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Independent on Saturday

The Independent on Saturday 2018 3 July - September

7 July 2018



GIBBONS Maxwell Winston (Max) +4 July 2018. Remembered by June, Jane, Pippa, Mark, Gerald, Vanessé, Mick and grandchildren. Funeral Service at St James Church Morningside ,Durban on 11 July 2018 at 11:00am Donations to St James Legacy Trust. - SHANLEY'S 031 2057644.

NAIDU Kantharubie x Billy NAIDU. Mother of Pavina, Prakash, Tarnya, Kiara. Mother-in-law of Vishnu, Keshnie, Gerard, Kevan. Grandmother to Kashmika, Kerina, Heshaylia, Juana, Chivdaar, Sitara, Navan ,Kajol. Daughter of + Mr & Mrs M.N. REDDY. 11th Day Memorial at Winchester Conference Centre Reservoir Hills on 8 July 2018 from 11:00am ---2:00pm.

RANDALL nee ABBOTT Eileen Anne + 28 June 2018. Mother of Trish, Michael and Quinton. Grandmother. Memorial at St Olav Church 20 July 2018 at 2:00pm.


HUGHES Evan + 9 July 1993. Love from Avis and family.

14 July 2018


AULD Marilyn Jeanette 19 Feb 1948 ---8 July 2018. In memory of my mother. DOVES 08025500.

PATEL Revantha. Daughter of Mr Vishnu & Mrs Marlene PATEL. Grandaughter of + Mr & Mrs PATEL and + Mr Ronnie REDDY & Mrs Radha REDDY. Funeral on 14 July 2018 at Clare Estate Crematorium Hall 2 Recreation Durban. Body wil lie in state from 13:00 ---15:00pm Enquiries :- Seshni at 078 8129134.

POONA nee PRINCE Loretta Lillian + 10 July 2018 x + Keso POONA. Mother of Anil, Sobhna, Jaydesh, Nagin & Nitesh.; Funeral on 14 July 2018 . Body will lie in state at Kendra Gardens Sydenham Rd Durban from 9:00 ---09:45am Proceeding to the St Anthony's Catholic Church at 10:00am. 

SONNEKUS Philip Daniel Stefanus (oom Flip) x Gwen. Father of Philip, Rika, Esmè and Eddie. Grandfather of Charl, Monique, Charmel , Wade. Funeral at Dutch Reform Church Umbilo on 18 July 2018 at 11:00am. - BELL 031 3014793.


BLEWITT Maurice (Mossie) + 14 July 1994 . Remembered by Colwyn and Axel.

CLARKE Mike 25 Sept 1952 ----14 July 2017. Love from Tyron, Blake and I.

21 July 2018


BARTON Thomas 13 Oct 1931 --18 July 2018. Father, Grandfather and Great- grandfather. Private cremation.

BUXTON Shirley 16 March 1934 --19 July 2018. Mother, Grand and Great-grandmother. Funeral Service at Presbyterian Church Frere Rd Glenwood on 27 July 2018 at 14:00pm Cremation private. SHANLEY'S 031 2057644.

DELANGE Gavin Wayne 30 Oct 1957----20 July 2018 Fiance of Lois. Father of Lisa and Kevin. Brother of Robbie. Memorial at DOVES North Chapel on 24 July 2018 at 10:30pm. DOVES 0860025500.

JAMES BRETT KENNETH Memorial for Brett at Glenwood Presbyterian Church on 24 July 2018 at 14:00pm Cremation private.

JORGENSEN Errol Bruce + 19 July 2018. Missed by family & friends. SHANLEY'S 031 2057644.

MCGRAY Peter Francis 5 March 1939 ---14 July 2018 x Olga. Father to Jason and Sheryl. Memorial Service at Hillcrest Presbyterian Church on 27 July 2018 at 11:00am.

NCUBE Sindiswa Abigail. Sympathy to her family from DPHS School as well as the LIV Clean.

PATEL Revantha . Memorial Service on 26 July 2018 at Umhlatuzana Civic Hall Chatsworth. Supper at 17:00pm Service from 19:00 --20:00pm

RICHARDSON nee BOLT Shirley Gwendoline 28 Aug 1934 ----15 July 2018 in Hillcrest x + Charles Brian RICHARDSON . Mother of + Wendy May RICHARDSON. From Trevor ,Tracey, Stephen and David.

SCHULTZ Wallace Brian 31 May 1932 ----20 July 2018 Father and family of Michael, Jamie and Denise. Thanks to Doctors and Staff at Entabeni Hospital No Funeral on request. Cremation private.

