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South Africa - a weekly journal

South Africa 1907 1 January - March


12 January 1907


CHADWICK—On the 1st inst., at Komgha, Cape Colony, the wife of Alfred William Chadwick, of Orangevale, a daughter.
FOY—On the 8th inst., at Bezuidenhout Valley, Johannesburg, the wife of Harold Toller Foy, a son.
FRASER—On December 10, at Bulawayo, the wife of A. M. Fraser, Manager, Bank of Africa, a daughter.
HOWE—On December 11, the wife of Horace M. Howe, of Durban, a daughter.
SPENCER—On the 2nd inst., at 25, Campden Hill Court, W., the wife of Francis Spencer, a son, stillborn.


BENNETT—CASS—On November 20, at St. Mary’s Cathedral, Johannesburg, by the Rev. J. Rucker, Charles Kingsley, eldest son of Edmund F. T. Bennett, of 39, Blackheath Park, London, S.E., to Beatrice, eldest daughter of R. Cass, of Kimberley.

BURTON—STEVENS—On December 4, at Nairobi, British East Africa, James Burton, late Superintendent Imperial Department of Agriculture, to Catherine Jane (Kate), second daughter of William W. Stevens, late of Hundleshope, Peebles.
OAKES—HAWKSWORTH—On New Year’s Day, at Christ Church, Addington, Durban, by the Rev. Dr. Ikin, grandfather of the bride, Captain Richard Oakes, Royal Engineers, eldest son of the late Colonel R. F. Oakes, R.E., and Mrs. Oakes, of Tunbridge Wells, to Audrey, younger daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hawksworth, of Pretoria.
TURNBULL—WEBB—On the 5th inst., at St. Thomas’ Church, Portman Square, by the Rev. A. Locke, H. X. Turnbull, of Barberton, second son of the late Lieut. A. W. Turnbull, 25th (K.O.S.B.), and of Mrs. Ford Webb, 42, Beaumont Street, W., to Ethel, only child of the late Major E. W. H. Webb, C.B., Army Service Corps, and of Mrs. Webb, 19, Lower Seymour Street (temporary address).
VAN BREDA—JONES—On the 14th ult., at the Congregational Church, Claremont, by the Rev. A. Vine Hall, Charlie, son of John van Breda, of Zutphen, Rondebosch, to Adele Esme, daughter of the Hon. Sydney T. Jones, LL.D. (formerly Judge-President of the Court of the Eastern Districts, Cape Colony).
WESTON—NEELY—On December 19, at St. John’s Church, Bulawayo, by the Ven. Archdeacon Beaven, Robert Ogilvy, youngest son of the late R. W. G. Weston, and of Mrs. Weston, 4K, Hyde Park Mansions, N.W., to Sister Dorothy Neely, A.N.S.R., only daughter of the late Alexander Neely, of Ballybeg, Co., Antrim.


AUSTIN—ROBINSON—On the 3rd inst., at Hastings, of acute meningitis, Gwenllian Rogers (Gwenyth), aged four, only daughter of the late Frederic Austin-Robinson, M.R.C.S. (Eng.), L.R.C.P. (Lond.), of Nottingham Road, Natal, who gave his life in service to the Volunteer troops during the recent native rebellion in Natal and Zululand.
BURKINYOUNG—On the 7th inst., at 20, Alexandra Mansions, West Hampstead, Charlotte Sophia, widow of William Whitehurst Burkinyoung, passed peacefully away.
FINNIE—On the 1st inst., at Cambuslang, John B. I. Finnie, youngest son of John Finnie, Mining Manager, late of South Africa.
GORDON—On December 31, at Bloemfontein, George William Hamilton-Gordon, Director of Public Works in the Orange River Colony, aged 52.
GRAY—at Durban, Leila Campbell Cleland, third daughter of Mrs. Gray (late of Roslea Drive, Glasgow), and granddaughter of the late James Gray, Coatbridge.
HOWSON—On the 6th inst., at 6, Lawrence Road, South Norwood, Commander John Howson, C.B., R.N.R., formerly of Cumberland, aged 77.
LOFTHOUSE—On the 7th inst., at Harrogate, Surgeon-General Richard Chapman Lofthouse, formerly of Knaresborough, aged 74.
MACROBERT—On the 4th inst., at Barkly West, near Kimberley, George Findlay MacRobert, aged 44, eldest son of John MacRobert, of Wagenaars Kraal, Cape Colony.

