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The Friend of the Free State and Bloemfontein Gazette 1855 2 July - December

Saturday, 7 July, 1855

Weeskamer, Bloemfontein, den 5den July, 1855
De nabestaande en crediteuren van wylen William HEFFERMAN, Snyder en Kledermaker, worden versogt kennis te nemen, dat gemelde William HEFFERMAN, op den 25sten Mei laststleden, zonder testament te Fauresmith iskommen te overlyden en dat eene Byeenkomst der nabestaanden en crediteuren van den overledenen, en van alle anderen wele deze mogen na betreffen, voor den Landdrost te Fauresmith, ten zyn kantoor op Zaturdag, den 18den Augustus, aanstaande, zal gehouden worden;; en alle zoodanige personen als voormelde worden by dege verzogt, om ten tyd en ter plaats, voormelde, tegenwoordig te zyn, om eene of Executeuren Datief ten vereffening van den boedel, om zoonaige andere provisionen le maatregan te nemen, onderworpen aan de goedkeuring van den Weesheer van Oranje Vrystaat.
William COLLINS, Meester der Weeskamer, O.V.S.

We regret to have to record a melancholy and fatal accident. Mr. MACDONALD, accompanied by his son, was on his way to Bloem Fontein from Smithfield on Friday last week when, on approaching the farm of Field Cornet [DIEDRIKSE], the pole of the cart breaking, Mr. MACDONALD was thrown forward. The horses took fright, and the bruises received by Mr. M on the head and chest occasioned his death on Saturday morning. His remains were taken to Smithfield and, we believe, they were interred there on Sunday. Mr. E. WAY, from Smithfield, was quickly in attendance, but his efforts were unavailing. Distressing, beyond expression, as this melancholy and fatal accident must be to Mr. MACDONALD’s family (who reside at Port Elizabeth) it is some satisfaction that Mr. MACDONALD was attended in his last moments by his son. These fatal accidents from the upsetting of carts, and the running away of horses, have become distressingly frequent of late.

Saturday, 14 July, 1855

De corator in den Insolventen boedel van H.J.J.van WYK, eenen staat ter liquidatie diens boedela, ten kantoore van den Landdrost van Bloemfontein ingediend hebbende, zoo worden all crediteuren diens boedel opgeroepen, tot inzege daarvan, en wel op Woensdag, den 25 July ek., des morgens ten 10 uren.
J.A.SMELLEKAMP, Prov. Landdrost. Landdrost Kantoor,
Bloemfontein, 11 July, 1855

DIED at Bains’ Vley, near Bloemfontein, at ½ past 9 o’clock, pm on the 9th instant of pulmonary consumption, Geo STAUNTON, Esq., deservedly regretted by a large circle of friends to whom he had endeared himself by his [amiable] qualities.
Bains’ Vley 11th July, 1855

On Monday evening, the 9th inst, this gentleman died at Bains’ Vley, near Bloem Fontein. Mr. STAUNTON, since his arrival in this country, about four years ago, had always appeared to be in delicate health; but for many months past his decline had been gradual, and he is now no more. In consequence of his delicate health, & partly from his engaging in sheep farming, Mr. STAUNTON had, some months ago, closed his agency business.
We express the feelings of all those who had the pleasure of Mr. STAUNTON’s acquaintance when we say that he was distinguished by uniform politeness, perfect temper and undeviating straightforwardness. He was a good, clear-headed man of business, a gentleman, and a friend. He was one of those persons (so rarely to be found) of whom no man dared to speak evil. He was much respected by all classes; and his death has excited severe sympathy and regret. His funeral, which was numerously attended, took place on Thursday, when the Rev. Mr. EVERY read the burial service.

In the Intestate Estate of the late Donald McDONALD Esq. of Smithfield
The undersigned having been duly appointed as curator honis in the above estate, has this day granted a General Power of Attorney to H.D.HODGSON, Attorney at Law, for the purpose of settling all business matters connected therewith.
Donald McDONALD Curator bonis, Smithfield, 7th July, 1855
In pursuance of the above notice, all parties having claims against the said Estate are requested to send them in at once for adjustment – and all parties indebted thereto to settle their accounts without delay at the office of the undersigned, in Douglas Street.
Henry D. HODGSON, Attorney at Law.
Smithfield, 7th July, 1855

Saturday, 21 July, 1855

BIRTH on 17th July, at Douglas Valley, Mrs COX of a daughter.

Saturday, 28 July, 1855

MARRIED by Special Licence, at Nelsons Kop, on the 7th June last, by the Revd. George BINGHAM, Thomas Jennings BOWEN, to Miss Louisa RUSSELL, third daughter of Geo RUSSEL, Esq., of Nelsons Kop.