SITARAM Premie x Raj SITARAM. Mother of Dicky, Shiran, Koshik, mother-in-law , grandmother and sister. Funeral on 21 July 2018 at Clare Estate Crematorium Hall 3 from 12:00 noon Cremation at 2:00pm.

STRINTER Fallon Thomas 28 March 1938 ---5 July 2018 Forever loved by family & friends.


CHETTY Jason . Yearly Memorial Service on 22 July 2018 at
Enchanted Gardens at 10:30am.

MOONSAMY Mrs. Vijay 22 Sept 1973 ---25 July 2017. 3rd Daughter of Shirley & + Sivaram POONEN. Mother of Angelique Elizabeth MOONSAMY. Sister of Poogashni, Samantha and Melanie and families.

MUDLAY Kay 22 July 1976 - 22 July 2018 Remembered by Mr & Mrs D. V. PAUL. SOOKRAM Ishara .One year Memorial on 9 Aug 2018 fom 09:00am at Family's Residence in Shallcross.

28 July 2018


BRAUTESETH nee SENEQUE Marguerite Anne-Marie Josette 10 April 1928 ---25 July 2018. Memorial Service at Norwegian Settlers Church Marburg, Port Shepstone on 2 Aug 2018 at 14:00pm.

COOK Basil + 25 July 2018. Husband, father, grandfather and friend. Missed by Joy, Lynne, Heather, and Gary, Judy and Svend, Jen, Jaimie, Melissa, Megan, Tom, Rory , Alex and Hunter. Memorial Service at Hillcrest Methodist Church on 2 Aug 2018 at 11:00am. OAKLEIGH 031 2059959.

FRANCIS LEO. Memorial Service at Flame Lily Park Malvern on 30 July 2018 at 09:30am.

HICKMAN Cynthia Anne 17 June 1930 ----26 July 2018 x Lawrence. Mother to Barry, Tony , Keith and Ian. Grand and great-grandmother as well as mother-in-law. Funeral Service at St Agnes Church Kloof on 3 Aug 2018 at 12:30pm. Donations to The Anglican Women Fellowship co St Agnes Anglican Church. OAKLEIGH 031 2059959.

LAURENCE Gordon Thomas 1951 ----2018. Glenwood High School mourns your passing. A most loyal and supportive member of our staff for 21 years. Sympathy to his wife Wilma and family. RIP.

MNCWANGO Themninkosi +26 July 2018 burnt to death in a shack at Kennedy Rd informal Settlement at age 39. Brother-in-law of Anipho NKOSI. - Anelisa KUBHEKA

TRAYNOR Marjorie Jessie 26 June 1921 ---25 July 2018 x + Denis. Mother to Roseanne and Richard, Beverley and Kelvin. Grandmother to Paula and Guy, Andrew and Amy, Michelle and Jan and Michael. Great-grandmother of Jemma, Brunton, Sophie, Lauren and Isabella. Memorial Service at Mothwa Haven 502 Che Guevara (Moore ) Road, Berea on 2 Aug 2018 at 10:30am.
Grateful thanks to Matron TAYLOR and staff at Mothwa Haven for their Care. - OAKLEIGH 031 2059959.


BAKER Eddington (Tony). Gone 7 years now. From BAKER Family.

BAXTER-BRUCE Pamela . Gone 1 year now from your friend Pam BRADSHAW.

GIERKE Lorraine Margaret 27 Dec 1933 ---31 July 2008. Forever in my heart from Mike.

KEACHIE Bessie. Gone 14 years now. RIP from your son Raymond (JNR)

LAMBERT Roy (Lammy) 25 Dec 1935 ---29 July 2008 x Joan for 52 years. Father of Paul x Linda. Grandmother to Darren and Matthew.

LAMBERT Roy Albert .Gone 10 years now. Father of Jackie, Padda, Ali, Paul, Yaz and Connor.

LOU ELLIOTT + 30 July 2015. Remembered by Hugh.

SAMUEL James + 23 Jan 1974 x Mary Agnes + 28 July 1985 Parents of Amy, Esme and Trevor.

