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South Africa - a weekly journal

South Africa 1891 2 April - June


4 April 1891


BROCK—On February 23, at O’okiep, Namaqualand, the wife of the Rev. Robert Brock, Rector of O’okiep, of a daughter.
CARMICHAEL—On February 26, at Glenary, Verulam, the wife of Mr. P. Carmichael, of a son.
CHAMPNEYS—On February 20, at Johannesburg, the wife of Mr. Arthur Thornton Champneys, of a son.
DINGLEY—On February 24, at Stanger, the wife of Mr. H. W. DINGLEY, of a daughter.
KIRTON—on March 1, at Pretoria, the wife of Mr. J. B. KIRTON, of a daughter.
MIRRIELEES—On March 29, at 31, Hertford Street, Mayfair, the wife of Mr. Frederick James Mirrielees, of a daughter.
MOODY—On February 23, at Clyde Street, The Hill, Port Elizabeth, the wife of Mr. John Moody, of twin sons.
TRENWITH—On March 6, at Kimberley, the wife of Mr. Samuel M. Trenwith, of a son.
WALLACE—On March 7, at Grahamstown, the wife of Mr. Herbert Wallace, of Collingham, of a son.


BRERETON-HAMILTON—On February 25, at St. Saviour’s Cathedral, Pietermaritzburg, by the Rev. Canon Swabey, Leonard Brereton, of Ladysmith, to Margaret Ruth Hamilton, youngest daughter of the late Captain Richard Hamilton.
CHALLINOR-HART—On March 2, at St. Paul’s Church, Durban, by the Rev. T. A. Lindon, Edwin George Challinor, Durban, to Alice Maud Hart.
COLLINGS-VAN DER BYL—On April 2, at St. Mary Abbot’s, Kensington, W., by the Rev. P. B. Collings, Vicar of Sturry, Kent, and father of the bridegroom, Godfrey D. Collings, Captain A.P.D., late 1st Battalion Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders, to Johanna Katherine (Annie Laurie), eldest daughter of P.L. Van der Byl, Esq., Cape of Good Hope. Cape papers, please copy.
MENNE-BROWNING—On March 14, at Greytown, by the Rev. T. Taylor, at the residence of the bride’s father, Anton Roland Menne, fourth son of Theo. Menne, Esq., Menneheim, to Ada Mary Browning, second daughter of Charles Browning, Esq., Hondura Lodge.
MITCHLEY-WAHL—On February 28, at St. Mary’s Church, Johannesburg, by the Rev. T. J. Darragh, Levi Mitchley, formerly of Port Elizabeth, to Maria Wahl, of Johannesburg.
NEWBOLD-HAYES—On February 24, at St. Mary’s Church, Richmond, by the Rev. J. R. Ward, Robert William Newbold, Stony Hill, to Jessie Ellen, third daughter of George Bevon Hayes, Key’s Spruit, Beaumont.
PAYNE-BOYCE—On February 16, in Jubilee Church, Cala, George Thomas Payne, of the Transvaal, to Alice Maud, third daughter of Mr. Robert Boyce, of Cala.


MARSHALL—On March 6, at Aliwal North, Mr. Charles Graham Marshall, youngest son of the late John Marshall of Grahamstown, aged 24 years.
MURRAY—On March 1, at the residence of his Uncle (Mr. P. Bailey, Kilbride, Peddie), Martin Murray, aged 47 years.
QUIRK—On February 26, at Bloemfontein, Sarah, wife of Mr. Michael Quirk, of Grahamstown.
ROBINSON—On March 2, at Graaff-Reinet, Annie Helena, wife of Macleod B. Robinson, Esq., R.M. of Beaconsfield, and daughter of James Ayliff, C.C. and R.M. of Graaff-Reinet.
STEELE—On February 11, at the Buffalo River, Anne Catherine Steele, widow of the late John Pelidore Steele, of Maritzburg, in her 75th year.
WHITEHORN—On March 9, at Grahamstown, Caroline, beloved wife of Mr. William Whitehorn, senr., aged 67 years.

11 April 1891


ANDREW—On March 3, at Klerksdorp, Transvaal, the wife of Mr. W. W. Andrew, of a son.
BEARD—On February 24, at Waterfalls, Mid Illovo, the wife of Mr. J. E. Beard, of a son.
GINGELL—On March 11, at Doncaster Road, Park Drive, Port Elizabeth, the wife of Mr. Charles Gingell, of a son.
TRENWITH—On March 7, at Kimberley, the wife of Mr. S. N. Trenwith, of a son.
WALLACE—On March 7, at Grahamstown, the wife of Mr. Herbert Wallace, of Collingham, of a son.
WEDDERBURN—On March 8, at Belgravia, Kimberley, the wife of Mr. George B. Wedderburn, of a son.
WEDDERBURN—On March 15, at Colesberg, the wife of Mr. Alexander J. E. Wedderburn, of a son.


BESTER-WARD—On March 5, at the Paarl, Mr. J. C. Bester to Miss L. I. Ward.
CAWTHORNE-WILLIAMS—On March 4, at Johannesburg, Mr. T. E. Cawthorne to Miss R. A. Williams.
DEVENISH-DE ROLEN—On March 4, at Caledon, Mr. C. St. L. Devenish to Miss J. de Rolen.
HOCKEY-GREEN—On March 4, at Fort Beaufort, Mr. F. E. Hockey to Miss M. E. Green.
HUTTON-BERRY—On March 13, at Sea Point, Mr. A. E. Hutton to Miss J. E. Berry.
NORDEN-CHANCELLOR—On March 11, at Kimberley, John Edward, youngest son of Louis Norden, Aliwal North, to Kate, sixth daughter of JohnGyles Chancellor, of Margate, Kent.
ROGER-SKINNER—On April 8, at Tarland, Parish Church, Aberdeenshire, by the father of the bride, assisted by the Rev. J. McKenzie, Aboyne, and the Rev. A. McKenzie, Coull, John A. Roger, of Kimberley, South Africa, to Mary Elizabeth, eldest daughter of the Rev. William Skinner, Minister of Tarland and Migvie.


CLARK—On March 5, at Princess Street, Maritzburg, of enteric fever, Catherine, eldest daughter of William and Abigail Clark. Aged 17 years.
CRABB—On March 3, at Greyling Street, Maritzburg, Mary, the beloved wife of James Crabb.
KRAUSE—On February 27, at Barberton, Carl Albert Friedrich Krause, Assistant Mining Commissioner De Kaap Gold Fields. Aged 37 years.

