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Newspaper Obituaries and Snippets

Newspaper cuttings re Ernst and Ramsden families

Transcribed from cuttings provided by Sandra Meyer.
ERNST – At Eureka City, on the 8th Jun 1896, the wife of Otto ERNST of a daughter.
[Unattributed cutting labelled “Jessie ERNST birth notice 8 June 1896”]
ERNST – At the residence of Mr. R. LAWSON, Eureka City, on the 29th Sept., Otto ERNST, of Waterval Boven, the beloved husband of Carrie ERNST. [1904]
Mrs. ERNST and Mr. and Mrs. LAWSON desire to  express their heartfelt thanks and gratitude for the many tokens of sympathy shown during their recent bereavement, and for the beautiful wreaths sent; they also deeply appreciate Mr. HILL’s kindness for the general arrangement of the funeral, and wish to thank the bearers for their valuable assistance in conveying the remains [into] the valley.

We much regret to record the death of Mr. Otto ERNST, which occurred at Eureka on Wednesday night, through a stroke of apoplexy. Mr. ERNST was on a short visit to his old friends at the Sheba from Waterval Boden. The funeral takes place this afternoon, several Barberton representatives being present. On behalf of his many friends, we offer our sincere condolences to the bereaved widow and children.

ERNST – At Eureka City on the 29th September 1904, at the age of 45 years 9 months. “Abide with me”.

ERNST - In loving memory of Otto ERNST, who passed peacefully away at Eureka City, September 29th 1904.
“They miss you most who love you best”.
On the 6th inst. at the Roman Catholic Cathedral, Johannesburg, by the Rev. Father Ryan, Ernest RAMSDEN, of Bradford, England, to Katharine Mary ERNST, nee WALSH, of Eureka City; no cards.
[cutting hand marked Dec 1905]
ERNST – In loving memory of my dear father, Otto ERNST, who fell asleep at Eureka City on September 29th 1904.
Peace, perfect peace
In Jesus keeping we are safe and they.
[cutting hand marked 1906]

RAMSDEN - At Bellevue, Eureka, on the 3rd February 1907, the wife of Ernest RAMSDEN of a son (premature).

MITCHELL – ERNST – On June 7th 1916, in the R.C. Church, Johannesburg, by the Rev. Father Schang, W.H. MITCHELL, Pietersburg, to Jess ERNST, Sheba.

