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Independent on Saturday

The Independent on Saturday 2014 3 July - September

5 July 2014


HAVEMANN Charles & Michelle a girl Olivia.

HOBBS Hayden & Robyn a boy Daniel Hayden.

LEUVENNINK nee YOUNGLESON Bern & Annemarie a girl Sophia Kate.

MARS-BOWERS Raymond & Catherine a girl Chloe.

REID Timothy & Liezl a boy Fin.

ROBERTS Kevin & Gill a boy Jenson James.

VAN SCHAIK William & Kelly a boy Damian.

VERBAAN nee REEVES Daniel & Phillipa a boy Frank


BURMAN Pastor Alfred (Alfie) of Isabel Beardman Home Woodlands. Father of Ralph and Bonnie, Ruth and Jerry , Deborah and + Jen. Grand and great-grandfather. Remains will lie in state at Philadelphia Sanctuary Woodlands on 5 July 2014 from 10am . Service at 1045am Private cremation to follow. 

MASON Mervyn + 2 July 2014 at age 98 x Irene for over 71 years . Father of Bill and Rose, June and Graham grand and great-grandfather.


ROOKS Colin Matthew 19 Sept 1945 ----5 July 2012 x Gloria. Father of Carol and Sydney, Darryl and Marcia . Grandfather and great-grandfather of a boy.

TORLAGE Walter 2 July 1924 -----5 July 2012. Husband of Joey, father, grandfather and great-grandfather.

TORLAGE Vaughan 29 Nov 1955 -----4 July 2011 .Son, brother and uncle.

12 July 2014


HARTLEY nee KOCK Craig & Juliet a boy Alexandre.

HAVEMANN Charles & Michelle a girl Olivia.

HOBBS Hayden & Robyn a boy Daniel Hayden

LEUVENNINK nee YOUNGLESON Bern & Annemarie a girl Sophia Kate.

MARS-BOWERS Raymond & Catherine a girl Chloe.

SWANEPOEL Riaan & Stephanie a girl Chloe Belle * 6 July 2014.

USSHER nee MONTGOMERY Mark & Richelle a girl Emily Rachel * 24 June 2014 in Hillcrest Hospital. 1st grandchild for Lawrence & Ingrid.

VAN SCHAIK William & Kelly a boy Damian.

WAHLBERG Laurence & Kirsty a girl Adrienne Jennifer * 6 July 2014 in Wrexham Wales. Sister for Wolfgang. 4th Grandchild for Chris & Joan.

WYATT/DOYLE Paddy & Lisa a girl Katelyn Grace.


BENATAR/ Neville & Kathy and Trevor & Nadine STONE announce engagement of their children Matthew and Robynn.

BINGHAM Mark & Sue announce the engagement of their daughter Julia to Gareth, son of Graham & Lesley RANDALS.


BOUWER Gladys (Grace ) May 25 June 1924 -----9 July 2014. Mother of Brian and Cheryl. Grand and great-grandmother to Roger and Michelle, Joshua, Connor and Noah. Mom will always love you from Brian & Twiggs. DOVES 0860025500.

DE BEER Bonnie Dwan. Aunt to Claire, Kim and Graham.; Wife and mother to Dean, Nicole and Kelsey DE BEER. Daughter of Jock MORRIS. Sister of Heather and Deirdre.

GRELICHE Bunty + 6 July 2014 of Essenwood Residential Home. Mother of Edward x Rachel. Grandmother of Tristan and Killian. Memorial at Essenwood Residential Home on 16 July 2014 at 10am. Donations to Home.

MCBETH James Hugh + 11 July 2014. Will be remembered by his family Craig and April.

NEWCOMBE-BOND Robert James 21 Jan 1945 ----5 July 2014 x Fina. Father of Justin, Guy and Chris, Katrina and Sophia. Grandfather of Jack. Funeral at The Church of Jesus Christ of the Latterday Saints Hillcrest on 12 July 2014 at 1pm.

SEHGAL Zohra + 10 July 2014 of heart failure in New Dehli at age 102 years. She was an actress and dancer. Cremation was Fri 11 July 2014. Sapa-AF.

THOMAS Terry Duncan + 10 July 2014 x Maureen. Father of Steve, Debbie and Deanne. Grandfather and great-grandfather; Brother-in-law of Barbie, Neil, Sue, Geoff, Robyn, Gary and Thren.

THORNELL Sandra 14 July 1943 ----10 July 2014. Mother of Warren and Georgina, Kathryn 7 Ian. Grandmother of Chase, Hannah, Jessica, Sahara and Lilly-Kate. Rememberence Gathering on 20 July 2014 at 22 Chelsea Drive at 11am. TEL:- Warren 0832940359.