4 August 2018


ARJUNAN Veerappen Dee. Daughter of Mrs A ARNUNAN & Vadivel ARNUNAN. Sister to + Bobby ARJUNAN, Kogie, Baby, Jenny, Cheryl, Devica, Dodo and Selvan. Sister-in-law Rajen and Tubby. Aunt of Prinolan, Nolene, Audrey, Justin and Jeremy. Funeral Service at Residence , 88 Hope Street Overport on 4 Aug 2018 at 11:00am --1:30pm. Proceeding to Clare Estate Cremetorium Hall at 2pm. Cremation at 3:30pm CONTACT:- 082 7939420.

CHELLAN Vino x Sunny CHELLAN. 15th Day Memorial on 8 Aug 2018 at Stanmore School Hall at 7pm. Supper at 17:30pm.

GOVENDER Nelson. Funeral on 4 Aug 2018 at 41 Oakside Caneside Unit 20 Phoenix. Body will lie in state from 09:00am ---12:00 noon Proceeding to Redhill Cemetery for buriel at 1:00pm. CALL:- 083 629 2332.

HATFIELD Daphne Pamela 12 Feb 1925 --1 Aug 2018 Mother, grand and great-grandmother. Passed away at home.

PILLAY Dennis + 1 Aug 2018 x + Patricia PILLAY. Father of Craig, Deborah, Ingrid Bronwen and Andrew. Father-in-law and grandfather. Funeral on 4 Aug 2018 at St John's Anglican Church Sydenham. Viewing from 12:30 --13:00pm Service at 13:00pm.

VENTER Peter Jacobus (Deacon)18 Jan 1939 ---29 July 2018 x Lucy. Father of Paul & Denise, Leigh, John & Tash, Robynne & Bruce and Charlette. Grandfather of Erin, Caleb, Hannah and Matthew. Requim Mass at Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Church Durban North on 6 Aug 2018 at 3:30pm Donations to St Vincent de Paul. BELL 031 301 4793.

WARD Bryan 22 Oct 1936 ---29 July 2018 . husband ,father and grandfather of Gill, Mark, Janet, Kerry, Roy, Doug. Grandfather of Adam, Emma, Amy, Lily Grace and baby Jack. Memorial at The St Olav Church Musgrave on 6 Aug 2018 at 11am. BELL 031 301 4793.


BIRCH Shirley 22 Jan 1946 ---4 Aug 2017 x Welsh.

CROWIE Elizabeth Kate + 4 Aug 2007. Mother. Remembered by children.

GRAHAM HOWARD DAVIS. Missed by Wife and children and grandchildren.

HAMILTON Gerald Clive Gone 14 years now. Remembered by Sybil.

ISRAEL Mrs Rajie. Remembered by NM ISRAEL and family.

SAMUEL Parents and grandparents James + 23 Jan 1974 and Mary Agnes + 28 July 1985. Remembered by Amy, Esme and Trevor.

11 August 2018


HOOLE Karlene 20 March 1938 ----8 Aug 2018 x Robert. Mother of Jenny and Bobby. Grandmother to Kate, Ben, Matt, Chris and Emma. RIP.

KRIGER Evelyn Dorothy * 1929 + 9 Aug 2018. Mother of Alana, Wendy and Heather. Grandmother of Duwayne, Tyrone, Candice, Dean, Chad, Brody. Greatgrandmother of Hannah, Emma, Chloe, Ghia , Matthew, Daniel SMITH and Daniel SCOTT. SHANLEY'S 031 2057644.

MEYER Lukas Hermanus (Manie) 23 Feb 1920 -- 20 April 2018 . Memorial on 12 Aug 2018 at NG Kerk Durban Oos Bluff at 09:30am during Service. 

NAIDOO Ponnusamy (Bobby) + 10 Aug 2018 x Tholsi (Angie). Father of Pat and Ramedran and daughter Pragashnie. Brother of Umbi, Rosey, Devi, Khanegi (sisters) and brothers Stanley and Rogers. Funeral on 11 Aug 2018 at Clare Estate Crematorium Hall 3 from 10:00am ---11:30am 

NAIDOO Yanambal (Yanie) x Krish. Mother of Anthony, Poovan and Denise, children-in-law and grandchildren. 11th Day Memorial on 12 Aug 2018 at The Wyebank Funeral Hall Chatsworth .Service from 11:00am --- 12:00am. Lunch thereafter.

SMITH Ronald Trevor + 9 Aug 2018 x Jennifer (Nookie). Brother-in-law of Jeremy, Linda, Dawn and uncle to Graham, Mark ,Beverly and Bronwyn. Memorial at Anthem Church Durban North on 15 Aug 2018 at 11:00am. OAKLEIGH 031 2059959.

