The Independent on Saturday 2015 4 October - December
3 October 2015
COWAN Gavin & Claire - Sophia Katie
DU PREEZ John & Celeste - Adam Jacob
NORTHEY - MICHAEL Neil & Jo - Sierra Blake.
PATTERSON Dean & Cathy - Hugh Charles.
PUDIFIN -JONES/JONES Matthew & Sarah - Timothy Robert.
RUITERS Lynton & Maxine - Eva-Mae Isabella.
BENNETTS nee VAN NIEKERK Tracy 18 Nov 1967-----29 Sept 2015 (Tragically) x Michael. Mother to Paula-Paige and Skyla-Rae. Daughter, sister. Private cremation.
BORAIN Ronnie 3 June 1952 ---28 Sept 2015. Father and friend of Mari, Steve, Desiree, Karen and Damian.
GOVINDSAMY Kistensamy (Dan). Funeral on 5 Oct 2015 at his residence 15 Wavemore Place, Grove End Phoenix from 10:00am ----13:00pm. Proceeding to Clare Estate Crematorium for cremation at 14:20pm.
JAMES June Mackay 17 June 1926 ----2 Oct 2015 x + Denys JAMES. Mother of David, Margaret, Linda and Tim. Grandmother to Michelle, Jessica, Candace, and Nikki. Sister to Wenda.
KUZELJ Branko 24 Oct 1939 ----2 Oct 2015. From your family Terezija, Anthony, Andalucia, Thomaz, Irena, John aand grandchildren; Funeral at Our Lady Of Fatima Catholic Church Durban North on 6 Oct 2015 at 3pm.
MCKAY Mike (Sport) "Triple M" 24 Oct 1940 ----1 Oct 2015 x Maureen. Father, father-in-law and grandfather of Brett, Tracy, Clinton, Bronwyn, Kayla and Caitlin.
NUNDKUMAR George x Sheila. Brother of Ravis. Father and grandfather. Funeral on 3 Oct 2015 at 10am at home, 20 Asterplace, Asherville. Thereafter at Bethshan Church at 12 noon.
OLDRIEVE Sam 25 March 1945 ---30 Sept 2015 Husband and father of Margot, Kevin, Graham and Paul. Memorial at Christ Church Umhlanga on 7 Oct 2015 at 11am.; Good friend of many from Beachwood Bin3 Golf Member. Condolences to Margot and the family. From James, Ken and Members of Bin3.
WORTHINGTON Timothy Yorke 16 Jan 1931 ----1 Oct 2015 x + Margaret. Father of Fiona and Pippa. Father-in-law to Miles and Earl. Grandfather to Tyrone, Kyle, Lindsay and Sheldon. Donation to Highway Hospice. DOVES 0860025500.
GOVENDER Iyavoo (Bobby) 4 June 1938 ---11 Dec 2014. Father, grand and great-grandfather. Yearley Memorial on 11 Oct 2015 at 299a McLarty Rd Reservoir Hills at 10:30 for 11:00am.
KISTAN Mrs Yogambal.Mother of Prof CHANDRU, Jicka, Barry and + Babu KISTAN .16th Day Memorial on 9 Oct 2015 at 18:30pm at Shri Siva Subramaniar Temple Hall Umhloti Drift Verulam.
MOODLEY Pachappa Manogaran (Mano) 9 April 1949 ---17 Dec 2014 . Yearly Ceremony on 10 Oct 2015 at 15:00 at Shree Vishnu Temple Hall Chatsworth.
NAIDOO Savithree 12 Aug 1948 ---23 Sept 2015 x Vadi NAIDOO. Mother of Linda and Prenaisha. 16th Day Memorial on 7 Oct 2015 at Shree Vishnu Temple Hall Havenside Chatsworth from 5pm. Inserted by Mano CHETTY TEL:- 082 652 0265.
PADAYACHEE Dhanum (Pushpa) . 16th Day Memorial on 3 Oct 2015 at NPS Hall Springtown at 730pm Supper at 18:00pm TEL:- 0846251691.
