth daughter of the Hon. Alexander WILMOT M.L.C.

St.Mary’s, Port Elizabeth Sept 29th, by the Rev. Dr. Wirgman BD, assisted by the Rev. B.L.W. Kitching BA, Charles Herbert, fifth son of the Rev. R.G. HUTT, Rector of Helland, Cornwall, to Florence, third daughter of B.J. WHEELER Esq, of Bushbury, Wolverhampton.

On the 30th September 1896, at the Cathedral Church of St.George and St.Michael, Grahamstown, by the Rev. Douglas Ellison MA, William Martin SCHOFIELD, of Bedford C.C., son of the late John SCHOFIELD of Barnsley, Yorks, to Helen, eldest daughter of Edwin TIDMARSH, of Grahamstown.

DIED suddenly at his late residence in Beaufort Street, Grahamstown, on the 1st Oct 1896, Heinrich E.A. SCHMIDT, saddler by trade, in the 61st year of his age.
The Funeral will take place at 4 o’clock tomorrow (Sunday) afternoon. Friends respectfully invited to attend.
A. WILL, Undertaker.

We regret to report the very sudden death on Thursday evening of Mr. H. SCHMIDT, who is well known in the town as a saddler. Mr. SCHMIDT, who was over 60 years of age, complained of not feeling well at tea time, and did not eat anything. He was out smoking his pipe before going to bed. About 10 o’clock his son, Mr. W. SCHMIDT, went into his bedroom and found him already dying. He attempted to revive his father, but without avail, and he soon expired. The funeral takes place tomorrow (Sunday) afternoon at 4 o’clock.

At Barberton a miner, named WILLIAMS, dropped a candle under some dynamite in a [drive] at the [P....r] mine. The stuff took fire, and before WILLIAMS could escape he was overcome by the fumes and died shortly afterwards.

On enquiry at the Hospital this morning we regret to hear that Mr. McCLURG, our respected Stationmaster, is very seriously ill and grave doubts are entertained as to his recovery.

The Oudtshoorn Courant hears that the residence of Mr. VAN NIEKERK, in the district of Kroonstad, in the valley of the Vaal river, was struck by lightning at 1pm on the 22nd August, while Mr. VAN NIEKERK, his wife and six children, and one of the border officials, Mr. [illegible], were in the house. Unfortunately all the doors and windows were closed at the time on account of the heavy rain, so that the lightning penetrated all the apartments. A girl of [illegible] years of age was [crushed], so that her brain passed out of her [head]. Another girl of 18 was burnt to such an extent that her whole body and face were black. One of her [shoes], together with her [illegible] was [illegible]. She is still in a dangerous condition. The house caught fire from above. It was not till 15 minutes after the thunderbolt fell that assistance arrived. It was then that Mrs. VAN NIEKERK recovered consciousness after the shock, and she then dragged the other eight bodies for dead out of the burning house, while it was [consumed] to the ground. There they lay in the rain, which was pouring in torrents, while the fire destroyed everything. The one who was killed was buried on the following Monday. Before the calamity Mr. VAN NIEKERK was well off. Now he has been reduced to poverty. Truly this is a harrowing tale.

Tuesday 6 October 1896

DIED at Potchefstroom, Transvaal, on 6th September 1896, William WEEKS, son of the late Mr. James WEEKS of Grahamstown, who died in the war of 1835, aged 64 years.

Saturday 10 October 1896

BIRTH at the Masonic Hotel, Grahamstown, on 4th October 1896, the wife of James LONG of twins, son and daughter.

Thursday 15 October 1896

BIRTH at Grahamstown on 12th October 1896, the wife of Serge NICHOLAS, of Aberdeen, of a daughter.

MARRIED on Oct 14th at Christ Church by the Rev. M. Norton, Mary Louisa, third daughter of Mr. Frederick SUCKOW of Grahamstown, to Frederick William, second son of Mr. H. WEINECK, also of Grahamstown.

On the 14th, at St.George’s Cathedral, Grahamstown, by the Lord Bishop of Grahamstown, assisted by the Very Rev. the Dean of Grahamstown, Robert MacFarland KING, youngest son of the late Ven. Archdeacon of Dromore, Ireland, Advocate of the Eastern Districts Court, to Ethel Marie (Effie), daughter of John HEMMING Esq, C.C. & R.M. Grahamstown.

