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South Africa - a weekly journal

South Africa 1920 2 April - June


3 April 1920


BARRETT—On February 23, at Durban, to Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Barrett, a son.
BRANSBY—On February 16, at Malvern, the wife of W. S. Bransby, a son.
BRIDSON—On February 17, at Greyville, to Mr. and Mrs. Percy Bridson, a son.
CHAMIER—On February 19, at Malvern, to Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Chamier, a daughter.
GILFILLAN—On the 29th March, at 54, Victoria Road, Upper Norwood, to Iris (nee GIDDY), wife of John Muir Gilfillan, a daughter.
GORDON—On February 21, at Durban, to Mr. and Mrs. Allan Gordon, a daughter.
GREENBLO—On February 23, to Mr. and Mrs. B. Greenblo, of Orangezicht, a son.
HOMFRAY—On February 14, at Pretoria, to Mr. and Mrs. D. H. C. Homfray, a daughter.
KING—On February 17, at Tongaat, to Mr. and Mrs. G. J. King, a daughter.
POTGIETER—On February 15, at Durban, the wife of A. M. Potgieter, a daughter.
ROEMER—On February 23, to Mr. and Mrs. A. Roemer, of Newlands, a daughter.
SYMES-THOMPSON—On March 22, at Nairobi, the wife of Major A. H. Symes-Thompson, D.S.O., a daughter.
THOMPSON—On February 16, at Durban, to Mr. and Mrs. H. Thompson, a daughter.
WEALL—On March 19, at Bloemfontein, the wife of H. G. Weall, a daughter.
WOOD—On February 10, at Maitland, the wife of H. Wood, of Johannesburg, a son.


BRICE – BECK—On February 7, at Durban, Sydney Herbert Brice to Edith Beck.
HOAD – FOYLE—On February 11, at Durban, Frank Stanford Hoad to Gertrude Foyle.
MCNEICE – HAMMOND—On February 21, at Durban, Major A. C. D. McNeice, O.B.E., to Sister G. E. Hammond.
RUNDLE – BARKER—On March 3, at Woodstock, William Rundle to Lillada Barker.
VAN DYK – ALBERTS—On February 22, at Cape Town, Edward van Dyk to Katherine Alberts.
WEBSTER – MCCRACKEN—On February 18, at Johannesburg, Stanley Webster to Maisie McCracken.


ARMSTRONG—On February 4, at Pretoria, William Edward Armstrong, aged 56.
BROMHAM—On February 20, at Maritzburg, Laura Bromham, aged 22.
HASSALL—On February 17, at Tongaat, the Hon. Thomas Henry Hassall, aged 75.
KIRKHAM—On February 18, at Bethulie, James Kirkham, in his 82nd year.
NORRIS—On the 28th March, at his residence, Glenroy, St. Marks, Cheltenham, after a long illness, Stephen Norris, in his 73rd year. South African papers, please copy.
RIPLEY—On February 17, at Durban, Ellen, widow of James Ripley, in her 82nd year.
SAVAGE—On February 21, at Stellenbosch, Kate, widow of George Savage.
SHARWOOD—On February 13, at Murraysburg, Johanna, wife of Herbert Sharwood.
VAN DER SANDT—On February 25, at Wynberg, Henry Roos van der Sandt, aged 26.
WILLIS—On February 23, at Woodstock, Millie Willis, aged 35.

24 April 1920


BLACKIE—On March 25, at Maritzburg, to Mr. and Mrs. Fred T. Blackie, a daughter.
HAMILTON—On April 3, at Klerksdorp, the wife of Robert Hamilton, jun., M.C., a daughter.
HEMPEL—On March 9, at Woodstock, to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hempel, a son.
HOGARTH—On March 21, at Woodstock, to Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Hogarth, a son.
HUGO-HAMMAN—On March 14, at Tamboers Kloof, to Dr. and Mrs. D. J. Hugo-Hamman, a son.
HUTCHINSON—On April 18, at Nairobi, to Arthur and Madge Hutchinson, a daughter.
LE ROUX—On April 8, at Sea Point, the wife of P. I. Hugo le Roux, L.D.S.Ed., a daughter.
LISHMAN—On March 21, at Brakpan, to Mr. and Mrs. G. Seath Lishman, a daughter.
MCLACHLAN—On March 20, at Mowbray, to Mr. and Mrs. G. R. McLachlan, a daughter.
MURRAY—On March 25, at Kasama, Northern Rhodesia, to Dr. and Mrs. R. R. Murray, a daughter.