CHETTY Govindsamy (George) x Mrs. Lutchmi CHETTY. Father of Lacey and Ronnie and Lorraine. Father-in-law of Neela and Rita. Grandfather of Shiven, Shivani, Thilo and Maya. Grandfather-in-law of Seelan, Ashley and Tivolen, Justina. Great-grandfather of Deveshan, Savanya and Makayla.
CROWIE Arthur Godfrey James 17 Aug 1939 ---4 Oct 2014 x Veronica. Father of Warren & Colette, Brendan & Arlene, Merlin & Marcheline, Sean & Stephanie. Grandfather of Jarred, Bryce, Aaron, Tatum, Kellan, Kaden, Alivia, Mila and Caleb.
ESTERHUIZEN Cynthia. Gone 6 years now. We miss you from family.
MOODLEY Sarshan 6 Dec 1970 ----5 Oct 1995. Miss you from Papa, Ama, Seshu, Thavani and family. Inserted by Krish MOODLEY & Family Cowies Hill 083 3112793.
31 October 2015
BROKENSHA Kyle & Michelle twins Joshu (Boy) & Hayden (girl).
BUZZARD James & Helene a girl Juliette Evelyn.
EVANS/ DAWSON Andrew & Helen a girl Sophia Beatrice.
MARS - BOWERS Ray & Cath a daughter Niamh Louisa * 2 Oct 2015. 2nd grand daughter for Maurice & Sue.
MACQUET - MAUREL Cyrl & Julie a girl Sierra.
MOXLEY Paddy & Fally a boy Hunter Allen.
WALTON Grant & Leanne a boy Jack.
BEARD nee HORNE Maureen Rose 20 May 1935 ----28 Oct 2015 x Rodney. Mother of Aubrey, Megan and Colin. Grandmother of Bradley, Gareth, Sally-Anne and Emily. Great-grandmother to Jessica and Samuel. Memorial at Westville Methodist Church on 4 Nov 2015 at 10:30am.
BROCK Clifton Gordon + 29 Oct 2015 x Hendrika. Son of Desmond. Brother of Melanie and Janine. Uncle and brother-in-law;. Requiem Mass at Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Church Durban North on 4 Nov 2015 at 3:30pm.
GONTIER Vivian. Son of Lize GONTIER. Father of Jacqueline, Paul, Danielle and fiance Pam. Funeral at St Catherine's Catholic Church Escombe on 2 Nov 2015 at 1pm. BELL 031 3014793.
GOVENDER Y.A (Sagie/ Gary). Son of + Mr & Mrs A.P. GOVENDER. Father of Elisha, Garith and Jessan. Brother of Gonam, Harry, Sally, Rookmoney, Rumba and + Tiger GOVENDER. Grandson of + Mr & Mrs Perumal GOVENDER and + Mr & Mrs Valayadam (Washy) NATTAR. Funeral on 1 Nov 2015 at Woodhurst Multi Cultural Centre from 10:30am ---3pm. Proceeding to Mobeni Heights Crematorium for cremation at 4pm.. Missed by wife ,children and grandchildren. PINETOWN Funeral 031 4014760.
GOVENDER Mrs. Sundaram (Manormoney) x + Mr. V.R. GOVENDER. 16th Day Memorial Service on 3 Nov 2015 at Shri Parasakthie Temple Hall Merebank from 5---7pm. Supper at 7pm Service 8pm.
JOHNSON Shaun Bradley. Funeral on 31 Oct 2015 at St Peter's Catholic Church Point Durban at 09am. Viewing from 08:30am. Cremation private. ISIPINGO INC PAM'S 031 9022444.
NAUDE Richard Reginald 27 May 1940 ----30 Oct 2015. Father, grand and great-grandfather. Funeral at The Queensburgh Methodist Church Northdene on 5 Nov 2015 at 11am. BELL 031 3014793.
ROBERTS Fran Elizabeth + 29 Oct 2015. Mother of Sue and mother-in-law of Ian (87 years).