Saturday, 11 August, 1855

Ontvlugt uit die gevangenis alhier Dennis Henry CLARY, een ier, ter terugistelling gegommitteerd voor het “Veteeigde Hof” wegers moord.
Beschryving van Gevangene: Een man van middelbaren leeftyd, ruim vyf voeten hoog, de beenen naar evenredigheid te kort voor het bowenlyf, voeien, klein oogen, donker blaaw, met ligte bruin haar.
De gevangene wordt verondersteld gevlugt te syn in die sigtting van Moshesh met een vaal bruinpaard, hebiende teekeuren van een zeere rug.
Eene belooning van £20 zal gegeven worden aan den person, die Lovangemelde prisoner te van der gevangenisen levert.
J. ROOS, Landdrost. Landdrost Kantoor,
Fauresmith, den 7den Aug, 1855

Saturday, 18 August, 1855

BIRTH at Mooi River Dorp, on Sunday 15th July, 1855, the wife of R.W. SCHICKERLING, of a daughter

DIED at Mooi River Dorp, on Sunday 22nd July, 1855, Martha Catherine Jacoba, the beloved wife of R.W. SCHICKERLING, aged 16 years, 5 months, and 23 days, leaving a husband and two infant children to mourn over her untimely end.

Saturday, 25 August, 1855

Description of a prisoner named William DUNCAN, who broken out of and escaped from the gaol, at this place, in the night of Sunday, the 17th instant.
Description:- About 5 feet 6 inches in height; fair complexion, smart manner of walking; can speak a little Dutch; a mason by trade; is supposed to be dressed in dark blue duffel jacket, plaid moleskin trowsers, and jim crow hat.
The said William DUNCAN was committed for trial for crimes of housebreaking and horse-stealing. It is the second time he has broken out of gaol.
Field cornets, Constables, and others, are requested to lodge the said William DUNCAN, when found, in the nearest gaol.
James MELVILLE, Clerk of the Peace.
Landdrost Office,
Winburg 16th July, 1855

Saturday, 1 September, 1855

Weeskamer, Bloemfontein, den 1sten September, 1855
De nabestaanden en crediteuren van wylen Gerrit Christoffel SNYDERS, van Middelveldt, Oranje Vrystaat, worden verzogt kenniste nemen, dat gemelde Gerrit Christoffel SNYDERS op de 22sten July, zonder testament is komen te overlyden, en dat eene byeenkomst der nabestaanden en crediteuren van den overledenen en van alle anderen welge dege mogen aanbetreffen, voor den Weesheer van O. Vrystaat, op Maandag den 15den October aanstaande, ten zyn kantoor te Bloemfontein gehouden sal worden, ten 10 uuren voor den middag precies; en alle zoodanige personen als voormelde worden hiermede versogt omten ty den ter plaats voormelt, tegenwoordig te willen zyn, om namen by dezen versogt, op ten tyd en ter plaatse, vormelde, tegenwoordig te zyn, om alsdan Executor of Executeuren Datief ten vereffening van zynen Boedel, en van dien van zyne voor overledenen huisvrouw Johanna Adriana BRONKORST voorhenen de weduwe JACOBS en […] om namen Voegd of Voegden over die minderjarige erfgenamen te sien [….], om door gemelden Weesheer tot die twee respectieve ampten aangesteld te worden
William COLLINS Weesheer, O.V.Staat

Saturday, 8 September, 1855

De derde en laaste byeenkomst van crediteuren in den insolventen boedel van wylen William SMIT Frans zoon, gewig landbouwer in het Middelveld district Bloemfontein, tot verificatie en aangregeling van schuldvorderingen sal gehouden worden, op Maandag den 26 September a.k. des morgens ten 10 uren ten kantoore van den Landdrost alhier
J.A. SMELLEKAMP, Prov. Landdrost. Landdrost Kantoor,
Bloemfontein, den 8 Augustus, 1855

Saturday, 3 November, 1855

MARRIED on 23rd October at Riet Poort, Caledon River district, by the Rev. Jean Pierre
PELLISIER, Francis H.S.ORPEN, Esq., eldest son of Rev. C.E.H. ORPEN, M.D., late of Colesberg, to Sarah Anne MURRAY, eldest daughter of Alexander MURRAY, Esq., of Riet Poort.

Saturday, 10 November, 1855

In the estate of Nicolaas MEYER deceased
The undersigned being Testamentary Executor in the above estate, hereby gives notice that he has this day granted a Power of Attorney to Messrs. Halse and Orpen of Smithfield, Attorneys and General Agents to act for him in the affairs of the estate.
J.P. HOFFMAN, Jun., Testamentary Executor,
Smithfield, 1st November, 1855.