VENTER Albertus Stephanus . Brother to Deacon and father to Alfie. Funeral at Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Church Durban North on 15 July 2014 at 10:30am. BELL 031 3014793.

WELLER Ian Robert 1 Jan 1935 ----3 July 2014. Wake at Lahee Park Bowling
Club on 18 July 2014 at 3pm. Inserted by Doris.


NAIDOO L. 30 Aug 1926 ----15 Sept 2013. Yearley Memorial on 13 July 2014 at 11am at Mt Edgecombe Art & Culture Centre Shree Mariammen Temple , Mt Edgecombe.

NAIDOO Vanessa 28 March 1961 ----12 July 2013. Inserted by Reg, Desandra and Lester.

PILLAY M (Sunny) + 13 July 1988. Husband and father of Subithree, Charmaine, Desiree ,Chantal and Desigan.

19 July 2014


HARTLEY nee KOCH Craig & Juliet a boy Alexandre

HAVEMANN Charles & Michelle a girl Olivia.

HOOD /PRICE Paul & Samantha a girl Megan Grace.

LEUVENNINK nee YOUNGLESON Bern & Annemarie a girl Sophia Kate.

SHARPE nee DEXTER James & Heather a girl.

SHIER nee GIBSON Owen & Cara a girl Olivia Rose * 18 July 2014 in Sydney. Sister to Holly May.

SWANEPOEL Riaan & Stephanie a girl Chloe Belle.

USSHER nee MONTGOMERY Mark & Richelle a girl Emily Rachel.

WAHLBERG Laurence & Kirsty a girl Adrienne Jennifer.

WALKER Luke & Natasha a boy Israel brother to Rocco. Grandson for Correen (2nd).

WYATTE /DOYLE Paddy & Lisa a girl Katelyn Grace.


BOSMAN Hendrik Johannes + 15 July 2014 at age 85 years. Father of Grant, Nicky, Janine and families.

DALTON Robbie 29 June 1957--- + 17 July 2014 . Brother of Noel & Charmaine DALTON.; From your siblings:- Lyn, Bugs, Noel, Liz, Megs, John, Sue and Pete.

GOVENDER Sandanananga. 15th Day Memorial on 22 July 2014 at Parasakhi Temple Hall Merebank from 7---9pm. Supper 6—7pm.

HOLLOWS Ruth + 11 July 2014. Mother of Lorraine & Ernie SCHWARTZ. Grandmother of Bradley, Dean and Tracey. Great-grandmother of Kristin, Destiny, Amy and Paige. Memorial on 22 July 2014 at 10am at COGS Community Church Durban North

MULLER John George + 18 July 2014. Husband, father, father-in-law of Sandra, Cathy, Stuart, Greg and Andrea, Barbie and Cameron. Grandfather to Samuel, Erin, Dale and Matthew.

PILLAY Indrani. Mother of Livingstone & Rita, Danny & Ria, + Moses & Patricia, Florence & Ronnie, Leslie & Charmaine, Paul & Chantal, Christina & Brian. Grand and great-grandmother. Funeral 19 July 2014. Body will lie in state at 24 Corngreen Close Greenbury Phoenix from 10am proceeding to
Bible Deliverance Fellowship Greenbury at 11---1:30pm. Cremation at Verulam Crematorium at 2pm.

PILLAY Dayalan (Desmond) 16th Day Memorial on 21 July 2014 at SSRS Hall Moorton. Meals from 5:30pm Service 7pm.

ROBERT Térese Marie 18 Sept 1932 ----17 July 2014 x for 60 years. Mother, grand and great-grandmother. Mass at All Saints Parish Ballito on 22 July 2014 at 11am.

ROCKEY Norma Rose. Memorial at Mt Edgecombe Country Club on 27 July 2014 at 2nm. OAKLEIGH.

WALLS Del + 8 July 2014 at age 93 years.Late of Pinetown. Tireless Animal Rights Campaigner. From Melissa-Jane and Linda.


BUCHANAN Donovan 17 June 1976 -----19 July 1996. A son. Remembered by family and friends; Also from Mum, Louis and family.

DIEDERICKS Uri & Ryan-Marcel. 20 years gone now. Love from Dad, Mom, Grant, Bayden, Juanita, Austin, Sage and Jodi.

FERNANDES Aron 19 July 1979 -----11 Jan 1994. You would have been 35 today. Love Mom and Lee.

FRASER Norma Valerie. From Terrance.

