The Independent on Saturday 2018 1 January - March
6 January 2018
HARARE:- BOWMAN John (90) died after crocodile attacked their inflatable boat in the Mpopoma Dam. -REUTERS
GOWER-JACKSON nee McKENZIE Lisbeth Kate (Liz/Pink) 1 Sept 1928 ----5 Jan 2018 x + Michael GOWER-JACKSON . Mother of Garth and Di, Graham and Spratty, Carol & Mike, + Keith , Kate and Graham. Grandmother of Stuart, Darren, Jayde, Storm,, Narina, Roan, Shale, Pam, Mark. Great-grandmother. Memorial details to follow.
HORNING Norman 9 April 1936 ----2 Jan 2018. Remembered by Linda, Jeff, Des and families. Memorial on 8 Jan 2018 at New Umhlanga Ski Boat Club at 3:30pm.
KERR nee MIDDLEWICK Nina Beryl 24 Feb 1929 ----4 Jan 2018. Mother of + Di, Sue, Joan and Cathy. Memorial on 6 Jan 2018 at Edenroc, Snell Parade, Durban at 10:00am.
MEYER nee OLIVER Pat 17 March 1930 ----4 Jan 2018. Sister of Carol. Aunt of Clifford, Kevin and Eleanor.
MUTHUKRISHNA Frederick x Maureen. Brother to Aidan & Rebecca. Funeral at Clare Estate Crematorium Hall 3, on 8 Jan 2018 . Viewing at 12:00noon Service 12:30pm Cremation at 13:30pm.
NEETHLING Leon Laurentius + 26 Dec 2017 x Charneen . Father of Donovan, Leigh-Anne, Thao.
PERRYMAN Graham Frank Morrow. Memorial on 8 Jan 2018 at Westville Baptist Church at 3:00pm.
PILLAY Solamma 29 Aug 1932 . Laid to rest on 2 Jan 2018. Mother of 7 children their spouses. Grandmother of 16 and 11 great-grandchildren.
VAN NIEKERK Doreen May + 3 Jan 2018. Mother of Alec. Mother-in-law, grand and great-grandmother.
VAN BERG Terry. Sympathy to Caryl and family on passing of Terry. From his friends and fellow members at the Rotary Club of Westville.
VAN ZYL Hennie + 25 Dec 2017 Brother of Peter, Albert, Willie, and John. Memorial Service on 9 Jan 2018 at Umbilo Full Gospel Church Umbilo Durban at 10:00am.
HOOVER Graham Emmanuel (Manny). Gone 1 year now. Remembered by family and friends.
JAYNATH CHANDRA 5 March 1927 ---7 Jan 2008. Mother of Ashna, Taks, Shanitha, Avani, Leticia, Trishen, Justin, Mikera, Yeniv & Kiana and sister to KALICHURRAN Families.
NEERMUL Bee. From Molly (Bass), your children and grandchildren.
13 January 2018
LOMBAARD Barry. Love to Barbara and family. Remembered by his brother Leon ,sister-in-law Penny and family.
MURGATROYD Lister Terence 22 July 1937 ----22 Dec 2017 & STAFFORD Glyn James 21 March 1942 ----9 Jan 2018 .Two amazing men. Memorial Service at Charisma Family Church Hillary on 17 Jan 2018 at 10:30am. BELL 031 301 4793.
TOURNOIS Sylvie 20 May 1939 ----8 Jan 2018 Mother and grandmother. Will be missed by Janick, Lance, Lyle, Nikita, Jessie. RIP with Dad. Funeral Service at the Blessed Sacrament Church Virginia on 16 Jan 2018 at 14:00pm. Cremation private . SHANLEY'S 031 2057644.
VIVIERS Henry Mattheus 19 Sept 1931 ----5 Jan 2018 x + Desiree. Father of Vanessa, Bronwyn and Amanda. Grandfather of Lauren, Jo-Anne, Calvin, Maxine, Sarah and Jessica. Great-grandfather of Lucas. Memorial on 20 Jan at 10:00am at Pinetown Girl's High School. BELL 031 301 4793.