Miscellaneous articles on the same page:

At Kensington, on Thursday, Mr. Drew held an inquest concerning the death of Mr. John Hayse Parker, forty-six, a company promoter and mining agent, of Johannesburg. The widow said that she and her husband arrived from the Transvaal six months ago. Lately Mr. Parker had had poor health, and his heart was affected. He had been worried by business and money matters. She last saw him on Saturday at Wandsworth, when he left her, saying that he was bound to go away for a couple of days on business. He was more depressed than usual, and complained of pains in his head, for which he had taken morphia. Evidence showed that on Saturday Mr. Parker went to a boarding-house in Colville Terrace, Kensington, and engaged a bedroom. No answer could be obtained to repeated knocks at his door next morning, and when the room was entered he was found lying on the floor with his head enveloped in his overcoat. He had cut the leaden gas-pipe leading into the room, and had bent the open end of the pipe into his mouth. Death was due to asphyxia from coal-gas poisoning, and the Jury returned a verdict of suicide.

26 January 1907


ARCHBOLD—On the 21st inst., at Krugersdorp, the wife of Aubone Archbold, a daughter.
CHERRY—On December 21, at Balmoral, the wife of Gavin S. Cherry, a son.
JUDD—On the 18th inst., at “Cheveley,” Bournemouth, the wife of A. G. Judd, a daughter.
LE PLASTRIER—On December 27, at Johannesburg, the wife of J. A. Le Plastrier, a daughter.
MITCHELL-INNES—On the 18th inst., at Durban, the wife of George S. Mitchell-Innes, of Blanerne, Elandslaagte, a daughter.


BOAS—MACDONALD—On the 17th inst., at St. Mary Abbot’s Kensington, by the Rev. J. W. Lewis, M.A., Captain Gustavus T. Boas, late South African Field Force, youngest son of the late Moritz Boas, of Lewisham, to Flora Shield, the youngest daughter of Kenneth Macdonald, of 31, Mount Park Crescent, Ealing, and granddaughter of the late Alexander Macdonald, of Lynedale, Skye.
FITCH—CATLING—On the 23rd inst., at Emanuel Church, South Croyden, by the Rev. R. N. Phillips, Vicar, Robert Arthur, eldest son of Arthur W. Fitch, of Muswell Hill, to Mabel, widow of Rev. Jno. Catling, of Tarkastad, and youngest daughter of the late James Brister, of Port Elizabeth.
MAXWELL—THOMAS—On the 17th inst., at St. Mildred’s Church, Lee, by the Rev. F. W. Helder, assisted by the Rev. Gerald Davis, Stanley Ward, son of W. A. Maxwell, of Selborne House, Lee, to Eveline Maud, daughter of the late W. Nichols Thomas, R.N., and Mrs. Nichols Thomas, of Lee.
MCHENDRIE—HAMMAN—On December 14, at Rondebosch, Arthur Henry Browne, youngest son of  the late William McHendrie, Edinburgh, to Jessie, daughter of J. Hamman, of Kuils River.
SHIELDS—HATHERLY—On the 8th inst., at St. Mary Abbot’s, Kensington, Archibald Johnstone Shields, Glasgow, to “Emie,” eldest daughter of Charles H. Hatherly, Port Elizabeth.
WOOD—SCOTT—On December 25, at Rondebosch Congregational Church, Cape Town, by the Rev. Wm. Forbes, Moses, son of A. Wood, Easterhill Farm, Gartmore, to Jean Bannatyne, second daughter of G. A. Scott, Glasgow.


BRADLEY—On the 16th inst., at Cape Town, Reginald Bradley, aged 38 years.
BRYDONE—On the 17th inst., at Johannesburg, of enteric, Joseph Gordon Brydone, eldest son of the late John Brydone.
CLAYTON—On the 20th inst., at the Elms, Morden, Surrey, Jane Elizabeth, the dearly loved wife of Frederick Clayton, in her 82nd year.
CREED—On the 16th inst., in London, Elvey Smith Creed, of Boksburg, Transvaal, second son of the late Edmund Creed, of Folkestone.
HIGGINBOTHAM—On the 17th inst., at Johannesburg, Florence Hunten Hopkins, wife of Capt. C. E. Higginbotham, 58th Regiment.
MUCK—On the 18th inst., at Cannes, after a short illness, Frederick A. E. Muck.
TRACY—On the 21st inst., at Longridge Road, S.W., Fanny Louisa Tracy, widow of R. T. Tracy, M.D., late of Melbourne.