SIFRIG Alfred 15 July 1920 ----28 Oct 2015 x Mirielle. Father and father-in-law of Christine and Dean. Grandfather to Tayla, Ross and Mitch. Funeral at Saint Francis Xavier Catholic Church Bluff on 3 Nov 2015 at 14:30pm Cremation private. Donations to St Vincent de Paul. OAKLEIGH 031 2059959.
SMITH Hendrina Magdalene Dorathea (Babe) 5 Dec 1926 -----25 Oct 2015. DOVES 0860025500.
TRUSCOTT Robert Vance (Bob) 12 Oct 1944 ---26 Oct 2015 x Terry. Father to Byron, Julie, Jack, Trevor, Sam, Erika. Grandfather to Angelina, Roxanne, Michael, Tyler, Blake. And brother.
BARKER Craig * 1 Nov 1981 ----31 Dec 2013. From your Dad.; From Mom.
CHANGUION Jean-Paul. Son. From Mom, Your Biggest Fan and John, Byron, Darren, Cathy and Dalene.
CLINTON BRETT SUBRAYADOO 19 May 1987 -----30 Oct 2010. Remembered by Dad, Mom and Natricia.
GERVAIS George, 3 years gone now. Soulmate of Lilian and family.
Pt. NARAIN SWECHURAN . Gone 8 years now. We miss you Pitha from wife Rumba and family.
WILKINSON Paul Arthur 24 July 1962 ---13 Oct 2015. The family wish to thank you all for messages, cards, flowers, emails and expressions of sympathy, love and support.
7 November 2015
BROKENSHA Kyle & Michelle twins Joshua and Hayden
BUZZARD James & Helene a girl Juliette Evelyn.
MARS - BOWERS Ray & Cath a girl Niamh Louisa
TOUNTAS - ALBERTS Jonathan & Vanessa a girl Leah * 4 Nov 2015. Granddaughter for Brenda and Alta.
WALTON Grant & Leanne a boy Jack
READ Grantley & Laurel announce engagement of their daughter Brittany to Craig, son of Stuart & Sue KIDGELL in Bali on 21 Oct 2015.
BOUWER Zain. You will be missed by all at Prolift
BRYANT Anthony John 27 Jan 1937 ----5 Nov 2015 x Shirley. Father of Shelley, William and Elizabeth and + Jenny. Father-in-law of Andrew, Jo and Dave. Grandfather of Kelvin, Sally, Tessa, Nicky, Nicholas, Lucy and Christopher.
FITZGERALD Stewart Creigh + 4 Nov 2015 x Sandy. Father f Ross, Tessa, Louise. Celebration of his life on 7 Nov 2015 at 16 Belvedale Woods, 11 Redmond Rd Cowies Hill at 12 midday.
HAYES Pat 18 March 1948 ----5 Nov 2015 x + Tim HAYES. Mother of Samantha, Scot and Micheal. Memorial on 11 Nov 2015 at 2pm at Hillside Church Hillcrest. All our love Sam and Migs.
NAICKER Earl + 5 Nov 2015. Son of Roshni. Brother of Nicole and grandson of Jaya.Funeral at Clare Estate Crematorium on 7 Nov 2015 from 12 noon ---13:30pm Cremation at 2pm.
VAN NIEUWENHUIZEN Elizabeth Maria Magdalena (Lulu) 3 Oct 1932 ----2 Nov 2015. Mother of Frans & Barbara, Percy & Joan , Belinda & Ray, one son that passed away and another son I did not get the name off. Grandmother, great-grandmother. Memorial was at the Old Apostolic Church Congella on 7 Nov 2015 at 15h00. Conducted by Priest Moorcroft. [Private ] & AVBOB 031
WESTHOF Joe 31 May 1925 ----5 Nov 2015. Hetty, Hans, Marcelle and Nicky would like to thank everyone for their condolences ,messages of support. At Joe's request their will be a private family service.
CARLSTON Brian 28 June 1931 ----8 Nov 2013. Lots of love from Marie.