EYSELE Karl + 13 Jan 1999. Husband and father of Mandy, Marius and Kyle.
FOURIE Jad 1968 ---1994 . Remembered by Dad, Mom and Brother.
HAWLEY Mervyn Kenneth. Gone 2 years now.. Remembered by Yvonne, Judy, Merle and Peter.
SUKNUNUN Mr & Mrs Ramith. 27 Oct 1950 ---7 Oct 2009 ; 13 Oct 1948 -----12 Jan 2010 . Parents , parents-in-law and grandparents. From Jay Shree HANUMAN.
20 January 2018
PIETERSE MATTHEW Deon and Belinda announce engagement of their son Matt to Elizabeth, daughter of Andrew & Rosemary FEE of Christchurch New Zeeland.
POTTIER Ben & Dulcie announce engagement of their daughter Celeste to Keith ,son of Ayanda GREENWAY of Cape Town.
MIA Dr Ridwan (Plastic Surgeon) to Naurain SIDIQUE this weekend. Dr MIA was the one who did the first skin graft of cloned skin on Pippie KRUGER. She got burned in 2011 at age 3 years. She attended with her mother Anice. - BARBARA COLE. DAILY NEWS Fri 19 Jan 2018.
HARRINGTON /HUTCHINSON Annmaree & Garth married on 20 Jan 1965. Congratulations from Clive and Dina, Heather and Rod, Gareth and Tamara and all the grandchildren.
HARARE:- BENNETT Roy & Heather + 18 Jan 2018 in a helicopter crash in the US. He was the main opposition party. He was the "sharpest thorn " in Robert MUGABE'S side.- AFRICAN NEWS AGENCY (ANA)
MANGOPE Lucas + 18 Jan 2018 at age 94 at his home in Motsweti , near Zeerust. He was former Bophuthatswana Homeland leader. - AFRICAN NEWS AGENCY (ANA)
AITKEN Ronald Andrew Sinclair 20 July 1932 ----18 Jan 2018 Soulmate of Kingsley for 64 years. Dearly loved by Ross, Annelieke, Rose, and Jessie, ; Dale, Paula, Murray and Matthew ; Robin ,Rowan, John, Michael, Melissa; Lee, Andrew, Nicola, Julia and Jason. ; Funeral at Glenwood Presbyterian Church Ester Roberts Street Glenwood Durban on 27 Jan 2018 at 10:30am Donations to Highway Hospice No flowers. - OAKLEIGH 031 2059959.
BOND Mary Magdaline + 18 Jan 2018. Mother of Michael, Jennifer and Luiz, Bev & John and Liana & Tony. Grandmother to Taytum, Dylan, Taryn, Clinton, Christelle, Simone, John, Kirsten, Ashleigh, Kate, Christine and Bianca. Great-grandmother of Emily, Daniel, Jemma, Leyland, Kevin, Louie, Nicholas and Ayrton. Sister to Herbert, Errol and + Clive. Funeral at St Dominic's Catholic Church Hillcrest on 24 Jan 2018 at 10:00am . - OAKLEIGH 031 2059959.
BRISSETT Glen Louis 28 Aug 1953 ----18 Jan 2018.Father to Devron and Bronwyn. Son of Joan & + Edmond BRISSETT. Brother to Malcolm, Glynis and Lieselle. Brother-in-law and uncle. Memorial details to follow.
FAYERS Maurice James 13 Sept 1929 --8 Jan 2018 x Cora. Will be missed by his brothers, sisters, grand and great-grandchildren. Funeral on 13 Jan 2018 at St Peters Catholic Church (Old Point Rd) Durban. Viewing from 10:00am ---11:00am Mass at 11:00am proceeding to Stellawood Cemetery.
