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South Africa - a weekly journal

South Africa 1918 1 January - March


5 January 1918


BERNSTEIN—On November 14, at Doornfontein, to Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bernstein, a daughter.
BLENCOWE—On December 28, the wife of T. H. Blencowe, R.E. (now in German East Africa), a son.
DORNER—On November 15, at Kensington, to Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Dorner, a son.
GIVEN-WILSON—On December 15, at Johannesburg, the wife of Victor Given-Wilson, a daughter.
HAUPT—On November 13, at Paarl, the wife of Jim Haupt, a son.
HITCHMAN—On November 14, at Tamboers Kloof, the wife of Ernest A. Hitchman, a son.
LINDSELL—On November 13, at Woodstock, to Mr. and Mrs. Lindsell, a daughter.
MILLS—On November 12, at Port Elizabeth, to Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Mills, twin boys.
NISBET—On November 12, at Belgravia, to Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Nisbet, a daughter.
SAVAGE—On November 11, at Pretoria, to Mr. and Mrs. H. Savage, a daughter.
SMITH—On November 17, at Bezuidenhout Valley, to Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Smith, a son.
WHITEHEAD—On December 14, at Johannesburg, the wife of Robert Whitehead, a son.


COLLETT—DIBDEN—On November 3, at Durban, Christopher Collett to Muriel Dibden.
DAWSON—IMPEY—On November 13, at Cape Town, Captain Arthur Peel Dawson, R.M.L.I., to Violet Lily Marguerite Impey.
HEYDENRYCH—LAWRANCE—On November 12, at Cape Town, Theodore L. Heydenrych to Beatrice L. Lawrance.
HUXTABLE—BROMLEY—On November 8, at Umtali, Lieut. Arthur John Huxtable to Dorothy Emma Bromley.


ALLDRED—On November 14, at East London, Eurica, wife of J. H. Alldred, aged 24.
BRACEGIRDLE—On November 16, at Johannesburg, William Bracegirdle, aged 30.
CAMPBELL—On November 26, at Cape Town, Margaret, wife of W. R. Campbell.
CASTENS—At Burnaby House, Bedford, on Christmas Eve, Kate, the wife of the late Emil Castens, of Port Elizabeth, and Bedford, aged 76.
COMBRINCK—On November 15, at Salt River, Petrus A. C. Combrinck, aged 75.
FRYLINCK—On November 16, killed in action, East Africa, John Frylinck, aged 27.
MARTHEZE—On November 26, at Newlands, Charles Henry Martheze, aged 45.
MCDONALD—On the 22nd December, Second Lieutenant Henry Rhodes McDonald, R. F. C., son of the late W. John McDonald, of Queenstown, South Africa. Killed in a flying accident, aged 19.

STEYN—Killed in Palestine on the 8th December, 1917, Lieut. S. S. L. Steyn, R.F.V., only son of the late Dr. G. H. Steyn and Mrs. Steyn, of Kenilworth, Cape Town.
STREGE—On November 14, at Woodstock, Christina Strege, aged 42.
TOWERT—On November 15, at Sea Point, John Anderson Towert, in his 53rd year.
WAUGH—On November 15, at Woodstock, Edwin James Waugh, aged 50.

2 March 1918

Announcements under this heading, containing not more than 50 words, are inserted at the price of 5s. each, which must be prepaid; beyond 50 words the charge is 1s. per 8 words or part of 8 words. All notices, which must be properly authenticated, should be addressed to the Head Offices, “South Africa,” 83, Bishopsgate, London. E.C. 2.


CLAYTON—On the 23rd February, at 34, Albert Road, Regent’s Park, the wife of Major Arthur B. Clayton, Border Regiment, of a son, South African papers, please copy.
CREEWEL—On January 10, at Springs, the wife of P. A. Creewel, a son.
DORRINGTON—On January 7, at Mowbray, to Mr. and Mrs. Neville Dorrington, a son.
ELFFERS—On January 10, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Elffers, of Wynberg, a son.
GARBUTT—On January 6, at Durban, to Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Garbutt, a son.
GRAHAM—On January 10, at Victoria West, the wife of Anthony Graham, of twin son and daughter.
GROENEWALD—On January 8, at Salt River, the wife of C. L. P. Groenewald, a son.
HUSKINS—On January 6, at Uitenhage, to Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Huskins, a son.
MACKENZIE—On January 7, at Three Anchor Bay, to Mr. and Mrs. J. Mackenzie, a son.
PARK—On January 3, at Overport, to Mr. and Mrs. W. Park, a son.
SHEPHEARD—On January 2, to Mr. and Mrs. W. Shepheard, of Port Elizabeth, a son.
SMERDON—On January 6, at Greyville, to Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Smerdon, a son.
STEIN—On January 8, at Bertrams, the wife of R. Stein, a daughter.
TARR—On January 1, at Newlands, the wife of G. H. Tarr, a daughter.
TAYLOR—On January 8, at Salt River, the wife of Br. J. S. Taylor, C.G.A., a son.
WISE—On February 7, at Upper Norwood, to Mr. and Mrs. Walter John Wise, a son.