JIMMY PERSHOUSE. 3 years gone now. X Margaret.

LEONARD George . 15 years gone now. RIP from Leela and family.

LOUW Justin. 1 year gone now. Brother and son. Love Mom, Desmond, Damien and family.

RYAN Stephen 13 Oct 1940 ----20 July 1996. Love from Ann, Samantha and Belinda.

SONI Bhagwanjee K + 19 July 1964. Remembered by BK & JK SONI family. Inserted by Hemu and Ishu SONI.

2 August 2014


BENADIE nee ROBERTS Hugo & Wanita - Kyla Angelique.

BOTSIS Ricky & Claire - Alexander Richard.

BOWIE nee KING Aaron & Samantha - Isla Sandra.

DEANE -ORCHISON Lionel & Danielle - Ava Rose.

HOOD/PRICE Paul & Samantha - Megan Grace.

MACGILLIVRAY nee WHITE Marc & Natalie - Kara.

SHARPE nee DEXTER James & Heather - Girl.


ATCHUDAN VELAYUDAN 21 July 1931 ----21 July 2014. Husband, father and grandfather. Thanks to staff at St Augustines Hospital. 15th Day Memorial Service at MTSS Hall at 4 Aug 2014. Supper at 5pm. Service 6:30pm ----7:30pm.

BLACKFORD nee VOLKER formely REAY Evelyn Maude 11 March 1924 -----30 July 2014. Mother of Edward and + Gary, Pamela and Kathy. Granny to Dustin, Kim and Neil. Great-granny tp Ethan, Thomas, Olivia-Jane and Jasmine-Summer.

BOSMAN Alvia 16 Feb 1969 ------23 July 2014 x Wessel. Mother of Kamenthri (daughter), (son) Kimaren, Mum Daisy, brother Alvin and + Pregasan NAIDOO(Pregs). 16th Day Memorial on 6 Aug 2014 at Greenwood Park Temple Hall Greenwood Park. Supper at 17h00 ---18:30. Service 19h00 ---20h00pm.

BOULLE Eddie Joseph Jean Edmond + 30 July 2014 (1 day after his sister Marinette DU PLESSIS nee BOULLE was buried) . Eddie was married to + Lynette. Father of Edmond and Desiree. Brother to Patrick and Rosemary.;God Bless your sister Rosie and DU PREEZ family, your brother Patrick and BOULLE family, daughter Desiree and son Edmond, your brother-in-law Andre. Uncle of Vincent, Bernard and Alain. Funeral at St Patricks Catholic Church Bellair on 5 Aug 2014 at 10am. OAKLEIGH 031 2059959.

FRAME nee PALPHRAMANDA Jules + 30 July 2014 x Moth Paul FRAME for 30 years. Sympathy to your family from the Moth friends & Stamford Hill members .Memorial at St Cyprians Church Umbilo on 4 Aug 2014 ar 10am. From Peter SHATTOCK (0825126056)

GOVENDER Stanley Moonsamy 10 Jan 1962 ----31 July 2014 x Devi. Son of Pat (Mother). Father of Lavashnee, Kubeshan, Nikhayla. Brother. Funeral at his residence 3 Blossom Close Sunningdale, Umhlanga on 2 Aug 2014 from 11am----12pm. Proceeding to Andra Vishu Temple Hall. Body will lie in state between 12:30 ---3pm. Cremation at Clare Estate Crematorium at 3:40pm.

GRACIE Olive Mary + 26 July 2014 at Village of Happiness Margate. Funeral on 6 Aug 2014 at Our Lady Queen of Peace Catholic Church, Margate.

JONES Ted + 30 July 2014 x + Dawn. Love from Rita WEBB at Tuinsig Durban.

LIVINGSTONE Deidre. Sympathy to Geoff, Candice, Kristen and Paul. Sister of Sharon and aunt of Fiona and Matthew. Great-aunt of Ruby and Darcy.

MOODLEY Mrs Devika x Mr D.N. MOODLEY. Mother of Tina & Vernon. Mother-in-law of Rakesh SINGH and sister of Nithia MOODLEY . Funeral on 3 Aug 2014 at Shakaskraal Community Hall from 13h00 ----15:30. Proceeding to Tongaat Crematorium at 16:30pm TONGAAT Funerals 032 9451756.

SHEPHERD Jonathan (Jono) 29 July 1964 -----31 July 2014. Remembered by Roy, Betty, Alison, Melly, Liesl, Nicholas, Farren, Dom, Courtney, Matthew, Cameron, Gabi and Michael. ; " Sapper " we will miss you from Sapper Hendrie, Megs and family; Funeral at Gravce Family Church Umhlanga Rocks on 6 Aug 2014 at 11am. Donations to SPCA. OAKLEIGH 031 2059959

SNAILHAM Martin Clifton. Memorial on 5 Aug 2014 at House of Prayer Malvern at 3pm. OAKLEIGH 031 2059959.