GIBB Margeret Rose (Margie)12 Dec 1943 -----18 Jan 2018 x Harry. Mother of + Lesley and + Robb. Mother-in-law and grandmother of James and Gary QUICK. Now with son and daughter. ;Private cremation Wake at Durban Bowling Club on 23 Jan 2018 at 12 noon.
GROBLER Margaret + 16 Jan 2018 . Mother of Diane and Marlyne. Grandmother of Cally and Jenny and great-grandmother of Jessica. - SHANLEY'S 031 20576444.
HODGE George David Blair 7 March 1943 ---14 Jan 2018 x Maria. Father to James and Jennifer and grandfather. Funeral at Westville Methodist Church Westville on 26 Jan 2018 at 2pm. - BELL 031 301 4793.
KERR Barbara Ann 21 Dec 1940 ---14 Jan 2018 Cousin to Jean KINCAID, Jean & Angus, Noel & Evelyn, Lisa-Rae & Bruno, Jess & Paul, Jared & Shelley, Alan and Craig. Gathering at 1 Underwood Rd , Durban North on 25 Jan 2018 at 10:00am .
SOMASUNDRAM Stella Irene 26 Aug 1930 ----17 Jan 2018 x + Errol. Mother to Estelle, Trevor and Geeta. Grandmother to Koreene, Andru, Kerisa, Kyle . Great-grandmother to Vaydah and Elijah. Funeral at Parish of St Thomas Berea Musgrave Rd. Viewing from 09:00---10:00am Service at 10:00am Cremation private.
WORTHINGTON Trevor John Herbert 5 Dec 1948 ---9 Jan 2018. Brother to Cheryl, Linda and Colleen. Memorial at Musgrave Methodist Church Durban on 24 Jan 2018 at 11:00am. - BELL 031 301 4793.
NEEL Pamela Anne + 22 Jan 1998. Love always from Brian and your boys Ryan and Mark.
NORTJE Dirk 18 May 1943 ---20 Jan 2014. Love from Debbie, Nicola, Michelle, Charles, Keegan and Jarred.
SANDER George Edward. Gone 5 years now. We miss you.
10 March 2018
BOTTOMLEY Mike 27 Oct 1956 ---7 March 2018. Husband, father and grandfather, brother and uncle. Celebration of his life at Serepta Church Gillitts on 11 March 2018 at 2pm.
BRUNEAU nee LEHMAN Pearl Pamela + 5 March 2018 . Mother to Louise and Hamish, Jacqui and Bruce and Philippe and Karen. Grandmother to Matthew and Clarissa, Jeffrey, Marc, Lindsey and Ryno. Great-grandmother of Jaimie. Memorial at Twilanga Retirement Village Umhlanga on 12 March 2018 at 10:30am. OAKLEIGH 031 2059959.
HAWORTH Matthew Hamilton . Our special crazie uncle. From your girls Gina and Josie GREENHALGH.; Brother to Sue, Jo and Kate. Brother-in-law of Gavin , Grant and Brad. Uncle of Gina & Josie GREENHALGH, Katie and James HARRIES, Tae and Jagger CAMERON.
NAIDOO Lutchmanna (SL or Lucky) Father of Sagie, Thesigan and Yogi. Funeral on 10 March 2018 from 10:00am ---12:30pm at Wyebank Proceeding to Clare Estate Crematorium at 12:30pm INFORMATION:- Sagie at 072 925 1261..
RICHMOND Bridget Jane (Bridgie). Memorial on 12 March 2018 at the Presbyterian Church (Dutch Reform Church ) Byron Place, Westville.
RUTHERFOORD Michael John (Mike) x Bronwyn (Bonnie). Father Liesel, Boo Simon, Luciano, Scott, Sara. Speacial great grandfather of Georgina, Alessandro, Jack and Isabella. Memorial at All Souls Anglican Church Salt Rock at 10:00am on 10 March 2018. Dress Code:- Bright and Beautiful. OAKLEIGH 031 2059959.