Miscellaneous articles on same page:


A first-Class [What is that?—Ed. S. A.] matrimonial event (says a telegram from Johannesburg, dated March 10, to a Kimberley paper) came off at St. Mary’s this morning, when Mr. J. B. Taylor, Pretoria, member of the House of Eckstein, led to the altar Miss Mary Gordon, daughter of Dr. Charles Gordon, M.D., of Pietermaritzburg. The weather, though by no means brilliant, was at any rate a great improvement upon that of a few days previous, and did not absolutely debar the youth and beauty of the Camp from sporting the smart frocks which had been specially made for the occasion. The wedding took place from the residence of Mr. H. A. Rogers, which had been temporarily enlarged by the addition of a couple of annexes for the occasion. The Church was thronged as it had never been thronged for such an event, long before eleven o’clock, the appointed time of the bridal party’s arrival. Mr. Taylor arrived to the minute attended by Mr. Bettelheim and Mr. Eckstein. The bride appeared about half-past eleven, on the arm of her father, her single bridesmaid being Miss Taylor, sister of the bridegroom. Two little nieces, Phyllis and Dorothy Rogers, were likewise in attendance. The bride was robed in a sweet dress from Duncan’s of Cape Town, the skirt and bodice of which were composed of cream merveillieux, veiled with chiffon, with broad chiffon flounces at the base, a train of handsome brocade fell from the shoulder, and there was of course the usual spray of orange blossoms. The wedding veil, of Honiton lace, had been worn by the bride’s mother on the occasion of her marriage. Miss Taylor wore a charming dress of brocaded silk, pale heliotrope, with pink trimmings. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. F. H. Fisher, assisted by the Rev. J. Darragh. The party afterwards adjourned to Mr. H. A. Rogers’ residence, where the usual toasts were honoured. The cake was a chef d’oeuvre in art of this description, and elicited universal commendation for the makers, Messrs. Dix and Son, of Capes Town. Shortly before one o’clock the newly-wedded couple left amid a shower of favours for Irene Estate, where they purpose spending their honeymoon. The bridegroom’s presents to the bride included a silver-mounted dressing bag, gold watch and chain, diamond and sapphire ring, diamond aigrette, diamond and sapphire bracelet and diamond bracelet. The bridesmaids received a gold bangle with monogram “J.B.T.,” a present also from the bridegroom. The presents were very numerous.


A most determined attempt was recently made to rob the Colonial Treasury in the Court Gardens, Pietermaritzburg. P. C. Edwards, when on his round of inspection, discovered that an attempt had been made to burst the door, and also to force the bars of one of the windows. A heavy crowbar, sharply pointed at one end, which belongs to a tank close by, was found in the vicinity of the building, and had evidently been used. The windows are all firmly barred, and the bars are let into a sill composed of cement. The thief or thieves first chipped away the cement from the bottom cross-rail which connects the bars together, and getting the crowbar under it attempted to force the whole out of its position. He evidently spent a good deal of time in the effort, but failed to effect his purpose. He then appears to have attempted to remove the whole sill by extracting a brick at the side; but this was also too much for him. An attempt, it appears, was next made to burst the door, first by forcing the crowbar in at the side and then by lifting the door by using the crowbar as a lever at the bottom. In this latter performance the operator broke a piece out of the floor and also out of the door. Whether he was disturbed at this task by the police is not certain, but from the appearance of the door it is very likely he was, as had he persevered he would certainly have effected an entrance. The remarkable part of the business is that a large number of Government natives sleep in huts in the immediate vicinity of the premises, but none of them seem to have heard the burglar at his work. The police have the matter in hand, but have not succeeded in capturing the culprit up to the present.

18 April 1891


ABINGTON—On March 14, at Mafeking, British Bechuanaland, the wife of Mr. John Abington, of a daughter.
BATCHELOR—On March 12, at Queenstown, the wife of Dr. Batchelor, of a son.
COOK—On March 7, at Pietermaritzburg, the wife of Mr. G. H. Cook, of a son.
GINGELL—On March 11, at Doncaster Road, Park Drive, Port Elizabeth, the wife of Mr. Charles Gingell, of a son.
KUHN—On March 16, at Cape Town, the wife of Mr. G. W. Kuhn, of a daughter.
LEE—On March 12, at Johannesburg, the wife of Mr. A. Lee, of a son.
MATHEW—On March 14, at Sea Point, the wife of Mr. A. H. Mathew, of a daughter.
QUILLIAM—On March19, at Johannesburg, the wife of Mr. J. Quilliam, of a son.
SHEKLETON—On February 27, at 89, Church Street, Pietermaritzburg, the wife of Mr. Alex. Shekleton, of a son.
TINLING—On March 20, at Johannesburg, the wife of Mr. J. P. Tinling, of a daughter.
WHEELER—On March 9, at 114, Berg Street, Pietermaritzburg, the wife of Mr. Albert Charles Wheeler, of a daughter.


BOWLES-WILD—On March 18, at St. John’s Church, East London, by Rev. T. Chamberlain, John Bowles, widower, to Ellen Wild, widow, of East London.
BRITTON-KENDLE—On March 19, at the Wesleyan Chapel, Port Elizabeth, by the Rev. J. Longden, Alfred Henry Britton, third son of W. H. Britton, of Port Elizabeth, to Elizabeth Mary Kendle, eldest daughter of the late John Kendle, of Port Elizabeth.
GUMPERT-JONES—On March 19, at Middleburg, Mr. Maxmielan Gumpert, attorney, Port Elizabeth, to Lilian, eldest daughter of Dr. Henry Jones.
HOWE-POLLARD—On March 12, at St. John’s Church, East London, by the Rev. Thos. Chamberlain, B.A., Frederick Howe, of London, to Annie Pollard, of Wolverton.
IRELAND-BROMILOW—On April 13, at St. Cyprian’s Church, Durban, by Rev. H. Johnson, vicar, Ernest George, second son of James Ireland, Esq., of Sidcup (late R.N.), to Dollie, youngest daughter of Rev. William Bromilow, of Oakley Square, and the Home and Colonial Training College, London.
KIRWIN-EVERSON—On March 17, at St. Augustine’s Church, Port Elizabeth, John Joseph Kirwin, to Mary Emily Everson, both of Port Elizabeth.
MCCOMB-SUTHERLAND—On March 4, at St. John’s Church, East London, Hudson Robert McComb, second son of Mr. McComb, of farm Fordyce, near Queenstown, to Edith Parker Sutherland, second daughter of the late William Sutherland, of Port Elizabeth.
MOORHEAD-BROUN—On March 11, at Bedford, Cape Colony, Dr. G. O. Moorhead of Vryburg, to E.A.R. Broun, of Bedford.
NASH-ROBINSON—On March 2, at St. Mary’s, Tarkastad, by the Rev. Ronald Nattrass, Alfred Nash, late of the city of Hereford, England, to Annie Matilda Robinson, daughter of the late John Robinson, Esq., of Notcliffe Park, Tarkastad.
ORWIN-HAMILTON—On March 12, at St. Saviour’s Cathedral, Maritzburg, by the Rev. Canon Swabey, Frank H. Orwin, to Margaret Hamilton.
SAWYER-STEGMAN—On March 16, at Woodstock, Mr. W. M. Sawyer, to Miss G. E. Stegman.
SYMONS-BOLZANI—On Wednesday, April 15, at Brighton, David Symons, of 59, St. James’s Street, London, S.W., to Beatrice Maud Bolzani, of Brighton.
VAN BEEK-MCCANN—On March 17, at Cape Town, Mr. B. van Beek to Miss J. McCann.
WRIGHT-KEETON—On March 18, at Southwell, dist., of Bathurst, by the Rev. W. R. Bruce, William Ambrose Wright, of Barkly West, to Florence Sarah, daughter of W. P. Keeton, Esq.