CHETTY Dennis. Yearly Memorial on 10 Aug 2014 at 162 Arena Park Chatsworth from 3pm ----4pm. Supper thereafter.

DAVID Celine Demmi-Ann. Yearley Memorial on 10 Aug 2014 from 12h00 ----13h00 at 3 Khan Lane Isipingo Rail. Lunch after service. Missed by Aidan, Linda, Saian, Yurisha and Adina Yuval DAVID.

McALLISTER Elize + 2 Aug 2012. Mother and friend.

9 August 2014


BENADIE nee ROBERTS Hugo & Wanita a girl Kyla Angelique.

BOTSIS Ricky & Claire a boy Alexander Richard.

BOWIE nee KING Aaron & Samantha a girl Isla Sandra.

DEANE -ORCHISON Lionel & Danielle a girl Ava Rose.

HOAR nee WARD Doug & Kerry a girl Grace.

HOOD/PRICE Paul & Samantha a girl Megan Grace.

MACGILLIVRAY nee WHITE Marc & Natalie a girl Kara.

SHARPE nee DEXTER James & Heather a girl.

THERON Biron & Theresa a boy Dylan Lee.


DELLAR David & + Noreen ' s son Darren to Candice, daughter of Clive & Pat PHILLPOTTS .

RONALD -VAUGHAN Peter, Lyn, Richard and Natasha announce engagement of Blake and Zita.


BOTHA Colin 28 Sept 1939 ----2 Aug 2014 Funeral at Westville Methodist Church on 11 Aug 2014 at 2pm.

BRETT Howard Michael (Mike). Husband, Father, grandfather, brother and uncle of BRETT, DAVISWORTH, LOUW, LOVE, MacDONALD & ROBERTS families. Funeral at Pinetown Methodist Church on 13 Aug 2014 at 10:30pm. OAKLEIGH 031 2059959.

GOVENDER Runganaigee (Rani). 16th Day Memorial at Merebank Parasakthie Alayam Temple Hall Merebank on 10 Aug 2014 from 6-7pm Supper at 5pm. Inserted by Mannie GOVENDER 

GOVENDER Perry 16th Day Memorial at MTSS Hall Merebank on 11 Aug 2014 from 5:30pm

HINKS Veronica Memorial on 16 Aug 2014 at 10am at Pinetown Methodist Church. Join Bryan, friends and family.

JANUSZKIEWICZ Andrej (Known as Dr Andrej)MB.BCH 30 April 1947 ----5 Aug 2014. [He use to do house visits here at the home where I work He specialized in Anaesthetics. I am so stunned to have read this.] Funeral on 9 Aug 2014 at The Star of The Sea Catholic Church Umhlanga from 12:00----12:30pm PHOENIX Funeral Services 031 5073925.

KING Patricia Florence 8 April 1925 ----6 Aug 2014. Mother, grand and great-grandmother of Les, Haze, Samantha, Kerri-Lyn, Stu, Riaan and little Caleb.; Graham, Louise, Janine, Lauren, Jenni-Lynn and family and Darren and family. Memorial at Scottsville Baptist Church Pietermaritzburg on 11 Aug
2014at 2:30pm.

MEYER Dawn + 6 Aug 2014. Mother, grand and great-grandmother of Mike, Cherl, Carryn, Ryan, Grant, Terri, Riley, Callan, Kade and Ethan.; Franco, Shatty (Sharon), Jenna and Shael.; Brad, Bev, Kent and Tristan. No funeral at mom's request.

MNGUNU Sthokomele + at Ngwelezane Hospital in Empangeni. He was 7 years old. He wanterd to look at a gun they got under a matress when he accidently shot himself. Gun belong to his uncle. Son of Bongekile (mother) MTHEMBU.

MOORHOUSE Olwynne Alma ( Olly) 23 Oct 1943 ---8 Aug 2014 x Derek. Mother of Susan and David. Grandmother to Christopher, Cay-Leigh and Jordan; Cousin of Heather x Malcolm; Love from Anthea, Debbie, Bronny, J-P, Ty, Jade, and Michaela.;RIP Aunty from Gary, Lara, Evan and Matt.

