Queenstown Free Press 1882 2 April - June
Tuesday, April 4, 1882
MARRIED- By Special licence at St. Michael's Church, by the Rev. VYVYAN, Capt. A.P. TAINTON, to Jessie Goldsmith, third daughter of the late James LONG, Esq.- No Cards.
MARRIED,- On the 29th inst., by Special Licence, at St. Michael's Church, Queenstown, by the Rev. VYVYAN, Joseph BRADY, to Annie Florence, fourth daughter of the late James LONG, Esq. – No Cards.
DIED,- At his Residence (Nooitgedacht), Transvaal, on the 13th March, James William JENNINGS, son of James JENNINGS, late of Queenstown, aged 39 years and 6 months. All friends please accept this notice.
Thursday, April 6, 1882
BIRTH,- At Queenstown, on the 3rd April, 1882, the Wife of Mr. G. COESTER, of a Daughter.
MARRIED,- On the 5th instant, by Special Licence, at St. Michael's Church, Queenstown, by the Rev. Mr. VYVYAN, W.H. HARRIS to Lilian K. SCHLEMMER.
MARRIED,- In Queenstown on the 3rd April, 1882, by the Revd. VYVYAN, Stephen GREEN to Laura BUNETTA, third daughter of Mr. S. LARTER.
MARRIED,- At Philiptown, by the Rev. J.P.F. READ, of Alexandria, the Rev. T.G. JONES, of Hackney, to Annie Louisa READ, the younger daughter of the Rev. J. READ, of Philipton.
In the Insolvent Estate of Joh S. EVA.
ALL persons claiming to be Creditors in the above estate, are required to take notice that the undersigned has been appointed Provisional Trustee by the Honcurable the Eastern Districts' Court; and all persons indebted to the said estate are required to pay the same to the undersigned on or before the 30th MARCH NEXT, or proceedings will be instituted against them with double costs of suit.
Chas. LEACH,
Provisional Trustee
Queenstown, Feb. 20, 1882.
No. 97 of 1882.
In the Intestate Estate of Charles John HILL.
The Next of Kin and Creditors of Charles John HILL, of Gatberg District, deceased, are required to take notice that the Deceased died Intestate, and a Meeting of the Next of Kin and Creditors of the deceased, and all others whom these presents may concern, will be held before the Resident Magistrate, Gatberg, at his Office, Maclean, on WEDNESDAY, the 12th Day of APRIL Next, at 11 O'Clock in the forenoon, precisely, and all such persons as aforesaid are hereby required to attend, at the place and time aforesaid, then and there to see some Person or Persons selected by such Resident Magistrate, as fit and proper to be appointed Executor or Executors Dative to the Estate of such deceased person as aforesaid.
Chief Magistrate, East Griqualand
Office of the Chief Magistrate,
Kokstad, East Griqualand, 1st March, 1882
No. 98 of 1882.
In the Intestate Estate of William TRENNERY.
The Next of Kin and Creditors of William TRENNER, of Gatberg District, deceased, are required to take notice that the Deceased died Intestate, and a Meeting of the Next of Kin and Creditors of the deceased, and all others whom these presents may concern, will be held before the Resident Magistrate, Gatberg, at his Office, Maclean, on WEDNESDAY, the 12th Day of APRIL Next, at 11 O'Clock in the forenoon, precisely, and all such persons as aforesaid are hereby required to attend, at the place and time aforesaid, then and there to see some Person or Persons selected by such Resident Magistrate, as fit and proper to be appointed Executor or Executors Dative to the Estate of such deceased person as aforesaid.
Chief Magistrate, East Griqualand
Office of the Chief Magistrate,
Kokstad, East Griqualand, 1st March, 1882
Thursday, April 13, 1882
MARRIED,- On the 11th Inst., by the Rev. T. MARSH,- J.A. TURVEY, of Cathcart, son of E.H. TURVEY, Esq, of Queenstown, to Lizzie, second daughter of the late Richard GUSH, Esq., of "Spring Valley,", in the Division or Albany.- No Cards.
MARRIED,- In Queenstown on the 3rd April, 1882, by the Revd. VYVYAN, Stephen GREEN to Laura Burnetta, third daughter of Mr. S.LARTER.
DIED,- At Queenstown, on the 10th April, 1882, Sara Isabel, the beloved child of John and Gertrude CRAIG, aged 10 months.
Tuesday, April 18, 1882
BIRTH,- At Peninsula, district of Queenstown, on the 10th April, 1882, Mrs. E.R. BRADFIELD, of a Son.
DIED,- At Mountain Vale, Transkei on Thursday, the 6th April, 1892 [sic], Sarah Anne, the beloved daughter of Aaron James and Margaret Clementina ALDUM, deeply lamented by relatives and friends.