STANTON Andy + 3 August 2018 on the Golf Course at Umhlali Country Club. He was just weeks of his 66th Birthday. He was born in Scotland x Beth. Father of Kate, Ross and father-in-law of Lauren. Wake at Crusaders Sports Club Durban North from 3pm ---10pm on 7 Aug 2018.


BARKER Beverley. Happy Birthday Mom We miss you from Brett, Dad and Gran.

NAIDOO Alumalamma . 1 year Memorial on 19 Aug 2018 at Merebank Shree Parasakthie Temple Hall Merebank at 10:00am. Lunch after Service

OLUFSEN Judith Maxine + 12 Aug 2016. Wife , Mother and Grandmother of Rob, Caro, Debby, Tammy, Jonty and Samantha.

18 August 2018


BERRY Linda Mary + 14 Aug 2018 x John Mother of Deborah, Darren, Deloros, Damien. Grandmother to Andria, Kellan, Matthew, Aston, Julia, Nathan, Reece and Quinn. Celebration of her life at Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church Westville on 21 Aug 2018 at 10:00am. OAKLEIGH 031 2059959.

DAVIE Henrietta Maryna 21 March 1947 ----16 Aug 2018 x Ray. Mother to Brett and Charlotte, Leigh and Benji, Angela and Angus, Stephen and Erin. Grandmother to Nicole, Ethan, Stacey, Sarah, Connor and Catherine. Sister to Lettie.

KING Charles Douglas + 1 Aug 2018 x + Jeanne. Father of Julian, David and Judith. Grandfather of Simon, Sarah and James. Great-grandfather of Benjamin and Grace. Private Celebration of his life will be held.

NOURSE Derek Hugh 25 Nov 1941 ---11 Aug 2018 x Sue. Father to Sarah and Juliet. Master Bowyer; Archer, wildlive conservationist. Donations to Save Our Wilderness Campaign. OAKLEIGH 031 2059959.

REDDY Elizabeth x + Mr Victor REDDY. Mother of Daniel, Samuel, Cookie and Jason. Mather-in-law ,grand andgreat- grandmother. Funeral Service on 19 Aug 2018 from 11:00 ---14:00pm at Living Word Ministries Chatsworth. Buriel at Mobeni Cemetery at 15:00pm TEL:- 078 070 7935 /072 174 7621.

WAY nee MATHEWS Yvonne + 15 Aug 2018 x + Des WAY. Mother of Raymond, Robert and Angela. Grandmother of Patsy, Kerryn, Darryl, Kirsten, Nathan, Jonty, Daniel, Ryan, Hannah, Jodi and Benjamin. Great-grandmother of Ava and Jack; Memorial Service at Redemption Point Church Pinetown on 20 Aug 2018 at 2:00pm.


LLOYD Pat 12 March 1940 ---18 Aug 2018. Remembered by Les, Lynton and family.

POONA Lorette 11 June 1939 ----10 July 2018. Mother of Anil, Sobhna, Jaydesh, Nagin and Nitesh.

25 August 2018


ADDLESON Erica Sharon Jill + 18 Aug 2018. Missed by Steven, Ros Oliver, Ginan and friends at Artand Bridge world.

BUCKLE Florenz Dorothy 10 Sept 1929 - + 12 Aug 2018. Mother of David, Glynn and Tricia. Mother-in-law of Jean and Peter. Grand and great-grandmother. Memorial Service at Umdoni Retirement Village Chapel Pennington on 30 Aug 2018 at 10:00am MFG Amanzimtoti 031 903 5423 Scottburgh 039 976 0200.

CARRUTHERS-AISTROPE-POULSOM Diana Helen Mary (Didi) 24 June 1930 ---20 Aug 2018 at Paradise Manor Knysna. Mother of Sue, Heather and Pippa. Grandmother of Gemma, Ollie and Jonno. Memorial Service at St Thomas' Church Musgrave Rd on 6 Sept 2018 at 10:00am.

CLARK Gloria Barbara 12 Dec 1929 ---21 Aug 2018 (88). Mother of Julie, Wendy and John and their spouses, grand and great-grandmother. Donation to Highway Hospice Sherwood. Memorial Service at Old Ford Chapel on 29 Aug 2018 at 13:00pm.

GOTZE Albert Richard Brigadier General. Funeral to be held in Hermanus on 30 Aug 2018.

GOULDING nee MUNDY Elizabeth (Betty) + 18 Aug 2018 x Brian. Mother of Carol and Keith. Grand and great-grandmother . Memorial Service at Grace Family Church Riverside Campus on 28 Aug 2018 at 11:00am. OAKLEIGH 031 2059959.

