Queenstown Free Press 1885 3 July - September
Tuesday July 14, 1885
DIED,- At Port Elizabeth, on the 25th July 1885, Alfred Churchill WELSFORD, aged 65 years and 10 months.
Friday July 17, 1885
BIRTH,- At Sterkstroom, on the 14th instant, Mrs. J.W. McCALGAN of a Son.
BIRTH,- On the 16th Instant, the wife of Mr. C. JAY of a Son.
MARRIED,- On the 9th instant, at Bensonvale, Herschel, by Rev. G. WATERHOUSE, E.H. JOHNSTON, Queenstown, to Eliza (Dolly), daughter of H.C. SACHSE, Esq., South Norwood, London.- No Cards.
Friday, July 24, 1885
DEATH OF MR USHER.- We regret to learn of the death of this gentleman, at the residence of Mrs THOMAS of Whittlesea. Mr USHER died of bronchitis and inflammation of the lungs early on Wednesday morning at the ripe age of 74. As the father of a large family, and a brother-in-law of Rev H H DUGMORE, Mr USHER's death will cause a gap in a large circle of friends. We tender the sympathies of the district to the bereaved relatives in their loss. The funeral will take place to-day at Whittlesea.
Friday July 31, 1885
INQUEST.- The examination into the death of MOTWANO, a Kaffir boy of 16 years of age, who was found hanging in his mother's hut, in the Location, on Sunday morning, 28th June, was concluded on Tuesday last. A verdict was given of "suicide."
Tuesday, August 4, 1885
BIRTH,- At Queenstown, on the 29th July ,1885, the Wife of W.F.S. BOOTY of a Son.
Friday August 14, 1885
DEATH OP MRS H.T. CROSS.- We regret to report the death of Mrs H T CROSS at King William's Town on Tuesday morning. Mrs CROSS, who some time ago resided in Queenstown, had been de?ing in consumption, and the sad event although not unexpected was still a shock at the last to her relations and friends. We tender the sympathy of the district to bereaved famly.
Tuesday August 25, 1885
BIRTH,- At Bolotwa, on the 20th of August, 1885, the wife of Mr. H. KLETTE of a daughter.
MARRIED.- By Special Licence, at Alice, on August 18th, Mr. Fred. W. CROSS, of Queenstown, to Annie Maria, eldest daughter of Mr. R. CUMMING, of Middledrift.- No Cards.
Death of Dean WILLIAMS.
August 22.
Dean WILLIAMS died this morning. He had been ailing for some time and last Wednesday he went to the Kowie for his health. He returned last night utterly prostrated and died early this morning. The flags are half mast high and the bells of St. George's are tolling.
Friday August 28, 1885
BIRTH.- At the Bank of Africa House on the 25th inst., Mrs. W. MACLAGAN, of a Son.
Tuesday September 1, 1885
DIED,- At Cyphergat, on the 26th inst., Constance Ida Emily, infant daughter of J.E. BURDEKIN, aged 2 months and 26 days.
Tuesday September 15, 1885
Death and Funeral of Mr. Selby CORYNDON. The D.F. Herald says:- "Death has added to his long list
another well-known name, Mr. Selby CORYNDON. He died on Thursday after a painful illness of some days duration. In the palmy days of the Eastern Province, the late Mr. CORYNDON had the largest practice of an attorney in Queenstown; and removing to the Fields in the early days, he was acknowledged as a shrewdly clever lawyer. For a long time the deceased was the local legal adviser of the London and South African Exploration Company (Limited), and up to the time of his death, he had a large practice, being accounted about the best criminal lawyer on the Fields. Mr. CORYNDON was but in the prime of life at the time of his demise, and his genial manners and kindly disposition will be much missed by the host of friends he had on the Fields and elsewhere. To his bereaved widow and family we tender our most sincere sympathy...
The funeral service was conducted by the Rev. Canon GAUL, assisted by the Rev. DARRAGH, and at the close of the former, in a few appropriate words, dwelt upon the many estimable qualities of the deceased, not the least of which being his well-known hospitality and liberality in assisting the poor and needy. The late Mr. Selby CORYNDON was in his fiftieth year.
Friday September 18, 1885
BIRTH,- At Queenstown, on 13th inst., the wife of W.J. MARSHALL, of a Son.
Friday September 25, 1885
MATRIMONIAL.- The week is somewhat prolific in weddings, and we do not know what could be a better set-off to the general depression. On Monday the Rev Henry W DAVIS, B-A., of Clarkebury. Tembuland, was united at the Wesleyan Church to a bride from England, and on Tuesday the Rev. Samuel CLARK, the highly esteemed resident Wesleyan minister, followed suit... – Dispatch
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