ARCHER—MORTY—On the 23rd February, at Emmanuel Church, West End, Hampstead, by the Rev. Dundas Harford, Lieutenant Thomas Archer, King’s Own Scottish Borderers, only son of William and Frances Archer, of King’s Langley, to Alys Kate Morty, youngest daughter of the late Mr. James Morty, J.P., of Wallingford, and Mrs. Morty, of Hampstead.
CAMERON-MITCHELL—SHEPHERD—On February 23, at Saint James’ Church, Tunbridge Wells, by the Venerable Archdeacon Scott, assisted by the Rev. John Cobham, Captain John Cameron-Mitchell, M.C., R.E., to Marjory, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Shepherd, Tarland House, Tunbridge Wells. Formerly of Johannesburg.
DEAN—BELL—On January 5, at Cape Town, Ernest A. Dean to Katherine E. Bell.
GARRETT—BILLINGS—On January 7, at Durban, Lieut.-Commander H. Morey Garrett, R.N., to Zelah, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Billings, of Amanzimtoti.
HARRIS—SPRECKLEY—On the 18th February, at St. Cuthbert’s, Philbeach Gardens, by the Rev. H. Westall, Vicar, Dudley Ryde Harris, R.F.A. to Nancy Beatrice, daughter of the late Lieutenant-Colonel J. A. Spreckley, of Bulawayo, and Mrs. Spreckly, 52, Warwick Road, S.W.
KNAPP—PATERSON—On February 5, at Durban, Lieut.-Col. E. Knapp, D.S.O., East Surrey Regt., to Grace Jane Paterson.
MURRAY—MOLTENO—On February 23, 1918, at the Marylebone Presbyterian Church, Edgware Road, W., by the Rev. R. C. Gillie, M.A., and the Rev. J. B. A. Gordon, M.A., Captain George Anthony Murray, M.C., R.F.A., son of Dr. and Mrs. Murray, of Kenilworth, near Cape Town, to Elizabeth Margaret, daughter of Mr. P. A. Molteno, M.P., and Mrs. Molteno, of 10, Palace Court, W.
WHITAKER—SALTHOUSE—At St. Luke’s Church, Southport, on the 7th February, by the Rev. Lindon Parkyn and the Rev. Hon. S. G. W. Maitland, Captain H. Whitaker, M.C., R.A.M.C., third son of George Whitaker, M.P., and Mrs. Whitaker, to Irene Salthouse, elder daughter of the late Elija Salthouse, of Twickenham, and Mrs. Salthouse, of Southport.


ANDREW—On February 11, at Uganda, Sergeant Walter Douglas Andrew, E.A.S.C.
BLACK—On January 9, at Kenilworth, Joanna Caroline Black, aged 95.
BLENCOWE—On January 8, at Somerset Hospital, Frederick Ingle Blencowe, aged 53.
DENNIS—On January 10, at Fort Knokke, Robert Dennis, of Diep River, aged 43.
DENSHAM—On February 13, at Boksburg, John Lane Densham, aged 64.
DICKSON—On January 9, at Rondebosch, Alexander Fraser Dickson, aged 47.
GIBSON—On January 8, at Cape Town, Peter Gibson, in his 53rd year.
GRAHAM—On January 10, at Victoria West, Olive, wife of Anthony Graham, aged 26.
PLANT—On February 18 abroad, of pneumonia, Herbert Stanley Plant, Second-Lieutenant, Royal Engineers, son of William David Plant.
WAY—On February 20, at Maritzburg, Frances Elizabeth (Bessie) Way.
YOUNG—Died in Etaples, France, E. D. Carder Young, eldest son of the late E. J. Young, of Sandown, Wynberg


Under this heading we give, at a small charge, particulars of cases where long-lost relatives are being sought for by their friends and connections in this country. Information relating thereto, if sent to the Editor of “South Africa,” 83, Bishopsgate, London, E.C., 2, will, so far as is possible, be communicated to the parties concerned.

BRAMFILL, Arthur William, was living at Forrester Street, De Beers, Kimberley, November, 1915. Mother asks.
COBDEN, Herbert E., sailed for South Africa, 1905. Mrs. A. Murrell, 16, Clonbrock Road, Stoke Newington, N.
DOCHERTY—News wanted of Thomas Docherty, a bricklayer. Last heard of in 1912 in South Africa. Alice Docherty, c/o Editor, S.A.
FISHER, W., last heard of at Bembesi Siding. Mrs. Fisher, 103, Osborne Road, South Acton, W.
FORD, John Wesley, was last heard of from Durban four years ago. Sister Essie asks.
JACKSON, Mrs. Jessie, last heard of at Woodstock, Cape Province, 1913. Mrs. Josephine Wright, 14, Idmiston Road, West Norwood, S.E.
KNOTT, Arthur William Joseph, was last heard of at Maritzburg, December, 1915. Mother asks.
LEITH, John (Trotter). Last heard of in 1915. He went through the South African rebellion, and was discharged as medically unfit. He was at that time a sergeant signaler. Any information will be gladly received by his mother.
TAGGART, Thomas Rupert, a carpenter, left London for South Africa, 1904; last heard of Christmas, 1910, Benoni. Sister Ellen asks.
WOOD, Leslie, last heard of at Johannesburg. Inquirer, brother, John Wood, Edinburgh Road, Penicuik, Edinburgh.

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