CROSBY—JACKSON—On March 20, at Pretoria, John Crosby to Florence Jackson.
LEWIS—POPE—On March 22, at Johannesburg, Kinsley Lewis to Violet Sophia Pope.
LILLEY—CLARK—On April 1, at Mombasa, Lieut.-Colonel H. Lilley, D.S.O., 4th King’s African Rifles, to Anna Clark.
WATSON—HARGREAVES—On March 22, at Doornfontein, John Watson to Estelle Hargreaves Hargreaves.
WHITFIELD—BARNES—On March 18, at Johannesburg, Douglas Whitfield to Zillah Barnes.
WILLIAMS—EMERY—On the 15th April, at All Souls’, Langham Place, W., Joseph Grenfell Williams, of Port Elizabeth, to Maggie Rose, elder daughter of Herbert C. Emery, of Langsmead, S. Godstone, Surrey. (South African papers, please copy.)
WOOKEY—OLVER—On March 15, at Vryburg, Frank Wookey to May Olver.


ABRAHAMS—On March 11, at Woodstock, Rosina Abrahams, aged 91.
ALLAN—On March 13, at Mowbray, George Edward Allan, aged 64.
BAILEY—On March 15, at Cape Town, Olive Kate Bailey, aged 36.
DOUGLAS—On April 9, at Parktown, Johannesburg, Janet, wife of Thomas Douglas.
GACE—On March 15, at Claremont, Francis Joseph Gace.
GAFIELDIEN—On March 11, at Cape Town, Leah Gafieldien, aged 72.
LACEY—On March 15, at Observatory, Margaret, wife of the late James Lacey, aged 62.
PRITCHARD—On March 15, at Cape Town, Eardley Follett Pritchard, Union Customs Department, Cape Town.
ROBERTSON—On March 9, Sarah, wife of C. G. Robertson, of Ermelo.
THOMSON—On March 14, at Salt River, Caroline Thomson, aged 66.
TYASS—On March 17, Johanna Elizabeth, wife of J. W. B. Tyass, of Malvern.
VENNING—On March 13, at Bulawayo Hospital, Minna, wife of J. H. Venning.
YOUNG—On March 12, at Durban, Isabella, wife of Malcolm Young, in her 66th year.

Miscellaneous articles on the same page:

The Lord Mayor of London opened a meeting of the Royal Colonial Institute at the Mansion House on the 16th inst. in connection with the unity of the British Empire and the expansion of the work of the Institute in promoting such unity. He stated that the cause was one which was dear to the Empire, and the hearts of all within the Empire. The object of the meeting was to promote and foster this feeling of unity in all parts of the Dominions.
Sir Charles Lucas, Chairman of the Council of the Institute, made a statement on the proposed expansion of its work. Its history was touched upon, how it had commenced its career in 1868 with a few members, and had reached a roll of 15,000. Its work extended over the earth, and it had by peaceful penetration made itself evident in every clime. The soldiers of the Empire who had been hospitably entertained when in London would surely desire to visit the Motherland again and it was the aim of the Institute to induce them to come again, and by giving them a cordial welcome make them feel that they were at home. It was desirable that the Institute should have a large central building where its work could be carried on so that the various overseas influences could be brought together in common unity. He would like the different parts of the building to be named after the overseas branches so that the building would tell a story of a Commonwealth manifold and yet one, the world’s greatest effort at co-operation.
Viscount Milner, Secretary of State for the Colonies, moved that every support should be given by London, as the Metropolis of the Empire, to the expansion of the work of the Institute in promoting unity of the Empire. He would wish, he said, that London itself would give stronger support to the Institute than was apparent. If the membership was to be increased to 100,000, as was the desire of all connected with the Institute, it was necessary that London should give a stronger lead. Funds also were needed to carry out the gigantic work which was contemplated. He explained how the Institute had for its main object the drawing together in complete unity the various parts of the Empire. The Conference, which had been proposed some time ago, had not been abandoned, as some had said, but would be held as early as possible. It had merely been delayed by the war, those who were to have taken part in it, having been called to their different countries for post-war arrangements. He never believed it could be held in the current year, but would prophesy that next year would see it. If all parts of the Empire were to be brought into closer relationship it was quite as possible to do it in time of peace as it had been when at war. It was the duty of all to cherish and to strengthen such a feeling of unity and closer intercourse, better acquaintance with each other, and mutual recognition of each other’s qualities would help to draw all together into one bond of common fellowship and unity. The work of the Institute was directed in such a channel, and he could not doubt but that there would be a widespread and a general response.
Sir George Peeley, High Commissioner for Canada, seconded the resolution, which was supported by Mr. Andrew Fisher, High Commissioner for Australia, and Sir Thomas MacKenzie, High Commissioner for New Zealand. The resolution was carried unanimously, and the meeting concluded with a vote of thanks to the Lord Mayor on the motion of Sir George Parkin.