MUNSAMY Rajis x George. Mother of Rani & Selina,son, daughter-in-law and grandsons Noel, Premika, Kushaylin and Darshan. Parents, brother and sisters. 16th Day Memorial at Belvedere Community Centre Tongaat on 10 Aug 2014 from 10:30 ----12noon.

NAICKER Arjoonan (Sadha) . Father of 4 daughters Devi, Selvo, Patsy and Veloshani, Father-in-law of 4 and grandfather of 8. 16th Day Memorial on 11 Aug 2014 at Wyebank Funeral Parlour Unit 9 from 6pm ---8pm.

PADAVATAN Janet x + Siga PADAVATAN. Funeral on 10 Aug 2014 at AFM Church Merebank from 11:30----2pm.

PILLAY Sundree (Kistamah). Daughter of + Manickum & Parvathy PILLAY Sister of Seela, Moga, Aroo, Kanagamoney, Moganee, Mulligay and + Somaganthee and Dugga. Funeral on 11 Aug 2014 at Clare Estate Crematorium Hall from 2---3-pm.

RANGIAH Nokalamma (Maggie). Mother of David, Ria, Dawn, Richard and + Sandra. Mother-in-law of Sundhari, Anne and Sanjay. Grandmother of Ursula and Reshigan, Amelia, Sarah, Abigail and Lerushka. Funeral at The Word of Life Ministries Northdale on 9 Aug 2014 from 11am. Proceeding to Mountain Rice Cemetery. [Can't make out name of Funeral parlour] TEL:- 033 3455780.

SCHOFIELD Beatrice + 31 July 2014. Mother, grand and great-grandmother. Memorial on 11 Aug 2014 at 11am at Hillcrest Church .

VAN ZYL RIP Gideon +3 Aug 2014 Tragically. Condolences to Julie, Debbie, Shane and Eugene. From Scott, Dwain, Allan, Natalie and staff at Intraplas Moulding Solutions.

VASAN Charles Nathan Money x Uthree. Father and grandfather. Funeral Service on 9 Aug 2014 at Clare Estate Crematorium at 5pm.

VINSEN John Frederick 13 Oct 1928 -----4 Aug 2014 x Coral and father of Kerry WALLACE and Sean VINSEN. Grandfather of Rowan and Alison WALLACE. Brother of Pat BARDLEY. Memorial at St Mary's Anglican Church Greyville on 9 Aug 2014 at 3pm.


GOUNDER Shunmogan (Dick) Yearley Memorial on 16 Aug 2014 at Umzinto Town Hall from 3pm ----4pm.

HEGEDUS Mark 25 April 1972 -----12 Aug 2006. Remembered by mom Elaine DE JAGER.

LALJIT Robin 21 Feb 1965 ----9 Aug 2013 x Swastika. Father of sons Rishaal, Amit & Amsn and in-laws.; Remembered by LALJIT & JUGGERNATH family.

LAYFIELD Robin Anthony 24 Dec 1966 ----10 Aug 2013. In memory of our brother.

MCKAY Pamela . 4 years gone now. Mother of Bruce, Keith and Andy.

MOODLEY Ganasen + 14 Oct 2013 x Vasantha. Father of Sashen and Sebastian. Yearley Memorial on 9 Aug 2014 from 2---3pm at Shree Mariamen Temple Hall Mr Edgecombe.

TOLKEN Michael John . 8 years gone now. Love from Mom & Dad.

30 August 2014


ALLEN -POPE ELLIS Chris & Kirsty a boy Josh.

DAVIDSON nee RITSON Blake & Andy a girl Grace Marion.

FORBES - DU PLESSIS Jo & Frankie a boy.

HOAR nee WARD Doug & Kerry a girl Grace.

McGREGOR Rex & Sarah a boy Luke Logan.

THERON Biron & Theresa a boy Dylan Lee.


BIGGERS Dominic Marcel. 50 years today x Pamela. Father of Julian, Daylen, Rowen, Ma, sisters Felicity, Anastasia, Ursula.

DE BRUYN Lloyd 21 years today * 31 Aug. Love from Mom4eva.


DUNN Jeanette + 28 Aug 2014. Now with her + husband. Mother, grand and great-grandmother. DOVES 0860025500.

GOUVEIA (STEPHENS) Dawn Antoinette + 28 Aug 2014 x John. Mother of Paulette, Carmel, Heather, Bronwyn and Mark. Grand ,great-grandmother and in-laws. Funeral at Christ The King Catholic Church Austerville at 12:00 noon on 2 Sept 2014. Cremation private.

NAIDU Savitri . From Babs, Runga, Vee, Cookie and Joe. 16th Day Memorial on 7 Sept 2014 at 2pm at 27 Northbourne Ave, Westville North. Meals will be served.