ONCE more we find a season of rejoicing engloomed by death. The festivities of Easter week had hardly passed away when one was called from among us who may well be described as everybody's friend. Mr John BROWN, died on Friday last at the residence of his brother Mr F. BROWN. At the comparatively early age of 52 he left behind him a town full of mourners. John BROWN and his brothers have grown up with this Town. He was twin brother to Mr William BROWN. Different in his aims and inclinations from the rest of his family he appeared to prefer a peripatetic to a standstill existence, and was ever on the move. Many a camp fire party has been enlivened by John's cheery voice, for he was a zealous sportsman, ever ready for a shooting expedition, and long will he be missed by the farmers of the district, with all of whom he was ever a welcome guest. Those who knew him in town well remembered him as a man who was ever ready to undertake any thankless work for a good cause, to raise funds for the widow or the orphan, or anyone who might be in any special trouble...
Thursday April 20, 1882
BIRTH,- At Peninsula, district of Queenstown, on the 10th April, 1882, Mrs. E.R. BRADFIELD, of a Son.
DIED,- At Queenstown on the 17th inst., James WILKINSON, late of Bowker's Park Hotel, aged 49 years and 7 months.
SUDDEN DEATH,- We regret to hear that Mr H.J. BOTHA died very suddenly in the railway carriage on Tuesday night or early on Wednesday morning. He was returning to Queenstown and was apparently in good health when he reached Kie Road station where he partook of some refreshments with his travelling companions. He occupied the seat as a sleeping couch, Mr N BROWN and Mr W. PERKS occupying the top bunks. At Kabousie these two gentlemen got out and Mr. BOTHA was then well, talking cheerfully with them. On arrival at Tooise River, when the station masters' assistant opened the carriage door he and the other occupants were horrified to find that Mr BOTHA had fallen, while in a fit off the seat on to the floor, face downwards, and had never moved from the time he had rolled off. Both thumbs were bent in the palms of the hands and were clenched fast by the fingers, the leg was bent as it had been while falling, and a pool of blood was lying around the mouth the face being flat on the floor of the carriage. The other occupants were provided for elsewhere, the blinds were put up, the carriage locked, and instructions given that nothing was to be touched until arrival in Queensotwn. Mr BOTHA was one of the most intelligent and pushing of our Dutch Farmers. Early in life he had his head injured and was under the idea that a portion of the skull had been splintered and was pressing on the brain causing the fits to which he was subject. He had sold off most of his property, provided for his children at school, and we hear had even taken his ticket to pay a visit to England, accompanied by his wife, with a view to having an operation performed on his head to see if this would cure him of his affliction. Great sympathy is felt for the widow and family and large circle of friends in their sad bereavement.
Tuesday April 25, 1882
DIED,- At Qumatta Poort, on the 18th April, 1882, William MOFFITT, late Sergeant of 91st Regt., aged 74 years. – Friends and relatives please accept this notice.
DIED,- At Queenstown, on the 15th April, at the residence of his brother, after a lingering illness, John BROWN, aged 53 years, formerly of Clare, Suffolk, England, deeply regretted by his relatives and very large circle of friends.
[Suffolk papers please copy].
Tuesday, May 2, 1882
BIRTH,- On 30th instant, at Queenstown, the Wife of Mr. J.B. WAKEFORD, of a Daughter.
MARRIED,- On the 20th April, by Special Licence, at Mount Arthur, by the Rev. E.J. WARNER, Thomas Herbert KELLY, third son of E. KELLY, Esq., Burghersdorp, to Frances Catherine DIDCOTT, third daughter of H.E. DIDCOTT, Esq., Queenstown.
The Watchman says:- "The decease of Mr. John Rodger THOMPSON, Resident Magistrate of Maclear, Griqualand East, at the age of 58 years, has lost to this colony one of its sons who has at various times rendered his country good service. The sad event now chronicled took place at the Maclear Residency on the 12th inst., the primary cause being apoplexy, though doubtless the severe and trying nature of the duties which devolved upon him during the late campaign tended to undermine his health and accelerated his end. The deceased gentlemen was the eldest son of the Rev. W.R. THOMPSON, Minister of the Dutch Reformed Church of Balfour. He served during the Kafir Wars of 1846-50 as Captain of Levies and as an officer of the F.A.M. Police from 1852 to 1862, and was appointed Resident Magistrate at Maclear in 1875, discharging the duties of that office until his death. At the commencement of the late Tembu Pondomise rebellion, it will be remembered Mr. THOMPSON was hemmed in at Chevy Chase with but a handful of men, being after ten days relieved and enabled to reach his own station, where, in command of a small and badly equipped force, he held his own against the enemy until relieved by a force from Dordrecht, which arrived just as the little garrison had spent their ammunition and divided their last stock of provisions, &c., having been attacked three several times on that day alone. On reaching Dordrecht, Mr THOMPSON was compelled to retire from an active part in hostilities, the anxiety consequent upon the arduous duty he had been called upon to perform having told upon his health. He returned to Maclear in May, 1881, to resume his Magisterial duties. On the 3rd of the present month he started for Mount Fletcher where a periodical court required his presence, returning on the 10th after a long and tiring journey. As already stated, he passed away on the 12th, having been engaged in his office the whole of the day. The funeral took place on the 15th, being conducted by the Rev. Mr MORRIS (brother-in-law to the deceased), and was attended by all the European and Native residents of the place, by as many officials from other districts as could arrive in time, and by a great many natives from all parts of Maclear district, thus shewing the great respect in which the deceased was held by all classes. As a private individual Mr THOMPSON was ever looked upon as being possessed of many sterling qualities. He was a true friend, a kind and affectionate husband and father, and a Christian Gentleman. "Requiescat in pace."