Saturday, 17 November, 1855

Master’s Office, Bloemfontein, 17th November, 1855.
The next of kin and creditors of William GILBERT, sawyer, of Vaal River district, Orange Free State, deceased, are requested to take notice, that the said William GILBERT died intestate on the 13th of August last, and that a meeting of the next of kin and creditors of the deceased, and of all other whom it may concern, will be holden before the Landdrost of Vaal River, at his office at Harrismith, on Monday, the 7th January, 1855 at 10 o’clock in the forenoon precisely; and all such person as aforesaid, are hereby requested to be present at the time and place before mentioned, in order to see an executor or executor dative chosen, for the settlement of his estate, which executor or executors shall be recommended to the Orphan Master of Orange Free State, to be by him appointed to that office
William COLLINS Orphan Master, Orange Freestate

Saturday, 24 November, 1855

£10 Reward
Whereas warrants have this day been issued from the Landdrost’s Office of this district, for the apprehension of one William MELCHARD, or MILSHERD, alias HERBERT, on charges of theft & swindling:- Notice is hereby given, that the above reward will be paid by the undersigned to any person who will apprehend, or cause to be apprehended, the said MELCHERD, with sufficient of the stolen property in his possession to ensure a conviction.
Description: William MELCHERD; a native German, aged about 28; has rather a Jewish countenance; height, about 5ft.6in.; complexion, fair hair, brown; whiskers and moustaches, light brown; nose, aquiline; dark mole on one or both cheeks; of gentlemanly address, and speaks English well but with a German accent. Had on when he left black wide awake hat covered with calico, shepherd’s plaid jacket, dark waistcoat, white moleskin trowsers, Wellington boots, and steel spurs, with leather stirrup shields.
He was riding a light brown gelding, with four white feet, white face, 5 years old, a trippler,
Among other stolen property in his possession, are, a stuffed flap pigskin saddle and cover, large blanket, new Pelham bit, with very broad double reins, a suit of oiled milk waterproofs, &c., &c,: had a saddlebag, and is supposed to have obtained fresh horses by using the name of the undersigned.
Henry D. HODGSON, Attorney at Law.
Smithfield, Caledon River District, O.F.S.,
14th November, 1855

Saturday, 1 December, 1855

The next of kin and creditors of Charles Urquhart STUART, Attorney &General Agent, of Bloemfontein, deceased are requested to take notice, that the said deceased has died intestate and that a meeting of the surviving widow, Emily Sophia HELMORE, and all others whom it may concern, will be holden before the Master of the Orphan Chamber, Orange Free State, at his office here on Monday, the 14th January, 1856 at 10 o’clock in the forenoon precisely, then and there to choose a person or persons, to be appointed by said Master, as Executor or Executors Dative in said estate, and also a guardian or guardians Dative over the minor children.
William COLLINS Master of the Orphan Chamber, Orange F. S.
Master’s Office,
Bloemfontein, 1st December, 1855

Saturday, 22 December, 1855

GEBOREN op den 6den December, in Grahamstad, een zoon van Mejufvrouw FORESMAN, geboren LANDSBERG, van Mooi Rivier Dorp, Transvaal

BAPTISED at Valsch River, on the 8th of December, by the Rev. ROUX, Louis George Napoleon ROSA, the infant son of George Henry Louis ROSA Esq., of Waterfall, Valsch River.

Two boxes belonging to Mr. E.O. COLLINS having been left with the undersigned in the year 1851 and 1852 – This is to give notice, that unless they are removed within twenty one days from the date, they will be sold by public auction, and the proceeds placed to his credits.
Springfield, December 16th 1855

Saturday, 29 December, 1855

Weeskamer, Bloemfontein, 29sten December, 1855
De nabestaanden en crediteyren in den boedel van Petrus Johannes BOTHA, van Beeste Kraal, Caledon Rivier District, op den 3den dezer overladen, worden versogt kennis te neemen dat, om rede van den vroeger en dood dat executrices in gemelden boedel, eene byeenkomst van da nabestaande en crediteuren van denoverledene, en van alle andere belanghebbenden,voor den Landdrost van Caledon Rivier, ten zyn kantoor te Smithfield, op den 8sten February, 1856, ten 10 uuren voor den middag precies, gehuurden zal worden hiermede verzogt, ten ty den ter plaats voormeld, gemelde byeenkomst by te wonen, om eenen Executeur of Executeuren aan den Weesheer van Oranje Vrystaat opgedragen zal of zutlen worden, om tot gemeld ambt door hem aangesteld te worden.
William COLLINS Weesheer, O.V.Staat

Een jeder die eenige pretention heft tegen den boedel van den overledene Matheus Hendricus WESSELS, H zoon, wordt verzocht om aanzelfde in te leveren binnen 6 weeken van deze datum.
Wesell Jas. WESSELS, Executeur Datief, Minburg, 27 November, 1855

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