PILLAY Indiran (Bob). 16th Day Memorial on 3 Sept 2014 at MTSS Hall Merebank. Supper will be served at 5pm.

PUREN Gary Edwin. Father of Llewelyn, Bronwyn and Stephen. Father-in-law of Tracy and Dewald. Grandfather of Jordan, Chantinique, Hannah, Imorgen and Rylee. Memorial on 1 Sept 2014 at 13:30pm at New Covenant Fellowship Church.

ROSE Philip John 27 Feb 1952 -----27 Aug 2014 . Brother, brother-in-law and uncle. Memorial at Park Rynie Catholic Parish on 30 Aug 2014 at 10am. ABOVE ALL FUNERAL PARLOUR 039 6821621.

THOMAS Savithi . 16th Day Memorial on 4 Sept 2014 at Dravida Soceity Clare Estate from 6 -7pm. Supper will be served.

VERMAAK Arlene + 28 Aug 2014 x Peter. Mother of Claire and Leigh. Sister of Jill and Gavin. Private cremation on requiest.


AHRENS Patrick Leonard 21 Aug 1941 -----30 Aug 2005. Father of Sheldyn, Lyniece, Sheniece, Lyshelle and Kapri.

BEARD Stan. 4 years gone now. Remembered by family.

COPPIN Denise + 31 Aug 2013. Missed by Ronald, Graham, Tracy, Liesl and families.

JOHNSTON Helene Catherine 30 July 1922 ----31 Aug 1964 x Norman JOHNSTON. Mother of twins Terence and Teresa and baby sister Noelle.

KEITH OXLEE. 16 years today. Remembered by Barbara, Grant, Megan, Leanne, John, Brett and Lauren.

LATCHMANPERSAD SOORSATHIE 31 Aug 1944. 70 years today. We remember you from your children Lynda, Lauren, Vashthi and Ravi.

SINGLETON Wendy 1936 ----2012 . Mother remembered by your children

VAN DYK Elizabeth (Anne) + 31 Aug 2009. Wife, mother and grandmother. From Dexter, Ian, Andrew, Jaryd and Aidan.

WHITEHEAD Vic + 30 Aug 1989. Remembered by Lisa. ;Dad and grandfather.

WHITEHEAD Lee Brandon (China Bean). Remembered by Trevor, Mum, Drew and Brent.

6 September 2014


ALLEN – POPE-ELLIS Chris & Kirsty a boy Josh.

DAVIDSON nee RITSON Blake & Andy a girl Grace Marion.

FORBES – DU PLESSIS Jo & Franci a boy.

HOAR nee WARD Doug & Kerry a girl Grace.

McGREGOR Rex & Sarah a boy Luke Logan.

SHARP Dave & Nadine a son.

THERON Biron & Theresa a boy Dylan Lee.


WEAKLEY – ERASMUS Ed & Janet and Paul & Cecilia announce engagement of Caryn & Gert.


DANISA Sfiso x Thabisile SHANGASE on 5 Sept 2014 at Auberge Hollandaise Guest House Durban North. Pastor Thandi NGEMA officiated the wedding. Thabisile won the free wedding courtesy of Vuma 103 FM.


DUNCAN Cynthia Helen 9 Nov 1963 ----31 Aug 2014 . Service at Christ Church Pinetown on 8 Sept 2014 at 2pm. DOVES 0860025500.

EVANS Marjorie Ellen + 4 Sept 2014 x + Lewis EVANS. Sister to Nora SINCLAIR and Rita SOUTHWOOD. No funeral on her request.

FOX Ernest Charles (Ernie). Memorial on 7 Sept 2014 at St Olav Church, St.Thomas Rd Berea at 1pm. OAKLEIGH 031 2059959.

GEE Marjorie 10 Feb 1926 ----2 Sept 2014. Service at Hillcrest Methodist Church on 8 Sept 2014 at 10:30pm.

GOURLEY Lawrence + 2 Sept 2014 x Joanie. Father & grandfather of Lance, Lisa, Cameron, Liam & Sian.;Brother and uncle of Andrea, Dough, Bevan, Kerry, Fiona and Clare.Memorial on 10 Sept 2014 at Kingfisher Room at Mount Edgecombe Country Club at 5pm.

GOVENDER PM (Danny) 1944 -----2014 x Amin. Father of Rajen, Nisha, Marashnie, Manas and Baby Shivansh. Memorial at RB Chetty Hall Phoenix on 11 Sept 2014 at 18h00.