GREEN Terence Maynard 4 Dec 1930 in Johannesburg - 19 Aug 2018. Production Director of the Argus Newspaper Company /Daily News Durban x Connie for 60 years. They emigrated to Canada to be with family in 1995. Father of + Robyn, Joanne and Roland MULLER, Alison and Hugh BAKER,Steve WOYCIEH. Grandfather of Gillian and Matt GABELHEI, Develyn BAKER, Duncan and Taylor MULLER, Siobhan BAKER. Great-grandfather of g-grandson Alex GABELHEI.

MULLIGAN Vic + 21 Aug 2018. Husband ,father and grandfather. Funeral at Holy Trinity Anglican Church Hillcrest on 29 Aug 2018 at 13:30pm. OAKLEIGH 031 2059959.

NAIR Theolan 10 March 1989 ---12 Aug 2018 x Kerisha. Son of Sadha & Queenie. Brother of Thashni and Someshni and nephew Tashlin. 15th Day Memorial Service at Merebank Shree Parasakthie Temple Hall on 26 Aug 2018 Supper from 5:30 -6:30pm Service at 7:00pm.

PATTON Catherine Pauline . Condolences to husband Dave, son PJ, brother Tony and families from the Wor Masters, Grand Lodge Officers and Bretheren of Lodge Flame Lily.

ROSS Peter Arnold . Funeral on 27 Aug 2018 at Kingdom Living Ministries, Newlands East. Viewing at 10:00am. Service at 10:30am proceeding to Redhill Cemerery.

SEGAL Shelley 5 June 1935 ---22 Aug 2018. Now with Bernie. Mother and grandmother of Anthony, Camilla . Grandmother of Charlotte and Emylie.

SIBILANT Brian Edward 15 Oct 1940 ----21 Aug 2018 x Olive. Father of Michelle and Ricky, Bronwyn & Ikie. Grandfather of Lauren and Ryan. Requiem Mass at St Michaels Catholic Church Blackburn Rd Redhill on 28 Aug 2018. Viewing from 14:00pm Service at 14:30pm Cremation private. BELL 031 3014793.

ZUNCKEL Ellis Ernst + 22 Aug 2018 at age 98. Father and grandfather and great-grandfather. Memorial Service at St Luke's Congregational Church Glenashley on 27 Aug 2018 at 12:00noon.


MANSFIELD Luke Scott 16 May 2007 --26 Aug 2007. Love from Mom, Dad, Joshua Grannies Wendy and Chantal. Also from Grandparents Pam and Michael.

OVERALL Ian + 25 Aug 2008. Father of Maggie.

1 September 2018


ALLEN Herald Patrick +26 Aug 2018 x Carol. Father to Michele, Mel & Chris. Father-in-law of Jon, Kirsty & John. Grandfather of Kirsty, Jordy, Caity, Joshua, Luke , Jules & Josh.; Service to celebrate his life at St Agnes Church Kloof on 4 Sept 2018 at 1 pm. OAKLEIGH 031 2059959.

ANDREWS nee STUCK Margaret + at age 97 x + Ronald ANDREWS. Mother of Judy and Gerald LAMBERT, Audrey & Andrew EWAD. Grandmother of Kerryn READ.

CHALMERS Thomas Ernest John 11 Aug 1936 ----25 Aug 2018 x Joan. Father of Craig, Richard , Alan, Carolynn and Debra Anne. Celebration of his life later.

CHETTY Ganas (Dennis) 1 Dec 1944 ----30 Oct 2018. Brother of Billy, Reggy and sister Angie. Father to daughters Sandy and Roslyn, sons Christoper and Phillp. Father-in-law of Danny GOVENDER & Jolene. Grandfather of Kaitlyn, Jared. Kayla, Keishna and Tatiem. Funeral on 1 Sept 2018 at Bethsalda Church in Clayfield Phoenix. Proceeding to Mobeni Crematorium

HONNEYSETT Betty 1932 -2018. Grandmother of Carl and Ludene. She loved Gerard & Cim from beginning and who spend hours with Slayter and Hunter. RIP grand and great-grandfather. Private Memorial Service.

REGONING Stanley + 28 Aug 2018 RIP with your wife. Father of Claire, Greg, Sue, & Kylie.

TREGONING Stanley x + Claire + 28 Oct 2018 [seker dit is fout] Father and grandfather. and great-grandfather.