Thursday, May 11, 1882
A SAD case of poisoning has occurred in Port Elizabeth. Towards the close of March last a package was landed by the Union Boating Company from a sailing vessel. The package, a small box, had contained sugarcandy, but the sweetmeat had been abstracted and a white powder resembling magnesia substituted. Mr. SEARLE, the Superintendent of the Company cautioned several persons against tasting it. Notwithstanding his warning, one of his employes, a Mr WILSON, under the impression it was magnesia, took some of the stuff home and gave it to his wife who, not only took some herself, but administered doses to the children who had been unwell. Vomitting and other painful symptoms followed, Mrs. WILSON eventually succumbing to what proved to be arsenic...
Tuesday May, 16, 1881 [sic]
Mr. James P. JOHNSTON, son of the Rev. R. JOHNSTON, of the Presbyterian Church, Port Elizabeth, has successfully past his first medical examination at the University, Edinburgh. He stood seventh on the list out of twenty-five successful candidates. Mr JOHNSTON was educated at the Grey Institute and matriculated in the Cape University. – Observer.
Notice to Creditors and Debtors.
In the Estate of the late Olive Hester BROOKS.
ALL Persons claiming to be Creditors in the above Estate are requested to file their Claims at the Office of Messrs W. BROOKS & Co., within Six Weeks of this date; and Persons indebted are requested to pay the amount indebted within a like time.
E.B. JAMES, Executor.
Queenstown, April 6, 1882
Thursday, May 18, 1882
BIRTH,- On the 17th May, at Queenstown, the Wife of Mr. Charles OWEN, of a Son.
BIRTH,- At Queenstown on the 12th May, 1882, the Wife of Mr. J.G. HELLIER, of a Daughter.
Tuesday May 23, 1881 [sic]
THE EXECUTION AT MALMESBURY- A correspondent sends us (Cape Times) the following report, under date Malmesbury, 11th May:- Jacob SCHIEFER suffered the extreme penalty of the law for the murder of his wife this morning, within the precincts of the gaol. He was quite composed and spoke respectfully to the people assembled, expressing his hope in the Almighty, and calling God to witness his innocence of the crime laid to his charge. The drop fell without any unnecessary delay, and in a few seconds life was extinct. The solemn appeal made by the deceased, and his calm yet firm refutation of guilt, sent a thrill of horror through the assemblage present, and a feeling will always remain of deep regret that the unfortunate man was undefended by any advocate whatever in his trail.
Thursday May 25, 1882
BIRTH,- At Queenstown, on the 21st May, 1882, the Wife of T. NICHOLS, Esq., C.E, of a Daughter.
DIED,- At Queenstown, on Monday, the 22nd May, 1882, Caroline, the beloved Wife of John McINTYRE, aged 31 years and 9 months. J. McINTYRE returns his sincere thanks to all friends for their kind sympathy during his late bereavement.
APOPLEXY.- We regret exceedingly to learn that between 7 and 8 o'clock on Wednesday evening last, 17th, our old and esteemed fellow townsman, Mr. G.F. BLACKBEARD, was suddenly seized with a fit of apoplexy, and although skilful medical attendance was immediately called in, we hear this morning that he is still lying in a very precarious state indeed. 2 30 p.m. – We have just learnt that the poor old gentleman has succumbed to the severity of the attack.- [Mr. BLACKBEARD was father of Mr BLACKBEARD of this town to whom we tender our sympathy in his great bereavement. – Ed Free Press.]
Tuesday, May 30, 1882
DIED,- At Queenstown, on May the 24th, Arthur Gillespie, youngest son of George STIRTON, Senr., aged 9 years and 24 days.
