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Queenstown Free Press

Queenstown Free Press 1869 4 October - December

Tuesday, October 12, 1869

BIRTH, at Queenstown, on the 4th instant, Mrs.Charles H. WEBSTER, of a daughter.

Tuesday, October 26, 1869

THE MURDER AT DORDRECHT. – Dordrecht is noted for murders committed in the town or its vicinity. Much indignation has been expressed at a brutal murder just perpetrated. It appears that HendrikTRUEBRIDGE, a Hottentot, in the employ of KUTSANGER, came into Dordrecht for a holiday. After being there a week Abraham DRAGONDER arrived from the Free State with a drove of cattle belongingto Mr. C.H. WEBSTER. TRUEBRIDGE and Abraham met at Jobson’s canteen on Wednesday evening; having drank very hard they began to quarrel about a sister-in-law of TRUEBRIDGE’s of whom Abraham professed to be enamoured. During the quarrel Abraham threatened to poison or murder TRUEBRIDGE, and on their way to the huts assaulted him with a Kerrie, a companion assisting him. They leave TRUEBRIGE and about half an hourafterwards return to the huts, and again meet an Abraham renews the assault on him in company with his friends. This time TRUEBRIDGE retaliates on Abraham, who at once draws a knife from his belt and stabs TRUEBRIDGE in the left side of the abdomen. Dr. FULLS was promptly in attendance. Everything that could be done was done to save the poor man’s life without avail. He lingered until the following Wednesday – just a week – and died in great agony. Both the culprits were at once apprehended and sent under escort to Aliwal and there lodged in gaol. Dr. ZIERVOGEL held a post mortem on the body on Sunday.

Tuesday, November 2, 1869

The body of Mr. Henry RADBURN, who was drowned while attempting to cross a drift of the Baaken’s River on Saturday last, has been recovered, and was interred in the Scotch Cemetery on Wednesday afternoon.

Tuesday, November 23, 1869

BIRTH – at the Commercial Hotel, Dordrecht, on the 19th ult., Mrs. John GAMMIE, of a son.

Tuesday, December 7, 1869

OBITUARY – Another familiar and well-known face has disappeared from our midst. Mr W. WEDDERBURN, sen, on New-street, died last evening rather unexpectedly, after a series of fits, at the advanced age of “three score years and ten.” Mr WEDDERBURN was one of the settlers of 1820, and lived to see a numerous family of children and grand-children grow up around him. – Grahamstown Advertiser.

Tuesday, December 14, 1869

OBITUARY. – The Bay papers announce the death of Mr. G.W.PACKENHAM, and the Grahamstown papers that of Mr. W.J.EARLE, both gentlemen well known throughout the Eastern Province.

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