VIEIRA Carlos Alberto 19 Sept 1969 ----25 Aug 2018. Son of + Gregorio & Maria VIEIRA. Brother of Anabela & Daniel ARMSTRONG. Funeral at Assumption Catholic Church Glenwood on 5 Sept 2018 at 11:00am. BELL 031 301 4793.


BELL nee BRANDAMA Susan Ann (Sue ) + 3 Sept 2017 x Ian. Also from Children, grandchildren.

GRANEY Michael. Missed by sisters Jenny and Geraldine.

ROOKS Kerri Amanda. Gone 6 years now, From Dad, Mum and Shelli.

8 September 2018


MITCHELL Charles Raymond. Memorial at TAFTA Lodge Point Rd on 8 Sept 2018 at 3:00pm.

SHORT Josslyn Margret x Andrew Robert SHORT. Mother of Renee PAUL, Raquel BECK, Gary SHORT and Claire PHILLIPS . Grandmother and great-grandmother. Funeral Service at St Mary's Catholic Church Merebank on 8 Sept 2018 . Viewing from 09:00-10:30am. Mass thereafter.

TYRELL Mike + 7 Sept 2018 x Virginia. Father of Dixie, Anthea and Heather. Grandfather of Wyatt, Chip, Milan , Guy and Kit.

VAN DER MERWE Aletta Cornelia + 7 Sept 2018 Mother of Cathy and Tammy. Grand and great-grandmother.

WOLVAART Graham Fred 26 Dec 1943 - 6 Sept 2018 .Husband , brother, Father and grandfather. Now with Mom. From Martha and Sandra. Memorial on 11 Sept 2018 at 10:00am at Congregational Church of Queensburgh Malvern.


CUNNIFFE Jack Gone 27 years now. from Natalie and family.

GOVINDSAMY Ellan . Gone 10 years now. Husband of Tassie, Father of Mervin, Mathew,Moses and Rani. Father-in-law of Priscilla and grandfather of 7.

PILLAY Ruby 4 Aug 1920 - 2 Oct 1988
PILLAY Charles M 16 Feb 1916 - 9 Sept 2001. Parents and grandparents .

29 September 2018


GARDNER CLIVE THORNLEY + 24 Sept 2018 x Melanie. Father of Nicola and Terri-Lyn. Funeral 3 Oct 2018 at St Stephen's Anglican Church Pinelands Cape Town at 11:00am.

HESKETH Richard 11 Dec 1945 - 28 Sept 2018 with Jan beside him.

HILLESTAD Marlene 15 Sept 1935 - 23 Sept 2018 x Chum. Mother of Karen, Berniie, Haydn, Michelle and Anthea. Grandmother of Catherine, Dale, Lauren, Gina, Steven, Maxine and Carla .Great-grandmother of Blake. Memorial Service at St Martins Durban North on 9 Oct 2018 at 2 pm. OAKLEIGH 031 2059959.

ISAACS Kervern James . Funeral on 1 Oct 2018 at Lorne Street Methodist Church Durban . Viewing 09:00am Service at 09:30am, Cremation private.

MACKLIN Sue . Mother of Ann, Kim, Deb and Penny. Grandmother, sister and Friend.

NAIDOO Jagaratchagen (Sunny). Father of Shivani and Adhika. Funeral on 30 Sept 2018 at the Clare Estate Crematorium Hall from 2:30pm.

O'NEIL Richard. Condolences to family from Morningside Primary School, Staff, Parents and Pupils. He was Principal from 1981 -2001.

ROSENTHAL Ronald Morris 27 May 1942 - 26 Sept 2018 Dad and grandfather of Dee-Ann, Garry, Caitlyn and Nicole. MOSIAC PMB 033 3424690 - HOWICK 033 3005881.


JACOB Harold Patrick 31 May 1932 - 1 Oct 2017 x Cecilia JACOB. Father of Lloyd, Rodney and + Ralph. Father-in-law and grandfather.

MCKAY Mike 24 Oct 1940 - 1 Oct 2015 .Husband ,Father and grandfather. Love from Maur, Brett, Tracy, Clinton, Kayla & Caitlin.

RINNE Don . Remembered by Carol and Camilla.

SANKAR Kirsten-Leigh 1988 - 2005. Remembered by Parents, Uncles and aunts and cousins.

WILSON Vernon + 1961
Phyllis 1997
Vernon 2006. Remembered by Valerie , Vivian, Iris and family.


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