MOODLEY Uneshree (Melissa). Daughter of Kirosha & Thanusha MOODLEY, and siblings. 16th Day Memorial 12 Sept 2014 at 5pm at Multicultural Hall 47 Galaxy Place, Woodhurst, Chatsworth.

NAIDOO George. Funeral on 7 Sept 2014 at Clare Estate Crematorium from 11am ----13:30pm.

NEL Anna Jacoba + 2 Sept 2014 from Sandown Village. Mother of Joe and mother-in-law of Dee. Grandmother of Candice and Devon. Sister of Mentjie, Dick and + Piet. Sister-in-law to Marge. Memorial at Pinetown Methodist Church on 8 Sept 2014 at 0930am. OAKLEIGH 031 2059959.

NORTON Tony Best wishes to Peta-Anna, Andrew, Claire, Peter, Julia, Jonathan, Christopher from Colyn TOWNSEND.

PICOT Claudette 1 Feb 1933 ----3 Sept 2014 x Denis PICOT. Mother,grand and great-grandmother. Memorial at St Olaf's Church St Thomas Rd, Musgrave on 9 Sept 2014 at 12noon. SHANLEY'S 031 2057644.

SCHOLTZ Roy 31 May 1926 ----31 Aug 2014 x Hazel. Father of Peter x Colleen. Grandfather of Mathew and Dean.

SCHROEDER Patricia Olive May (Pat). Mother of Kevin, Wayne and Jason. Funeral at St Olav's Church Musgrave on 8 Sept 2014 at 11am. BELL 031 3014793.


DUNN Colin Keith. Gone 25 years. Father, father-in-law and grandfather of Estelle, Ivan and families.

GAVIN CAHILL 26 March 1961 ------6 Sept 2013. Husband, father and grandfather of Leigh, Glenn, Garth, Jodi, Niki and Alysia.

HOLBORN Bradley John and SGT Lynton Paul . My sons taken tragically 6 months and 17 years ago. From Mom Joan.

LE GRANGE André + 7 Sept 2008 In memory of my twinbrother André and sister-in-law to Beulah from Louis, Beulah and family.

NAIDOO Dhanam x Nariam. You would have been 71 years old on 7 Sept 2014. We would have been 45 years married. Mother of Hershree.

REDDY Rio. Remembered by your parents Pam & Savy. Children Kavil & Rival, sister Vanessa and friends.

ZIETSMAN Loretta. 6 years gone now. Love from Henri, Craig, Mia, Laird, Jack and Kenya.

13 September 2014


ALLEN - POPE-ELLIS Chris & Kirsty - Josh.

DAVIDSON nee RITSON Blake & Andy -Grace Marion.

FORBES - DU PLESSIS Jo & Franci - Boy.

McGREGOR Rex & Sarah - Luke Logan.

SHARP Dave & Nadine - Son

SHARPE - HOLLAND Sam & Ben - Aaron Thomas.

VAN KATWIJK (GOADSBY) Richard & Kendal - Emryn Jade.


MAARTENS - WEPENER Cab & Priscilla and Eric & Denise announce engagement of Nicola & Stuart.

MAIN + John & Marie and Don & Rozy DE VOS announce engegement of Stace to Matt MAIN.


DE JAGER (PERKINS) Janet Alison 27 Sept 1944 ----7 Sept 2014 x Desmond. Mother of Christopher x Melissa, Simon and his daughter Lauren. Grandmother of Sadie and Zachary. Memorial at The Chapel at Camelot Hillcrest on 19 Sept 2014 at 11am.

JARRETT Dave . Condolences to Leanne, Bryce, Brandon and Chelsea from The Governing Body, Principal, Staff and Learners of Durban Girls' High School.

PAISLEY Ian + 12 Sept in Belfast at age 88 years. He was a Protestant firebrand who rejected compromise with Catholics in Northern Ireland.


JOYCE Kyle Christopher 17 May 2013 -----9 Sept 2013. Missed by Mom & Dad and family.

RIPPON Arthur Vernon + 12 Sept 2007. Missed by Jean URRY and family Fiona CHARLTON and family.

20 September 2014


FORBES -DU PLESSIS Jo & Franci -Boy.

HARDING /HAYNES Wesley & Melanie -Caleb Joseph.

RAUTENBACH Warren & Cherise - Tod.

SHARP Dave & Nadine - Son.

SHARPE - HOLLAND Sam & Ben - Aaron Thomas

SMEDA nee BALT Brett & Debbie a girl Haila-Lacy * 17 Sept 2014. 1st Grandchild for Charles & Ingrid.

VAN KATWIJK (GOADSBY) Richard & Kendal - Emryn Jade.