STUART Walter Christian x Lavelle. Father of Calah. Son of + Moses Jeremiah & Elizabeth STUART. Brother of Billy, Peggy, Mercy, Faith and Angela. Brother-in-law and uncle. Funeral on 11 March 2018 at Seventh Day Adventist Church Wentworth. Viewing at 10:00am Service at 10:30am. Proceeding to Dudley Street Cemetery.
17 March 2018
DE WAAL nee BOWLER Madelene Colleen. Sister, mother, grandmother and great-grandmother. Requiem Mass in 18 March 2018 at St James Anglican Church Harding at 12:00noon proceeding to Harding Cemetery.
GORDON David Anthony 14 Jan 1938 ------11 March 2018 x Jenny. Father and grandfather. My " Brother" for 50 years . Remembered as brilliant advocate, compassionate and flamboyant with great sense of humour. From Raymond WARTSKI.
HAWKINS Stephen + 14 March 2018 at age 76 -REUTERS
JOB Jean + 12 March 2018 x Alan. Mother to Debbie and Alan, Lucy and Steve. Grandmother to Ashleigh, Keegan, Haley and Erin. Cremation private Memorial at Kloof SPCA at 2pm on 20 March 2018. No flowers. Donation to SPCA.
NGCOBO Siyabonga 24 Sept 1995 . He was murdered in Pretoria. Nephew of Buhle MBONAMBI. Funeral on 18 March 2018 in Durban . Memorial was 21 March 2018 at Ngoqokazi Community Hall in Inanda. -ANELISA KUBHEKA.
SUBRAMANIEN Tholsie x +Sonny SUBRAMANIEN. Mother, mother-in-law, sister and grandmother. 16th Day Memorial at Multi Cultural Centre Chatsworth on 18 March 2018 at 2 pm.
VAN HEERDEN Leonard Ernest + 14 March 2018 at age 67. Father to Bridget, Gareth and Britt. Brother to Julia and Susan. Grandfather to Josie, Caleb, Oscar, Eli. Memorial at Stellawood Crematorium Glenwood Durban on 22 March 2018 at 12 noon. OAKLEIGH 031 2059959.
DURWARD Charles Gone 3 years now. Husband and father. From May and family.
GRIMMETT William Arthur . Gone 10 years now. Remembered by GRIMMETT family.
JOHNSTONE Denise 28 Feb 1937 -----18 March 1998. Wife and Mother. From Neil, Jennifer , Angela and Rodney.
MACDONALD Moira 4 Dec 1928 -----10 March 2013 x 44years to John. Mother of Craig & Kay.
MONTIERE Garnett. Thank you to family and friends. Thank you to our clients at Nobin Bussiness Consultants and G & T Projects. Thank you to our caterers Memorable Occassions. Thank you to PAM'S Funeral Services. From Helene and family.
24 March 2018
BARGATE Grahame & Karen announce engagement of their daughter Erin to James, son of Julian FIFIELD of North York and Alison FIFIELD of Buckinghamshire.
CHETTY Govindsamy (Percy) x Neela. Father of Pragasan, Shamla and + Pat CHETTY. Grandfather of of Dhashan and Seyuran. Father-in-law of Trenda. 16th Day Memoriam on 26 March 2018 at Wyebank Community Hall. Dinner at 17:00pm Service at 19:00pm. Pragasan TEL:- 083 782 1101
DE BEER Frans Frederick + 21 March 2018 x Adele. Father of Deon, Ronelle, Denzil, Allyson and Melanie and grandfather. Memorial at One Life Church South, Bisley Pietermaritzburg on 27 March 2018 at 13:00pm OAKLEIGH 033 3426116.