The marriage of Miss Jess ERNST, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. RAMSDEN, Sheba, to Mr. W.H. MITCHELL, district Pietersburg, will take place in the R.C. Church, Johannesburg on June 7th. No invitations.
With the interment on Sunday in the New Cemetery, Johannesburg, of Robert George (Bob) LAWSON, a link with the early days of the De Kaap Goldfield was severed.
Mr. LAWSON was born in Scotland 74 years ago and came to South Africa as a baker. In 1884 he went to Pilgrim’s Rest in search of gold, but his luck was so far out that he had to return to his bakery business in Durban.
With the De Kaap discovery he established himself as a baker in Eureka City. He supplied the needs of Sheba workers for 30 years.
[Unattributed cutting labelled “ Robert George LAWSON died 12 April 1930”.
The wedding of Mr. Basil RAMSDEN, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest RAMSDEN, of Randfontein, and Miss Violet SNELSON, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas SNELSON, Luipaardsvlei Estates Gold Mine, was solemnised at Krugersdorp on Tuesday. After the ceremony a reception was held at the residence of the bride’s parents. A noteworthy feature of the occasion was the musical programme, which was provided by an orchestra consisting of five members of the SNELSON family. The bridegroom is on the engineering staff of the Mufulira Copper Mine, Northern Rhodesia, and the bride was a popular member of the Telephone Exchange staff at Johannesburg. She was also a member of St.Peter’s Anglican Church Choir, Krugersdorp and took an active interest in Sunday school work. After the reception the newly-wedded couple left by the evening train for Northern Rhodesia. They had an enthusiastic send-off.
[Unattributed cutting labelled “RAMSDEN wedding newspaper article 20 January 1931”
Mr. T. SNELSON, of Krugersdorp, left for N’dola, Northern Rhodesia, on Saturday evening, on a visit to his son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. B.C.W. RAMESDEN [sic], there. Mr. SNELSON is to spend three weeks in Northern Rhodesia.
[Unattributed cutting labelled “Thomas SNELSON visiting Basil and Vi RAMSDEN 1931”]
By Special Licence on January 20, at Krugersdorp, Basil RAMSDEN, of Mufulira, Northern Rhodesia, to Violet SNELSON, of Luipaardsvlei Estates.
RAMSDEN – Died at Bulawayo on the 6th Instant, Ernest RAMSDEN, late of Randfontein, beloved husband of Catherine. The funeral will take place tomorrow (Monday 9th inst.), leaving R.D. Morton’s premises at 4pm for interment at Krugersdorp Cemetery.
[cutting hand marked Oct 33]
LAWSON – Passed away peacefully at the residence of her grandson, Basil RAMSDEN, on the 30th June, Mary Ann (Natty) LAWSON, aged 88 years, late of Sheba, beloved mother of Carrie RAMSDEN. The funeral will take place tomorrow (Tues) from Morton’s Funeral Chapel, Krugersdorp, at 3pm, proceeding to Brixton Cemetery.
R.D. Morton & Sons, Krugersdorp. Tel. 66-3438.
[Unattributed cutting labelled “Mary Ann LAWSON (born HART) death notice 30 June 1945”
Sunday Times, Johannesburg, 20 January 1956
Married at Krugersdorp on Jan 20 1931, Violet SNELSON to Basil RAMSDEN. Address - 100 Ferguson, Randfontein Estates.
SUCKLEY - To Gerry and Claire, a son, on June 6th, at Frangwen. Both well.
[Unattributed cutting labelled "Bryce SUCKLEY born 6 June 1962"
RAMSDEN, Basil - 18 October 1969. In loving memory of my beloved husband, our Dad. 'Always revered'. R.I.P.
Vi and family.
The funeral of Violet Elizabeth RAMSDEN (late of 33 Middleton Road, Winkelspruit, dearly beloved mother, grandmother and great-grandmother) will leave St.Cyprian’s Church, Umbilo Road, tomorrow (Friday) afternoon after a service commencing at 2:00 o’clock, proceeding to the Stellawood Cemetery.
Doves and Adlam Reid Homes Trust, 20 Fynn Street, Durban. Phone 3094720.
Violet – Passed away on 7 May 1990 – gone to her beloved Basil. Loved mother, grandmother and great-grandmother. Sadly missed.
The Star, October 16 2003
Basil Ernest
Passed away 12 October 2003 in Durban, beloved brother of Claire and brother-law of Gerry, lovingly remembered by all. Rest in peace.
Rest in Peace, my gentle cousin. Love and condolences to Alan, Claire, Dawn and family. Shirley
Rest in Peace our dear Uncle. Condolences to the family. Bryce, Lee and Emma.
5-2-41 – 12-10-03
A dear uncle, remembered with love. Rest in peace “Mavovo”. Sandra, Steve, Donnay, Kaley and Ciaran.
Passed away bravely, comforted by his family and friends on 23rd March 2014 in Cape Town. A memorial service was held at Christ Church in Kenilworth, Cape Town on 28th March. Dearly loved by his parents Gerald & Claire, his daughter Emma, Sandra, Kevin, Lauren and all his family.
Funeral arrangements by Constantiaberg Funeral Home 021 671 2400.
Other BMD snippets captured with the birth notice for Bryce SUCKLEY, above, dated 1962.