REDDY Farrel & REDDY Rajen. Remembered by the MOODLEY and REDDY families.
14 November 2015
BERRY Dave & Lisa a boy Liam Sean * 9 Nov 2015. Brother to Erin.Grandchild for Peter & Gill HAWKEY.
MARS - BOWERS Ray & Cath a girl Niamh Louisa.
WALTON Grant & Leanne a boy Jack.
WOLNO nee JEFFERYS Gary & Caroline a boy Fynn William at Umhlanga Hospital. Brother for Ava-Grace.
WRIGHT - MAUJEAN Sage & Caitlyn a girl Shyler Dean.
ATKINSON Frank Ronald 30 Jan 1931 ----13 Nov 2015. Missed by Brenda, Ronnie and Karen, Robyn, John and Jill, Lynne and grand and great-grandchildren. Memorial Service at Doone Village Chapel on 19 Nov 2015 at 10am. OAKLEIGH 031 2059959.
BUCHHOLZ Peter Bernard (FICS) of the Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers SA. Will be missed. Prayers and thoughts are with family from ICS SA Branch.
MINARDS Gloria May + 8 Nov 2015 x + Norman MINARDS. Aunt and great-aunt and great -great-aunt. Funeral at Berea Congregational Church Musgrave Rd Durban on 17 Nov 2015 at 11am. OAKLEIGH 031 2059959
WESTON Barbara Ann. Mother of Sue and Jilly. Grandmother of Shannon and great-grandmother of Tanna and Jake. Memorial on 17 Nov 2015 at 2pm in the Terrace Room at Doone Village Pinetown.
NAIDOO Sushila 14 Jan 1944 ----25 Jan 2015 was married to NAIDOO Chin 1 Oct 1941 ----21 Nov 1993 . Yearly Memorial on 22 Nov 2015 at Shakaskraal Culture Hall from 11am ----12pm.
RAMSAMY Anand (Ram). Yearly Memorial at Sivan Sabay Hall Verulam on 22 Nov 2015 from 10:30 am ---11:30am
CARDO Richard + 14 Nov 2012. From Hannah & George.
CASH nee SNASHALL Carol. 6 years gone now. From Mom & Dad.
FREDERICKS Marjorie. 17 years gone now. Mother and grandmother of Edgar, Althea and Children; Yunus, Rose , Clare and Angela.
LANDZANAKIS Emmanuel 15 Nov 2002 ----29 April 2010. Happy Birthday Manolaki.
NAIKER Kothunda. Remembered by Ruthra, Sunny, Parusha and Shavani.
OVERALL Beryl 27 Oct 1925 ----15 Nov 2007. Mother of David.
PATHER Jagathambal 9 Feb 1937 ----16 Nov 1996. Mother of Thivian x Veronica.
SLADE Ron. 20 years gone now. Father of Rhonda.
21 November 2015
NARAIDU David ID 760620 5190 08 2 + none x Selvum Stanley SUBRAMANI ID 740102 0117 08 4 of 94 Brancroft Close Longcroft, Phoenix KZN. ESTATE No. 005659/2015/PMB. ANAND PILLAY AND ASSOCIATES 37 Henrietta Street Pietermaritzburg.
28 November 2015
BERRY Dave & Lisa a boy Liam Sean.
HIPKIN -SACKS Duncan & Liza a boy Zachary Richard.
MARS - BOWERS Ray & Cath a girl Niamh Louisa.
WALTON Grant & Leanne a boy Jack.
WOLNO nee JEFFERYS Gary & Caroline a boy Fynn William.
WRIGHT - MAUJEAN Sage & Caitlyn a boy Shyler Dean.
BROUGHTON Irene 24 Aug 1933 -----26 Nov 2015 x Tom. Mother of Alison, Sue and Don, mother-in-law of Jeff, Clive and Barbie. Grandmother of Taryn, Greg, Dave and Amy. Thank you to Doctors and Nurses at Hillcrest Private Hospital ICU. Memorial at Hillcrest Bowling Club on 3 Dec 2015 at 10am.