GEORGE Ormonde Corrington + 16 March 2018. Father and father-in-law to Clive & Gill and Linda. Grandfather to to Nicole, Claire, Craig, Christie, & Sandi. Great-grandfather to 6. Memorial at St Agnes Anglican Church Kloof on 27 March 2018 at 14:00pm .OAKLEIGH 031 2059959
NAICKER Leela x Sid NAICKER . Mother of Prenasen and Vanishree NAICKER. Mother-in-law of Asogan. Grandmother of Chevanthi MOONSAMY. Funeral 24 March 2018. Body will lie in state at 293 Umhlanga Rocks Drive Umhlanga from 11:00am ---1:00pm Proceeding to Clare Estate Crematorium Hall no 3 from 2:00pm ---3:30pm Cremation thereafter.
NAICKEN Patchamma (Sandra) 7 March 1946 ----13 March 2018 x Chris. Mother of Leon, Yolan and Keranza. Mother-in-law of Rajen and Vinesh. 16th Day Memorial on 27 March 2018 at 19 Arbenhome Crescent Arena Park Chatsworth. Supper at 5:30pm Service at 7:00pm TEL:- 072 855 4829.
REDDY Travaraj (Deva). Funeral on 25 March 2018 at Phoenix Methodist Church Phoenix from 11:30am --13:30pm Cremation at Verulam Crematorium from 14:00 --14:30pm.
RIDDER Doreen 6 Feb 1935 ---20 March 2018 x Peter. Mother of Gail, Neil, Melanie, Hennie and Donelly. Grandmother of Kaylee, Dale and Luke. Memorial at Flame Lily Park on 27 March 2018 at 09:30am.
SUBRAMONEY Moonsamy (Lox). 16th Day Memorial on 27 March 2018 at 42 Resthill Gardens Hillgrove Newlands West. Supper from 5:30pm Service from 7pm ---8:30pm.
VAN DER MERWE Helena C J. 3 Aug 1939 -----20 March 2018 aged 78 years. Wife of Bill for 51 years. Mother of Helen.; Mother of Tony, Gill and the boys. ; Grandmother of Harry, Ray-Steph, Rhet-Ani, Storm-Pete.
WILMS Alan Emil 10 June 1946 ---18 March 2018 x Miemie. Memorial at Howick Methodis Church Howick on 28 March 2018 at 2pm. OAKLEIGH 033 3426116.
BENNEWITH Dean 9 April 1970 -----22 March 2016. Remembered by Daryl, Belinda and Raywin.
KEACHIE Raymond . Would have been you birthday. Miss you Dad from Raymond (Jnr)
MAHARAJ Yurav 6 April 2004 ---25 March 2018 . Son of Danusha & Adrian.
OWEN Mary Stirling 20 June 1933 ---24 March 2017 . Mom we miss you from Chris, Gina and Jax; Glynnis, Peter and Frankie.
31 March 2018
EGLINGTON Roland + 29 March 2018 . Father of Bruce, Ronel, Karyn, Chris, Glynis and Don and grandfather of Rory, Dylan, Justin, Tamryn, Callix and Kyle.
GORDON David. Deepest sympathies to the family from DHS Foundation Trust. Deo Fretus.
PALMER Lorraine Susan 4 May 1945 ----26 March 2018 Sadly missed by Samantha, Warren, Justin, Lee, Tamsin, Jared , Bianca, and Vaughan. Tea in remembrance at 2 Redmond Rd, Cowies Hill at 11am on 4 April 2018
KING Trevor. Forever in our hearts. From Claude and Maresce (Australia).
HIRALAL Francis Rajcoomar + 31 March 1994 .Husband and father. From your wife Mrs. Pamela HIRALAL.
MORLEY Claire Louise + 2 April 2017 at age 39 in Durban. Daughter of Cliff MORLEY. Mother of Jessica, Alex and Emily. Now at rest next to Mother; Shirley nee GORDON.
NAIDOO Devan (Norman) 15 June 1971 ----27 March 2017. Gone 1 year now. We miss you from your Mum Jenny, your wife Ashmeeka and 3 daughters and friends.
VON BULTZINGSLOWEN Horst Hans x Anne. Not forgotten.
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