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South Africa - a weekly journal

South Africa 1897 2 April - June


3 April 1897



CHABAUD, Mrs. J. A., Port Elizabeth, February 25.

HAW, Mrs. C. R., Aliwal North, February 22.

HAYNES—On March 22, at Mauritius, the widow of the late Captain Alfred Ernest Haynes, Royal Engineers (recently killed in action in Rhodesia).

HIGGO, Mrs. A. T., Johannesburg, February 22.

LANGDON-DAVIES—On March 18, at Eshowe, Zululand, the wife of the Rev. Guy Langdon-Davies.

LINDGREN, Mrs. A. W. P., Johannesburg, Feb. 14.

MCLELLAN, Mrs. J., Kimberley, February 23.

STEIN, Mrs. I., Venterstad, February 21.

SUTTON, Mrs. W. C., Blaney Junction, February 26.


ADLAM—On February 20, at Lawn Bank, Grove Road, Sutton, Surrey, the wife of Joe C. Adlam, of Johannesburg, of a daughter.

BAGNALL—On March 1, at Stebonheath, Cape Road, Port Elizabeth, the wife of Thomas Bagnall.

BROCKBANK, Mrs. W., Ladysmith, February 20.

MURRAY, Mrs. A. L., Barberton, February 24.


ALBU—COHEN—On March 24, at 119, Kennington Park Road, the residence of the bride’s parents, by the Rev. F. L. Cohen, assisted by the Rev. M. L. Cohen, Violet Louise, third daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Cohen, to Isidore, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. S. Albu, of Frognal, South Hampstead.

ALLEN-SMITH—SAVAGE—On March 20, at St. Bartholomew’s, Haslemere, by the Rev. Sanders Etheridge, Rector, Alfred Edward Allen-Smith, of Port Elizabeth, to Emily, eldest daughter of the late William Savage, of Port Elizabeth.

DAVIS, J. C.—O’CONNELL, C. M., Barberton, Feb. 28.

IVES, R. W.—EMMS, E. M., Johannesburg, Feb. 24.

LIVINGSTONE, J.—ESSON, J. J., Bloemfontein, Feb. 24.

RETHMAN, C. F.—LAWRANCE, M. J., Newcastle, February 23.

SHUTER—HANN—On March 30, at New Barnet Congregational Church, by the Rev. J. Alford Davies, B.A., B.D., Harry Reginald, second son of George Shuter, of Barnsbury Park, to Beatrice, tenth daughter of William Hann, of Islington and New Barnet.

SIMPSON—NIMMO—On January 30, at St. John’s, North Sydney, by the Rev. A. R. Maclean, John James, son of the late John Simpson, of Rochester, Kent, England, to Margaret Helen, second daughter of the late Robert Nimmo, of D’Urban, Natal.

WILLIAMS, W.—BERRIMAN, M. B., Durban, March 2.


ALDAG, Mrs. J. E., Port Elizabeth, Feb. 24, aged 62.

BARRY, Mrs. M., Johannesburg, March 1, aged 68.

BLACKBURNE-MAZE—On March 30, at Cape Town, Evelyn Agnes Marion, wife of William PeterBlackburne-Maze, of Shaw House, Newbury, aged 30.

BRADISH—On February 10, at Kimberley, Joseph Stratford, third son of the late Lieutenant Colonel Joseph Bradish, formerly of the 105th Madras Light Infantry, aged 31.

COLMAN—On March 6, at Rose Bank, South Africa, John Colman, aged 40, deeply regretted.

FALK—On March 20, at Aliwal North, of typhoid fever, Frederick Walter, youngest son of the late Philip Falk, Esq., of 23, Kensington Palace Gardens, in his 25th year.

DOWNS, Mrs. E., Durban, February 24, aged 64.

DUNCAN—On the 1st inst., at Bulawayo, D. G. Duncan (chemist)

DYER—On March 14, at Piza, John Edward Dyer, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., formerly of Cape Town, Uitenhage, Kimberley, and Pretoria.

HOUSLEY—On March 29, George Francis Housley, late of Port Elizabeth.

KIRKWOOD—On March 30, at 32, Maresfield Gardens, Hampstead, N.W., Adela Dorothy, widow ofJames Somers Kirkwood, of Port Elizabeth, South Africa.

KITTSON—On February 8, in South Africa, the Rev. William T. Kittson, late Rector of Drumconrath, county of Meath.

LIVINGSTON—On January 12, at Hartley Fort, Umtali, William Kinloch Livingston, Rhodesia Horse, British South African Police, eldest son of the late George Kinloch Livingston, S.S.C., Edinburgh.

LYNCH, Mrs. H. P., Durban, February 21, aged 57.

MATHERS—On March 29, at Glenalmond, Foxgrove Road, Beckenham, Kent, Mary Augusta Powys, infant daughter of Edward and Mary Mathers, aged 10 months.

MCKELVIN, Mrs. A., Fordsburg, Feb. 22, aged 53.

MILWARD—On March 3, at Cape Town, Jennetta Beckett, wife of C. A. Milward, Esq., aged 32.