ANDERSON—On March 18, at Green Point, Captain J. Anderson, aged 59 years.
BRAILSFORD—On March 6, at Johannesburg Hospital, Fred, the beloved son of Joseph and Emma Brailsford, aged 37 years.
FREEBAIRN—On March 13, at Maritzburg, James Freebairn, jun., of Bothwell, Lanarkshire, Scotland, aged 29.
HOOLE—On March 19, at Beaufort House, of acute bronchitis, Harold Loch Hoole, youngest and dearly loved son of E. B. C. and S. H. Hoole, aged one year and two months.
MACDERMOTT—On March 7, in South Africa, Horace Garde, eldest son of Alfred MacDermott, Fitz William Square, Dublin, and dearly beloved nephew of Mrs. Macnamara.
PHILLIPS—On March 14, at East London, Mary Margaret, the infant daughter of J. E. and Julia Phillips, aged 3 months and 21 days.
SHAW—On March 12, at Glasgow House, Woodstock, Matilda, beloved wife of John Marsden Shaw.
WINTER—On April 13, suddenly, at Mafeking, South Africa, Frank Newnham, second son of John N. Winter, surgeon, of 28, Montpelier Road, Brighton, aged 19.

25 April 1891


ANDERSON—On March 19, at Ingleside, Newcastle the wife of Mr. Hugh Anderson, solicitor, of a son.
BUTLER—On March 16, at Pietermaritzburg, the wife of Mr. W. J. Butler, of a son.
COHEN—March 19, at Moodies, the wife of Mr. H. A. Cohen, United Pioneer Gold Mining Co., of a daughter.
FAWKES—On March 20, at Queenstown, the wife of Mr. F. S. Fawkes, of a daughter.
FIELD—On March 14, at Ladysmith, the wife of Mr. J. J. Field, of a daughter.
FRASER—On March 16, at Durban, the wife of Mr. William H. Fraser, of a son.
GREATHEAD—On March 28, at Grahamstown, the wife of J. B. Greathead, M. B. Edinburgh, M.R.C.S. England, of a son.
POOLEY—On March 20, at 14 Havelock Street, Port Elizabeth, the wife of Mr. P. Pooley, of a daughter.
THOMPSON—On April 13, at Pretoria, Helen, wife of E. Russell Thompson (nee Overbury) of a son.


BROKENSHA-HOLMES—On March 19, at St. James’s, Isipingo, by the Rev. Turpin, Wm. Leggo, eldest son of Mr. J. Brokensha, contractor, Durban, to Emma Helen, eldest daughter of Mr. G. Holmes, Woodstock, Capetown.
BRITTON-KENDLE—On March 19, at the Wesleyan Chapel, Port Elizabeth, by the Rev. J. Longden, Alfred Henry Britton, third son of W. H. Britton, of Port Elizabeth, to Elizabeth Mary Kendle, eldest daughter of the late John Kendle, of Port Elizabeth.
GOLDSCHMIDT-CROUCH—On March 18, at the Congregational and Presbyterian Church, Queenstown by Rev. J. P. Ritchie, N. L. Goldschmidt, eldest son of Mr. Goldschmidt, of Adelaide, to Annie M. Crouch, eldest daughter of Mr. E. Crouch, of Queenstown.
SMART-BURTON—On April 16, at St. Cyprian’s Kimberley, by the Venerable Archdeacon Gaul, William Smart, of Kimberley, to Edith May, second daughter of the late Commander Robert Heron Burton, R.N.
WILMANS-FISHER—On March 16, at the parish church, Barnes, by the Rev. E. Heel, M.A., assisted by the Rev. H. Roberts, B.A. (the cousin of the bride), Adolf Philip Arp, youngest son of the late Arp Wilmans, M.D., of Colesberg, Cape Colony, to Nellie Maud, youngest daughter of the late H. Fisher, of Castelnau, Barnes.
WRIGHT-KEETON—On March 18, at Southwell, dist. Of Bathurst, by the Rev. W. R. Bruce, William Ambrose Wright, of Barkly West, to Florence Sarah, daughter of W. P. Keeton, Esq.


FLEMING—On March 24, at Pietermaritzburg, Ann, the beloved wife of Mr. John Fleming.
REED—On March 20, at Zumy, District Alexandria, Laura Elizabeth, daughter of Mr. W. J. Reed, aged 7 years.
REGENSBURG—On March 18, at his residence, Stutterheim, after a long and painful illness, Mr. Adolph Regensburg, born at Potsdam, Germany.
SMITH—On March 21, at Witmos Station, Mr. W. F. Smith, aged 47.
UDEMANS—On March 26, at his residence, Rufane Vale, Port Elizabeth, Mr. James Mills Udemans, aged 60 years.
VAN ROOYEN—On March 8, at Greytown, Marines Jacobus Vorines, the beloved son of E. J. and M. F. Van Rooyen, Vaalkrans, near Greytown.

2 May 1891


BROWN—On March 26, at Hankey, the wife of Mr. H. G. Brown, of a son.
GILES—On March 20, at Ladysmith, the wife of Mr. Douglas Giles, of a daughter.
HIGGINS—On March 22, at Qumatta Poort, the wife of Mr. A. W. Higgins, of a son.
STEPHENSON—On March 29, at Ladysmith, the wife of Mr. H. J. Stephenson, N.G.R., of a son.
THORNTON—On April 21 at Pietermaritzburg, Natal, the wife of Captain Spencer Thornton, D.A.A.G., of a daughter.


EATON-ELIOTT—On March 26, at Clumber, District of Bathurst, by the Rev. J. W. Thompson, John, third son of George Eaton, Esq., to Amy Caroline, fifth daughter of Henry Eliott, Esq., of Fish River, District Bathurst.
FORRESTER-SEAGER—On March 24, at Bluebank, Ladysmith, by the Rev. Mr. Thompson, Harry Agustus Forrester, of Durban, to Edith Grace Seager, eldest daughter of Mr. George Seager, of Ladysmith.
HENWOOD-HUNT—On March 25, at St. Paul’s Church, Durban, by the Rev. T. A. Lindon, M.A., John W. Henwood, to Laura, daughter of Jno. Hunt, Kings Norton, Birmingham.
LINTON-READING—On March 26, by special license, Henry Linton to Adeline Sophia Reading, both of Port Elizabeth.
MULLER-BULMER—On March 30, at Mowbray Villa, Berea, by the Rev. E. Nuttall, by special license, Rudolf Richard Muller, Education Department, H.M. Civil Service, to Frances Marguerite Bulmer, nee Collis.
PARKER-GILLMAN—On March 28, at Port Elizabeth, by the Rev. John Gifford, Baptist Minister, James Parker, of Guildford, Surrey, England, to Emily Alice, eldest daughter of the late William Gillman.
POLLANDS-RUSSELL—On March 25, at St. Thomas’, Berea, by the Rev. S. J. Clements, John Pollands, of Durban, to Charlotte Ann (Lottie), third daughter of Mr. George Russell, of Durban.
SOLOMON-CHRISTIAN—On March 31, at St. Mary’s, Port Elizabeth, by the Rev. Dr. Wirgman, assisted by the Rev. Dr. Hewitt, the Hon. Mr. Justine Solomon, to Maude Elizabeth, second daughter of H. B. Christian, Esq.