DIED at Grahamstown on Oct 11th, Amelia DEGENAAR (relict of the late J. VENABLES) aged 84 years.
[Transcriber’s Note: Her Death Notice is incorrectly indexed as WEGNEAR on NAAIRS. She was born Amelia FRANCIS and was first married to 1820 settler John VENABLES]

An event which has for a long time been looked forward to in Grahamstown came off yesterday at the Cathedral of St.Michael and St.George. We allude to the marriage of Miss Ethel Marie HEMMING, daughter of our esteemed C.C. and R.M. Mr. John HEMMING, to Mr. Robert MacFarlane KING, MA Trinity College, Dublin, [Advocate] of the E.D. Court and youngest son of the late Ven. Archdeacon KING of [Dromore], Ireland. The ceremony, which was one of the most [illegible] weddings... we have ever seen, was pretty as well as impressive. The Cathedral had been charmingly decorated [illegible line...] white arum lilies. The [Cathedral] was crowded with friends, guests and the general public [half the body being reserved] for the guests, of whom there were a great number present. The bridegroom and his best man, Mr. Hugh [W...ner], of the Standard Bank, [illegible] and took their seats in the [illegible] to the right. When the hushed whisper went round “The bride [illegible”, everyone [rose]. The procession then proceeded up the Cathedral aisle. [Illegible....] choristers, all in their surpluses, and led by the Rev. C.H. HUTT. Succeeding them came the blushing bride, leaning on the arm of her father, and followed by her bridesmaids and flower girls. The bride’s handsome costume was made in London and was [constructed] of [Ottoman] silk trimmed with [purest] lace and [illegible]. She wore the orthodox veil. Her maids Miss RUSHTON [illegible] from Kingwilliamstown and Miss BERRY of Queenstown looked very pretty in white silk gowns, the bodice being fully trimmed and finished with white silk [illegible] prettily completed in Marie Antoinette [illegible....] diaphanous material. They wore white [illegible] hats trimmed with white chiffon and white ostrich plumes. These costumes were the work of Messrs. MUIRHEAD & GOWIE’s well known establishment of this City. Four sweet little girls completed the bridal group; little Misses Enid, Dolly and Gladys BLAINE and Gwendoline FITZGERALD. They were dressed in cream satin moiré [illegible] with chiffon trim and Dutch bonnets, and carried little white [illegible] trimmed with flowers and ribbons. The [illegible] looked sweetly old-fashioned in their [illegible].
[Transcriber’s Note: There is a further paragraph which is so faint it is impossible to read]

A very pretty wedding took place yesterday morning at Christ Church when Miss Louisa SUCKOW was united in the bonds of matrimony to Mr. Frederick WEINECK, of Pretoria. The bride, who was given away by her father, looked charming in a very pretty costume of cream silk striped crepon, trimmed with lace, ribbons and pearl [g...]. She wore a lace hat and carried a shower bouquet of white [illegible], carnations and bridal wreath. She also wore a gold watch and chain, the gift of the bridegroom. The bridegroom was accompanied as groomsman by Mr. W. SIMPSON. After the ceremony the wedding party drove to the residence of the bride’s parents, where the wedding breakfast was partaken of. Several congratulatory telegrams were received, and the presents, which were both numerous and costly, were much admired. The healths of the bride and groom were duly toasted, after which they left by the morning train, amid showers of rice, for Pretoria. All unite in wishing them every happiness in their future life.

Saturday 17 October 1896

MARRIED at the Baptist Church, Grahamstown, by the Rev. G.W. Cross, on Wednesday October 14th, J. HAWKES, of Southwell, to Ethel Winnie WHITEHORN, eldest daughter of W.H. WHITEHORN Esq. of Grahamstown.

Death lays his hand on old and young, and lately among the former in Grahamstown on the well-known and respected Mrs. VENABLES. My information respecting her early history is scanty, but I have been informed that she weas born in London about 1812, and that she came to this country when quite a girl with the early Settlers of 1820. I think she spent most of her early years among the hardships and privations of the farmers’ families of that time in Lower Albany. I have heard her talk much of these things. Afterwards, being a young woman of excellent character, she became intimately connected with some of the most worthy families in Grahamstown, and among others of that day, notably that of the Rev. W. SHAW, the great planter of Wesleyan Methodism in South Africa. From this family I think she married a Mr. VENABLES, who I have every reason to believe was a young gentleman of most estimable character. By him I think she had several sons who are now in various parts of South Africa, some as far up as the Transkei, of whom I know but little. Her husband dying in a few years she was left with her young family on her hands and she became subject to many difficulties, trouble and [distress] with few to help her, but God was her stay. For a very great number of years past she has resided in Grahamstown where she formed a very large number of acquaintances and friends, and being a woman of a very active spirit there were very few days in which she was not to be seen, at her great age, trudging along the streets of Grahamstown, and both rich and poor felt pleasure in having a word with her. But the most remarkable feature in her character washer unwavering devotion to the service of her God in connection with the Wesleyan Church in this city. One might as well have gone not expecting to see any ministers as not to see Mrs. VENABLES in her place. For some time past she had been subject to spasmodic attacks and about two o’clock on the morning of the 14th inst she was seized with an unusually severe one. After being attended to and assisted by some of the inmates of the house to the best of their ability, she was left in bed, apparently relieved and comforted, but some time afterwards the mistress of the house going into her room to see how she was, found her quite dead in bed. She had reached the great age of over 84 years and had faithfully assisted the work of God and her fellow creatures to the last of her ability. Such is the end of one whose memory is to be blessed.
A Friend.