PONTIN—On February 23, at Bloemfontein, O.F.S., of consumption, Charles Alfred, youngest son of the late George Pontin, of Reading.

PROUDFOOT, Mrs. M., Johannesburg, Feb. 23, aged 34.

ROSETT, J. H., Potchefstroom, March 5, aged 74.

STAPLES, J. J., Grahamstown, March 2, aged 75.

STEPHEN, A., Kimberley, February 21, aged 25.

WILLIAMS, Mrs. A., Modder River, March 1, aged 28.

10 April 1897



BUSTIN, Mrs. G. T. M., Pretoria, March 5.

EDEN, Mrs. J., Kimberley, March 7.

ROACH, Mrs. W., Grahamstown, March 2.

WHITTAKER, Mrs. F. G. W., Durban, March 5.


BENINGFIELD, Mrs. J. J., Durban, March 7.

BRISTOW, Mrs. L., Kingwilliamstown, March 8.

COMBRINK, Mrs. W. G., Woodstock, March 11.

DEBBE, Mrs. A. J., East London, March 4.

HOLLEMAN, Mrs. J., Potchefstroom, February 28.

SIVELL, Mrs. H. E., Jagersfontein, March 1.


BROWN, T. G.—ALDER, M. A., Umgeni, March 8.

DOUGLAS—RAYMOND—On March 2, at St. Andrew’s Church, Cape Town, South Africa, by the Rev. John M. Russell, James Robert, youngest son of the late Robert Douglas, of Oyne, Aberdeenshire, to Mary Elizabeth, youngest daughter of the late John Crone Raymond, of Sydney, New South Wales.

FENTON, T. M.—FLANAGAN, M., Bloemfontein, March 1.

FORMAN—BRABY—On April 3, at the Cathedral, Cape Town, Maurice Buxton Forman, second son of H. Buxton Forman, St. John’s Wood, London, to Lilian, eldest daughter of the late Alfred Braby, of Endsleigh, Putney.

HULL, D.—ARUNDEL, E. A., Johannesburg, March 6.

MCCALLUM, H.—PHELAN, L., Kimberley, March 4.

PORTEOUS, G. M.—DOW, H. J. S., Claremont, March 4.

WITHERS, C. V.—THOMPSON, E. K., Bethlehem, O.F.S., March 10.


DYKE, Mrs. M. J., Morija, Basutoland, March 10, aged 82.

FALK—On March 20, at Aliwal North, South Africa, of typhoid fever, Frederick Walter, youngest son of the late Philip Falk, Esq., of 23, Kensington Palace Gardens, in his 25th year.

LYONS—On April 4, at Cape Town, Gerald Lyons, son of the late Captain J. E. Lyons, of the 46th Regiment, aged 27.

SPANIER, E., Burghersdorp, March 7, aged 39.

SIM, A. T., Johannesburg, March 2, aged 40.

VALLENTINE—On March 7, at Barkly East, Cape Colony, Jacob (Jack), aged 31, sixth son of Philip Vallentine, 9, Huntley Street, London, W.C. The result of a carriage accident (lock-jaw supervening).


KETTLE—In loving and grateful memory of Caroline Kettle, widow of the late George Kettle, of Port Elizabeth.

REYNOLDS—In loving memory of Ernest Edward Reynolds, killed in action at Shiloh, near Bulawayo, April 6, 1896. Dearly loved and deeply regretted.

17 April 1897



CANTY, Mrs. D., Kimberley, March 13.

CARROLL, Mrs. F., Johannesburg, March 11.

GIDDY, Mrs. L. L., Grahamstown, March 10.

SMITH, Mrs. E. W., Johannesburg, March 15.


EUSTACE, Mrs. W. M., Kingwilliamstown, March 13.

FINDLAY, Mrs. G. M., Kenilworth, March 23.


DE KOCK, G.—HUGO, D., Simon’s Town, March 17.

GENIS, G.—ESTERHUYSEN, E., Nababeep, Namaqualand, March 7.

HALLIDIE—DEAKIN—On March 15 at St. Cyprian’s, Durban, Andrew Hallidie, F.R.C.S., of Johannesburg, son of the late Archibald Johnstone Smith, Esq., C.E., to Alice Maud Mary, eldest daughter of the late Francis Deakin, Esq., of Eastbury, Hertfordshire.

HOGG, D.—HALFORD, M. A., Johannesburg, March 10.

LOOSLEY—MOFFAT—On March 18, at Claremont Congregational Church, Cape Town, by the Rev. William Forbes, assisted by the Rev. Vine Hall, James S. Loosley, of Palapye, Bechuanaland Protectorate, formerly of Berkhamsted, England, to Mary Meta Moffat, daughter of the Rev. J. S. Moffat, C.M.G., of Mowbray, Cape Town.

OWEN—HARINGTON—On April 10, at the Church of St. John the Baptist, Kensington, by the Rev. Edward Parr, M.A., brother-in-law of the bride, Peter Berry Owen, of Streatham and South Africa, to Olivia, widow of the Rev. James D. Harington, late Rector of Longstanton.