ARCHIBALD—On March 26, at his residence, Cape Road, Port Elizabeth, Thomas Archibald, aged 50 years and 3 months.
DALY—On March 29, at Zeerust, Sarah Jane Daly (born Sephton), aged 33 years and 9 months, wife of Jacob Daly.
HOADLEY—On March 20, at St. Mark’s Mission, Kaffraria, Arthur Hoadley, Missionary Priest, aged 37 years.
KIRKWOOD—On April 29, at Hampstead, N.W., aged 26, Edwin Howland, younger son of the late James Somers Kirkwood, Port Elizabeth.
HUDSON—On March 26, at George, James R. Hudson, aged 31 years, second son of the late J. F. Hudson, of Mossel Bay.
MACINTYRE—On March 28, at Avoca House, Victoria County, Natal, of acute meningitis, in her 16th year, Janet McKinlay Kay, sixth daughter of John McIntyre, M.D., formerly of Rotherfield, Sussex, England.
MCNALLY—On April 2, at her residence, Bathurst, Margaret, the beloved wife of James McNally, aged 76 years.
SMITH—On March 21, at Witmos Station, W. F. Smith, aged 47 years.
STANSFIELD—On March 21, at her residence, near Lidgetton, Natal, aged 78 years, Ellen, widow of the late Hamer Stansfield, of Leeds

Miscellaneous article on same page:

Professor Octavius Charles Cogan, of Grahamstown, gave the last of a series of three performances on the slack wire at the Royal Victoria Hall, Waterloo Bridge Road, on Tuesday evening. The professor, who claims to be the champion balancer of the world, was loudly applauded for the skilful manner in which he went through the various feats. The principal one, a decided novelty in its way, was a tug-of-war between the performer and, failing a member of the audience, an employe. Cogan balanced himself on his airy pedestal, his opponent, who stood on the ground, doing his utmost, by means of a rope, to pull him off the wire, but without avail. Since leaving South Africa in May last, Cogan has been traveling through the provinces, Ireland, and America, and will return shortly to the latter country.

9 May 1891


BROWNING—On March 28, at Pietermaritzburg, the wife of Mr. Edwin Browning, of Greytown, of a son.
EDWARDS—On April 8, at Fauresmith, O.F.S., the wife of Mr. Henry Braham Edwards, of a daughter.
HANNAN—On April 6, at Lydenburg, the wife of Mr. J. K. M. Hannan, of a son.
HOSKINS—On May 1, at Milton Villa, Hoddesdon, the wife of Mr. Douglas Hamilton Hoskins, of a daughter.
MOIR—On May 6, at 1, Oxford Terrace, Edinburgh, the wife of Mr. John W. Moir, Joint Manager of the African Lakes Company, of a daughter.
PITCHER—On March 23, at Maritzburg, the wife of Mr. Edmund William Pitcher, of a daughter.
SEWELL—On March 27, at Pietermaritz Street, Pietermaritzburg, the wife of Mr. G. J. Sewell, of a daughter.
STEPHEN—On April 1, at Barberton, the wife of Mr. Henri Stephan, of a daughter.


ANDERSON-FIVAZ—On April 9, at Vryburg, by special licence, John Illingworth Anderson, to Gertrude Fivaz, of Georgetown, Cape Colony.
ARMSTRONG-ALDUM—On March 26, at Holy Trinity Church, Rustenburg, by Reverend__Maber, John Armstrong, of Glenavy, Antrim, Ireland, to Emily Lucas Aldum, of Queen’s Town, Cape Colony.
BONE-BUTLAND—On April 20, at Somerset East, by the Rev. J. H. Hofmeyr, George William Berry, eldest grandson late T. R. Bone, Port Elizabeth, to Maria Magdalen, only daughter of the late Thomas Butland, of Totnes, Devon, England.
BROKENSHA-AUSTIN—On April 2, at the Umbilo Chapel, by the Rev. E. Nuttall, Wesleyan Minister, William Casley Brokensha, of Heidelberg, to Mary E. C. Austin, second daughter of Mr. William. Austin, Sea View, Umbilo.
COAKES—BRERETON—On March 30, at the Dilkoosh Hotel, Northdene, by the Rev. P. A. Turpin, Percy Evans Coakes, solicitor, Durban, to Elizabeth Maud, eldest daughter of Charles Henry and Clarissa Chase Brereton.
DUNSMURE-MALCOLM—On May 6, at St. Mary’s, Dunblane, by the Rev. J. T. F. Farquhar and the Rev. Canon Malcolm, Incumbent of St. Mary’s, Henry William Henderson Dunsmure, Esq., of Glenbruach, Callander, eldest surviving son of Alexander Dunsmure, Esq., to Alice Mary Terrot Malcolm, youngest daughter of the Rev. Henry Malcolm, Dunblane.
JOHNSON-JOHNSON—On April 8, at Hoop Stad, O.F.S., by the Rev. C. Radloff, Robert Lewis Johnson, formerly of Grahamstown, to Annie Johanna Johnson, only daughter of the late Henry Johnson, of Hoop Stad.
MELVILL-HOLLAND—On April 8, at St. George’s Cathedral, Grahamstown, by the Right Reverend the Lord Bishop of the Diocese, assisted by the Very Reverend the Dean, Frederick Ziervogel Melvill, of Graaff-Reinet, to Lilian, second daughter of Thomas Holland, Evelyn House, Grahamstown.
HAYES-MONTGOMERY—On April 8, at St. Margaret’s Church, Mid-Ilovu, Natal, by the Rev. J. R. Ward, M.A., Edward Harry, second son of George Bevan Hayes, of Klipspruit Sugar Plantation, Natal, and grandson of the late Rev. James Hayes, M.A., Vicar of Wybunbury, Cheshire, to Blanche Lucia, second daughter of A. N. Montgomery, J.P., of Ismont, Mid-Ilovu, Natal, formerly, Captain, the Royal Fusiliers.
CHAMBERS-WORSLEY-MONTAGU—On April 22, at Tafelberg Hall, Cape Colony, the residence of J. S. Distin, Esq., J. P., Roland Chambers, Esq., to Ruby Mabel Worsley-Montagu.
RICKETTS-HARRIS—On April 30, at All Saints’, Blackheath, London, by the Rev. E. Foyle Randolph, Charles Arthur Langworthy Ricketts, Lieutenant Bechuanaland Mounted Police, eldest son of Captain Ricketts, late H.M. 32nd Light Infantry, to Nancy; daughter of the late George Harris, Esq., of Finsbury.