MORLEY Gavin Edwin. Funeral at St James Anglican Church Morningside Durban on 4 Dec 2015 at 2pm. OAKLEIGH 031 2059959.
PILLAY Pursamma (Poobathy) 7 July 1937 ----20 Nov 2015. 15th & 16th Day Memorial on 4th & 5th Dec 2015 at the late Residence at 7pm. Supper from 5:30pm.
POOLE Marjory Alice 30 Oct 1928 ----23 Nov 2015 x + Stan POOLE. Mother of Greg and Marcelle. Grandmother of Leanne and Alice. Funeral at St Joseph's Catholic Church on 30 Nov 2015 at 10am. Donation to your own choice. BELL 031 3014793.
WEBBER Bob 11 Aug 1927 ----25 Nov 2015 x Min. Stepfather and uncle. Funeral at The Musgrave Methodist Church Durban on 1 Dec 2015 at 11:30am. BELL 031 3014793.
WEX Jurgen x Valerie. Father , grand and great-grandfather. He died in his 97th year in Hermanus.
WHITEFORD Barrett. Always young in my memories from Granny Daphne.
ROGERS Pat. 7years gone now. From husband, children and grandchildren.
5 December 2015
BERRY Dave & Lisa a boy Liam Sean.
GORMLEY Michael & Hayley twin girls Sara Jean & Rebecca Jo.
HIPKIN -SACKS Duncan & Lisa a boy Zachary Richard.
WOLNO nee JEFFERYS Gary & Caroline a boy Fynn William.
WRIGHT -MAUJEAN Sage & Caitlyn a boy Shyler Dean.
NAIDOO Norman & Maureen. 40 years married. Congratulations to you from the entire NAIDOO family.
FERRIN Ernest 1931 --- 2 Dec 2015 . Father of Lorna and Cherly. Grandfather of Bradley and Matthew. Father-in-law of John. Memorial on 19 Dec 2015 at 11am at 198 Gray Park Rd Brighton Beach.
GUERIN nee JANSE VAN RENSBURG Ester Jewel 7 Jan 1932 ----29 Nov 2015. Mother. From Michael, Robyn, Christine, Jan and family.
HAWLEY Kenneth 18 Feb 1949 -----30 Nov 2015 (Correction on surname in Mercury Fr 4 Dec 2015) Partner of Merrill. Father of Jason and Clair.
HEDIN Barbara Daisy 8 June 1942 ----2 Dec 2015. Mother, grand and great-grandmother. MARTIN'S PMB 033 3421077.
MANLEY Claire Leslie Brandwood + 10 Dec 2014 in UK. Sarah (daughter) TEL:- 0848603247. (date of death as in press).
QUIBELL Marlene 6 June 1949 ----2 Dec 2015 . Mother, sister and grandmother. From Graham, Gail, Clint, Jessy, Amber and Jordan. ; Memorial at Queensburgh Methodist Church on 7 Dec 2015 at11am. Cremation private. SHANLEY'S 031 2057644.
RUBINO Mark 27 April 1957 ---3 Dec 2015 x Judy. Father to Clint, Pam, Nick, Lindsey, Zane and Cam. Grandfather to Josh, Daniel, Kyla and Samuel. Memorial at Trinity Methodist Church Umhlanga on 9 Dec 2015. OAKLEIGH 031 2059959.
SHEA Stanley Douglas 5 Feb 1934 -----2 Dec 2015 x Colleen. Father to Lesley-Anne, Linda and Gavin, Derek and Sandy and Anton. Grandfather to Lauren, Megan, Carmen, Devon, Ashley and Callan. Great-grandfather to Capri. Memorial at Riverside Park Home Pietermaritzburg on 10 Dec 2015 at 2:30pm. OAKLEIGH 033 3426116.
VAN HEERDEN Florence (Flo) + 3 Dec 2015 at Moira's Heaven For The Aged Pinetown . Remembered and loved by Johnny, Carol, Johann and Sean. Thanks to Moira BEVERIDGE and staff for their dedication and love to Flo.