DISAPPEARANCE OF MR TOM CARTER.- We learn that Mr CARTER who was suffering from a severe form of illness, left the Hospital in Queenstown. Mr CARTER who has been missing since Sunday, 21st inst., and was in a very weak state, was dressed in a blue jacket, grey trowsers, and Tam O'Shanter cap. He is about 5 feet 7 in in height, and wears a very long brown beard. He was last seen on Sunday night at the cross roads, (Ashby Manor) Any information from persons travelling who may have noticed anyone similar, will be gladly received by the Resident Magistrate or Mr. A.W. SOLE. Telegrams have been sent to East London, Aliwal North, and Jamestown, but nothing has been heard of him there. On Thursday, Friday, and Sunday search parties went out but with out success, and today a party of 20 natives has been engaged for three days, a reward of £10 being offered to the finder of the unfortunate gentleman. Rewards have also been offered all along the line of the railway extension. We purposely refrain from making any comment on the matter as we are given to understand that the Hospital Committee will make every enquiry on the subject.
Thursday, June 1, 1882
BIRTH,- On 29th May, at Queenstown, the Wife of W.J. BLAKE, of a Daughter.
Lennox Sansom
The beloved child of
John and Miriam FORRESTER,
Who died at Claremont, District of Whittlesea,
On Friday, the 19th May, 1882,
Aged 11 months and 1 day.
Mr LIEFELDT's MURDER.- PONEY was brought up on remand before the Resident Magistrate on Tuesday, charged with being concerned in the murder of Mr John LIEFELDT. Genti a leader in Mr LIEFELDT's employ was the only witness examined on Wednesday Mrs WESSELS was examined, and up to the time of our going to press the case was still proceeding. We purpose giving fuller details in Tuesday's issue.
We very much regret to learn that Mr. CARTER's body has been found in a sluit feeding the dam on Mr ELLA's property. We can only surmise that the unfortunate gentleman who was last seen alive a the cross roads, Ashby Manor, was making for his friends on the Klaas Smidts, and either mistook the way, misled by the lights, or was endeavouring to go by a shorter way than that by the road. The Resident Magistrate held an enquiry on Tuesday afternoon, on the spot where the body was found, and returned a verdict of "Accidental Death." The remains were takon to the Lodge "Star in the East" and were followed to the grave on Wednesday morning by some of Mr CARTER's brother Masons and a few friends. We are given to understand that every enquiry will be made into the circumstances under which Mr. CARTER left the town.
Thursday, June 8, 1882
BIRTH,- At Queenstown, on the 3rd instant, Mrs. G.F. BEDGGOOD of a Daughter.
DIED.- At Queenstown, on the 8th June, 1882, of low pneumonia, Isabel Maud, youngest daughter of the late C.H. CALDECOTT, aged 19 years and 11 months.
Tuesday, June 13, 1882
BIRTH,- At Queenstown, June 7th, 1882, Mrs. J.B. WEAKLEY of a Daughter.
DIED,- At the residence of Mrs. SHAW, Tentergate, on the 6th of June, 1882, Jessie Sophia, third daughter of George JUDD, aged 6 years, 11 months and 6 days.
Mrs DANIELS has obtained a dissolution of marriage from her husband with whom it will be recollected she had a lively scene in February last on the outskirts of Queenstown.
WEDDING AT WORCESTER.- The Worcester Weekly Times of the 1st inst, gives the following report of an interesting ceremony performed that morning:-"The English Church at Worcester was the scene of a very pretty wedding this morning, when Miss FICHAT, the daughter of our respected Civil Commissioner, was married to Mr J.B. LEACH of Queen's Town...
Tuesday, June 20, 1882
In the Intestate Estate of the late Henry LEONARD, of Kei Poort.
ALL Persons indebted to the late Mr. Henry LEONARD, are requested to pay the amount of their Debts to Mr. A.D. WEBB, at this Office in Queenstown, within Six Weeks from this date; and Persons having Claims against the said Estate are required to file such Claims at the same office within the said period.
Executrix Dative.
Queenstown, 12th June, 1882.
BIRTH,- At Queenstown, on the 10th June, Mrs. MORUM of a Daughter.
DIED,- At Queenstown, on the 14th of June, Thomas COOPER, mason, of Leicester, England, age 34 years. Friends at a distance please accept this notice.
DIED,- At Queenstown on the 12th June, 1882, Christian FALKENBERG, aged 54 years, 10 months, and 18 days. The decease has left a widow and six children to mourn his loss. Friends at a distance please accept this notice. The widow and family tender their sincere thanks to those friends who so kindly assisted them during their sad bereavement.
Thursday, June 22, 1882
DIED,- At Queenstown, after a short illness. At the residence of her daughter (Mrs. MORLEY), on the 16th June, 1882, Mrs. PRATT, aged 102 years, 5 months, 16 days.
Thursday, June 29, 1882
BIRTH,- At Queenstown on the 27th June, 1882: Mrs. R.M. FISHER, of a Daughter.
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