DOUGLAS—On April 6, at the Rectory, Southwell, Reginald Allan Douglas, infant son of the Rev. William Robert and Eleanor Jane Brice, aged 2 months and 10 days.
GREEN—On January 3, at Sydney, Australia, Arthur Green, late of Grahamstown, in the 21st year of his age.
HANNAY—On April 7, at New Grennan, British Bechuanaland, the residence of his nephews Robert and Angus Hannay, John Hannay, native of Wigtonshire, Scotland, aged 78 years.
MCNALLY—On April 2, at her residence, Bathurst, Margaret, the beloved wife of James McNally, aged 76 years.
STANSFELD—On March 21 at Riversfield, Lidgettor, Mrs. Ellen Stansfeld, aged 78.
WOOD—On March 30, at Havelock Terrace, Maritzburg, Jessie Paul, beloved wife of William Wood, late of Joppa, Scotland, aged 69 years and 11 months.

16 May 1891


BELLSTEDT—On April 11, at Park Drive, Port Elizabeth, the wife of Mr. J. C. Bellstedt, of a son.
BONHAM—On April 8, at Commercial Road, Maritzburg, the wife of Mr. T. Bonham of a son.
COURT—On April 14, at Cape Town, the wife of Mr. H. W. Court, of a daughter.
HOLT—On April 6, at Maritzburg, the wife of Surgeon M. P. Holt, Army Medical Staff, of a son.
LINSCOTT—On April 1, at Devon Cottage, Maritzburg, the wife of Mr. Thomas C. Linscott, of a daughter.
MACKENZIE-KENNEDY—On April 14, at Old Catton, Norwich, the wife of Captain H. Mackenzie-Kennedy, Norfolk Regiment, of a daughter.
NOSWORTHY—On April 11, at Port Elizabeth, the wife of Mr. S. S. Nosworthy, of a son.
TUCK—On April 13, at East London, the wife of Mr. J. Frederic Tuck, of a son.


BERRY-BUTLAND—On April 20, at Somerset East, by the Rev. J. H. Hofmeyr, George William Berry, eldest grandson late T. R. Bone, Port Elizabeth, to Maria Magdalen, only daughter of the late Thomas Butland, of Totnes, Devon.
BOYCE-BIRNIE—On March 25, in the Wesleyan Church, Cala, by the Rev. John Wilson, Alfred Edgar Boyce, of Lafuta, to Williamina, third daughter of William Birnie, Esq., Clerk of Works.
COHEN-COHEN—On April 14, at the Jewish Synagogue, Kimberley, by the Rev. Harris Isaacs, Barnett Cohen to Jane, daughter of Mr. S. Cohen, of George Street, Kimberley.
MALLOCH-KIPPEN—On March 31, at Lynedoch, Nottingham Road, by the Rev. W. Turnbull, M.A., John McVicar Malloch, to Elizabeth Furgusson, second daughter of John Kippen, Stormonfield, Scotland.
MOFFAT—PRINGLE—On April 16, at St. Paul’s Rondebosch, J. B. Moffat, son of the Rev. J. S. Moffat, of Matabeleland, to Agnes Pringle, sister to Mrs. Rose Innes, jun.
O’BRIEN-DIXON—On April 7, at Dordrecht, at the residence of the parents of the bridegroom, by the Rev. Father J. McTernan, Roman Catholic priest of Queenstown, Percival Murray O’Brien, second son of James Vincent O’Brien, of Dordrecht to Jane, fourth daughter of Matthew Henry Dixon, of Bathurst.
SMART-BURTON—On April 16, at St. Cyprian’s Kimberley, by the Venerable Archdeacon Gaul, William Smart, to Edith May Burton.


BOWER—On April 17, at Grahamstown, Agnes Irene, beloved and only daughter of John E. and Mary E. Bower, of Mowbray, aged two years.
BRITTON—On April 16, at Port Elizabeth, William Henry Britton, of Bristol, England, aged 57 years.
GORDON—On May 3, at Grahamstown, Cape Colony, Charles Hadfield Gordon, Major Royal Engineers.
JESSIMAN—On February 4, at Lunde River, Mashonaland, Trooper John J. Jessiman, “C” Troop B.S.A. Company’s Police, only son of the late John Jessiman, of Huntly, Aberdeenshire, Scotland, in his 20th year.
KIRBY—On April 9, at Port Elizabeth, Esther, wife of Mr. G. J. Kirby, aged 38 years.
M’BETH—On April 4, at Maritzburg, from enteric fever, Robert Allan, youngest son of the Rev. Robert M’Beth, M.A., Broadway Congregational Church, Hammersmith, London.
MITCHELL—On May 7, at Harley Street, London, W. Lionel Mitchell, Esq., late of the Mauritius, aged 68, sadly missed, deeply loved and mourned.
NASH—On April 13, at East London, E. E. Nash, late of the Railway, aged 67 years.
RAYNER—On February 6, at Fort Charter, Mashonaland, of fever, Harold, son of the late Lloyd Rayner, Esq., of Mossley House, Liverpool, and Mrs. Lloyd Rayner, The Elms, Hampstead Heath.

Miscellaneous article on the same page:

COL. PENNEFATHER.  This distinguished officer is likely to have a novel privilege—that of reading what the papers had to say about him on the assumption that he was dead. The report of his death we hope and believe is quite unfounded. Commenting upon the rumour the Observer says:--“News is now reaching us from Mashonaland by way of Zanzibar, but it should be remembered that whatever news reaches Zanzibar must necessarily have a Portuguese flavour. The most striking item of news which has come to hand by this channel is that Colonel Pennefather, the Commandant of the British South Africa Company’s police, is dead. The reason assigned for his death is hardly intelligible, viz., that he was worn out by constant journeying. South African travel alone does not kill. And we may not altogether unreasonably entertain a lingering hope that the news is to be received with as much caution as the periodical announcements which we receive from our own people at Suakim that Osman Digma is dead. Colonel Pennefather was a fine, soldierlike officer, thoroughly acclimatized to South Africa, and possessing great power of command over both whites and natives.”

23 May 1891


ABBOTT—On April 17, at Cape Town, the wife of Mr. W. D. A. Abbott, of a daughter.
BUCHANAN—On April 14, at Woodstock, the wife of Mr. W. F. Buchanan, of a son.
BYRNE—On April 12, at Uitenhage, the wife of Mr. H. Byrne, of a daughter.
CLEGHORN—On April 18, at Cape Town, the wife of Mr. A. Cleghorn, of a daughter.
COTTON—On April 21, at Cape Town, the wife of Mr. C. H. Cotton, of a son.
GOBLE—On April 17, at Stamford Hill, the wife of Mr. R. E. Goble, Barwon, Upper Tongaat, Durban, of a daughter.
NOTTINGHAM—On April 16, at 14, Little Grey Street, Durban, the wife of Mr. W. Nottingham, of a daughter.
PATON—On April 22, at Sylvan Villa, Clyde Street, Port Elizabeth, the wife of Mr. P. Paton, of a daughter.
PATRICK—On April 21, at 39, Tyzack Street, Durban, the wife of Mr. Robt. Patrick, of a daughter.
RODGERS—On April 13, at Johannesburg, the wife of Mr. J. R. Rodgers, Esq. (nee Louisa Burke), of a son.
SCOTT—On April 16, at Durban, the wife of Mr. T. Scott, jun., of a son.