BARRETT Marion. Remembered by Tony, Nicole & Kirsten.
HOLLOWAY Roderick. 17 years gone now. From Arline.
LEITCH Pauline . Miss you always Love Malcolm, Claire and Stuart.
MARTIN Steve 4 May 1948 ----5 Dec 2012 x Cheryl. Father of Jody x 2, Ty and Brooke.; Storm & Sailor, Biggles.
NORRIS nee BRAUNS Dorothy (Dotty). Mother, mother-in-law and grandmother. Love Nina, Estelle and family.
WOOTTON Darren . Always in our heart.- Mom, Dad, Lisa and Keri.
12 December 2015
ASKEY / FERNANDES Andrew & Julia a boy Kai Daniel
GORMLEY Michael & Hayley twin girls Sara Jean & Rebecca Jo.
HIPKIN - SACKS Duncan & Lisa a boy Zachary Richard.
KELMANSON nee HEDGES Giles & Louise a boy Charles Joseph
CHETTY Maryamah x + D G CHETTY. Mother of Selvy, Selvan, Tilly, Tiny CHETTY and + Soma CHETTY. Mother-in-law of Krish REDDY, Ram NAICKER, Saras, Kasthurie. Grand and great-grandmother. Funeral 12 Dec 2015 from at Clare Estate Crematorium Hall from 11am ---12:30pm Cremation thereafter. ISIPINGO INC PAM'S 031 9022444.
CHETTY Dhanapalan (Poobalan) x Sushy. Father of 3 sons, father-in-law of 3 daughters. Brother of 1 brother and 3 sisters. Grandfather of 3 16th Day Memorial at The Wyebank Funeral Parlour on 17 Dec 2015 .Supper from 5:30pm Service 7pm.
GARDENER nee CLAUSEN Hanne Elisabeth 21 July 1944 ----9 Dec 2015 (71) in Howick, x ,partner and companion for 35 years of John. Mother of Carina, Samantha, and + Gordon. Sister of Karin and grandmother of James and Kirsten. Mother-in-law of Gary and Mark. In accordance to her wishes she will be cremated in a quiet, no-fuss manner.
HANSEN Haanathan Velayutham + 2 Dec 2015. Son of + Bobby & Savi MOODLEY. Brother of Iris, Terrence, Kumaran and + Nurseran and brother-in-law, Alwin. Nephew of Guru, Nat MURUGAM.. 16th Day Memorial on 16 Dec 2015 at Wyebank Siva Sungum Hall from 3-4pm. CELL:- 082 5171538.
LOUBSHER Keith Glenmore + 29 Nov 2015 . Husband and father to Ann, Michelle, Nicole & Paulette. Loved grandfather.
MARTIN Monette 22 July 1929 ----8 Dec 2015 x + Jacques. Mother of Christine and Jacques. Grand and great-grandmother. Funeral at St Josephs Catholic Parish on 15 Dec 2015 at 11am. BELL 031 3014793.
NAIDOO Dennis (Kesavel) . Funeral on 12 Dec 2015 at Scidifa Community Hall Silverglen from 12pm ---2pm Cremation at 3pm.
YOUNG Craig Stephen 17 July 1967 ----9 Dec 2015 x Suzanne. Father of Keagan and Carl. Brother of Angela and Gavin. Brother-in-law to Mandy and Paul. Funeral at DOVES South Chapel Greyville on 15 Dec 2015 at 2pm. DOVES 0860025500.
BINNEMAN Yvonne Matilda 3 Feb 1937 ---12 Dec 2013. She and Trevor stands in Gods Garden. From your beloved Stephan.
VAN HEERDEN Patricia. 6 years gone now. Wife ,Mother and grandmother.
WILLARD Claudelle 10 Oct 1982 ----13 Dec 2014. Missed by Mom, Dad, your son, brother, sisters and nephews.
19 December 2015
ASKEY /FERNANDES Andrew & Julia a boy Kai Daniel.
HAMBLIN Paul & Tamara a girl Elayna Michelle.