Tuesday 20 October 1896

DIED at Johannesburg on Sunday October 18th 1896, Edith Minnie, beloved wife of T.E. JOLLY. In her 28th year.

We regret to chronicle the death of Mrs. T.G. [sic] JOLLY, formerly Miss SWAN, of Port Alfred, which took place at Johannesburg on Sunday last. A few days ago news was received here that the doctors had advised that Mrs. JOLLY should undergo a surgical operation of an [intricate character] and yesterday a telegram was received to the effect that the patient had succumbed. We offer our sincerest sympathies to the many bereaved relatives and friends both here at the Kowie and in Johannesburg.

At Kimberley Mrs. WHATTON, a leading member of the Temperance party, attended a meeting on Tuesday evening. She was taken suddenly ill and died almost at once.

Thursday 22 October 1896

DIED at Streatham, London, England Oct 21 1896, James Henry GREATHEAD M Inst. C.E., aged 52 years.

Saturday 24 October 1896

On Oct 20th 1896, by Special Licence, at Rookwood, Coerney, Cape Colony, by Rev. Vine Hall, of Claremont, Capetown, Herbert Clement Tabor, second son of Clement KEMP Esq. J.P. Bristol, to Edith Emily, eldest daughter of Henry Hunt WELLS Esq, of Rookwood, Coerney.

On Thursday morning last we received the sad news of the death of Mr. David GRADWELL of Carlisle Bridge, one of the best known and most respected farmers in the district. Mr. GRADWELL’s death is attributed to bronchitis and asthma, from which he was a great sufferer, and from which he has been long ailing. Mr. GRADWELL’s age was 65 last August, he having been born in 1831 at Uitenhage. His father was the late Mr. James GRADWELL [sic], one of the British Settlers of 1820. Mr. GRADWELL has lived recently all his life in either Grahamstown or the District, and was one of the most progressive and enlightened farmers. He served long as a valued member of the Albany Divisional Council, where he was remarkable for his uprightness and integrity. He was forced to retire a twelvemonth back owing to his failing health. Mr. GRADWELL was in most of the Kafir wars of this country, where he played a sterling burgher’s part against the fierce foe in the defence of Colonial hearths and homes. He was a finely built figure, and must have been a powerful man in his youngest days. Wonderful stories are told of his strength and activity. It was a common thing for him to lift a large calf off the ground, while sitting on horseback, and throw it over his saddle bow. He has been seen in Church square, when his hat blew off, while riding a horse 14 hands high, to gallop back and, stooping, pick the cap up from the ground. In the fifties he married Miss STERLEY, daughter of the late Mr. John STERLEY, also a British Settler of 1820. H leaves three sons and a daughter, besides his surviving widow. Though he was known to be ailing, his death, which was sudden, at the last came as a shock to all who knew him. He died at Woodlands, the residence of his son, Mr. Walter GRADWELL. The funeral, which was conducted by the Rev. J. PENDLEBURY, took place yesterday afternoon at Woodlands. We tender our sincere sympathies to the bereaved family.

The remains of Mrs. Edith Minnie JOLLY, wife of Mr. JOLLY of the firm of JOLLY and ADCOCK, chemists, Brook Street, Johannesburg, were interred (reports the S & D News) on Monday. The funeral was largely attended. The deceased lady had been ailing for a week past. A large number of friends followed the bier of Mrs. J.E. [sic] JOLLY to her last resting place. The coffin was covered with wreaths and flowers; Rev. W. HUDSON performed the last rites. The pall bearers were Messrs. E.J. ADCOCK, W. [...COMB], W.L. TURPIN, Cecil PARKER and G. [B....]

[Transcriber’s Note: Despite reduced legibility in this issue the three mentions of Edith Minnie JOLLY’s husband give initials that are surprisingly clear if annoyingly different. Their marriage certificate shows her husband’s name was Thomas Edward, therefore T.E. is correct]