BLAINE—RYAN—On April 13, at East London, by the Rev. J. T. Ferguson, James Blaine, of Johannesburg, youngest son of Mr. Robert Blaine, to Isabella Mary, second daughter of Mr. E. Ryan.
CHIAZZARI—LAMBERT—On April 20, at St. Cyprian’s Church, Pietermaritzburg, by the Rev. E. W. Bibby, Angelo, eldest son of J. Chiazzari, Esq., Durban, to Julia Louise, fourth daughter of Geo. V. Lambert, Esq., Pietermaritzburg.
DOWNARD—CROSBY—On April 16, at the Congregational Church, Musgrave Road, Durban, by the Rev. J. W. Bowden, Clement William Downard, to Lois Emily, second daughter of Mr. Jas. Crosby, late of Farnham, Surrey.
HENRY—GILBERT—On April 16, at St. George’s Cathedral, Cape Town (by special license), Herbert G. Henry, L.D.S., R.C.S. Eng., Dental Surgeon, of King William’s Town, Cape Colony, eldest son of George Henry, Esq., of Hastings, to Louise Blanche Gilbert, of Kilburn, London.
KERNICK—AURET—On April 16, at Russell Street Wesleyan Chapel, Durban, by the Rev. C. Pettmann, John S. Kernick, Durban, to Maria H. Auret, third daughter of J. Auret, Esq., Graaff-Reinet, Cape Colony.
LEONARD—PEARSON—On April 14, at the Roman Catholic Church, Mossel Bay, by the Rev. Father Nolan, Woodford S. Leonard, Barrister-at-Law, Johannesburg, to Alice Frances Mary, second daughter of C. W. Pearson, Sub-Collector of Customs.
MOOLMAN—BOTHA—On April 22, at St. Stephen’s Church, Cape Town (by the father of the bride), Wessel Henry Moolman, third son of the late W. H. Moolman, Somerset East, to Mabel, eldest daughter of the Rev. M. C. Botha, Minister of St. Stephen’s. No cards.
RICHARDS—CROZIER—On April 22, at St. George’s Cathedral, Grahamstown, by the Bishop of Grahamstown, assisted by the Very Rev. Dean Holmes and the Rev. J. H. Carter, George Impey, third son of the late Mr. W. A. Richards, to Susan Jessie, third daughter of Mrs. Crozier.
SHAW—WEGUELIN—On May 14, at Cape Town, Dr. Cyril Walrond Shaw, of Venterstad, Cape Colony, to Ethel Hankey, eldest daughter of Henry W. Weguelin, of Shaldon, Teignmouth, Devon.


Unreadable due to cut-off of right margin by copier.

30 May 1891


ABBOTT—On May 3, at Oatlands, Grahamstown, the wife of Mr. C. H. Abbott, of a son.
BOER—On April 14, at Senekal, the wife of Mr. N. J. Boer, of a daughter.
BORLASE—On April 24, at Dursley Cottage, Berea, the wife of Mr. H. H. Borlase, of a son.
CAMPBELL—On April 20, at Lake Chrissie, S.A.R., the wife of Mr. A. M. Campbell, jun., of a son.
MORGAN—On April 22, at Saint Mark’s, the wife of Mr. J. H. R. Morgan, of a son.
NICOLSON—On April 25, at Durban, the wife of Mr. A. Nicolson, of a son.
SCHULZ—On April 18, at Brandfort, the wife of Dr. W. Schulz, of a son.
SNELL—On April 19, at Christiana, the wife of Dr. E. S. Snell, of a daughter.


ALLSOPP-FOSS—On April 23, at New England, Pietermaritzburg, by the Rev. J. Allsopp, father of the bridegroom, Ernest Selby Allsopp, to Eva Mary, eldest daughter of Mr. Richard Foss.
BUTCHER-LOUCH—On April 23, at St. John’s Church, Sydenham, by the Bishop of Maritzburg, assisted by the Rev. Thomas Goodwin, Leonard William, third son of Samuel Butcher, to Kate, youngest daughter of F. W. B. Louch, J.P., of Stanchester, Sydenham.
CLAYTON-PURDON—On April 15, at Clumber, by the Rev. J. W. Thompson, George Edwin, eldest son of George Clayton, Esq., of Cuylerville, to Benetta Therdora, eldest daughter of Henry Purdon, Esq., of Wilson’s Party.
ELLWOOD-SHEPHARD—On April 28, at Port Elizabeth, by the Rev. R. Jenkin, John Ellwood, second son of Herbert Ellwood, to Elizabeth Ann Shephard, eldest daughter of the late Edward Richard Shephard.


ANDREWS—On May 10, at Pietermaritzburg, suddenly, Charles Buxton Andrews, only son of the late Augustus Charles Andrews, of Croydon, aged 34.
CLARK—On April 8, at the Saltpan, near Pretoria, Lucy, the wife of Mr. Wenmouth E. Clark.
FAWKES—On April 17, at Queenstown, Tamar, wife of Mr. F. S. Fawkes, aged 29 years.
HARSANT—On May 27, at 16, Parliament Hill Road, Hampstead, of pleuro-pneumonia, S. W. Harsant, widow of the late Rev. J. Harsant.
KINGSTON—On April 23, at Mansfield Road, Durban, after a long illness, Harry P. Kingston, aged 23 years.
LUKE—On April 21, at Mona Place, Durban, William Luke, aged 40.
SMITH—On April 26, at Cypherfontein, Addo, John Smith, third son of the late John Hope Smith, late Governor of Cape Coast Castle, leaving a widow and three sons, aged 76 years and 8 days. Deeply regretted.