HARDING nee MILBANK Andrew & Michelle a girl Julie.
KELMANSON nee HEDGES Giles & Louise a boy Harles Joseph.
MCGARRY nee CUNNINGHAM Steve & Candice a girl Lilly Elizabeth.
MURRAY Glen & Lise a daughter Poppy Anne * 15 Dec 2015.
BARKLEY Arthur 8 Sept 1928 -----17 Dec 2015. At last you are with your Rooch. Love from Allan, Doreen, Bianca, Roger, Sophie, Jethro, Jordan, Brett, Cindy, Bjorn, Megan, Courtney, Michael, Karla and Ricardo. ; Memorial on 21 Dec 2015 at The Pinetown Baptist Church Pinetown.
BONHOMME Jennifer Gertrude. Funeral at St Gabriels Church Wentworth on 23 Dec 2015 at 11am. Cremation private. DOVES 0860025500.
BRODZINSKI Albert (ALBIN) . Funeral at Full Gospel Tabernacle corner Currie and Poval Rd at 11am.
CLOTHIER Dr Ernest Brian (Sonny) + 13 Dec 2015 aged 63 years. Formely from Durban lately from Dunedin New Zealand.Husband of Denise. Father of Clinton and Gillian and Sue-Ann. Grandfather of Terri-Anne and Dwaine. Brother of Isaac, Enid , + Didi, Esme, Kenny and brother-in-law. Member of JOHNSON family. Private farewell was held. Messages to CLOTHIER Family c/-DX Box YX15033 Dunedin. HOPE & SONS LTD FDANZ.
NAICKER Ponnamma (Amba) x + Dennis. Mother of + Judy, + Rajen, Anthony and Lova. Grandmother and great-grandmother. Funeral on 19 Dec 2015. Body will lie in state at resident 30 Burnton Place Reservoir Hills at 10:45---1pm proceeding to Clare Estate Crematorium Hall from 1---3pm Cremation at 3pm. WYEBANK 031 7057-321.
SMITH Pamela Eileen. Funeral on 22 Dec 2015 at St Barnabas Anglican Church Bluff at 10am.
VAN SCHALKWYK Maria Magdalena 12 Sept 1920 ----14 Dec 2015. Betreur deur Kinders, klein en agterkleinkinders.Roudiens op 19 Dec 2015 by Tuinsig Aftree Oord Kapel Morningside. Diens word waargeneem deur Ds DREYER. Verassing privaat. AVBOB 031 2061831.
VAN ZANTEN Shayleen + 16 Dec 2015 at age 15 years. She was stabbed to death because she refuse to hand over her cell phone. It happened at Trafalgar beach holiday Town at the South Coast. They come from Pretoria. Daughter of Arie VAN ZANTEN. Niece of Thea COETSER. Tanya WATERWORTH & Tankiso MAKHETHA.
ELGAR Michael John 3 Oct 1977 ----19 Dec 2004. Love from Mom and your boy Shaye John.
GOVENDER Varadarajalu + 19 Dec 1989. Missed by your children.
HINDMAN JAMES (Jimmy) MILBURN 20 years today x Nancy. Father of Lyn (BRINK), Nigel, Jenny (EAST), Gary , Tempest grand and great-grandchildren.
MAHABIR Sukdew 23 Aug 1937 ---9 Dec 2015.
NULLIAH Daniel 1958 ---2014. Husband ,father and grandfather.
PAUL E. V. 1902 ----1978 (Bond Drift SAP 1922) Father and grandfather. From Mr & Mrs D V PAUL.
PILLAY Cookie 20 Dec 1955 ---29 Jan 2014. Appy 60th Brithday. Remembered from husband Vassie, and children Loseshnee, Preshalin. Mother-in-law of Juventus. Grandmother of Jovanna.
ROSS Rosemary 12 Aug 1946 ----20 Dec 2012. Wife , mother and grandmother. Malcolm, Kerry, Craig, Tiffany, Samantha, Jenny, Roland, Gary, James, Ethan and Aiden.
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