SONNENFELD - To Tony and Diane (nee MATTHEWS), a daughter, Susan Amanda, at St.Augustine's, Durban, on June 7 1962. Both well. Thanks to doctor and staff.
SWARTZ - To Lorna (nee KAY) and Mossie, a lovely daughter, on June 7 1962, at the Queen Vic. Thanks to doctor and staff.
THIEL - To George and Veronica (nee SHARP), a bonny son, June 1. Present Address: 17 Buchholtz St., East London.
THIELE - To Marjory (nee WILLIAMS) and Valdemar, a bonny son, at the Boksburg-Benoni Hospital, on June 7. Thanks to doctor and staff.
Undated clipping, thought to be from the early 1940s
How Randfontein Children Helped Christmas Stamp Fund
The story of how several little girls in Randfontein have assisted the Christmas Stamp Fund is revealed in the following letter received recently by His Worrship the Mayor (Clr. G.D. BINDER)
The Mayor, Randfontein
Dear Sir,
My little friends and I gave a doll's fancy dress in aid of the Christmas Stamp Fund. We raised £2 0s 3d which I am pleased to hand over to you.
Yours faithfully
The money has since been handed over to the committee of which the Mayoress (Mrs. BINDER) is Chairwoman.
The doll which took first prize at the party was dressed as the Christmas Stamp Fund.
Mine Engineer Killed in Crossing Smash
Mr. MITCHELL’s Death Sad Blow to District
Randfontein. – It was with profound regret and deepest sorrow that residents of the Randfontein Estates and the town and district learned on Saturday morning, January 30, that Mr. W.H. MITCHELL, Chief Engineer, Randfontein Estates, had passed away as the result of an accident in which he was involved on Thursday morning. January 28.
The late Mr. MITCHELL was seriously injured when his car came into collision with a South African Railways engine at the Central Hall railway crossing whilst he was on his way to the construction works in course of erection in that vicinity.
Ambulances were rushed immediately to the scene of the accident and Mr. MITCHELL was taken to the Robinson Hospital in the first instance and later in the afternoon conveyed to the Princess Nursing Home, Johannesburg, where he passed away on Friday night, January 29.
Flags flew at half-mast at all points of the mine property when the news of Mr. MITCHELL’s death was received by the general manager, Mr. R.S. COOKE.
Mr. MITCHELL’s passing has been a heavy blow to the Randfontein Estates where he was a beloved personality. He was “everybody’s man” – friend of the youngest apprentice to the highest official.
It is almost 40 years since Mr. MITCHELL joined the service of Randfontein Estates, commencing as he did on October 20, 1914, as a fitter. He became a foreman on October 1, 1917; section engineer on January 1, 1918, and was appointed Chief Engineer on May 1, 1928.
Mr. MITCHELL was born in Yorkshire in 1886, and served his apprenticeship with the Vickers Engineering Works. He came out to South Africa as a young man and was first employed at the Sheba Mine at Barberton before coming to the Reef.
Keen Sportsman
A keen sportsman, Mr. MITCHELL played golf with the best of them at the local golf club. He was also very interested in soccer. At the recent meeting of the Randfontein Soccer Club, Mr. MITCHELL was again elected honorary vice-president for the ensuing year.
Mr. MITCHELL was a foundation member of the Rotary Club of Randfontein and was also a Freemason. He was a member of the Randfontein Anglican Church.
All sections of the community will mourn the passing of a fine man, a beloved colleague and a popular sportsman.
Ex-servicemen and women will also remember with gratitude his work on their behalf when at the end of World War II, Mr. MITCHELL’s activities did much to reinstate those who had served their country on their return to the town and mine.
Mr. MITCHELL is survived by his wife, one son, Richard, and a daughter, Mrs. Vivienne BARTRAM, to whom deepest sympathy is extended in their great sorrow.
[Cutting unattributed but is assumed from the dates mentioned to be early February1954. Cutting labelled “William Henry MITCHELL (Billy) died 29 January 1954” and provided by his granddaughter, Mallory LAMBERT, nee MITCHELL]
Randfontein. – A pretty wedding took place at the Methodist Church, Randfontein, on the 16th June, when Claire, younger daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Basil RAMSDEN, of Randfontein Estates, was married to Keith, younger son of Mr. and Mrs. G. BALLENDEN, of Kloof, Natal. The ceremony was conducted by the Rev. T. PARKER.
The bride was a radiant figure in a ballerina-length dress of embossed satin. She wore an Elizabethan headdress and a finger-tip veil which was kindly lent by her sister, Mrs. Brian WHITROD. She carried a bouquet of white carnations and tulips. Miss Mary SEGGIE, Claire’s bridesmaid, looked lovely in a dress of pale-blue with a picture hat to match. Little Lesley BARTRUM, the flower girl, was a dainty figure in blue velvet. Both Mary and Lesley carried Victorian posies of pink carnations icked out with blue to match their dresses.