13 June 1891


ABRAHAMS—On May 5, at Fairview, Barberton, the wife of Mr. S. Abrahams, of a son.
COLLIER—On May 6, at Pietermaritzburg, Natal, the wife of Mr. C. T. Collier, of a daughter.
DAUB—On May 15, at Lennox Street, Kimberley, the wife of Mr. August Daub, of a daughter.
EVANS—On May 9, at Potchefstroom, the wife of Mr. M. A. Evans, of a daughter.
FOXWELL—On May 8, at Kent Villa, Dutoitspan Road, Kimberley, the wife of Mr. D. L. Foxwell, of a daughter.
GATHERCOLE—On May 3, at the Wesleyan Parsonage, York, the wife of the Rev. J. Harvey Gathercole, of a son.
GUEST—On May 13, at Ivy Cottage, Klerksdorp, the wife of Mr. H. M. Guest, of a son.
HANSFORD—On May 8, at 22, Brickhill Road, Durban, the wife of Mr. James Hansford, of a son.
HILDER—On May 9, at Graaff-Reinet, the wife of Mr. T. H. C. Hilder, of a daughter.
HINDSON—On May 3, at Clifton Estate, Nonoti, the wife of Mr. George H. Hindson, of a son.
HOLLINS—On May 4, at Johannesburg, the wife of Mr. Richard R. Hollins, of a son.
STOCKS—On May 8, at Grahamstown, the wife of Mr. W. Burnett Stocks, of a son.
VON DER HEYDE—On April 26, at the Weeza, Harding, the wife of Mr. Robert L. Von der Heyde, of a daughter (stillborn).
WHITE—On April 29, at Beaconsfield, the wife of Mr. A. White, of a daughter.


ADAMSON-KEYTER—On May 6, at Greytown, by the Rev. David Rossouw, G. William, eldest son of the late David Adamson, to Helena Maria, youngest daughter of A. P. C. Keyter, J.P., of Spekfontein.
CALDWELL-JOHNSON—On April 13, at St. Matthias’ Church, Umgeni, by special licence, by the Rev. T. Goodwin, incumbent, William Hunter, second son of John Caldwell, of Berberton, to Jesse Fuller, third daughter of the late William Johnson, of Umgeni.
WEBBER-SCHUTZE—On May 9, at the Wesleyan Church, Russell Road, Port Elizabeth, by the Rev. R. Jenkin, John James Webber, Cradock, to Emma Agnes, eldest daughter of Gustav Schutze, of Nienburg-on-the-Wasser, Germany.
MADGE-NEILSON—On May 6, at the Presbyterian Church, Port Elizabeth, by the Rev. J. MacPherson, Robert Daw Madge to Emma Isabel Neilson.
PHILLIPS-CAMDEN—On May 6, at Trinity Church, by the Rev. Dr. Hewitt, Harry Augustus Phillips, of Port Elizabeth, to Kate Camden, of Sandown, Isle of Wight.
SEARLE-BRISTER—On May 5, at Trinity Church, by the Rev. Dr. Hewitt, Edward Merry Searle, second son of James Searle, Esq., to Ruth Elizabeth, daughter of James Brister, Esq., of Port Elizabeth.
SMITH-MITCHELL—On May 6, at St. Cyprian’s Church, Durban, by the Rev. H. Johnson, Incumbent, Joseph Smith, of Newcastle, Natal, to Mary Ellen (Nellie) eldest daughter of Mr. Richard Mitchell, Devoran, Cornwall, England.
STAPYLTON-SMITH—WILLIAMS—On May 8, at St. Mary’s Church, Woodstock, by the Rev. D. Elliott Young, Henry Gouger Stapylton-Smith, of East London, to Alice Emily Williams, of Lincoln, England.
STEVENSON-MOORE—On June 6, at St. Mary’s, Tottenham, Middlesex, by the Rev. E. F. Noel Smith, M.A., vicar, assisted by the Rev. A. R. Anderson, M.A., the Rev. Joseph Thomas Stevenson, St. Mary’s Woodstock, Cape Town, to Emma, third daughter of Henry Moore, of Kynaston House, Tottenham.
WALLACE-HOFFMANN—On April 29, at St. Alban’s Cathedral, Pretoria, by the Rev. Canon Kewley, Edward Clement Wallace, Manager Randfontein Estate Gold Mining Company, eldest son of the Rev. John Wallace, of Wey-Springs, Haslemere, Surrey, England, to Kate Rynie, second daughter of J. P. Hoffmann, Esq., Burken Villa, Durban Natal.
WATT-LEE—At Durban, on May 9, by the Rev. W. J. Hardy, M.A., John Watt, Manager of the Bank of Africa, Durban Branch, to Achilla, youngest daughter of the late Thomas Vincent Lee, C.E., London.


CRANMER—On May 11, at Grahamstown, after a painful illness, William James Cranmer, aged 19 years and 9 months.
FOXWELL—On June 5, the infant daughter of Douglas and Millicent Foxwell, of Kimberley.
GOLD—On May 2, at Polela, Robert Gold, of “Eskdale,” Highflats, aged 57 years.
JACKSON—On May 10, at Queenstown, Mary L. Jackson, aged 40 years and 8 months.
KEAL—On May 8, at Sydenham, Durham, Jemima, relict of the late Stamforth Keal, aged 65 years.
ROWSELL—On May 6, at Pietermaritzburg, Edith Maud, beloved daughter of A. W. and Agnes Rowsell, aged 5 years and 3 months.
SMITH—On May 8, at Port Elizabeth, Matilda Phillis Smith, aged 58 years and 11 months.
STEIN—On June 5, at 42, Ladbroke Square, Notting Hill, W., John Stein, formerly of the Cape of Good Hope, in his 81st year.

20 June 1891


BEHR—On May 19, at St. Leonard’s Villa, Overport, the wife of Mr. S. A. Behr, of a daughter.
DRENNAN—On May 16, at Grahamstown, the wife of W. T. Drennan, Esq., of Bloemfontein, of a daughter.
GREY—On June 11, at Dorchester House, Park Lane, London, Mrs. Albert Grey, of a daughter.
GUEST—On May 14, at Ivy Cottage, Klerksdorp, Mrs. H. M. Guest, of a son.
KEMSLEY—On May 19, at Kalkeith Cottage, Clyde Street, Port Elizabeth, the wife of Mr. William Kemsley, of a daughter.
PEEL—On May 16, at Musgrave Road, Berea, Durban, the wife of Mr. Lennox G. Peel, of a son.
PEGLER—On May 13, at 486, Smith Street, Durban, the wife of Mr. W. Pegler, of a son.
SELBY—On May 20, at Grahamstown, the wife of Mr. J. C. Selby (Kei Bridge), of a daughter.
TURNER—On May 20, at Dordrecht Wodehouse, Mabel Eugenie (nee Formby), the wife of Harry Gordon Turner, of a son.
WEBB—On May 14, at Grahamstown, Mrs. T. Guard Webb, of a daughter.
WILLIAMS—On May 17, at the Bank of Africa, Harrismith, O.F.S., the wife of Mr. G. A. Williams, of a daughter.
WOOD—On May 15, at Doornfontein, Johannesburg, the wife of Mr. Thomas R. Wood (of Grahamstown), of a son.