ROBERTS—In loving memory of Captain J. W. Roberts, of the s.s. Clan Stuart, who died at Durban on January 21, 1902.

Miscellaneous articles on the same page:

The retiring Coadjutor-Bishop of Cape Town arrived in Worcester recently on his way to Heidelberg. He gave a farewell address to a good congregation of members of the Worcester Women’s Missionary Association in St. James’s Church at night, and, among other things, asked them to use their influence to break down the unreasonable prejudice in people’s minds about missions to the natives. They should also try to influence public library committees to have some good sound works on missionary enterprise placed on the shelves.

The hearing was concluded at Lourenco Marques recently of a case which occurred more than three years ago in connection with the disappearance of the contract books of the Municipality. It seems that a man named Machado, who is at present a part proprietor in the newspaper Diario de Noticias, was then a member of the butchers’ ring, holding many stalls in the Municipal Market, and according to a confession of the other accused, named Martins, he had conspired with the latter that the books should disappear. The Court sentenced the first named to four years’ banishment, and the latter to a period of three years, in addition to which small fines were imposed. An appeal against the judgment of the Court was noted.

16 March 1907

CAVE—On the 3rd inst., at The Rowans, Letchworth, Hitchin, the wife of Aylwin O. Cave, a son.
COLLIE—On the 10th inst., at Bloemfontein, the wife of James Collie (nee Edith COMRIE), a daughter.
CRANSTON—On February 9, at Durban, the wife of Hardy Cranston, a son.
JONES—On the 11th inst., at The Cottage, King Edward’s Grove, Teddington, the wife of Bertram Hyde Jones, a son.

BARTHOLOMEW—MILFORD—On February 13, at Spitzkop, Dewetsdorp, Orange River Colony, by the Rev. J. K. Derry, James Reginald Bartholomew, Kopjes Kraal, Thaba ‘Nchu, to Maud, eldest daughter of Alfred Milford, D.S.O.
BARTON—BRADSHAW—On February 9, at Middelburg, Cape Colony, by the Rev. E. de Basset Thurston, M.A., Newton Hastings Barton, South African Constabulary, son of Major Barton, J.P., of Wood Norton, Fleet, and Alice Ada, second daughter of Lieut.-Colonel Bradshaw, of Darcy Lever, Lancashire, and Tullamore, Fleet, Hants.
LEISHMAN—SOUTHEY—On February 6, at All Saints’ Church, Somerset East, Oswald Stuart Leishman, Sub-Inspector C.M. Police, elder son of the late James Matthew Leishman, of Messrs. Bulloch Bros. and Co., Burmah, to Joan, daughter of F. R. Southey, of the Standard Bank, Somerset East.
PITT—SCHENKEL—STEAINS—On the 8th inst., at St. Patrick’s, Hove, Brighton, by the Rev. F. W. Hewitt, Curate of St. Peter’s, Brighton, Charles Edward Pitt-Schenkel, Lieutenant, British South Africa Police, Rhodesia (grandson of the late Surgeon-Major William Pitt, Indian Army), to Winifred, daughter of Arthur Steains, London.

SYMES-THOMPSON—JUTA—The marriage of the Rev. Francis Symes-Thompson to Miss Brenda Juta is announced to take place at Cape Town, April 10, after which they will immediately return to England, 33, Cavendish Square, W.

BEATTIE—On the 7th inst., at 20, Agamemnon Road, West Hampstead, N.W., after a long illness, Gertrude Alice (nee DAY), wife of James Beattie.
BISS—On the 7th inst., at 46, Belsize Square, Hampstead, N.W., suddenly, Ernest Alfred Jones Biss, fourth child of C. Y. Biss, M.A., M.D., F.R.C.P., aged 32.
EYLES—On the 13th inst., at Alkmaar, as the result of a railway accident, Vivian Kemp, younger son of Alfred Eyles, of Glenside, Blackheath, in his 25th year.
LAWRIE—On February 4, at Cape Town, Edith Annie, only child of Mr. and Mrs. W. Robertson Lawrie, Johannesburg.
SHEPSTONE—On the 7th inst., at Johannesburg, Theophilus Shepstone, C.M.G., son of the late Sir Theophilus Shepstone, K.C.M.G., aged 63.
STANLEY—On February 17, at Port Elizabeth, Mary Houston, wife of J. C. Stanley, and eldest daughter of the late John Houston, Baldernock, Stirlingshire.
STEVENSON—On the 9th inst., at Rutherglen, John Stevenson, beloved husband of Elizabeth Beveridge, aged 56 years.


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