The reception, which was held at the Springbok Memorial Hall, Krugersdorp, was attended by many friends and relations from both sides of the family.
Mrs. Basil RAMSDEN looked charming in a grey-blue costume, with black accessories, whilst Mrs. BALLENDEN (senior) was tastefully dressed in black, with pink accessories. Both Mrs. RAMSDEN and Mrs. BALLENDEN wore shoulder sprays of pink carnations.
Mr. Tony BRISTOL, when proposing the toast to the bride and bridegroom, wished them every success and happiness in their future life. Mr. Ronnie HENDERSON proposed the toast to the bride’s father and mother. The toast to the bridegroom’s parents was proposed by Mr. Rob ESSEN. The duties of the best man were ably carried out by Mr. Tony BALLENDEN, who also proposed the toast to the bridesmaid and flower girl.
When the young couple left for their honeymoon, Mrs. BALLENDEN looked lovely in a grey costume with matching shoes and handbag. Her outfit was completed by a high-necked white blouse, hat and gloves.
[Unattributed cutting labelled “Beryl Clair RAMSDEN and Keith Ingoldsby Graham BALLENDEN Wedding 16th June 1956”]
BALLENDEN – To Keith and Claire (nee RAMSDEN) a bonny daughter at the Robinson Hospital on Thurs. 16th May, 1957.
African Call Him “Pacemaker”
A former director of Johannesburg’s Bantu Administration Department, Mr. Graham BALLENDEN, died in Durban on Sunday. Mr. BALLENDEN was born at Hilton Road, Natal, and was educated at Pietermaritzburg College. He started his career with the Natal Mounted Police and was instrumental in founding the first finger-print department in the country.
After leaving the service he started the first Municipal Bantu Affairs Department in Pietermaritzburg. He subsequently established and developed the Municipal Bantu Affairs Department in Johannesburg, which grew under his able guidance from a small section to a department of over 2,000 employees.
During his period of administration he founded and designed the Orlando Township, Johannesburg. He was known and loved by Africans and was known as Umlamlamkunzi – “The Peacemaker”, or “The bull who comes between two bulls when they are fighting.”
As the creator of the Institute of Bantu Administrations he was made a fellow Life Member. On retirement from the Johannesburg municipality he was asked by the Rhodesian Government to establish the Native Affairs Department in Salisbury, which he did.
For the last few years of his life he lived in White River, Transvaal, and in Kloof, Natal. Mr. BALLENDEN leaves a widow, two sons and a daughter.
[Unattributed cutting labelled “Graham BALLENDEN died 9 October 1966”]
Died peacefully 22 July 2005. Loving mother to Robin, Martin, Cherry and Johnny.
Her enthusiasm for life and generosity to all enriched her family and the Elgin community.
Grateful thanks to Eileen, Mary, Beverley and staff for their loving care through difficult times.
Rest in peace, Ma.
Family cremation on Tuesday 26 July.
Memorial service at St.Michael’s and All Angels, Elgin, at 11h00 on Tuesday 2 August.
HUTTON-SQUIRE, Peggy – Granny
Thank you for the cherished memories of our childhood at Deepdale.
All our love and affection,
Douglas, Robert, Michael, Gregory, Philippa, Catherine, Richard, James, Charlie, Simon, Olivia and Megan
Other births captured with the BALLENDEN entry in unattributed cutting from May 1957
ANDERSSON – To Lill and Malte, a lovely daughter, at the Marymount. Both well. Sincere thanks to doctor and staff.
AUERBACH – To Noreen and Franz, a long-awaited daughter on 15th May, at the Oxford. Both well. Thanks to doctor and staff.
BARNES – To Al and Jose, a lovely daughter and sister for Howard. Sincere thanks to doctor and staff at the Oxford.
BOYCE – To Margaret (nee McKENZIE) and Napier, a daughter, Louise, at Marymount. Thanks to doctor and staff.
CANT – To Ronnie and Frances, nee GARROW, a bonny son on the 14th at the Adamay View Nursing Home, Klerksdorp.
HELLER – To Debbie (nee GALGUT) and Jossie, a brother for Yoash, on 14th May, at Kibbutz, Tzora Israel. Both well.
HIRSON – To Fanny and Gerald, a lovely daughter, at the Frangwen. Both well. Thanks to doctor and staff.
RABE – To Andy and Suzanne (nee STOCKENSTROOM), a daughter in the Carisbrook Maternity Home, on the 15th May. Thanks to doctor and nurses.
SPRAGGS – To Rae (nee BAKER) and Bill, a son (9lb 10oz) on the 17th. Thanks to doctor and staff.
STANTON – To Shirley (nee TROTTER) and Donald, a bonny son on the 16th May at the Queen Victoria. Both well. Thanks to doctor and staff.
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