COOK Clifford Clive + 19 Sept 2014. Father and grandfather.

CRAMPTON Donald Stanley 23 Nov 1939 ----16 Sept 2014 . Memorial on 22 Sept 2014 at Betterole Shellhole Moth Hall Pinetown at 3pm . DOVES 0860025500.

DAVIS William Terence (Terry) + 16 Sept 2014 x Peggy DAVIES. Father of Andrew, Kate and Rhiannon, grandfather and father-in-law.

KUPPADU RAMIAH (Ronnie) 1935 -----2014 . Funeral will start at Caspian Street Unit 3 Chatsworth on 20 Sept 2014 from 11:30am to 1:30 pm proceeding to Wesley Methodist Church Mobeni Heights from 2---4pm. Proceeding to Clare Estate Crematorium for cremation at 5pm.

MAYS Cedric Joseph 9 March 1933 -----17 Sept 2014 . We were togeter for 58 years RIP Maysie from Dawn. Father of Darryn. ; Father, grandfather of Lynda, Craig, Nick and Carly.; Father of Leigh -Ann.; Father and grandfather of Darren, Sandy, Jarod, Kyle and Bella.

MILLER previously KENNY Ruth + 13 Sept 2014. Mother of F.Kenny and D. Kenny. Grandmother of D. Kenny and C DE WET. Funeral at Old Apostolic Church Congella 19 Sept 2014 at 10am. [Private]

MORRIS Melody 30 March 1953 ----19 Sept 2014. Wife , Mother. Memorial at Kloof Senior Primary School on 24 Sept 2014 at 10am. Donation to Kloof SPCA.

PRICE Michael James 10 Nov 1942 -----17 Sept 2014 . Sally, Michelle, Debbie, Tracy and Garth and grandchildren.; Friend of Eddie and Sikkel.

WOOD Delene Ann 6 June 1947 ----18 Sept 2014 x Kingsley. Mother to Andrew and Carolyn. Mother-in-law to Sharon. Grandmother to James and Gemma.


BENNETT Lorraine . 21 years gone now. Mother and grandmother.

LAMBLE Gloria. 1 year gone now. Mother and grandmother to Judy, Shaun and Wayne McSALL.

POTGIETER Michael Moses 24 Nov 1937 ----21 Sept 2005. Father and father-in-law and grandfather of Ben, Hilda, Bianca and Bridgette.

RUGHOO Hathcommarie x P (Jack) RUGHOO. Gone 6 years now. Wife, Mother and grndmother.

VAN NIEKERK Hendrik (Nick) . Husband ,father and grandfather.

27 September 2014


HARDING /HAYNES Wesley & Melanie a boy Caleb Joseph.

RAUTENBACH Warren & Cherise a boy Todd.

SHARPE - HOLLAND Sam & Ben a boy Aaron Thomas.

SMEDA nee BALT Brett & Debbie a girl Haila-Lacy.

VAN KATWIJK (GOADSBY) Richard & Kendal a girl Emryn Jade.


GONZALVES Betty of Port Shepstone + 25 Sept 2014. Funeral on 27 Sept 2014. Body will lie in state at 80 KingHarkon Drive Oslo Beach, Port Shepstone at 11am. Proceeding to Christ The King Catholic Church from 1:30---4pm. Cremation at 4:30pm at Port Shepstone Crematorium. PINETOWN Funerals TEL:- 031 4014760.

HOPE Keri Leigh . Sadly missed by her mother Lizelle HOPE ,dads Raymond SMITH and Jerry SILVAN ,brothers Pharell and Caleb and grandparents Francis & Linda MAIMUTHO & Keith & Charlotte HOPE. Funeral on 27 Sept 2014 at St Johns Anglican Church Sydenham at 09:30am. Cremation private.

MOODLEY Angela. Funeral on 27 Sept 2014 at home 23 Motala Rd, Wyebank from 10:30 ----12:30pm. Proceeding to Clare Estate Crematorium Hall from 1 ---4pm Cremation thereafter. WYEBANK Funerals TEL:- 031 7057321.

MOODLEY Pat x Manormani. Father of Devan , Viloshni and Ashni. Body will lie in state on 27 Sept 2014 at residence 249 Esselen Crescent Lenham Phoenix from 12:30-----3:15. Proceeding to Clare Estate Hall from 4pm ---5:30pm. Cremation 6pm. WYEBANK Funerals 031 4045465/6.


THRING Wilson. Husband of Fiona, Son of Betty, Children and grandchildren of Matthew, Candace, Mikayla, Joshua and Ash-Lee ,brother and uncle.

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