While an engine was lying in the railway shed at Franklin, a native mounted the footboard and began playing with the machinery, with the result that the engine started off. The native was unable to manipulate the brake, and the engine went clean through the shed, damaging the latter considerably, and smashing up the headlights. The native was fined £5 by the Kokstad magistrate.

A Malay woman named Jamilla Saban died at her home, Queen’s Street, Cape Town, recently, aged 104 years.

Mr. James Miller McKean, who died recently at Parktown, at the age of 34 years, was a well-known member of the Rand and Country Clubs. He came overseas to join the Officers’ Training Corps in 1915. Shortly after having been gazette he contracted double pneumonia, and was discharged from the Army.

Mrs. Heydenrych, an aged lady who has lived under four reigns, resides with her daughter, Mrs. C. V. Welch, in Queenstown. She is now over 96, and is a daughter of one of the British settlers of 1820, and still remembers the death of William IV and the coronation of Queen Victoria, King Edward VII, and King George V. She also remembers seeing Halley’s great comet twice.

A serious fire broke out recently in Swartz’s garage, situated on the wharf at Port Alfred, which resulted in the complete gutting of the premises and total loss of stock, including three motor lorries and one motor car privately owned, besides two belonging to the garage. The fire penetrated Bennett and Elliot’s general store, destroying the whole of the back and damaging the front premises. A large portion of stock was removed. The origin is unknown. The Municipal, Divisional Council, and School Board offices narrowly escaped destruction. The buildings and stocks were insured.

Rosebank is in communication by wireless telephone with the Paarl, due to the enterprise of the Wireless Agency, whose headquarters are in Cape Town. Two wireless sets of a pattern largely used by the Royal Engineers during the war arrived by a recent steamer, together with two wireless engineers, Messrs. Poyntz and Pritchard. One set was installed at Rosebank, the other at the Paarl. The effective daylight range is 70 miles, but at night the distance can be doubled. A single wire aerial is supported by two 30 ft. masts, which are carried in sections, and can be erected in 10 minutes. The power is one-half kilowatt, and the set is one of the smallest manufactured.

Mrs. Louisa Winkwart, who died recently at Maritzburg, was born at Beaufort West on February 17, 1820. The deceased, who was formerly a Miss de Plooy, went to Natal with Gert Maritz in the Great Trek, and she probably held a South African record in one respect, in that she lived in one locality for 90 years. Her youngest son is 50, and several grandsons took part in the recent war.
She died without having contracted any disease. She became drowsy for a couple of days, then called her family together and sang a verse of a hymn, which was reminiscent of the voice of 50 years ago instead of the rasping one of age, then she lay back, bade all good-bye, and passed away.

A fire, which did damage to the extent of over £30,000, occurred at Muizenberg recently. During the afternoon, when business houses were closed for the half holiday, Kent’s stores caught alight. The local brigade turned out immediately, but owing to the water restrictions there was only slight pressure. The flames spread rapidly owing to the light nature of the draperies, &c., and the Savoy Café was soon alight, the flames spreading to the roof of the Victoria Hotel, where some forty families are staying. Most of these were bathing at the time, and rushed back, managing to save most of their effects. Kent’s and the Savoy Café were quite burnt out, and considerable damage was done at the Victoria Hotel.

Mr. Muller, of the staff of the Standard Bank at Lichtenburg, Transvaal, has been transferred to the Standard Bank at Harrismith as successor to Mr. Crighton.

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