BALDEN-STEVENS—On May 14, by the Rev. J. W. Boden, John Balden, of Johannesburg, to Henrietta Marion, second daughter of the late Henry Williams Stevens, of Addington, Natal.
BURTON-PRESTON—On May 13, at the Church of St. Alban the Martyr, Cathcart, by the Rev. A. Grant, R.D., assisted by the Rev. C. M. Parcell, priest in charge, the Rev. Frederick Carlisle Burton, curate of St. Paul’s, Port Elizabeth, late curate of Queenstown, to Wynfreda Adeleve, daughter of Mr. William Newcomb, of Stamford Hill, N.
DOOLEY-MONTGOMERY—On May 4, at Witzies Hoek, O.F.S., William John, eldest son of Mr. Alfred Dooley, of Durban, to Georgina, fourth daughter of Thomas A. Montgomery, Esq., Commandant, Witzies Hoek.
LOBBAN-LAKE—On May 14, at the Woodford Hotel, Barberton, before the Landdrost, Edward Mortimer, second son of John Lobban, farmer and butcher, Aberdeen, Scotland, to Katherine Margaret, only daughter of the late John Lake, Exeter, Devon.
SCHENK-REMON—On May 14, at St. Mathias’, Umgeni, by the Rev. Thomas Goodwin, Alfred Housell Schenk, of Durban, to Emma Corbett, eldest daughter of Mr. E. Remon, Stamford Hill.
THURGOOD-DARIER—On June 11, at the residence of the bride’s uncle, Florissant, Geneve, Robert Rowlands, son of J. H. Thurgood, of Swansea, to Alice Huxley, youngest daughter of the late Louis Darier, of Geneva.


ANDREW—On May 10, in his 34th year, at his residence, Priory Cottage, West Street, Maritzburg, Charles Buxton Andrews, Captain, Natal Royal Rifles.
BAKER—On May 14, at Claredon Crescent, Port Elizabeth, John, beloved husband of Sarah Baker, aged 39 years and 3 months.
BANGER—On May 10, at Pretoria, the beloved wife of J. J. Banger, aged 33 years.
EDMONDS—On May 15, in her 76th year, at the residence of Mr. A. K. Murray, Berea, Durban, Eliza Edmonds, widow of the late Mr. William Edmonds, London.
HEATHMAN—On May 17, at the Berea Road, Louie, only daughter of F. Heathman, aged 1 year and 7 months.
JACKSON—On May 10, at Queenstown, Mary L. Jackson, aged 40 years and eight months.
KNOBEL—On May 20, at Grahams Street, Kimberley, Johanna Maria Knobel (born Heyns), aged 68.
MOORE—On May 14, at 72, Prince Edward Street, Durban, Annie Ward, the dearly beloved wife of Arthur James Moore, aged 25.
SCROOBY—On May 16, at the home of Mrs. G. Jennings, Heckpoort, Mary Elizabeth Scrooby, youngest child of Walter H. Scrooby, aged 2 months and 8 days.
SCROOBY—On May 16, at the residence of her grandparents in Pretoria, Ada Maud Scrooby, daughter of Walter H. Scrooby, aged 4 years and 7 ½ months.
SKINNER—On May 6, at Lydenburg, Transvaal, John Robert Skinner, second son of the Rev. Robert Skinner, British Chaplain, Cologne-on-Rhine, aged 33.

27 June 1891


ARNOLD—On May 17, the wife of Mr. John Arnold, Toise River, of a son.
COFFIN—On May 23, at Grahamstown, the wife of Mr. R. Coffin, of a daughter.
DEARE—On May 23, at Port Elizabeth, Cape of Good Hope, the wife of Mr. Charles Russel Deare, of a daughter.
FERNEYHOUGH—On May 20, at 8, Church Street, Pietermaritzburg, the wife of Mr. Geo. T. Ferneyhough, F.R.G.S., of a son.
HADDOW—On May 28, at Grahamstown, the wife of Mr. A. Haddow, of a son.
NEWTON—On the 19th inst., at Upton House, Hitchin, Herts, the wife of Mr. Francis Newton, of a son.
PRIOR—On May 25, at Mill House, Charles Street, Beaconsfield, the wife of Mr. Charles E. Prior, of a daughter.
SOLLY—On May 30, at Portsdown House, Havelock Square, Port Elizabeth, Mrs. H. Le G. Solly, of a son.


COLES-STEDMAN—On May 19, at the Dutch Reformed Church, Standerton, by the Rev. H. du Plessis, Harry Coles, of Witpoort, to Mary Stedman, nee Royston, Standerton.
SMART-EXTEEN—On May 18, at Dundee, Natal, Henry Smart, contractor, to Martha, youngest daughter of Milliam Martys Exteen.
WINDOW-JONES—On May 12, at St. Peter’s Cathedral, Maritzburg, by the Rev. A. K. D. Edwards, Samuel Window, to Annie Mary, eldest daughter of R. E. Jones, of Maritzburg.
WRIGHT-HODGKINSON—On May 6, at Welcome Wood, by the Rev. A. T. Rhodes, Alfred Newton, eldest son of Mr. James Wright, Chalumna Drift, to Amelia Jane, eldest daughter of Mr. Henry Hodgkinson, of Bird Fountain Farm, district of King Williamstown.


BOWKER—On May 24, at Grahamstown, Bourchier Bowker, of Signal Hill, North Fish River, aged 46 years, youngest son of the late J. M. Bowker.
CLARKE—On May 16, at King Williamstown, Ellen Jane Mary, only daughter of Walter and Jane Clarke, of Fort Beaufort, aged 2 years 9 months and 9 days.
DU SAUTOY—On June 10, at the Vicarage, Dudley, Louisa, widow of the Rev. W. Du Sautoy, and surviving daughter of the late Sir Robert Seppings, sometime Chief Constructor to the Navy.
GRANT—On June 13, at Ivy House, Sutton Valence, Kent, Miss Ann Grant, aged 63.
PAGE—On May 23, at Glen Craig, Grahamstown, Norman Edwin Page, aged 8 years and 4 months, second dearly loved son of A. C. and C. E. Page.
PATTISSON—On April 19, at Tonbridge Farm, Mashonaland, Arthur J. Pattisson in his 39th year.
SMAILL—On May 23, at the Masonic Hotel, Port Elizabeth, William Reid SMAILL, of Edinburgh, Scotland, aged 39 years.
SMITH—Died suddenly on the 31st of May, at his residence, Nocton Farm, Gamtoos River, George Dieppe Smith, in his 63rd year.
VORSTER—On May 27, at Hammanskraal, district Pretoria whilst journeying to Pretoria, Pauline Diane de Mortarien, daughter of Barend Jacobus and Johanna Wilhelmina Christina Vorster, jun., M. V. of Zoutpansberg, aged 10 months.

Miscellaneous articles on same page:

William Thomas Thorne, Postmaster at Fourteen Streams, has been remanded on a charge of embezzling considerable sums of money.

A man, named James Jagone, committed suicide at Johannesburg by jumping off the Doornfontein Bridge on to the Spring tramline below. The cowcatcher carried him several yards, and his mangled body was discovered soon afterwards.

A force of police proceeded from Kimberley to Wesselton and arrested nine men, who were conveyed to the police station and charged with incitement of breach of the peace. Six were released on bail of £10 each, but three were refused bail, and were kept in custody. They were found guilty by the Resident Magistrate, but let off with a reprimand.

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