The will (dated May 26 1896) of the Rev. William IMPEY, of Grahamstown, was filed on October 6 1896 by his surviving spouse, Mary Elizabeth IMPEY, and son Ben Shaw Horton IMPEY. This was a joint will, the conditions being contingent on the death of the survivor. It was directed that the survivor should possess all books, pictures, jewellery and household furniture in the house, and to be allowed to remain in undisturbed possession of the dwelling house until his or her decease; further that he or she shall be in full enjoyment of all rents and profits reversing to the estate, but should it be found that such rents and profits should not be sufficient to meet the requirements of the survivor, then what may be required is to be drawn from the general estate. Subject to the abovementioned conditions the following bequests are made:
To the son Ben Shaw Horton IMPEY the house and grounds known as Oatlands, in the city of Grahamstown. It is further directed that out of the proceeds of a certain life policy effected with the South African Mutual Assurance Society for £400, the following legacies are to be paid: Matthew Ben SHAW £100, Sarah Catherine ROSE £50, Dalton Eliza IMPEY £50, Sick and Aged Clergy Fund £50, and Wesleyan Missionary Society, for the purposes of Mount Coke Station, £50. At the death of the survivor the residue of the estate is to be realised and the proceeds divided into six equal portions, and divided between Ben Shaw Horton IMPEY, Maria Boyce DRIVER, Fanny Patton HEYMAN, Mary Elizabeth GORDON, George William IMPEY and the children of the late Anne Letitia WOOD.

Tuesday 27 October 1896

BIRTH on 24th Oct 1896, at Newcastle, Natal, the wife of Rev. Thos. OLDMAN of a son.

DIED at Woodlands, near Grahamstown, on 22nd Oct 1896, David Cawood GRADWELL, aged 65 years and 2 months.

DIED at Johannesburg at midnight on the 25th inst, Harry, infant son of H. ADAMS, of London, aged 1 month and 1 day. English papers please copy.

Mr. J.H. GREATHEAD, who has been in recent years one of the foremost representatives of British Engineering, was born on August 6th 1844, at Grahamstown. His father, the late Hon. J.H. GREATHEAD, was for some years a member of the Legislative Council of this Colony. His mother still resides in Grahamstown.
Mr. GREATHEAD received his early education at St.Andrew’s College, Grahamstown, the Diocesan College, Newlands, and in England at Westbourne Collegiate School [illegible] with King’s College, London under the late Dr. [SH......]. As a lad he showed great talent for mathematics, mechanics and engineering, and displayed a most remarkable memory for the details of machinery. Several working models of [intricate character] made at the time from memory give clear indications of his ingenuity, of which his later experiments are a proof. He was a pupil of Peter BARLOW FRS, the designer of St.Pancras Railway Station, London, and of the Railway [Suspension] Bridge over the Thames near Charing Cross. He resided most of his student days in the Midland Railway [Chambers and of that time] he subsequently became an Assistant Engineer. At the age of 24 he first became proficient as an Engineer in connection with the planning and construction of the Tower Subway in 1868. This was the first tunnel [of the kind] ever constructed, being of [...... of a large tube........] locked together. The [success] of this undertaking led to greater things and his system of tunnelling by means of a shield has since been widely adopted. The Greathead Shield and the various ingenious devices in subway construction have been patented and are too well known to require description in this brief memoir. His [invention] is now employed in America, Canada, India, Australia, as well as in England, Scotland and on the Continent.
After completing the Tower Subway, Mr. GREATHEAD was engaged for some time on metropolitan suburban extensions and carried out the Hammersmith Extension Railway and the Richmond Extension Railway, both now in the District Railway System. He next turned his attention to hydraulic working and in 1878 introduced the Injector Hydrant for [illegible], an invention which has been largely used in London and other great towns both in England and abroad. In a paper read before the Institute of Mechanical Engineers in 1884, Mr. GREATHEAD explained the principle of the machine, which under high water pressure gives powerful jets without the intervention of steam locomotives....
[Transcriber’s Note: This obituary continues for a further two full columns of the paper, mostly concerning GREATHEAD’s inventions, but is almost impossible to read. The last sentence acknowledges the fact that most of the information comes from the London Times and the Engineering Record. The penultimate paragraph reads:-]
He married in 1885 Blanche, the only daughter of Robert CORYNDON Esq, for some time a leading solicitor in the Kimberley Diamond Fields. He leaves a widow and three children.

Thursday 29 October 1896

Married at St.Mary’s, Johannesburg, on 29th October 1896, John, eldest son of Mr. A. LAPPAN, Grahamstown, to Sarah Agnes, eldest daughter of Mr. Caruthers BAILEY, Melbourne, Australia.

Saturday 31 October 1896

We (Queenstown Representative) regret to record the death by accident of Mr. A. LEACH, son of Mr. John LEACH, which occurred at his home on Tuesday morning. It appears that Mr. LEACH went out early in the morning with a gun and was found some time afterwards lying dead in the garden with a gunshot wound in the left side. It is supposed that the gun went off while the deceased was carrying it. The fatality is rendered all the more sad inasmuch as the deceased gentleman was married only three months ago to Miss Grace FICHAT. Great sympathy is felt for the young widow all over the district. The funeral took place on Wednesday afternoon, being attended by a large concourse of friends of the deceased and family.
The late Mr. A. LEACH was brother-in-law to our esteemed C.C. and R.M., Mr. John HEMMING (Ed. Journal)

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