BORCHERDS, Mrs. J. S. G., Cape Town, March 20, aged 87.

BRENDON—On March 17, at sea, returning from the Cape, William Henry Brendon, M.B., M.Ch., B Sc., aged 24 years, third son of William T. Brendon, 2, Queen’s Gate, Plymouth.

FLETCHER, P., Rondebosch, March 17, aged 70.

HAMMOND, H. E., Bulawayo, March 10, aged 42.

HARRISON—On the Zambesi, of fever, Charles Wilfred Valpy, in his 41st year, eldest son of Charles Harrison, 3, Great Tower Street, London, and Lee, Kent. (By telegram.)

HOLDSWORTH—On April 9, at his residence, 266, Richmond Road, N.E., Captain John James Holdsworth, of 2, Brabant Court, Philpot Lane, E.C., in his 76th year.

JOHNSTON—On March 6, at Iron Mine Hill, Gwelo, Matabeleland, from fever, aged 18 years, Adair (Bruce), in the service of the British South African Mounted Police, only child of Isabella Johnston, wife of Charles Johnston.

LEWIS, Mrs. V. M., Johannesburg, March 7, aged 21.

NORDEN, Mrs. S., Cape Town, March 17.

NOURSE—On April 7, at 42, Villiers Place, Piccadilly, Henry Nourse, in the 86th year of his age.

PARRY—On August 29, 1896, at Spitzkop, Rhodesia, of enteric fever, Francis Charles Parry, of Allington, Wilts, Captain Durham Artillery, aged 32.

WILLS, J. H., Grahamstown, March 13, aged 72.

24 April 1897



CRAMOND, Mrs. A., Krugersdorp, March 14.

MARSHALL, Mrs. R., Johannesburg, March 20.

POWELL, Mrs. H., Kimberley, March 21.


CARSTENS, Mrs. J. C., Cape Town, March 22.

CLOUGHLEY, Mrs. J.,. Queenstown, March 17.

PROUDFOOT-On April 17, at Graaff-Reinet, the wife of Charles E. Proudfoot.

SMART, Mrs. W., Kimberley, March 22.

STAP, Mrs. J., Kingwilliamstown, March 16.


DAVISON, W. M.-BOTHA, L., Queenstown, March 15.

EDKINS, A. T.-DELL, V. E., Cathcart, March 17.

INSOLL-HOLLOWAY-On April 21, at St. Jude's Church, Brixton, by the Rev. Archdeacon Gibbs, Frederick Robert Insoll, grandson of Robert Insoll, Esq., of Old Orchard, Eastbourne, to Annie Louise, daughter of the late Daniel Holloway, Esq., of the Cape, and niece of the late George Holloway, Esq., M.P. for Mid-Gloucester.

KITTO-PERRINS-On April 21, at St. Mary's, Port Elizabeth, by the Rev. Dr. Hewitt, Vicar of Holy Trinity, assisted by the Rev. Dr. Wirgman, Rector of St. Mary's, Walter William Murray Kitto, M. Inst. C. E., eldest son of the Rev. John F. Kitto, Vicar of St. Martin-in-the-Fields, Prebendary of St.
Paul's, and Chaplain in Ordinary to the Queen, to Jessie, younger daughter of George R. Perrins, Esq., of Port Elizabeth.

NICHOLLS-HILL-On April 17, at St. Patrick's, Soho, by the Rev. Father Langton George Vere, James Edward Nicholls, of Salisbury, Rhodesia, to Lucile, daughter of the late Matthew Hill, of Trenton, New Jersey, U.S.A.

RAMSDEN, L.-WATSON, E. W., Woodstock, March 23.

SMITH, F.-COLVILL, J. V., Waku, March 17.


BARBOUR, Mrs. A. H. F., Bomvanaland, March 19, aged 57.

BEES, J. P., Kimberley, March 20, aged 65.

CHESTER-On April 17, on the Dunvegan Castle, Arthur, only child of Arthur and Edith Chester, of Johannesburg, late of Ealing, aged 15 months.

DARKE-On April 20, of peritonitis, Helen, the beloved wife of Henry Grosvenor Darke, Esq., of Darkton, Swazieland, and eldest daughter of the late John and Sarah Mullens, Mount Pleasant, Natal, South Africa, aged 37-South African papers please copy.

FORSTER-On April 13, at Unyati, South Africa, Eric Maxwell Heron, only son of Evan Heron Forster, Esq., and nephew of Christopher Maxwell Maxwell, Esq., of Bassholme, Lincoln, aged 28.

FRANCES-On March 23, at Piggs Peak, Swazieland, Mary Agnese (Tiny), wife of Dr. A. C. Frances, youngest daughter of the late William Scott, M.A., F.R.A.S., Professor of Mathematics at the Royal Military College, Sandhurst, and granddaughter of the late General Walker, of Riddleton Hill, Kelso,

KING, W., Kingwilliamstown, March 18, aged 85.

PIKE, J., Grahamstown, March 22, aged 55.

SPANIER, E., Burghersdorp, March 7, aged 39.

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